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Science paper

Q) Fill in the blanks.

1) ---------------------------------- species can never be seen on earth again.
2) Insects can be reproduced by ----------------------------------------.
3) Galileo built a -------------------------------- from which he could see the moon sun
and star more clearly.
4) it takes ---------------------------------- days for Earth to move around its orbit.
5) The Earth's shape is ---------------------------------------- not --------------------------------
Q) Rectify the following.
1) it takes 12 hours for Earth to spin on its axis.
2) The gestation period of a horse is 4 months.
3) Mammals and Birds lay eggs.
Q) Answer the following questions.
1. Why does the Sun appear to move but it does it?
2. What do you think is the result of day and night?
3. How do shadows move and change?

4. Predict why the time of sunrise and sunset is different each day?

5. Explain why there is any increase or decrease in years on different planets.


6. write about a few life processes in animals.


7. Note down some similarities between plants and animals.


8. Why do animals and humans reproduce their young ones?

9. Explain the processes of human growth.
Q) Match what scientists predict what?
Aristotle Proved that the sun was in the center
of the solar system.
Samuel Rowbotham Thought that the world was spherical.
Galileo Suggested that the sun was in the
center of the solar system.
Alhazan Thought that the world was Flat.

Q) State if the following are living things or not.

Red handfish

Q) label the below life cycles.

Q) solve the below cases.
Case 1
Type of animal How many were observed in 30 How the animal moved?
Birds 26 Flying
Lizards 16 Walking
Snails 6 Sliding
Fish 19 swimming

a) Which type of animal was the most common during the observation time?
b) Which type of animal was the least common during the observation time?
c) What was the total number of animals observed in 30 minutes?
d) write down one type of animal movement that was not observed during
the investigation.
Case 2
You do your daily chores one after another in a pattern you wake up go to school
come back eat do your activities and then sleep. We all do this in a pattern but
how do we know where to start where to end what time is the best to do? Explain
the following case and answer the main question.

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