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60 Unit? 7 Attractions and events Take off 1 Whatare these places? Are there similar visitor attractions in your country? Vocabulary Types of visitor attractions 1 What are the most popular visitor attractions in your exty or region? 2 Which of the categories in the table do they belong to? 3 Can you think of another example for each ofthe types of attraction? 2 Workin pairs.saythenameofacountry oracityto 4 Explain the difference between the following pairs yourpartner. Your partner must think of a visitor of words. attraction there 1 lake / river 5 festival / parade 3 Take tumsto say -he namesof different countries or 2 mountain/hill 6 nightclub /casino cities, until you have each got ten places plus 3 museum /art gallery 7 theme park / national park attractions. 4. palace /castle 8 theatre /concert hall Natural Built | mountains (eg, the Himalayas) historisite (eg. Shakespeare's museum lakes and rivers birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon, artgallery (eg. Louvre Paris) | ux national park eg Nosemite, USA) _ theme park (eg. Disneyland) archaelogicalsite (e.g.Forum, heritage coast adlogical site (eg, palace /stately home Rome, ttaly) ; (e.g-Versailes, France} monument (eg, Nelson’s Column, She | Trafalgar Square, london) o [events Entertainmentand eiure music arts Festal [© theatre shopping (eg.Edinburgh Festival, Uk) concert hall sportscentre/stadiurm religious festival nightclub (eg.Wembley,tondon) | © carnival e.g Riode lanciro, Graz) casino parade (e.g. Gay Pride, 200 San Francisco) Pronunciation T @ Listento the sounds underlined in the words below. Which sound do you hear? Tick (/) the right column, Attractions andevents 61 Nee Inthis unit ‘© types of visitor attractions ‘describing built attractions © describing festivals and events © peopleand facilities at attractions ‘© bringing attractions tolife SE Inside tourism: the changing face of the ‘attractions industry’ say/et/ —no/av/—_hear/tal 1 coast 2 home 3 lake 4 parade 5 Rome — 6 Shakespeare 7 Shakespeare 8 stadium 9 stately 10 theatre 2 The sounds underlined are diphthongs ~two vewels close together in the same syllable. They are jong sounds. The first partis stressed more than the second. Practise saying the words one column at atime. Pay. attention to the length of the sound underlined Rememberto stress the first partof the sound most. 3 Goto the Key words for Units 1~ 6.Find words that coniain the diphthong sounds Reading Trends in visitor attractions 11 What changes have there been in the four categories of attractions in the last thirty years? Think about when your parents were the age that you are now. 2 Read the article, Did you identify any of the changes ‘mentioned? What other trends are described? 3 Find atleast one example of ach ofthe four categories of types of visitor attraction, 4 Find examples of particular ways in which attractions are made more interesting and exciting Asthe wishes and tastesof tourists and visitors change, tourist attractions have to change as well. In the last twenty or thirty years, there have been some significant developments. Natural attractions like sandy beaches and mountains cannot change very much, but nevertheless there have been developments, in particular a concem to preserve ‘the environment and to make any buildings fit into the ratural context Pethaps the greatest changes have been in man-made attractions like museurns and historic sites, which have become more interesting and entertaining places to visit, while still maintaining their role of teaching visitors about the many of them. theairn isnot just to display the past, but to take visitors intothe past inan interactive way. Some have been converted into ‘living museurns' where actorsin costumes meet the public and play the roles of characters from the past. tn others, historyismade vivid and exciting throughthe use of eaistic waxworks, animatronic models, sounds, and even smells,to conjure up a sense of the past ‘Traditional festivals by definition donot change very ‘much, but there has been a trend to increase the number of special events and festivals as cities realise that holding a music festival oran arts eventisa good way of attracting tourists. Entertainment and leisure facilities are always having to change. In the developed world, the sim rectangular swimming pooi. for example, is no longer enough ~it has to bea water park, with flumes, chutes splash zones,and wave machines. The tourist is always looking fornew attractions, ana the ‘attractions industry’has to keep on changing, 62 Unit? Vocabulary Architectural features 1 Match the pictures of architectural features with the glossary of terms, Glossary arch curved siuctte with sivaight sides, often sxppoting o bidge or obelisk tll pointed stone column with four sides, put up in memory the rool dio lorge of person oran event building Portola lege impressive column ill, solid door orerktonce verlical pos! made of sion, supporting or decorating a building oF standing alone spire tall, pointed tower ‘onthe top of a chuich tower tall, noriow building, or port of o eee ae ‘ootona building, either square or lel round fagade the fiont watt | sauhted ceil ling alae balding hal | Seocrted oat moe yousse from Ihe oulsIC® | from a sates of arches minaret toll, hin ower, | isined iogether usually forming part of o mosque 2 Inwhich type of building would you find thera (eg. cathedral, mosque”? 3. Canyou think of any famous buildings that have these features? 4 Addone of these words to the word groups construct granite long show high, wide thick, underneath, in front of, statue alongside depict, represent, 1 2 3 4 build, erect, S_ marble, stone, 6 carving, sculpture, Reading Two top Paris attractions Read the descriptions of two famous buildings in Paris. Each description has four sections. Which section 1 describes the use and function af the building? 2 describes when and why itwas built? 3 gives some detailed description? 4. givesa general physical description? Arcde Triomphe The Arcde Triomphe was erected inthe early 19th century asa tribute to the French array of Napoleon, tis built of marble, } Thearch is over 50 metres high, 45 metres wide, and 22 metres thick. © Thereare four sculptures carvedon the facade. ‘The most famous is La Marseiliaise. It depicts the departure of the volunteers encouraged by winged figure representing France. 4. Thearch isused for special processions. Undermeath the archis the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. A flasae ist every evening at 6.30pm. Notre-Dame cathedral ‘The cathedral of Notre-Dame was started by Bishop de Sully in 1163 and work continued for nearly 200 years. It was completed in1345. The cathedral is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and stands in the centre of Paris on the Nle-de-la-Cité. Itis undoubtedly the finest example of French gothicarchitecture. The twin towers are a famous feature ofthe Paris skyline,and are 69 metres high ‘The spire, which was added in the 19th century, is ‘90 metres high. The facade is the most striking part of the building The three portals are adorned with remarkable stone sculptures, including the Last Judgement The rose window in the facade was built over 700 years ago and is magnificent. The cathedral is still used for regular church services as well as special occasions. The vast interior can accommodate 3,000 people. French toad distances are established from the’0 krw point located on the square in front of the cathedral entrance. Attractions and events 63, © Language spot The Passive Find a form of these verbs in the descriptions in Reading 1 erect 4 use 7 continue 10 establish 2 build 5 light 8 stand 3 depict 6 start 9 adorn a. Which are Present tenses and which are Past tenses? b Which are Passive and which are Active? ¢ Find other examples of Passive and Active verbs Is the Passive used more than the Active because 1. descriptions like thisare more formal? 2. weare thinking about what is done tothe thing we are interested in, not about what it does? 3 someti we don’t know who or whatdoes the action (ie, whois the’agent’)? 4 itmakes the text more interesting? Which preposition (by, of for) is used to describe 1. the person (or thing) who did it? 2. the reason or function? 3. the material used? White descriptions using these notes [2] Nelson's Column, London + In Trafalgar Square ~ constructed 1829-1841 ~ commemorate Battle of Trafalgar 1805 + Columnn= Sto ma; statue of Nelson 5.5m. Granite + Base: 4 giant bronze lions (sealptor = Landseer) ~ represent strength of British Empire + A place te meet — celebrating New Year 2 Buckingham Patace, Landon + Originally « country house for Duke of Buckingham ~ converted ta palace 1625 (architect = Nast) + Official royal residence 1837—present + Facade redesigned 1913 — 425 vacnes (78 bathrsonns) — employs 335 staff + Buckingham Palace open, to public August and September. Also art gallery » Goto Grammarzeference p.122 64 Unit? —— eee lagoon (n} lake of salt water that is separated rom the sea bya reefor anavea of rock orsand ‘mass (a) a ceremony heldin memory ofthe last meal that Christ had with his discipres pplague(n) aninfectious disease that killsa lot of people redeemer() Jesus Christ Listening Describing a festival 1 @ Listen toa guide describing the Festa del Redentore inVenice.As you listen, follow the written text and indicate places where the guide 1 adds something that is not in the text (+, 2 misses out, changes, or uses different words |_' The first paragraph is done for you as an example 2 Goto p13 and check your answers. 3 G Listen again. Complete the key expressions used by the guide 1 Good morning Welcome to Venice 2 Myname is Carlotta andI___ your guide forthis weekend. 3 Before Istart,can meat the back? 4 Letmestart a litle about the history of ‘the festival 5. From1S75 1077, 5, —.., Venice was 6 Now, the festivalitself: What is this 7 by if you're wondering about 8 Theclimax of the festival and the most significant part if you remember about the history of the festival, is 9 Ohonethng! isthat 10 So,that’s the Festa de\Pedentore. As. it’s a wonderful event, Mi Arethere __? Introduction ‘The Festa del Redentore the Festival ofthe Redeemer ~isa high pointofthe Venice summer. Thanks to a spectacular firework display, the Redentore isa major taurstatraction. History From 1575~77, Venice was hit by terrible plague which Killed more than a third ofthe city’s inhabitants, In 1576, the city’s leader, the Doge, promised to erect a church dedicated tothe Redeemer, in retum for help in ending the plague. On july 13, 1577, the plague was declared cover, and work began to construct the church. Itwas also decided that Venice would forever give thanks on the third Sunday of uly. Look at the comparison between the characteristics of written and spoken descriptions. written Spol Use ofheadings and Introductory phrases (e.g. Let paragraphs ‘me star by telling you about...) Longersentences, Shorter sentences; sentence breaks Passive forms: Passive is used, but not so ~ frequently ~instead use of ‘you'(eg Youcan make arrangements...) Interaction with the audience Nointeraction with the reader (e.g.Can youll hear me at the back?) Punctuation Pauses, finking (eg.brackets) phrases (eg. 8y the way...) Find examples of each characteristic (written and spoken) in the text and script about the Festa del Redentore, Attractions andevents 65 Festivals andeventsareamongthe most coverage, effect economicimpact, and successful tools available tocommunities, enhance the quality of if for those who cies, states, regions, and countries to hivethere, Increase tourism, create powerfuland FEA memorable branding and imaging (international festivals ond Events ‘opportunities,encourage positve media Associaton) What happens. From early onthe Saturday, boats are decorated with flowers, lanterns, and balloons. St Mark's lagoon fils ‘as many astwo thousand boats, theiroccupants eating and drinkingas they wait fr the traditional spectacular display of fireworks. (Arrangements can easily be made through yourhotel for an evening with dinner on boat.) At around 11.30 p.m.,the display begins and the lagoon becomes one of the most atmospheric stages in the world, fireworks illuminating the spires, domes, and bell towers ofthe city. ‘OnSunday, a pontoon of decorated gondolas and other ‘oats strung across the Giudecca canal toallow the faithful towalk to the church ofthe Redentore. The signpost list twokilometres from the sights and sounds of one 8 awritten board that gives ‘of theworld’s most beautiful cities, hes been usedas a directions and distances 1 waxworks fort, alighthouse, and a prison. Today, itisa Golden 9 repeating the actions of Gate National Recreation Area, and the National Park past event | Service is working to make it accessible to visitors, 10 activity ia which you take the preserve its buildings, protectiits birds and other partof someonselse 11 exhibition of models of people (not moving) 12 plece of paper to write down anewers toquestions azyou | visit an attraction 3B clothes from the past 14 recorded description of anattraction 2. Atwhich attractions would you expect tofind these people and things? Find out Choose fourat you made in Vocabulary on p 60. Try toinclude one from each of the categories, Find out more about each. one and complete the table.In the final row, include your personal opinion of how exciting and entertaining the attraction is. ‘Attraction Description Website Changesin | last 20/ 30years Opening hours / visitor information Speaking Bringing attractions to life Workin groups Choose the two visitor attractions from Find out which had the lowest excitement /entertainment rating. Decide how they could be made more exciting and entertaining, and ‘brought alive’ for example, by using actors, animatronics, waxworks, audio-tours, and soon, 2. show your ideas to another group ctions from your country froma the list Excitement / entertainment rating (005) Attractions and events 67 Checklist Ican talkabout visitor attractions in general can write descriptions of built attractions Ican describe festivals and events I can discuss different ways of bringing attractions tolife ST Key words Nouns activity sheet animatronics arch audio-tour colurnn dome facade marble monument, national park parade period costume procession ranger re-enactment sculpture waxworks Adjective dedicated to Verbs construct depict erect represent eS Next stop 1 Have youever been ona coach tour or {guided tour that you have either really enjoyed or really disliked? Where wasit? What did you see? 2 What made the toursuccessful / unsuccessful? 3. What problems do you think can occurona guided tour,eitherona coach or another form of transport?

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