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A Framework for the Social Learning Theory Model

As Freedman (1993) explained, the social learning theory “focuses on how gender

differences occur, stressing processes through which males and females may come to

adopt similar or dissimilar ways of being”

the framework shows that

Intro: Goodmorning respective panelist,We are group 4 and today we are going to present our chapter 1
of our research entitled Exploring sex disparities: a comparative analysis of academic performances
between highschool students in abec. Lets begin

Kylie intro

Marian framework

SOP Kiea-In our study we will find out who’s good in academic performance, whether it is male or

1. What is the role of sex disparities in the academic of high school students in Amado Barrera
Educational Center Inc.?

2.Is there any significant relationship Between males and females in Academic Performances of Students
in Amado Barrera Educational Center Inc.

We are aiming to find answers who are better when it comes to learning and is there any gender gap
when it comes to academics. We believed that sex disparities is one of the reasons why there is
differences among the academic performances of the students
The role of sex disparities have influence on the performances between the student. For example
females perform better than males. What is the reason behind it?

Marian hypothesis

scope and delimitation kiea- The study only features the differences between the academic
performances of both males and females students and to be determining whose sex are the active
participants inside the four corners of the classroom therefore, high school students at Amado Barrera
Educational Center Inc. are the major study of our research but only 10 students per grade level in junior
high school department. It would be a 5 male students and 5 female students to be equally examined.
We will be giving some questionnaires for each grade level and these questionnaires will help us to find
out the results

The research focuses only in the academic performances of the highschool students in amado barrera
educational center. Only 5 male and female students will be receiving a questionnaires, with this it will
be a tool for the researcher to collect and calculate the data that will determine the differences on there
performances or determine if they are on the same level of performances

Significance kiea- For the students. The study will benefit the students because this learning can serve as
their guide to acknowledge and addressing to disparities and can lead them to positive changes by
promoting fairness, motivation, diversity, and support in education.

With this research it will push the students to aim for better performances and inspire them to change
their performannces.

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