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3/11/24, 12:11 PM International UAS exam, spring 2024 – Ammattikorkeakouluun.


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Table of contents
Language requirements
Identification documents
Exam sections, duration and scoring
Completing the pre-identification
on 11-14 March 2024
Dismissal criteria
Privacy policy
Hardware and network requirements
Participating in the exam and exam
Frequently Asked Questions about the
International UAS Exam
Individual arrangements
Final student selection and publishing the
results of International UAS Exam

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3/11/24, 12:11 PM International UAS exam, spring 2024 –

NB. Information on this site is subject to change.

The International UAS Exam is a joint digital entrance exam of the

Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS), used for selecting stu-
dents to study programmes leading to a bachelor’s degree and con-
ducted in English. The entrance exam is completed by the applicant’s
own computer remotely online.

In the spring’s joint application, 91 study programs use the International UAS
Exam; please see further information on them here. Regardless of how
many study programs you’re applying for, you only need to participate in
the International UAS Exam once. Please read the instructions carefully as a
number of changes have been introduced to the spring 2024 exam com-
pared to the 2023 exams.

The International UAS Exam is organised on 21 March 2024 from 12:00

o’clock noon onwards (Finnish time, UTC/GMT+2). In the International
UAS exam, the applicants’ readiness for UAS studies is assessed. The exam
does not include any advance reading materials or pre-assignments.

The International UAS exam is used in the following study fields:

Humanities and Education

Business Administration, Business Information Technology (BIT)
Natural Resources
Tourism and Hospitality
Social Services, Health Care, Sports and Exercise, Beauty Care

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Please check in Table 1 whether your targeted study programmes use the
International UAS exam. If your targeted study programme does not use the
exam, please refer to for more information on the programme
and admission criteria. In that case, please check whether the programme
involves a pre-assignment or a separate entrance exam requiring

Language requirements

In order to be invited to the International UAS Exam and to be selected

based on the International UAS Exam selection method, the applicants have
to prove their English language skills either by an internationally recognized
language test or previous studies. Please attach the required document to
your Studyinfo application on 24 January 2024 at 15:00 Finnish time
(UTC/GMT+2) at the latest.

 Language requirements

English language skills can be proved by the following documents:

1. English language test results:
IELTS Academic*: a minimum total score of 6.0 (Test sections:
Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking)
TOEFL Academic (iBT)*: a minimum total score of 60 (Test sec-
tions: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing)
PTE Academic*: a minimum total score of 55 (Test sections:
Speaking and Writing, Reading, and Listening)
Cambridge English Scale Score: a minimum total score of 169
(Test sections: Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening,
and Speaking)
2. National Certificate of Language Proficiency (YKI) English: Grade 4 or
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higher on all the subtests (speaking, listening comprehension, writing,
and reading comprehension) 3/29
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3. Higher education degree completed in English in an EU/EEA country,

Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom, or the
United States
4. Upper secondary degree completed in English in an EU/EEA country,
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom, or the
United States
5. One of the following grades in the Finnish Matriculation Examination,
European Baccalaureate, International Baccalaureate or
Finnish Matriculation Examination: English advanced syllabus
with a minimum grade M
The whole International Baccalaureate degree completed in
International Baccalaureate final examination: higher level
English with a minimum grade 4
European Baccalaureate: at least grade 6.00 in L2-level English
Reifeprüfung/DIA completed diploma: at least grade 7 in ad-
vanced English
6. Applicants graduating in spring 2024**:
If an applicant graduates in spring 2024 and it is not possible to
obtain a required proof of English language skills during the ap-
plication period, they can still be invited to the International UAS
exam. The final required proof of English language skills must
be submitted by 11 July at 15.00 Finnish time. The possible stu-
dent selection is conditional until the certificates are verified. If
the language requirement is not met, the selection will be re-
The exception applies to those completing the following
Finnish matriculation examination
International Baccalaureate
European Baccalaureate
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Reifeprüfung/DIA 4/29
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Finnish vocational basic qualification conducted in


* IELTS Academic UKVI, IELTS Online, PTE Academic Online and TOEFL iBT Home
Edition are also accepted.

** The information in point 6 has been updated on the website on 15 January 2024.

Only the tests listed above will be accepted. No exceptions will be


There are no expiration dates, but the language test results must be verifi-
able from the online verification service of the organiser until 21 March
2024. The TOEFL test cannot be verified after two years. The IELTS test can-
not be verified after three years. If the test scores can no longer be verified,
the test is not valid. The applicant should make sure that the test results are
not too old. If the applicant is unsure and the test results are more than 2
years old, it is advised to retake the test.

Point 1 above: When taking the language test, the applicant should choose
the university of applied sciences that uses the International UAS Exam as
the recipient of the results, if possible. The results must be at least sent to
the university of applied sciences that is listed highest on the list of targeted
study programmes in the application form. If possible, the test results
should be sent to every university of applied sciences using the
International UAS Exam where the applicant has applied to. The applicant
must also attach a scanned/electric copy of the test result to the applica-
tion for verification purposes, and notify their unique identifier.

Point 2 above: If applying with the National Certificate of Language

Proficiency (YKI), the unique identifier is not necessary. However, the applic-
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ant must attach a scanned/electric copy of the test result to the applica-
tion for verification purposes.

Points 3-4 above: The applicant must attach a certificate of their previous
degrees. The applicant must also attach a document that shows the lan-
guage of the degree and the country of studies.

Point 5 above: The applicant must attach a certificate of their grades.

Identification documents

The applicant needs a valid, acceptable identification document to be able

to participate in the International UAS Exam. The following documents are
accepted as proof of identity:

A passport. The passport can be either biometric or non-

A biometric EU/EEA identity card
Note: The EU/EEA identity card must have a biometric
symbol, as shown below

No other forms of identification documents are accepted. For example,

residence permit cards or non-biometric EU/EEA identity cards will not be

The passport/identity card has to be valid until 21 March 2024.

 Biometric symbol on the biometric EU/EEA identity


In the biometric EU/EEA identity card, there is a symbol indicating biometric Back
fea- to top
tures. The symbol is located on either the front or back side of the biometric identity 6/29
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Example of the symbol, the colour of which may vary between in different EU/EEA
countries' identity cards.

You have to provide the number of your passport or biometric EU/EEA iden-
tity card to the application form (passport or EU/EEA ID card (UAS) section)
during the application period. In addition, you have to attach a copy of that
document to your application form on 24 January 2024 at 15:00 Finnish
time (UTC/GMT+2) at the latest (passport or EU/EEA ID card (UAS) sec-
tion on the application form). You must attach a copy of both sides of
the EU/EEA identity card to your application form. If the information you
submit is incorrect or you do not submit this information to the application
by the given time limit, you cannot participate in the International UAS
exam and thus not proceed in the International UAS Exam selection

Exam sections, duration and scoring

The entrance exam is conducted in the English language. The exam sec-
tions and duration of the exam are determined on the basis of the study
programmes you apply for. You complete at one time all the exam sections
that are included to the study programmes you apply for. The entrance
exam includes both common exam sections to all study programmes and
field-specific exam sections. The exam sections for each study field are
presented in Chart 1. A total score of the exam is the sum score of the exam
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sections included to your study programme. In order to be selected, you
must pass all the exam sections (i.e. reach the minimum pass score per 7/29
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A specific response time has been allocated for each exam section. When
the section-specific time is up, the section will close. If you don’t finish the
section, its latest version will be saved as your answer. You can complete
the sections in any order. However, please note that once a section is
opened, it needs to be completed, and you cannot return to the section
later. In addition to the section-specific times, there is 15 minutes for trans-
itions between sections in the exam.

Common exam sections to all study programmes:

Reasoning skills (25 minutes): You have to complete this exam

section regardless of the programme you apply for. The section
assesses your logical reasoning and problem-solving skills. The
maximum score in this section is 20 and the minimum pass
score is 1. Penalty scores (wrong answers produce minus points)
are used in this section. You can also leave a question
unanswered. Please have a look at the reasoning skills example

English language skills (20 minutes): You have to complete

this exam section regardless of the programme you apply for.
The section assesses your skills in reading and interpreting texts,
such as understanding the relation between different parts of the
text, mastering vocabulary and linguistic reasoning. The max-
imum score in this section is 20 and the minimum pass score is
3. Penalty scores (wrong answers produce minus points) are
used in this section. You can also leave a question
unanswered. Please have a look at the English language skills
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example questions. 8/29
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Field-specific exam sections:

Mathematical skills (25 minutes): This exam section is required

for the fields of Technology, Business Administration and BIT,
Natural Resources, Tourism and Hospitality, Seafaring, Social
Services, Health Care, Sports and Exercise and Beauty Care. The
contents of the section are the same for all the above-men-
tioned fields. In this section, your basic mathematical skills are
assessed. The focus is on basic calculations, calculating per-
centages, first-degree equations, geometry, mathematical-lo-
gical reasoning and interpreting tables, graphs and diagrams. In
this section, you are allowed to use the function calculator of the
examination system. The maximum score in this section is 20
and the minimum pass score is 1. Penalty scores (wrong answers
produce minus points) are used in this section. You can also
leave a question unanswered. Please have a look at the math-
ematical skills example questions.

 Calculator’s functions in the exam system

Advanced mathematical skills (30 minutes): This exam sec-

tion is required for the field of Technology. The section assesses
your abilities in mathematics and physics. Your mathematical
skills are assessed by questions related to reducing rational ex-
pressions, solving equations, level geometry and trigonometry
(e.g. right-angled triangle). Your physics skills are assessed by
questions related to basic knowledge in physical phenomena
and calculation formulas, your ability to calculate and reason on
the basis of basic physical knowledge and given models, and
your ability to interpret charts, graphs and diagrams. In this to top

tion, you are allowed to use the function calculator of the exam- 9/29
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ination system. The maximum score in this section is 20 and the

minimum pass score is 1. Penalty scores (wrong answers pro-
duce minus points) are used in this section. You can also leave a
question unanswered. Please have a look at the advanced
mathematical skills example questions.

 Calculator’s functions in the exam system

Ethical skills (10 minutes): This exam section is required for the
fields of Social Services, Health Care, Sports and Exercise, Beauty
Care, and Humanities and Education. The contents of the section
are the same for all the above-mentioned fields. In this section,
your skills in recognising the ethical nature of statements are as-
sessed. The maximum score in this section is 20 and the min-
imum pass score is 1. Penalty scores (wrong answers produce
minus points) are used in this section. You can also leave a
question unanswered. Please have a look at the ethical skills ex-
ample questions.

Emotional intelligence skills (10 minutes): This exam section is

required for the fields of Social Services, Health Care, Sports and
Exercise, Beauty Care, and Humanities and Education. The con-
tents of the section are the same for all the above-mentioned
fields. In this section, your capabilities in emotional intelligence
skills, such as recognizing and controlling emotions, are as-
sessed. The maximum score in this section is 20 and the min-
imum pass score is 1. Penalty scores (wrong answers produce
minus points) are used in this section. You can also leave a
question unanswered. Please have a look at the emotional intel-
ligence skills example questions. Back to top 10/29
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Chart 1. Exam sections.


You have to identify yourself to be able to participate in the International

UAS exam and proceed in the International UAS Exam selection process.

The identification process consists of two phases:

1. Pre-identification (before the exam)

Before the exam, you have to conduct pre-identification in
Candour ID mobile application within an indicated time limit. You
will receive an invitation to pre-identification to the email ad-
dress provided on your application form on 11 March 2024 at the
latest. The link in the invitation directs you to the page, where you can proceed with the
pre-identification. When logging in, please submit the same
passport/identity card number and the PIN code as provided in
your Studyinfo application. Back to top 11/29
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Only those applicants who have submitted an acceptable proof

of English language skills and an approved identification docu-
ment through the Studyinfo application form by the deadline will
be invited to pre-identification. Pre-identification has to be com-
pleted on 14 March 2024 at 15:00 Finnish time (UTC/GMT+2) at
the latest. The email will be sent only once so please make sure
that you have space in your inbox. If necessary, also check your
spam and other folders.

If you can’t find the invitation to the pre-identification in your

email, you can proceed with the pre-identification via the follow-
ing link: (The page will be activated
when the pre-identification begins). When logging in, please
submit the same passport/identity card number and the PIN
code as provided in your Studyinfo application.

If you don’t remember your PIN code, please check it from your
own application. After you submitted your joint application form
in Studyinfo service, you received a confirmation email to the
email address you gave in your application. The confirmation
email has a link to your own application.

2. Identification on the exam day

Those applicants who have successfully conducted pre-identi-
fication will be invited to the exam. On the exam day, you have
to identify yourself again while logging in to the exam.

You need the following for identifying yourself:

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Passport or biometric EU/EEA identity card. The passport/identity
card has to be valid until 21 March 2024. 12/29
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A mobile phone on which you can download the Candour ID mo-

bile application.
Candour ID mobile application (available in App Store or Google
Play). Make sure you have the latest version of the application

For the identification process, you have to submit the following information
on the Studyinfo application form:

The number of the passport or biometric EU/EEA identity card.

Also, a copy of the said passport/identity card has to be at-
tached to the application form on 24 January 2024 at 15:00
Finnish time (UTC/GMT+2) at the latest.

For the applicant to be able to identify themselves for the International UAS
exam and proceed in the International UAS Exam selection process, the
number of the passport/identity card submitted to the application form has
to be the same as the number of the document attached to the applica-
tion. The universities of applied sciences may modify the information sub-
mitted to the application form for the purposes of identification if the in-
formation is incorrect and/or mutually contradictory.

Completing the pre-identification on 11-14 March 2024

The pre-identification has to be completed on 14 March 2024 at 15:00

Finnish time (UTC/GMT+2) at the latest. If you do not complete the pre-
identification within the given timetable or the pre-identification fails, you
cannot be invited to the exam, and you cannot proceed in the International
UAS Exam selection process.

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Before you start the pre-identification, please watch the instructional video
on YouTube. In the video, a passport and an Android phone are used. If you 13/29
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are using an iOS phone and/or an identity card, the instructions provided
by the Candour ID application may be slightly different. Follow the instruc-
tions provided by the application.

If you are conducting the pre-identification with a biometric

passport, the instructions start in the video from 2:02 onwards.
If you are conducting the pre-identification with a non-biometric
passport, the instructions start in the video from 4:39 onwards.

You have to complete the following phases in the Candour ID mobile

application during the pre-identification:

1. Download the Candour ID application on your mobile phone

(available in App Store or Google Play). Make sure you have the
latest version of the application installed. Follow the application’s
instructions carefully
2. Use the same passport/identity card in the Candour ID whose
number was already provided in your Studyinfo application form
3. Take a picture of your passport/identity card
The application verifies that the number of your
passport/identity card matches with the number
provided in Studyinfo and that the passport/identity card
is valid
4. Read the information of your passport/identity card
If you are using a biometric passport/identity card:
Read the information from the chip of your
passport/identity card
If you don’t have a biometric passport or reading the
chip of your biometric passport is not successful: You
can proceed with optical verification (without chip
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reading) 14/29
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If reading the chip of your biometric identity card is

not successful: You can proceed with optical verification
(without chip reading) by taking a picture of the front
side of the identity card
5. Take a selfie
The application verifies that the person in the selfie
matches the facial image read from the
passport/identity card
6. Candour ID will inform you that the identification has been suc-
cessful. Make sure to return to the browser and wait patiently un-
til you are redirected to the International UAS Exam info page
7. If necessary, explore the Candour guide where you can find de-
tailed instructions

NB: If your phone does not have NFC support, the pre-identification may dif-
fer from the instructions above. Follow the instructions provided by the
Candour ID application.

NB: In the Candour ID mobile application, you have a maximum of three at-
tempts to take the picture of your passport/identity (ID photo) and three
attempts to take the selfie (Selfie). If you complete the pre-identification
optically from the beginning, you have a total of three attempts to take a
picture of your passport and a selfie. If you cannot verify your identity within
these attempts, the pre-identification cannot be completed and you can-
not proceed in the International UAS Exam selection process.


Note: You do not need to download the SMOWL extension to complete

the exam. Information updated on February 15, 2024. Back to top 15/29
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Your activities during the exam are monitored in the exam system by
SMOWL proctoring software. SMOWL proctoring software stores webcam
images and sound. Monitoring ensures that the applicant completes the
exam independently, without the help of anybody or anything else. During
the exam, you must use only the exam system.

The monitoring process is automatic and begins the moment the exam
starts. Monitoring finishes when you have completed the exam. After the
exam, the proctoring data of the applicants is reviewed. Based on this re-
view, applicants’ exam results may be dismissed if they have acted con-
trary to the instructions given.

After logging in to the exam, before your personal exam starting time, you
must enable your computer’s microphone and camera. You can see from
the SMOWL monitoring block that monitoring is active, please see the im-
age below. Do not leave the SMOWL monitoring block even for a mo-
ment after the exam has started. This means that your face must remain
visible in the SMOWL monitoring block throughout the entire exam, and you
cannot, for example, go to the toilet or visit other websites during the exam.
After the exam has started, you must complete the exam independently,
and there must be no other individuals visible in the SMOWL monitoring
block at any moment.

 An image of the SMOWL monitoring block

Make sure that your facial image is clearly visible in the SMOWL monitoring block
and the two items (webcam and microphone) are green throughout the entire exam.

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If necessary, you can move the SMOWL monitoring block to the other side of the
exam page with the arrow button and resize the block with the magnifying glass

Guidelines for exam completion with SMOWL monitoring

Make sure that you complete the exam in a quiet environment,

without other people present
Close all the other programmes and applications, browsers and
browser windows on your computer
Make sure that the SMOWL monitoring block is correctly activ-
ated in the beginning of the exam and stays activated (green)
throughout the entire exam:
Make sure your camera is enabled and it works so that
you can see your face in real time in the image (SMOWL
monitoring block)
Make sure you have adequate light conditions
and that your face is clearly visible
Make sure your microphone is enabled and it works
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Make sure your face remains visible in the SMOWL monitoring
block throughout the entire exam. You cannot, for example, visit 17/29
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other websites or go to the toilet during the exam

During the exam, you are allowed to take notes on paper, but
make sure that your face remains visible in the SMOWL monitor-
ing block at all times

Dismissal criteria

During monitoring, the webcam images are compared to and must match
the facial image of the identified applicant captured during the pre-identi-
fication. After the exam, the proctoring data of the applicants is reviewed.
The applicant’s exam results may be rejected if any of the following dis-
missal criteria are met.

1. There is one or more webcam images in the monitoring data

a) the identified applicant is not visible,
b) one or more other individuals than the identified applicant is
visible, or
c) one or more other individuals in addition to the identified ap-
plicant is visible
2. There is one or more webcam images in the monitoring data
where the webcam is disabled or covered.
3. The applicant visits other websites or uses other programmes
and/or applications instead of the exam system. Please note
that the aforementioned activities are stored in the monitoring

Privacy policy

During the pre-identification, Candour forwards the facial image ofBack

plicant read from the applicant’s passport or identity card to Vallu entrance 18/29
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examination service. In the identification on the exam day, the selfie taken
by the applicant is compared to the facial image stored during the pre-
identification. The purpose of identification is to verify the applicant’s iden-
tity. The data collected during the exam will be stored only for the neces-
sary time period after the exam. Collecting and storing data is compatible
with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The servers
are located in the European Union.

Vallu entrance examination service forwards the applicant’s name and

email address, and the facial image of the applicant captured during the
pre-identification to SMOWLtech via a technical interface. The facial image
is used in SMOWL proctoring software as a registration image and during
the exam as a reference image for SMOWL monitoring, against which im-
ages taken by the webcam during monitoring are compared.

SMOWL proctoring software stores webcam images and sound only during
the exam. The purpose of monitoring is to ensure that the applicant com-
pletes the exam independently, without the help of anybody or anything
else. Monitoring is conducted automatically during the exam to secure
legal protection and parity of applicants. The applicant may refuse monit-
oring or interrupt it. Refusing or interrupting monitoring means that the ap-
plicant may not be selected by the International UAS Exam selection
method. After the exam, the applicants’ monitoring data is reviewed by
Vallu entrance examination service operators and, based on this review,
applicants may be dismissed if they have acted contrary to the given in-
structions. The data stored during the exam will be stored only for the ne-
cessary time period after the exam. Collecting and storing data is compat-
ible with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The servers
are located in the European Union.
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More information on Candour’s privacy policy 19/29
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More information on SMOWL’s privacy policy

More information on Vallu entrance examination service’s
privacy policy

Hardware and network requirements

The International UAS exam is a digital exam, completed by the applicant’s

own computer. The exam has been designed to be completed by computer
so you cannot complete the exam by your mobile phone or tablet.

Please ensure that, on the day of the exam, you have access to a computer
that meets the requirements and a reliable internet connection. We recom-
mend the use of a fixed broadband connection. The applicant is respons-
ible for the functionality of the internet connection and the computer, in-
cluding its power supply. The universities of applied sciences cannot be
held responsible for problem situations related to taking the exam, due
to applicant’s hardware or software, or the stability of the internet
connection. We recommend that you use a mouse to navigate in the
exam system instead of the keyboard.

 Hardware requirements

We recommend using the updated version of the Chrome browser. In case of prob-
lems in the exam system, you can try using an updated version of the Firefox or
Edge browser.

Browser extensions may prevent logging in, so we recommend that you disable or
turn them off them before logging in to the exam. Please see further instructions as
to how to disable extensions in Chrome browser. Using VPN connection may ob-
struct the completion of the exam.

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Please enable JavaScript and cookies in your browser. At
you can check your browser version, screen resolution and whether JavaScript and 20/29
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cookies are enabled. Check your browser settings to make sure your browser ver-
sion is up to date and update if necessary.

Use the following operating systems or their more recent versions:

Windows 10
macOS 12
Ubuntu Linux 20.04 LTS

Check your computer's settings to make sure your operating system is up to date
and update if necessary.

To take the exam, your computer must have:

A camera with a minimum resolution of 640x480 pixels (both internal
and external are allowed)
A microphone (any type of microphone, internal or external)

The recommended minimum screen resolution is 1024 x 768.

Make sure that you are using only one screen. Using multiple screens can disrupt
the operation of the SMOWL proctoring software, so please disconnect any addi-
tional screens from your computer while taking the exam

Participating in the exam and exam schedule

The International UAS exam is organised on 21 March 2024. The International

UAS Exam is a digital exam, completed by the applicant’s own computer
remotely online.

Invitation to the exam

On 19 March 2024 at the latest, you will receive an invitation to the exam to
the email address you provided in your Studyinfo application. The invitation
includes a personal login link to the exam. The email will be sent only
Back to top
once so please make sure that you have space in your inbox. If necessary,
also check your spam and other folders. NB: The invitation to the exam will 21/29
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be sent only to those applicants who have successfully completed the pre-

Login page

Another option to log in to the exam is on the exam day through the login
page: When logging in, please submit the same
passport/identity card number and the PIN code as provided in your
Studyinfo application. NB: Only those applicants who have successfully
completed the pre-identification will be able to log in to the exam through
the login page.

Participating in the exam and the exam schedule

The International UAS exam is organised on 21 March 2024 from 12:00

o’clock noon onwards (Finnish time, UTC/GMT+2). Starting the exam is go-
ing to be phased in a way that the first applicant starts the exam at 12:00
noon Finnish time (UTC/GMT+2) and the last applicant at 12:15 Finnish time
(UTC/GMT+2) at the latest. You will see your personal exam starting time
only after you have logged in to the exam system. You can log in to the
exam system on the day of the exam from 11:00 Finnish time
(UTC/GMT+2) onwards. Please log in early, at 11:45 Finnish time
(UTC/GMT+2) at the latest. The exam is organised only once on 21 March
and cannot be completed at another time.

On the exam day, you have to identify yourself again while logging into the
exam. While logging in, you will first proceed to Candour’s service to take a
selfie. The person in the selfie must be recognizable as the same person
whose facial image was captured during the pre-identification.

In Candour’s service, you have three attempts to identify yourself. IfBack


three times to identify yourself you will no longer be able to identify yourself 22/29
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nor participate in the exam. When taking a selfie in Candour’s service, make
sure you have adequate light conditions and that your face is clearly visible
and the selfie you take is sharp.

After identifying yourself, you will proceed to the exam system’s waiting
page to complete preparations related to SMOWL monitoring. On the wait-
ing page, the exam system tells you when your exam starts. Please follow
the exam system’s instructions. Monitoring starts from the moment your
exam time begins. After the exam has started, you cannot leave the com-
puter. This means that your face must remain visible in the SMOWL monit-
oring block throughout the entire exam, and you cannot, for example, go to
the toilet or visit other websites during the exam. After the exam has started,
you must complete the exam independently, and there must be no other
individuals visible in the SMOWL monitoring block at any moment.
Applicants’ exam results may be dismissed if they have acted contrary to
the instructions given.

Logging in to the exam system is possible also after your personal exam
starting time. In that case, however, your exam time starts running from the
beginning of your personal exam starting time.

If your internet connection is lost, you can re-enter the exam via the email
link or the login page by completing the identity verification process again.
Your exam time keeps running also when you are logged out from the exam

Frequently Asked Questions about the International UAS


 Frequently Asked Questions about the International

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Do I need to register separately for the SMOWL

monitoring software?

There is no separate registration for the SMOWL monitoring software. The pre-iden-
tification only involves identification in the Candour ID application. Separate registra-
tion for SMOWL was required during the autumn 2023 International UAS Exam, but
it has been discontinued.

I can't find the invitation to pre-identification in

my email?
You can conduct the pre-identification via the following link: When logging in, please submit the same
passport/identity card number and the PIN code as provided in your Studyinfo ap-
plication. The pre-identification has to be completed on 14 March 2024 at 15:00
Finnish time (UTC/GMT+2) at the latest.

I'm not sure what my pre-identification status is?

You can check the status of your pre-identification by logging in to the page When logging in, please submit the same
passport/identity card number and the PIN code as provided in your Studyinfo ap-
plication. After logging in, you can see the status of your pre-identification and, if ne-
cessary, proceed with the pre-identification. The pre-identification has to be com-
pleted on 14 March 2024 at 15:00 Finnish time (UTC/GMT+2) at the latest.

I haven't completed the pre-identification on

time, what should I do?
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You cannot complete the pre-identification after 14 March 2024 at 15:00 Finnish
time (UTC/GMT+2). If you did not complete the pre-identification within the given
timetable, you cannot be invited to the exam, and you cannot proceed in the
International UAS Exam selection process. The requirements related to the pre-iden-
tification are explained on the UASinfo website and on the Studyinfo application
form. If you did not complete the pre-identification within the given timetable, uni-
versities of applied sciences follow a consistent procedure, and no one's situation
can be corrected at this phase.

Participating in the exam

Can I go to the toilet during the exam?

You cannot go to the toilet after the exam has started. Your face must remain visible
in the SMOWL monitoring block throughout the entire exam. SMOWL monitoring
starts from the moment your exam starts. After the exam has started, you can no
longer leave your computer. Before the exam starts, you can still, for example, go to
the toilet.

Can I take notes during the exam?

You are allowed to take notes on paper during the exam, but make sure that your
face remains visible in the SMOWL monitoring block at all times

Can I use a calculator during the exam?

In the Advanced Mathematical Skills section and the Mathematical Skills section, you
are allowed to use the function calculator provided by the exam system.

How do I know how much exam time is left?

You can keep track of the exam time by following the clock at the upper right-hand
corner of the exam system. Back to top 25/29
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How do I know that my answer has been saved?

”Saved” notification will appear for a while above the option that you selected, when
the system has saved your selected answer. If you use your keyboard for navigating
and responding in the exam, please ensure that the response option you chose does
not change.

What happens to my answers if I do not com-

plete the exam on time?
If you do not complete a section, its latest version will be saved as your answer.

How do I know if my exam has been dismissed

based on monitoring?

After the exam, the proctoring data of the applicants is reviewed. Based on this re-
view, applicants’ exam results may be dismissed if they have acted contrary to the
instructions given. If your exam result is dismissed, you will find the information
from the Entrance Exam Score Service. The Entrance Exam Score Service opens on
10 April 2024 at the latest.

Individual arrangements

If, due to disability, disease, dyslexia or some other specific reason, you
need individual arrangements during the entrance exam (e.g. additional
time, tasks without pictures for applicants using a screen reader), you have
to fill in a written request for individual arrangements. Please attach a med-
ical certificate or other equivalent attestation on the nature of your disabil-
ity or disease. The statement should clearly state why you need individual
arrangements and explicitly detail the type of individual arrangements re-
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commended for you. The applicants’ situations are assessed on a case-by-

case basis.

Submit your request for individual arrangements, with the necessary at-
tachments, by 24 January 2024 at 15:00 Finnish time (UTC/GMT+2) to the
Admissions Services of the university of applied sciences using the
International UAS Exam that is highest on your application form. Check the
instructions below whether the request for individual arrangements shall be
submitted on paper or in electronic form to the university of applied sci-
ences in question.

Download the paper form for individual arrangements here. Lataa

 Individual arrangements

Final student selection and publishing the results of

International UAS Exam

Final selection of students is done on the basis of the total score of the
International UAS Exam. A total score of the exam is the sum score of the
exam sections included to your study programme. Applicants who do not
meet the programme-specific eligibility criteria will not be selected as

The results will be published on 10 April 2024 at the latest. You may view
your scores in Studyinfo service. You may also be admitted from the waiting
list on 30 July 2024 at the latest. Your exam scores will remain valid only for
the application round in question.

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The questions and the right answers of the exam will not be published. The
International UAS Exam is deemed a secret official document based on the 27/29
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Act on the Openness of Government Activities, Section 24(22).

Entrance Exam Score Service

In the Entrance Exam Score Service, you can view your International UAS
exam scores per section.

The Entrance Exam Score Service opens on 10 April 2024 at the latest. When
the Entrance Exam Score Service is open, the information will be updated on
this page. You can view your International UAS exam scores per section in
the Entrance Exam Score Service until 27 August 2024.

You can log in to the Entrance Exam Score Service in the following way:

1. On 10 April 2024 at the latest, you will receive an email, which

contains a personal link to Entrance Exam Score Service. The link
will be sent to the email address you gave on your Studyinfo ap-
plication form.
2. Your link to Entrance Exam Score Service is also available in your
own application in Studyinfo service. After you submitted your
joint application form in Studyinfo service, you received a con-
firmation email to the email address you put in your application.
The confirmation email contains a link to your own application. If
you have not saved the confirmation link, please contact the
Admissions Services of that university of applied sciences you
have applied to.

You can access your own application also in My Studyinfo service.
e-identification is used for logging in, so you need Finnish online banking
credentials, a Finnish electronic id-card or a mobile certificate. Please note
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that identification methods for foreigners in e-identification service
are not currently supported. 28/29
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If you cannot log in to the Entrance Exam Score Service please contact the
Admissions Services of that university of applied sciences you have applied

Privacy Notice


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