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Sachivalaya , Gandhinagar, 5th October, 1999.

No. GHU/99/31/GUE/1196/9018/K1:WHEREAS it is considered necessary to conserve

electrical energy in the State;

AND WHEREAS for that purpose it is considered necessary to regulate use of electrical
energy in the State;

NOW THEREFORE, in exercirse of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub section (1) read
with sub section (2) of section 6A of the Bombay Electricity (Special Powers) Act, 1946 (Bom.
xx of 1946), the Government of Gujarat hereby makes the following Order, namely :-
1. Short title extent commencement and application :-
(1) This Order may be called the Gujarat Use of -'ectrical Energy (Regulation) Order,
(2) It extends to the whole of the state of Gujarat.
(3) It shall come into force at once.
(4) It shall apply to

(a) a consumar to whom electrical energy is supplied for a purpose other than
residential or industrial and whose contracted load is seventy- five kilo-watts or

(b) a consumer to whom electrical energy is supplied for an industrial purpose and
whose contracted demand is 500 kilo volt amperes or more;
2. Definitions :- In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires,

(a) "authorised auditor" means a person authorised by the Commissioner to carry out
energy audit;
(b) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Electricity, Gujarat State;
(c) "consumer" means a consumer to whom this Order applies;
(d) "electrical apparatus" means an apparatus operated by electrical energy;
(e) "electrical installation" means any composite electrical unit for the purpose of
generating, transforming,converting, distributing or utilising electrical energy;
(f) "energy audit" means examination of an electrical installation or electrical
apparatus belonging to a consumer, for the purpose of verifying whether there is
leakage or wastage or inefficient use of electrical energy, in operating the electrical
installation or electrical apparatus;

3. Consumer tocause energy -audit :- Every person who is a consumer on the date of
commencement of this Order and every person who becomes a consumer after such
commencement shall within one year from the date of such commencement or, as the
case may be, the date of a person becoming a consumer and at an interval of every
three years after the first energy audit, cause an energy audit done by an authorised
auditor of the electrical installation or electrical apparatus belonging to him.

4. Authorisation_ofperso. n_as_auditor :-
(1) No person shall be authorised to carry out energy audit under this Order unless he
possesses a degree in electrical engineering or a qualification which is equivalent to it
from a university established or incorporated by or under a Central or a state Act, or an
Institution recognised by the University Grants Commission under the University Grants
Commission Act, 1956, and has practical experience in the subject matter of conservation
of electrical energy for a period of not less than ten years.
(2) (a) The Commissioner may, on receipt of an application from a person in such form
as may be prescribed by Commissioner, authorise a person for carrying out the energy
(b) The authorisation given by the Commissioner under Clause (a) shall be valid for a
period of three years from the date it is given and shall be liable to be cancelled by the
Commissioner before the expiry of the period if he is satisfied that the performance of
the authorised auditor is not satisfactory:
provided that no such authorisation shall be cancelled unless an opportunity of being
heard is given to the person.

5. Autho_r_ised auditor _to report_:-

(1) An authorised auditor shall, within one month after completion of energy audit,
prepare a report of energy audit and forward the same to the Commissioner and
furnish a copy of the same to the consumer.
(2) The report shall contain consumption pattern, steps that could be taken to eliminate
leakage, wastage and inefficient use of electrical energy in operating electrical
installation or electrical apparatus and detailed analysis of cost benefit of the steps
so suggested.

6. Com missioner togivedirections

(1) On receipt of the report from authorised auditor, the Commissioner shall, having
regard to report, give such directions in writing to a consumer for elimination of
leakage, wastage and inefficient use of electrical energy in the operation of
installation or apparatus, as deemed fit.
(2) A consumer to whom the Commissioner has given directions under sub-clause (1)
shall carry out the directions within six months from the date of the receipt of such
directions by him.
By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat.
Deputy Secretary to Government,
Energy and petrochemicals Department.
Government of Gujarat,
Energy and Petrochemicals Department,
Sachivalaya, Gandhin agar.

Dated the 1G ocT2wo0


BOMBAY No. GHU/2000/'.3 5 /GUE/11/2000/3188/K.1

(SPECIAL In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (a) of
POWERs) Sub Section (1) read with Sub Section (2) of Section 6A
ACT, 1946 of the Bombay Electricity (Special Powers) Act, 1946
(Bombay YN of 1946), the Government of Gujarat hereby
amends the Gujarat Use of Electrical Energy (Regulation)
Order, 1999 as under :

"In Gujarat Use of Electrical Energy ( Regulation)

Order, 1999, in Clause-3, of the words "one year", the
words "two years" shall be substituted.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat,

(A.M. Solanki)
Joint Secretary to Government,
Energy and Petrochemicals Deptt.

The Manager, Government Central Press , Gandhinagar
with a request to publish this order in Part -IV-B of the
extra ordinary gazette of today and to send 1000 copies
thereof to this department.

Copy to :
The Commissioner of Electricity, Gandhinagar.
^i- The Deputy Chief Electrical Inspector, Energy Audit,
Gandhinagar. < E ^ ,, .
The Member (Tech.), Cujarut Electricity Board,
The Managing Director. A;wledabad Electricity Co.
Ltd., Ahmedabad.
The Managing Director, Surat Electricity Co. Ltd.,
The Select file.
Sachivalaya , Gandhinagar.
Dated the 20`h December, 2001.

BOMBAY No. GHU/2001/76/GUE/1101 /4505/K! : In exercise of the powers

ELECTRICITY conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (1) read with sub-section (2) of
(SPECIAL section 6A of the Bombay Electricity (Special Powers) Act, 1946
POWERS) (Born. XX of 1946). the Government of Gujarat hereby amends the
ACT, 1946. Gujarat Use of Electrical Energy (Regulation) Order. 1999, as under.

(1) This Order may be called the Gujarat Use of Electrical Energy
(Regulation) (Amendment) Order. 2001.

(2) It shall deemed to have came into force from the 1" October.

2. In the Gujarat Use of Electrical Energy (Regulation) Order. 1999

(hereinafter referred to as "the said Order"). in clause-2. in
sub-clause (a). for the word "Commissioner". the words "Chief
Electrical Inspector" shall be substituted:

3. In the said Order, in clause-2. fur sub-clause (b), the following

shall be substituted:
"(b) "Chief Electrical Inspector" means the "Chief Electrical
Inspector and Collector of Electricity Duty. Gujarat State",

4. In the said Order . in clauses -4. 5 and 6. fbr the word

"Commissioner ". wherever they occur. the words "Chief Electrical
Inspector " shall be substituted.

By order and in the name of the iovernor Qf Gujarat,

( Narendra Athavale
Section Officer.
Energy and Petrochemicals Department

The Manager, Government Central Press. GandhiHagar.
With a request to publish the above Order in Part IV-U of the extra-ordinary
Government Gazette of to-day and send 100 printed copies thereof to this department.

Copy to :-

1. The Chief Electrical Inspector.

Udyog Bhavan . Gandhinagar.
The Deputy Chief Electrical Inspector (E nergy Audit).
Office of the Chief Electrical Inspector.
Udyog Bhavan , Gandhinagar.
3. The Member ( Technical).
Gujarat Electricity Board, Vadodara.
4. The Managing Director.
Ahmedabad Electricity Co. Ltd., Lal Darwa_ja. Ahmedabad.
5. The Managing Director,
Surat Electricity Co. Ltd., Station Road. Surat.
6. The Select File.
7. D.S.O . Personal File.
Energy and Pctrocheniic: ils Department,
SachivalayS, G a ndhina gar.
Dated the 1 8 DEC 2003
Bombay No. Gl-IU / 2003/ 7 3 /G U E / 1 i 96/ 901 o /KI : In exercise of the
Electricity powers conferred by clauses (a) of sub section (1) read with sub
(Special section (2) of section 6A of the Bombay Electricity (Special
Pow e, s' Powers) Act, 1946 (Bombay XX of 1946), the Government o
Act, Gujarat hereby amends the Guja:a.t Use of Electrical Energy
1946. (R e gulation ) Order, 1999; namely .-

Chief Electrical IospcctoL This order may be called. the Gujarat Use of Electrical Energy
GAN JHJNA.GAR (Regina:ion) `Third Amendment) Order, 2003.

U 1. 0 E C the of Electrical Energy ( Regulat ion) Order,

1999 in ,.... C l.
1 i > 1- em (b), for the fi gC ure
au s e- t, i ; sub cla s ^ () i..l n u e 4 n

`500", tl... figu re "200" shall be substituted.

E;y T.; ove -nor r G :jarat

Under Se retar} to
The M a na g e :, Gi'o re;.,•me.._ Cantrai Press, Gandhinaga r with a
request publish this Wti icadon in P art :iV-B of the Extraordinary

_'end 500 co e
pies th toreof this

d epa; ll : e

Co ny t ,) :
TI- C' :- - Geadhinagar.
The Deputy: Chief Eectrical Inspectorr , Energy Audit,
hi ,g
GCii i l:t Iltct
, ,cam . ^-,:: %T'
A e mtw.
` e ^( i^,
e _,c.
'^, Electricity Board, Vadodara.
kvlanag;1 g, Ahmedabad Electricity Co. Ltd.,
Ahmeda bad.

T he Managi ng Director, S urat. E. e.ct icily Company Lt d , sin - at.

The Selec" file,

1 W, 76
Energy and Petrochemicals Depatment,,
Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar.
ae e
Bombay No. GHU/2008/02/GUE/1205/183/K1 :- In exercise of the powers conferred
Electricity by Section 6A of the Bombay Electricity (Special Powers) Act, 1946 (Bom.
(Special XX of 1946), the Government of Gujarat hereby amends the Gujarat Use of
Powers) Electrical Energy (Regulation) Order, 1999, as follows, namely:-
Act, 1946.
1. This Order may be called the Gujarat Use of Electrical Energy ( Regulation)
(Amendment) Order, 2008.

2. In the Gujarat Use of Electrical Energy (Regulation) Order, 1999 (hereinafter

referred to as "the said Order"), in clause 2, -

(1) in sub-clause (a), for the word "person", the word "firm" shall be
substituted ;

(2) after sub-calsue (a), the following sub-clauses shall be inserted,


"(aa) "Bureau of Energy Efficiency" means the Bureau

established under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Energy
Conservation Act, 2001 (52 of 2001);

"(aaa) "Certified Energy Auditor" means a person who has passed

the examination conducted under the aegis of the Bureau of
Energy Efficiency for certification of energy auditors and
who possesses a valid certificate in this behalf

(3) After sub-clause (f), the following sub-clause shall be added, namely:-

"firm" means a firm engaged in the business of energy audit

and includes sole proprietorship, partnership or a body
corporate or an institution or a society or any other
organization registered under the appropriate Law".

3. ____.Jhe said Order, in clause 4, -

^^ .. 1. I in the heading , for the word " p erson " , the word "firm" s h a ll b e
t substituted,

It for sub-caluse (1), the following sub-clause shall be substituted,


''" (1) No firm shall be authorised to carry out energy audit under
this Order unless-


(a) It has, for all times, a minimum of one person or fifty per cent of the
employed energy auditor's staff rounded up to the next whole number,
whichever is higher, possessing a degree in electrical engineering or
a qualification which is equivalent to it from a university established or
incorporated by or under a Central or a State Act, or an institution
recoganised by the University Grants Commission under the
University Grants Commission Act, 1956, and has practical
experience in the subject matter of conservation of electrical energy
for a period of not less than ten years; or

(b) It has, for all times, a minimum of one certified energy auditor or fifty
per cent. of the employed energy auditor's staff rounded up to the
next whole number, as certified energy auditors, whichever is higher,
and it has been in the business of energy auditing on the date of
submission of application to the Chief_ Electrical Inspector for
obtaining authorisation;

Provided that the firm falling under category (a) or (b) shall satisfy the Chief
Electrical Inspector that-
(i) it has completed at least fifteen comprehensive energy audit studies
in an individual capacity or as an associate or an active team member
of the other energy auditor's firm of any industrial units or
establishments having contract load of 50 KW and above, and

(ii) it is equipped, for all times, with the energy auditing instruments
prescribed by the Chief Electrical Inspector from time to time".

(3) in sub-clause (2), for the word "person", occurring at three places word "firm"
shall be substituted.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat,

Bipin Patel
Under Secretary to Government,
Energy & Petrochemicals Department.
The Manager , Government Central Press , Gandhinagar - with a request to publish this order
in Part- IV-B of the Extra Ordinary Government Gazette of to -day and send 200 printed copies
thereof to this department.

Copy to :
- The Principal Secretary to the Hon ' ble Chief Minister , Sachivalaya , Gandhinagar.
- The PS to Hon'ble Minister of State (Energy & Petro), Sachivalaya , Gandhinagar.
- The PS to Chief Secretary, Sachivalaya , Gandhinagar.
- The Legislative & Parliamentary Affairs Department , Sachivalaya , Gandhinagar.
- The Chief Electrical Inspector, Udyog Bhavan , Gandhinagar.
- All Branches of Energy & Petrochemicals Department , Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar.
- The Select file.
- The Dy. S.O. personal file.
K.I Br.

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