EPRA Press Release - Maximum Fuel Price in Kenya 15th Sept To 14th Oct 2023

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MAXIMUM RETAIL PETROLEUM PRICES IN KENYA FOR THE PERIOD 1151 SEPTEMBER 2023 TO 14" OCTOBER 2023, In accordance with Section 101(y) of the Petrofeum Act 2019 and Legal Notice No.192 of 2022, the Energy & Petrolecm Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has ealeulated the maximum retail prices of petroleum products which will be in force from 15% September 2023 10 14" October 2023 ‘Taking into account the weighted average cost of imported refined petroleum products, the changes in the maximum allowed petroleum pump prices in Nairobi are as follows: Super Petrol increases by KShs.1696, Diesel increases by KShs.21.32 per litre and Kerosene increases by KShs33.13 per litre. “The prices are inclusive of the 16% Value Added Tax (VAT) inline with the provisions of the Finance Act 2023, the Tax Laws (Amendment) Act 2020 and the revised rates for excise duty adjusted for infation as per Legal Notice No. 194 of 2020 “The average landed cost of imported Super Petrol increased by 4.80% from USS739.21 per cubic metre in July 2123 to US$774.67 per cubic metre in August 2023; Diesel Increased by 1252% Irom USS701,99 per cubic metre to USS789.89 por cubic metre while Kerosene increased by 19.9% from US$690.58 per cubic metre to USS827.26 per cubic metre. “The changes in the landed costs are summarized in the table 1 ‘Table I: Summary of Landed Costs pRopuct, ju2023 AUG-23 CHANGE Super Petrol (US$/Cubic Metre) 73921 7467. 4.80% Diesel (US8/Cubie Metre) 7m1.99 789.89 nse Kerosene (US$/Cuble Metre) 9058 827.26 19.79% os Page 1 of 12 Dc Currently the country impos all its petroleam product requirements in refined form, The products are traded in intemational markets based on a pricing benchmark provided by ‘SEP Global Platts. Table 2 indicates the trend of petroleam prices in the international markets as provided by S&P Global Plats, ‘Table 2; Evolution of Interna ional Petroleum Prices as provided by S&P Global Platts soiuainet | spat ooca ted Dacad Maal apa] Aiwa maja Doe ‘The trade of petroleum products in the international markets is denominated in United States Dollars (USD), and an exchange rate is applied to convert the USD to KShs during the ‘computation of local pump prices. Table 3 indicates the trend of the USD-KShs exchange zate inthe ast 12 months ‘Table 3: Evolution of USD-KShs Exchange rate = seo2{_oax| noc] oer] ysl roel wad aol sal tone] ‘The trend of the price of Muvban Crude oil inthe last 12 months is a indicated in able 4 Table 4: Trend of Murban Crude Oil Prices sm anid aad ad wl ae ‘sd maf nl ad “sl ‘A summary ofthe resultant retail prices for major towns in Kenya is provided as Annex I ‘while that of wholesale prices at the main supply depots in Kenya is provided as Annex 1. Further, a detailed breakdown of the cost items for retail prices in Nairobi is provided as Annex II for information. Page20f 12 i yt ‘The purpose of the Petroleum Pricing Regulations is to cap the retail prices of petroleum products which are already in the country so that importation and other prudently incurred costs are recovered while ensuring reasonable prices to consumers, EPRA wishes to assure the public ofits continued commitment to the observance of fair competition and protection of the interests of both consumers and investors in the ‘energy and petroleum sectors. Regards, Y Daniel Kiptoo Bargoria DIRECTOR GENERAL 14 September 2023 pac ANNEXI “1 Septem 9078 Tah Qatar 2008 ‘MAXIMUM PUMP PRICES ‘Automotive Superretrot | Diesel | Kerosene Ms) \GO) aK ‘Kshs/_|Koha/t_| _KshsJ ss 2084 19870 20031 ikon Maina 2896 19831 19995 vale a6 19831 199.98 sind 20057 19892 2053 [ngage 2875 19.08 2089 26 19951 O12 211.55 amu 2.66 2.12 0147 7508 2124 20178 21839 Laon zn 20147 215.08 inj BILL 20036 au ren aH 26 a7 amu 20490 19824 1986 ran 2080 om 0.5 a 21055) 19947 201 nda 21070) 20005 20157 olen O87 9809 1587 arr 21027 9.62 EI ies 26H 20,99 2026 21190 a0 as 22.09 am Fag 21195) 20130 2291 21220) 2015 218.16 2i3A8 20.78 2838 712A 228 20079 a7 azo 20870 EIEEEY aA ano 22 aaa ako 21390) Frm 20425 21308 ama 20105 21329 0268 apie 2371 ‘ans 26 m3 En 2M oreo ot ANNEXI ‘MAXIMUM PUN PRICES SuperPetrl | Automotive ‘Towns WMS) | Diesel AGO) | Kerosene Khe —[ Khas | KStssL 37 Nabe 21476 20410) 571 3H Muto Andel za I 2522 22 Mere 21497 2043 7592 40 soo Zia 20016 20877 “1 Maue 21545 30480 206. aris 21612 256 20707 1 Manabi 22008 20845 21.6 a fates 210.09 oka 21005 a5 Moysie 277 BILD 21273 46 Boole 22076 21010 a7 1 Pabaeweln 21801 86 09.97 2 217.60 2695 20857 2 2212 21077 7238 ‘0 2.5 229 zia0 31 22158 21098 21255 a 219.16 2m85L BIO ‘s 75.54 299 21661 st 260 20195) 2857 s. 21738 20872 2084 56 zia7 ‘52 2513 2 23.50 za 214A 58 pte z032 29.565 a7 59 Padad 21880 BOR 2775 60 Mal Mahi zu BOLI 2273) ‘pa 21453 20.86 20548 (a fame 21350 298 205 a Pipi 21452 2.8 548 ft Masrant 2147 846 2508 - Mutuobare ais In a3 66 Noah How 20 210s 71206 Maitons 219.62 21896 21058 Kala 720.20 20855 27 2 oyangaton 0a az ae 7 [ts 2006 203A 21108 so 90012015 ceed Page 5 of 12 =) “ val Dk ANNEXI EH September 3023. 14h Ociober 3023 [MAXIMUM PUMP PRICES Automotive SuperPetvol | Diesel | Kerosene wms)_| aco) ao KShs/t_[ Kshs | KShss 217.06 2061 21802 21675 20608 27.70 71808 702 9.08 sig i060 20036, 201.97 ot 21059 20.34 201.98 lo 2 m0. 721205 engaane zi 20119 2) andian 21091 08 30.29 ahr 21090 20087 0227 cers Posh Bist 20.57 "a8 i 21530 zs 21667 vache 21098 2075 721236 orga 21142 20118 a7 shared 21.98 an71 0.3 oral 2131 287 zona ema 31402 208.78 25.9 2149 2015 21286 21140 2017 21077 21140) 2017 21277 2i1a0 ‘01.17 a7 zr a017 2.77 21142 20118 20279 2186 01. 21825 21178 255 20.16 22 23 20.85 2222 201.99 2859 aia 2018 2.79 21139 L16 2276 21135 2011 amr Zia mize 2281 a9 017 2183 aI 20158 20019 21178 20150 20.10 lsfslels|e|sl2[s|slele ye ANNEXI 15" September 225-1 Uetober zs ‘MAXIMUM PUMP PRICES Automotive SuperPetrol | Diesel | Kerosene aca was) | aco. aw Kshe/t._|KShast._ | Shs. 70 [mbooe 215 201A 209.0 107 Nan le 21161 20138 2029 108 sibs 21146) 20122 Fm 505 Kinin 211.9 20175 20336 110 debs 21236 2m. 20873 111 Fabou 21201 20178 20338 112 Preparer 21270 ams 20407 113 fomut 21443 21 2158 114 Barge 2.1 202.97 DAS 135 igor 21328 2.05 20465 116 fader 21589 2.6 20726 117 Kokua 21759 720736 20897 118 pokihar 21480 2015 20639 119 Keto! 21671 2057 RD 120 faker 252 20197 30658 121 poking 21980 2057 B18 122 sped, mas 2 251 123 Malbe 265 eon 20402 24 bokicogio Z188 2 21025 135 fave 26) 201.98 2.99 126 2110 20.17 2278) 127 Mors Belge ana 20126 2025 128 fier 2135) 20117 20072 129 (bis 22005 20882 ara 130_aalae 21879 21856 2107 11 foime 21495 20471 632 i fokiiona 21653 70839) 2600 73 ink 313.68 3.9 500 11 Kocboliba 7291 2.6 20428) 125, Kiwawa 21356 28.32 20495, “i Prem 237 21287 DLA 17 fsehbos 2118 2m aa) 138 wana 21258 2.35 795 139 Keplomal 21185) 201.61 222 —— ee 3h dk ANNEXT TE" September MBS. 14™ Ocibes ET 149 orem 21.99 201.75, 203.36 = =e 167 Phepkoniwo 21251 22.28 7203.58 “168 Kaibichbich 21245, 202.22 208.85 oo yk ANNEXT [ember BT October D008) ‘MAXIMUM PUMP PRICES Automotive Super Petrol | Diesel | Kerosene Ton ws) | aco. aw KShest | _KShsJt [Kshs Tz Mamas 205 201.50, 209.12 175 fondo aa 20138 2.00 176 Bay 21176 20152 20813 377 ereho zit 201.70 20831 1 Ryan 201 20177 2B vs es 21234 m1 20872 180 fouk 22.16 201.92 20353 181 ero 21236 2.12 i873 a2 sia 21238 300.08 770 1s Homaba 2277 2208 ams 3a Mor 21319 212.95 a7 185 focbanla 21350 721525 a7 186 amet 21259 721236) 21896 147 Mhoron aI ‘aulat IG 155 Ja 71226 08 In 19 [Mba 21140 16 277 190 fsgo 21295 272 aps 191 Magen 21307, 3 aout 192 gos 2288 2120683 2012s 199 Mav 2079) 20155 a6 194 pga 71220 20197 2058 195 Pdi Kogan 2234 ‘m1 2872 396 abv pra 02.40 2001 197 ange 21233 20.09 20870 198 Bind. 21234 2.11 ama72 199 [awash 21135 01.12 am173 2m shee 21140) 20.16 2087 201 Danis 2186 2.8 ama am frente aa 201.25 85 205 Penge 21200 20176 20837 204 flarri aia 20120) ana 05 hur Bay 71335 205.10 272 206 Kehancha 21359 3.36 204.96 207 Nunars 21398 20870 20530) ee a dk ANNEX TE SeplemiberHa5 1a" Oxtober WE [MAXIMUM FUMP PRICES Automotive SuperPetrot | Diesel | Kerosene ‘TOWNS ms) | (aco) wwe KShs/_|KShs/t._| Shs 28 ngs 21261 20237 2097 208_aspokvon 21257 23 ‘oF 210" Erte 2n51 2227 2.8 211 in 2nd 2219 a. 212, Namba 238 0.09 21870 213 ior 231 0.8 21.68 214 Port Banya z237 am 27 215 funy ae 20198 2.55 215 Dgembo 21251 0227 20.8 217 Nvanguss 279 55 20116 218 Benger BT B47 20.08 219 eeumby ait 20.8 2879 220 Macan 217.09 20185 a6 221 Kerna 2A 7225 6 222 [hong 27 2015 72816 235 yarsionge 21222 20198 235 130 9001 2015 cers Page 10 of 12 =) ANNEXIT 1 Seplember 2023-14 October 3023 MAXIMUM PETROLEUM WHOLESALE PRICES Automotive SuperPetrol | Diesel | Kerosene ‘TOWNS Ms) ‘aco ao KShs/E Kshs | _KShs 7 Wontasn 8s 16750 16942 2 [Nao 201.50 T9087 1928 3 [ Nakane 005 19028 19189 [edo a0 LO 25 =| Kisur aut 1918 192.6 30 9001:2015 cred Page 11 of 2 de ANNEX IIT Page 12 of 12

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