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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Survey Paper On: Uplifting Farmers with

Mobile Applications: An Overview of Modern
Agricultural Utilities
Swati Firame (Prof.) ; 2Aditya Dhamale ; 3Ankita Yerme ; 4Kalpita Kote ; 5Shital Shinde
Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science

Abstract:- Indian agriculture although it forms the strategy for Indian agriculture is being transformed by
foundation of the nation’s economy, the sector nevertheless technology.
faces a number of challenges. One of the major problems is
that farmers lack access to markets and knowledge. These solutions can lower the number of middlemen
Therefore, a mobile app may be essential in resolving this engaged in the supply chain by linking farmers directly with
problem. The design and development of this software are buyers and sellers of agricultural supplies and goods. chain,
intended to address the challenges faced by Indian farmers which could result in lower costs for customers. Solutions for
while purchasing seeds and fertilizer. An Android-based Indian agriculture that use Android are especially significant
application powers it. In this paper, we look at the given the high smartphone penetration rate in the nation rate.
agricultural technology options that are already available, India has more than 700 million people, per Statista’s report
think about the challenges that Indian farmers face, and from 2023. the second-largest smartphone market with million
highlight some potential benefits from this Android app. An users the global market for smartphones. As a result, Android-
androidbased approach that could fundamentally alter how solutions that are based have the potential to reach many people
Indian farmers get seeds, fertilizer, and essential of Indian farmers. Additionally, solutions based on Android aid
agricultural knowledge is provided in this paper. The ”App- in enhancing the overall effectiveness and transparency of
Based Implementation of Modern Agriculture Utilities in agriculture industry.
Android” intends to close the technological and agricultural
gap between conventional farming methods. by giving II. LITERATURE REVIEW
farmers simple access to essential resources and equipment
via their smartphones. Agriculture is a critical sector of the global economy,
providing food and other essential products for billions of
Keywords:- Flutter, Agriculture, Products, Application etc. people. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the
use of mobile apps to improve agricultural productivity and
I. INTRODUCTION sustainability. App-based agriculture utilities can be used to
provide farmers with real-time information on weather, crop
In India roughly 50 percent of the workforce in India is prices, and market conditions, as well as resources such as
employed by agriculture, which also accounts for roughly 17 expert advice and financial assistance. They can also be used to
percent of the GDP. The industry is still dealing with a variety automate tasks, improve decision-making, and reduce waste.
issues challenges, such as: Agriculture in India has the potential to provide chances for
research and innovation due to its ability to raise production,
In tackling them, mobile technology can play a crucial increase yield, and decrease waste. Mobile agriculture is
role. challenges. Android-based agricultural technologies in typically preferred by farmers since it is more practical. Market
India May be used to give access to information to farmers, prices, pest control techniques, and current weather forecasts
markets, as well as other services that can assist them in both are all available to farmers. [1].
profitability and productivity.
The National Sample Survey (NSS) asserts that the
This paper will examine the difficulties Indians are solution to this issue would be a mobile phone with a high-
currently facing. debate the possibilities of Android-based smart resolution camera and at least 3G Internet. Following seeds and
farming answers to these difficulties. It will also talk about the fertilizers as the sample’s most popular topics, market prices
A proposed Android-based solution’s design and characteristics came in second. Overall, by addressing both the provider’s and
enables farmers to purchase and trade agricultural goods, get the customer’s needs, the deployment of this application will be
fertilizer recommendations. The paper’s conclusion will include satisfactory to both parties. This idea for an application was
a discussion of the anticipated advantages of the suggested already being thought about by government officials. [2]. If
remedy and how it aligns with the Government of India’s there was a direct relationship and communication between

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

farmers and consumers. They will get right amount of money IV. TRENDS
for their efforts. It’s obvious there is major black hole in the
growth of the agricultural sector of India due to farmers are  Utilization of technology on the rise: Farmers are utilizing
held as hostages by the middleman [5] technology more and more to improve their farming
practices. Sensors, drones, and smartphones are utilized to
III. METHODOLOGY collect data on soil conditions, crop health, and weather
 Concept and Design: The concept and design of the mobile  Growing demand for organic produce: In India, demand for
farming application are developed. The features and organic produce is being driven up by both domestic and
functionalities of the app are defined based on the target foreign consumers. As a result, organic agricultural
audience and their needs. The design of the user interface production is increasing.
(UI) and user experience (UX) are also defined.  Focus on sustainable agriculture: Sustainable agriculture is
 Front-end Development: The design are developed into a getting more attention in India thanks to its practices, which
functional mobile app using front-end technologies such as are resource- and environmentally-friendly.
React Native.  E-commerce in Agriculture: The e-commerce market for
 Back-end Development: The server side of the application is agriculture supplies like fertilizer and seeds is growing.
developed using a suitable database management system. Integrating e-commerce capabilities into your app is a
The back-end development could include features like data valuable trend.
management, user authentication, and API integration.
 Testing: The mobile farming application is thoroughly tested V. GAPS AND CHALLENGES
to ensure that it meets the desired functionality, security, and
usability standards. This could involve unit testing,  Lack of awareness of cutting-edge methods and tools: Many
functional testing, and user acceptance testing. farmers are unaware of the most recent methods and tools
 Deployment: The application is deployed to the app store that could boost their output and earnings[1][2].
and made available for download to the target audience.
 Maintenance and Updates: The application is monitored and  Lack of access to extension services: Extension services are
maintained to ensure that it remains functional and secure. necessary for providing farmers with the knowledge and
Regular updates are also released to provide new features, skills they need to embrace cutting-edge practices and
bug fixes, and other improvements. technology, but they aren’t always accessible, which is a
concern. Due to a lack of extension agents, many farmers in
India are unable to utilize these services.
 Lack of infrastructure: Infrastructure shortfall India must
make investments in infrastructure, such as irrigation
systems, storage facilities, and transportation infrastructure,
to increase agricultural productivity.
 Access to Market Data: Real-time market data for seeds and
fertilizers are frequently difficult to access. Including
current market data in your app helps close a useful
 Recommendations for Personalized Fertilizer: Many
farmers lack of access to individualized fertilizer advice.
developing a system that takes into account the specific
agricultural conditions and crops can be a sizable gap that
needs to be filled[3].
 Education and Awareness: There is a deficiency in
delivering giving farmers the information and awareness
they need for adoption of contemporary farming methods
and technologies. Your An app that offers instructional
content can close this gap[1].
 Small landholdings: The very small average landholding in
India makes it challenging for farmers to adopt new
techniques and methods[3].
 Lack of irrigation infrastructure: A substantial portion of
India’s agricultural land is rain-fed, leaving farmers
Fig. 1. Framework of the Application susceptible to droughts.

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 Post-harvest losses: Due to inadequate storage and Which knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of farmers might
transportation facilities, India has large post-harvest losses the app have an impact on?
of agricultural goods[3].
 Internet connectivity: Access to the internet in rural India VII. CONCLUSION
might be spotty or constrained. The task of making sure
your software works well even in places with poor internet The aforementioned data leads us to the conclusion that
is considerable[1]. creating an Android app for Indian agriculture would be an
 Language and Literacy: It’s possible that many farmers important contribution to the industry. Farmers would have a
don’t speak English well or have high levels of literacy. simple and accessible platform to buy and sell fertilizers,
Your software should be simple to use and accessible in a manure, and seeds thanks to the app. The software would also
variety of regional languages[1][2]. enable farmers to compare pricing from various providers,
 Trust and Adoption: Farmers could be wary of new locate the best inputs for their unique needs, and receive
technology, and it might take them some time to come information on the quality of various inputs. The software will
around to trusting and using your app. It can be difficult to help to raise crop yields and farmer income by giving farmers
maintain user adoption while establishing confidence access to premium inputs at reasonable pricing. Furthermore,
cite[2]. by encouraging sustainable agriculture methods, the app would
have a positive societal impact.
The research in this area has brought to light the
 User-centered design: This method involves gathering considerable difficulties Indian farmers face, such as their
information from users to comprehend the wants and needs inability to access fair markets, their increased reliance on
of farmers in order to create an app that is simple to use and middlemen, and their requirement for precise crop management
caters to their particular requirements. information. It is clear that a well-made Android app may close
 Integration with existing agricultural systems: Examining these gaps by putting farmers in touch with purchasers directly
integration options for the app with current agricultural and providing professional guidance on how to use fertilizers
systems, including government databases and extension properly. The creation of an Android app for Indian agriculture
services. would have the advantages listed below in addition to those
already mentioned:
 Specialized content creation: To enable farmers in various
parts of India to use the app, specialized content was created
Greater availability of market data The app would give
for it.
farmers up-to-the-minute details on market prices for fertilizers,
 Evaluation of the impact of the app: Research is being done
manure, and seeds. Farmers might then use this information to
to assess the app’s effects on farmer knowledge, attitudes,
make well-informed choices about when to acquire and sell
and behaviors.
 Exploration of new features and functionality: Establish
methods for getting user feedback and implementing it into
Better communication between farmers and suppliers: The
the development process to continuously improve the
app will give farmers a platform to get in touch with suppliers
features and usability of the program[1].
directly. This could result in better negotiations for both parties
 Economic and Social Impact Analysis: Examine the by fostering connections and trust between farmers and
economic and social effects of these Android solutions to suppliers.
comprehend how they affect farmers’ earnings, means of
subsistence, and general well-being[1]. Increased agricultural expertise and knowledge: The app
 Scalability and Sustainability: Look into scalable and might include teaching materials on agricultural techniques
sustainable economic structures that can support these including pest control, irrigation, and soil conservation. This
solutions’ long-term profitability and keep farmers’ access could raise productivity by assisting farmers in enhancing their
to them. knowledge and abilities.
 Specific research questions that could be addressed include:
Increased engagement in the agricultural economy:
What are the major features that farmers want to see in an Farmers would find it simpler to engage in the agricultural
Android app for agriculture? are some specific research economy thanks to the app. Farmers’ incomes might rise as a
questions that might be addressed. Why How can farmers with result, which would help alleviate rural poverty. In general,
little technological expertise benefit from the app’s user- creating an Android app for Indian agriculture would be a wise
friendly design. investment in the industry’s future. The software would offer
farmers a variety of advantages that could help to enhance their
What integration options are there for the app with current standard of living and support the expansion of the Indian
agricultural systems? economy.

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


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Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43000 Serdang, Selangor,
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