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3/14/24, 7:42 AM SAP HANA PAL – K-Means Algorithm or How to do Cust...

- SAP Community

Prepare the Data

The first step is creating a table that will contain information on customers mobile phone usage habits with the following


"ID" INTEGER NOT NULL, --> Customer ID

"AVG_CALL_DURATION" DOUBLE, --> Average Call Duration

"AVG_NUMBER_CALLS_RCV_DAY" DOUBLE, --> Average Calls Received per Day

"AVG_NUMBER_CALLS_ORI_DAY" DOUBLE, --> Average Calls Originated per Day

"DAY_TIME_CALLS" DOUBLE, --> Percentage of Calls made during day time hours (9 a.m. - 6 p.m.)

"WEEK_DAY_CALLS" DOUBLE, --> Percentage of Calls made during week days (Monday thru Friday)

"CALLS_TO_MOBILE" DOUBLE, --> Percentage of Calls made to mobile phones

"SMS_RCV_DAY" DOUBLE, --> Number of SMSs received per day

"SMS_ORI_DAY" DOUBLE, --> Number of SMSs sent per day

PRIMARY KEY ("ID")) -to-do-customer-segmentation-for-the/ba-p/12976696/page/2 4/39

3/14/24, 7:42 AM SAP HANA PAL – K-Means Algorithm or How to do Cust... - SAP Community

call SYSTEM.afl_wrapper_generator('PAL_KMEANS_TELCO', 'AFLPAL', 'KMEANS', PDATA_TELCO);

After executing this code we should see a new procedure in the _SYS_AFL schema called PAL_KMEANS_TELCO

Run the K-Means Procedure

I generated the K-Means procedure so now I need to write the code that will execute it:

/* This table will contain the parameters that will be used

during the execution of the KMeans procedure.

For Eexample, the number of clusters you would like to use */


CREATE COLUMN TABLE PAL_CONTROL_TAB_TELCO( -to-do-customer-segmentation-for-the/ba-p/12976696/page/2 11/39

3/14/24, 7:42 AM SAP HANA PAL – K-Means Algorithm or How to do Cust... - SAP Community



Pretty easy huh?

Identify the Right Number of Clusters

Ok, I have my code ready, but I’m missing a very important part, I still don’t know how many Ks I need to specify as the
input parameter (well, I do know because I created the sample data, but let’s pretend I don’t know). There are multiple
techniques to find out how many groups will produce the best clustering, in this case I will use the Elbow Criterion. The
elbow criterion is a common rule of thumb that says that one should choose a number of clusters so that adding another
cluster does not add sufficient information. I will run the code above specifying different number of clusters and for each run
I will measure the total intra-cluster distance. When the distance does not decrease much from one run to the other I will
know the number of groups I need to use. I built the chart below with the results: -to-do-customer-segmentation-for-the/ba-p/12976696/page/2 15/39

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