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Juan P. Cedro Sr.

Memorial High School

Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City



Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to
the Faculty of the High School
Barangay, Buenavista Surigao City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement for the Course
Major in Housekeeping

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City


sleep deprivation has been a major issue among student in the philippines.
their sleeplessness has been a concern especially among high school students who's
performance are seen with a significant decline in the past years especially in English
and Math.
this study was designed to determine the major factors contributed to their
sleeplessness. By answering the survey questionaire, the students was able to give a
result that stated that the excessive use of social media has been one of the major
reason why some student have insufficient sleep.
with this data, the researcher are able to conclude a recommendation to advice the
future researcher to continue our research topic considering its relevance of it if you
look in our results.
Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City

Chapter 1
The Problem and Its Setting


People sleep whenever they feel tired after a long day, energy that our body

store will be consumed and need to be filled again. Sleep in the process of our body to

reenergized or restoring fuel that we consume when we are awake. According to sleep, while we sleep it includes multiples parts of our brain the process of

producing hormones that regulates our sleep and wakefulness. During sleep, the

activity of our body slow down including our heart rate, respiration and our brain

activity.Thats make our body temperature lower. While sleeping,our body regulates it’s

movement and become unconscious.(Hanson JA, Huccker Mr) 2019. Average

individual need at least nine hours of sleep to be healthy, both mentally and physically. A

disruption of sleep can affect the quality of sleep. This can lead to headaches and
Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
difficulty in concentrating (slahoun,2008). According to national institutes of health

(N.I.H.US.2013)if a person do not have enough sleep, it’s ability to learn could drop by

up to 40%, because lack of sleep affect a part of our brain called hippocampus that is

responsible of making new memories

Oxford studies suggest that a global problem in sleep exist, and people from

some developed country have less sleep compared to last generation. Marshall,

Lallukka (2018)

It is a worldwide problem that affect not just the adult, but also school-age

generation and teenagers. Lyons, Abel, Vanrobaeys (2023). Sleep deprivation are seen

to become major non communicable disease. According to 2016 healthy living index

survey, 46% of Filipino people are sleep deprived ranking first in Asia.

Also, Filipino have one of the lowest average IQ around the world.

In this study, researcher will try to examine what are the connection or

relationship between sleep deprivation and academic performance of the students

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City

Review of related literature

Sleep deprivation is one of the problem why many students lost their focus in

school and as a result, they get lower results in activities.

Students that are well rested or get enough usually perform better in class

compared to those that are sleep deprived. Lin(2022)

This chapter provides overview of previous literature and studies that have similarities to

the topic, that give the researcher enough background and knowledge to understand

this study

Sleep Deprivation
Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City

Sleep Deprivation is an event or condition that our body experience when we do

not have enough sleep or cannot sleep at the right time. Abrams(2015)

This maybe caused by excessive use of smartphones or if you have sleep

disorder like insomnia that making it hard for people to fall asleep. Kupfer, Reynold


A study suggest that 50 percent (%) of student who spend more time online will

likely to suffer to difficulty of sleeping than those who spend only one hour.


Almost 20 percent (%) of people are sleep deprived, impaired quality of sleep are

one of the factors contributing to it and it usually happen in multiple nights. Abrams


According to UAMS HEALTH, people can still make up the sleep that they lost

but the amount may not be the same though, If a person is sleep deprived, it can easily

be recovered, but if a person lost more than few hours of sleep, only few will be

recovered. Smith (2015)

While human can survive few days of sleeplessness, few hours of sleep

reduction can cause multiple negative effects on human cognition, ability to focus,

reaction, and slow memorizing ability. Gryglewska (2010)

Student who have less sleep are tend to have lower self-esteem and high level of

depressive symptoms. (Rhodes/Reddy/Way (2004)

And people who have mental health issues are observed to suffer to poor quality

of sleep (Gulhan/Unalan/Basturk/Delibas 2015)

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City

Academic performance of Highschool students

Filipino students are seen a decline in academic performance, especially when it

comes to basic mathematics and English skills which is the foundation of good

academic performance especially in Highschool level. Igarashi,Suryadama(2023)

A study that highlights the mathematical skill of Highschool students,

Suggest that Filipino students does not meet the expectation of the curriculum

and some grade ten student are lacked of basic mathematics and English skills

It show a significant decline when you compare it to students in the past 19


And this is caused by multiple problem including lack of sleep among Highschool

students because lack of sleep are linked to poor brain performance like poor attention

and cognition skill. Neha Dave(2019

Theoretical Framework

The quality and quantity of sleep have a major impact on learning and memory, Sleep

appear to help learning and sleep deprivation effects focus and attention, Second Sleep

helps memory consolidation, which is critical. For Successful learning, This theory is

related on sleep Deprivation on Academic performance of Highschool students.

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
Probleme to Vallido etal: (2009) Sleep problems frequently result in irritation, decreased

activeness and a lack of energy. Anxiety and depression are also frequently associated

with sleep deprivation which can result in emotions of time. When a person is sad the

chance of sleep deprivation increased significantly. The Fatigue cause by a lack of sleep

leads to decreased physical activity and exercise.

Energy conservation theory posts that the main function of sleep is to reduce a person’s

energy demand during part of the day and night when it is least efficient to hunt for food.

This theory is supported by the fact that the body has decreased metabolism by up to

10% during sleep. Brinkman; Reddy; Sharma.(2023)

The restorative theory states that sleep allows for the body to repair and replete cellular

components necessary for biological functions that become depleted throughout an

awake day. This is backed by the findings many functions in the body such as muscle

repair, tissue growth, protein synthesis, and release of many of the important hormones

for growth occur primarily during sleep.



Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City

The figure above presents the conceptual framework of the study. It consists of two

variables, sleep deprivation as the independent variable and academic performance as

the dependent variable.

Sleep deprivation is the independent variable refers as the deficit in sleep including

involuntary or voluntary sleeplessness. It happen when an individual sleep less than

usual or does not sleep at all for a short period of time. Chronic sleep deprivation means

when an individual routinely sleep less than an optimal amount for ideal function.

Average person need seven or more hours of sleep per night to maintain good health.

Insufficient sleep has been linked to weight gain, high blood pressure, heart disease,

depression, poor cognitive function and performance.

Academic performance as dependent variable pertains to the performance of the

students inside the school. It is the measurement of student’s achievements across

various academic subjects. It is measured using various method, including grading

system, quizzes and periodical test


The general problem

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
The purpose of this study is to determine the causes of sleep deprivation and it’s effect

on academic performance of Highschool students in Juan p. Cedro Sr. Memorial


Specific problem

• What is the rule of social media in the sleeping habits of highschool students in

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial Highschool

• Determine the possible effect of sleep deprivation to their academic performance

• What are the possible solution can be made to possibly address this problem.


From the problem stated above, the following hypothesis is concluded

Null: Sleep deprivation has a significant effect on the academic performance

Void:There is no significant different on the critical thinking ability between sleep

deprived and non-sleep deprived student

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City


The objective of this study is provide exact, valuable and high quality information on

what are the factors affect the quality of student’s sleep and how sleep deprivation

affects high school students on their performance and critical thinking ability during

class hours and how it affects it’s whole academic performance.

For the Students, a quality sleep may help student to develop a critical thinking ability,

It may help them to become more focus, develop self esteem and give them confidence

when it comes to academic activity to help them achieve higher mark as a student.

A good quality sleep bring students away from signs of depression and have a healthy

mind, especially during school days.

For the teachers, they’ll finally understand one of the factors that affect the academic

performance of student inside the school and give them enough knowledge on what are

the things that are needed to be done in order to make their teaching more effective.

And what are the role or contribution of teachers why some students are sleep deprived

and how to avoid it in the future.

For the parents, it gives them idea how sleep deprivation or sleeplessness of their child

affect their self esteem and academic performance, and provide them ways how to

combat this problem in their own home(s) to make their child become a holistic or

academic achiever student.

A healthy sleep makes the child happier and create a healthy relationship with their

parents who will give them inspiration to work harder in school and study harder.
Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
For the administrator, they can create a concrete idea that will give long-term solution
to the major problem of the school, this research will meant to discover the reason why
students are sleep deprived and hopefully established a way how to address such issue
to avoid more problems in the future.

Scope and Limitation

This research is conducted to examine the effect of sleep deprivation to the academic

performance of high school students.

The primary subjects of this research are the Junior high school of JUAN P. CEDRO


The scope of this study are limited to the students of JPCMHS only, who are enrolled

during school year 2023-2024.

Moreover, researcher can’t force every student to participate in this study and won’t

include them as sign of respect to their privacy.

Since the total number of enrolled students in this school, researcher will allow 5.0%

margin of error to make result more credible and precise.

Definition of Terms
Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City

SLEEPLESSNES- the condition of not being able to sleep; the most common

symptoms are sleeplessness and depression. some medical condition can also cause


ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE-is the measurement of student achievement across

various academic subjects. Teacher and education officials typically measured

achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates, and result from

standardized tests.

INSOMNIA-Insomnia is a common sleep disorder. With insomnia, you may have trouble

falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting good quality sleep. This happens even if you

have the time and the right environment to sleep well. Insomnia can get in the way of

your daily activities and may make you feel sleepy during the day.

RESPIRATION-the physical and chemical processes(such as breathing and diffusion)

by which an organism supplies its cells and tissues with the oxygen needed for

HIPPOCAMPUS-a complex brain structure embedded deep into temporal lobe. It has a

major role in learning and memory.

DISRUPTION-DISRUPTION-disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity,

or process.

MENTAL HEALTH -Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social

well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
EXAMINE-EXAMINE-inspect (someone or something) in detail to determine their nature

or condition; investigate thoroughly.

REENERGIZE-REENERGIZE-made or become fresh in spirits or vigor

DEPRIVED -suffering a severe and damaging lack of basic material and cultural


INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT-a number representing a person’s reasoning ability

(measured using problem-solving tests) as compared to the statistical norm or average

for their age, taken as 100.


David J. Kupfer, M.D., and Charles F. Reynolds, M.D.(1997)Management of Imsonmia|The New

England Journal of Medicine/

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute(2022) NILH | WHAT IS SLEEP DEPROVATION

Hanson JA1 Huecker MR (2019) StatPearls Publishing, Treasure Island (FL), SLEEP
Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City

Alisa S Elliot, Jason D Hubber et all. (2014) National Library Of Medicine/National Center For
Biotechnology Information/ PubMed Central A review of sleep deprivation studies evaluating
the brain transcriptome

National Nutrition Council(2021) Sleep Deprivations' Health Effects on People’s Lives

Sleep Foundation. Org (2023) An overview of why teens face unique sleep challenges and tips
to help them sleep better
Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
Chapter 2

Research Methodology

The research methods used in the study were outlined in this chapter. The

criteria for participation in the study, the participants' identities, the selection process,

and other pertinent information about the respondents are all provided. The goal of the

study's design, as well as the factors that led to this decision, are discussed by the

researcher. The methods used to carry out this investigation are also presented, along

with a description of the equipment used for data collection. The researcher also talks

about how the data were analyzed. Finally, the process's ethical considerations are also


Research Design

In this study, the researcher will use non-experimental correlation research


The purpose of correlational research design is to determine the relationship

between two independent variable.

This design is meant to give information about sleeplessness and academic

performance as well as their relationship with each other.

Meanwhile, researcher will ensure the ethical handling of the data to provide a
clear and exact result.

Research Respondents

The respondent of this research are all of the Junior Highschool and Senior Highschool

students of Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial Highschool

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
A total of eighty-nine (89) responded to our survey

The researcher choose all of the students to give a more precise and valuable results

about the issue.

However, the researcher recognize and respect the decision of some respondent to

decline answering the survey

The respondent are all of the students because the researcher wanted to know the

factors affecting the sleeping habits of highschool student and its effect to their academic


Research Locale

The locale of this study is includes a single set of participants, which are the students of

Juan P Cedro Sr Memorial Highschool which is located in Barangay Buenavista Surigao

City, Province of Surigao Del Norte .

The set of the respondents are the Student of junior high school which are the Grade

seven, eight, nine and ten.

The population of this study are composed of 26 Grade seven students, 30 grade eight

students, 28 grade nine students, 31 from Grade 10 with the total of 115 for the Junior



Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
The instrument of the study is are revised survey questionnaire, that is extracted and

revised by the researcher to provide data and reinforce the study.

The researcher make sure that the questionaire are related on research topic and our


In order to get information, the researcher use survey questionnaire as instrument

Each survey paper contained 10 close-ended questions and respondent have to choose

answer between 4 choices that corresponds to their experience and actions.

Ethical Considerations

In accordance with and in support of the Data Privacy Law of the Philippines, the

researcher made every effort to keep the respondent's identity and information

confidential; the researcher ensured that none of the respondents were placed in a

situation where they might be harmed as a result of their participation in either the

physical or psychological aspects; and the researcher protected the respondents'

privacy by maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of the responses.

Risk-Benefit Assessment

The researcher assessed the risk and benefits involved in the conduct of the

study as it is essential in protecting the interest of the respondents.

1. Risk. One risk identified is the issue of disclosure of confidential

information of the respondents. The researcher assigned codes to the

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
research instruments to maintain the confidentiality of the personal

details and information of the respondents. The data and other

evidences were destroyed after they were collated.

2. Benefit. The output of the study benefits the respondents, and the

school. The output can be used as basis to enhance the teaching and

learning strategies.

Content, Comprehension, and Documentation of Informed Consent

The rights of the respondents in this study were given utmost importance. Thus,

attached in this study is a sample of the informed consent form indicating approval by

the ethics committee, which was presented and discussed to the respondents before

the conduct of the survey. Participation in this study was voluntary in nature, and

consent was given by the respondents upon signifying their interest and agreement to


Authorization to Access Private Information

The respondents authorized the researcher that private and sensitive

information be written in the instrument. Their signature in the informed consent form

signified the responsibility of the researcher to safeguard private and sensitive

information upon its disclosure to the researcher. It is known to the researcher and the

participants that there could be potential damage or risk to confidential information that

may have arises during the actual data gathering.

Confidentiality Procedure
Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
The following were the steps followed by the research to guarantee privacy: (1)

coding and distinguishing data; (2) maintaining a secured shelf for data storage

throughout the study; (3) entering no identifying information or mark in the instrument or

the computer; and (4) destroying identifying information efficiently after use.

Debriefing, Communication, and Referrals

Debriefing is the process of asking for feedback at the end of the research process. It is

a respectful dialogue between the researcher and the respondents conducted in a way

that benefits the respondents. In this study, the researcher took time to explain the

importance of participating in the study and the expected outcome of participating. The

respondents were debriefed after data gathering to avoid or minimize psychological

harm, If any. During the debriefing session, the researcher urged the participants to ask

questions to understand further and clarify the purpose of the study, and avoid


Incentives or Compensation

It is important to note that there was no monetary incentive involved aside from

a simple token of appreciation for the respondents who volunteered.

Conflict of Interest

The researcher shouldered all the costs related to the conduct of this study. The

researcher also declares that he did not receive external funding for this study. Further,

the researcher conducted this study independently, and is not affiliated to any

organization. This study is carried out in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree Master of Education.

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
There was no coercion, intimidation, and undue influence used in the selection

and recruitment of respondents, and that the researcher assured them of their right to

refuse or withdraw at any time without fear of being penalized.

Vulnerability Assessment

The respondents of this study do not belong to the vulnerable sector of society

as they do not fit the characteristics of being vulnerable. There was no imminent threat

or danger during the data gathering.

Collaborative Study Terms of References

This study is part of the academic requirement of the university and is

undertaken solely by the researcher. The expenses incurred were personally financed

by the researcher. Only the researcher can publish this study. The thesis adviser may

publish this study provided that the researcher’s name must appear as co-author.

Data Gathering Procedures

After the survey questionnaire is finalize, the researcher will submit it to the adviser and

school head to get their approval to conduct a study.

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
The researcher formulate a consent form asking the permission to conduct the study

and to make sure the respondents do not have to sacrifice their valuable time while

answering the survey and also to ensure it do not interfere with any school activities.

If all of the teacher signed the form means a go signal indicating that we can now

proceed in conducting our research.

Researcher will Inform the respondent of how we handle their information and what is

the proper handling of their data to ensure their privacy is protected.

Each respondent will receive one survey paper and they will be given time to answer

the question and collect it back after they finish it

Statistical Treatment

The researcher use the following formula in calculating the data gathered from

the respondents.

1. Weighted Mean. This statistical tool was used to compute for the weight of the
responses in the questionnaire assigned by the respondents during the actual data
gathering procedure. The formula for the we

ighted mean is as follows:


WM= Weighted mean

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
∑= Summation symbol F = Frequency for each option

W= Assigned weight

M= Total number of frequencies

Chapter Four


This section presents the analysis and interpretation of the study on the (research problem)

following the quantitative methodology. The content of this chapter are the responses of the

respondents gathered through survey method. By answering the survey, respondents were able

to unconsciously cover the set of questions.

Factors affecting the sleeping habits of junior highschool students In JPCMHS

The sleeping habits of Junior highschool students are considerably unhealthy.

Considering that some only get few hours of sleep everyday that mostly caused by over

exposure to social media that keep student awake until even in the middle of the night.

Homework and school activities, can also interfere with the normal sleeping routine of

the students.

In the ambition of getting a high grade or even a passing grade, some students may

sacrifice some sleeping hours to finish their homework.

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
Table Below Shows the number of student the remain awake until the middle of the

nights because of social media and even school activities.

NUMBER OF Always Often Sometimes Never


Q1 24.14% 13.79% 58.62% 3.42%


1 2
3 4
Q8 8.05% 5.75% 47.13% 37.93%


1 2 3 4

Q3 13.79 17.24% 50.57% 16.09%


1 2 3 4

Effects of sleep deprivation on the academic performance of junior highschool students

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
Sleep are the best relief we can experience after a long tiring day in work or school.

The soft and warm bed gives us the comfort that we need when we needed to sleep

especially if we are going to have a big day ahead. A students need sleep so that his

brain can relax after thinking almost whole day while in school, So that he can perform a

normal function in the next day. However, because of the mentioned factors affecting

their sleep.

The performance of the students are affected.

Tables below presents the effect of sleep deprivation to their academic performance.



Q4 6.9% 5.75% 50.57% 36.78%


1 2 3 4
Q5 13.79% 12.64% 59.77% 11.49


1 2 3 4
Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
Q6 2.3% 11.49% 49.43% 36.78%


1 2
3 4
Q9 1.15% 6.90% 20.69% 68.97


1 2 3 4
Q10 9.2% 11.49% 41.38% 37.93%

1 2 3 4

Based on the table below, it shows that some students are sleep deprived mainly

because of over exposure to social media and in finishing school activities. This agrees

to the article written by Renau and Diez‐Fernandez(2018) it states that sleep deprivation has
Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
a great effect on the academic performance of students and social media is one of the major

mediator between the two variable.

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary and conclusion from the data collected from the

respondents that meant to find the factors affecting the sleeping habit and its effect on

the academic performance of Junior highschool student In Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial

highschool. It also provides the recommendation of the researcher to possibly address

the problem.

The study was conducted at Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial Highschool. The respondents

were the Junior highschool students. Research data was collected through using
Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City
revised questionnaire and the statistical tool used was weighted mean, rank and


Summary of findings

The findings of this study was summarized according to the statement of the problem

stated in the chapter 1.

1.Sleep deprivation has a significant effect on the academic performance

The data reveals that the respondents answers in the question 1(one) has a weighted

mean of 2.5 which can be verbally interpreted as often. With the same data the

weighted mean of students answer to Question 6(six) and Question 8(eight) is 1.78 and

1.8 respectively. Which can verbally interpreted as sometimes. Therefore, the null

hypothesis is accepted, revealing the significant effect of sleep deprivation to the

academic performance and the role of over exposure to social media in this problem.


Based on the indicated findings or result presented above, the following conclusions are


1. Most of the student are sleep deprived and social media has a great contribution

to this problem faced by the junior highschool students.

2. Sleep deprivation has effect on the performance of students in school,

disallowing them to perform and participate normally.

Juan P. Cedro Sr. Memorial High School
Barangay Buenavista, Surigao City

This study reveals the relationship between students sleep deprivation to their academic

performance. Thus, the following recommendation are presented.

1.Since social media was proven to be one of highest contributor in the students sleep

deprivation, teachers and other in-charge officers should let the parents know about the

findings and the effect of this problem to their academic performance.

2. All teacher and parents are encouraged to watch and monitor the amount of time

consumed by the students

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