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Written Test: Short Quiz (PICK ‘N TRICK)

Direction: Identify the word by picking the letters with their corresponding numbers (values). After
identifying the word(s), get the sum of each word. Create a word by choosing the last digit.
A -1 J – 10 S – 19
B -2 K – 11 T – 20
C–3 L – 12 U – 21
D-4 M – 13 V – 22
E–5 N – 14 W – 23
F–6 O – 15 X – 24
G–7 P - 16 Y – 25
H-8 Q – 17 Z - 26
I–9 R – 18

1. It is worn to avoid getting dark from the sun.

12 10 +5 14 G 19 8+4 E 2+3 11+11 5


2. It is worn to protect hearing from loud machinery or equipment noise.

5 1 R 10 +3 11+10 6 3+3 10+9


3. A wide-brimmed hat designed to provide shade and protect against sun exposure during
outdoor work.

19 10+ 11 N 4+4 A 10+10



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