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1. The research paper is divided into macrosystem and microsystem.

A. Systematic B. Empirical C. Cyclical D. Analytical

2. What is the primary focus of qualitative research?

A. Establishing cause-and-effect relationships
B. Exploring the richness of individual experiences
C. Conducting large-scale surveys
D. Testing hypotheses with statistical analysis

3. What is the primary goal of quantitative research?

A. To explore complex phenomena
B. To gain an in-depth understanding of individual experiences
C. To establish cause-and-effect relationships
D. To generate theories

4. Research is defined as “a seeking for truth, information, or knowledge”

A. Inquiry B. Research C. Investigate D. Search

5. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at
valid and conclusive results.
A. Methodical B. Logical C. Critical D. Replicability

6. If a researcher wants to explore the relationship between two variables, which type of research
design would be most appropriate?
A. Experimental B. Cross-sectional C. Longitudinal D. Case study

7. Inquiry is a term that is synonymous with the word.

A. Inquiry B. Research C. Investigate D. Search

8. What is the significance of triangulation in qualitative research?

A. Ensuring statistical significance
B. Confirming findings through multiple sources or methods
C. Eliminating researcher bias
D. Generalizing findings to a larger population

9. Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using a systematic method and
A. Methodical B. Logical C. Critical D. Replicability

10. The researcher should ensure that the participants will not be adversely affected by the research
and its results.
A. Care
B. Human Subject Protection
C. Respect for Colleagues
D. Social Responsibility

11. What is the main purpose of coding in qualitative data analysis?

A. To assign numerical values to qualitative data
B. To categorize and organize data into themes or patterns
C. To perform statistical tests on the data
D. To establish causation between variables

12. An experienced researcher should impart knowledge to his or her students.

A. Responsible Publication B. Non-discrimination C. Respect for Colleagues D. Social Responsibility

13. What is a common method of data collection in quantitative research?

A. Interviews B. Observations C. Surveys D. Case studies
14. Which research approach is more concerned with exploring the meaning individuals attribute to
their experiences?
A. Quantitative B. Qualitative C. Mixed-methods D. Experimental

15. Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data, whether historical,
descriptive, and experimental and case study.
A. Systematic B. Empirical C. Cyclical D. Analytical

16. How might a researcher ensure trustworthiness in qualitative research findings?

A. By avoiding participant bias
B. Through random sampling techniques
C. Through reflexivity, member checks, and peer review
D. By using statistical tests

17. Whatever agreed upon by the participants must be actualized.

A. Integrity B. Legality C. Social Responsibility D. Responsible Publication

18. In qualitative research, what is meant by the term "thick description"?

A. A detailed and nuanced account of a phenomenon
B. A brief summary of findings
C. Quantitative data representation
D. Hypothesis testing

19. What is a key characteristic of a random sampling technique in quantitative research?

A. Non-probabilistic selection
B. Systematic sampling
C. Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
D. Convenience sampling

20. Which of the following situations is more suited for qualitative research?
A. Measuring the impact of a new drug on blood pressure
B. Exploring the experiences of cancer survivors
C. Examining the correlation between income and education level
D. Conducting a randomized controlled trial for a medical intervention
Advancement Manageable Clarity Research Title

Essence Components

Viability Compelling Structure Research problem

1. Effective research problems are those that contribute to the ____________ of knowledge in a
particular field, adding valuable insights for researchers and practitioners.

2. When formulating a research problem, it's essential to ensure that it is ____________, meaning it
can be studied and addressed within a reasonable scope

3. To enhance the ____________ of a research problem, it's beneficial to include specific variables or
factors that will be examined.

4. A well-formulated research problem serves as the foundation for creating a meaningful

____________ that provides direction for the entire study.

5. When creating a research title, it's important to use clear and concise language that reflects the
____________ of the study without being overly technical.

6. Analyzing the ____________ of a research problem involves breaking it down into its constituent
parts and understanding how they interrelate.

7. When evaluating a research problem, it's crucial to assess its ____________ – is it feasible given
available resources, time, and ethical considerations?

8. Craft a research problem that is ____________, ensuring it captivates the reader's interest and
highlights the significance of the study.

9. The research problem should ideally arise from a gap in ____________, prompting the need for
further investigation.

10. A ____________ is a clear, concise, and focused statement that identifies the specific issue the
researcher wants to investigate.
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