Marine and Coastal Wildlife Code

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Daily News
Animals UK News 1st June 2023

What is the New Marine and Coastal

Wildlife Code? What marine wildlife lives
around Britain?
A new code has been created to help look after
and protect the wildlife that lives on England’s
shores. • Many animals can be found around
It’s called the Marine and Coastal British shores, such as seahorses,
Wildlife Code. orcas, leatherback turtles, orcas,
Similar to how the Green Cross Code helps sunfish, basking sharks and
children to learn how to behave safely around bottlenose dolphins.
roads, the Marine and Coastal Wildlife Code
• It’s also home to around 25% of the
teaches people how to act responsibly when they
visit the coast. breeding seabirds and 95% of the grey
seals in Europe.

Photo: A grey seal.

Kirsten Carter works for the RSPB. She said: can distress wildlife. It says we should try and
“As well as being fantastic places to visit and stay at least 100 metres away.
have fun, our coastline and beaches are home to People who make too much noise, lose control
amazing marine wildlife”. of their dogs or change and damage habitats are
She added: “England’s first Marine and also being asked to act more responsibly.
Coastal Wildlife Code shows how we can all So, what do you think? Do you take time to
enjoy our time at the coast while helping to think about wildlife when you visit the beach?
safeguard wildlife at the same time.”
The new code gives advice to people on the Glossary
shore and those in the water doing activities code A system of rules for how people
such as kayaking or paddleboarding. should behave.
It also gives specific advice on how to act
Green Instructions and guidance to
responsibly around animals such as dolphins,
Cross Code help people cross the road safely.
turtles and seabirds.
Understandably, many people might want RSPB Royal Society for the Protection
to get closer to animals they see at the shore. of Birds.
It might be to take a photo or even to try and
habitats The places where plants or
touch an animal.
animals live.
However, the new code points out that this


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What is the New Marine and Coastal Wildlife Code?

1. How far away from animals does the Marine and Coastal Wildlife Code say people
should stay?

2. The main idea of the article is... (tick one)

People behave badly at the beach.

Dogs can upset coastal wildlife.
People should take more responsibility for their litter when at the beach.
New advice on how people should behave when visiting the coast has been released.

3. Look at the quotes from Kirsten Carter. Find and copy a word which is similar in meaning
to ‘look after; protect from harm’.

4. Find and copy two of the animals mentioned in the article that can be found on the shores
and in the waters around Britain.



5. In your own words, explain why people shouldn’t get too close to marine and coastal

6. Look at this sentence: It also gives specific advice on how to act responsibly around
animals such as dolphins, turtles and seabirds. Give the meaning of the word
‘responsibly’ as it is used in this sentence.


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