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COLAS HRVATSKA d.d. NADZORNI ODBOR Varazdin, Medimurska 26 MBs: 070005130 OIB: 58701507957 Na temelju dlanka 23. Statuta trgovatkog drustva COLAS HRVATSKA d.d., Varaédin, Medimurska 26 (dalje u tekstu: ,DruStvo"), Nadzorni odbor Drustva, na svojoj sjednici odrianoj dana 17. veljaée 2023. godine, donio je siijedeti PRIJEDLOG ODLUKE © upotrebi dobiti ostvarene u postovnoj 2022. godini Glanak 1. Utvrduje se da je Drustvo u poslovnoj 2022. godini ostvarilo dobit u iznosu od 1.558.582,05 kuna, to primjenom fiksnog tegaja__konverzije (1 EUR=7,53450 kn) iznosi 206.859,39 EUR. Nadzorni odbor je suglasan s prijedlogom Odluke Uprave da se dobit nakon oporezivanja ostvarena U poslovnoj 2022. godini u iznosu od 206.859,39 EUR rasporedi za isplatu élanu drustva. Tsplata dividende ¢lanu DruStva sukladno stavku 2. ‘ovog élana izvriit ¢e se najkasnije do 25. travnja 2023. godine. Gianak 2. Prijedlog Uprave i Nadzornog odbora 0 raspodieli dobiti kao Sto je navedeno u prethodnom élanku ‘ove Odluke, upucuje se Glavnoj Skupstini Dru’tva na donoenje odluke. Gianak 3. va odluka stupa na snagu danom donoSenja. U Varaédinu, 17. veljaée 2023. Thien COLAS HRVATSKA d.d. SUPERVISORY BOARD Varaédin, Medimurska 26 ‘Company Reg. No.: 070005130 Personal Identification No.: 58701507957 Pursuant to Article 23 of the Articles of Association of the company COLAS HRVATSKA, a joint stock company with the registered seat in Varaidin, Medimurska 26 (hereinafter: the “Company”) the Supervisory board of the Company, on a meeting held on 17" of February 2023, passed the following PROPOSAL OF THE DECISION on distribution of the profit realized in the year 2022 Article 1 Itis determined that the Company has realized the profit in the year 2022 in the amount of HRK 1,558.582,05, which using the fixed conversion rate (1 EUR=7.53450 kn) amounts to 206.859,39 EUR. ‘The Supervisory Board agrees with the proposal of the Management Board that profit after tax realized in the year 2022 in the amount of 206.859,39 EUR, is distributed for shareholder's dividends pay-out. Dividends pay-out to shareholder according to the paragraph 2 of this article shall be made by 25" of April 2023 at the latest, Article 2 Proposal of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board on the distribution as set in previous Article of this Decision shall be addressed to the General Assembly for adoption of the decision. Article 3 This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. Done at Varazdin, 17" of February 2023 ( ue F-LE ROCH Predsjednik Nadzornog odbora / President of the Supervisory Board

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