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Rediscovery of the Neotropical orchid Porroglossum parsonsii and

recommendations for its conservation

Article in Oryx · March 2024

DOI: 10.1017/S0030605324000139


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5 authors, including:

Edicson Parra Sanchez Juan Sebastian Moreno

University of Cambridge Fundación Ecotonos


Sebastian Vieira-Uribe Luis Baquero

Fundacion Ecotonos Universidad de Las Américas


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Rediscovery of the Neotropical orchid Porroglossum
parsonsii and recommendations for its conservation
SEBASTIÁN V I E I R A - U R I B E  ,  ,  , L U I S B A Q U E R O  ,  and D A V I D P . E D W A R D S 

Abstract Understanding the distribution and habitat re- Porroglossum parsonsii Luer is one such species for
quirements of species is crucial for designing conservation which there is no geographical or ecological information.
actions, yet this information is not available for many It is one of the  known species in the genus (Karremans
plant species. We report the first confirmed wild popula- et al., ), which has its greatest diversity in Ecuador
tions of Porroglossum parsonsii, which, because of its (Baquero et al., ) and Colombia (Ortiz-Valdivieso &
horticultural value, is commercialized in national and inter- Uribe-Velez, ). Despite being traded on the global
national markets, from where it was first described to market, the only recognized collection of P. parsonsii is
science. Our large-scale survey of   ×  m plots span- the holotype in herbarium MO, which was exported from
ning Andean forests, paramo habitats and pasturelands in Colombia without any traceable documentation, as sug-
Colombia suggests that P. parsonsii has a restricted geo- gested in the protologue ‘without collection data, obtained
graphical distribution in Andean forests with high forest from a Colombian collector, in , flowered in cultiva-
cover (.–.%), where it occurs in low numbers (– tion . . ., in California’ (C. Luer , MO).
individuals per plot). Because of its market value (USD During a large-scale orchid survey (January –
– per plant) there is a risk the species could be collected December ) we found natural populations of P. parsonsii
illegally, and therefore the habitat of the species in the for the first time (voucher E.Parra-Sanchez , herbarium
Santuario de Fauna y Flora de Iguaque requires appropriate VALLE, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Palmira; Plate
conservation. ). We surveyed  randomly located  ×  m plots in
Andean forests, paramo habitats and pasturelands in the
Keywords Andean biodiversity, Colombia, endemism,
Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. Our survey
habitat loss, horticultural value, Orchidaceae, Porroglossum
covered c.  km from north to south over ,–, m
parsonsii, threatened species
elevation (Fig. ; for additional details see Parra-Sanchez
et al., ). In each plot we recorded adult orchid indivi-
duals in the understorey (up to  m aboveground).
O rchidaceae is one of the most species-rich families
(Plants of the World Online, ), yet an estimated
, orchid species are threatened with extinction (Zizka
Surveys, by EP-S, required – h per plot. Around each
plot we quantified forest cover in  buffer zones to esti-
et al., ). This estimate only includes species for which mate the potential available habitat for species (, ,
the taxonomy is clear and for which basic knowledge re- , , , ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , and
garding geographical location, habitat requirements and/ , m; Fahrig, ; Hansen et al., ). We used
or population size exists (Luer, ; Kelloff & Kass, ; landscapemetrics (Hesselbarth et al., ) in R .. (R
Parra et al., ). For many orchid species such knowledge Core Team, ) to quantify the forest cover in each buf-
is lacking, and therefore there is inadequate information for fer based on the  m resolution global change forest map
appropriate conservation actions. from  (Hansen et al., ).
We found P. parsonsii in two of the  plots, separated
by . km, with forest cover of .–.% in the protected
area Santuario de Fauna y Flora de Iguaque at , m, and
.–.% cover in Arcabuco at , m in a forest patch
*Corresponding author,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, School of Biosciences, University of c.  m from a dirt road and near pasturelands (Fig. ).
Sheffield, Sheffield, UK The species grows as an epiphytic plant on mature trees
(tree density .–. trees/m), with low local population
Grupo de Investigación Schultes, Fundación Ecotonos, Cali, Colombia
Departamento de Biología, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia
Sociedad Colombiana de Orquideología, Medellín, Colombia sizes (– adult individuals per plot). We have not extrapo-
Grupo de Investigación en Biodiversidad Tropical, Jardín Botánico de lated this local density to a larger area as P. parsonsii prob-
Medellín, Medellín, Colombia
Grupo de Investigación en Medio Ambiente y Salud BIOMAS, Carrera de
ably grows in non-uniform, small and widely spaced
Ingeniería Agroindustrial y Alimentos, Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias clusters, as suggested by our surveys and by surveys else-
Agropecuarias, Universidad de Las Américas, Quito, Ecuador where of other orchid species in related genera (Peláez
Department of Plant Sciences and Conservation Research Institute, University
of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. et al., ; Baquero & Meyer, ; Kindlmann et al., ).
Received  September . Revision requested  November .
Our extensive survey suggests P. parsonsii has a limited
Accepted  January . geographical range, a non-uniform occurrence within the

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (, which permits unrestricted re-use,
distribution and reproduction, provided the original article is properly cited.
Oryx, Page 1 of 4 © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605324000139 Published online by Cambridge University Press
2 E. Parra‐Sanchez et al.

PLATE 1 Porroglossum parsonsii

Luer showing (a) habit,
(b) peduncle and flower,
(c) dissected sepals, petals and
lip, spread, (d) ovary, column
and lip, lateral view, (e) detail
of the lip, lateral view, and
(f) detailed pollinia and anther
cap. Photographs: JSM and
SV-U from in situ plants.
Voucher preserved as
E.Parra-Sanchez  at
herbarium VALLE.

same habitat or across habitats in the region and a small Ecuagenera, ), with the origins of these traded plants
population size. Porroglossum parsonsii should probably being unknown. We speculate that individuals were taken
be categorized as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red from the wild (either from the localities we report here or
List as it has a restricted distribution (area of occurrence from others nearby) and grown in nurseries, as mentioned
,  km, criterion B; IUCN, ), with a small number in the holotype. Illegal collection of native species is one of
of individuals (, , criterion D), and there is an inferred the greatest threats to orchid diversity (Wraith & Pickering,
past population reduction based on the reduction of habi- ), although the full impact of this on abundance in
tat in the landscape, although the landscape still has high the wild is unknown (Hinsley et al., ; Morton et al.,
structural connectivity and habitat availability. A full Red ). However, frequent illegal collections from orchid
List assessment will require additional information on pop- populations have led to local reductions in the number of
ulation dynamics, and further surveys in the surrounding adult individuals and could affect phenological cycles
areas are required to identify whether there are any (Emeterio-Lara et al., ).
additional populations. We recommend that Santuario de Fauna y Flora de
Porroglossum parsonsii is traded at a price of USD – Iguaque integrates P. parsonsii into its strategic plan for
per plant (based on the websites Equaflor-A, , and the conservation of threatened species (Díaz, ). This

Oryx, Page 2 of 4 © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605324000139 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Porroglossum parsonsii in the spotlight 3

FIG. 1 Locations of the 

survey sites along the Eastern
Cordillera in the Colombian
Andes (white circles) and the
two locations where we found
Porroglossum parsonsii (black
triangles): (a) Santuario de
Fauna y Flora de Iguaque, and
(b) Arcabuco. The radii in (a)
and (b) indicate the buffers
used to calculate per cent
forest cover around the survey
plot (, , , , ,
,, , ,, ,, ,,
, and , m).

would promote monitoring and conservation of the wild B A Q U E R O , L.E., M I N D A , A.F. & Y E A G E R , J. () A new species of
population. In addition, we recommend protection of the Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae) from the south-east of Ecuador.
Lankesteriana, , –.
trail where the population is located, minimization of the ef-
D Í A Z , M. () Guía Metodológica. Para la planeación y el manejo de
fects of tourism and mechanical damage, further surveys las áreas protegidas administradas por Parques Nacionales Naturales
across Santuario de Fauna y Flora de Iguaque to detect de Colombia. Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia, Bogotá,
any other occurrences of the species, and inclusion of Colombia.
adult plants in the protected area’s nursery. //amspnn_gu__guia-elaboracion-planes-de-manejo-ap_v.
pdf [accessed January ].
Acknowledgements We thank the staff at the Santuario de Fauna y E C U A G E N E R A () [accessed  April ].
Flora de Iguaque and the community of Boyacá. We obtained the ori- E M E T E R I O -L A R A , A., G A R C Í A -F R A N C O , J.G.,
ginal description and drawing of the species from Jardin Botanico H E R N Á N D E Z -A P O L I N A R , M., T O L E D O -H E R N Á N D E Z , V.H.,
Lankester. LB thanks Universidad de las Américas de Ecuador for V A L E N C I A -D Í A Z , S. & F LO R E S -P A L AC I O S , A. () Does
funding his research. Funding was provided to DPE from the extraction of orchids affect their population structure? Evidence
Natural Environment Research Council (Grant NE/R017441/1). This from populations of Laelia autumnalis (Orchidaceae). Forest
is Article 43 of the Biodiversity, Agriculture and Conservation in Ecology and Management, , .
Colombia (Biodiversidad, Agricultura y Conservación en Colombia) E Q U A F LO R -A () Equaflor-A Flor y Flora Ecuatoriana. docplayer.
project. net/-Price-list-equaflor-a-flor-y-flora-ecuatoriana.html
[accessed  April ].
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4 E. Parra‐Sanchez et al.

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