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Online Final Examination Procedure Consent Form

1) To ensure a smooth process and proper observation during the examination
session, students will be divided into smaller groups of up to 20 students, who
will be observed via the CITY U LMS platform by an invigilator at the scheduled

2) Thirty minutes (30 minutes) extra time is added to each final exam session
scheduled for the group to ensure that students have enough time in case of
synchronization or any other external issues.

3) Any technical issues while submitting answers online must be reported to the
respective invigilator immediately or within the 30 minutes of extra time given.
It is the student's responsibility to make sure they upload/submit the correct files
or complete answer scripts. Re-examination or appeal requests will not be
entertained if the complaint is not made immediately or within the 30 minutes
of extra time given.

4) If a student is unable to start the exam due to technical issues, he/she will be
asked to leave the examination session and has to apply for a Special
Examination/Resit Examination with evidence and justification.

5) Students must equip themselves with mobile apps or equipment that can help
to scan the answer script in ONE PDF FILE, like CamScanner, Microsoft Office
Lens (phone apps for PDF), or other relevant Apps or scan-friendly equipment.

6) Students must finish the exam within the specified time and will still be marked
even if they did not manage to answer all the exam questions on time.
Questions which are not answered will be marked zero.

7) Please be reminded that all examination sessions will be recorded to secure

the quality of the online exam and for the CITY U online examination purposes.
Every effort will be put to ensure confidentiality.

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1) Students must carefully listen and follow instructions provided by the invigilator.

2) Students can start the examination after the invigilator confirms that all rules
have been followed.

3) Students are required to switch on the camera throughout the examination

session. Failing to do so without a valid reason is considered a major offence
and will be penalized.

4) During all examination sessions, students have to ensure that they are alone in
the room.

5) During all examination sessions, students must turn off all personal devices that
can disturb the online examination unless it is used to communicate with the
invigilator for online exam purposes and has to be placed at a location that can
be seen by invigilators at all times.

6) During all examination sessions, students are not allowed to use any other
devices or applications except CITY U LMS or other sites permitted by the
course invigilator.

7) Students must inform the invigilator through the CITY U LMS chat box about
the completion of the exam. They can only leave after receiving the invigilator's
confirmation and permission.

8) Under any circumstances, students are not allowed to disturb other students
during the examination session.

9) Students are NOT ALLOWED to communicate with other parties (either face-
to-face, by phone, or by text) other than the invigilator during the examination.

10) Students are NOT ALLOWED to share any documents, recorded videos, or
pictures relating to the online examination with any third party or social media.
Actions will be taken against the students who are caught doing so.

11) Students are not allowed to leave the examination video-conferencing within
the first 30 minutes, and 15 minutes before the examination ends. If the
students need to leave before the examination ends, he/she must inform the

12) Thirty minutes (30 minutes) extra time is added to each final exam session
scheduled for the group to ensure that students have enough time in case of
synchronization or any other external issues.

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13) Any technical issues in submitting answers online must be reported to the
respective lecturer immediately or within 30 minutes of extra time. Students
have to ensure that they submit the correct files or complete answer scripts. No
appeal will be entertained for incorrect files or incomplete answers scripts.
Request for re-examination or appeal will not be entertained if the complaints
are not made by students to their lecturers immediately or within the given 30
minutes of extra time.

14) During the online examination, the integrity and honesty of the student are also
tested. Under any circumstances, students are not allowed to cheat during the
examination session. If any kind of cheating behaviour is observed, CITY U has
the right to follow the related terms and provisions stated in the respective
Academic Regulations Handbook and apply the needed measures.

15) The students must ensure the quality of the images that have been scanned.
Make sure that the scanned document is clear, not blurry or fuzzy. Before the
submission, make sure the file is the correct one.

Academic offences are acts which would have the effect of unfairly promoting or
enhancing one’s academic standing within the entire community of City University.
The following is a list of some academic offences.

1) Plagiarism. This consists of but is not limited to, copying portions of the writing
of others with only minor changes in wording, with (a) inadequate footnotes,
quotes, or other reference forms of citation or (b) only providing a list of
references. Paraphrasing without appropriate citation is also plagiarism. The
course lecturer has the authority to screen for plagiarism using Similarity
Checker software (Turnitin). The similarity index must be less than 30%.

2) Giving or receiving or possessing any information which is related to the

examination questions during the conduct of the examination.
3) Referring and using any prohibited reference material in or outside the
Examination Hall/Room for cheating during the examination.

4) Communicating with other students about cheating during the examination.

5) Soliciting, obtaining, possessing, or distributing to another person an
examination document before or after the administration of the examination.
6) Substituting for, arranging for substitution by another student, or representing
oneself as another person during an examination session or comparable

7) Altering or changing an examination or comparable document to mislead


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8) If a student is found and proven guilty with evidence of cheating during the
period of examination, he/she will be required to leave the exam venue and his
/ her examination paper will be confiscated and the exam can be annulled.

9) If a student is suspected of cheating during an examination, invigilators will

remark a designated examination report form, but the student will be allowed to
continue and finish his / her examination. The case will then be handled by a
disciplinary committee.

10) Students who violate any part of the Examination Rules and Regulations will be
referred to the University Disciplinary Committee. If found guilty, students may
be subjected to the imposition of any one or a combination of two or more of
the following penalties:
a) Warning

b) Fine of not more than RM 500.00 (USD 150)

c) Given an ‘F’ grade for that particular subject.

d) Nullification of the entire examination results for that semester

e) Suspension from the University for some time

f) Expulsion from the University

I consent to the online examination sessions being recorded by City University (City

I explicitly confirm that I fully understand and agree to comply with the procedures,
conditions and rules of online examination stated above.


Student ID No:

IC No. /Passport No:

Subject Code:
Subject Name: Signature


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