Attorney General of Republic Indonesia Interview

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The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian: Kejaksaan
Agung Republik Indonesia) is the competent authority to advise the Government of Indonesia
on matters of law. It serves as the central organization for the Indonesian Public Prosecution
Service (Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia).
The Attorney General's Office is seated in the national capital Jakarta.The Office is
headed by the Attorney General of Indonesia, who have the authority to represent the
government at the Supreme Court of Indonesia. The Attorney-General's Office headed the
entire Indonesian Public Prosecution Service, with a nation-wide jurisdiction. Subordinated
directly under it is the Office of the High Prosecutors, based in the provincial capital, with
province-wide jurisdiction

Attorney General (Jaksa Agung), heads the Indonesian Public Prosecution Service, guide the
Service's duties and authorities.
Vice Attorney General (Wakil Jaksa Agung), assists the Attorney General, represents the
Attorney General in their absence, and execute other duties tasked by the Attorney General.
1. Deputy Attorney General on Guidance Affairs (Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang
Pembinaan), which oversee planning, procurement and construction, organization
management, human resources, finances, state assets management, legal opinions,
legal drafting, international cooperation, public service, and other technical supports.
The office is assisted by several subordinate units:
Guidance Affairs Secretariat (Sekretariat Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Pembinaan);
a. Bureau of Planning (Biro Perencanaan);
b. Bureau of General Affairs (Biro Umum);
c. Bureau of Human Resource (Biro Kepegawaian);
d. Bureau of Finance (Biro Keuangan);
e. Bureau of Facilities (Biro Perlengkapan); and
f. Bureau of Legal and International Affairs (Biro Hukum dan Hubungan
Luar Negeri).
2. Deputy Attorney General on Intelligence Affairs (Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang
Intelijen), which oversee intelligence of investigations, security, promotion to prevent
and repress crime, travel bans, and public peace and order. The office is assisted by
several subordinate units:
Intelligence Affairs Secretariat (Sekretariat Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Intelijen);
a. Directorate on Ideology, Political, Defense, and Security Affairs
(Direktorat Ideologi, Politik, Pertahanan, dan Keamanan);
b. Directorate on Social, Cultural, and Public Affairs (Direktorat Sosial,
Kebudayaan, dan Kemasyarakatan);
c. Directorate on Economic and Financial Affairs (Direktorat Ekonomi dan
d. Directorate on Strategic Development Security Affairs (Direktorat
Pengamanan Pembangunan Strategis); and
e. Directorate on IT and Intelligence Production (Direktorat Teknologi
Informasi dan Produksi Intelijen).
3. Deputy Attorney General on General Criminal Affairs (Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang
Tindak Pidana Umum), which oversee pretrials, additional investigations,
indictments, legal actions, executions of court orders and sentencing, examinations
and observations over paroles and other legal actions of general crimes. The office is
assisted by several subordinate units:
a. General Criminal Affairs Secretariat (Sekretariat Jaksa Agung Muda
Bidang Tindak Pidana Umum);
b. Directorate on Crimes Against Persons and Property (Direktorat Tindak
Pidana Terhadap Orang dan Harta Benda);
c. Directorate on Crimes Against State Security, Public Order, and Other
General Crimes (Direktorat Tindak Pidana Terhadap Keamanan Negara,
Ketertiban Umum, dan Tindak Pidana Umum Lainnya);
d. Directorate on Crimes Involving Narcotics and Other Addictive
Substances (Direktorat Tindak Pidana Narkotika dan Zat Adiktif Lainnya);
e. Directorate on Terrorism and Transnational Crimes (Direktorat Tindak
Pidana Terorisme dan Lintas Negara).
4. Deputy Attorney General on Special Criminal Affairs (Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang
Tindak Pidana Khusus), which oversee investigations, pre-indictments, additional
investigations, indictments, legal actions, executions of court orders and sentencing
examinations and observations over paroles and other legal actions of special crimes.
The office is assisted by several subordinate units:
a. Special Criminal Affairs Secretariat (Sekretariat Jaksa Agung Muda
Bidang Tindak Pidana Khusus);
b. Directorate on Investigation (Direktorat Penyidikan);
c. Directorate on Prosecution (Direktorat Penuntutan);
d. Directorate on Extraordinary Legal Actions, Executions, and Examinations
(Direktorat Upaya Hukum Luar Biasa, Eksekusi, dan Eksaminasi); and
e. Directorate on Grave Violation of Basic Human Rights (Direktorat
Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia Berat).
5. Deputy Attorney General on Civil and State Administrative Affairs (Jaksa Agung
Muda Bidang Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara), which oversee law enforcement, legal
assistance, legal opinions, and other legal actions toward the state or the government,
which includes state institutions, central and regional government institutions, state-
and regional-owned enterprises in civil and state administration cases, in order to
secure and restore national assets and wealth, protect state and government honor, and
provide public legal assistance. The office is assisted by several subordinate units:
a. Civil and State Administrative Affairs Secretariat (Sekretariat Jaksa Agung
Muda Bidang Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara);
b. Directorate on Civil Affairs (Direktorat Perdata);
c. Directorate on State Administrative Affairs (Direktorat Tata Usaha
Negara); and
d. Directorate on Legal Consideration (Direktorat Pertimbangan Hukum).
6. Deputy Attorney General on Military Criminal Affairs (Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang
Pidana Militer), which oversee technical cooperation for the purpose of indictments of
military personnel with the military prosecutors (Oditurat), as well as on the civil-
military judicial connection affairs. The office is assisted by several subordinate units:
a. Military Criminal Affairs Secretariat (Sekretariat Jaksa Agung Muda
Bidang Tindak Pidana Militer);
b. Directorate on Military Justice Enforcement (Direktorat Penindakan);
c. Directorate on Prosecution (Direktorat Penuntutan); and
d. Directorate on Executions, Extraordinary Legal Actions, and Examinations
(Direktorat Eksekusi, Upaya Hukum Luar Biasa, dan Eksaminasi)
7. Deputy Attorney General on Oversight (Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Pengawasan),
which oversee planning, execution, and control of oversight over the Service's
performance and internal finances, and oversight duties over certain matters by the
Attorney General's orders. The office is assisted by several subordinate units:
a. Oversight Affairs Secretariat (Sekretariat Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang
b. Inspectorate I oversees the Education and Training Agency, as well as the
High Prosecutors' Office of Aceh, North Sumatra, Riau, Yogyakarta, West
Kalimantan, and West Nusa Tenggara;
c. Inspectorate II oversees the Deputy Attorney General on Intelligence and
on Special Criminal Affairs, as well as the High Prosecutors' Office of
South Sumatra, Jambi, West Sumatra, Jakarta, Central Kalimantan, East
Nusa Tenggara, and Papua;
d. Inspectorate III oversees the Deputy Attorney General on General
Criminal Affairs and on Civil and State Administrative Affairs, as well as
the High Prosecutors' Office of West Java, East Kalimantan, Riau Islands,
Lampung, Gorontalo, and Maluku;
e. Inspectorate IV oversees the Research and Development Center, Legal
Information Center, Data, Crime Statistics, and Information Technology
Center, and Asset Recovery Center, as well as the High Prosecutors' Office
of Central Java, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, South Kalimantan,
Bali, and Bangka-Belitung;
f. Inspectorate V oversees the Deputy Attorney General on Guidance Affairs,
as well as the High Prosecutors' Office of East Java, North Sulawesi,
Southeast Sulawesi, Bengkulu, Banten, and North Maluku; and
g. Inspectorate on Finance, oversees the financial affairs in all units.
1. Education and Training Agency (Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan), which oversee
prosecutors' professional education and training.
2. Advisors to the Attorney General (Staf Ahli), who advice the Attorney General over
matters of expertise.
3. Central Agencies (Pusat), which consists of:
a. Law Enforcement Policy Strategy Center (Pusat Strategi Kebijakan Penegakan
b. Legal Information Center (Pusat Penerangan Hukum);
c. Data, Crime Statistics, and Information Technology Center (Pusat Data, Statistik
Kriminal, dan Teknologi Informasi); and
d. Asset Recovery Center (Pusat Pemulihan Aset).

1. Introduce Yourself (Name, Family Background, Educational Background,
Organization Experiences & Working Experiences).
2. Motivation to Join The Attorney General’s Office Republic of Indonesia

As we know, The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia

(Indonesian: Kejaksaan Agung Republik Indonesia) is the competent authority to
advise the Government of Indonesia on matters of law. It serves as the central
organization for the Indonesian Public Prosecution Service (Kejaksaan Republik
This institution have a great achievement than the other law department of
government Indonesia. It is proven by National Survey about Public’s Trust Index in
July 2023 is 81%; It Increase from 75.3% in August 2022.
The Attorney General’s Office Republic of Indonesia succeded in complish
and solving several big criminal cases or majority cases such as: Terrorism,
Coruption, Murder, Presecution, Human Trafficking and Drugs Trafficking cases.
The requirement and qualification is match with me, and I think it’s relate with
what I studied at my college, then I hope with joining the Attorney General’s Office
Republic of Indonesia, I can devote myself to the State, and the knowledge that I learn
in college can be useful for the advancement of law enforcement.

3. Research/Thesis from Abstract

4. Advantages and disadvantages/Strength and Weakness
a. Advantages/Strenghts
1. Interpersonal Skill
2. Good Communication Skill
3. Passion to work in Law Departement
4. Leadership
5. Adaptive
6. Analythical Thingking
7. Multitasking
8. Fast Learner
b. Disadvantages/Weakness
1. Focus on detail too much, makes me work slowly
2. It’s hard for me to say “No” to the other people
3. Do not have much experiences mostly in law field
4. Etc

Good Morning Sir,

My name is Ursula Embarina Janetha Viola br Sebayang, and you can call me Sula or Ursula.
Right now, I am 22 years old. I was born in Yogyakarta in January 2001. I have one little
brother so I am the oldest child in my family;
Right now I am live in Gading Serpong, Tangerang Banten. I have Bachelor degree in Law at
Faculty of Law Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University in November 2022.
During my college, my accomplishment was graduated with great GPA. Also I have several
experiences of joined in organization.
In 2019, I was joined and enjoyed being in Organization which is called Partai Mahasiswa
Peduli. This organization its not like national party, its only just a political organization
learning based in my faculty.
In this organization I was in Democration Division, which is this Division intention is to
influence people & give people education about law and politics. Also, this organization
could be a place for who want to participated in Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) at my
And then, in the same year, I have the other organization experience which is I was a
volunteer as a teacher for poor children who hasn’t oppurtunities to studied at school so I
teached them how to read, math, how to write, how to appreciate and helping each other.
Then, In 2021 during pandemic I was joined in tim social media of organization that called
“WE ARE ENOUGH”. In this organization me and my team influenced people with our
kontens to against bullying.
And then, after I graduated, in desember 2022 I also joined in class of attorney as we know is
Pendidikan Khusus Profesi Advokat (PKPA) which is held by Hukum Online and supported
by PERADI. The reason I joined this class is I want to learn even more about law.
And right now I have been working since march 2023 until now as a legal administration and
HR in mining company that called PT Anugerah Covindo Indonesia.

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