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Tropical Landscaping

University of Batangas – Lipa Campus

College of Engineering and Architecture
Architecture Department

Submitted to: Ar. Joanne Cristabel S. Bernardino

Pamela Anne Ghail Sarmiento

November 15, 2022


Background 3
Purpose 3
Scope 3
Tropical Landscaping 4
Basic Principles of Tropical Landscaping 5
Elements of Tropical Landscape 8
Tropical Plants / Garden 9
Water Features 10
Conclusion 11
Recommendation 11
References 12




This landscaping outside the house also affects its design style and
overall architecture. A good quality residential area can be highlighted as an
important issue in creating a sustainable living environment when focusing on a
world class living environment. However, most of the time limited green spaces
near residential properties do not support the landscape and are not conducive to
living space.

Landscape, which includes topography, vegetation and associated plants

and soil, water bodies, and their spatial configuration, is one of the most visual
needs of people. These add that human-nature interactions lead human beings
to have contrasting preference on the surrounding landscape and environment
because a pleasing landscape can bring mental and physical benefits to people.
The understanding and preference by people on their surrounding landscape
provide a challenge for policy -making and implementation in residential property.
Landscape design is an importance element to housing development since it can
create genius sense of place to the housing area. This will determine the level of
comfort for the residents and the residential areas. Good design should
contribute positively to making places better for people.


The purpose of this study is to promote tropical landscaping as this create

a joyful environment round the building and give the occupants a healthy breath,
good appearance and natural beauty.

This study composes the tropical landscaping as well as its basic
principles, and elements. This will also revolve around the tropical plants and
water features to be used in a tropical garden.

Tropical Landscaping
Tropical landscapes are defined by the area they are native to, which
is tropical areas. They are usually recognized by the bright green of the greenery,
the slight wetness in the area, and the vibrant color of the flowers.

The tropical landscape has less of a history and more of an origin.

Australia, Canada, and Norway have created indoor tropical gardens despite the
harsher outdoor weather, but natural tropical landscapes are found in tropical

The first use of man-made tropical landscapes began in Europe when the
romanticizing of exotic plants came to be. Europeans wanted to create those
visions in their own towns and their own courtyards.

Because traveling during this time was so difficult, explorers would bring
seeds and plants from these tropical areas and sell them to botanists. These
people would expand them by creating tropical gardens.

Then, they would sell the excess to the rich who would create immaculate
tropical landscapes on their own properties. Eventually, there became so many
tropical plants in Europe, that there were enough to sell to the middle class.

Basic Principles of Tropical Landscaping

1. Unity

Unity is a basic principle of landscaping, and is the repetition and

consistency of a design. Repetition is used to bring about unity in your design by
repeating like elements which include plants and decor in the landscape.
Consistency is used to create unity by fitting different elements of a landscape
together to create a common unit or theme.

2. Balance

Balance is simply a sense of equality. There are two types of balance in

design: symmetrical and asymmetrical balance. In symmetrical balance, two
sides of the landscape are identical while in asymmetrical balance, the landscape

composition is balanced using different elements and objects which have almost
similar imaginary weight.

3. Contrast and Harmony

Contrast helps highlight certain elements in your design, while harmony helps
elements in a landscape composition look unified. Contrasting elements draw the
viewer’s attention when they’re placed next to each other. Contrast and harmony
are achieved by the juxtaposition of any elements of art or using complementary
colors side by side.

4. Color

Color gives your landscape design the dimension of real life. Warm colors (e.g.
red and orange) seem to advance towards you, making an object seem closer.
While cool colors like blues and greens seem to move away from you. Blues and
greens are used to create perspective.

5. Transition

Transition is simply a gradual change. Transition in a landscape design is

illustrated by gradually varying the plant size or the color intensity. Transition can
also be applied to texture, foliage shape and size of different elements.

6. Line

Line is the mother of all elements in landscape design. Lines are used almost
everywhere including creating beds, entryways, walkways, texture and
perspective. Lines are also used to give an illusion of depth and distance.

7. Proportion

Proportion refers to the size of an element in relation to the other. Among the
principles of landscape design, this is the most obvious one but still needs a little
planning and thought. One must ensure that all the elements in a landscape
design have proper proportions.

8. Repetition

Repetition is directly related to unity. It’s good to have several elements and
forms in a garden, but repeating the same elements gives your design various
expressions. Too many objects that are not related can make your design look
unplanned and cluttered. Also, don’t overuse an element since over using an
element can make your design feel boring, uninteresting, and monotonous.

Elements of Tropical Landscape

Because the air of peace and tranquility is at the heart of an exotic garden
display, one can adapt this design style to suit any climate. The plants don't have
to be technically tropical in nature; they just need to contribute to the overall
appearance and character of a tropical garden.
 Focus on foliage: Large, lush, and lavish foliage is often the main focus in
tropical gardens. These plants flaunt virtually all shades of green with a
striking contrast of textures between large-leafed plants, those with long, slim
fronds, and the lacy look of ferns.
 Surround yourself with plants: Plant densely on multiple levels using
plantings of varying heights, from towering trees to ground cover. Hanging
baskets and raised beds are fantastic for creating an encompassing cocoon
of plant life.
 Keep it vibrant: Tropical gardens wouldn't be complete without the hot colors
of flowers and accessories like cushions, bringing to mind the exotic birds that
inhabit rain forests. Bright shades of yellow, orange, red, and pink are just
right for accenting tropical gardens.
 Celebrate water: An abundance of large-leafed plants implies a wealth of
water, and what better way to suggest this than including a water feature?
The sight, sound, and fresh scent of flowing water really plays up the feeling
of being in a tropical location.

Tropical Plants / Garden

Since tropical gardens tend to be located in areas with large amounts of

rainfall, and since they need a lot of water, paving styles are chosen to withstand
weather and moisture. Using gravel around pavers allows for quick drainage, and
mulch retains moisture to keep gardens well-hydrated. Since weeds can quickly
get out of control, a wider walkway is a good idea, as is a heavy application of
mulch that is refreshed periodically as needed. Cedar mulch can help cut down on
insects as well, without resorting to chemicals.

Tropical gardens are usually very colorful and lush, to begin with, but using
pieces of sculpture and furnishings can help enhance comfort. Suitable objects for
decorating a tropical garden include any representations of tropical birds such as
flamingoes, pelicans, or egrets. Furniture could include hanging chairs or

hammocks, and comfy chairs made with teak, rattan, or bamboo with colorful
cushions that complement the landscape's bright colors.

There are many types of plants suitable for creating a tropical landscaping
design, whether in beds or in containers. Bromeliads, orchids, palm
trees (Arecaceae), and hibiscus are just a few ideas to start with. Sometimes
including very large-leafed plants (like Colocasia, also known as Elephant Ear)
creates an optical scale that feels tropical. Also, you can create the illusion of
tropical planting with brightly-hued annual flowers
like portulacas, dahlias, snapdragons, impatiens, and petunias, all of which are
easy to care for, widely available, and suitable for container planting.

Water Features

Including a water feature in a tropical garden design gives it authenticity. It

can also be a good way to keep moisture in the air for thirsty tropical plants and
provide a water source for thirsty pollinators or wildlife who stop by.



It is possible to conclude that landscape design has an impact on house’s

overall values in residential development. Most users believe that landscape
design is important in their neighborhoods. However, there are many constraints
and limitations in terms of planning and guidelines that must be followed in order
to use this landscape design. Similarly, a residential development strategy that
works within the constraints and opportunities provided by the landscape will not
only reduce negative effects but will also provide environmental, social, and
economic benefits. Housing constructed today will not only help to shape the
environment in the near future, but will also leave a legacy in determining the
environmental quality of many areas.


As cities continue to grow, so will the demand for community green

spaces and personal backyard oases. In fact, landscaping is essential for
maintaining a healthy body and mind. When people choose to add creative
landscapes, they actually helping the environment while also increasing the
bottom line if the landscape design is properly implemented.

Landscaping enhances the quality of life in cities by providing both

physical and psychological benefits. Simply looking at plants, for example, has
been shown to lower blood pressure. Even in the middle of a city, walking
through a natural environment improves attention and memory. People who live
in communities with community green spaces have lower stress levels and lower
healthcare costs.


Aloi, P. (2021), What Is Tropical Landscaping?,
Mohd Hussain, M.R., et al.(2014), The Impact of Landscape Design on
House Prices and Values in Residential Development in Urban Areas,
Medlock, E. (2021), Create A Tropical Landscape Getaway In Your Own

Peterson, J. (2021), Tropical Garden Design Ideas - Your Staycation

Richard’s (2018), 8 Basic Principles of Landscape Design,
The Ground Guys (2014), The Benefits of Landscaping,

Whiting, D. and de Jong, J. (2014), Water Wise Landscape Design:

Principles of Landscape Design,

Zheng, B., Zhang, Y., And Chen, J. (2011). Preference to home

landscape: wildness or neatness? Landscape and Urban, Planning, 99: 1-8.

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