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Brief Documentation for

CampusClass, A Learning Management System

Developed by : Hassan Ali ( SE - 7th )
Department of CS and IT
Hazara University Mansehra

Introduction :
CampusClass Learning Management System is an innovative educational
platform developed by Hassan Ali, a dedicated student in the Department
of Computer Science and Information Technology at Hazara University
Mansehra. This robust Learning Management System (LMS) is designed
to facilitate efficient and engaging educational experiences for
administrators, lecturers, and students.

Key Features and Technologies:

CampusClass LMS is built using the Django web framework and Django
Rest Framework for seamless data management. The database is powered
by PostgreSQL, ensuring data reliability and security. The user interface
is crafted with a combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, and
Bootstrap, offering an attractive and user-friendly frontend.

User Roles:
CampusClass LMS caters to three distinct user roles:
 Admin: The system's administrator, responsible for managing and
overseeing the entire platform.
 Lecturer: Educators who are assigned courses and responsible for
delivering course content.
 Student: Enrolled users who access course materials and participate in
learning activities.

Login and Registration:

Upon accessing CampusClass LMS, users are greeted with a login page.
Registration is exclusively administered by the system's administrator
(admin). Admin has the privilege to add student and lecturer accounts,
granting them access to the platform.User passwords in CampusClass
LMS are securely hashed for enhanced data security, preventing even
administrators from accessing plain passwords.

Administrator's Dashboard:
Admin enjoys a feature-rich dashboard with the following functionalities:
 Home Menu: Admin can post News and Events that will be displayed
on the dashboards of all students and lecturers, ensuring effective
 Profile Menu: Admin can personalize their profile by adding a profile
picture, name, address, phone number, and changing their password.
 Admin Panel Menu: This comprehensive section allows admin to
Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) Lecturers, students,
sessions, semesters, and manage various aspects of the system.
Admin can perform CRUD operations for Programs and courses,
allocate courses to lecturers, and manage News and events.

Lecturer's Dashboard:
Lecturers, added by the admin, have access to a dashboard with the
following features:
 Home Menu: Lecturers can view News and Events posted by the
 Profile Section: Similar to admin, lecturers can edit their profiles and
add a profile picture.
 My Courses Section: Lecturers can see the courses assigned to them
and upload course materials, including documents and videos for
student access.
 Logout: Lecturers can conveniently log out from the system.

Student's Dashboard:
Students, also added by the admin, access a dashboard with these
 Home Menu: Students can stay updated with News and Events posted
by the admin.
 Profile Section: Like admin and lecturers, students can personalize
their profiles and add profile pictures.
 Add and Drop Course Menu: Students can enroll in courses based on
availability, and they can drop courses as well, if needed.
 My Courses Menu: Once enrolled, students can access their courses
and course materials.
 Logout: Students can securely log out from the system.

CampusClass Learning Management System aims to provide a seamless
and interactive learning environment, fostering collaboration among
students, lecturers, and administrators. With its user-friendly design and
diverse features, it revolutionizes the way education is delivered and

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