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Brigitti Garay
Everything happened in 2020, I was studying at the icpna I was at level 11, that year I
had planned to travel to the US to do a work and travel, I had found out everything
about this program I was just waiting for the registrations in July, I remember it was
February and everything was relaxed, chill in my life. Until I heard of a virus known as
coronavirus, to be honest I hadn’t paid attention to this virus because I thought it was
only in China, I never thought it would reach Peru, So the next month in March the
government of my country said that we all had to be in quarantine because the virus was
deadly and could cause many diseases. I thought that this quarantine would be 2 weeks
or 1 month, but it was not like that, the quarantine was extended and obviously my trip
to the US had to be canceled because all the borders were closed due to covid, I was too
sad because my trips, my studies were stopped. I was thinking of traveling to the
United States in December, I thought that the covid would end in September, but it
didn’t. Honestly, 2020 was the worst year, my family locked up, everyone in fear, that
year nobody could do anything, everything in person became virtual.
The things I had planned didn’t happen, I would like to go back in time and have
gone on a trip in 2019 when my mom had offered to go on a trip to the USA, but I
didn’t accept for personal reasons, I confess that I used to be too immature before, but
little by little I am trying to be mature in my actions.

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