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Answers to this Paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted.

A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].


(i) In all Map Work, make wise use of arrows to avoid overcrowding of the map.
(ii) The extract of Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S10 must not be taken out of the
examination hall.
(iii) All sub-sections of the questions attempted must be answered in the correct serial
(iv) All working including rough work should be done on the same answer sheet which is
used to answer the rest of the paper.

PART I (30 Marks)

(Attempt all questions from this Part.)

Question 1

Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet No. G43S10 (Easting 62 - 72;
Northing 27 - 37) and answer the following questions:

(i) (a) Give six figure grid reference of the Post office in Sanwara. [2]
(b) Which side of the map extract has higher altitude?

(ii) (a) Gaurav will travel to Pamera from Gulabganj on a bicycle. In which direction will he
(b) If his speed is 2.75km/hr, how long will it take him to reach Pamera, if he is cycling in
a straight line? [2]

(iii) Define the following terms from the extract: [2]

(a) Fireline
(b) Causeway

(iv) (a) Name the drainage pattern seen in grid square 6728. [2]
(b) What is the direction of flow of the Sipu River? Give a reason to justify your answer.

(v) (a) What does 22r in Udwariya denote? [2]

(b) What is the most important source of irrigation in the given map extract?

Question 2

On the outline map of India provided: [10]

(i) Mark and label the Nilgiris.

(ii) Mark and label the Nathu La pass
(iii) Mark and label the Konkan plain.
(iv) Mark and label the Tropic of Cancer.
(v) Shade an area of Black soil in India.
(vi) Mark and label the river Yamuna.
(vii) Mark and label the Chilika Lake.
(viii) Mark with arrows the Western Disturbances.
(ix) Mark and name the city Srinagar.
(x) Mark and name the Digboi oilfield.

Question 3

Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options.
(Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.) [10]

(i) Thar is a desert because:

(a) South west monsoon winds do not blow over the region.
(b) Jet streams do not help in bringing rainfall here.
(c) Aravalli mountains lie parallel to the south west monsoon winds.
(d) Thar lies above the Tropic of Cancer.

(ii) Red soil is formed by the following method:

(a) Weathering of old crystalline rocks.
(b) Leaching of soil during rainy season.
(c) Weathering of igneous rocks.
(d) Deposition of riverine silt.

(iii) Important trees found in the Littoral forests are:

(a) Neem and Deodar
(b) Rosewood and Keora
(c) Sundari and Keora
(d) Sundari and Sandalwood

(iv) Water is stored in ______ in Central India for water harvesting.

(a) Johad
(b) Recharge trenches
(c) Surangam
(d) Rooftops

(v) Khetri and Balaghat are associated with:

(a) Iron ore
(b) Copper
(c) Bauxite

(d) Petroleum

(vi) Transplantation is a popular method of rice cultivation in India, because:

(a) It saves time and labour.
(b) This method gives higher yield.
(c) It can be practised in all places.
(d) It is an eco-friendly method of cultivation.

(vii) Fine plucking is associated with:

(a) Coffee
(b) Sugarcane
(c) Berries
(d) Tea

(viii) Which by product of the sugar industry is used to make wax?

(a) Molasses
(b) Bagasse
(c) Press mud
(d) Khandsari

(ix) Which of these is not a problem of the Iron and Steel industry?
(a) Obsolete Technology
(b) Sick units
(c) Heavy demand
(d) Erratic monsoons

(x) The East - West corridor extends between these two cities:
(a) Gujarat and Assam
(b) Ahmedabad and Guwahati
(c) Mumbai and Kolkata
(d) Porbandar and Silchar

PART II (50 Marks)

(Attempt any five questions from this Part.)

Question 4

(i) As per the PTI report, the minimum temperature in Jammu and Kashmir summer capital,
Srinagar was recorded at minus 1 degree Celsius on Friday night – down from 0.9 degree
Celsius the previous night. The minimum temperature on Friday night was one degree below
the normal for this part of the season.
ABP News Bureau

(a) Which season is mentioned in the news article? [2]

(b) What is the pressure condition in the places mentioned? Name the most important
wind, blowing over the land, in this season.

(ii) Mention the economic importance of the following winds: [2]

(a) Western Disturbances
(b) Kalbaishakhi

(iii) Give a geographical reason for the following: [3]

(a) Nainital is cooler than Agra.
(b) Coromandel coast has more rainy months, but receives less rainfall than Malabar
(c) Andhra Pradesh experiences unsettled weather conditions in October- November.

(iv) Study the climatic data of Station X given below, and answer the questions that
follow: [3]

Months Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Temp° 23.7 23. 26.2 28.7 29.7 28.9 27. 26.8 27.0 28. 27.0 25.1
C 9 2 0
Rf cm - - - 1.0 1.1 55.6 83. 56.6 34.1 6.9 0.6 0.1

(a) Calculate the annual rainfall of the Station X.

(b) Give a reason to suggest that the place has a coastal location.
(c) On which coast is it situated? Give a reason for your answer.

Question 5

(i) Name the following: [2]

(a) A soil which has self-ploughing properties.
(b) A type of soil erosion seen in the Chambal valley region.

(ii) Mention two physical characteristics of the Laterite soil found in India. [2]

(iii) Define the following terms: [3]

(a) In situ soil
(b) Humus
(c) Bhangar

(iv) Give a geographical reason for the following: [3]

(a) Alluvial soil differs in texture from coarse to fine.
(b) Black soils are found in Maharashtra.
(c) Rajasthan experiences large scale soil erosion.

Question 6

(i) A news article in the Times of India states that India and its neighbours have lost 90% of
their natural vegetation in biodiversity hotspots. [2]
(a) Give one reason for the loss of natural vegetation in India.

(b) Mention one way how this can be controlled.

(ii) (a) Mention two characteristics of the xerophytic vegetation. [2]

(b) Name one xerophytic tree found in India.

(iii) On a trip to the Andamans from Srinagar, Sneha is excited to see the different types of
trees growing on the island. [3]
(a) What type of vegetation has Sneha seen in the Andamans?
(b) Give one difference between the vegetation in Andamans and that in Srinagar.
(c) Name one important type of tree, found in both these areas.

(iv) State in what way the following trees are useful to man: [3]
(a) Babool
(b) Sundari
(c) Rosewood

Question 7

(i) How does surface water differ from ground water? [2]

(ii) Usage of electricity and diesel to operate tubewells causes many problems and is costly
for the farmers. [2]
Why do you still think tubewells are popular in many states? Justify.

(iii) Give reasons for the following: [3]

(a) Canal irrigation is popular in the northern plains.
(b) Though India receives rainfall, farmers depend on irrigation.
(c) Drip irrigation is gaining immense importance in the present day.

(iv) With reference to tank irrigation, answer the following questions: [3]
(a) Name two states where this type of irrigation is common.
(b) Why is tank irrigation popular in these states?
(c) Other than irrigation, what other ways tanks can be used?

Question 8

(i) Name the following: [2]

(a) The best quality coal found in India.
(b) The most productive oilfield in the country.

(ii) Windmills generate power by using a rotor consisting of two or more blades, which
converts kinetic energy into mechanical or electrical energy. [2]
(a) Which areas are suitable for setting up windmills?
(b) Mention one advantage of wind energy.

(iii) Give a geographical reason for the following: [3]

(a) India has a huge potential for generating solar power.
(b) The Bhakra Nangal Project has benefitted the people of Punjab.
(c) Manganese is an important raw material for iron and steel industry.

(iv) Mention the importance of the following places in relation to power resources. [3]
(a) Kalpakkam
(b) Mumbai High
(c) Neyveli

Question 9

(i) (a) What type of farming is shown in the picture? [2]

(b) Name the crop which has been cultivated here.
(c) Mention one main feature of this type of farming.

(ii) (a) Mention the climatic requirement for rice. [2]

(b) Name two states in India that are leading producers of rice.

(iii) With reference to sugarcane cultivation, answer the following questions: [3]
(a) State the rainfall requirement of this crop.
(b) Why is ratooning a common method of cultivation of sugarcane?
(c) Name a state in north India that is a leading producer of sugarcane.

(iv) When Sarin visited the Coorg district of Karnataka for a holiday, he savoured the
flavour and the aroma of freshly brewed local coffee.
(a) Other than Karnataka, name another state famous for coffee cultivation in India.
(b) Name two varieties of coffee grown in India.
(c) What are the covercrops seen in the coffee estates.

Question 10

(i) How does Private sector industries differ from Joint sector industries? [2]

(ii) What is sericulture? Name any two types of silk made in India. [2]

(iii) With reference to Bhilai Steel plant: [3]

(a) Name the country which collaborated with India to set up this plant.
(b) What is the source of iron ore for this plant?
(c) Name the state where this steel plant is located.

(iv) Name the following: [3]
(a) A city most famous for electronics in India.
(b) A private sector iron and steel plant of the country.
(c) An important raw material needed for the petrochemical industry.

Question 11

(i) Why is railway transport preferred over airways in India? [2]

(ii) (a) What is a port? [2]

(b) Why was Haldia port constructed near Kolkata port?

(iii) (a) In case of floods in the Himalayas, which mode of transport would be ideal for
evacuation and relief measures?
(b) Give two reasons why the rivers of peninsular India are not favoured as inland
waterways. [3]

(iv) Mention three points to justify the given statement: [3]

A cheap and efficient transportation system is very important for a country’s

Question 12

(i) Explain the given terms: [2]

(a) Eutrophication
(b) Acid rain

(ii) List two advantages of composting. [2]

(iii) Explain the significance of 3R’s giving one suitable example of each. [3]

(iv) Dengue cases in India have reached nearly 95,000 between January and July 31, [3]
with numbers spiking after excessive rains and waterlogging. Improving public sanitation
is the only way to tackle this vector borne disease.
The Economic Times, September 2023
(a) Which vector is responsible for the spread of dengue?
(b) What causes vector borne diseases other than waterlogging?
(c) How are human beings affected by using polluted water?


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