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--------- beginning of main

01-23 07:23:14.780 1867 1867 E mrarm.mctoolbo: Not starting debugger since

process cannot load the jdwp agent.
01-23 07:23:14.921 1867 1867 I ForceDarkHelper: packageName:io.mrarm.mctoolbox
getForceDarkConfigInfo null forceDarkAppConfigJsonString:null
--------- beginning of system
01-23 07:23:14.921 1867 1867 I ForceDarkHelper: ForceDarkConfigInfo: null
01-23 07:23:14.926 1867 1867 W ResourceType: CREATING STRING CACHE OF 152 bytes
01-23 07:23:14.926 1867 1867 I MiuiForceDarkConfig: MiuiForceDarkConfig setConfig
density:2.987500, mainRule:17, secondaryRule:0, tertiaryRule:0
01-23 07:23:14.929 1867 1867 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
01-23 07:23:14.929 1867 1867 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
01-23 07:23:14.994 1867 1867 D WM-WrkMgrInitializer: Initializing WorkManager
with default configuration.
01-23 07:23:15.034 1867 1867 I TetheringManager:
01-23 07:23:15.341 1867 1867 W linker : Warning: "/data/app/~~2PZJjieTwcur6G0G-
split_config.arm64_v8a.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a/" unused DT entry:
unknown processor-specific (type 0x70000001 arg 0x0) (ignoring)
01-23 07:23:15.357 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:17.874 1867 1867 D LibLoader: Attempted to map lib at address:
0x100000000; size: d334000, handle: 0x15a06478bb930fd9
01-23 07:23:18.184 1867 1867 D RelocHookManager: Found hook for
AAssetManager_open at 0x10d162688
01-23 07:23:18.185 1867 1867 D RelocHookManager: Found hook for eglCreateContext
at 0x10d1a32d0
01-23 07:23:18.186 1867 1867 V Minecraft: Entering JNI_OnLoad 0x7e3c22a4f8
01-23 07:23:18.187 1867 1867 V Minecraft: JNI_OnLoad completed
01-23 07:23:18.194 1867 1867 D View : io.mrarm.mctoolbox
initForcedUseForceDark: 1
01-23 07:23:18.204 1867 1867 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
01-23 07:23:18.205 1867 1867 D DecorView: createDecorCaptionView windowingMode:1
mWindowMode 1 isFullscreen: true
01-23 07:23:18.292 1867 2477 I Minecraft: android_main starting. internalDataPath
is '/data/user/0/io.mrarm.mctoolbox/files', externalDataPath is
01-23 07:23:18.330 1867 2477 E MCPE : ***
01-23 07:23:18.348 1867 1867 E ConnectivityManager: NetworkCallback was already
01-23 07:23:18.351 1867 2477 I Bedrock : configureBreakpad with directory:
/data/user/0/io.mrarm.mctoolbox/crash, sessionid is: eec16394-87df-4049-9598-
01-23 07:23:18.351 1867 1867 E mrarm.mctoolbo: No implementation found for void
com.mojang.minecraftpe.MainActivity.nativeRegisterThis() (tried
Java_com_mojang_minecraftpe_MainActivity_nativeRegisterThis and
01-23 07:23:18.351 1867 2477 I Bedrock : configureBreakpad called, directory
is: /data/user/0/io.mrarm.mctoolbox/crash, sessionid is: eec16394-87df-4049-9598-
01-23 07:23:18.351 1867 1867 I FMod : init
01-23 07:23:18.354 1867 2477 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:18.359 1867 2477 D Minecraft: getScreenWidth =2110
01-23 07:23:18.360 1867 2477 D Minecraft: getScreenHeight =1080
01-23 07:23:18.364 1867 2477 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 149924527; UID 10480; state: ENABLED
01-23 07:23:18.365 1867 2477 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 132649864; UID 10480; state: DISABLED
01-23 07:23:18.368 1867 2477 I Minecraft: NO LOG FILE! -
AppPlatform_android::setStorageDirectory - using AppData dir -
CurrentFileStoragePath is now '/data/user/0/io.mrarm.mctoolbox'
01-23 07:23:18.368 1867 2477 I Minecraft:
01-23 07:23:18.409 1867 2525 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:18.622 1867 2592 I AdColony [INFO]: Configuring AdColony
01-23 07:23:18.818 1867 1867 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
01-23 07:23:18.819 1867 1867 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 234310602
01-23 07:23:18.834 1867 1867 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
01-23 07:23:18.852 1867 1867 D DynamitePackage: Instantiated singleton
01-23 07:23:18.852 1867 1867 D DynamitePackage: Instantiating
01-23 07:23:18.976 1867 1867 I Ads : Updating ad debug logging enablement.
01-23 07:23:19.055 1867 2654 W FA : Specified origin or custom app id is
null. Both parameters will be ignored.
01-23 07:23:19.057 1867 2656 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for not found.
01-23 07:23:19.060 1867 2654 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
01-23 07:23:19.060 1867 2654 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 234310602
01-23 07:23:19.060 1867 2654 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2,
using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
01-23 07:23:19.060 1867 2656 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
01-23 07:23:19.060 1867 2656 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 97
01-23 07:23:19.060 1867 2656 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2,
using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
01-23 07:23:19.076 1867 2656 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for not found.
01-23 07:23:19.112 1867 1867 I WebViewFactory: Loading
version 120.0.6099.210 (code 609921033)
01-23 07:23:19.129 1867 1867 W linker : Warning:
-oaR-TdOP7aqFiwa0Rxm-hw==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a/" unused DT
entry: unknown processor-specific (type 0x70000001 arg 0x0) (ignoring)
01-23 07:23:19.159 1867 2661 I FA : App measurement initialized, version:
01-23 07:23:19.159 1867 2661 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
01-23 07:23:19.160 1867 2661 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
01-23 07:23:19.160 1867 2661 I FA : adb shell setprop io.mrarm.mctoolbox
01-23 07:23:19.168 1867 2661 E FA : Missing google_app_id. Firebase
Analytics disabled. See
01-23 07:23:19.312 1867 1867 I cr_WVCFactoryProvider: Loaded
version=120.0.6099.210 minSdkVersion=29 isBundle=true multiprocess=true packageId=2
01-23 07:23:19.347 1867 2670 E chromium:
[0123/] Failed to open file for
reading. Errno: 2
01-23 07:23:19.349 1867 2670 E chromium:
[0123/] Failed to open file for
reading. Errno: 2
01-23 07:23:19.354 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:19.401 1867 1867 I cr_LibraryLoader: Successfully loaded native
01-23 07:23:19.406 1867 1867 I cr_CachingUmaRecorder: Flushed 6 samples from 6
histograms, 0 samples were dropped.
01-23 07:23:19.441 1867 1867 I cr_CombinedPProvider: #registerProvider()
provider:WV.v7@ab50c44 isPolicyCacheEnabled:false policyProvidersSize:0
01-23 07:23:19.442 1867 1867 I cr_PolicyProvider: #setManagerAndSource() 0
01-23 07:23:19.531 1867 1867 I cr_CombinedPProvider: #linkNativeInternal() 1
01-23 07:23:19.545 1867 1867 I cr_AppResProvider:
#getApplicationRestrictionsFromUserManager() Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]
01-23 07:23:19.545 1867 1867 I cr_PolicyProvider: #notifySettingsAvailable() 0
01-23 07:23:19.545 1867 1867 I cr_CombinedPProvider: #onSettingsAvailable() 0
01-23 07:23:19.545 1867 1867 I cr_CombinedPProvider: #flushPolicies()
01-23 07:23:19.584 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:19.584 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:20.005 1867 2812 E cr_TrackExitReasons: Failed to parse JSON from
01-23 07:23:20.313 1867 1867 D EgretLoader: EgretLoader(Context context)
01-23 07:23:20.313 1867 1867 D EgretLoader: The context is not activity
01-23 07:23:20.421 1867 2768 W cr_media: registerBluetoothIntentsIfNeeded:
Requires BLUETOOTH permission
01-23 07:23:20.612 1867 2921 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:20.614 1867 2921 I mrarm.mctoolbo: Waiting for a blocking GC
01-23 07:23:20.648 1867 2921 I mrarm.mctoolbo: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
ClassLinker on ClassLinker for 33.627ms
01-23 07:23:20.648 1867 2921 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:20.648 1867 2921 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:20.657 1867 2921 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:20.685 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:20.693 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:20.696 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:20.720 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:20.738 1867 2921 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:20.746 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:20.783 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:20.840 1867 1867 I chatty : uid=10480(io.mrarm.mctoolbox) identical
15 lines
01-23 07:23:20.843 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:20.860 1867 1867 I ConsentInformation: Use
6223") to get test ads on this device.
01-23 07:23:20.861 1867 1867 D AdLoader: Loading ad from de0
01-23 07:23:20.861 1867 1867 D AdLoader: Loading ad from d2
--------- beginning of events
01-23 07:23:20.862 1867 1867 I wm_on_create_called:
01-23 07:23:20.862 1867 1867 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
io.mrarm.mctoolbox/.MinecraftActivity onCreate took 5791ms
01-23 07:23:20.863 1867 2930 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:20.863 1867 2930 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:20.863 1867 2930 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:20.865 1867 2930 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:20.890 1867 2477 W Minecraft: NO LOG FILE! - [Graphics] The graphics
context was gained
01-23 07:23:20.890 1867 2477 W Minecraft:
01-23 07:23:20.890 1867 1867 I wm_on_start_called:
01-23 07:23:20.911 1867 2592 E AdColony [ERROR]: Incomplete or disabled launch
server response. Disabling AdColony until next launch.
01-23 07:23:20.948 1867 1867 I wm_on_resume_called:
01-23 07:23:20.953 1867 2941 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:20.985 1867 2930 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:20.985 1867 2930 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:20.990 1867 1867 I SurfaceFactory: [static] sSurfaceFactory =
01-23 07:23:21.001 1867 1867 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
01-23 07:23:21.043 1867 1867 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle:
01-23 07:23:21.046 1867 1867 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility =
0, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@3e029ce, this =
01-23 07:23:21.047 1867 1867 I am_lifecycle_sample:
01-23 07:23:21.048 1867 1867 W Looper : PerfMonitor longMsg : seq=3
plan=07:23:14.836 late=208ms wall=6003ms running=1794ms runnable=138ms io=3370ms$H w=159 procState=2
01-23 07:23:21.082 1867 1867 I wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called:
01-23 07:23:21.083 1867 1867 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
package=io.mrarm.mctoolbox/.MinecraftActivity time=0ms latency=6245ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] } historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=2 wall=202ms seq=2 running=83ms runnable=19ms
io=75ms late=27ms$H w=110) (msgIndex=3 wall=6003ms
seq=3 running=1794ms runnable=138ms io=3370ms late=208ms$H w=159)
01-23 07:23:21.085 1867 1867 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
package=io.mrarm.mctoolbox/.MinecraftActivity time=0ms latency=5447ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
angeItem] } historyMsgCount=5 (msgIndex=1 wall=6003ms seq=3 running=1794ms
runnable=138ms io=3370ms late=208ms$H w=159)
01-23 07:23:21.101 1867 2968 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:21.103 1867 2644 W Ads : Update ad debug logging enablement as
01-23 07:23:21.163 1867 1867 I Choreographer: Skipped 40 frames! The application
may be doing too much work on its main thread.
01-23 07:23:21.163 1867 1867 I choreographer_caton: 40
01-23 07:23:21.186 1867 1867 D ViewRootImpl[PopupWindow:23031ee]: hardware
acceleration = true , fakeHwAccelerated = false, sRendererDisabled = false,
forceHwAccelerated = false, sSystemRendererDisabled = false
01-23 07:23:21.191 1867 1867 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle:
01-23 07:23:21.197 1867 1867 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
01-23 07:23:21.248 1867 2477 W Minecraft: NO LOG FILE! - [Graphics] The graphics
context was gained
01-23 07:23:21.248 1867 2477 W Minecraft:
01-23 07:23:21.248 1867 2477 W Minecraft: MinecraftGame::init &&
01-23 07:23:21.253 1867 1867 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=89ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=675ms procState=2 historyMsgCount=32 (msgIndex=1 wall=6003ms
seq=3 running=1794ms runnable=138ms io=3370ms late=208ms$H w=159)
01-23 07:23:21.288 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:21.299 1867 1867 D EgretLoader: EgretLoader(Context context)
01-23 07:23:21.302 1867 1867 D EgretLoader: The context is not activity
01-23 07:23:21.304 1867 1867 D DecorView: createDecorCaptionView windowingMode:1
mWindowMode 1 isFullscreen: true
01-23 07:23:21.318 1867 2811 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-
01-23 07:23:21.318 1867 2811 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-
01-23 07:23:21.318 1867 2811 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac
01-23 07:23:21.318 1867 2811 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ape
01-23 07:23:21.338 1867 2811 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32
for video/mp4v-es
01-23 07:23:21.338 1867 2811 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level
32768/2 for video/mp4v-es
01-23 07:23:21.338 1867 2811 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level
32768/64 for video/mp4v-es
01-23 07:23:21.340 1867 2811 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
01-23 07:23:21.342 1867 2811 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/xvid
01-23 07:23:21.343 1867 2811 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32
for video/mp4v-es
01-23 07:23:21.359 1867 1947 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
01-23 07:23:21.466 1867 2505 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 31, oppidx_max 31, oppidx_min 0
01-23 07:23:21.582 1867 1887 I mrarm.mctoolbo: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC
freed 22567(1027KB) AllocSpace objects, 7(268KB) LOS objects, 49% free,
6345KB/12MB, paused 301us total 132.953ms
01-23 07:23:22.214 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:22.313 1867 1867 I Ads : JS: The jsLoaded GMSG has been sent
01-23 07:23:22.929 1867 1916 I mrarm.mctoolbo: ProcessProfilingInfo
new_methods=2867 is saved saved_to_disk=1 resolve_classes_delay=8000
01-23 07:23:23.592 1867 2576 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:23.593 1867 2576 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:23.593 1867 2576 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:23.597 1867 2576 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:23.653 1867 2576 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:23.654 1867 2576 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:25.192 1867 1867 D ViewRootImpl[PopupWindow:2662d93]: hardware
acceleration = true , fakeHwAccelerated = false, sRendererDisabled = false,
forceHwAccelerated = false, sSystemRendererDisabled = false
01-23 07:23:25.199 1867 1867 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle:
01-23 07:23:25.207 1867 1867 D View : [Warning] assignParent to null: this =
android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{38154ce V.E...... R......D 0,0-143,143}
01-23 07:23:25.218 1867 1867 W InputEventReceiver: Attempted to finish an input
event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
01-23 07:23:25.218 1867 1867 I InputTransport: Destroy ARC handle:
01-23 07:23:25.231 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:25.236 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:25.238 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:25.313 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:25.319 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:25.325 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:25.337 1867 1867 I chatty : uid=10480(io.mrarm.mctoolbox) identical
3 lines
01-23 07:23:25.340 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:25.373 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:25.675 1867 1867 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=456ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=29ms procState=2 historyMsgCount=1
01-23 07:23:25.679 1867 1867 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=1ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=420ms procState=2 historyMsgCount=12 (msgIndex=1 wall=456ms
seq=173 running=139ms runnable=3ms io=2ms late=29ms
01-23 07:23:27.185 1867 1867 D DecorView: createDecorCaptionView windowingMode:1
mWindowMode 1 isFullscreen: true
01-23 07:23:27.201 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:27.226 1867 1867 I chatty : uid=10480(io.mrarm.mctoolbox) identical
8 lines
01-23 07:23:27.232 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:27.237 1867 1867 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-23 07:23:27.253 1867 1867 D ViewRootImpl[MinecraftActivity]: hardware
acceleration = true , fakeHwAccelerated = false, sRendererDisabled = false,
forceHwAccelerated = false, sSystemRendererDisabled = false
01-23 07:23:27.269 1867 1867 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle:
01-23 07:23:27.278 1867 1867 I AdLoader: Successfully loaded ad from de0
01-23 07:23:28.945 1867 2495 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 7107
ms,, code=78 oneway=false
01-23 07:23:28.957 1867 2501 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 7120
ms,, code=78 oneway=false
01-23 07:23:29.807 1867 2501 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 848
ms,, code=78 oneway=false
01-23 07:23:31.172 1867 2501 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 1364
ms,, code=78 oneway=false
01-23 07:23:32.106 1867 2477 D Minecraft/Stub:
calculateAvailableDiskFreeSpace: /data/user/0/io.mrarm.mctoolbox/games/com.mojang
01-23 07:23:32.150 1867 2477 D Minecraft/Assets: getImageData:
01-23 07:23:32.150 1867 2477 E BitmapFactory: Unable to decode stream:
/data/user/0/io.mrarm.mctoolbox/games/com.mojang/minecraftpe/custom.png: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
01-23 07:23:32.526 1867 2505 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 31, oppidx_max 31, oppidx_min 0
01-23 07:23:33.623 1867 2592 E AdColony [ERROR]: The AdColony API is not
available while AdColony is disabled.
01-23 07:23:33.623 1867 1867 I AdLoader: Failed to load ad from d2
01-23 07:23:33.623 1867 1867 D AdLoader: Loading ad from b3
01-23 07:23:33.677 1867 1867 D DynamitePackage: Instantiating
01-23 07:23:33.722 1867 1867 I Ads : Use
C0B206156223")) to get test ads on this device.
01-23 07:23:33.848 1867 3145 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
01-23 07:23:33.850 1867 3145 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 234310602
01-23 07:23:33.890 1867 2657 W Ads : Invoke Firebase method getInstance
01-23 07:23:33.890 1867 2657 W Ads : The Google Mobile Ads SDK will not
integrate with Firebase. Admob/Firebase integration requires the latest Firebase
SDK jar, but Firebase SDK is either missing or out of date
01-23 07:23:33.890 1867 3151 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.890 1867 3151 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.890 1867 3151 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.890 1867 3152 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.890 1867 3152 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.890 1867 3152 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.891 1867 3150 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.891 1867 3150 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.891 1867 3150 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.893 1867 2657 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.893 1867 2657 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.893 1867 2657 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.895 1867 3153 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.895 1867 3153 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.895 1867 3153 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.902 1867 3152 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.903 1867 3151 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.904 1867 3150 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.904 1867 2657 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.905 1867 3153 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.906 1867 3169 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.906 1867 3169 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.906 1867 3169 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.906 1867 3169 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.909 1867 3165 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.910 1867 3165 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.910 1867 3165 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.910 1867 3173 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.910 1867 3173 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.910 1867 3173 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.910 1867 3173 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.910 1867 3165 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.911 1867 3175 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.912 1867 3175 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.912 1867 3175 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.912 1867 3175 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.915 1867 3171 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.915 1867 3171 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.915 1867 3171 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.916 1867 3156 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.916 1867 3156 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.916 1867 3156 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.916 1867 3171 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.917 1867 3156 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.917 1867 3176 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.917 1867 3176 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.917 1867 3176 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.918 1867 3172 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.918 1867 3172 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.918 1867 3172 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.918 1867 3176 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.918 1867 3170 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.918 1867 3170 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.918 1867 3170 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.918 1867 3172 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.919 1867 3170 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.919 1867 3178 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.920 1867 3178 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.920 1867 3178 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.921 1867 3163 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.921 1867 3163 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.921 1867 3163 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.921 1867 3166 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.921 1867 3166 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.921 1867 3166 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.921 1867 3178 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.921 1867 3163 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.922 1867 3166 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.923 1867 3182 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.926 1867 3182 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.926 1867 3182 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.927 1867 3182 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.931 1867 3179 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.931 1867 3179 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.931 1867 3179 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.932 1867 3179 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.932 1867 3177 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.932 1867 3177 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.932 1867 3177 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.932 1867 3188 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.932 1867 3188 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.932 1867 3188 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.933 1867 3188 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.933 1867 3187 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.933 1867 3187 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.934 1867 3187 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.934 1867 3177 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.936 1867 3187 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.937 1867 3193 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.937 1867 3193 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.937 1867 3193 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.937 1867 3193 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.944 1867 3195 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.944 1867 3195 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.944 1867 3195 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.945 1867 3195 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.945 1867 3192 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.945 1867 3192 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.945 1867 3192 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.946 1867 3192 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.946 1867 3197 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.946 1867 3197 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.946 1867 3197 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.947 1867 3197 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.951 1867 3196 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.951 1867 3196 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.951 1867 3196 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.951 1867 3194 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.951 1867 3194 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.951 1867 3194 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.952 1867 3180 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.952 1867 3180 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.952 1867 3180 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.952 1867 3194 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.952 1867 3180 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.954 1867 3181 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.954 1867 3181 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.954 1867 3181 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.955 1867 3191 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.955 1867 3191 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.955 1867 3191 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.955 1867 3181 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.955 1867 3191 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.956 1867 1867 W ConnectionStatusConfig: Dynamic lookup for intent
failed for action:
01-23 07:23:33.956 1867 3200 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.956 1867 3200 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.956 1867 3200 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.957 1867 3200 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.963 1867 3196 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.968 1867 3174 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:33.968 1867 3174 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:33.968 1867 3174 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:33.968 1867 3174 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:34.003 1867 3189 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:34.003 1867 3189 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:34.003 1867 3189 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:34.004 1867 3189 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:34.045 1867 3202 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:34.045 1867 3202 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:34.045 1867 3202 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:34.045 1867 3202 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:34.063 1867 3186 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:34.063 1867 3186 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:34.063 1867 3186 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:34.063 1867 3186 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:34.064 1867 3179 I dvm_lock_sample:
01-23 07:23:34.068 1867 3175 I dvm_lock_sample:
01-23 07:23:34.072 1867 3151 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.073 1867 3151 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.117 1867 3169 I dvm_lock_sample:
01-23 07:23:34.125 1867 3188 I dvm_lock_sample:
01-23 07:23:34.127 1867 3194 I dvm_lock_sample:
01-23 07:23:34.130 1867 3176 I dvm_lock_sample:
[io.mrarm.mctoolbox,0,AdWorker(Default) #22,9,,-
01-23 07:23:34.131 1867 3193 I dvm_lock_sample:
[io.mrarm.mctoolbox,0,AdWorker(Default) #37,15,,-
01-23 07:23:34.138 1867 3156 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.139 1867 3156 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.139 1867 3170 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.139 1867 3170 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.143 1867 3152 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.143 1867 3152 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.148 1867 3175 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.148 1867 3175 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.154 1867 3181 I dvm_lock_sample:
01-23 07:23:34.156 1867 3195 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.157 1867 3195 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.162 1867 3179 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.162 1867 3179 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.192 1867 1947 W RenderInspector: DequeueBuffer time out on
io.mrarm.mctoolbox/io.mrarm.mctoolbox.MinecraftActivity, count=1, avg=29 ms, max=29
01-23 07:23:34.197 1867 3200 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.197 1867 3200 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.197 1867 3166 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.197 1867 3166 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.198 1867 3177 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.200 1867 3176 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.200 1867 3176 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.200 1867 3163 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.200 1867 3163 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.200 1867 3177 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.202 1867 3187 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.202 1867 3187 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.205 1867 3194 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.205 1867 3194 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.208 1867 2657 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.208 1867 2657 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.210 1867 3192 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.210 1867 3192 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.211 1867 3169 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.211 1867 3169 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.211 1867 3153 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.211 1867 3153 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.213 1867 3172 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.213 1867 3172 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.214 1867 3173 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.214 1867 3173 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.215 1867 3150 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.216 1867 3150 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.219 1867 3188 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.219 1867 3188 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.222 1867 3178 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.222 1867 3178 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.226 1867 3182 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.226 1867 3182 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.227 1867 3180 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.227 1867 3180 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.227 1867 3196 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.227 1867 3196 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.228 1867 3193 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.229 1867 3193 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.229 1867 3197 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.230 1867 3197 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.231 1867 3171 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.231 1867 3171 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.233 1867 3189 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.234 1867 3189 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.235 1867 3181 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.235 1867 3181 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.238 1867 3174 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.238 1867 3174 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.243 1867 3186 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.243 1867 3191 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.243 1867 3186 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.243 1867 3191 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.246 1867 3202 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.246 1867 3202 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.267 1867 3143 I mrarm.mctoolbo: Waiting for a blocking GC
01-23 07:23:34.279 1867 3165 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.279 1867 3165 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.317 1867 3118 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 325
ms,, code=1
01-23 07:23:34.340 1867 3142 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 351
ms,, code=1
01-23 07:23:34.347 1867 2659 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 288
ms,, code=46
01-23 07:23:34.372 1867 1887 I mrarm.mctoolbo: Background young concurrent
copying GC freed 41779(2592KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 0% free,
19MB/19MB, paused 386us total 413.796ms
01-23 07:23:34.372 1867 3143 I mrarm.mctoolbo: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
ClassLinker on ClassLinker for 104.697ms
01-23 07:23:34.413 3206 3206 D installd: Mismatched cache GID/mode at
16D/oat: found 10480/448 but expected 10480/505
01-23 07:23:34.414 3206 3206 I installd: installd cannot open oat file during
0D2D6116D/oat/arm64/pcam.odex: No such file or directory
01-23 07:23:34.414 3206 3206 I installd: installd cannot open vdex file during
0D2D6116D/oat/arm64/pcam.vdex: No such file or directory
01-23 07:23:34.411 1867 1867 I auditd : type=1400 audit(0.0:221715): avc:
granted { execute } for comm="pool-22-thread-"
2D6116D/pcam.jar" dev="mmcblk0p46" ino=3105404
tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c224,c257,c512,c768 tclass=file
01-23 07:23:34.411 1867 1867 W pool-22-thread-: type=1400 audit(0.0:221715): avc:
granted { execute } for
2D6116D/pcam.jar" dev="mmcblk0p46" ino=3105404
tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c224,c257,c512,c768 tclass=file
01-23 07:23:34.440 1867 3165 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
01-23 07:23:34.440 1867 3165 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
01-23 07:23:34.440 1867 3165 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
01-23 07:23:34.440 1867 3165 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
01-23 07:23:34.440 1867 3165 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
01-23 07:23:34.470 1867 3208 W ConnectionStatusConfig: Dynamic lookup for intent
failed for action:
01-23 07:23:34.471 3206 3206 I auditd : type=1400 audit(0.0:221716): avc: denied
{ read } for comm="dexoptanalyzer"
MXSe9Q==/base.apk" dev="mmcblk0p46" ino=2679024 scontext=u:r:dexoptanalyzer:s0
tcontext=u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
01-23 07:23:34.471 3206 3206 W dexoptanalyzer: type=1400 audit(0.0:221716): avc:
denied { read } for path="/data/app/~~d-Q9tmov7hvVr8Wj3pAQ6Q==/io.mrarm.mctoolbox-
Pc8JSS7mp4t3OsJ-MXSe9Q==/base.apk" dev="mmcblk0p46" ino=2679024
scontext=u:r:dexoptanalyzer:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0 tclass=file
permissive=0 app=io.mrarm.mctoolbox
01-23 07:23:34.634 1867 1887 I mrarm.mctoolbo: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 161765(7250KB) AllocSpace objects, 15(2200KB) LOS objects, 49% free,
11MB/22MB, paused 181us total 248.738ms
01-23 07:23:34.958 3206 3206 W dexoptanalyzer: Current thread not detached in
Runtime shutdown
01-23 07:23:35.132 3215 3215 W dex2oat64: Mismatch between dex2oat instruction
set features to use (ISA: Arm64 Feature string: a53,crc,-lse,-fp16,-dotprod,-sve)
and those from CPP defines (ISA: Arm64 Feature string: -a53,-crc,-lse,-fp16,-
dotprod,-sve) for the command line:
01-23 07:23:35.132 3215 3215 W dex2oat64: /apex/ --
zip-fd=7 --zip-location=pcam.jar --input-vdex-fd=-1 --output-vdex-fd=10 --oat-fd=9
BF9E4B3D20D2D6116D/oat/arm64/pcam.odex --instruction-set=arm64 --instruction-set-
variant=cortex-a53 --instruction-set-features=default --runtime-arg -
common.jar --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --updatable-bcp-packages-
file=/system/etc/updatable-bcp-packages.txt --resolve-startup-const-strings=true --
max-image-block-size=524288 --compiler-filter=verify -j4 --swap-fd=11 --classpath-
2D6116D --class-loader-context=PCL[];PCL[/data/app/~~d-Q9tmov7hvVr8Wj3pAQ6Q==/
io.mrarm.mctoolbox-Pc8JSS7mp4t3OsJ-MXSe9Q==/base.apk] --class-loader-context-fds=8
--generate-mini-debug-info --runtime-arg -Xtarget-sdk-version:33 --runtime-arg -
Xhidden-api-policy:enabled --compilation-reason=bg-dexopt
01-23 07:23:35.133 3215 3215 I dex2oat64: /apex/ --
input-vdex-fd=-1 --output-vdex-fd=10
--updatable-bcp-packages-file=/system/etc/updatable-bcp-packages.txt --resolve-
startup-const-strings=true --max-image-block-size=524288 --compiler-filter=verify -
ABF9E4B3D20D2D6116D --class-loader-context=PCL[];PCL[/data/app/~~d-
Q9tmov7hvVr8Wj3pAQ6Q==/io.mrarm.mctoolbox-Pc8JSS7mp4t3OsJ-MXSe9Q==/base.apk] --
class-loader-context-fds=8 --generate-mini-debug-info --compilation-reason=bg-
01-23 07:23:35.144 3215 3215 I dex2oat64: setting boot class path to
01-23 07:23:35.379 3215 3215 I dex2oat64: dex2oat took 252.621ms (186.006ms cpu)
(threads: 4) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=67KB (69600B) native alloc=1856KB
(1901456B) free=427KB (437360B)
01-23 07:23:35.717 1867 2477 I FMod : checkInit: true
01-23 07:23:35.718 1867 2477 I FMod : getAssetManager
01-23 07:23:35.718 1867 2477 I FMod/AudioDevice: init
01-23 07:23:35.758 1867 2477 D FMod/AudioDevice: Buffer size: 8192
01-23 07:23:35.760 1867 2477 D AudioTrack: INSP:
01-23 07:23:35.760 1867 2477 D AudioTrack: INSP:
01-23 07:23:35.760 1867 2477 D AudioTrack: set(sessionID=0)
01-23 07:23:35.760 1867 2477 D AudioTrack: set(): Building AudioTrack with
attributes: usage = 1, content = 2, flags = 0x800, tags = []
01-23 07:23:35.760 1867 2477 D AudioTrack: set(): 0xb400007d07dd2000, Create
AudioTrackThread, tid = 3229
01-23 07:23:35.777 1867 2477 D AudioTrack: createTrack_l(5879):
0xb400007d07dd2000, mCblk = 0x7c504c2000, mLatency = 137, mAfLatency = 52,
frameCount = 2048, mSampleRate = 24000, mFlags = 0, mReqFrameCount = 2048,
mNotificationFramesAct = 682
01-23 07:23:35.781 1867 2477 W AudioTrack: Use of stream types is deprecated for
operations other than volume control
01-23 07:23:35.781 1867 2477 W AudioTrack: See the documentation of AudioTrack()
for what to use instead with to qualify your playback
use case
01-23 07:23:35.781 1867 2477 D AudioTrack: start(5879): 0xb400007d07dd2000, prior

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