DotNetInterviewQ&APNO 20190710 0001

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Top 50 Technical and Non-Technical Ouestions

[fo]". fl',rS ,, , haltenge" Vnu ,-noufi gur=t least get 15 question, fro*-gi", top 50 most asked


Can you explain architecture of your current proiect?

Note: ! think 40% of .NET interuiew stafts with ihis question. tselow is a sample answer and wilt
differ from developer to developer.

My current architecture is a three-layer architecture with Ul (User lnterface) made in ASP.NET MVC
(Model/View/Controller). middle-tier having the business logic and the data access layer created by
using Entitv Framework code first. lt foliows MVC architecture and uses Unity Di (Dependency
!njection) to decoupie the layers.
We also have a common library which is shared in our project and for external customer we have
exposed a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service.

What role did you play in your proiect and company?

I fvcter Do not answer in one line tike ! am developer, proieci manager, talk end]o-end. This will
help interv-iewer to understand much better abaut you completely. Below is a simple sample
answer hout professionais reply

My roie was end-io-end. I yras involveo right frorn the requirement phase where I was a member of
requirement gathering team and helped the team in requirement documentation.
I was also actively involved irr design phase to conceptualize the technical aspect cf the project.
M!, main role was in derrelopment / coding phase where ! was invoived in coding and unit testing.
I also piayed an important role in acceptance testing v,ihere I helped the team to fix defects, and issues
raised by testers and end users.
i am also partly involved with the COE group where { heip developers in the company to upgrade to
new technologies.

Note: tf yau are a part of other activities like training, quality, pre"sales team, estimation etc., speak
about the same during interview.Companies look out for mullitasking capabilities rather than
sp ec if ic capabi I iti es.

What is your salary expectation?

This is a very complex question it the end of the book we have a complete Capter it last current .NET
developer salary packages and some tips for negotiation will be disctrssed.

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