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Feeling good -

Word formation: Verbs

The following verbs from the listening are formed using the affixes -ize, -ify and en-.
social+ -ize they enjoy socializing
pure+ -ify the botulism toxin which is purified
en-+ able to enable them to get work on television

1 In 1-5 below, the affix at the beginning of each line can be used to form verbs with all
of the words in the line, except one. Underline the odd one out and write down the verb
forms of all the words. The exercise begins with an example (0).
0 -ize special summary valid modern commercial
specialize summarize validate modenzize commercialize
1 -ify class example simple identity general
2 -ate difference qualification captive value assassin
3 -ize character stable familiar dominant computer
4 -en strong sad rich deaf high
5 en- large wide sure danger courage

2 For each of the verbs in box A below, decide which of the prefixes in box B can be used
to form new verbs.
Example: cook- recook (cook again), overcook (cook too much)

A cook appear read number load hear use

B re- dis- over- un- mis- out-

3 Complete each gap with an appropriate form of the word in capitals at the end of the
line. The exercise begins with an example (O).
0 I see they've finally got round to widening the Shoreham Road. WIDE
1 Each employee's performance is at least once a year. VALUE
2 We could barely hear ourselves speak above the roar DEAF
of the sea.
3 He was fined £500 and from driving for three years. QUALIFY
4 They lost the battle, despite the enemy by two to one. NUMBER
5 I spent my first two weeks back at work myself with all FAMILIAR
the new procedures.
6 Arnold died in 1953: his wife, who him by almost half a LIVE
century, passed away on the last day of the millennium.
7 Before enrolling on a course, you should first ensure that it has
been by an officially recognized body. VALID
8 New 'Deluxe' moisturizing cream smooths out wrinkles and _ __ _ SURE
that your skin stays young-looking.

4 Write similar gapped sentences for three more of the words in exercises 1 and 2.
Then give your sentences to your partner to complete.

·Far l-S, read the Use the word given in capitals. at the end of ·
sO:ine ofthelines tq,f9rrµ a word that fits in, tll.e same fu;ie. an
·. at[the begini).ing co;;·write y6irr . .


No need to suffer (O) ..... ... , expensive cosmetic surgery. Here are PAIN
some tips to combat the ageing process and make you look and feel better.
Drink the right liquids
Drinking two litres of water a day helps fight (1) ........................ ,headaches, TIRE
stiff joints and dry skin and eyes - especially if you work at a computer. Juices
made with (2) ....................... . of fruit and vegetables such as carrot and apple COMBINE
will also give you a lift and your energy levels will increase (3) ........................ . NOTICE
Detox diets
Regularly cleaning up your diet to clear out ( 4 ) ........ ................ toxins is the best WANT
way to wash away the blues. A detox diet (5) ...... ............ .. .... and re-energizes PURE
your body, ( 6) ........................ your mind and works wonders for your skin. SHARP
Learn to laugh
Laughter beats stress, boosts (7) ........................ and improves your ability to IMMUNE
learn and (8) ...... .. ......... ....... facts, say scientists. MEMORY


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