Writing 2 - A5

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Writing 2

Name: Brigitti Garay

You Will have write about the time you had to procrastinate
What happened?
When I was in my second cycle of university, I almost fail a course because my best
friend and I had to do a presentation, but we hadn’t done anything because we were
the last group to present in December and we waited for months, weeks until the day
that we had classes with that teacher we found out that we had to present at that
moment, we did not know what to do, we were scared, luckily some classmates also
had to make their presentation, so the teacher told us that next week we had to

present our work. Our job was to make some ppts and a summary of the book. I
think we weren’t aware of failing the course, missing a day for our presentation I did all
the I work because miraculously my best friend didn't come to class that day and I
assumed to do the work in fact his task was to summarize the book. something
simple, but she didn't do it, she told me several excuses. To procrastinate brought us
many problems.
What were the consecuences?
The first was that we had already failed the course, my teacher decided to fail us for
missing and not doing the work the second was that I begged my teacher to get that
grade back and he didn't agree to give us another chance until I begged him so many
times that he agreed to give us an extra grade and the saddest thing was that we
were going to pull the whole cycle if we didn’t pass that course, nobody wants to
repeat a course for procrastinating.
What did yout learn?
- I learned: it isn’t good to leave things at the last minute because it can cause
us stress, anxiety, worry, etc.
- To organize helps to be responsible
- To postpone causes a lot of problems in our lifes
- Making habits to put my life in order
- To be responsible helps my mental health

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