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Matteo Dahan

27, Rue Saint Maur

75011 Paris
Tel : +33 6 52 96 07 93
Nationalité Espagnole et Italienne

o good command of English: American High school Diploma
obtained in 2024
o Knowledge of several cultures thanks to numerous trips abroad

IT skills
PIX certification passed with 135 points
Identification and analysis of user and customer needs
Creation, design and programming of computer software, websites,
modules or specific developments
Carrying out a series of tests and technical analysis to detect potential
malfunctions and bugs in the software created
Proficiency in computer tools, and programming languages (Python,
C++, C.Net, etc.)

Academic career :
From 2009 to 2012, Duranti Nursery School
From 2012 to 2017, Francs-Bourgeois Elementary School
From 2017 to 2021, Francs-Bourgeois middle school
Brevet des collèges passed with mention very well
From 2021 to 2024, Francs-Bourgeois high school
Baccalauréat passed with mention well
Bac+5 : Specialized Master in Computer Science
ESGI : Graduate school of computer enginnering

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