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The Current Status and Future Trends

in the Use of Russian Research Reactors
N.V. Arkhangelsky
Ministry for Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation
Staromonetny, 26 101000 Moscow, Russia


The report presents a survey of the current situation in using, modernization and upgrading of
operating Russian research reactors. Also the report throws light upon the problems of the
development of fuel elements and assemblies for research reactors. The perspectives of up-
grading of operating research reactors and constructing of new reactors are discussed in con-
nection with future plans in developing of nuclear science and technology.


In Russia, the first research reactor was started in 1946. Since then many research reactors,
differing as to type, power level and experimental programmes, were developed and
constructed. In total, there are 18 civilian steady power research reactors in operation in
Russia, not counting several dedicated and prototype reactors and critical assemblies (or zero-

The important peculiarity of Russian research reactors is the large variety of types of fuel as-
semblies that are used in different reactors. At the present time, more than ten types of fuel
assemblies are in use. The fuel elements distinguish on the geometrical types, the enrichment
of uranium, the height of the active part, the types of fuel materials.

Clearly, to construct and operate for a long time so many reactors, it was essential to create a
national school of designing, construction and operation of research reactors. It is important
that an ingeneous domestic fuel fabrication technology was developed for research reactors.
This technology has some advantages over the technology for fabricating MTR type fuel
because the amount of structural materials uses in the core is minimized and not more than
the amount necessary for fuel elements fabrication.

In the former Soviet Union it was developed three generations of fuel elements and
assemblies for research reactors on the basis of using of various aluminum materials (alloys
and oxides).

Enrichment U-235 Thickness Specific heat transfer

Generations Years /1 Concentration (diameter)of fuel surface [m2lu
[gAj MI
First 1954-1970 10-36 50 10 0.098
Second 1963-1985 36-90 58-70 3.2-2.0 0.2-0.362
IThird 11972-till now 190 168-130 11.4-1.25 10.45-0.66 1

Also the Russian Reduced Enrichment Research Reactors Program that was started late in the
70ies, continuing now. The main results of this work would be increase the density of the fuel

meat in the composition on the basis of uranium dioxide and the change of the fuel composi-
tion with high uranium density in aluminum matrix.

Russian research reactors are used to perform numerous studies in different areas of science
and technology: nuclear physics (NP); neutronic studies on condensed-matter physics (CMP);
irradiation material testing for fission and fusion reactors (MT) in experimental loops and rigs;
applied studies (AS) such as radioisotope production, irradiation silicone doping, neutron
activation analysis, neutron radiography. Every scientific program is supported by big quantity
of unique experimental facilities.

With so many research reactors in operation in Russia, it proved possible to enlarge

experimental capabilities based on upgrading them rather than constructing new ones. That is
why Russian research reactors underwent numerous rconstructions during their lifetime.
All reconstructions pursued the objective of increasing the neutron fluxes in experimental
facilities. Naturally, this called for improving the core neutronics and thermal hydraulics,
updating the cooling system parameters. Core neutronics improvement consisted mainly in
increasing uranium-235 content in the core and limiting harmful neutron absorption. This
allowed to minimize ctical and working core volume, hence increasing the ratio of the neutron
flux to the reactor power. So the development of new fuel elements and assemblies is the key
problem of every reconstruction.

One recent example of reconstruction of research reactor is the renovation of a very high flux
reactor - SM-2 in RIAR (Dimitrovgrad). The upgraded reactor, called now SM-3, is much safer
than it was prior to modernization. During upgrading, a new reactor vessel was installed inside
the existing one to avoid core dewatering during accidents with leakage in the main vessel.
Now Russian design institutes develop the design of the reconstruction of the material testing
reactor MIR in RIAR (Dimitrovgrad), pool type reactor - WWR-TS in Obninsk and several
another reactors.

In the nearest future it is possible to develop and to construct of new research reactors. Now
the design of new pulse type reactor - MIGR is in progress.


The general opinion of the Russian specialists and official persons is that the maintaining of
research reactors is absolutely necessary for to guarantee the safe operation of NPIP and de-
velopment of new NPP; to develop fundamental and applied research using neutrons; to pro-
duce radioisotopes.

The irradiation possibilities of Russian research reactors in general are sufficient for today and
for the nearest future but it is necessary to realize some modifications of experimental facili-
ties. The main direction of upgrading of experimental possibilities of Russian research reactors
is reconstruction and modernizabon (SM-3, MIR, WWR-TS, IVV-2M, R-50). The another rea-
son for the modernization of Russian research reactors is the ageing of the equipment of re-
actors because the majority of reactors is very old.

The new fuel elements and assemblies for Russian research reactors shall be developed.
We also propose to convert the composition using in the fuel elements of Russian research
reactors in connection with the problem of the reduction of enrichment of uranium in research


During fifty years many research reactors were developed and constructed in Russia.These
reactors have different types, power levels and experimental programmes.

Russian research reactors are used to perform numerous studies in different areas of science
and technology such as: nuclear physicsneutronic studies on condensed-matter physics,
irradiation material testing for fission and fusion reactors in experimental loops and rigs and
applied studies (radioisotope production, irradiation silicone doping, neutron activation
analysis, neutron radiography).

Russian research reactors underwent numerous reconstructions during their lifetime. All
reconstructions pursued the objective of increasing the neutron fluxes in experimental facilities.
Now the experimental possibilities of Russian research reactors are sufficient for Russian
nuclear power program, fundamental investigations and applied works.
Ageing of the equipment and the problem of insufficient funding of research reactors require
the necessity of shutdown of some reactors.


1. ARKHANGELSKY N.V., ADEN V.G., STETSKIY Y.A. et al. "State-of-the Art and Trends in
the Development of the Fuel Elements for Russian Research Reactors in Russia". The report
presented to the 1993 nternational Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test
Reactors. Oarai, Japan.
2. ADEN V.G., ARKHANGELSKY N.V., STETSKIY Y.A., YENIN A.A. et al. "The Current State
of the Russian Reduced Enrichment Research Reactors Program". The report presented to the
1994 nternational Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors. Wil-
liamsburg, Virginia, USA.
3. ARKHANGELSKY N.V. "The Problems of Treatment of Irradiated Fuel at Russian Research
Reactors. IAEA-TECDOC-786, Experience with Spent Fuel Storage at Research and Test Re-
actors, 1995.

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