History of Agrarian Reforms in The Philippines

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History of Agrarian Reforms in the Philippines

Pre-colonial times (before 16th century)

The Philippines, even before being colonized by different countries, has already developed an
organization for their communities. The land owned by these communities is known as barangay which
consists of 30-100 families which is administered by different chiefs.

In these barangays, everyone regardless of status had access on the land and mutually share resources
to the rest of the community. They believed in and practiced the concept of ‘stewardship’ where
relationship between man and nature is important.

Land cultivation was done commonly by kaingin system or the slash and burn method wherein land was
cleared by burning the bushes before planting the crops or either land was plowed and harrowed before
planting. On the other hand, food production was intended for family consumption only at first but later
on neighboring communities which were engaged

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