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Advantage and Disadvantage of College Online Enrollment form on Grade 12 Senior High School Learners in

Japan Philippine Institute of Technology, San Jose Del Monte Campus

Name (optional): Age:
Sex: M ( ) F ( ) Strand and Section:
Instructions: Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each statement by checking one of the following
options: Strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree and strongly disagree. There are no right or wrong answers. Your
answers will be kept confidential
Items Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

1. Do you think that online enrollment saves money

by eliminating the needs of travel

2. Is online enrollment contributes to increased

accessibility for individuals with busy schedules?

3. Do you think that online enrollment saves time

compared to traditional in-person enrollment?

4. Do you believe that online enrollment provides

increased flexibility in managing your schedule?

5. Do you think online enrollment flexibility

contribute to better time management for balancing
work, personal commitments, and academic
6. How much do technical issues during online
enrollment negatively impact your college
enrollment experience?

7. To what extent do you believe that the

complexity of the online enrollment interface
hinders your ability to navigate through the
college's website?
8. Do you believe that digital accessibility barriers
hinder your ability to navigate and use the online
enrollment system for college courses?

9. Do you believe that the lack of personal

interaction in online college enrollment negatively
impacts the learners enrollment experience?

10. Do you think internet connectivity affect

college online enrollment negatively impacts
the learners enrollment?

11. Do you think college online enrollment

enhances the overall efficiency and effectiveness
of administrative tasks?

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