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Census of India 2011











Directorate of Census Operations

Tamil Nadu

There are two rocks projecting out of the Indian Ocean, south-
east of Kanniyakumari temple. These rocks provide an ideal vantage point
for visitors desiring to view the land end of India. On one of these rocks,
Swami Vivekananda sat in long and deep meditation, when he visited
Kanniyakumari in 1892. On this rock, the “Vivekananda Rock Memorial”
was built in 1970 with a blend of all the architectural styles of India.
A statue of Swami Vivekananda has been installed inside this memorial
building. One can also see “Sri Padha Parai”, believed by the devout to
be the foot prints of the virgin Goddess Kanniyakumari on this rock.

The Thiruvalluvar Statue is a 133 feet tall stone sculpture of the

Tamil poet and philosopher, Tiruvalluvar, author of the Thirukkural located
adjacent to Vivekananda Rock Memorial.


Foreword i
Preface iii
Acknowledgements iv
History and Scope of the District Census Handbook v
Brief History of the District vi
Highlights of the District - 2011 Census vii
Important Statistics of the District - 2011 Census viii
Analytical Note 1

Village and Town Directory 103

Brief Note on Village and Town Directory 105

Section -I Village Directory 111

(a) List of villages merged in towns and outgrowths at 2011 Census 112
(b) C.D. Block-wise Village Directory 113


(i) Agastheeswaram Taluk Map with demarcation of C.D. Blocks 114

(ii) Alphabetical list of villages with location code of 2001 and 2011 117
(iii) Village Directory 118


(i) Thovala Taluk Map with demarcation of C.D. Blocks 116

(ii) Alphabetical list of villages with location code of 2001 and 2011 117
(iii) Village Directory 118


(i) Kalkulam Taluk Map with demarcation of C.D. Blocks 130

(ii) Alphabetical list of villages with location code of 2001 and 2011 131
(iii) Village Directory 132



(i) Alphabetical list of villages with location code of 2001 and 2011 131
(ii) Village Directory 132


(i) Alphabetical list of villages with location code of 2001 and 2011 131
(ii) Village Directory 132


(i) Vilavancode Taluk Map with demarcation of C.D. Blocks 144

(ii) Alphabetical list of villages with location code of 2001 and 2011 145
(iii) Village Directory 146


(i) Alphabetical list of villages with location code of 2001 and 2011 145
(ii) Village Directory 146


(i) Alphabetical list of villages with location code of 2001 and 2011 159
(ii) Village Directory 160


(i) Alphabetical list of villages along with location code of 2001 and 2011 159
(ii) Village Directory 160


(i) Alphabetical list of villages along with location code of 2001 and 2011 159
(ii) Village Directory 160


(e) Appendices to Village Directory 171

Appendix 1: Summary showing total number of villages having educational, 172

medical and other amenities in villages –CD Block level
Appendix 1A: Villages by number of Primary Schools. 178
Appendix 1B: Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools. 178
Appendix 1C: Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities 179
Appendix II: Villages with 5000 and above population which do not have 180
one or more amenities available.
Appendix V: Summary showing number of Villages not having 182
Scheduled Caste population.
Appendix VI: Summary showing number of Villages not having 182
Scheduled Tribe population.
Appendix VIIA: List of villages according to the proportion of the 183
Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges.
Appendix VIIB: List of villages according to the proportion of the 185
Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.
Appendix VIII: Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat 187
(CD Block-wise).

Section -II Town Directory 191

Statement I: Status and Growth History 192

Statement II : Physical aspects and location of towns, 2009 204

Statement III: Civic and other amenities, 2009 210
Statement IV: Medical Facilities, 2009 218
Statement V: Educational, Recreational and cultural facilities,2009 222
Statement VI: Industry and banking, 2009 240
Statement VII: Civic and other amenities in slums, 2009 244

Appendix to Town Directory: Towns showing their outgrowth with population. 254

Note: Data for Appendices III and IV was not compiled and not included in the publication



Name of the Taluk Name of the CD Blocks falling

under the taluk

Agastheeswaram Agastheeswaram

Thovalai Thovalai

Kalkulam Thackalai

Vilavancode Killiyur

Notes for Maps

• The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the
appropriate base line.
• The external boundaries and coastlines of India agree with the Record / Master Copy certified by Survey
of India.
• Technical institutions shown in the Taluk maps include only Polytechnic and Industrial Training Institutes.
In Taluk maps, Other Medical Facilities are grouped:
• Rural Areas: Maternity & Child Welfare Centre, Primary Health-Sub Centre, TB Hospital or Clinic, Family
Welfare Centre, Community Health Centre
• Urban Areas: Family Welfare Centre, Maternity & Child Welfare Centre, Maternity Home, TB Hospital or


The District Census Handbook (DCHB) is an important publication of the Census Organization
since 1951. It contains both Census and non Census data of urban and rural areas for each District. The
Census data provide information on demographic and socio-economic characteristics of population at the
lowest administrative unit i.e. of each Village and Town and ward of the District. The Primary Census
Abstract (PCA) part of this publication contains Census data including data on household amenities collected
during 1st Phase of the Census i.e. House Listing and Housing Census. The non Census data presented
in the DCHB is in the form of Village Directory and Town Directory contain information on various
infrastructure facilities available in the village and town viz; education, medical, drinking water, communication
and transport, post and telegraph, electricity, banking, and other miscellaneous facilities. Later on, the
Telegraph Services were closed by the Government of India on 15th July, 2013. The data of DCHB are
of considerable importance in the context of planning and development at the grass-root level.
In the 1961 Census, DCHB provided a descriptive account of the District, administrative statistics,
Census tables and Village and Town Directory including Primary Census Abstract. This pattern was changed
in 1971 Census and the DCHB was published in three parts: Part-A related to Village and Town
Directory, Part-B to Village and Town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics,
District Census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of Villages.
The 1981 Census DCHB was published in two parts: Part-A contained Village and Town Directory and
Part-B the PCA of Village and Town including the SCs and STs PCA up to Tahsil/Town levels. New
features along with restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were added. In Village
Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the
referent Village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given.
The pattern of 1981 Census was followed by and large for the DCHB of 1991 Census except
the format of PCA. It was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given
against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 Census. In addition, sex wise population
in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile
more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time
of 1991 Census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 Census was the Community Development
Block (CD Block) level presentation of Village Directory and PCA data instead of the traditional Tahsil/
Taluk/PS level presentation.
As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the scope of Village Directory was improved by including
some other amenities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers & magazines and ‘most
important commodity’ manufactured in a Village in addition to prescribed facilities of earlier Censuses. In
Town Directory, the statement on Slums was modified and its coverage was enlarged by including details
on all slums instead of ‘notified slums’.
The scope and coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB has been widened by including a
number of new amenities in addition to those of 2001. These newly added amenities are: Pre-Primary
School, Engineering College, Medical College, Management Institute, Polytechnic, Non-formal Training
Centre, Special School for Disabled, Community Health Centre, Veterinary Hospital, Mobile Health


Clinic, Medical Practitioner with MBBS Degree, Medical Practitioner with no degree, Traditional Practitioner
and faith Healer, Medicine Shop, Community Toilet, Rural Sanitary Mart or Sanitary Hardware Outlet
in the Village, Community Bio- gas, Sub Post Office, Village Pin Code, Public Call Office, Mobile Phone
Coverage, Internet Cafes/ Common Service Centre, Private Courier Facility, Auto/Modified Autos, Taxis
and Vans, Tractors, Cycle-pulled Rickshaws, Carts driven by Animals, Village connected to National Highway,
State Highway, Major District Road, and Other District Road, Availability of Water Bounded Macadam
Roads in Village, ATM, Self-Help Group, Public Distribution System(PDS) Shop, Mandis/Regular Market,
Weekly Haat, Agricultural Marketing Society, Nutritional Centers (ICDS), Anganwadi Centre, ASHA
(Accredited Social Health Activist), Sports Field, Public Library, Public Reading Room, Assembly Polling
station, Birth & Death Registration Office. In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing the details
and the data of each Town have been presented viz.; (i)-Status and Growth History of Towns,(ii)- Physical
Aspects and Location of Towns, (iii)-Civic and other Amenities, (iv)-Medical Facilities, (v)-Educational,
Recreational & Cultural Facilities, (vi)- Industry & Banking, and (vii)- Civic & other amenities in Slums
respectively. CD Block wise data of Village Directory and Village PCA have been presented in DCHB
of 2011 Census as presented in earlier Census.
The data of DCHB 2011 Census have been presented in two parts, Part-A contains Village and
Town Directory and Part-B contains Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract. Both the Parts have
been published in separate volumes in 2011 Census.
The Village and Town level amenities data have been collected, compiled and computerized under
the supervision of Shri S. Gopalakrishnan, IAS, Director of Census Operation, Tamil Nadu. The task of
Planning, Designing and Co-ordination of this publication was carried out by Dr. Pratibha Kumari, Assistant
Registrar General (SS) under the guidance & supervision of Dr. R.C.Sethi, Ex-Addl. RGI and Shri Deepak
Rastogi present Addl.RGI. Shri A.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General, (Map) provided the technical guidance
in the preparation of maps. Shri A.K. Arora, Joint Director of Data Processing Division under the overall
supervision of Shri M.S.Thapa, Addl. Director (EDP) provided full cooperation in preparation of record
structure for digitization and validity checking of Village and Town Directory data and the programme for
the generation of Village Directory and Town Directory including various analytical inset tables as well as
Primary Census Abstract (PCA). The work of preparation of DCHB, 2011 Census has been monitored
in the Social Studies Division. I am thankful to all of them and others who have contributed to bring out
this publication in time.


16-06-2014 Registrar General &Census Commissioner, India



Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHBs) was initiated after the 1951 census
and is continuing since then with innovations/modifications after each decennial census. This is the most
valuable district level publication brought out by the census organization on behalf of each State
Government/Union Territory administration. It inter-alia provides data/information on some of the
basic demographic and socio-economic characteristics and on the availability of certain important civic
amenities/facilities in each village and town of the respective districts.
The District Census Handbook has two segments: Part A and Part B. Part A primarily deal with
village and Town Directory and Part B contains Primary Census Abstract of each village and town of
the District. The 2001 Census data presentation both in Part A and Part B of this book was the
transition from traditional presentation at Taluk level to CD Block level and this pattern continued in
2011 census as well.
The District Census Handbooks are being made available in electronic format. The DCHB is the
joint collaboration of the Census Directorate and the Government of Tamil Nadu. On behalf of the
Government of Tamil Nadu, this Directorate has prepared the manuscript of this book. The scope and
coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB has been widened by including a number of new amenities
in addition to those of 2001. In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing the details and the
data of each town have been presented viz.; (i)-Status and Growth History of towns,(ii)- Physical Aspects
and Location of Towns, (iii)-Civic and other Amenities, (iv)-Medical Facilities, (v)-Educational, Recreational
& Cultural Facilities, (vi)- Industry & Banking, and (vii)- Civic & other amenities in Slums respectively.
The data being presented in this publication have been collected and compiled by Shri M.R.V.
Krishna Rao, Joint Director and Dr. D. Venkatesan, Deputy Director with the assistance of Smt/Shri R.
Gyanashekar, Deputy Director and V. Jegatheesan, C. Raghu and J. Chithra, Assistant Directors. For
the preparation of manuscript of this book, I received wholehearted co-operation from all the Heads
of Departments, Heads of offices of the District / Taluk / Corporation / Municipal / Town and Rural
Administration and a number of dedicated and experienced Census staff of this office. I am grateful to
all of them for their valuable contribution in the accomplishment of this task of national importance. I
must place on record the co- operation extended to me by the press media and electronic media to
make the census taking a great success in the state.
I am deeply grateful to Shri Dr. C. Chandramouli, IAS, Registrar General and Census
Commissioner, India, New Delhi for the valuable guidance and advice at every step till the finalization
of this handbook. I also express my thanks to Dr. Pratibha Kumari, Assistant Registrar General (Social
Studies Division), ORGI, New Delhi for preparing the set of instructions for the compilation of the
Village and Town Directory and other inset tables etc. being inserted in this District Census Handbook.
In particular, it has to be mentioned that the write-up portion was coordinated by Shri M.R.V.
Krishna Rao, Joint Director and finalised by Dr. D. Venkatesan, Deputy Director with the assistance of
other members of the staff whose names have been acknowledged herein.


16-06-2014 Director of Census Operations, Tamil Nadu



Editing and Supervision

Shri. M.R.V. Krishna Rao Joint Director
Dr. D. Venkatesan Deputy Director
Shri. R. Gyanashekar Deputy Director
Shri. V. Jegatheesan Assistant Director (T)
Shri. C. Raghu Assistant Director (T)
Smt. J. Chithra Assistant Director (EDP)
Compilation and Scrutiny of Data
Shri. G. Vasantha Kumar Statistical Investigator, Grade – II
Smt. P. Yesotha Statistical Investigator, Grade – II
Smt. T. Dhanalakshmi Statistical Investigator, Grade – II
Smt. S. Uthradevi Statistical Investigator, Grade – II
Kum. Indu Susan Ninan Statistical Investigator, Grade – II
Smt. R.J. Drisya Statistical Investigator, Grade – II
Shri. V. Vellingiri Senior Supervisor
Shri. R. Sripathy Senior Supervisor
Shri. A. Pugalenthi Data Entry Operator – Grade B
Shri. P. Radhakrishnan Data Entry Operator – Grade B
Shri. P. Suresh Data Entry Operator – Grade B
Shri. S. Shanmugam Jr Data Entry Operator – Grade B
Shri. L. Srinivasan Data Entry Operator – Grade B
Smt. B. Kothaiyammal Senior Compiler
Smt. P. G. Raji Compiler
Kum. Ajili Vasudevan Compiler
Smt. K. Arumuga Sundari Compiler
Shri K.T. Sasidharan Junior Consultant
Shri. A Braganza Research Officer (Map)
Shri. A. Lazar Senior Geographer
Shri. E.S. Jayamohan Senior Drawing Assistant
Smt. J. Coumary Senior Draftsman
Shri. G. Rajkumar Data Processing Assistant
Shri. N. Shamiyulla Geographer
ORGI- Data Processing Division
Shri Jaspal Singh Lamba Deputy Director (EDP)
Ms. Usha Assistant Director (EDP)
Shri Anurag Gupta Data Processing Asst., Grade ‘A’
Shri Mukesh Kumar Mahawar Data Processing Asst., Grade ‘A’
Ms. Shaghufta N. Bhat Data Processing Asst., Grade ‘A’
Ms. Kiran Bala Saxena Senior Supervisor
Shri Khem Verma Jadon Senior Consultant
Shri Yashwant Singh Junior Consultant
Shri Shailender Kumar Vats Junior Consultant
Shri Pawan Kumar Sharma Junior Consultant
Shri Anuj Kumar Junior Consultant


The need of data at the grassroots level for and large for the DCHB of 1991 Census except the
the administrative and planning purposes at sub micro format of PCA. It was restructured. Nine-fold
level as well as academic studies prompted the industrial classification of main workers was given
innovation of District Census Handbook. District against the four-fold industrial classification presented
Census Handbook is a unique publication from the in the 1981 census. In addition, sex wise population
Census organization which provides most authentic in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the
details of census and non-census information from first time with a view to enable the data users to
village and town level to district level. The District compile more realistic literacy rate as all children
Census Handbook was firstly introduced during the below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate
1951 Census. It contains both census and non census at the time of 1991 census. One of the important
data of urban as well as rural areas for each district. innovations in the 1991 census was the Community
The census data contain several demographic and Development Block (CD Block) level presentation
socio-economic characteristics of the lowest of village directory and PCA data instead of the
administrative unit i.e. of each village and town and traditional tahsil/taluk/PS level presentation.
ward of the district. The non census data comprise
As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the
of data on availability of various civic amenities and
scope of Village Directory was improved by including
infrastructural facilities etc. at the town and village
some other amenities like banking, recreational and
level which constitute Village Directory and Town
cultural facilities, newspapers & magazines and ‘most
Directory part of the DCHB. The data of DCHB
important commodity’ manufactured in a village in
are of considerable importance in the context of
addition to prescribed facilities of earlier censuses.
planning and development at grass-root level.
In Town Directory, the statement on Slums was
In 1961 census, DCHB provided a modified and its coverage was enlarged by including
descriptive account of the district, administrative details on all slums instead of ‘notified slums’.
statistics, census tables and village and town directory
The scope and coverage of Village Directory
including Primary Census Abstract. This pattern was
of 2011 DCHB has been widened by including a
changed in 1971 Census and the DCHB was
number of new amenities in addition to those of 2001.
published in three parts: Part-A related to village
In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing
and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA
the details and the data of each town have been
and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative
presented viz.; (i)-Status and Growth History of
statistics, district census tables and certain analytical
towns,(ii)- Physical Aspects and Location of Towns,
tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of
(iii)-Civic and other Amenities, (iv)-Medical Facilities,
villages. The 1981 census DCHB was published in
(v)-Educational, Recreational & Cultural Facilities,
two parts: Part-A contained village and town directory
(vi)- Industry & Banking, and (vii)- Civic & other
and Part-B the PCA of village and town including
amenities in Slums respectively. CD Block wise data
the SCs and STs PCA up to taluk/town levels. New of Village Directory and Village PCA have been
features along with restructuring of the formats of
presented in DCHB of 2011 census as presented in
village and town directory were added into it. In
earlier census. The data of DCHB 2011 Census have
Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were
been presented in two parts, Part-A contains Village
brought together and if any amenity was not available
and Town Directory and Part-B contains Village and
in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges
Town wise Primary Census Abstract. Both the Parts
from the nearest place having such an amenity, was
have been published in separate volumes in 2011
given.The pattern of 1981 census was followed by



Kanniyakumari District came into existence Pandian Princes and later the Nayaks obtained help
in 1956 as a result of re-organisation of States on from Vijayanagar kings and proceeded against Venad.
linguistic basis. It was known as the granary of In 1609, Kanniyakumari fell into the hands of
Travancore due to its vast stretches of paddy fields, Viswanatha Nayak of Madurai. Thereafter till 1634,
rich forests and abundant mineral sands. there was no serious threat to Nanjil Nadu. During
the reign of Ravi Varma and Marthanda Varma,
This district has a pleasant climate and has
Venad was disturbed due to internal strife. Chanda
the advantage of both the Southwest as well as
Sahib of Arcot took advantage of this situation and
Northeast monsoons. The district has many charming
attacked Nanjil Nadu. Though Marthanda Varma could
spots, one of them being Cape Comorin, the meeting
win the famous battle at Colachel defeating the Dutch
point of the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean and the
armouries that helped the local feudatories, he could
Arabian Sea. The meeting point of the Oceans has
not cope with the threat from Chanda Sahib. In order
been described as the place where, “continent ends
to prevent further destruction, Marthanda Varma paid
in a swan-song of broken rocks and mingling oceans”.
a considerable ransom to Chanda Sahib and made
The legend behind the name of him to withdraw from the battlefield.After Marthanda
Kanniyakumari is that it has been named after the Varma, Venad had very weak rulers. Thereafter,
Goddess Kanniyakumari Amman. It is believed that there was constant interference by the British, who
the Goddess Parvathi in one of her incarnations as gained control over Venad. This situation continued
‘Devi Kanya’ did penance on one of the rocks at this till 1947.
place to obtain the hand of Lord Siva.
From 1947 to 1956, the region was governed
Kanniyakumari District consists of those parts by the Maharaja of Travancore. In 1956, the district
known locally as ‘Nanjil Nadu’ and ‘Idai Nadu’. The was included in the territory of Tamil Nadu (then
names of the villages of the District such as Madras State). By 1961, the administrative system
Azhagiapandiapuram, Bhoothapandy, Cholapuram and had fallen in line with that of the other districts of
Kulasekarapuram reveal that several rulers governed Tamil Nadu.
these places at different periods of time. Nanjil Nadu
was under the rule of Pandiyas till the early 10th
century and then under the Cheras. The Idai Nadu
including Kalkulam and Vilavancode taluks were
under the rule of the Cheras. After the decline of
the Cholas and the rise of Hoysalas and Chalukyas,
the Venad (Travancore) Chieftains (the decendants
of a central Chera family) gradually established their
hold over this area. One such Chieftain is said to
have annexed the present Cape-Comorin, Suchindrum
and other adjoining areas and styled himself as “Nanjil
Kuravam”. The annexation commenced by Veera
Kerala Varma which continued by his successors and
completed by 1116 A.D.
For about four centuries, powerful kings who
were consistently making incursions into the Pandian
territories ruled the Venad. To curb these incursionsthe



1. Kanniyakumari district ranked 19th in terms of the highest population among the districts.
2. The district has recorded second largest urban population of 82.3% to the total population
among the districts.
3. The density of population was 1111 persons/sq km, 2nd highest population density among
the districts.
4. The decadal population growth during 2001- 2011 in the district was 11.6%.
5. The district has recorded the sex ratio of 1,019, higher than the State sex ratio of 996.
6. The district has recorded 2nd highest child sex ratio of 964 in the State.
7. The district has recorded 2nd highest Scheduled Tribe sex ratio of 1049 among the
8. The district has recorded the lowest Scheduled Caste population of 3.96% among the
9. The district has recorded the literacy of 91.7% as against the State literacy of 80.1%.The
district has recorded highest male literacy of (92.4%) and the female literacy of (89.2%)
in rural areas and the highest female literacy of (90.1%) in urban areas.
10. Kadiapattinam village (L.C.No. 643135) in Kalkulam taluk returned the highest population
(26589) and Poigaimalai R.F (L.C.No. 643159) in Thovala taluk returned with the
lowest population (22) in the district.
11. Veerapuli R.F. village (L.C. No.643136) in Kalkulam taluk has the largest area of
28109 hectares and Thengamputhoor village (L.C.No. 643179) in Agastheeswaram
taluk has the smallest area of 8.94 hectares among villages in the district.
12. Agastheeswaram taluk has the highest number of inhabited villages (19) and
Vilavancode taluk has the lowest number (8) of such villages.
13. The district has recorded the lowest Work Participation Rate of 36.3 among the districts.
14. The district has recorded the lowest female Work Participation Rate of 16.4 among
the districts.
15. The district has recorded 2nd lowest percentage of agricultural labourers to total workers
16. The district has recorded 2nd lowest percentage of cultivators to total workers (2.3%).
17. The district has recorded 16.9% of rural household having no latrine which was least
among the districts.



State District
Number Percent Number Percent
Number of villages Total 15979 100.00 63 100.00
Inhabited 15049 94.18 56 88.89
Uninhabited 930 5.82 7 11.11

Number of towns Total 1097 100.00 96 100.00

Statutory 721 65.72 60 62.50
Census 376 34.28 36 37.50

Number of households Total 18524982 100.00 483539 100.00

Normal 18462231 99.66 482175 99.72
Institutional 47452 0.26 1037 0.21
Houseless 15299 0.08 327 0.07

Total population Persons 72147030 100.00 1870374 100.00

Males 36137975 50.09 926345 49.53
Females 36009055 49.91 944029 50.47

Rural Persons 37229590 100.00 330572 100.00

Males 18679065 50.17 164938 49.89
Females 18550525 49.83 165634 50.11

Urban Persons 34917440 100.00 1539802 100.00

Males 17458910 50.00 761407 49.45
Females 17458530 50.00 778395 50.55

Percentage of rural population 51.60 17.67

Percentage of urban population 48.40 82.33

Decadal population growth Persons 9741351 15.61 194340 11.60

2001 - 2011 Males 4737066 15.09 94076 11.30
Females 5004285 16.14 100264 11.88

Area (in sq km) 130060 1684.00

Density of population(persons/sq km) 555 1111

Sex ratio (No.of females/1000 males) Total 996 1019
Rural 993 1004
Urban 1000 1022

Literates Persons 51837507 80.09 1548738 91.75

Males 28040491 86.77 780541 93.65
Females 23797016 73.44 768197 89.90


State District
Number Percent Number Percent
Scheduled Caste population Persons 14438445 20.01 74249 3.97
Males 7204687 19.94 36817 3.97
Females 7233758 20.09 37432 3.97

Scheduled Tribe population Persons 794697 1.10 7282 0.39

Males 401068 1.11 3554 0.38
Females 393629 1.09 3728 0.39

Workers and non-workers

Total workers Persons 32884681 45.58 679620 36.34
Males 21434978 59.31 524629 56.63
Females 11449703 31.80 154991 16.42

(i) Main workers Persons 27942181 84.97 552658 81.32

Males 18961194 88.46 446895 85.18
Females 8980987 78.44 105763 68.24

(ii) Marginal workers Persons 4942500 15.03 126962 18.68

Males 2473784 11.54 77734 14.82
Females 2468716 21.56 49228 31.76

Non-workers Persons 39262349 54.42 1190754 63.66

Males 14702997 40.69 401716 43.37
Females 24559352 68.20 789038 83.58

Category of workers (Main & Marginal)

(i) Cultivators Persons 4248457 12.92 15610 2.30
Males 2732479 12.75 13048 2.49
Females 1515978 13.24 2562 1.65

(ii) Agricultural labourers Persons 9606547 29.21 72867 10.72

Males 4842707 22.59 61395 11.70
Females 4763840 41.61 11472 7.40

(iii) Workers in household industries Persons 1364893 4.15 35789 5.27

Males 591132 2.76 12378 2.36
Females 773761 6.76 23411 15.10

(iv) Other workers Persons 17664784 53.72 555354 81.72

Males 13268660 61.90 437808 83.45
Females 4396124 38.40 117546 75.84


The data presented in the following pages (i) Physical Features
have been gathered from primary and secondary
sources. The broad areas covered include physical Location and size
features of the district, concepts relating to 2011 Kanniyakumari district is the southern most
census, non-census concepts, findings of 2011 census, district in the State of Tamil Nadu, having an area of
analysis of Primary Census Abstract of 2011 census, 1684 sq kms. It is the only place in the entire world
analysis of the data gathered for village and town where one can witness both the rising and setting of
directory and other important and significant events, the sun at the confluence of three oceans. The district
festivals etc. lies between 77 0 05' and 77 0 36' of the Eastern
Administrative Set-up Longitude and 8 003' and 80 35' of the Northern
Latitude. The district is bounded by Tirunelveli district
The area comprising the present in the north and northeast; by Kerala State in the
Kanniyakumari district was a part of the erstwhile northwest and the confluence of the Bay of Bengal,
Travancore State. In 1835, when the State was Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean in the west and south.
divided into northern and southern divisions, this area The coastline extends over 72 kms and is almost
formed part of southern division and was placed in regular except for some points where the land projects
the charge of Dewan Peishkar, Kottayam. In July into the sea.
1949, when the United States of Travancore and
Cochin was inaugurated, the present Kanniyakumari Physiography
area continued to be a part of Trivandrum district of Kanniyakumari district is boarded by Western
Kerala State. The people of Agastheeswaram, Ghats (Ridge and valley complex) in the west.
Thovala, Kalkulam and Vilavancode taluks, which Western Ghats form an elevation of 200 meters from
formed the souther n divisions of the former these foothills in the west. The areas gently slope to
Trivandrum district, were predominantly Tamil southeast towards the Gulf of Mannar attaining an
speaking. They agitated for the merger of this area elevation of 25 to 30 meters. The eastern and central
with Madras State. The States Reorganisation tracts are quite barren, but there are a few isolated
Commission also recommended this. Accordingly, the knife edged hillocks. The coastal tracts are occupied
States Reorganisation Act, 1956 was passed and the by the marshy swamps and number of sand dunes
Kanniyakumari district was formed on 1st November (Teri sands). The prominent geomorphic units
1956, with four taluks, viz., Agastheeswaram, identified in the district through interpretation of
Thovala, Kalkulam, and Vilavancode and merged with satellite imagery are structural hills, bazada, valley
Tamil Nadu. fill, flood plain, pediment, shallow buried pediments,
Villages deep buried pediments and coastal plain.

Name of Taluks Name of CD Blocks



The major river in the district is the

Vilavancode 37 Melpuram 2 2
Thamirabarani locally known as the Kuzhithuraiyar.
Killiyur 3 3
This river has got two major tributaries namely
Munchirai 2 2
Kodayar and Paraliyar. There are many tributaries
Kalkulam 32 Thiruvattaru 9 9
to the Kodayar river, of which the Chittar is the major
Thackalai 2 2
one. The origin of Thamirabarani river is from
Kurunthancode 5 5
western ghats and the river confluences with the
Thovala 6 Thovalai 12 12
Arabian sea near Thengapattinam after running a
Agastheeswaram 21 Rajakkamangalam 9 9
distance of 56 kms. The Valliar, another small river
Agastheeswaram 10 10
and its tributary, the Thoovalar, originate from the
Not under Any CD 9 2
Velimalai hills. It collects the drainage from P.P.
Block Channel and its branches and confluences with the
Total 96 63 56

Arabian sea near Manavalakurichi. The Pazhayar, is at about 2 kms up steam of the confluence of the
another small river, starts at Shorlacode, about 18 kms Chittar 1 with the Kodayar.
northwest of Nagercoil. This is mainly a drainage river
Neyyar Dam
mostly collecting the drainage of Thovalai, Ananthanar
and N. P. Channels. Neyyar dam, situated in Kerala State, is the
source of supply for Kanniyakumari Branch Channel.
Pechiparai Dam
It takes off from the Left Bank Channel of the
The Travancore Government presided over Neyyar dam at 38.616 kms. However, the Irrigation
by Srimoolam Thirunaal Maharaja got the Pechiparai Department of the Kerala Government has been
dam constructed during the period of 1897-1906 by lukewarm in releasing water in this channel since the
the British Engineer, Mr. Alexander Humphrey merger of Kanniyakumari district with Tamil Nadu.
Minchin. This was built across the Kodayar river about
Climate and Rainfall
a mile below the confluence of its tributaries, the
Kallar, Sittar and the Kuttiyar, at Pechiparai, 11 kms The climate in Kanniyakumari district is very
north of Kulasekaram and 45 kms from Nagercoil. pleasent. The dwindling height of the Western Ghats
The dam is a straight gravity type masonry dam of and the proximity of the sea mainly influence the
425.5 metres long and 120.7 metres high above the climate of this district. The atmosphere is mostly dry
deepest foundation. with slight humidity during the month of January and
February. Sea breeze provides a soothing effect in
Perunchani Dam
coastal area.
Perunchani dam was built during the period
The district has a favourable agro-climatic
of 1948 - 1953 by the erstwhile Travancore - Cochin
condition, which is suitable for growing many varities
State. This was built across the Paraliyar river at
of crops. Its proximity to the equator, its topography
Perunchani, about 10 kms east of Kulasekaram and
and other climatic factors favour the growth of various
42 kms northwest of Nagercoil. It is across a
picturesque valley between two hillocks forming an
ideal site. The dam is a straight gravity masonry one The Western Ghats does not favour heavy rainfall
of 373.10 metres long consisting of 275.28 metres of because of low elevation in the region. Occasional
bulk head section. A drainage gallery of 1.52x2.29 showers considerably moderates the dry atmosphere.
m has been provided in the middle river section for The monsoon period lasts till mid August and after
a length of 45.70 m which serves a longitudinal that the atmosphere becomes dry again. However,
inspection chamber as well as outlet for the seepages the advent of northeast monsoon through the gaps in
from foundation. the Western Ghats enables the district to get fairly
heavy showers from October onwards. This maintains
Chittar Dam-1
the temperature at a low level till March. Due to
The Chittar dam-1 is costructed across river the lack of high hill ranges there is no heavy rain
Chittar-1 which has its source in the mountains in during the northeast monsoon period (between
Kilamalai Reserve Forest, near Ettukani and October and December). The southwest monsoon
Vadiplavukani at an elevation of over 2000 ft above also brings shower (saaral) in the months of June
mean sea level and about 2 kms up - steam of the and July.
confluence of the river with the Kodayar.
The table given below present actual and
Chittar Dam-11 normal rainfall (mm) in the district during the south-
west, north-east monsoon, winter and hot weather
It is constructed across the Chittar-11 which
seasons during 2009-10. Generally, the northeast
has its source in Kilamalai Reserve Forest at an
monsoon bring heavy rainfall in the district due to its
elevation of about 2300 ft above mean sea level and
proximity to the western ghats and as well as sea.


South West North East Winter Season Hot was declared as Kanniyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary
Monsoon Monsoon Weather
during 2002 with an extent of 45777.57 ha. Later in



2007, Kani tribal settlements, approach road to



settlements and area leased out to Arasu Rubber
355.8 327.8 452.8 427.4 50.7 33.4 283.1 217.4 Corporation were excluded from the sanctuary and
Source : Statistical Handbook of Tamil Nadu, 2011
an area of 40239.55 hectares was declared as
Kanniyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary.

Forest The forests serve as a catchment area for

10 reservoirs namely Pechiparai, Perunchani, Chithar-
The forest in Kanniyakumari district is verdant 1, Chithar-II, Upper Kodayar, Lower Kodayar,
virgin and said to be 75 million years old. In Kuthiyar, Chinna Kuthiyar, Mukkadal and Poigai Anai.
Kanniyakumari division, 14 types of forests from
luxuriant tropical wet evergreen to tropical thorn The Udhayagiri fort, with 22.50 hectares of
forests occur because of diverse locality factors. area, has been under the control of the Forest
Considerable extent of forest land has been leased Department for the past 15 years. It is maintained as
out to various Government undertakings. a park for the public with the help of Joint Forest
Management Committee. The Forest Department
The details from Arasu Rubber Corporation has in the past planted the area with species like teak,
Ltd., Nagercoil are: subabul, cassia neem etc and these trees have grown
Rubber Plantation (in hectares) 4279.78 into a good forest. Due to the protection given by the
forest department, natural vegetation has also come
Authorised capital (in crores) 10 up.
Paid up capital (in crores) 8.45 The Maruthuva Malai, also known as the
The vegetation and flora of Kanniyakumari Marunthu Vazhum Malai, the abode of medicinal
sanctuary are exceptional because of extraordinary herbs, forms part of the Western Ghats. It is believed
variety of species occuring within a small area. that the Maruthuva Malai is a fragment of the Sanjeevi
Kanniyakumari wild life sanctuary is floristically one Mountain which fell down here, while it was carried
of the richest occurs in our country harbouring not by Hanuman from Mahendragiri to Srilanka for
less than 3520 species of flowering plants. healing the fatal wounds of Lakshmana. It stretches
for more than a km, reaching a height of 800 feet at
Of the total district area of 167130 hectares, the highest point. It is a place of religious and cultural
forests occupy an area of 50486 hectares which importance.
comes to about 30.2% of the total district geographic
area, which is next to Nilgiri and Dharmapuri districts. Minerals and Mining
It is stated that 52 % of the forests has been The southern part of the coast is sandy
classified as dense forests. beaches with beach sands containing heavy minerals
The natural vegetation of this region on the eastern and western sides of Kanniyakumari.
represents biomes ranging from southern thorn forests, The area between Kanniyakumari and Kuzhithurai is
dry deciduous, moist deciduous, semi evergreen forests mainly covered by thick laterite soil dotted with few
to ever green hill sholas with grassy downs. The tract rock out crops.
is exceedingly rich in wildlife harbouring a variety of The district is made up of marine or alluvial
animals. The avifauna, the reptilian and amphibian soils, raised beaches and alluvium, sand stone,
fauna of this region are also rich and diverse. variegated clays and lignite with all geological features.
In due recognition of the tremendous Heavy minerals of industrial use such as Rutile,
biological potential, Kanniyakumari Forest Division Ilmenite, Zircon, Monazite etc. are found in the beach

at Manavalakurichi, Cape Comorin and other coastal Area in
regions in the district. Hect.

The beach deposits at Vattakottai, Forests 47686.6

Manavalakurichi and Midalam contain valuable heavy Area under non-agricultural uses 12556.8
mineral sands of Ilmenite, Rutile, Garnet, Monazite
Barren and un-cultivable land 2728.4
and Zircon. Zircon occurs in Rajakkamangalam,
Colachel and Thamaraikulam areas. Besides, the Pastures and other crazing lands 41.7
beach contain heavy sandstone all along the coast in Land under misc.tree crops etc 1404
the district.
Culturable waste land 296.8
In Thovala Taluk, near Arumanalloor, Fallow lands other than current fallows 248.9
minerals like Charneckite and Leptynite, Sulphide
mineralisation consisting mainly of pyrhotite with Current fallows 73
smaller quantity of chalcopyrite, Molybdenite, nickel Net area sown 36932.2
and cobalt sulphides have been located.
Total (Rural) 101968.4
Land and Land Use Pattern Net irrigated land area sown 28548.9
Land is the basic, fixed and limited natural Net un- irrigated land area sown 8383.2
resource. Land plays the key role in the determination
Source: Village Records
of man’s economic activities as well as social and
cultural progress. All agricultural, animal and forestry
productions depend on the quality and productivity of
the land. The entire terrestrial eco-system which Based on the agro-climatic and topographic
comprises of soil, water and plant are survived on conditions, the district can be divided into three regions,
the land resource. It meets the demand of food, energy namely:-
and other needs of livelihood
1. The uplands : comprising of hills and hills bases
Nine types of land use pattern has been gathered suitable for growing crops like rubber, cloves,
from the revenue authorities. These types are mostly nutmeg, pepper and pineapple etc.
connected to agricultural activities.
2. The Middle : comprising of plants and valleys fit
As per the data provided by the revenue for growing crops like paddy, tapioca, banana,
authorities during data collection for village and town coconut ete.
directory, the total area of the district was 168252.6
3. The low lands : comprising the coastal belt ideal
hectares (rural 101968.4 hectares and urban 66284.2
forgrowing coconut, cashew etc.
This district produces paddy, tapioca and
The non-agricultural land occupied by the
oilseeds such as groundnut and coconut besides
buildings, roads, railways, rivers, canals etc., was
commercial crops like cashew, rubber, fruits and
12556.8 hectares (7.46%). The land lying fallow
spices. The important feature of this district is the
lands other than current fallows was 248.92 hectares production of off season mangoes.
(0.15%). The total area irrigated by different sources
of water was 28548.9 hectares (16.97%) and total Paddy is the main crop of this district. It is
unirrigated land area was 8383.2 hectares(4.98%). grown in two seasons. First crop is sown in the month
As such, the entire land in the district was almost of April -June (kannipoo) and second crop is raised
utilized in one way or other. The area and percentage in the month of September-October (kumba poo).
of land under various uses has been given below. Tapioca is raised as a subsidiary food crop in this

district. The main planting season is April-May. In Horticulture
some pockets, September-October planting is also done
Mango, Tapioca and Cashewnut are the main
as second season crop. It is purely raised as rainfed
horticultural crops in this district. In 2008-09, the
crop in Kalkulam and Vilavancode taluks and as
area under various horticultural crops was as follows:
irrigated crop in some area of Agastheeswaram taluk
of this district. Coconut is an important cash crop of
Crop Area in Hect. Production (in tonnes)
this district. The main planting season is May to July.
Pulses are raised in rice- fallow and as intercrop in Mango 1598 4537
tapioca. The important pulses are blackgram, Tapioca 6965 177683
greengram, horsegram, cowpea and redgram. In the
Cashewnut 1767 1436
months of April-May and September - October pulses
are grown as intercrop with tapioca. In the months Source: Statistical Handbook of Tamil Nadu, 2011
of February - March pulses are raised as pure crop Sericulture
in rice fallows. Vegetables are cultivated during
January -February and July - August. Sericulture is a allied activity of the
agriculture. Mulberry cultivation is the main activity
Vegetable is also grown as 3rd crop after for sericulture. It was reported that mulberry was
the harvest of 2nd crop paddy in some pockets of
cultivated in 64.80 hectares under various sources
this district. Banana is cultivated mainly during March-
of irrigation. The total production of reeling cocoons
May and September -October. Groundnut is raised
was 11.50 MTs, which valued at Rs.18.00 lakhs. The
during March - April and October - November as
production of raw silk in the same year was 1.65
rainfed crop in small extent. In addition, pepper
MTs, valued at Rs.25.67 lakhs.
cloves, arecanut,betelvine, cocoa, gingelly, ginger,
turmeric,arrowroot etc. is also grown in this district. Irrigation
To cater the needs of the farmers in the The irrigation system of the district can be
district, Government through Tamil Nadu Agriculture divided into natural and man-made. The irrigation
University has established one State Seed Farm and system of Kannyakumari district dates back to Pre-
a Rice Research Station. A fruit research station 2 Sangam period. The entire district is endowed with
kms away from Kanniyakumari is also situated in this a number of canals and channels. The Kannyakumari
district. district has been normal and pleasant condition to
The following table gives the area under crops grow a number of crops. Even though the district is
and their production during 2009-10. very small, it accommodates various food and non-
food crops growing under different agro-climate
Area (in % of total Production condition. Though the district has a unique advantage
Hect.) area sown (in Tonnes) of the rainfall during monsoon seasons, it needs
Paddy 17307 19.49 76237 irrigation for agricultural purposes.
Total cereals 17307 - 76237
The development of irrigation in
Green gram 2 - - Kanniyakumari district underwent a series of changes
Black gram 647 - - during the course of time. The Vilathurai Lift Irrigation
Total pulses 649 - 247 Scheme though started early, it was not a success.
The Chittar Patanamkal project was brought with
Total Food grains 17956 - -
greater pressure. This project benefitted the people
Sugar cane 6 0.01 609 of Vilavancode and the western part of Kalkulam
Cotton 10 0.01 20 taluks. The hanging trough channel at Mathur benefits
Groundnut 20 0.02 28 the agriculturists of Kalkulam and Vilavancode taluks
and attracts tourists.
Source : Statistical Handbook of Tamil Nadu, 2011


The major river for irrigation in this district Neyyar Irrigation Project
is Thamirabarani(Kuzhithuraiar). It is formed near
Neyyar Irrigation Project was formulated by
Thiruvattar by the merger of the Paraliyar and the
the Kerala State and taken up for execution in two
Kodayar. There were many tributaries to Kodayar.
stages. The left bank canal was taken up in the
Of which Chittar I and Chittar II are the major
second stage and a part of the area served by the
tributaries. The origin of the main river Thamirabarani
left bank canal lies in Kanniyakumari district. This
from Western Ghats and the river flows with in
scheme was originally envisaged to supply of 150
Kanniyakumari district for a length of 59.2 kms and
cusecs water to be drawn from Kerala State for
confluences with the Arabian Sea near
irrigation. It is stated that this project irrigates an
Thengapattinam, West of Kanniyakumari. River
ayacut of 5800 acres in Vilavancode taluk.
Paraliyar originates in the hills on the north of
Mahendragiri mountains at an altitude of 1600 meters Major sources of water supply for irrigation in
above the sea level. It is intercepted by Perunchani this district are as follows:
Dam. It receives water from Pechiparai Dam through
the Left Bank Channel before it reaches the weir Irrigation Source Number / Length
called Puthen Dam. Thamirabarani is the other name Canals 53/ 540
of Kuzhithurai River. The Mullaiyar in Vilavancode Open Wells 2056
taluk is a stream which flow a course of about 11 Tube Wells 1304
Reservoirs 5
kms through Kalial, Edaicode and Pacode. It joins
Tanks 2623
the western Thamirabarani at Thickurichy near Source: Statistical Handbook of Tamil Nadu, 2011
Kodayar Irrigation System The following table gives the source wise Net
Area Irrigated in 2009-10.
The major reservoirs are Pechiparai and
Perunchani in this district. Kodayar irrigation system Irrigation Source Area in Hect.
(Pechiparai Dam) is the main source of irrigation Canals 10805
system in the district. Subsequently, Perunchani Tanks 16644
Reservoir was constructed across Paraliyar in 1953. Tube wells & other wells 158
Open wells 393
The two reservoirs were later connected across
Other sources 151
Paraliyar. With these irrigation facility, double crop
Source: Statistical Handbook of Tamil Nadu, 2011
are cultivated in Thovala, Agastheeswaram and
Kalkulam taluks through: Animal Husbandry
Padmanabhapuram Puthanar Channel
Rearing sheep and milch animals is the main
Anandanar Channel
income-oriented work among the rural people. This
Thovala Channel
yields a short term high income to the people below
Nanjiland Puthanar Channel
poverty line. Employment in animal husbandry is based
Thirparappu Right Bank & Left Bank Channels
on cattle-rearing and farm work.
Aruvikkarai Right Bank Canal & Left Bank Canals
Chittar Pattanam Kal Scheme Jersey, Jersey Cross, Holstein Friesian are
found in the district. ‘Murrah’, Buffaloes and local
Chittar Dams I & II were constructed breeds are also found in the district.
across Chittar during 1964-70 under Chittar
Pattanamkal Project. Two major channels carry While refering to 17th Livestock Census, the
water from this project to irrigates an ayacut of 15000 DES has quoted the livestock population in the district,
acres under Pattanamkal Channel and 17000 acres as given in the following table.
under Radhapuram Channel.

A few large scale industries in Kanniyakumari
Livestock and P oultry Population
help generation of employment. Two Spinning Mills
Cow 92250
and the Indian Rar e Earth Limited at
Buffaloes 4664 Manavalakurichi generate substantial employment
Sheep 609 opportunities to the people. At Ammandivilai, Coir
Goat 117902 mats are manufactured. Travancore Minerals Limited
Poultry 653851 located at Manavalakurichi is also play crucial role
Source:District Statistical Handbook, 2009-10 to economy of the district.
During 2009-10, there were 2 veterinary
A number of medium scale industrial units,
hospitals, 2 mobile veterinary units, 36 veterinary
small scale industrial units and cottage industries are
dispensaries, 30 veterinary sub-centres and 1 clinical
established in this district. Besides, 608 registered
centre in this district. A poultry extension centre is
factories and 85 trade unions were reported in
functioning at Kottaram.
Kanniyakumari district during 2009-10. The abundant
Similarly, dairy development is also playing a supply of raw materials like rubber, tapioca, palmyra
crucial role in the economy of the people in the products, bamboo, woods of all kinds, coconut
district. The total milk production in this district during products etc., help promoting large scale employment
2009-10 was 143.058 tonnes. Of this, 140.375 tonnes in the distirct. It is worth mentioning that rubber
was cow’s milk and 2.683 tonnes was buffaloes milk. industry and coir industry have great potential in
The egg production in this district in 2009-10 was this district. There is a Government coir training school
82.850 lakhs. at Eathamozhi. An Industrial Estate has also been
established at Nagercoil and Kappicaud near
Kanniyakumari district has a coastline of 72
There are vast opportunities for the rubber,
kms. Thus, fishing activiy is an imporant occupation
coir and fruit based industries etc. If proper incentives
among majority of the population living along the
and infrastructure facilities are offered to the educated
coast. There are 6 coastal blocks and 42 coastal
entrepreneurs who are moving for employment in
centres in the district. In 2009-10, there were 42164
abroad and to neighbouring States.
tonnes of marine fish catch and 4361.390 tonnes of
inland fish catch reported in this district. Major portion The major exportable items in 2009-10 in
of the fish and crustaceans like prawns and lobsters Kanniyakumari district were fish net, cashew nut,
are exported. coconut products, coir pith, steel furniture, rubber
products, surgical gloves, banana, desicated coconut,
About Craft wise marine fish production,
ilmenite, activate carbon, herbal extracts, siddha and
23494.02 tonnes are mechanised, 8580.46 tonnes
ayurvedic medicine etc.
are non-mechanised and 9592.41 tonnes are motorised
in Kanniyakumari district during 2009-10. There are Tourism based service enterprises and mobile
also 497.54 tonnes of Shore Seine in this district. A windmill security unit are the service enterprises in
fisherman training centre is also functioning at Kanniyakumari district.
Handloom Industry
The main products of the handloom sector
The economy of this district gets fillip from are dhoties, cotton towels, turkey towels etc.,
rural industries like, fibre- extraction from coconut Vadasery in Agastheeswaram taluk is prominent
husks, rubber plantation and handicraft industry, for dhothies and turkey towels. In Kalkulam and
besides agriculture and fisheries activities. The rural Vilavancode taluks ‘Kerala Setmundu’ is produced
industries produces varieties of export quality which has a good market in Kerala State. Vadasery,
handloom products, palm products, rubber products Colachel, Eraniel, Nattalam, Palliyadi, Amsi are the
and coir products.
areas where cluster of weavers engaged in cotton Kanniyakumari is connected by rail to Tirunelveli and
handloom weaving. Thiruvananthapuram. The district has good motorable
roads maintained by the Highways Department. The
Khadi Village Industry
trunk road from Chennai to Nagercoil and then on
The major khadi industries like cotton, silk, to Thiruvananthapuram enters the district near
woollen and polyester etc., available in this district. Aralvoimozhi and passes through the district over
The production and sales in cotton industries are 18.11 a distance of 62 kms, and thereafter, enters Kerala
and 48.37 lakhs respectively and the production and State.
sales in polyester industries are 5.64 and 7.96 lakhs
respectively in kanniyakumari district in 2009-10. Road Length Kms
National Highways 22.6
Trade and Commerce
State Highways 1189.8
There were 693 fair price shops in this district,
565 of this were full-time and 128 part-time. Of this, Corporation & Municipalities Road 314.7

the Tamil Nadu Civil Supply Corporation runs 115 Panchayat Union & Panchayat Road 1932.2
shops and the rest 507 are run by the Co-operative
Town Panchayat Road 2864.2
Department. Other agencies run 43 fair price shops.
This district also has 28 women fair price shops. There Others (Forest road) 36.9
are 6 regulated markets, 5 rural godowns and 1 Source: District Statistical Handbook, 2009 -10
commercial grading centre in Kanniyakumari district.
An ancient port in the State, Colachel port,
said to be a natural port in the West Coast in which
The road network in Kanniyakumari district ships can be harboured very near the shore. From
consists of national highways, state highways, district mid -November to March loading and unloading of
roads and rural roads. cargo is done as fair weather prevail during this
This district has a good network of roads. period.
The total length of surfaced road in the district is The district is well connected by railways.
4586.938 kms and un-surfaced roads amount to
Nagercoil Railway Junction play a crucial role for
850.538 kms, thus there are 5437.476 kms of road in
the passengers and cargo transportation.Well
this district in 2007-08.
developed transport facilitates the inflow of large
Type of road Length (in kms) number of pilgirims to visit Vivekanandar Rock and
Cement Concrete 487.6 Thiruvalluvar Statue built at Kanniyakumari.
Surfaced Roads
Bituminous 3453.9 There are 893 buses running under Tamilnadu
WBM 645.4 State Development Corporation Ltd in 2011-12. The
railway broad gauge route and track length for the
Total 4586.9
district is 78 km and there are also 11 Railway
850.5 Stations in the district in 2009-10.
Un surfaced Roads
Grand Total There were 18960 commercial and 186631
Source: Statistical Handbook of Tamil Nadu, 2011 non-commercial vehicles registered in Kanniyakumari
district in 2009-10.
The district is well covered with bus transport
The following table gives the details about
facilities, 632 routes with a fleet strength of 676 buses
the registered motot vehicles in the district during
operated in the district. The nearest Airport is located
at Thiruvananthapuram, 86 kms from Nagercoil.


Vehicles Number Consumption of Electricity Units

Commercial Agriculture 9533496
Stage Carriage-Public 684 Industry 37627836
Stage Carriage-Private 84 Commercial 82945500
Mini Bus 249
Domestic &Waterworks 367956876
Auto-rickshaw 5341
Public lighting & water works 60649662
Ordinary Taxi 32
Miscellaneous (Including Huts) 691608
Motor-Cab with State Permit 1694
Source: District Statistical Handbook, 2009 -10
Taxi with All India Permit 12
Maxi-Cab with State P ermit 1363
The following table gives the status of Rural
Maxi-Cab with All India Permit 0
Electrification in kanniyakumari district in 2009-10.
Omni Bus- State 0
Omni Bus- All India 0
P rivate Service vehicle 118 Rural Electrification Numbers

School Bus 273 Number of pump sets energised 6871

Ambulance 204 Number of villages Electrified 46
Fire Fighter 42
Number of Hamlets Electrified 2510
Light Commercial Vehicle 4186
Source: District Statistical Handbook, 2009 -10
Lorry – State Permit 2929
Lorry – National Permit 637
Articulated Vehicle- State P ermit 0 Gram Panchayats, its composition, jurisdiction
Articulated Vehicle- National Permit 2 and role in the development of village and its
Tractor & Trailer 1110 economy
Total Commercial Vehicle 18960 Gram (Village) Panchayat is the cornerstone
of a local self-government organisation of the
Motor Cycle 106430
Panchayati Raj in India, headed by Village Panchayat
Scooter 21064
President. Village Panchayat is a statutory institution
Moped 36758
of local self-government. Village Panchayat President
Tri-cycle- Auto 43
along with Village Panchayat Ward Members
Motor Car 16641
constitutes Gram Panchayat or Village Panchayat.
Jeep 731
Panchayati Raj is a system of governance in which
Station Wagon 43
Village Panchayats are the basic unit of administration
Tractor 1868
in the rural areas. Panchayati Raj has 3 tier system;
Three Wheeler 1587
Village Panchayat, Community Development Block
Four Wheeler 587
Road roller 16 or Panchayat Union and District Panchayat.
Others 863 Members under the Panchayati Raj are elected by
Total Non Commercial Vehicle 186631 the people.
Grand total 205591 The history of Local Body or Panchayat Raj
Source: Statistical Handbook of Tamil Nadu, 2011 in Tamil Nadu could be dated back to the ancient
period wherein the village administration was taken
care by a Village Assembly known as Sabai in every
This district is fed by 280.3 units generating village. Further, each village was divided into several
from Hydro electricity and 177.28 units getting from wards known as mandalams. This is evident from
Wind Mill Electricity in 2009-10. the epigraph inscriptions found in Vaikuntha Perumal
Temple near Uthiramerur. They used the Pot-ticket
The below table gives details of the system of election (Kudavolai Murai) to elect the
consumption of electricity in 2009-10. representatives to the assembly.

In Tamil Nadu, 3 tier Panchayat Raj System · Maintaining sanitation and public health
(Village Panchayat, Community Development
· Lighting on roads and public places
Block or Panchayat Union and District Panchayat)
has been working for the development of the people. · Controlling and maintaining village cremation
Developmental administration is the main objective ground and/or cemetery
of these 3 tier system. It is responsible for the
· Taking part in Agricultural development
implementation of various centrally sponsored, state-
funded, and externally aided schemes for provision · Maintaining a library and opening elementary
of basic amenities and other services to the people. school
Elections are held to elect the representatives for
· Planting and preservation of trees on the sides
these 3 tier institutions. Ministry of Municipal
of the public roads
Administration and Rural Development, Government
of Tamil Nadu is the State Government governing · Collection of taxes
body for these institutions.
The table below gives the details of elected
Three tier Panchayat Raj System is generally Local Body Members during the last (2011) Local
referred to as Local Body for both Urban and Rural Body election in Tamil Nadu.
areas. The urban local bodies act as platform between ELECTED LOCAL B ODY REPRESENTATIVES IN 2011
the people in the urban areas and the administration.

Depending on the population and income of the urban




areas, there are 3 levels of Local Body institutions in


Tamil Nadu; Municipal Corporations, Municipalities
and Town Panchayats. The Rural Local Body
District Panchayat
includes Village Panchayats, Panchayat Unions (co- 6 4 1 0 0 0 11
Ward Members
terminus with Blocks) and District Panchayats. Panchayat Union
6 3 0 0 0 0 9
Chair P ersons
For the Urban Local Body, the elected head
of the institutions are Corporation Mayor, Municipality/ Panchayat Union 67 41 3 0 0 0 111
Ward Members
Town Panchayat Chairperson and Corporation/
Village Panchayat 57 33 3 2 0 0 95
Municipality/Town Panchayat Councillor. For the Presidents
Rural Local Body the elected members are Village Village Panchayat
Panchayat President, District Panchayat Ward 617 318 38 9 1 1 984
Ward Members
Member, Panchayat Union Ward Member and Village Source: Directorate of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj,
Panchayat Ward Member. Government of Tamil Nadu

The main source of income of the Gram In Kanniyakumari district, 11 members

Panchayat or Village Panchayat is the property tax elected as District Panchayat Ward Members, 9
levied on buildings and open spaces within the village. members elected as Panchayat Union Chairpersons
Other sources of income include professional tax, and 111 members elected as Panchayat Union Ward
taxes on pilgrimage, animal trade, grant received from Members. The total number of Village Panchayat
the State Government in proportion of land revenue Presidents and Village Panchayat Ward Members in
and the grants received from the government. the district were 95 and 984 respectively. There
were 47 SCs elected to the local body at various
Major functions of Gram or Village Panchayat
levels. While only 2 STs elected to the local body
in Tamil Nadu include:
during the last local body election, which is very poor
· Drinking water supply representation.

· Construction of public roads, drains, small

Following table gives the details of Village
irrigation projects
Panchayat and population in the district.



Name of CD Block
Persons M ales Females

Agastheeswaram 12 43632 21745 21887

Thovalai 16 61765 30665 31100
Rajakkamangalam 12 88200 43734 44466
Thackalai 7 57180 28468 28712
Kurunthancode 9 65282 32902 32380
Thiruvattaru 10 70834 35270 35564
Killiyur 8 56537 28135 28402
Munchirai 11 127016 62997 64019
Melpuram 10 75995 37268 38727
Total 95 646441 321184 325257

Details of Village Panchayats in each CD

Block are presented in Appendix VIII. However,
uninhabited villages are not included in the list.


(ii) Census Concepts not considered as dwelling rooms. A room, used for
multipurpose such as sleeping, sitting, dining, storing,
Building: A ‘Building’ is generally a single structure cooking, etc., is regarded as a dwelling room. In a
on the ground. Usually a structure will have four walls situation where a census house is used as a shop or
and a roof. Sometimes it is made up of more than office., etc., and the household also stays in it then
one component unit which are used or likely to be the room is not considered as a dwelling room. But
used as dwellings (residences) or establishments such if a garage or servant quarter is used by a servant
as shops, business houses, offices, factories, and if she/ he also lives in it as a separate household
workshops, work sheds, Schools, places of then this has been considered as a dwelling room
entertainment, places of worship, godowns, stores etc. available to the servant’s household. Tent or conical
It is also possible that building which have component shaped hut if used for living by any household is also
units may be used for a combination of purposes such considered as dwelling room. A dwelling room, which
as shop-cum-residence, workshop-cum-residence, is shared by more than one household, has not been
office-cum-residence etc. But in some areas the very counted for any of them. If two households have a
nature of construction of houses is such that there dwelling room each but in addition also share a
may not be any wall. Such is the case of conical common dwelling room, then the common room has
structures where entrance is also provided but they not been counted for either of the households.
may not have any walls. Therefore, such conical
structures are also treated as separate buildings. Census House: A ‘census house’ is a building or
part of a building used or recognized as a separate
Pucca houses: Houses, the walls and roof of which unit because of having a separate main entrance from
are made of permanent materials. The material of the road or common courtyard or staircase, etc. It
walls can be any one from the following, namely, may be occupied or vacant. It may be used for
Stones (duly packed with lime or cement mortar), residential or non- residential purpose or both. If a
G.I/metal/ asbestos sheets, Burnt bricks, Cement building has a number of Flats or Blocks/Wings, which
bricks, Concrete. Roof may be made of from any are independent of one another having separate
one of the following materials, namely, Machine-made entrances of their own from the road or a common
tiles, Cement tiles, Burnt bricks, Cement bricks, Stone, staircase or a common courtyard leading to a main
Slate, G.I/Metal/Asbestos sheets, Concrete. Such gate, these are considered as a separate Census
houses are treated as Pucca house. house.
Kutcha houses: Houses in which both walls and Village: The basic unit for rural areas is the revenue
roof are made of materials, which have to be replaced village, which has definite surveyed boundaries. The
frequently. Walls may be made from any one of the revenue village may comprise of one or more hamlets
following temporary materials, namely, grass, Unburnt but the entire village is treated as one unit for
bricks, bamboos, mud, grass, reeds, thatch, plastic / presentation of data. In un surveyed areas, like
polythene, loosed packed stone, etc. Such houses are villages within forest areas, each habitation area with
treated as Kutcha house. locally recognized boundaries is treated as one village.
Dwelling Room: A room is treated as a dwelling Rural-Urban area: The data in the census are
room if it has walls with a doorway and a roof and presented separately for rural and urban areas. The
should be wide and long enough for a person to sleep unit of classification in this regard is ‘town’ for urban
in, i.e. it should have a length of not less than 2 meters areas and ‘village’ for rural areas. The urban area
and a breadth of at least 1.5 meters and a height of comprises two types of towns viz; Statutory towns
2 meters. A dwelling room would include living room, and Census towns. In the Census of India 2011, the
bedroom, dining room, drawing room, study room, definition of urban area adopted is as follows:
servant’s room and other habitable rooms. Kitchen,
bathroom, latrine, store room, passageway and (a) Statutory Towns : All places with a municipality,
verandah which are not normally usable for living are corporation, cantonment board or notified town

area committee, etc are known as statutory (a) The core town or at least one of the constituent
towns. towns of an urban agglomer ation should
necessarily be a statutory town; and
(b) Census Towns: All other places satisfying the
following three criteria simultaneously are treated (b) The total population of an Urban Agglomeration
as Census Towns. (i.e. all the constituents put together) should not
be less than 20,000 as per the 2001 Census. In
i) A minimum population of 5,000;
varying local conditions, there were similar other
ii) At least 75 per cent of male working combinations which have been treated as urban
population engaged in non-agricultural agglomerations satisfying the basic condition of
pursuits; and contiguity.
iii) A density of population of at least 400 per Out Growth (OG): The outgrowth is a viable unit
sq. km. (1,000 per sq. mile) such as a village or a hamlet or an enumeration block
and clearly identifiable in terms of its boundaries and
For identification of places which would
location. While determining the outgrowth of a town,
qualify to be classified as ‘urban’ all villages, which,
it has been ensured that it possesses the urban
as per the 2001 Census had a population of 4,000
features in terms of infrastructure and amenities such
and above, a population density of 400 persons per
as pucca roads, electricity, taps, drainage system for
sq. km. and having at least 75 per cent of male
disposal of waste water etc., educational institutions,
working population engaged in non-agricultural activity
post offices, medical facilities, banks etc and physically
were considered. To work out the proportion of male
contiguous with the core town of the UA.
working population referred to above against b) (ii),
the data relating to main workers were taken into City: Towns with population of 100,000 and above
account. In addition the above stated towns, urban are called cities.
areas also constitutes of OGs which are the parts of
Household: A ‘household’ is usually a group of
persons who normally live together and take their
Urban Agglomeration (UA): An Urban meals from a common kitchen unless the exigencies
Agglomeration is a continuous urban spread of work prevent any of them from doing so. Persons
constituting a town and its adjoining urban outgrowths in a household may be related or unrelated or a mix
(OGs) or two or more physically contiguous towns of both. However, if a group of unrelated persons
together with or without urban outgrowths of such live in a census house but do not take their meals
towns. In some cases, railway colonies, university from the common kitchen, then they are not
campuses, port areas, military camps etc; may come constituent of a common household. Each such person
up near a statutory town outside its statutory limits was to be treated as a separate household. The
but within the revenue limits of a village or villages important link in finding out whether it was a
contiguous to the town. Each such individual area household or not was a common kitchen/common
by itself may not satisfy the minimum population limit cooking. There may be one member households, two
to qualify it to be treated as an independent urban member households or multi-member households.
unit but may qualify to be clubbed with the existing
Institutional Household: A group of unrelated
town as their continuous urban spread (i.e., an Out
persons who live in an institution and take their meals
Growth). Each such town together with its
from a common kitchen is called an Institutional
outgrowth(s) is treated as an integrated urban area
Household. Examples of Institutional Households are
and is designated as an ‘urban agglomeration’. For
boarding houses, messes, hostels, hotels, rescue homes,
the purpose of delineation of Urban Agglomerations
observation homes, beggars homes, jails, ashrams, old
during Census of India 2011, following criteria has
age homes, children homes, orphanages, etc. To make
been adopted:
the definition more clearly perceptible to the
enumerators at the Census 2011, it was specifically

mentioned that this category or households would 27 Kakkalan (in Kanniyakumari district and
cover only those households where a group of Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
unrelated persons live in an institution and share a 28 Kalladi
common kitchen. 29 Kanakkan, Padanna (in the Nilgiris district)
30 Karimpalan
Houseless household : Households who do not live
31 Kavara (in Kanniyakumari district and
in buildings or census houses but live in the open or
Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
roadside, pavements, in hume pipes, under flyovers
32 Koliyan
and staircases, or in the open in places of worship,
33 Koosa
mandaps, railway platforms, etc., are treated as
34 Kootan, Koodan (in Kanniyakumari district and
Houseless Households.
Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes: The list 35 Kudumban
of SCs and STs applicable in the State/UT is given 36 Kuravan, Sidhanar
hereunder:- 37 Madari
38 Madiga
39 Maila
40 Mala
Sl. No. Scheduled Castes 41 Mannan (in Kanniyakumari district and
Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
1 Adi Andhra 42 Mavilan
2 Adi Dravida 43 Moger
3 Adi Karnataka 44 Mundala
4 Ajila 45 Nalakeyava
5 Arunthathiyar 46 Nayadi
6 Ayyanavar (in Kanniyakumari district and 47 Padannan (in Kanniyakumari district and
Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district) Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
7 Baira 48 Pagadai
8 Bakuda 49 Pallan
9 Bandi 50 Palluvan
10 Bellara 51 Pambada
11 Bharatar (in Kanniyakumari district and 52 Panan (in Kanniyakumari district and
Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district) Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
12 Chakkiliyan 53 Panchama
13 Chalavadi 54 Pannadi
14 Chamar, Muchi 55 Panniandi
15 Chandala 56 Paraiyan, Parayan, Sambavar
16 Cheruman 57 Paravan (in Kanniyakumari district and
17 Devendrakulathan Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
18 Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano 58 Pathiyan (in Kanniyakumari district and
19 Domban Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district)
20 Godagali 59 Pulayan, Cheramar
21 Godda 60 Puthirai Vannan
22 Gosangi 61 Raneyar
23 Holeya 62 Samagara
24 Jaggali 63 Samban
25 Jambuvulu 64 Sapari
26 Kadaiyan 65 Semman

66 Thandan (in Kanniyakumari district and 22 Malai Vedan
Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district) 23 Malakkuravan
67 Thoti 24 Malasar
68 Tiruvalluvar 25 Malayali (in Dharmapuri, North
69 Vallon Arcot, Pudukkottai, Salem, South
70 Valluvan Arcot and Tiruchirappalli districts)*
71 Vannan (in Kanniyakumari district and 26 Malayakandi
Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district) 27 Mannan
72 Vathiriyan 28 Mudugar, Muduvan
73 Velan 29 Muthuvan
74 Vetan (in Kanniyakumari district and 30 Pallayan
Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district) 31 Palliyan
75 Vettiyan 32 Palliyar
76 Vettuvan (in Kanniyakumari district and 33 Paniyan
Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district) 34 Sholaga
35 Toda (excluding Kanniyakumari
LIST OF SCHEDULED TRIBES district and Shenkottah taluk of
Tirunelveli district)
Sl. No. Scheduled Tribes 36 Uraly

1 Adiyan * The entry is to be read as in “Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri,

2 Aranadan Vellore, Tiruvannamalai, Pudukottai, Salem, Namakkal,
3 Eravallan Viluppuram, Cuddalore, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,
4 Irular Perambalur and Ariyalur districts.
5 Kadar
6 Kammara (excluding Kanniyakumari Language and Mother tongue: As per the census
district and Shenkottah taluk of concept, each language is a group of mother tongues.
Tirunelveli district) The census questionnaire collects information on the
7 Kanikaran, Kanikkar (in Kanniyakumari mother tongue of each person. Mother tongue is the
district and Shenkottah and Ambasamudram language spoken in childhood by the person’s mother
taluks of Tirunelveli district) to the person. If the mother died in infancy, the
8 Kaniyan, Kanyan language mainly spoken in the person’s home in
9 Kattunayakan childhood will be the mother tongue. In the case of
10 Kochu Velan infants and deaf mutes, the language usually spoken
11 Konda Kapus by the mother is considered as mother tongue. It is
12 Kondareddis not necessary that the language spoken as mother
13 Koraga tongue should have a script. The mother tongues
14 Kota (excluding Kanniyakumari returned by the respondents in census are classified
district and Shenkottah taluk of and grouped under appropriate languages according
Tirunelveli district) to their linguistic characteristics.
15 Kudiya, Melakudi Literate: A person aged 7 years and above who
16 Kurichchan can both read and write with understanding in any
17 Kurumbas (in the Nilgiris district) language is taken as literate. A person who can only
18 Kurumans
read but cannot write is not literate. It is not necessary
19 Maha Malasar
that to be considered as literate, a person should have
20 Malai Arayan
received any formal education or passed any minimum
21 Malai Pandaram
educational standard. Literacy could have been

achieved through adult literacy classes or through any of cereals and millet crops such as wheat, paddy,
non-formal educational system. People who are blind jowar, bajra, ragi, etc., and other crops such as
and can read in Braille are treated as literates. sugarcane, tobacco, ground-nuts, tapioca, etc., and
pulses, raw jute and kindred fiber crop, cotton,
Literacy rate: Literacy rate of the population is
cinchona and other medicinal plants, fruit growing,
defined as the percentage of literates in the age-group
vegetable growing or keeping orchards or groves, etc.
seven years and above. For different age-groups the
Cultivation does not include the plantation crops like–
percentage of literates in that age-group gives the
tea, coffee, rubber, coconut and betel nuts (areca).
literacy rate.
The workers engaged in Plantation crops are recorded
Educational level: The highest level of education a under “other workers”.
person has completed.
Agricultural labourer: A person who works on
Work: Work is defined as participation in any another person’s land for wages in cash or kind or
economically productive activity with or without share is regarded as an agricultural labourer. She/he
compensation, wages or profit. Such participation may has no risk in the cultivation, but merely works on
be physical and/or mental in nature. Work involves another person’s land for wages. An agricultural
not only actual work but also includes effective labourer has no right of lease or contract on land on
supervision and direction of work. It even includes which she/he works.
part time help or unpaid work on farm, family
Household industry worker: Household industry
enterprise or in any other economic activity. All
is defined as an industry conducted by one or more
persons engaged in ‘work’ as defined above are
members of the household at home or within the
workers. The main point to note is that the activity
village in rural areas and only within the precincts of
should be economically productive. Reference period
the house where the household lives in urban areas.
for determining a person as worker and non-worker
The larger proportion of workers in household industry
is one year preceding the date of enumeration.
should consist of members of the household. The
Main worker: A person who has worked for major industry should not be run on the scale of a registered
part of the reference period (i.e. six months or more factory which would qualify or has to be registered
during the last one year preceding the date of under the Indian Factories Act and should be engaged
enumeration) in any economically productive activity in manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs of
is termed as ‘Main worker’. goods. The activity relate to production, processing,
servicing, repairing or making and selling of goods. It
Marginal worker: A person who worked for 3
does not include professions such as a pleader, Doctor,
months or less but less than six months of the
Musician, Dancer, Waterman, Astrologer, Dhobi,
reference period (i.e. in the last one year preceding
Barber, etc. or merely trade or business, even if such
the date of enumeration) in any economic activity is
professions, trade or services are run at home by
termed as ‘Marginal worker’.
members of the household.
Non-worker: A person who has not worked at all
Other worker: A person, who has been engaged in
in any economically productive activity during the
some economic activity during the last year of
reference period (i.e. last one year preceding the date
reference period but not as a cultivator or agricultural
of enumeration) is termed as ‘Non worker’.
labourer or worker in Household Industry. The type
Cultivator: For purposes of the Census, a person is of workers that come under this category include all
classified as cultivator if he or she is engaged in government servants, municipal employees, teachers,
cultivation of land owned or from government or from factory workers, plantation workers, those engaged
private persons or institutions for payment in money, in trade, commerce, business, transport, banking,
kind or share. Cultivation also includes effective mining, construction, political or social work, priests,
supervision or direction in cultivation. Cultivation entertainment artists, etc. In fact, all those workers
involves ploughing, sowing, harvesting and production

other than cultivators or agricultural labourers or Standard VIII are classified as Middle Schools. A
household industry workers are ‘Other Workers’. School with Class 1 to VIII is treated as two units,
i.e. one Primary School and one Middle School.
Work participation rate: Percentage of Workers
(Main + Marginal) to total population. 1.4 Secondary School (S): Schools providing
education from Standard IX and upwards up to and
Population density: Population density is the number
inclusive of Standard X are classified as Secondary
of persons inhabited per square kilometer of the area.
Schools. A composite school with 1 to X standard is
Age: Age is measured in terms of the completed treated as three separate units and counted separately
number of years. under the categories of Primary School, Middle School
and Secondary School.
Sex Ratio: Number of females per 1,000 males in
a population. 1.5 Senior Secondary School (SS): Schools and
colleges that provide education for Standards XI and
(iii) Non-Census Concepts
XII and first and second year of the Pre-University
Concepts used in Village and Town Directories Course fall under this category. There are Senior
of DCHB Secondary Schools with Standard I and upwards up
to Standard XII.
1. Educational Amenities:-The type of different
educational facilities available in the village is given 1.6. Degree College
in numbers. Both Government and private educational
(i) Arts/Science/Commerce : These are all
facilities / institutions are considered for this-purpose.
educational institutions that provide post-PUC
If there are composite schools like Middle schools
level education leading to University degree/
with Primary classes, or Secondary schools with
diploma in any subject or combination of
middle classes, these are included in the number of
subjects and also post-graduate levels of
Primary and Middle schools respectively. For example,
education. The college offering courses in Arts,
if in a village there are two Primary schools and one
Science or Commerce either separately or in
Middle school with primary classes, the number of
combination are covered under this category.
Primary schools in the village are given as three and
that of Middle school as one even though there may (ii) Engineering College (E): It is a graduate/
be only three educational institutions. So also in case post-graduate degree college providing Bachelor
of Secondary schools. For better understanding, the of Engineering (BE) or Bachelor of Technology
distinctiveness of different types of schools is depicted (B. Tech.) or post-graduate engineering degrees
hereunder: like M.Tech.

1.1 Pre-primary (PP): Now-a-days, the children are (iii) Medical Colleges: These are graduate/post-
sent to schools at a very early stage. Lot of pre- graduate degree colleges providing MBBS or
primary schools, private schools in particular, have equivalent degree in alternative medicine like
come up in villages and towns. These may or may Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy etc. or post-
not be recognized by the competent authorities. Even graduate medical degrees like M.D or
many Secondary schools have classes starting from equivalent in the above branches of medicine.
preprimary level. Pre-primary classes include Nursery,
1.7. Management College/ Institute (MI): It
K.G., Pre-basic, Play school, etc.
offers courses like Diploma in Management, Post-
1.2 Primary School (P): Schools providing education Graduate Diploma in Management, Masters of
from Standard 1 and upward up to and inclusive of Business Administration (MBA) and specializations
Standard V are classified as Primary Schools. in different disciplines of Management like Marketing,
Human Resources Development (HRD) etc.
1.3 Middle School (M): Schools providing education
from Standard VI and upward up to and inclusive of

1.8. Polytechnic (Pt): An Institution providing
Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Eye and
certificate/diploma (not equivalent to degree) in any
ENT, Surgery, Toxicology, Geriatrics and Science
technical subject like engineering, vocational courses
of virility. Two types of treatments, Preventive
like embroidery, fashion designing etc. It may be both
and Curative, are given in Ayurveda.
Government and Private.
(c) Unani: Treatment of Unani consists of three
1.9. Vocational School/ITI: It is a vocational training
components, namely, preventive, promotive and
institute imparting trainings in specific fields acquiring
curative. Unani system of medicine has been
necessary skill, which will make the trainees
found to be efficacious in conditions like
employable or create them opportunities of self-
Rheumatic Artharitis. Jaundice, Filarisis, Eczema,
employment. Trainings offered by Industrial Training
Sinusitis and Bronchial Asthma. For the
Institutes (ITI) fall under this category.
prevention of the disease and promotion of
1.10. Non-formal Education/Training Centre health, the Unani System emphasizes six
(NFTC): Non-vocational education centers, essentials: pure air, food and water, physical
established by the Central and State Governments movement and rest, psychic movement and rest,
provide educational facilities to the interested persons sleep and wakefulness and retention of useful
irrespective of educational qualification, and age. materials and evacuation of waste materials from
These education centers are open to all. the body.

1.11. Special School for Disabled: There are (d) Homoeopathy: Treatment in Homeo-pathy,
Government and Government recognized institutions/ which is holistic in nature, focuses on an
organizations engaged for providing education to individual’s response to a specific environment.
different groups of disabled persons. Homoeopathic medicines are prepared mainly
from natural substances such as plant products,
2. Medical Facilities
minerals and animal sources. Homoeopathic
2.1 Hospital-Allopathic and Hospital-Alternative medicines do not have any toxic, poisonous or
medicine: A hospital is an Institution, where sick or side effects. Homoeopathic treatment is
injured are given medical or surgical care. Bed economical as well and has a very broad public
strength differs from hospital to hospital ranging from acceptance.
31 to 500 depending upon whether these are sub-
2.2 Community Health Centre (CHC):
district, sub-divisional or district hospitals. If there is
Community Health Centres are designed to provide
hospitals providing facilities under different systems
referral health care for cases from PHC and those
of medicines such as, Allopathy, Ayurveda, Unani and
in need of specialist health care approaching the CHC
Homeopathy etc., these details are given separately.
directly. 4 PHCs are included under each CHC thus
(a) Allopathy: The system of medical practice, which catering approximately 80,000 populations in tribal/
treats disease by the use of remedies which hilly areas and 1, 20,000 populations for plain areas.
produce effects different from those produced CHC is a 30- bedded hospital providing specialist care
by the disease under treatment. in Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Surgery and
(b) Ayurveda: Ayurveda means ‘Science of life’.
The philosophy of Ayurveda is based on the 2.3 Primary Health Centre (PHC): A Primary
theory of Pancha Mahabhootas (Five elements) Health Centre is the first contact point between a
of which all the objects and living bodies are village community and the Government medical
composed of. The combination of these five officer. A PHC covers a population of 20,000 in hilly,
elements are represented in the form of Tridosha: tribal or difficult areas and 30,000 populations in plain
Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These three ‘doshas’ are areas with 4-6 indoor/observation beds. It acts as a
physiological entities of living beings. Ayurveda referral unit for 6 sub-centres. It has a medical officer
developed into eight distinct specialities, i.e., and para medical staff.

2.4 Primary Health Sub- Centre (PHS): A Primary villages located far away from the CHCs, PHCs or
Health Sub-centre is the first contact point between any public health sources. The vans visit villages on
the primary health care system and the community. designated days to deliver the health care services.
As per the population norms, one PHS is established The services generally offered are OPD, ante-natal
for every 5,000 population in plain areas and 3,000 and post-natal, B.P. examination, X-ray, ECG,
population in hilly/ tribal/ desert areas. Each PHS Immunization, First Aid etc.
has a sanctioned strength of one male and one female
heath worker. 2.11 Family Welfare Centre: Check-up and
counseling is provided to the pregnant and married
2.5 Maternity and Child Welfare Centre (MCW): women regarding small family norm and devices for
It provides pre-natal and post-natal services for both having a small family. Temporary and permanent
mother and child. The services include regular check- contraceptive devices are provided here.
up of pregnant women, giving folic tablets, counseling,
delivery, immunization of children with check-up etc. 2.12 Nursing Home: A nursing home is a long –
term care facility licensed by the state that offers
2.6 TB Clinic (TBC): The diagnosis and treatment 24-hour room and board and health care services
of TB are functions of the general health services including basic and skilled nursing care, rehabilitation
and hence it is a part and parcel of Primary Health and a full range of other therapies., treatments and
Care. Specialized units such as the District programs to old and sick people. The difference
Tuberculosis Centre (DTC) act as referral centres. between a hospital and a nursing home is that a
TB clinics are established by the Government of India nursing home gives importance to convalescence from
under the National Tuberculosis Control Programme a disease while a hospital gives medical treatment
and implemented through a network of DTC. The for the disease.
DTC is the nodal point for TB control activities in
the district and it also functions as a specialized 2.13 Medicine Shop: A shop which sells drugs and
referral centre. The functions of sub-district level medicines of any system of medicine viz. allopathic,
Tuberculosis Unit (TU) are implementation, homeopathic, ayurvedic or unani medicines, is
monitoring and supervision of TB control activities in considered as a medicine shop. Sometimes some
its designated geographical areas. shops and Paan shops also keep ordinary medicines,
like Crocin, Burnol etc. These shops are not taken as
2.7 Health Centre: Clinic where medicine and medicine shops.
medical supplies are dispensed. It has no in-patient
facility. A clinic (or an outpatient clinic) is a small 3. Drinking water: The following are the main
private or public health facility that is devoted to the source of drinking water facility (ies) available in the
care of outpatients, often in a community, in contrast village.
to larger hospitals, which also treat inpatients. 3.1 Tap Water-treated: This source of drinking
2.8 Dispensary: Place where patients are treated water refers to a source of drinking water which
and medicines provided but with no in-patient facility. isprovided to the villagers through pipes within their
Immunizations, MCH Services and sometimes premises or to the villagers through common taps
pathological tests are carried out here. It may be of (public taps/community water points) by the
allopathic or any alternative medicine. Government departments, local bodies, panchayats,
public or private estate agencies, etc. after treatment.
2.9 Veterinary Hospital: Mostly run by the State Such a source is treated as ‘Tap water from treated
Government or local body for treatment and preventive source’.
measures against diseases of domestic animals like
cows, buffaloes etc in rural areas. 3.2 Tap Water-un-treated: If the villagers are
drawing drinking water through pipes either directly
2.10 Mobile Health Clinic: These are Mobile vans from a well or bore well or after pumping the well
well equipped with a range of health services to or tube well water, or the water is supplied through

pipes to the households of the village or through public with technical support from Governments or non-
taps without treatment. Such a source is treated as government organizations.
‘Tap water from un-treated source’.
7. Communication and transport Facilities
3.3 Covered Well (CW): A well that is (1) covered
7.1 Post Office (PO): Self-explanatory.
on sides from run-off water (i.e., excess water from
rain, snowmelt or other sources flows over the land) 7.2 Sub-Post Office (SPO): Sub-post office includes
through a wall lining or casting that is raised above Extra Departmental Post Offices and those providing
ground level on a platform that diverts spilled water franchise postal services and also part time services
away from the well and (2) covered so that bird in lieu of some honorarium. The limited postal services
droppings and animals cannot fall down the hole. It include sale of stamps, receipt of letters and money
is considered as covered well. orders and also distribution of letters.
3.4 Un-covered Well (UW): A well which is (1) 7.3 Post & Telegraph Office (PTO): Telegraph
un-covered on sides from runoff water, (2) un-covered office is set up by the Government to enable people
from bird droppings and animals; or (3) both. to send or receive telegrams. If the phonogram facility
is available (though the Telegraph office may not be
3.5 Hand Pump (HP): Hand pump means where
equipped with Morse Code Transmitters), the village
ground water is taken out manually by operating a
is considered to be having telegraph facility.
hand pump.
7.4 Telephones (landlines): If the village is having
3.6 Tube Well / Borehole (TW): Tube well denotes
the Public Call Office (PCO) either run by the Post
the ground water source from where ground water
Office or by individuals or by a private shop, then the
is taken out through electrical or diesel pump. Spring,
village is considered to be having telephone facility.
River/Canal, Tank/Pond/Lake are self explanatory.
7.5 Public Call Office (PCO)/Mobile PCO: Self
4. Community Toilet Complex : Community Toilet
may be constructed and maintained by Gram
Panchayats or Private NGOs like Sulabh Sauchalaya 7.6 Mobile Phone Coverage: Mobile phones are
etc. now very common particularly in urban areas. Some
villages by virtue of being in close proximity to the
5. Rural Sanitary Mart or Sanitary Hardware
urban areas also enjoy the benefits of the mobile
Outlet (RSM): It is an outlet dealing with the
phone services. Even if a few villagers avail the
materials, hardware and designs required for the
services of mobile phones, then the village is
construction of not only sanitary latrines but other
considered to be having access to mobile phone.
sanitary facilities such as compost pit, washing
platform and other sanitation and hygiene accessories 7.7 Internet Cafes/Common Service Centres
required for individuals, households and the (CSC): If the village is having the facility of Cyber
environment in the rural areas. Cafes or shops owned by private individuals providing
the facility of surfing of the internet, then the village
6. Community bio-gas or recycle of waste for
is considered to be having access to internet/cyber
productive use: Many of the solid wastes having
cafe facility. Government of India formulated the
economic values but put for disposal can be recycled
scheme of CSC with the vision of providing all
for reuse. For example, food, cow dung, leaves,
government services in an integrated manner at the
vegetable, paper, wood, plastics, old cloth etc.
door step of the citizen at an affordable cost even in
However, some of the wastes are not recyclable.
the remotest corners of the country through a
These are carbon paper, thermo coal etc. When
combination of it based as well as non-IT based
recyclable solid wastes is subjected to decomposition,
bio-gas could be produced under favour able
conditions. These systems of recycling may be there
at the village level organized by Gram Panchayats

7.8 National Highway (NH): These are main 8.1 Commercial Bank (CB): These may be banks
highways running through the length and breadth of wholly owned by the Government of India or by
the country. Each NH is numbered like NH-1, NH- Indian or Foreign Companies.
2 for easy identification.
8.2 Cooperative Banks (Coop. B): A co-
7.9 State Highway (SH): These are roads of a state operative bank is a financial entity which belongs to
linking district headquarters and important cities within its members, who are at the same time the owners
a State and connecting them with NHs or Highways and the customers of their bank. Cooperative banks
of the neighboring States. are often created by persons belonging to the some
local or professional community or sharing a common
7.10 Major District Roads (MDR): These are
interest. These banks are registered under the
important roads within a district, serving areas of
Cooperative Societies Act. The cooperative banks are
production and markets and connecting these with
regulated by RBI and are covered by the Banking
each other or with the main Highways.
Regulations Act, 1949.
7.11 Other District Roads (ODR): These are
8.3 Agricultural Credit Society (ACS): Major
roads serving rural areas of production and providing
objectives of the ACS are to supply agricultural credit
them with outlet to market centres, taluka
to meet the requirements of funds for agricultural
headquarters, block development head quarters or
production, the distribution of essential consumer
other main roads.
commodities, the provision of storage and marketing
7.12 Village Road: The approach to village refers facilities and for light agricultural implements and
to the state of road etc., leading to the village. This machinery.
is to see whether the village is approachable both in
8.4 Non-Agricultural Credit Society (NCS):
fair and foul weather, and whether it is inaccessible
These societies include consumer cooperative
only for some time in the year.
societies and also credit cooperative societies of
7.13. Black-Topped (Pucca) Road (BTR): A road certain categories of persons like teachers, health
provided with a bituminous surfacing. workers, etc.
7.14 Gravel (Kuchha) Road (GR): A r oad 9. Miscellaneous Facilities
constructed using well compacted crushed rock or
9.1 Self-help Group (SHG): Self-Help Groups are
gravel material (coarse sand, small stones), which is
groups of between 10-25 women created by either
fairly resilient and does not become slippery when
NGOs or under the SGSY (Swarnjayanti Gram
Swarozgar Yojana) for the purposes of meeting local
7.15 Water Bound Macadam (WBM): This is credit needs. They are sometimes called Mahila
the road layer made of crushed or broken mixture of Mandals in villages.
sand and rock fragments mechanically interlocked by
9. 2. Public Distribution System (PDS) shop: The
rolling and voids filled with screening and binding
shops through which some essential commodities are
material with the assistance of water.
sold by the government at subsidized rates. They may
7.16 Foot Path (FP): A trodden path for the use also be known as ration shops and control shops.
by pedestrians and in some cases bicycles. The foot
9.3. Mandis/Regular Market: These are those
paths are not suitable for vehicular traffic except
clusters of shops with or without fixed premises which
bicycles in some cases. Most of the interior/forest
are open on at least six days a week and opens at
villages are connected by foot paths.
least from morning hours to dusk.
8. Banks and Credit Societies: - Banking facility
9.4. Weekly Haat: These are those clusters of shops
means a place where a person can operate a bank
with or without fixed premises which are open once
a week.

9.5. Agricultural Marketing Society: It is a Panchayat or any influential person. Free service or
common platform to analyse the issues among all the nominal charges are made for using the facility.
individuals and institutions in the field of agricultural
9.12. Public Reading Room: Here the public may
read newspapers and magazines. These may be
9.6. Nutrition Centre: Integrated Child sponsored by Government or Local Body or
Development Services (ICDS): The Integrated Panchayat or any influential person.
Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme set up
9.13. Newspaper Supply: The availability of the
by the Government of India with the objective of
Newspaper(s), both in English or vernacular, in the
providing following package of services to the children
village is considered to having the said facility.
under 6 years and pregnant and lactating mothers in
villages such as; Immunization, Health Check-up, 10. Availability of Electricity/Power. If power is
Referral Services, Pre-school Non-formal Education actually available, whatever may be the form of its
and Nutrition & Health Education. use, it is indicated affirmative. If the village is having
electricity for domestic purposes and the residents
9.7. Anganwadi Centre: Each centre under the
are using the same for domestic use, then it is
ICDS scheme is run by an Anganwadi Worker. One
considered that domestic power supply is available.
Anganwadi worker is appointed for specified
If the electricity authority has not given domestic
population of the village. They are basically local
supply to the households on their request and people
women. They are assisted by Anganwadi helper.
are using unauthorized electricity either by stealthily
They provide pre-school non-formal education at the
or misuse the supply meant for agricultural or industrial
Centre and provide food to the children.
purposes, then it is not considered as availability of
9.8. Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA): electricity for domestic purposes. However, if the
ASHA is a health activist in the community who will village goes out of power due to temporary technical
create awareness on health and its social determinants problems such as, transformer failures, theft of
and mobilize the community towards local health electrical equipment, etc., it is considered that
planning and increased utilization and accountability electricity is available. Supply of electricity is
of the existing health services. She would be a considered available even when there is a temporary
promoter of good health practices. She will also provide ban on new domestic connections. Connections to
a minimum package of curative care as appropriate residential houses, bungalows, clubs, hostels and
and feasible for that level and make timely referrals. hospitals run on non-commercial basis, charitable,
She will act as a motivator of different types of health educational and religious institutions are included in
related activities. Unlike ANM, she will not be the domestic category.
involved in any clinical activities like immunization.
10.1 Power Supply for domestic use: This
9.9. Sports Club/Recreation Centre: Indoor and category includes electricity used only for domestic
out-door games are arranged by the Club and activities consumption.
like wrestling, Judo Karate etc. are also done there.
10.2 Power supply for agricultural use: This
9.10. Cinema/Video Hall (CV): If regular cinema category includes all electricity connections given to
houses licensed by Government is available, then the the farmers for conducting various agricultural
town/village is considered to be having the facility of activities including irrigation.
Cinema Hall. Video hall owners screen films in their
10.3 Power supply for commercial use: This
own or hired premises.
category includes electricity connections given for
9.11. Public Library: Books are kept there which workshops, industries etc. or for any commercial
can be accessed by the public on loan basis. These purposes.
may be sponsored by Government or Local Body or
10.4 Power supply for all uses: This category
includes electricity connection is available for domestic

use, agricultural use, and for any commercial 14.1 Service Reservoir: A service reservoir is a
purposes. water storage container that holds clean water after
it has been treated in a water plant, and before it is
11. Land Use Pattern: The land use area of the villages
piped to the end users. These containers are covered,
is given in hectares. The land use pattern in the Village
and are designed to keep the water safe from
Directory conform to the pattern of classification of land
contamination. Their main purpose is to provide a
use as recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture,
buffer within the water supply system so that water
Government of India. The Ministry has recommended
supplies can be maintained across periods of varying
the maintenance of records of land use pattern under
the 9 categories as indicated in the Village Directory.
14.2 River Infiltration Gallery: Infiltration Galleries
12. System of drainage : Generally, by drainage
are capable of supplying large quantities of water,
system, we mean the network of mains and branches
and are used where wells are unable to supply water
of underground conduits for the conveyance of sewerage
needs, i.e. where an impermeable rock barrier affects
to the point of disposal. Sewers that carry only household
well efficiency, or where surface water sources are
and industrial wastage are called separate sewers; those
too shallow for intake screens. Infiltration galleries
that carry storm water from roofs, streets and other
are one or more horizontal screens placed adjacent
surfaces are known as storm water drains, while those
to (on-shore), or directly underneath (bed-mounted),
carrying both sewage and storm water are called
a surface water source.
combined sewers. However, in towns, which are not
provided with such underground sewerage system, it is 14.3 Bore Well Pumping System: A bore well is
mentioned whether it has open drainage system. There a well of 6" to 12" in diameter drilled into the earth
may be possibility of the town having both closed as for retrieving water. The depth of a bore well can
well as open drainage systems. vary from 50 feet to 3000 feet. Water is pumped out
to surface through electricity/generator.
13. Type of latrines: The data on various types of
latrines both public and private together are collected. 14.4 Pressure Tank: Tank that is used to ensure
The three types of latrines considered here are, Pit consistent water pressure and for storage of water.
Latrine, Flush/Pour Flush Latrine and Service Latrine. Usually located in basement of house but sometimes
(in older settings) located in well pit.
(i) Pit System: The latrines are attached to the pit that
is dug into the ground for the reception of night soil, 15. Road lighting (Points): Road lighting means
are reckoned as pit latrine. the number of street lights that are maintained in the
(ii) Flush/pour flush: A flush latrine uses a cistern or
holding tank for flushing water and has a water 16. Home Orphanage: Orphanage is the name to
seal, which is a U-shaped pipe, below the seat or describe a residential institution devoted to the care
squatting pan that prevents the passage of flies and of orphans – children whose parents are deceased
odours. A pour flush latrine uses a water seal, but or otherwise unable to care for them. Parents, and
unlike a flush latrine, a pour flush latrine uses water sometimes grandparents, are legally responsible for
poured by hand for flushing (no cistern is used). supporting children, but in the absence of these or
other relatives willing to care for the children, they
(iii) Service: Type of latrine from where night soil is
become a ward of the state, and orphanages are a
removed manually by scavengers. All other types
way of providing for their care and housing.
of latrines are covered under “Others” category.
17. Working women’s hostel: These may be
14. Protected Water Supply- Source and
recognised or non-recognised by any public authority.
capacity of Storage system: There are various
The data on number of working women’s hostels
sources of water supply and its storage system in the
available in the town are collected with number of seats.

18. Old Age Home: There are two types of Old Impact of Migration
Age Homes in India. One is the “Free” type which
As in 1991 and 2001 Census, like previous
cares for the destitute old people who have no one
Censuses, had collected migration details for each
else to care for them. They are given shelter, food,
individual by place of birth and last residence. Data
clothing and medical care. The second type is the
on last residence along with details like duration of
“Paid” home where care is provided for a fee.
stay in the current residence and reason for migration
Nowadays, such “Retirement” homes have become
provides useful insights for studying migration
very popular in India and they are well worth
dynamics of population.
Civic status of urban units: Civic Status of a town/
19. Stadium: A stadium is a place, or venue, for
city is determined on the basis of Civic Administrative
(mostly) outdoor sports, concerts or other events,
Authority of the town e.g., Municipal Corporation /
consisting of a field or stage partly or completely
Corporation, Municipal Committee / Municipal council,
surrounded by a structure designed to allow spectators
Municipality etc.
to stand or sit and view the event.
Size class of U.A./town: Size-class of U.A./Town
20. Auditorium/Community Hall: These are the
is based on the population size of the U.A./City/Town.
places where meetings, social functions etc. are
U.A.s/Towns with 100,000 and above population are
classified as Class I U.A.s/ Towns. Towns with
Migration, Internal and International migration, 50,000 to 99,999 population are classified as Class
Impact of migration. II towns, 20,000 to 49,999 population are Class III
towns, population with 10,000- 19,999 are Class IV
towns, population with 5,000 and 9,999 are Class V
Migration is the third component of population towns and towns with less than 5,000 population are
change, the other two being mortality and fertility. A Class VI towns.
person is considered as a migrant by place of birth
Slum area : The Slum Areas (Improvement and
if the place in which he is enumerated during the
Clearance) Act, 1956, which was enacted by the
Census is other than the place of his birth. Similarly
Central Government defined slums as (a) Areas
a person is considered as a migrant by place of last
where buildings are in any respect unfit for human
residence if the place in which he is enumerated
habitation; or (b) are by reasons of dilapidation,
during the Census is other than his place of immediate
overcrowding, faulty arrangement and design of such
last residence. By capturing the last of the migrations
buildings, narrowness or faulty arrangement of streets,
in cases where persons have migrated more than
lack of ventilation, light or sanitation facilities, or any
once, this concept would give a better picture of
combination of these factors, are detrimental to safety,
current migration scenarios.
health or morals.
Internal and International Migration
Mega city : The concept of ‘Mega city’ is a recent
The migrational movements are of three types phenomenon in the Urban Sociology and is defined in
(i) Migration within the state itself with its components term of metropolitan city in the form of large size,
(a) Migration within the district of enumeration (intra problem of management of civic amenities and
district migration) (b) Migration from one district of capacity to absorb the relatively high growth of
state to another district of state (interdistrict migration) population. Indian Census in 1991 treated the
(ii) Migration from one state to another state of the population size of 5 million and above as the cutoff
country interstate migration (iii) Migration from one point to identify a place as the mega city. Whereas,
country to another country. The first two streams for the purpose of inclusion in Centrally Sponsored
together constitute internal migration, while the last Scheme for Infrastructure Development in Mega
type of movement is called international migration. cities the Ministry of Urban Affairs and employment,
Department of Urban Development adopted the

criteria of 4 million and above population as per 1991
Census for Mega Cities. In 2001 Census, cities with
10 million and above population have been treated as
Mega cities and the same criteria of population have
been adopted in 2011 census.

(iv) Census 2011 Findings enumerator. With a view to ensuring uniformity in
understanding the various concepts and in proper
Conducting census in the Indian sub-continent eliciting and recording of the information, the
is a massive operation, carried out in a short span of enumerators and supervisors were imparted both
time with the active participation of the committed theoretical as well as practical training intensively.
government functionaries as enumerators from
organizations. As a prelude to the population Population in rural and urban areas, 2011
enumeration , the urban and rural areas were identified
The following table provides the population,
and listed out in respect of each administrative unit.
number of villages and towns of Kanniyakumari
The Directorate of Census Operations in consultation
district in 2011. The total, rural and urban population
with the State government had prepared the list of
villages for rural areas and list of urban areas of the district were 1,870,374 and 330,572 and
separately. These lists formed the basic frame for 1,539,802 respectively. The highest and the lowest
undertaking population enumeration . Thereafter, population were reported in the taluks of Kalkulam
geographical areas that could be conveniently covered and Thovala with 606,706 and 120,926 respectively.
by each enumerator were carefully carved out to In regard to rural, the highest population was reported
constitute the Enumeration Blocks (EBs). in Kalkulam taluk with 113,334 and the lowest in
Thovala taluk with 50,496.
The first major step of houselisting operation
was carried out in this district during June 2010. As far as urban areas are concerned the
Thereafter, in order to adhere to the prescribed highest and the lowest population were reported in
workload norms the actual census EBs were carefully the taluks of Vilavancode and Thovala taluks with
demarcated on the basis of the houselist population 529,584 and 70,430. The highest and the lowest
and the layout sketches and notional maps prepared inhabited villages were reported in the taluks of
for the houselisting operation. Houselisting operation Agastheeswaram and Vilavancode with 19 and 7
was also utilized to collect wealth of information on respectively. There are 96 towns in the district with
items such as predominant material used for
the highest number of towns reported in Vilavancode
construction of houses, amenities available to the
taluk with 37 towns and the lowest number reported
census households, number of living rooms etc.
in Thovala taluk with 6 towns. Total number of
The reference period of the 2011 Census was villages in the district were 63 with 7 uninhabited
00.00 hours of 01.03.2011. Actual enumeration was villages and 2 inhabited RFs fall under ‘Not under
spread over a period of 20 days from 9 th to 28th any CD Block’.
February 2011, followed by revisional round up to
5th March 2011 for updating of the population.
Household schedule was canvassed by the


Total Population Rural Urban Villages Villages
Name of Taluk

in Plains in RF










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Vilavancode 590567 291713 298854 60983 30509 30474 529584 261204 268380 7 7 1 1 37
Kalkulam 606706 302183 304523 113334 56825 56509 493372 245358 248014 14 14 3 3 32
Thovala 120926 60056 60870 50496 25099 25397 70430 34957 35473 10 10 8 2 6
Agastheeswaram 552175 272393 279782 105759 52505 53254 446416 219888 226528 19 19 1 0 21
District Total 1870374 926345 944029 330572 164938 165634 1539802 761407 778395 50 50 13 6 96
Note: Total number of rural and urban units are 63(50+13) and 96 respectively.



P opulation Range

Census Towns
2000- 4999

5000- 9999
Name of the CD

500- 1999

Size and Class of

200- 499



the Town

< 200

Agastheeswaram 1 0 1 5 3 0 10
Thovalai 2 0 1 4 5 0 12 100000+ (I) 1 0 1 -- --
Rajakkamangalam 1 0 0 3 3 2 9
50000-99999 (II) 0 0 -- -- --
Thackalai 0 0 0 0 2 0 2
Kurunthancode 0 0 0 1 3 1 5 20000-49999 (III) 14 1 3 11 1
Thiruvattaru 1 1 1 3 2 1 9
10000-19999 (IV) 40 7 -- 40 7
Killiyur 0 0 0 0 2 1 3
Munchirai 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 5000-9999 (V) 5 25 -- 5 25
Melpuram 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 < 5000 (VI) 0 3 -- -- 3
Not under any CD 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Block Grand Total 60 36 4 56 36
District Total 6 2 3 17 22 6 56
Inhabited villages include villages in Reserved Forests.
1,00,000+ and 3 in Class III with population of 20,000-
49,999. There are 56 Town Panchayats fall under 3
The Table B gives the distribution of villages
categories; 11 towns in class III with population of
by population size ranges. Out of 56 inhabited villages
20,000 to 49,999, 40 towns in Class IV with population
in the district, the highest number of villages, i.e., 22
of 10,000 to 19,999 and 5 towns in Class V with
is reported in the population range of 5000-9999,
population of 5000-9999. There are 36 Census Towns;
followed by 17 villages in the population range of
1 in class III with population of 20,000-49,999, 7 towns
2000-4999. There are 6 villages in the population
in Class IV with population of 10,000 to 19,999, 25
range of 10000+ and in the least population range of
towns in Class V with population of 5000-9999 and
less than 200. There are 3 villages in the population
3 towns in Class VI with population of less than 5000.
range of 500-1999 and 2 villages in the population
range of 200-499. Decadal Population Growth
Size, Class and Status of the Towns The Table D indicates the percentage of
decadal variation in population in the district between
The Table C shows the number of statutory
2001-2011 for total, rural and urban areas. There is
towns and non-statutory towns by size, class of
a growth of 11.6% in total population and an abnormal
population. There are 60 statutory towns and 36 non-
decline in rural population with -43.2% and abnormal
statutory towns in the district. These 60 statutory
increase in urban population with 40.8%.
towns are split into 1 town in Class I, i.e., with
population of 1,00,000+, 14 towns in Class III with The reason for abnormal decline in rural
population of 20,000-49,999, 40 towns in class IV with population and abnormal increase in urban population
population of 10,000-19,999 and 5 towns in Class V is that many rural areas categorised as rural in 2001
with population of 5,000-9,999. There is no statutory census are now treated as urban areas in 2011
towns either in Class II or Class VI with population census. There were only 60 towns in 2001 which
size of 50,000-99,999 and less than 5,000 respectively. has raised to 96 in 2011. The percentage of urban
population to total population in 2001 was 65.3
The table also provide details about the civic
whereas it is the highest proportion of 82.3% in the
status and population size, class of towns. One
districts in 2011.
Muncipality fall under Class I with population of


Population % of decadal variation % of Urban

Name of the Taluk Population
2001 2011 2001-2011
Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban T R U 2001 2011
Vilavancode 533650 234008 299642 590567 60983 529584 10.7 -73.9 76.7 56.1 89.7
Kalkulam 537813 162714 375099 606706 113334 493372 12.8 -30.3 31.5 69.7 81.3
Thovala 110719 56014 54705 120926 50496 70430 9.2 -9.9 28.7 49.4 58.2
Agastheeswaram 493852 129371 364481 552175 105759 446416 11.8 -18.3 22.5 73.8 80.8
District Total 1676034 582107 1093927 1870374 330572 1539802 11.6 -43.2 40.8 65.3 82.3

Density of Population and Sex Ratio TABLE F: LITERACY LEVEL - 2011

The population density is an indicator for the Percentage of Literates

assessment of the development of the area and the State / District Persons Males Females
people. The geographical area of the district is very 2001 2011 2001 2011 2001 2011
vast with major portion covered by forest. According Tamil Nadu 73.5 80.1 82.4 86.8 64.4 73.4
to 2011 census, the density of population of the State
Kanniyakumari 87.6 91.7 90.4 93.6 84.8 89.9
was 555 only, whereas the district’s stood the highest
level with 1111 persons per sq km. In 2001 census,the
In 2011 census, the State literacy rate for
density of population was recorded as 995.
persons, males and females were 80.1%, 86.8% and
The sex ratio of the population is calculated 73.4% respectively. The same for the district persons,
for number of females for every 1000 males, males and females were 91.7%, 93.6% and 89.9%
irrespective of age. The child sex ratio is also respectively.
calculated in the same manner for the children aged
upto 6 years.The sex ratio of the State was 996, and The rural and urban literacy in the district
the district reported high with 1019 and the child sex has seen significant increase in 2011 census compared
ratio of the State was 943 and the district was 964 to 2001 census. The table given below shows the
in 2011. literacy rate for males and females in rural - urban
areas. The district has high literacy rate both in rural
TABLE E: DENSITY AND SEX RATIO - 2011 and urban. In rural, the literacy rate for males and
Population Total Sex Child Sex females were 92.4 and 89.2, while in urban, the
State / District Density Ratio Ratio literacy rates were 93.9 and 90.1. Both in rural and
2001 2011 2001 2011 2001 2011 urban areas, the literacy rates for males were higher
Tamil Nadu 480 555 987 996 942 943 than females.
Kanniyakumari 995 1111 1014 1019 968 964 TABLE F: LITERACY LEVEL - 2011
Percentage of Literates
Literacy Rural Urban
State / District
The literacy rate is calculated for the Male Female Male Female
population aged above 7 years. In 2011 census, 0-6 2001 2011 2001 2011 2001 2011 2001 2011
years population has been treated as illiterates even Tamil Nadu 77.1 82.0 55.3 65.0 89.0 91.8 76.0 82.3
though they are able to read and write. The literacy
Kanniyakumari 88.9 92.4 83.4 89.2 91.1 93.9 85.5 90.1
rate in the district has increased in 2011 census
compared to 2001 census.


In census, the workers are categorised in to Work Participation Rate

three types; main workers, marginal workers and non- State / District 2001 2011
workers.The definition of worker s in census

enumeration has been explained elsewhere in this T R U T R U
volume. A new clause has been included in 2011 Tamil Nadu P 44.7 50.3 37.5 45.6 50.7 40.2
census under marginal workers. A person engaged
M 57.6 59.1 55.8 59.3 60.0 58.5
in economically productive work for less than 6
months has been considered as marginal worker until F 31.5 41.4 18.9 31.8 41.2 21.8
2001 census. This has been further categorised in to P 32.7 33.5 32.3 36.3 37.9 36.0
two types: a person worked for more than 3 months
M 53.0 53.5 52.6 56.6 57.5 56.4
but less than 6 months and a person worked less
than 3 months. F 12.7 13.7 12.2 16.4 18.4 16.0


The above table shows the work participation
P/ M/ F

Percentage of Workers
State / District rate of total, rural and urban areas for Tamil Nadu
Main W Marg W NW State as well as Kanniyakumari district. The total
2001 2011 2001 2011 2001 2011 work participation rate of the State for persons, males
Tamilnadu P 85.2 85.0 14.8 15.0 55.3 54.4 and females were 45.6, 59.3 and 31.8 respectively.
M 90.1 88.5 9.9 11.5 42.4 40.7 The rural work participation rate of the State for
persons, males and females were 50.7, 60 and 41.2
F 76.2 78.4 23.8 21.6 68.5 68.2
respectively and the urban work participation rate of
Kanniyakumari P 82.9 81.3 17.1 18.7 67.3 63.7
the State for persons, males and females were 40.2,
M 85.1 85.2 14.9 14.8 47.0 43.4 58.5 and 21.8 respectively. The total work
F 74.1 68.2 25.9 31.8 87.3 83.6 participation rate of the district for persons, males
and females were 36.3, 56.6 and 16.4 respectively.
According to above clssification, the data has
The rural work participation rate of the district for
been gathered under census enumeration for 2011
persons, males and females were 37.9, 57.5 and 18.4
census.This table provides the percentage of main
respectively and the urban work participation rate of
workers, marginal workers and non-workers for
the district for persons, males and females were 36,
persons, males and females wise for the district. The
56.4 and 16 respectively.
percentage of main workers, marginal workers and
non-workers for persons were 81.3%, 18.7% and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
63.7% respectively. The same for males were
The following table gives population details for
85.2%, 14.8% and 43.7% respectively. For females,
the total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The
the percentages were 68.2%, 31.8% and 83.6%
SCs population total, rural and urban areas of the State
were 20%, 25.5% and 14.2% respectively. The total
Work Participation Rate SCs population of the district was 4% and the rural
and urban SCs population of the district were 5.7%
Work Participation Rate (WPR), calculated
and 3.6% respectively out of total population. The total,
as total workers by the total population, is one of the
rural and urban ST population of the State were 1.1%,
development indicator for estimating economic
1.8% and 0.4% respectively. The total, rural and urban
development at any level. Though the definition of
ST population of the district were 0.4%, 1.1% and 0.2%
work participation rate varies from country to country,
the Census of India defines the WPR as number of
persons working, neither restricted any age structure
nor skill based in economically productive activity in
total population.
TABLE I: SCs / STs POPULATION - 2011 Religion
Population Percentage The enumeration of population by religion is

T / R/ U
State / District Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes also one of the important tasks in the census.There
2001 2011 2001 2011 were different religious groups inhabited in the district
Tamil Nadu T 19.0 20.0 1.0 1.1 during census 2011 enumeration.
R 23.8 25.5 1.6 1.8 The following table shows the distribution of
U 12.9 14.2 0.4 0.4 population of all religious communities, in rural and
urban areas in Kanniyakumari district.
Kanniyakumari T 4.0 4.0 0.3 0.4
R 4.6 5.7 0.6 1.1
U 3.7 3.6 0.2 0.2


Total Rural Urban
2001 2011 2001 2011 2001 2011
Hindus 859307 909872 292264 163428 567043 746444
Muslims 70360 78590 13985 6768 56375 71822
Christians 745406 876299 275562 159208 469844 717091
Sikhs 31 160 4 27 27 133
Buddhists 26 438 14 103 12 335
Jains 77 156 7 28 70 128
Other religions 113 10 51 4 62 6
Religion not stated 714 4849 220 1006 494 3843


(v) Brief Analysis of Primary Census Abstract (PCA) Data Based on Inset Tables


Sl. Name of Taluk Population % decadal variation % Urban

No. 2001 2011 2001-2011 Population

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2001 2011
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 Vilavancode 533650 234008 299642 590567 60983 529584 10.7 -73.9 76.7 56.1 89.7

2 Kalkulam 537813 162714 375099 606706 113334 493372 12.8 -30.3 31.5 69.7 81.3

3 Thovala 110719 56014 54705 120926 50496 70430 9.2 -9.9 28.7 49.4 58.2

4 Agastheeswaram 493852 129371 364481 552175 105759 446416 11.8 -18.3 22.5 73.8 80.8

District Total 1676034 582107 1093927 1870374 330572 1539802 11.6 -43.2 40.8 65.3 82.3

This table indicates the percentage decadal variation in population of the district between 2001-2011.
There is a growth of 11.6% in total population and abnormal increase in urban population with 40.8% and
an abnormal decline in rural population with -43.2%.


Sl. C.D. Block Total rural population Population less Population 200 -
Total Inhabited

Number and %

Number and %
No. than 200 499
of villages

of villages

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Agastheeswaram 10 38585 19222 19363 1(10 %) 40 49 0 (0 %) 0 0

2 Thovalai 12 50496 25099 25397 2(17 %) 40 40 0 (0 %) 0 0

3 Rajakkamangalam 9 67174 33283 33891 1(11 %) 41 50 0 (0 %) 0 0

4 Thackalai 2 15130 7577 7553 0 (0 %) 0 0 0 (0 %) 0 0

5 Kurunthancode 5 61166 30776 30390 0 (0 %) 0 0 0 (0 %) 0 0

6 Thiruvattaru 9 36942 18416 18526 1(11 %) 42 44 1(11 %) 241 243

7 Killiyur 3 26888 13501 13387 0 (0 %) 0 0 0 (0 %) 0 0

8 Munchirai 2 18861 9529 9332 0 (0 %) 0 0 0 (0 %) 0 0

9 Melpuram 2 14940 7334 7606 0 (0 %) 0 0 0 (0 %) 0 0

10 Not under any CD Block 2 390 201 189 1(50 %) 56 40 1(50 %) 145 149

District (Rural) Total 56 330572 164938 165634 6(11 %) 219 223 2(4 %) 386 392



Sl. No. C.D. Block Population 500 - Population 1000 - 1999

Total Inhabited

Number and %

Number and %

of villages

of villages
1 2 3 13 14 15 16 17 18

1 Agastheeswaram 10 1 (10 %) 465 459 0 (0 %) 0 0

2 Thovalai 12 0 (0 %) 0 0 1 (8 %) 669 652

3 Rajakkamangalam 9 0 (0 %) 0 0 0 (0 %) 0 0

4 Thackalai 2 0 (0 %) 0 0 0 (0 %) 0 0

5 Kurunthancode 5 0 (0 %) 0 0 0 (0 %) 0 0

6 Thiruvattaru 9 0 (0 %) 0 0 1(11 %) 811 852

7 Killiyur 3 0 (0 %) 0 0 0 (0 %) 0 0

8 Munchirai 2 0 (0 %) 0 0 0 (0 %) 0 0

9 Melpuram 2 0 (0 %) 0 0 0 (0 %) 0 0

10 Not under any CD Block 2 0 (0 %) 0 0 0 (0 %) 0 0

District (Rural) Total 56 1(2 %) 465 459 2(4 %) 1480 1504

Sl. C.D. Block Population 2000 - Population 5000 - Population 10000

Total Inhabited

Number and %

Number and %

Number and %
No. 4999 9999 and above
of villages

of villages

of villages

1 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

1 Agastheeswaram 10 5(50%) 7409 7462 3(30%) 11308 11393 0 (0%) 0 0

2 Thovalai 12 4(33%) 7375 7382 5(42%) 17015 17323 0 (0%) 0 0

3 Rajakkamangalam 9 2(22%) 3223 3215 3(33%) 9350 9626 3(33%) 20669 21000

4 Thackalai 2 0 (0%) 0 0 2(100%) 7577 7553 0 (0%) 0 0

5 Kurunthancode 5 0 (0%) 0 0 4(80%) 17359 17218 1(20%) 13417 13172

6 Thiruvattaru 9 3(33%) 6098 6168 2(22%) 5321 5423 1(11%) 5903 5796

7 Killiyur 3 0 (0%) 0 0 2(67%) 6851 6940 1(33%) 6650 6447

8 Munchirai 2 1(50%) 1158 1225 0 (0%) 0 0 1(50%) 8371 8107

9 Melpuram 2 0 (0%) 0 0 2(100%) 7334 7606 0 (0%) 0 0

10 Not under any CD Block 2 0 (0%) 0 0 0(0%) 0 0 0 (0%) 0 0

District (Rural) Total 56 15(27%) 25263 25452 23(41%) 82115 83082 7(12%) 55010 54522



a New
(i) Statutory town Nil

(ii) Census town Puliyoorsalai (CT)

Manjalumoodu (CT)
Muzhucode (CT)
Malayadi (CT)
Vanniyoor (CT)
Maruthancode (CT)
Vellamcode (CT)
Kulappuram (CT)
Adaikkakuzhi (CT)
Methukummal (CT)
Vilavancode (CT)
Choozhal (CT)
Nadaikavu (CT)
Vavarai (CT)
Mancad (CT)
Vilathurai (CT)
Nattalam (CT)
Painkulam (CT)
Paloor (CT)
Midalam (CT)
Mathicode (CT)
Ayacode (CT)
Kattathurai (CT)
Kannanoor (CT)
Thikkanamcode (CT)
Nullivilai (CT)
Athivilai (CT)
Kattimancode (CT)
Thadikarankonam (CT)
Chenbagaramanputhur (CT)
Putheri (CT)
Gandipuram (CT)
Peruvilai (CT)
Dharamapuram (CT)
Pallanthurai (CT)
Manakudi (CT)
b Denotified
(i) Statutory towns of 2001 Census denotified and also did not satisfy the crieteria
to be treated as census towns.

(ii) Statutory towns of 2001 Census denotified but identified as census towns
based on demographic and economic criteria

(iii) Statutory towns of 2001 Census are notified as statutory town in 2011 census

c Declassified* Nil

d Wholly merged with other town(s) Nil

* Declassified means the census towns of 2001 Census which failed to satisfy the demographic and economic criteria


Sl. No. Name of CD block Sex Ratio
Tamil Nadu Kanniyakumari
Census 1 2 3
Year Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Agastheeswaram 1007

2 Thovalai 1012
1901 1044 1043 1048 996 992 1059
3 Rajakkamangalam 1020
1911 1042 1044 1032 990 985 1053
4 Thackalai 999

1921 1029 1033 1008 981 976 1010 5 Kurunthancode 986

6 Thiruvattaru 1006
1931 1027 1034 997 993 985 1030
7 Killiyur 992
1941 1012 1017 991 992 986 1020
8 Munchirai 979
1951 1007 1014 986 980 971 1007
9 Melpuram 1037

1961 992 1003 963 979 978 987 10 Not under Any CD Block 940
District Sex Ratio (Rural) 1004
1971 978 990 951 972 969 990

1981 977 987 956 985 983 995 TABLE 7: SEX RATIO OF RURAL POPULATION BY
RANGES, 2011
1991 974 981 960 991 989 1001
Range of sex ratio for

Inhabited villages

% distribution of
Population 2011

% of villages in
2001 986 992 980 1014 1011 1016

each range
2011 996 993 1000 1019 1004 1022
Note: Sex ratio has been defined here as the number of
females per 1000 males. 1 2 3 4 5

Less than 700 0 0.00 0 0.00

700 - 749 1 1.79 96 0.03
Sl. Name of Sub-district Sex Ratio
No. 750 - 799 0 0.00 0 0.00
Total Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 800 - 849 1 1.79 58 0.02

1 Vilavancode 1024 999 1027 850 - 899 0 0.00 0 0.00

900 - 949 1 1.79 9836 2.98

2 Kalkulam 1008 994 1011
950 - 999 18 32.14 138852 42.00
3 Thovala 1014 1012 1015
1000 - 1099 32 57.14 181528 54.91
4 Agastheeswaram 1027 1014 1030
1100+ 3 5.36 202 0.06
District Sex Ratio 1019 1004 1022 District (Rural) Total 56 100 330572 100

Sex ratio District (Rural):1004

Sl. No. Name of town Status of Sex ratio
Sl. No. Name of town Status of Sex ratio town
town 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 49 Padmanabhapuram M 1029
1 Kadayal TP 1038 50 Thiruvithancode TP 1026
2 Arumanai TP 1030 51 Kappiyarai TP 1036
3 Edaicode TP 1040 52 Eraniel TP 1009
4 Palugal TP 1087 53 Villukuri TP 1031
5 Kaliyakkavilai TP 1015 54 Neyyoor TP 1014
6 Pacode TP 989 55 Reethapuram TP 1003
7 Kuzhithurai M 1022 56 Kallukuttam TP 1023
8 Unnamalaikadai TP 1006 57 Thingalnagar TP 1016
9 Nalloor TP 1002 58 Alur TP 1019
10 Kollancode TP 992 59 Colachel M 974
11 Ezhudesam TP 1036 60 Mandaikadu TP 1014
12 Puthukkadai TP 1038 61 Manavalakurichi TP 1002
13 Killiyoor TP 1031 62 Vellimalai TP 988
14 Keezhkulam TP 1019 63 Ayacode CT 1047
15 Karungal TP 1079 64 Kattathurai CT 1009
16 Palappallam TP 1068 65 Kannanoor CT 976
17 Puliyoorsalai CT 1062 66 Thikkanamcode CT 1003
18 Manjalumoodu CT 1073 67 Nullivilai CT 997
19 Muzhucode CT 1028 68 Athivilai CT 1070
20 Malayadi CT 1044 69 Kattimancode CT 972
21 Vanniyoor CT 1065 70 Azhagiapandipuram TP 1007
22 Maruthancode CT 1028 71 Boothapandi TP 1017
23 Vellamcode CT 1032 72 Aralvaimozhi TP 1009
24 Kulappuram CT 1022 73 Thazhakudy TP 1023
25 Adaikkakuzhi CT 1016 74 Thadikarankonam CT 1022
26 Methukummal CT 1041 75 Chenbagaramanputhur CT 1028
27 Vilavancode CT 1007 76 Marungur TP 1010
28 Choozhal CT 1018 77 Therur TP 1024
29 Nadaikavu CT 997 78 Nagercoil M 1045
30 Vavarai CT 1037 79 Asaripallam TP 1037
31 Mancad CT 1046 80 Suchindrum TP 1022
32 Vilathurai CT 1016 81 Ganapathipuram TP 1000
33 Nattalam CT 1008 82 Mylaudy TP 1012
34 Painkulam CT 1018 83 Alagappapuram TP 1072
35 Paloor CT 1031 84 Anjugrammam TP 1033
36 Midalam CT 1016 85 Kottaram TP 1012
37 Mathicode CT 1056 86 Thengampudur TP 995
38 Thirparappu TP 1030 87 Puthalam TP 1027
39 Ponmanai TP 1003 88 Agastheeswaram TP 1021
40 Kulasekaram TP 1018 89 Thenthamaraikulam TP 1015
41 Thiruvattar TP 1008 90 Kanniyakumari TP 992
42 Athur TP 978 91 Putheri CT 993
43 Verkilambi TP 986 92 Gandipuram CT 982
44 Kumarapuram TP 994 93 Peruvilai CT 1022
45 Kothanallur TP 995 94 Dharamapuram CT 993
46 Valvaithankoshtam TP 1042 95 Pallanthurai CT 1013
47 Mulagumudu TP 1035 96 Manakudi CT 1120
48 Vilavur TP 1004 District Sex ratio (Urban) :1022



Sl. No. Name of Sub-district Total/ Rural/ Total population in 0-6 age group Sex ratio for 0-6
Urban age group
Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Vilavancode Total 59142 30189 28953 959
Rural 6907 3531 3376 956
Urban 52235 26658 25577 959
2 Kalkulam Total 59098 30164 28934 959
Rural 11511 5807 5704 982
Urban 47587 24357 23230 954
3 Thovala Total 11380 5825 5555 954
Rural 4622 2409 2213 919
Urban 6758 3416 3342 978
4 Agastheeswaram Total 52730 26657 26073 978
Rural 10740 5515 5225 947
Urban 41990 21142 20848 986
District Total Total 182350 92835 89515 964
Rural 33780 17262 16518 957
Urban 148570 75573 72997 966

Sl. Name of CD Block Total population in 0-6 age group Sex ratio for 0-6 age
No. Persons Males Females group
1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Agastheeswaram 5151 2644 2507 948

2 Thovalai 4622 2409 2213 919

3 Rajakkamangalam 5589 2871 2718 947

4 Thackalai 1810 947 863 911

5 Kurunthancode 6116 3040 3076 1012

6 Thiruvattaru 3582 1819 1763 969

7 Killiyur 3151 1621 1530 944

8 Munchirai 2229 1135 1094 964

9 Melpuram 1491 759 732 964

10 Not under any CD Block 39 17 22 1294

District (Rural) Total 33780 17262 16518 957



Range of sex ratio for Number of inhabited Percentage distribution of Population 2011 Percentage distribution of
villages villages villages population

1 2 3 4 5

Less than 700 2 3.57 8 0.02

700 - 749 0 0.00 0 0.00

750 - 799 2 3.57 347 1.03

800 - 849 4 7.14 2336 6.92

850 - 899 6 10.71 3987 11.80

900 - 949 12 21.43 7708 22.82

950 - 999 8 14.29 7548 22.34

1000 - 1099 15 26.79 11003 32.57

1100+ 7 12.50 843 2.50

District Rural) Total 56 100 33780 100
Sex ratio District (Rural):957


Sl. No. Name of town Status of Total population in 0-6 age group Sex ratio for 0-6
town age group
Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Kadayal TP 2108 1101 1007 915
2 Arumanai TP 1537 803 734 914
3 Edaicode TP 2409 1218 1191 978
4 Palugal TP 1667 785 882 1124
5 Kaliyakkavilai TP 1579 797 782 981
6 Pacode TP 2245 1121 1124 1003
7 Kuzhithurai M 1829 922 907 984
8 Unnamalaikadai TP 2347 1221 1126 922
9 Nalloor TP 1721 896 825 921
10 Kollancode TP 4541 2385 2156 904
11 Ezhudesam TP 2593 1343 1250 931
12 Puthukkadai TP 982 506 476 941
13 Killiyoor TP 1961 988 973 985
14 Keezhkulam TP 1807 938 869 926
15 Karungal TP 1680 829 851 1027
16 Palappallam TP 1951 1007 944 937
17 Puliyoorsalai CT 640 345 295 855

Sl. No. Name of town Status of Total population in 0-6 age group Sex ratio for 0-6
town age group
Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
18 Manjalumoodu CT 605 307 298 971
19 Muzhucode CT 735 372 363 976
20 Malayadi CT 798 408 390 956
21 Vanniyoor CT 425 206 219 1063
22 Maruthancode CT 795 411 384 934
23 Vellamcode CT 1217 638 579 908
24 Kulappuram CT 711 355 356 1003
25 Adaikkakuzhi CT 736 393 343 873
26 Methukummal CT 1974 976 998 1023
27 Vilavancode CT 630 322 308 957
28 Choozhal CT 627 327 300 917
29 Nadaikavu CT 857 423 434 1026
30 Vavarai CT 905 446 459 1029
31 Mancad CT 480 247 233 943
32 Vilathurai CT 1787 904 883 977
33 Nattalam CT 676 359 317 883
34 Painkulam CT 2427 1208 1219 1009
35 Paloor CT 631 323 308 954
36 Midalam CT 959 485 474 977
37 Mathicode CT 663 343 320 933
38 Thirparappu TP 1990 1008 982 974
39 Ponmanai TP 1390 712 678 952
40 Kulasekaram TP 1622 820 802 978
41 Thiruvattar TP 1714 862 852 988
42 Athur TP 1061 577 484 839
43 Verkilambi TP 1875 1008 867 860
44 Kumarapuram TP 1407 712 695 976
45 Kothanallur TP 1648 852 796 934
46 Valvaithankoshtam TP 1701 863 838 971
47 Mulagumudu TP 1859 968 891 920
48 Vilavur TP 1313 653 660 1011
49 Padmanabhapuram M 2120 1084 1036 956
50 Thiruvithancode TP 2044 1107 937 846
51 Kappiyarai TP 1634 813 821 1010
52 Eraniel TP 899 455 444 976
53 Villukuri TP 1525 807 718 890
54 Neyyoor TP 1225 608 617 1015
55 Reethapuram TP 2270 1164 1106 950
56 Kallukuttam TP 1775 858 917 1069
57 Thingalnagar TP 1181 603 578 959


Sl. No. Name of town Status of Total population in 0-6 age group Sex ratio for 0-6
town age group
Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
58 Alur TP 1448 720 728 1011
59 Colachel M 2661 1361 1300 955
60 Mandaikadu TP 1382 716 666 930
61 Manavalakurichi TP 1057 553 504 911
62 Vellimalai TP 1163 605 558 922
63 Ayacode CT 802 410 392 956
64 Kattathurai CT 1634 807 827 1025
65 Kannanoor CT 712 368 344 935
66 Thikkanamcode CT 1339 670 669 999
67 Nullivilai CT 1541 797 744 934
68 Athivilai CT 709 353 356 1008
69 Kattimancode CT 886 463 423 914
70 Azhagiapandipuram TP 936 507 429 846
71 Boothapandi TP 1524 771 753 977
72 Aralvaimozhi TP 2294 1140 1154 1012
73 Thazhakudy TP 861 435 426 979
74 Thadikarankonam CT 634 311 323 1039
75 Chenbagaramanputhur CT 509 252 257 1020
76 Marungur TP 1020 514 506 984
77 Therur TP 629 312 317 1016
78 Nagercoil M 20241 10119 10122 1000
79 Asaripallam TP 1627 815 812 996
80 Suchindrum TP 1108 588 520 884
81 Ganapathipuram TP 1455 742 713 961
82 Mylaudy TP 1019 491 528 1075
83 Alagappapuram TP 959 483 476 986
84 Anjugrammam TP 1172 621 551 887
85 Kottaram TP 1072 529 543 1026
86 Thengampudur TP 1364 690 674 977
87 Puthalam TP 1280 594 686 1155
88 Agastheeswaram TP 954 479 475 992
89 Thenthamaraikulam TP 1106 543 563 1037
90 Kanniyakumari TP 2551 1325 1226 925
91 Putheri CT 499 245 254 1037
92 Gandipuram CT 576 299 277 926
93 Peruvilai CT 595 318 277 871
94 Dharamapuram CT 1636 886 750 847
95 Pallanthurai CT 581 284 297 1046
96 Manakudi CT 546 265 281 1060
District (Urban) Total 148570 75573 72997 966



Sl. Name of Sub- Total/ Total Total Total Percentage of Percentage of

No. District Rural/ population Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
Urban Castes Tribes population to total population to total
population population population population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Vilavancode Total 590567 11958 2970 2.02 0.5
Rural 60983 689 1336 1.13 2.19
Urban 529584 11269 1634 2.13 0.31
2 Kalkulam Total 606706 18366 2957 3.03 0.49
Rural 113334 3680 2215 3.25 1.95
Urban 493372 14686 742 2.98 0.15
3 Thovala Total 120926 13413 389 11.09 0.32
Rural 50496 5575 67 11.04 0.13
Urban 70430 7838 322 11.13 0.46
4 Agastheeswaram Total 552175 30512 966 5.53 0.17
Rural 105759 9028 123 8.54 0.12

Urban 446416 21484 843 4.81 0.19

District Total Total 1870374 74249 7282 3.97 0.39
Rural 330572 18972 3741 5.74 1.13
Urban 1539802 55277 3541 3.59 0.23


Sl. No. Name of CD Block Total Total Total Percentage of Percentage of

population Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
Castes Tribes population to total population to total
population population population population

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Agastheeswaram 48333 5687 109 11.77 0.23
2 Thovalai 50496 5575 67 11.04 0.13
3 Rajakkamangalam 57426 3341 14 5.82 0.02
4 Thackalai 19555 761 6 3.89 0.03
5 Kurunthancode 56741 1790 26 3.15 0.05
6 Thiruvattaru 36942 1129 2183 3.06 5.91
7 Killiyur 26888 27 0 0.1 0
8 Munchirai 18861 308 0 1.63 0
9 Melpuram 14940 352 1060 2.36 7.1
10 Not under any CD Block 390 2 276 0.51 70.77
District (Rural) Total 330572 18972 3741 5.74 1.13



Percentage range of Scheduled Castes Number of villages Percentage Scheduled Castes Percentage
population to total population population

1 2 3 4 5

NIL 6 10.71 0 0.00

Less than 5 25 44.64 3029 15.97

5 - 10 11 19.64 5741 30.26

11 - 20 11 19.64 8150 42.96

21 - 30 0 0.00 0 0.00

31 - 40 1 1.79 1316 6.94

41 - 50 0 0.00 0 0.00

51 - 75 1 1.79 650 3.43

76 and above 1 1.79 86 0.45

District (Rural) Total 56 100.00 18972 100.00


Percentage range of Scheduled Tribes Number of villages Percentage Scheduled Tribes Percentage
population to total population population
1 2 3 4 5

NIL 28 50.00 0 0.00

Less than 5 24 42.86 401 10.72

5 - 10 0 0.00 0 0.00

11 - 20 1 1.79 1012 27.05

21 - 30 0 0.00 0 0.00

31 - 40 0 0.00 0 0.00

41 - 50 0 0.00 0 0.00

51 - 75 0 0.00 0 0.00

76 and above 3 5.36 2328 62.23

District (Rural) Total 56 100.00 3741 100.00


TOWNS, 2011- Contd..../-
Sl. Name of town Total Total Scheduled Total Scheduled Percentage of Scheduled Percentage of
No. Population Castes Tribes Castes population to total Scheduled Tribes
population population population population to total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Kadayal (TP) 21665 1015 1259 4.68 5.81

2 Arumanai (TP) 16283 426 16 2.62 0.1

3 Edaicode (TP) 25378 413 30 1.63 0.12

4 Palugal (TP) 18276 464 15 2.54 0.08

5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 15625 217 3 1.39 0.02

6 Pacode (TP) 24050 35 0 0.15 0

7 Kuzhithurai (M) 21307 309 4 1.45 0.02

8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) 23656 127 6 0.54 0.03

9 Nalloor (TP) 17989 156 0 0.87 0

10 Kollancode (TP) 38385 683 116 1.78 0.3

11 Ezhudesam (TP) 24657 2467 1 10.01 0

12 Puthukkadai (TP) 9909 190 0 1.92 0

13 Killiyoor (TP) 20938 309 0 1.48 0

14 Keezhkulam (TP) 17327 17 0 0.1 0

15 Karungal (TP) 16691 236 3 1.41 0.02

16 Palappallam (TP) 18589 380 0 2.04 0

17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) 6361 167 7 2.63 0.11

18 Manjalumoodu (CT) 6840 151 9 2.21 0.13

19 Muzhucode (CT) 8000 182 5 2.28 0.06

20 Malayadi (CT) 7812 124 0 1.59 0

21 Vanniyoor (CT) 4319 104 0 2.41 0

22 Maruthancode (CT) 8277 579 2 7 0.02

23 Vellamcode (CT) 12715 34 6 0.27 0.05

24 Kulappuram (CT) 7677 81 3 1.06 0.04

25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 8888 214 4 2.41 0.05

26 Methukummal (CT) 19417 297 0 1.53 0

27 Vilavancode (CT) 6731 60 0 0.89 0

28 Choozhal (CT) 6807 140 16 2.06 0.24

29 Nadaikavu (CT) 8727 123 0 1.41 0

30 Vavarai (CT) 8362 78 0 0.93 0

31 Mancad (CT) 4889 79 0 1.62 0

32 Vilathurai (CT) 19758 204 2 1.03 0.01


TOWNS, 2011-Contd.../-
Sl. Name of town Total Total Scheduled Total Scheduled Percentage of Scheduled Percentage of
No. Population Castes Tribes Castes population to total Scheduled Tribes
population population population population to total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
33 Nattalam (CT) 7674 105 0 1.37 0

34 Painkulam (CT) 23630 384 0 1.63 0

35 Paloor (CT) 6818 164 122 2.41 1.79

36 Midalam (CT) 8625 138 5 1.6 0.06

37 Mathicode (CT) 6532 417 0 6.38 0

38 Thirparappu (TP) 22401 186 137 0.83 0.61

39 Ponmanai (TP) 15554 649 346 4.17 2.22

40 Kulasekaram (TP) 17267 230 90 1.33 0.52

41 Thiruvattar (TP) 18985 161 21 0.85 0.11

42 Athur (TP) 11910 50 13 0.42 0.11

43 Verkilambi (TP) 19730 107 0 0.54 0

44 Kumarapuram (TP) 14728 110 0 0.75 0

45 Kothanallur (TP) 17662 111 7 0.63 0.04

46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 16965 28 4 0.17 0.02

47 Mulagumudu (TP) 19538 304 10 1.56 0.05

48 Vilavur (TP) 14320 508 3 3.55 0.02

49 Padmanabhapuram (M) 21342 2264 1 10.61 0

50 Thiruvithancode (TP) 18723 1064 0 5.68 0

51 Kappiyarai (TP) 15998 225 0 1.41 0

52 Eraniel (TP) 10375 431 6 4.15 0.06

53 Villukuri (TP) 15304 639 6 4.18 0.04

54 Neyyoor (TP) 12917 325 10 2.52 0.08

55 Reethapuram (TP) 21177 873 0 4.12 0

56 Kallukuttam (TP) 19093 355 0 1.86 0

57 Thingalnagar (TP) 13567 378 3 2.79 0.02

58 Alur (TP) 15063 1322 8 8.78 0.05

59 Colachel (M) 23227 455 0 1.96 0

60 Mandaikadu (TP) 13317 233 7 1.75 0.05

61 Manavalakurichi (TP) 10969 300 0 2.73 0

62 Vellimalai (TP) 13182 949 47 7.2 0.36

63 Ayacode (CT) 8874 556 8 6.27 0.09

64 Kattathurai (CT) 17271 42 0 0.24 0

TOWNS, 2011
Sl. Name of town Total Total Scheduled Total Scheduled Percentage of Scheduled Percentage of
No. Population Castes Tribes Castes population to total Scheduled Tribes
population population population population to total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
65 Kannanoor (CT) 7747 16 0 0.21 0

66 Thikkanamcode (CT) 14086 945 0 6.71 0

67 Nullivilai (CT) 16138 664 14 4.11 0.09

68 Athivilai (CT) 7401 49 1 0.66 0.01

69 Kattimancode (CT) 8541 157 0 1.84 0

70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 11392 513 8 4.5 0.07

71 Boothapandi (TP) 15931 915 16 5.74 0.1
72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 22846 3698 83 16.19 0.36

73 Thazhakudy (TP) 8992 974 0 10.83 0

74 Thadikarankonam (CT) 6241 268 198 4.29 3.17

75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 5028 1470 17 29.24 0.34

76 Marungur (TP) 11236 504 0 4.49 0

77 Therur (TP) 7615 2334 69 30.65 0.91

78 Nagercoil (M) 224849 9427 381 4.19 0.17

79 Asaripallam (TP) 16822 506 20 3.01 0.12

80 Suchindrum (TP) 13193 1178 44 8.93 0.33
81 Ganapathipuram (TP) 14598 325 0 2.23 0

82 Mylaudy (TP) 10070 368 32 3.65 0.32

83 Alagappapuram (TP) 9626 725 5 7.53 0.05

84 Anjugrammam (TP) 10982 1415 16 12.88 0.15

85 Kottaram (TP) 11055 969 5 8.77 0.05

86 Thengampudur (TP) 14538 705 7 4.85 0.05

87 Puthalam (TP) 13073 190 0 1.45 0

88 Agastheeswaram (TP) 9717 433 25 4.46 0.26

89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 11872 51 0 0.43 0
90 Kanniyakumari (TP) 22453 308 171 1.37 0.76

91 Putheri (CT) 5576 634 18 11.37 0.32

92 Gandipuram (CT) 6106 217 4 3.55 0.07

93 Peruvilai (CT) 6090 258 42 4.24 0.69

94 Dharamapuram (CT) 17476 925 4 5.29 0.02

95 Pallanthurai (CT) 5386 12 0 0.22 0

96 Manakudi (CT) 4083 0 0 0 0
District (Urban) Total 1539802 55277 3541 3.59 0.23



Sl. No. Name of C.D.block Scheduled Castes sex ratio Scheduled Tribes sex ratio
1 2 3 4

1 Agastheeswaram 1017 879

2 Thovalai 994 763

3 Rajakkamangalam 1030 556

4 Thackalai 987 2000

5 Kurunthancode 978 857

6 Thiruvattaru 963 1065

7 Killiyur 1250 0

8 Munchirai 1110 0

9 Melpuram 1023 1141

10 Not under Any CD Block 1000 1044

District Sex Ratio (Rural) 1006 1069


Sl. No. Name of town Scheduled Castes sex ratio Scheduled Tribes sex ratio
1 2 3 4
1 Kadayal (TP) 994 970
2 Arumanai (TP) 1196 1667
3 Edaicode (TP) 1045 1143
4 Palugal (TP) 966 2750
5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 1170 2000
6 Pacode (TP) 591 0
7 Kuzhithurai (M) 994 1000
8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) 896 2000
9 Nalloor (TP) 1000 0
10 Kollancode (TP) 1148 871
11 Ezhudesam (TP) 1042 0
12 Puthukkadai (TP) 1000 0
13 Killiyoor (TP) 968 0
14 Keezhkulam (TP) 1429 0
15 Karungal (TP) 983 500
16 Palappallam (TP) 1021 0
17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) 876 400
18 Manjalumoodu (CT) 987 1250
19 Muzhucode (CT) 1045 1500
20 Malayadi (CT) 908 0
21 Vanniyoor (CT) 1167 0
22 Maruthancode (CT) 983 1000


Sl. No. Name of town Scheduled Castes sex ratio Scheduled Tribes sex ratio
1 2 3 4
23 Vellamcode (CT) 1125 500
24 Kulappuram (CT) 1189 500
25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 911 1000
26 Methukummal (CT) 822 0
27 Vilavancode (CT) 1308 0
28 Choozhal (CT) 867 1286
29 Nadaikavu (CT) 1236 0
30 Vavarai (CT) 1364 0
31 Mancad (CT) 1135 0
32 Vilathurai (CT) 981 1000
33 Nattalam (CT) 1143 0
34 Painkulam (CT) 1182 0
35 Paloor (CT) 1187 1033
36 Midalam (CT) 971 667
37 Mathicode (CT) 1161 0
38 Thirparappu (TP) 1044 930
39 Ponmanai (TP) 997 1000
40 Kulasekaram (TP) 983 1195
41 Thiruvattar (TP) 872 1333
42 Athur (TP) 1500 1167
43 Verkilambi (TP) 783 0
44 Kumarapuram (TP) 1200 0
45 Kothanallur (TP) 947 750
46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 1000 1000
47 Mulagumudu (TP) 1141 2333
48 Vilavur (TP) 1073 2000
49 Padmanabhapuram (M) 1027 0
50 Thiruvithancode (TP) 1004 0
51 Kappiyarai (TP) 1103 0
52 Eraniel (TP) 995 5000
53 Villukuri (TP) 1081 2000
54 Neyyoor (TP) 994 429
55 Reethapuram (TP) 975 0
56 Kallukuttam (TP) 1076 0
57 Thingalnagar (TP) 1066 500
58 Alur (TP) 950 3000
59 Colachel (M) 928 0
60 Mandaikadu (TP) 1157 750



Sl. No. Name of town Scheduled Castes sex ratio Scheduled Tribes sex ratio
1 2 3 4
61 Manavalakurichi (TP) 899 0
62 Vellimalai (TP) 977 880
63 Ayacode (CT) 979 1000
64 Kattathurai (CT) 680 0
65 Kannanoor (CT) 778 0
66 Thikkanamcode (CT) 994 0
67 Nullivilai (CT) 942 1800
68 Athivilai (CT) 960 0
69 Kattimancode (CT) 805 0
70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 1085 1667
71 Boothapandi (TP) 968 1000
72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 1019 930
73 Thazhakudy (TP) 1029 0
74 Thadikarankonam (CT) 887 1020
75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 1016 1125
76 Marungur (TP) 1163 0
77 Therur (TP) 980 1156
78 Nagercoil (M) 1052 1309
79 Asaripallam (TP) 984 1222
80 Suchindrum (TP) 1059 1000
81 Ganapathipuram (TP) 1097 0
82 Mylaudy (TP) 1000 1286
83 Alagappapuram (TP) 997 0
84 Anjugrammam (TP) 1042 778
85 Kottaram (TP) 994 1500
86 Thengampudur (TP) 997 167
87 Puthalam (TP) 1000 0
88 Agastheeswaram (TP) 942 923
89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 1125 0
90 Kanniyakumari (TP) 878 1060
91 Putheri (CT) 1000 800
92 Gandipuram (CT) 991 333
93 Peruvilai (CT) 969 680
94 Dharamapuram (CT) 1065 3000
95 Pallanthurai (CT) 500 0
96 Manakudi (CT) 0 0
District Sex Ratio (Urban) 1020 1028



Sl. Name of Sub- T/ Number of literates and illiterates Literacy rate Gap in male-
No. district R/ Number of literates Number of illiterates female
U literacy rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 Vilavancode T 479991 241924 238067 110576 49789 60787 90.32 92.51 88.21 4.3

R 47931 24070 23861 13052 6439 6613 88.64 89.22 88.05 1.17

U 432060 217854 214206 97524 43350 54174 90.51 92.88 88.22 4.66

2 Kalkulam T 502091 253949 248142 104615 48234 56381 91.69 93.36 90.04 3.32

R 92345 47065 45280 20989 9760 11229 90.69 92.25 89.13 3.12

U 409746 206884 202862 83626 38474 45152 91.92 93.61 90.25 3.36

3 Thovala T 98890 50439 48451 22036 9617 12419 90.27 93.01 87.59 5.42

R 41447 21114 20333 9049 3985 5064 90.35 93.05 87.7 5.35

U 57443 29325 28118 12987 5632 7355 90.22 92.97 87.51 5.46

4 Agastheeswaram T 467766 234229 233537 84409 38164 46245 93.66 95.32 92.05 3.27

R 87657 44183 43474 18102 8322 9780 92.25 94.03 90.52 3.51

U 380109 190046 190063 66307 29842 36465 93.99 95.62 92.41 3.21
District Total T 1548738 780541 768197 321636 145804 175832 91.75 93.65 89.9 3.75

R 269380 136432 132948 61192 28506 32686 90.76 92.39 89.16 3.23

U 1279358 644109 635249 260444 117298 143146 91.96 93.92 90.06 3.86


Sl. Name of CD Block Number of literates and illiterates Literacy rate Gap in male-
No. Number of literates Number of illiterates female
literacy rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Agastheeswaram 39629 20068 19561 8704 4010 4694 91.77 93.63 89.94 3.69
2 Thovalai 41447 21114 20333 9049 3985 5064 90.35 93.05 87.7 5.35
3 Rajakkamangalam 48028 24115 23913 9398 4312 5086 92.65 94.36 90.99 3.37
4 Thackalai 16402 8320 8082 3153 1462 1691 92.43 94.17 90.71 3.46
5 Kurunthancode 46105 23520 22585 10636 5051 5585 91.07 92.12 90 2.12
6 Thiruvattaru 29745 15170 14575 7197 3246 3951 89.16 91.4 86.95 4.45
7 Killiyur 21501 10793 10708 5387 2708 2679 90.58 90.85 90.31 0.54
8 Munchirai 13992 7049 6943 4869 2480 2389 84.13 83.98 84.28 -0.3
9 Melpuram 12235 6121 6114 2705 1213 1492 90.97 93.1 88.94 4.16
Not under Any CD
10 296 162 134 94 39 55 84.33 88.04 80.24 7.8
District (Rural) Total 269380 136432 132948 61192 28506 32686 90.76 92.39 89.16 3.23



Range of literacy rate for villages Number of inhabited Percentage distribution of Population Percentage distribution
villages villages of population
1 2 3 4 5
0 0 0.00 0 0.00
1 - 10 0 0.00 0 0.00
11 - 20 0 0.00 0 0.00
21 - 30 0 0.00 0 0.00
31 - 40 0 0.00 0 0.00
41 - 50 0 0.00 0 0.00
51 - 60 0 0.00 0 0.00
61 - 70 1 1.79 22 0.01
71 - 80 3 5.36 2441 0.74
81 - 90 19 33.93 97840 29.60
91 - 99 31 55.36 230084 69.60
100 2 3.57 185 0.06
District (Rural) Total 56 100.00 330572 100.00

Literacy rate for District 90.76

Sl. Name of Town Number of literates and illiterates Literacy rate Gap in male-
No. Number of literates Number of illiterates female
literacy rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Kadayal (TP) 17178 8678 8500 4487 1953 2534 87.84 91.06 84.77 6.29
2 Arumanai (TP) 13348 6683 6665 2935 1338 1597 90.52 92.59 88.54 4.05
3 Edaicode (TP) 20985 10513 10472 4393 1930 2463 91.36 93.66 89.17 4.49
4 Palugal (TP) 15185 7473 7712 3091 1283 1808 91.43 93.75 89.28 4.47
5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 12733 6466 6267 2892 1287 1605 90.65 92.96 88.39 4.57
6 Pacode (TP) 19733 10210 9523 4317 1879 2438 90.5 93.09 87.87 5.22
7 Kuzhithurai (M) 18322 9218 9104 2985 1321 1664 94.07 95.85 92.32 3.53
8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) 19658 10041 9617 3998 1754 2244 92.25 94.96 89.59 5.37
9 Nalloor (TP) 15024 7682 7342 2965 1303 1662 92.35 94.97 89.77 5.2
10 Kollancode (TP) 29351 14886 14465 9034 4387 4647 86.72 88.15 85.31 2.84
11 Ezhudesam (TP) 19774 9893 9881 4883 2219 2664 89.62 91.87 87.48 4.39
12 Puthukkadai (TP) 8134 4055 4079 1775 807 968 91.12 93.09 89.24 3.85
13 Killiyoor (TP) 16947 8571 8376 3991 1738 2253 89.3 91.95 86.74 5.21
14 Keezhkulam (TP) 14156 7143 7013 3171 1437 1734 91.21 93.47 89.02 4.45
15 Karungal (TP) 13808 6794 7014 2883 1236 1647 91.99 94.35 89.81 4.54
16 Palappallam (TP) 15237 7393 7844 3352 1597 1755 91.58 92.61 90.63 1.98


Sl. Name of Town Number of literates and illiterates Literacy rate Gap in male-
No. Number of literates Number of illiterates female
P M F P M F P M F literacy rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) 5128 2514 2614 1233 571 662 89.63 91.75 87.69 4.06
18 Manjalumoodu (CT) 5229 2606 2623 1611 694 917 83.87 87.07 80.91 6.16
19 Muzhucode (CT) 6464 3271 3193 1536 674 862 88.97 91.55 86.48 5.07
20 Malayadi (CT) 6307 3163 3144 1505 658 847 89.92 92.68 87.31 5.37
21 Vanniyoor (CT) 3619 1813 1806 700 279 421 92.94 96.13 89.94 6.19
22 Maruthancode (CT) 6720 3392 3328 1557 690 867 89.82 92.4 87.33 5.07
23 Vellamcode (CT) 10257 5148 5109 2458 1108 1350 89.21 91.63 86.89 4.74
24 Kulappuram (CT) 6512 3276 3236 1165 521 644 93.48 95.18 91.83 3.35
25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 7429 3739 3690 1459 669 790 91.13 93.13 89.2 3.93
26 Methukummal (CT) 15955 8064 7891 3462 1449 2013 91.47 94.46 88.6 5.86
27 Vilavancode (CT) 5522 2849 2673 1209 504 705 90.51 94 87.07 6.93
28 Choozhal (CT) 5723 2886 2837 1084 487 597 92.61 94.75 90.52 4.23
29 Nadaikavu (CT) 7309 3755 3554 1418 614 804 92.87 95.16 90.57 4.59
30 Vavarai (CT) 6576 3351 3225 1786 755 1031 88.19 91.56 84.94 6.62
31 Mancad (CT) 4063 2020 2043 826 370 456 92.15 94.26 90.16 4.1
32 Vilathurai (CT) 16336 8374 7962 3422 1429 1993 90.9 94.1 87.76 6.34
33 Nattalam (CT) 6498 3289 3209 1176 532 644 92.86 95 90.75 4.25
34 Painkulam (CT) 19011 9703 9308 4619 2006 2613 89.66 92.4 86.97 5.43
35 Paloor (CT) 5653 2874 2779 1165 483 682 91.37 94.73 88.14 6.59
36 Midalam (CT) 6838 3437 3401 1787 842 945 89.2 90.59 87.84 2.75
37 Mathicode (CT) 5338 2631 2707 1194 546 648 90.95 92.84 89.19 3.65
38 Thirparappu (TP) 17919 9011 8908 4482 2023 2459 87.79 89.88 85.78 4.1
39 Ponmanai (TP) 13051 6636 6415 2503 1130 1373 92.14 94.07 90.23 3.84
40 Kulasekaram (TP) 14191 7159 7032 3076 1397 1679 90.71 92.54 88.91 3.63
41 Thiruvattar (TP) 15579 7920 7659 3406 1534 1872 90.2 92.18 88.25 3.93
42 Athur (TP) 9887 5066 4821 2023 955 1068 91.13 93.06 89.2 3.86
43 Verkilambi (TP) 16304 8306 7998 3426 1630 1796 91.31 93.03 89.59 3.44
44 Kumarapuram (TP) 11794 6077 5717 2934 1311 1623 88.54 91.03 86.03 5
45 Kothanallur (TP) 14663 7461 7202 2999 1391 1608 91.56 93.26 89.87 3.39
46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 14319 7097 7222 2646 1213 1433 93.81 95.3 92.39 2.91
47 Mulagumudu (TP) 16555 8203 8352 2983 1400 1583 93.64 95 92.35 2.65
48 Vilavur (TP) 11831 6008 5823 2489 1139 1350 90.96 92.52 89.41 3.11
49 Padmanabhapuram (M) 17911 8967 8944 3431 1551 1880 93.18 95.05 91.38 3.67
50 Thiruvithancode (TP) 15639 7758 7881 3084 1482 1602 93.76 95.39 92.22 3.17
51 Kappiyarai (TP) 13489 6709 6780 2509 1149 1360 93.91 95.23 92.64 2.59


Sl. Name of Town Number of literates and illiterates Literacy rate Gap in male-
No. Number of literates Number of illiterates female
P M F P M F P M F literacy rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
52 Eraniel (TP) 8801 4470 4331 1574 694 880 92.88 94.92 90.85 4.07
53 Villukuri (TP) 12473 6238 6235 2831 1296 1535 90.52 92.73 88.41 4.32
54 Neyyoor (TP) 10957 5524 5433 1960 890 1070 93.71 95.14 92.3 2.84
55 Reethapuram (TP) 17415 8746 8669 3762 1829 1933 92.11 92.93 91.29 1.64
56 Kallukuttam (TP) 16229 8124 8105 2864 1316 1548 93.71 94.66 92.78 1.88
57 Thingalnagar (TP) 11564 5849 5715 2003 880 1123 93.36 95.48 91.29 4.19
58 Alur (TP) 12622 6399 6223 2441 1061 1380 92.71 94.94 90.52 4.42
59 Colachel (M) 18702 9534 9168 4525 2233 2292 90.94 91.62 90.24 1.38
60 Mandaikadu (TP) 10745 5384 5361 2572 1227 1345 90.03 91.33 88.76 2.57
61 Manavalakurichi (TP) 9383 4738 4645 1586 740 846 94.66 96.2 93.14 3.06
62 Vellimalai (TP) 10680 5526 5154 2502 1106 1396 88.86 91.69 86.01 5.68
63 Ayacode (CT) 7318 3637 3681 1556 698 858 90.66 92.66 88.76 3.9
64 Kattathurai (CT) 14401 7310 7091 2870 1288 1582 92.1 93.83 90.38 3.45
65 Kannanoor (CT) 6574 3379 3195 1173 542 631 93.45 95.1 91.76 3.34
66 Thikkanamcode (CT) 11818 6010 5808 2268 1021 1247 92.71 94.48 90.95 3.53
67 Nullivilai (CT) 13537 6903 6634 2601 1177 1424 92.74 94.78 90.7 4.08
68 Athivilai (CT) 6287 3086 3201 1114 489 625 93.95 95.78 92.25 3.53
69 Kattimancode (CT) 7108 3649 3459 1433 682 751 92.85 94.34 91.34 3
70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 9533 4825 4708 1859 850 1009 91.17 93.36 89.03 4.33
71 Boothapandi (TP) 13116 6646 6470 2815 1252 1563 91.04 93.25 88.87 4.38
72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 18344 9449 8895 4502 1924 2578 89.26 92.34 86.2 6.14
73 Thazhakudy (TP) 7475 3790 3685 1517 655 862 91.93 94.51 89.42 5.09
74 Thadikarankonam (CT) 4938 2544 2394 1303 543 760 88.07 91.64 84.56 7.08
75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 4037 2071 1966 991 408 583 89.33 93 85.78 7.22
76 Marungur (TP) 9244 4728 4516 1992 863 1129 90.49 93.13 87.88 5.25
77 Therur (TP) 6608 3351 3257 1007 411 596 94.59 97.13 92.11 5.02
78 Nagercoil (M) 194361 96454 97907 30488 13484 17004 94.99 96.63 93.43 3.2
79 Asaripallam (TP) 14447 7190 7257 2375 1067 1308 95.08 96.61 93.6 3.01
80 Suchindrum (TP) 11439 5724 5715 1754 802 952 94.65 96.4 92.97 3.43
81 Ganapathipuram (TP) 11852 6017 5835 2746 1282 1464 90.18 91.76 88.6 3.16
82 Mylaudy (TP) 8261 4231 4030 1809 773 1036 91.27 93.75 88.81 4.94
83 Alagappapuram (TP) 8272 4048 4224 1354 598 756 95.44 97.24 93.78 3.46
84 Anjugrammam (TP) 9204 4602 4602 1778 799 979 93.82 96.28 91.49 4.79
85 Kottaram (TP) 9214 4650 4564 1841 845 996 92.3 93.64 90.97 2.67
86 Thengampudur (TP) 12335 6298 6037 2203 991 1212 93.63 95.44 91.82 3.62



Sl. Name of Town Number of literates and illiterates Literacy rate Gap in male-
No. Number of literates Number of illiterates female
P M F P M F P M F literacy rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
87 Puthalam (TP) 10951 5553 5398 2122 896 1226 92.86 94.84 90.91 3.93
88 Agastheeswaram (TP) 8089 4080 4009 1628 729 899 92.31 94.23 90.44 3.79
89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 10131 5126 5005 1741 765 976 94.1 95.85 92.38 3.47
90 Kanniyakumari (TP) 18432 9233 9199 4021 2039 1982 92.61 92.82 92.41 0.41
91 Putheri (CT) 4850 2484 2366 726 314 412 95.53 97.3 93.74 3.56
92 Gandipuram (CT) 5239 2672 2567 867 408 459 94.74 96.08 93.38 2.7
93 Peruvilai (CT) 5130 2568 2562 960 444 516 93.36 95.32 91.47 3.85
94 Dharamapuram (CT) 14494 7415 7079 2982 1353 1629 91.5 94.08 88.95 5.13
95 Pallanthurai (CT) 4448 2229 2219 938 446 492 92.57 93.22 91.92 1.3
96 Manakudi (CT) 3108 1393 1715 975 533 442 87.87 83.87 91.42 -7.55
District (Urban) Total 1279358 644109 635249 260444 117298 143146 91.96 93.92 90.06 3.86

BLOCKS, 2011

Sl. Name of CD Block Number of literates and illiterates Literacy rate Gap in male-
No. Number of literates Number of illiterates female
P M F P M F P M F literacy rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Agastheeswaram 4558 2345 2213 1129 475 654 89.15 92.98 85.41 7.57

2 Thovalai 4529 2352 2177 1046 444 602 89.21 92.56 85.84 6.72

3 Rajakkamangalam 2706 1357 1349 635 289 346 88.87 91.01 86.81 4.2

4 Thackalai 588 314 274 173 69 104 84.85 89.97 79.65 10.32

5 Kurunthancode 1411 740 671 379 165 214 87.91 91.47 84.3 7.17

6 Thiruvattaru 931 498 433 198 77 121 89.09 94.14 83.91 10.23

7 Killiyur 23 10 13 4 2 2 92 100 86.67 13.33

8 Munchirai 256 124 132 52 22 30 92.42 95.38 89.8 5.58

9 Melpuram 286 148 138 66 26 40 90.51 94.27 86.79 7.48

Not under any CD
10 1 1 0 1 0 1 100 100 0 100

District (Rural) Total 15289 7889 7400 3683 1569 2114 88.91 92.39 85.47 6.92


(RURAL), 2011
Range of literacy rate Number of inhabited villages Percentage distribution Scheduled Castes Percentage distribution
for villages having Scheduled Castes of villages population of population

1 2 3 4 5

0 0 0.00 0 0.00
1 - 10 0 0.00 0 0.00
11 - 20 0 0.00 0 0.00
21 - 30 0 0.00 0 0.00
31 - 40 0 0.00 0 0.00
41 - 50 0 0.00 0 0.00
51 - 60 0 0.00 0 0.00
61 - 70 0 0.00 0 0.00
71 - 80 4 8.00 213 1.12
81 - 90 28 56.00 12574 66.28
91 - 99 13 26.00 6079 32.04
100 5 10.00 106 0.56
District (Rural) Total 50 100.00 18972 100.00
District Scheduled castes Literacy rate: 88.91
Sl. Name of Town Number of literates and illiterates Literacy rate Gap in male-
No. Number of literates Number of illiterates female
P M F P M F P M F literacy rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Kadayal (TP) 791 418 373 224 91 133 86.17 90.28 81.98 8.3
2 Arumanai (TP) 334 160 174 92 34 58 88.83 91.95 86.14 5.81
3 Edaicode (TP) 335 161 174 78 41 37 91.78 95.27 88.78 6.49
4 Palugal (TP) 366 196 170 98 40 58 89.93 94.23 85.43 8.8
5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 183 88 95 34 12 22 92.42 93.62 91.35 2.27
6 Pacode (TP) 28 19 9 7 3 4 87.5 90.48 81.82 8.66
7 Kuzhithurai (M) 244 127 117 65 28 37 85.31 87.59 82.98 4.61
8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) 101 55 46 26 12 14 90.18 93.22 86.79 6.43
9 Nalloor (TP) 135 70 65 21 8 13 91.22 97.22 85.53 11.69
10 Kollancode (TP) 553 267 286 130 51 79 87.36 90.82 84.37 6.45
11 Ezhudesam (TP) 2068 1045 1023 399 163 236 93.03 96.22 89.97 6.25
12 Puthukkadai (TP) 167 86 81 23 9 14 95.43 96.63 94.19 2.44
13 Killiyoor (TP) 235 125 110 74 32 42 83.04 88.03 78.01 10.02
14 Keezhkulam (TP) 16 7 9 1 0 1 94.12 100 90 10
15 Karungal (TP) 186 95 91 50 24 26 84.16 86.36 81.98 4.38
16 Palappallam (TP) 285 150 135 95 38 57 84.82 90.91 78.95 11.96
17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) 134 71 63 33 18 15 93.71 95.95 91.3 4.65
18 Manjalumoodu (CT) 110 59 51 41 17 24 82.09 86.76 77.27 9.49


Sl. Name of Town Number of literates and illiterates Literacy rate Gap in male-
No. Number of literates Number of illiterates female
P M F P M F P M F literacy rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
19 Muzhucode (CT) 150 72 78 32 17 15 90.36 91.14 89.66 1.48
20 Malayadi (CT) 102 52 50 22 13 9 92.73 94.55 90.91 3.64
21 Vanniyoor (CT) 82 39 43 22 9 13 91.11 97.5 86 11.5
22 Maruthancode (CT) 437 236 201 142 56 86 84.2 89.73 78.52 11.21
23 Vellamcode (CT) 23 13 10 11 3 8 88.46 92.86 83.33 9.53
24 Kulappuram (CT) 70 33 37 11 4 7 95.89 91.67 100 -8.33
25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 168 92 76 46 20 26 87.96 93.88 81.72 12.16
26 Methukummal (CT) 232 134 98 65 29 36 86.25 91.16 80.33 10.83
27 Vilavancode (CT) 47 21 26 13 5 8 82.46 84 81.25 2.75
28 Choozhal (CT) 125 64 61 15 11 4 98.43 96.97 100 -3.03
29 Nadaikavu (CT) 105 48 57 18 7 11 97.22 100 95 5
30 Vavarai (CT) 61 26 35 17 7 10 93.85 96.3 92.11 4.19
31 Mancad (CT) 63 29 34 16 8 8 90 90.62 89.47 1.15
32 Vilathurai (CT) 165 93 72 39 10 29 86.39 94.9 77.42 17.48
33 Nattalam (CT) 79 39 40 26 10 16 84.04 95.12 75.47 19.65
34 Painkulam (CT) 310 150 160 74 26 48 89.86 90.91 88.89 2.02
35 Paloor (CT) 137 65 72 27 10 17 93.2 97.01 90 7.01
36 Midalam (CT) 105 59 46 33 11 22 86.78 92.19 80.7 11.49
37 Mathicode (CT) 311 151 160 106 42 64 80.78 84.36 77.67 6.69
38 Thirparappu (TP) 143 71 72 43 20 23 87.73 89.87 85.71 4.16
39 Ponmanai (TP) 527 272 255 122 53 69 88.87 92.83 85 7.83
40 Kulasekaram (TP) 202 100 102 28 16 12 94.39 93.46 95.33 -1.87
41 Thiruvattar (TP) 142 77 65 19 9 10 94.04 96.25 91.55 4.7
42 Athur (TP) 41 16 25 9 4 5 89.13 94.12 86.21 7.91
43 Verkilambi (TP) 89 52 37 18 8 10 89.9 94.55 84.09 10.46
44 Kumarapuram (TP) 86 37 49 24 13 11 83.5 82.22 84.48 -2.26
45 Kothanallur (TP) 90 48 42 21 9 12 88.24 88.89 87.5 1.39
46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 23 12 11 5 2 3 85.19 85.71 84.62 1.09
47 Mulagumudu (TP) 243 119 124 61 23 38 88.04 91.54 84.93 6.61
48 Vilavur (TP) 365 184 181 143 61 82 80.22 82.88 77.68 5.2
49 Padmanabhapuram (M) 1768 907 861 496 210 286 85.7 89.1 82.39 6.71
50 Thiruvithancode (TP) 844 422 422 220 109 111 87.28 89.41 85.25 4.16
51 Kappiyarai (TP) 195 93 102 30 14 16 91.12 91.18 91.07 0.11
52 Eraniel (TP) 340 179 161 91 37 54 89.24 95.21 83.42 11.79
53 Villukuri (TP) 494 246 248 145 61 84 85.76 89.45 82.39 7.06
54 Neyyoor (TP) 266 137 129 59 26 33 88.08 90.13 86 4.13
55 Reethapuram (TP) 681 364 317 192 78 114 86.31 91 81.49 9.51
56 Kallukuttam (TP) 299 148 151 56 23 33 91.72 93.67 89.88 3.79
57 Thingalnagar (TP) 290 151 139 88 32 56 85.8 92.64 79.43 13.21


Sl. Name of Town Number of literates and illiterates Literacy rate Gap in male-
No. Number of literates Number of illiterates female
P M F P M F P M F literacy rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
58 Alur (TP) 1079 576 503 243 102 141 91.05 94.74 87.18 7.56
59 Colachel (M) 370 204 166 85 32 53 86.45 91.48 80.98 10.5
60 Mandaikadu (TP) 186 89 97 47 19 28 83.78 85.58 82.2 3.38
61 Manavalakurichi (TP) 240 129 111 60 29 31 86.64 89.58 83.46 6.12
62 Vellimalai (TP) 719 369 350 230 111 119 81.52 83.86 79.19 4.67
63 Ayacode (CT) 441 228 213 115 53 62 88.2 90.84 85.54 5.3
64 Kattathurai (CT) 36 20 16 6 5 1 97.3 100 94.12 5.88
65 Kannanoor (CT) 13 7 6 3 2 1 92.86 100 85.71 14.29
66 Thikkanamcode (CT) 738 374 364 207 100 107 86.72 89.05 84.45 4.6
67 Nullivilai (CT) 527 283 244 137 59 78 88.13 91.88 84.14 7.74
68 Athivilai (CT) 37 21 16 12 4 8 90.24 100 80 20
69 Kattimancode (CT) 136 75 61 21 12 9 93.15 93.75 92.42 1.33
70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 449 216 233 64 30 34 94.53 96 93.2 2.8
71 Boothapandi (TP) 752 399 353 163 66 97 90.38 93.44 87.16 6.28
72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 2844 1481 1363 854 351 503 86.76 91.82 81.86 9.96
73 Thazhakudy (TP) 808 409 399 166 71 95 91.51 93.59 89.46 4.13
74 Thadikarankonam (CT) 210 114 96 58 28 30 87.5 90.48 84.21 6.27
75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 1192 616 576 278 113 165 90.23 94.48 86.1 8.38
76 Marungur (TP) 391 187 204 113 46 67 85.75 89.47 82.59 6.88
77 Therur (TP) 2017 1046 971 317 133 184 93.9 96.85 90.92 5.93
78 Nagercoil (M) 7697 3888 3809 1730 705 1025 90.02 93.1 87.08 6.02
79 Asaripallam (TP) 427 224 203 79 31 48 92.62 95.73 89.43 6.3
80 Suchindrum (TP) 968 479 489 210 93 117 91.58 94.11 89.23 4.88
81 Ganapathipuram (TP) 220 112 108 105 43 62 78.85 84.21 73.97 10.24
82 Mylaudy (TP) 272 141 131 96 43 53 84.47 88.68 80.37 8.31
83 Alagappapuram (TP) 594 299 295 131 64 67 92.67 94.92 90.49 4.43
84 Anjugrammam (TP) 1163 583 580 252 110 142 91.79 95.11 88.69 6.42
85 Kottaram (TP) 750 386 364 219 100 119 84.65 87.93 81.43 6.5
86 Thengampudur (TP) 578 300 278 127 53 74 89.47 93.75 85.28 8.47
87 Puthalam (TP) 158 83 75 32 12 20 92.4 94.32 90.36 3.96
88 Agastheeswaram (TP) 346 182 164 87 41 46 90.34 92.86 87.7 5.16
89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 30 12 18 21 12 9 69.77 63.16 75 -11.84
90 Kanniyakumari (TP) 236 137 99 72 27 45 87.08 93.2 79.84 13.36
91 Putheri (CT) 498 260 238 136 57 79 89.73 92.86 86.55 6.31
92 Gandipuram (CT) 178 94 84 39 15 24 92.23 96.91 87.5 9.41
93 Peruvilai (CT) 199 106 93 59 25 34 90.05 92.17 87.74 4.43
94 Dharamapuram (CT) 731 368 363 194 80 114 88.29 92.7 84.22 8.48
95 Pallanthurai (CT) 10 7 3 2 1 1 83.33 87.5 75 12.5
District (Urban) Total 44411 22754 21657 10866 4605 6261 88.92 92.32 85.61 6.71


BLOCKS, 2011
Sl. Name of CD Block Number of literates and illiterates Literacy rate Gap in male-
No. Number of literates Number of illiterates female
P M F P M F P M F literacy rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Agastheeswaram 69 38 31 40 20 20 80.23 84.44 75.61 8.83

2 Thovalai 32 21 11 35 17 18 59.26 67.74 47.83 19.91

3 Rajakkamangalam 13 9 4 1 0 1 92.86 100 80 20

4 Thackalai 2 0 2 4 2 2 40 0 50 -50

5 Kurunthancode 18 9 9 8 5 3 78.26 75 81.82 -6.82

6 Thiruvattaru 1489 765 724 694 292 402 77.51 82.35 72.98 9.37

7 Killiyur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 Munchirai 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 Melpuram 803 392 411 257 103 154 85.7 88.09 83.54 4.55
Not under any CD
10 190 100 90 86 35 51 77.87 81.97 73.77 8.2
District (Rural) Total 2616 1334 1282 1125 474 651 79.66 83.69 75.86 7.83

(RURAL), 2011

Range of literacy rate for Number of inhabited villages Percentage distribution of Scheduled Tribes Percentage distribution
villages having Scheduled Tribes villages population of population
1 2 3 4 5

0 0 0.00 0 0.00

1 - 10 0 0.00 0 0.00

11 - 20 0 0.00 0 0.00

21 - 30 0 0.00 0 0.00

31 - 40 4 14.29 23 0.61

41 - 50 1 3.57 21 0.56

51 - 60 2 7.14 10 0.27

61 - 70 1 3.57 45 1.20

71 - 80 6 21.43 2390 63.89

81 - 90 4 14.29 1123 30.02

91 - 99 2 7.14 73 1.95

100 8 28.57 56 1.50

District (Rural) Total 28 100.00 3741 100.00

Literacy rate for District 79.66


Sl. Name of Town Number of Literates and Illiterates Literacy rate Gap in male-
No. Number of literates Number of illiterates female
P M F P M F P M F literacy rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Kadayal (TP) 897 469 428 362 170 192 79.59 83.9 75.35 8.55

2 Arumanai (TP) 13 4 9 3 2 1 81.25 66.67 90 -23.33

3 Edaicode (TP) 24 13 11 6 1 5 100 100 100 0

4 Palugal (TP) 10 3 7 5 1 4 76.92 75 77.78 -2.78

5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 3 1 2 0 0 0 100 100 100 0

6 Kuzhithurai (M) 4 2 2 0 0 0 100 100 100 0

7 Unnamalaikadai (TP) 6 2 4 0 0 0 100 100 100 0

8 Kollancode (TP) 82 46 36 34 16 18 79.61 85.19 73.47 11.72

9 Ezhudesam (TP) 1 1 0 0 0 0 100 100 0 100

10 Karungal (TP) 3 2 1 0 0 0 100 100 100 0

11 Puliyoorsalai (CT) 6 5 1 1 0 1 85.71 100 50 50

12 Manjalumoodu (CT) 7 2 5 2 2 0 77.78 50 100 -50

13 Muzhucode (CT) 3 2 1 2 0 2 60 100 33.33 66.67

14 Maruthancode (CT) 1 1 0 1 0 1 50 100 0 100

15 Vellamcode (CT) 5 3 2 1 1 0 100 100 100 0

16 Kulappuram (CT) 2 1 1 1 1 0 100 100 100 0

17 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 4 2 2 0 0 0 100 100 100 0

18 Choozhal (CT) 12 6 6 4 1 3 85.71 100 75 25

19 Vilathurai (CT) 2 1 1 0 0 0 100 100 100 0

20 Paloor (CT) 83 44 39 39 16 23 79.81 88 72.22 15.78

21 Midalam (CT) 1 1 0 4 2 2 20 33.33 0 33.33

22 Thirparappu (TP) 125 66 59 12 5 7 94.7 97.06 92.19 4.87

23 Ponmanai (TP) 230 120 110 116 53 63 73.02 75.95 70.06 5.89

24 Kulasekaram (TP) 79 37 42 11 4 7 97.53 100 95.45 4.55

25 Thiruvattar (TP) 21 9 12 0 0 0 100 100 100 0

26 Athur (TP) 13 6 7 0 0 0 100 100 100 0

27 Kothanallur (TP) 7 4 3 0 0 0 100 100 100 0

28 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 3 2 1 1 0 1 75 100 50 50

29 Mulagumudu (TP) 8 3 5 2 0 2 88.89 100 83.33 16.67

30 Vilavur (TP) 2 1 1 1 0 1 66.67 100 50 50

31 Padmanabhapuram (M) 1 0 1 0 0 0 100 0 100 -100


Sl. Name of Town Number of Literates and Illiterates Literacy rate Gap in male-
No. Number of literates Number of illiterates female
P M F P M F P M F literacy rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

32 Eraniel (TP) 6 1 5 0 0 0 100 100 100 0

33 Villukuri (TP) 3 1 2 3 1 2 50 50 50 0

34 Neyyoor (TP) 10 7 3 0 0 0 100 100 100 0

35 Thingalnagar (TP) 3 2 1 0 0 0 100 100 100 0

36 Alur (TP) 7 2 5 1 0 1 100 100 100 0

37 Mandaikadu (TP) 6 3 3 1 1 0 85.71 75 100 -25

38 Vellimalai (TP) 39 21 18 8 4 4 88.64 91.3 85.71 5.59

39 Ayacode (CT) 6 2 4 2 2 0 100 100 100 0

40 Nullivilai (CT) 10 4 6 4 1 3 100 100 100 0

41 Athivilai (CT) 1 1 0 0 0 0 100 100 0 100

42 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 7 3 4 1 0 1 87.5 100 80 20

43 Boothapandi (TP) 10 6 4 6 2 4 90.91 85.71 100 -14.29

44 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 46 27 19 37 16 21 59.74 67.5 51.35 16.15

45 Thadikarankonam (CT) 148 83 65 50 15 35 87.57 95.4 79.27 16.13

46 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 8 5 3 9 3 6 72.73 100 50 50

47 Therur (TP) 58 29 29 11 3 8 90.62 100 82.86 17.14

48 Nagercoil (M) 278 130 148 103 35 68 82.01 86.67 78.31 8.36

49 Asaripallam (TP) 17 7 10 3 2 1 89.47 87.5 90.91 -3.41

50 Suchindrum (TP) 32 15 17 12 7 5 82.05 83.33 80.95 2.38

51 Mylaudy (TP) 26 14 12 6 0 6 86.67 100 75 25

52 Alagappapuram (TP) 4 4 0 1 1 0 80 80 0 80

53 Anjugrammam (TP) 10 5 5 6 4 2 83.33 83.33 83.33 0

54 Kottaram (TP) 3 2 1 2 0 2 75 100 50 50

55 Thengampudur (TP) 2 2 0 5 4 1 28.57 33.33 0 33.33

56 Agastheeswaram (TP) 22 13 9 3 0 3 100 100 100 0

57 Kanniyakumari (TP) 132 67 65 39 16 23 87.42 94.37 81.25 13.12

58 Putheri (CT) 16 8 8 2 2 0 88.89 80 100 -20

59 Gandipuram (CT) 3 2 1 1 1 0 100 100 100 0

60 Peruvilai (CT) 18 10 8 24 15 9 50 47.62 53.33 -5.71

61 Dharamapuram (CT) 4 1 3 0 0 0 100 100 100 0

District (Urban) Total 2593 1336 1257 948 410 538 81.7 85.86 77.69 8.17



Sl. Name of Sub-district P/ Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers (main Non workers
No. M/ population + marginal)
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Vilavancode P 590567 163634 27.71 51683 8.75 215317 36.46 375250 63.54

M 291713 130591 44.77 33533 11.50 164124 56.26 127589 43.74

F 298854 33043 11.06 18150 6.07 51193 17.13 247661 82.87

2 Kalkulam P 606706 180267 29.71 41626 6.86 221893 36.57 384813 63.43

M 302183 148623 49.18 24904 8.24 173527 57.42 128656 42.58

F 304523 31644 10.39 16722 5.49 48366 15.88 256157 84.12

3 Thovala P 120926 40065 33.13 7268 6.01 47333 39.14 73593 60.86

M 60056 30730 51.17 4094 6.82 34824 57.99 25232 42.01

F 60870 9335 15.34 3174 5.21 12509 20.55 48361 79.45

4 Agastheeswaram P 552175 168692 30.55 26385 4.78 195077 35.33 357098 64.67

M 272393 136951 50.28 15203 5.58 152154 55.86 120239 44.14

F 279782 31741 11.34 11182 4.00 42923 15.34 236859 84.66

District Total P 1870374 552658 29.55 126962 6.79 679620 36.34 1190754 63.66

M 926345 446895 48.24 77734 8.39 524629 56.63 401716 43.37

F 944029 105763 11.20 49228 5.21 154991 16.42 789038 83.58

The work participation by sex in various taluks of Kanniyakumari district is depicted in this table. The
percentage of total workers in this district was 36.34% for persons, 56.63% for males and 16.42% for females.
Among total workers, Thovala taluk ranks high with 39.14% followed by Kalkulam taluk with 36.57% and
Vilavancode taluk with 36.46%.



Sl. Name of CD Block P/ Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers
No. M/ F populatio (main+marginal)
n No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Agastheeswaram P 48333 15462 31.99 3640 7.53 19102 39.52 29231 60.48
M 24078 12340 51.25 1537 6.38 13877 57.63 10201 42.37
F 24255 3122 12.87 2103 8.67 5225 21.54 19030 78.46
2 Thovalai P 50496 16903 33.47 3471 6.87 20374 40.35 30122 59.65
M 25099 12756 50.82 1765 7.03 14521 57.85 10578 42.15
F 25397 4147 16.33 1706 6.72 5853 23.05 19544 76.95
3 Rajakkamangalam P 57426 16136 28.10 4375 7.62 20511 35.72 36915 64.28
M 28427 13205 46.45 2651 9.33 15856 55.78 12571 44.22
F 28999 2931 10.11 1724 5.95 4655 16.05 24344 83.95
4 Thackalai P 19555 5941 30.38 1493 7.63 7434 38.02 12121 61.98
M 9782 4876 49.85 699 7.15 5575 56.99 4207 43.01
F 9773 1065 10.90 794 8.12 1859 19.02 7914 80.98
5 Kurunthancode P 56741 17438 30.73 4214 7.43 21652 38.16 35089 61.84
M 28571 14703 51.46 2310 8.09 17013 59.55 11558 40.45
F 28170 2735 9.71 1904 6.76 4639 16.47 23531 83.53
6 Thiruvattaru P 36942 12112 32.79 2415 6.54 14527 39.32 22415 60.68
M 18416 9272 50.35 1312 7.12 10584 57.47 7832 42.53
F 18526 2840 15.33 1103 5.95 3943 21.28 14583 78.72
7 Killiyur P 26888 8125 30.22 1214 4.52 9339 34.73 17549 65.27
M 13501 6985 51.74 696 5.16 7681 56.89 5820 43.11
F 13387 1140 8.52 518 3.87 1658 12.39 11729 87.61
8 Munchirai P 18861 5423 28.75 942 4.99 6365 33.75 12496 66.25
M 9529 4780 50.16 605 6.35 5385 56.51 4144 43.49
F 9332 643 6.89 337 3.61 980 10.50 8352 89.50
9 Melpuram P 14940 3359 22.48 2514 16.83 5873 39.31 9067 60.69
M 7334 2621 35.74 1635 22.29 4256 58.03 3078 41.97
F 7606 738 9.70 879 11.56 1617 21.26 5989 78.74
Not under Any CD
10 P 390 73 18.72 166 42.56 239 61.28 151 38.72
M 201 53 26.37 107 53.23 160 79.60 41 20.40
F 189 20 10.58 59 31.22 79 41.80 110 58.20
District (Rural) Total P 330572 100972 30.54 24444 7.39 125416 37.94 205156 62.06
M 164938 81591 49.47 13317 8.07 94908 57.54 70030 42.46
F 165634 19381 11.70 11127 6.72 30508 18.42 135126 81.58


BY SEX IN TOWNS, 2011-Contd.../-
P/ Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers
Sl. M/ F populatio (main+marginal)
Name of Town
No. n No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Kadayal (TP) P 21665 5892 27.20 2372 10.95 8264 38.14 13401 61.86
M 10631 4636 43.61 1485 13.97 6121 57.58 4510 42.42
F 11034 1256 11.38 887 8.04 2143 19.42 8891 80.58
2 Arumanai (TP) P 16283 4643 28.51 1204 7.39 5847 35.91 10436 64.09
M 8021 3815 47.56 886 11.05 4701 58.61 3320 41.39
F 8262 828 10.02 318 3.85 1146 13.87 7116 86.13
3 Edaicode (TP) P 25378 7500 29.55 2181 8.59 9681 38.15 15697 61.85
M 12443 6023 48.40 1252 10.06 7275 58.47 5168 41.53
F 12935 1477 11.42 929 7.18 2406 18.60 10529 81.40
4 Palugal (TP) P 18276 4630 25.33 1585 8.67 6215 34.01 12061 65.99
M 8756 3665 41.86 1138 13.00 4803 54.85 3953 45.15
F 9520 965 10.14 447 4.70 1412 14.83 8108 85.17
5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) P 15625 4238 27.12 1555 9.95 5793 37.08 9832 62.92
M 7753 3361 43.35 950 12.25 4311 55.60 3442 44.40
F 7872 877 11.14 605 7.69 1482 18.83 6390 81.17
6 Pacode (TP) P 24050 6360 26.44 2491 10.36 8851 36.80 15199 63.20
M 12089 5017 41.50 1658 13.71 6675 55.22 5414 44.78
F 11961 1343 11.23 833 6.96 2176 18.19 9785 81.81
7 Kuzhithurai (M) P 21307 6597 30.96 1264 5.93 7861 36.89 13446 63.11
M 10539 5061 48.02 854 8.10 5915 56.12 4624 43.88
F 10768 1536 14.26 410 3.81 1946 18.07 8822 81.93
8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) P 23656 6852 28.97 1336 5.65 8188 34.61 15468 65.39
M 11795 5593 47.42 977 8.28 6570 55.70 5225 44.30
F 11861 1259 10.61 359 3.03 1618 13.64 10243 86.36
9 Nalloor (TP) P 17989 4853 26.98 1572 8.74 6425 35.72 11564 64.28
M 8985 3993 44.44 1028 11.44 5021 55.88 3964 44.12
F 9004 860 9.55 544 6.04 1404 15.59 7600 84.41
10 Kollancode (TP) P 38385 11170 29.10 2318 6.04 13488 35.14 24897 64.86
M 19273 9431 48.93 1500 7.78 10931 56.72 8342 43.28
F 19112 1739 9.10 818 4.28 2557 13.38 16555 86.62
11 Ezhudesam (TP) P 24657 6412 26.00 2421 9.82 8833 35.82 15824 64.18
M 12112 4844 39.99 1801 14.87 6645 54.86 5467 45.14
F 12545 1568 12.50 620 4.94 2188 17.44 10357 82.56


BY SEX IN TOWNS, 2011-Contd.../-

P/ Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers

Sl. M/ F populatio (main+marginal)
Name of Town
No. n No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
12 Puthukkadai (TP) P 9909 2992 30.19 522 5.27 3514 35.46 6395 64.54
M 4862 2389 49.14 357 7.34 2746 56.48 2116 43.52
F 5047 603 11.95 165 3.27 768 15.22 4279 84.78
13 Killiyoor (TP) P 20938 5405 25.81 1983 9.47 7388 35.29 13550 64.71
M 10309 4187 40.61 1298 12.59 5485 53.21 4824 46.79
F 10629 1218 11.46 685 6.44 1903 17.90 8726 82.10
14 Keezhkulam (TP) P 17327 4762 27.48 1621 9.36 6383 36.84 10944 63.16
M 8580 3834 44.69 1067 12.44 4901 57.12 3679 42.88
F 8747 928 10.61 554 6.33 1482 16.94 7265 83.06
15 Karungal (TP) P 16691 4385 26.27 2048 12.27 6433 38.54 10258 61.46
M 8030 3370 41.97 1239 15.43 4609 57.40 3421 42.60
F 8661 1015 11.72 809 9.34 1824 21.06 6837 78.94
16 Palappallam (TP) P 18589 5227 28.12 873 4.70 6100 32.82 12489 67.18
M 8990 4266 47.45 542 6.03 4808 53.48 4182 46.52
F 9599 961 10.01 331 3.45 1292 13.46 8307 86.54
17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) P 6361 1688 26.54 751 11.81 2439 38.34 3922 61.66
M 3085 1269 41.13 558 18.09 1827 59.22 1258 40.78
F 3276 419 12.79 193 5.89 612 18.68 2664 81.32
18 Manjalumoodu (CT) P 6840 1675 24.49 1118 16.35 2793 40.83 4047 59.17
M 3300 1276 38.67 708 21.45 1984 60.12 1316 39.88
F 3540 399 11.27 410 11.58 809 22.85 2731 77.15
19 Muzhucode (CT) P 8000 2032 25.40 846 10.58 2878 35.98 5122 64.03
M 3945 1568 39.75 626 15.87 2194 55.61 1751 44.39
F 4055 464 11.44 220 5.43 684 16.87 3371 83.13
20 Malayadi (CT) P 7812 2318 29.67 499 6.39 2817 36.06 4995 63.94
M 3821 1774 46.43 342 8.95 2116 55.38 1705 44.62
F 3991 544 13.63 157 3.93 701 17.56 3290 82.44
21 Vanniyoor (CT) P 4319 1459 33.78 230 5.33 1689 39.11 2630 60.89
M 2092 1089 52.06 115 5.50 1204 57.55 888 42.45
F 2227 370 16.61 115 5.16 485 21.78 1742 78.22
22 Maruthancode (CT) P 8277 2533 30.60 760 9.18 3293 39.78 4984 60.22
M 4082 1885 46.18 472 11.56 2357 57.74 1725 42.26
F 4195 648 15.45 288 6.87 936 22.31 3259 77.69


BY SEX IN TOWNS, 2011-Contd.../-

P/ Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers

Sl. M/ F populatio (main+marginal)
Name of Town
No. n No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
23 Vellamcode (CT) P 12715 3142 24.71 1296 10.19 4438 34.90 8277 65.10
M 6256 2500 39.96 889 14.21 3389 54.17 2867 45.83
F 6459 642 9.94 407 6.30 1049 16.24 5410 83.76
24 Kulappuram (CT) P 7677 2542 33.11 697 9.08 3239 42.19 4438 57.81
M 3797 1968 51.83 265 6.98 2233 58.81 1564 41.19
F 3880 574 14.79 432 11.13 1006 25.93 2874 74.07
25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) P 8888 2431 27.35 842 9.47 3273 36.82 5615 63.18
M 4408 1857 42.13 512 11.62 2369 53.74 2039 46.26
F 4480 574 12.81 330 7.37 904 20.18 3576 79.82
26 Methukummal (CT) P 19417 5282 27.20 1640 8.45 6922 35.65 12495 64.35
M 9513 4092 43.01 1102 11.58 5194 54.60 4319 45.40
F 9904 1190 12.02 538 5.43 1728 17.45 8176 82.55
27 Vilavancode (CT) P 6731 1583 23.52 939 13.95 2522 37.47 4209 62.53
M 3353 1188 35.43 637 19.00 1825 54.43 1528 45.57
F 3378 395 11.69 302 8.94 697 20.63 2681 79.37
28 Choozhal (CT) P 6807 1776 26.09 914 13.43 2690 39.52 4117 60.48
M 3373 1348 39.96 510 15.12 1858 55.08 1515 44.92
F 3434 428 12.46 404 11.76 832 24.23 2602 75.77
29 Nadaikavu (CT) P 8727 2420 27.73 667 7.64 3087 35.37 5640 64.63
M 4369 2043 46.76 473 10.83 2516 57.59 1853 42.41
F 4358 377 8.65 194 4.45 571 13.10 3787 86.90
30 Vavarai (CT) P 8362 2375 28.40 621 7.43 2996 35.83 5366 64.17
M 4106 1883 45.86 355 8.65 2238 54.51 1868 45.49
F 4256 492 11.56 266 6.25 758 17.81 3498 82.19
31 Mancad (CT) P 4889 1158 23.69 1193 24.40 2351 48.09 2538 51.91
M 2390 706 29.54 680 28.45 1386 57.99 1004 42.01
F 2499 452 18.09 513 20.53 965 38.62 1534 61.38
32 Vilathurai (CT) P 19758 4999 25.30 2001 10.13 7000 35.43 12758 64.57
M 9803 4054 41.35 1368 13.95 5422 55.31 4381 44.69
F 9955 945 9.49 633 6.36 1578 15.85 8377 84.15
33 Nattalam (CT) P 7674 2325 30.30 563 7.34 2888 37.63 4786 62.37
M 3821 1836 48.05 294 7.69 2130 55.74 1691 44.26
F 3853 489 12.69 269 6.98 758 19.67 3095 80.33


BY SEX IN TOWNS, 2011-Contd.../-
P/ Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers
Sl. M/ F populatio (main+marginal)
Name of Town
No. n No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
34 Painkulam (CT) P 23630 6679 28.26 2205 9.33 8884 37.60 14746 62.40
M 11709 5353 45.72 1468 12.54 6821 58.25 4888 41.75
F 11921 1326 11.12 737 6.18 2063 17.31 9858 82.69
35 Paloor (CT) P 6818 1738 25.49 847 12.42 2585 37.91 4233 62.09
M 3357 1362 40.57 571 17.01 1933 57.58 1424 42.42
F 3461 376 10.86 276 7.97 652 18.84 2809 81.16
36 Midalam (CT) P 8625 2997 34.75 193 2.24 3190 36.99 5435 63.01
M 4279 2370 55.39 77 1.80 2447 57.19 1832 42.81
F 4346 627 14.43 116 2.67 743 17.10 3603 82.90
37 Mathicode (CT) P 6532 1649 25.24 680 10.41 2329 35.66 4203 64.34
M 3177 1298 40.86 436 13.72 1734 54.58 1443 45.42
F 3355 351 10.46 244 7.27 595 17.73 2760 82.27
38 Thirparappu (TP) P 22401 6531 29.15 2064 9.21 8595 38.37 13806 61.63
M 11034 5344 48.43 1346 12.20 6690 60.63 4344 39.37
F 11367 1187 10.44 718 6.32 1905 16.76 9462 83.24
39 Ponmanai (TP) P 15554 4607 29.62 1223 7.86 5830 37.48 9724 62.52
M 7766 3827 49.28 752 9.68 4579 58.96 3187 41.04
F 7788 780 10.02 471 6.05 1251 16.06 6537 83.94
40 Kulasekaram (TP) P 17267 5228 30.28 928 5.37 6156 35.65 11111 64.35
M 8556 4334 50.65 626 7.32 4960 57.97 3596 42.03
F 8711 894 10.26 302 3.47 1196 13.73 7515 86.27
41 Thiruvattar (TP) P 18985 6357 33.48 872 4.59 7229 38.08 11756 61.92
M 9454 5069 53.62 461 4.88 5530 58.49 3924 41.51
F 9531 1288 13.51 411 4.31 1699 17.83 7832 82.17
42 Athur (TP) P 11910 3556 29.86 1049 8.81 4605 38.66 7305 61.34
M 6021 2668 44.31 764 12.69 3432 57.00 2589 43.00
F 5889 888 15.08 285 4.84 1173 19.92 4716 80.08
43 Verkilambi (TP) P 19730 5115 25.92 1560 7.91 6675 33.83 13055 66.17
M 9936 4392 44.20 1174 11.82 5566 56.02 4370 43.98
F 9794 723 7.38 386 3.94 1109 11.32 8685 88.68
44 Kumarapuram (TP) P 14728 4534 30.78 622 4.22 5156 35.01 9572 64.99
M 7388 3887 52.61 418 5.66 4305 58.27 3083 41.73
F 7340 647 8.81 204 2.78 851 11.59 6489 88.41


BY SEX IN TOWNS, 2011-Contd.../-
P/ Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers
Sl. M/ F populatio (main+marginal)
Name of Town
No. n No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
45 Kothanallur (TP) P 17662 5032 28.49 1225 6.94 6257 35.43 11405 64.57
M 8852 4310 48.69 811 9.16 5121 57.85 3731 42.15
F 8810 722 8.20 414 4.70 1136 12.89 7674 87.11
46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) P 16965 5228 30.82 863 5.09 6091 35.90 10874 64.10
M 8310 4155 50.00 464 5.58 4619 55.58 3691 44.42
F 8655 1073 12.40 399 4.61 1472 17.01 7183 82.99
47 Mulagumudu (TP) P 19538 5953 30.47 1007 5.15 6960 35.62 12578 64.38
M 9603 4972 51.78 390 4.06 5362 55.84 4241 44.16
F 9935 981 9.87 617 6.21 1598 16.08 8337 83.92
48 Vilavur (TP) P 14320 4380 30.59 685 4.78 5065 35.37 9255 64.63
M 7147 3697 51.73 426 5.96 4123 57.69 3024 42.31
F 7173 683 9.52 259 3.61 942 13.13 6231 86.87
49 Padmanabhapuram (M) P 21342 6010 28.16 1026 4.81 7036 32.97 14306 67.03
M 10518 5066 48.17 683 6.49 5749 54.66 4769 45.34
F 10824 944 8.72 343 3.17 1287 11.89 9537 88.11
50 Thiruvithancode (TP) P 18723 5285 28.23 1371 7.32 6656 35.55 12067 64.45
M 9240 4394 47.55 887 9.60 5281 57.15 3959 42.85
F 9483 891 9.40 484 5.10 1375 14.50 8108 85.50
51 Kappiyarai (TP) P 15998 4512 28.20 1176 7.35 5688 35.55 10310 64.45
M 7858 3786 48.18 691 8.79 4477 56.97 3381 43.03
F 8140 726 8.92 485 5.96 1211 14.88 6929 85.12
52 Eraniel (TP) P 10375 3669 35.36 609 5.87 4278 41.23 6097 58.77
M 5164 2930 56.74 266 5.15 3196 61.89 1968 38.11
F 5211 739 14.18 343 6.58 1082 20.76 4129 79.24
53 Villukuri (TP) P 15304 4206 27.48 944 6.17 5150 33.65 10154 66.35
M 7534 3490 46.32 656 8.71 4146 55.03 3388 44.97
F 7770 716 9.21 288 3.71 1004 12.92 6766 87.08
54 Neyyoor (TP) P 12917 3670 28.41 780 6.04 4450 34.45 8467 65.55
M 6414 3049 47.54 502 7.83 3551 55.36 2863 44.64
F 6503 621 9.55 278 4.27 899 13.82 5604 86.18
55 Reethapuram (TP) P 21177 5747 27.14 1335 6.30 7082 33.44 14095 66.56
M 10575 5025 47.52 782 7.39 5807 54.91 4768 45.09
F 10602 722 6.81 553 5.22 1275 12.03 9327 87.97


BY SEX IN TOWNS, 2011-Contd.../-
P/ Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers
Sl. M/ F populatio (main+marginal)
Name of Town
No. n No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
56 Kallukuttam (TP) P 19093 5758 30.16 1544 8.09 7302 38.24 11791 61.76
M 9440 4739 50.20 850 9.00 5589 59.21 3851 40.79
F 9653 1019 10.56 694 7.19 1713 17.75 7940 82.25
57 Thingalnagar (TP) P 13567 3662 26.99 1251 9.22 4913 36.21 8654 63.79
M 6729 3037 45.13 837 12.44 3874 57.57 2855 42.43
F 6838 625 9.14 414 6.05 1039 15.19 5799 84.81
58 Alur (TP) P 15063 4470 29.68 1495 9.92 5965 39.60 9098 60.40
M 7460 3441 46.13 807 10.82 4248 56.94 3212 43.06
F 7603 1029 13.53 688 9.05 1717 22.58 5886 77.42
59 Colachel (M) P 23227 7123 30.67 779 3.35 7902 34.02 15325 65.98
M 11767 6312 53.64 436 3.71 6748 57.35 5019 42.65
F 11460 811 7.08 343 2.99 1154 10.07 10306 89.93
60 Mandaikadu (TP) P 13317 3496 26.25 1228 9.22 4724 35.47 8593 64.53
M 6611 2911 44.03 757 11.45 3668 55.48 2943 44.52
F 6706 585 8.72 471 7.02 1056 15.75 5650 84.25
61 Manavalakurichi (TP) P 10969 2962 27.00 853 7.78 3815 34.78 7154 65.22
M 5478 2493 45.51 617 11.26 3110 56.77 2368 43.23
F 5491 469 8.54 236 4.30 705 12.84 4786 87.16
62 Vellimalai (TP) P 13182 4105 31.14 1336 10.14 5441 41.28 7741 58.72
M 6632 3063 46.19 838 12.64 3901 58.82 2731 41.18
F 6550 1042 15.91 498 7.60 1540 23.51 5010 76.49
63 Ayacode (CT) P 8874 2665 30.03 805 9.07 3470 39.10 5404 60.90
M 4335 2083 48.05 492 11.35 2575 59.40 1760 40.60
F 4539 582 12.82 313 6.90 895 19.72 3644 80.28
64 Kattathurai (CT) P 17271 5284 30.59 904 5.23 6188 35.83 11083 64.17
M 8598 4352 50.62 624 7.26 4976 57.87 3622 42.13
F 8673 932 10.75 280 3.23 1212 13.97 7461 86.03
65 Kannanoor (CT) P 7747 2504 32.32 179 2.31 2683 34.63 5064 65.37
M 3921 2138 54.53 126 3.21 2264 57.74 1657 42.26
F 3826 366 9.57 53 1.39 419 10.95 3407 89.05
66 Thikkanamcode (CT) P 14086 3907 27.74 1110 7.88 5017 35.62 9069 64.38
M 7031 3324 47.28 705 10.03 4029 57.30 3002 42.70
F 7055 583 8.26 405 5.74 988 14.00 6067 86.00


BY SEX IN TOWNS, 2011-Contd.../-

P/ Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers

Sl. M/ F populatio (main+marginal)
Name of Town
No. n No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
67 Nullivilai (CT) P 16138 4394 27.23 1669 10.34 6063 37.57 10075 62.43
M 8080 3659 45.28 883 10.93 4542 56.21 3538 43.79
F 8058 735 9.12 786 9.75 1521 18.88 6537 81.12
68 Athivilai (CT) P 7401 2124 28.70 485 6.55 2609 35.25 4792 64.75
M 3575 1657 46.35 216 6.04 1873 52.39 1702 47.61
F 3826 467 12.21 269 7.03 736 19.24 3090 80.76
69 Kattimancode (CT) P 8541 2637 30.87 526 6.16 3163 37.03 5378 62.97
M 4331 2116 48.86 296 6.83 2412 55.69 1919 44.31
F 4210 521 12.38 230 5.46 751 17.84 3459 82.16
70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) P 11392 4000 35.11 411 3.61 4411 38.72 6981 61.28
M 5675 3177 55.98 273 4.81 3450 60.79 2225 39.21
F 5717 823 14.40 138 2.41 961 16.81 4756 83.19
71 Boothapandi (TP) P 15931 4658 29.24 807 5.07 5465 34.30 10466 65.70
M 7898 3874 49.05 535 6.77 4409 55.82 3489 44.18
F 8033 784 9.76 272 3.39 1056 13.15 6977 86.85
72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) P 22846 7736 33.86 955 4.18 8691 38.04 14155 61.96
M 11373 6004 52.79 554 4.87 6558 57.66 4815 42.34
F 11473 1732 15.10 401 3.50 2133 18.59 9340 81.41
73 Thazhakudy (TP) P 8992 2543 28.28 987 10.98 3530 39.26 5462 60.74
M 4445 1957 44.03 651 14.65 2608 58.67 1837 41.33
F 4547 586 12.89 336 7.39 922 20.28 3625 79.72
74 Thadikarankonam (CT) P 6241 2297 36.80 473 7.58 2770 44.38 3471 55.62
M 3087 1571 50.89 247 8.00 1818 58.89 1269 41.11
F 3154 726 23.02 226 7.17 952 30.18 2202 69.82
75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) P 5028 1928 38.35 164 3.26 2092 41.61 2936 58.39
M 2479 1391 56.11 69 2.78 1460 58.89 1019 41.11
F 2549 537 21.07 95 3.73 632 24.79 1917 75.21
76 Marungur (TP) P 11236 3643 32.42 486 4.33 4129 36.75 7107 63.25
M 5591 2995 53.57 300 5.37 3295 58.93 2296 41.07
F 5645 648 11.48 186 3.29 834 14.77 4811 85.23
77 Therur (TP) P 7615 2540 33.36 768 10.09 3308 43.44 4307 56.56
M 3762 1886 50.13 396 10.53 2282 60.66 1480 39.34
F 3853 654 16.97 372 9.65 1026 26.63 2827 73.37


BY SEX IN TOWNS, 2011-Contd.../-
P/ Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers
Sl. M/ F populatio (main+marginal)
Name of Town
No. n No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
78 Nagercoil (M) P 224849 70720 31.45 5625 2.50 76345 33.95 148504 66.05
M 109938 57219 52.05 3628 3.30 60847 55.35 49091 44.65
F 114911 13501 11.75 1997 1.74 15498 13.49 99413 86.51
79 Asaripallam (TP) P 16822 4992 29.68 884 5.26 5876 34.93 10946 65.07
M 8257 4004 48.49 491 5.95 4495 54.44 3762 45.56
F 8565 988 11.54 393 4.59 1381 16.12 7184 83.88
80 Suchindrum (TP) P 13193 4558 34.55 458 3.47 5016 38.02 8177 61.98
M 6526 3560 54.55 241 3.69 3801 58.24 2725 41.76
F 6667 998 14.97 217 3.25 1215 18.22 5452 81.78
81 Ganapathipuram (TP) P 14598 4085 27.98 1399 9.58 5484 37.57 9114 62.43
M 7299 3487 47.77 720 9.86 4207 57.64 3092 42.36
F 7299 598 8.19 679 9.30 1277 17.50 6022 82.50
82 Mylaudy (TP) P 10070 2897 28.77 612 6.08 3509 34.85 6561 65.15
M 5004 2362 47.20 360 7.19 2722 54.40 2282 45.60
F 5066 535 10.56 252 4.97 787 15.53 4279 84.47
83 Alagappapuram (TP) P 9626 2783 28.91 411 4.27 3194 33.18 6432 66.82
M 4646 2164 46.58 298 6.41 2462 52.99 2184 47.01
F 4980 619 12.43 113 2.27 732 14.70 4248 85.30
84 Anjugrammam (TP) P 10982 2985 27.18 910 8.29 3895 35.47 7087 64.53
M 5401 2312 42.81 604 11.18 2916 53.99 2485 46.01
F 5581 673 12.06 306 5.48 979 17.54 4602 82.46
85 Kottaram (TP) P 11055 3185 28.81 610 5.52 3795 34.33 7260 65.67
M 5495 2560 46.59 418 7.61 2978 54.19 2517 45.81
F 5560 625 11.24 192 3.45 817 14.69 4743 85.31
86 Thengampudur (TP) P 14538 4621 31.79 534 3.67 5155 35.46 9383 64.54
M 7289 3805 52.20 292 4.01 4097 56.21 3192 43.79
F 7249 816 11.26 242 3.34 1058 14.60 6191 85.40
87 Puthalam (TP) P 13073 3956 30.26 718 5.49 4674 35.75 8399 64.25
M 6449 3258 50.52 410 6.36 3668 56.88 2781 43.12
F 6624 698 10.54 308 4.65 1006 15.19 5618 84.81
88 Agastheeswaram (TP) P 9717 3289 33.85 380 3.91 3669 37.76 6048 62.24
M 4809 2478 51.53 200 4.16 2678 55.69 2131 44.31
F 4908 811 16.52 180 3.67 991 20.19 3917 79.81


P/ Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers
Sl. M/ F populatio (main+marginal)
Name of Town
No. n No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) P 11872 3324 28.00 1294 10.90 4618 38.90 7254 61.10
M 5891 2679 45.48 717 12.17 3396 57.65 2495 42.35
F 5981 645 10.78 577 9.65 1222 20.43 4759 79.57
90 Kanniyakumari (TP) P 22453 6260 27.88 943 4.20 7203 32.08 15250 67.92
M 11272 5513 48.91 709 6.29 6222 55.20 5050 44.80
F 11181 747 6.68 234 2.09 981 8.77 10200 91.23
91 Putheri (CT) P 5576 1664 29.84 257 4.61 1921 34.45 3655 65.55
M 2798 1401 50.07 170 6.08 1571 56.15 1227 43.85
F 2778 263 9.47 87 3.13 350 12.60 2428 87.40
92 Gandipuram (CT) P 6106 1848 30.27 221 3.62 2069 33.88 4037 66.12
M 3080 1522 49.42 154 5.00 1676 54.42 1404 45.58
F 3026 326 10.77 67 2.21 393 12.99 2633 87.01
93 Peruvilai (CT) P 6090 1954 32.09 85 1.40 2039 33.48 4051 66.52
M 3012 1595 52.95 47 1.56 1642 54.52 1370 45.48
F 3078 359 11.66 38 1.23 397 12.90 2681 87.10
94 Dharamapuram (CT) P 17476 5029 28.78 1373 7.86 6402 36.63 11074 63.37
M 8768 4224 48.18 744 8.49 4968 56.66 3800 43.34
F 8708 805 9.24 629 7.22 1434 16.47 7274 83.53
95 Pallanthurai (CT) P 5386 1646 30.56 140 2.60 1786 33.16 3600 66.84
M 2675 1371 51.25 76 2.84 1447 54.09 1228 45.91
F 2711 275 10.14 64 2.36 339 12.50 2372 87.50
96 Manakudi (CT) P 4083 1115 27.31 262 6.42 1377 33.73 2706 66.27
M 1926 1011 52.49 40 2.08 1051 54.57 875 45.43
F 2157 104 4.82 222 10.29 326 15.11 1831 84.89
District (Urban) Total P 1539802 451686 29.33 102518 6.66 554204 35.99 985598 64.01

M 761407 365304 47.98 64417 8.46 429721 56.44 331686 43.56

F 778395 86382 11.10 38101 4.89 124483 15.99 653912 84.01


Sl. Name of Sub- P/ Total Total Category of workers
No. District M/ population workers
F (main+ Agricultural Household
Cultivators Other workers
marginal) labourers industry workers

No. % No. % No. % No. %

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 Vilavancode P 590567 215317 4349 2.02 21320 9.90 12152 5.64 177496 82.43

M 291713 164124 3657 2.23 18804 11.46 4585 2.79 137078 83.52

F 298854 51193 692 1.35 2516 4.91 7567 14.78 40418 78.95

2 Kalkulam P 606706 221893 5532 2.49 23318 10.51 10534 4.75 182509 82.25

M 302183 173527 4530 2.61 20481 11.80 3347 1.93 145169 83.66

F 304523 48366 1002 2.07 2837 5.87 7187 14.86 37340 77.20

3 Thovala P 120926 47333 1635 3.45 11549 24.40 2322 4.91 31827 67.24

M 60056 34824 1388 3.99 8415 24.16 880 2.53 24141 69.32

F 60870 12509 247 1.97 3134 25.05 1442 11.53 7686 61.44

4 Agastheeswaram P 552175 195077 4094 2.10 16680 8.55 10781 5.53 163522 83.82

M 272393 152154 3473 2.28 13695 9.00 3566 2.34 131420 86.37

F 279782 42923 621 1.45 2985 6.95 7215 16.81 32102 74.79

District Total P 1870374 679620 15610 2.30 72867 10.72 35789 5.27 555354 81.72

M 926345 524629 13048 2.49 61395 11.70 12378 2.36 437808 83.45

F 944029 154991 2562 1.65 11472 7.40 23411 15.10 117546 75.84



BLOCKS, 2011

Sl. Name of CD Block P/ Total Total Category of Workers

No. M/ population workers
F (main+ Agricultural Household
Cultivators Other workers
marginal) labourers industry workers

No. % No. % No. % No. %

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Agastheeswaram P 48333 19102 1041 5.45 3100 16.23 1282 6.71 13679 71.61
M 24078 13877 867 6.25 2277 16.41 443 3.19 10290 74.15
F 24255 5225 174 3.33 823 15.75 839 16.06 3389 64.86
2 Thovalai P 50496 20374 1058 5.19 6007 29.48 1194 5.86 12115 59.46
M 25099 14521 872 6.01 4223 29.08 468 3.22 8958 61.69
F 25397 5853 186 3.18 1784 30.48 726 12.40 3157 53.94
3 Rajakkamangalam P 57426 20511 750 3.66 2683 13.08 1494 7.28 15584 75.98
M 28427 15856 638 4.02 2262 14.27 394 2.48 12562 79.23
F 28999 4655 112 2.41 421 9.04 1100 23.63 3022 64.92
4 Thackalai P 19555 7434 265 3.56 731 9.83 175 2.35 6263 84.25
M 9782 5575 196 3.52 554 9.94 62 1.11 4763 85.43
F 9773 1859 69 3.71 177 9.52 113 6.08 1500 80.69
5 Kurunthancode P 56741 21652 693 3.20 1777 8.21 1341 6.19 17841 82.40
M 28571 17013 512 3.01 1523 8.95 327 1.92 14651 86.12
F 28170 4639 181 3.90 254 5.48 1014 21.86 3190 68.76
6 Thiruvattaru P 36942 14527 901 6.20 2190 15.08 599 4.12 10837 74.60
M 18416 10584 583 5.51 1775 16.77 231 2.18 7995 75.54
F 18526 3943 318 8.06 415 10.52 368 9.33 2842 72.08
7 Killiyur P 26888 9339 266 2.85 583 6.24 185 1.98 8305 88.93
M 13501 7681 186 2.42 535 6.97 48 0.62 6912 89.99
F 13387 1658 80 4.83 48 2.90 137 8.26 1393 84.02
8 Munchirai P 18861 6365 239 3.75 91 1.43 266 4.18 5769 90.64
M 9529 5385 163 3.03 65 1.21 149 2.77 5008 93.00
F 9332 980 76 7.76 26 2.65 117 11.94 761 77.65
9 Melpuram P 14940 5873 322 5.48 1024 17.44 357 6.08 4170 71.00
M 7334 4256 195 4.58 871 20.47 151 3.55 3039 71.41
F 7606 1617 127 7.85 153 9.46 206 12.74 1131 69.94
10 Not under Any CD P 390 239 2 0.84 35 14.64 1 0.42 201 84.10
M 201 160 0 0.00 23 14.37 0 0.00 137 85.62
F 189 79 2 2.53 12 15.19 1 1.27 64 81.01
District (Rural) Total P 330572 125416 5537 4.41 18221 14.53 6894 5.50 94764 75.56
M 164938 94908 4212 4.44 14108 14.86 2273 2.39 74315 78.30
F 165634 30508 1325 4.34 4113 13.48 4621 15.15 20449 67.03


Sl. Name of Town P/ Total Total Category of workers
No. M/ F populatio workers Household
n (main+ Cultivators industry Other workers
marginal) workers
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Kadayal (TP) P 21665 8264 139 1.68 1118 13.53 500 6.05 6507 78.74
M 10631 6121 112 1.83 871 14.23 95 1.55 5043 82.39
F 11034 2143 27 1.26 247 11.53 405 18.90 1464 68.32
2 Arumanai (TP) P 16283 5847 142 2.43 699 11.95 199 3.40 4807 82.21
M 8021 4701 135 2.87 643 13.68 72 1.53 3851 81.92
F 8262 1146 7 0.61 56 4.89 127 11.08 956 83.42
3 Edaicode (TP) P 25378 9681 238 2.46 1347 13.91 481 4.97 7615 78.66
M 12443 7275 204 2.80 1180 16.22 175 2.41 5716 78.57
F 12935 2406 34 1.41 167 6.94 306 12.72 1899 78.93
4 Palugal (TP) P 18276 6215 223 3.59 1220 19.63 197 3.17 4575 73.61
M 8756 4803 189 3.94 1086 22.61 103 2.14 3425 71.31
F 9520 1412 34 2.41 134 9.49 94 6.66 1150 81.44
5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) P 15625 5793 135 2.33 840 14.50 277 4.78 4541 78.39
M 7753 4311 108 2.51 720 16.70 118 2.74 3365 78.06
F 7872 1482 27 1.82 120 8.10 159 10.73 1176 79.35
6 Pacode (TP) P 24050 8851 234 2.64 848 9.58 497 5.62 7272 82.16
M 12089 6675 215 3.22 770 11.54 160 2.40 5530 82.85
F 11961 2176 19 0.87 78 3.58 337 15.49 1742 80.06
7 Kuzhithurai (M) P 21307 7861 198 2.52 714 9.08 374 4.76 6575 83.64
M 10539 5915 175 2.96 648 10.96 146 2.47 4946 83.62
F 10768 1946 23 1.18 66 3.39 228 11.72 1629 83.71
8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) P 23656 8188 93 1.14 556 6.79 311 3.80 7228 88.28
M 11795 6570 87 1.32 521 7.93 172 2.62 5790 88.13
F 11861 1618 6 0.37 35 2.16 139 8.59 1438 88.88
9 Nalloor (TP) P 17989 6425 47 0.73 247 3.84 548 8.53 5583 86.89
M 8985 5021 37 0.74 230 4.58 251 5.00 4503 89.68
F 9004 1404 10 0.71 17 1.21 297 21.15 1080 76.92
10 Kollancode (TP) P 38385 13488 144 1.07 770 5.71 946 7.01 11628 86.21
M 19273 10931 131 1.20 628 5.75 384 3.51 9788 89.54
F 19112 2557 13 0.51 142 5.55 562 21.98 1840 71.96
11 Ezhudesam (TP) P 24657 8833 47 0.53 597 6.76 1020 11.55 7169 81.16
M 12112 6645 40 0.60 535 8.05 615 9.26 5455 82.09
F 12545 2188 7 0.32 62 2.83 405 18.51 1714 78.34


Sl. Name of Town P/ Total Total Category of workers
No. M/ F populatio workers Household
n (main+ Cultivators industry Other workers
marginal) workers
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
12 Puthukkadai (TP) P 9909 3514 53 1.51 617 17.56 165 4.70 2679 76.24
M 4862 2746 41 1.49 546 19.88 38 1.38 2121 77.24
F 5047 768 12 1.56 71 9.24 127 16.54 558 72.66
13 Killiyoor (TP) P 20938 7388 218 2.95 864 11.69 357 4.83 5949 80.52
M 10309 5485 204 3.72 788 14.37 100 1.82 4393 80.09
F 10629 1903 14 0.74 76 3.99 257 13.50 1556 81.77
14 Keezhkulam (TP) P 17327 6383 179 2.80 1143 17.91 490 7.68 4571 71.61
M 8580 4901 165 3.37 1016 20.73 114 2.33 3606 73.58
F 8747 1482 14 0.94 127 8.57 376 25.37 965 65.11
15 Karungal (TP) P 16691 6433 181 2.81 366 5.69 385 5.98 5501 85.51
M 8030 4609 158 3.43 325 7.05 124 2.69 4002 86.83
F 8661 1824 23 1.26 41 2.25 261 14.31 1499 82.18
16 Palappallam (TP) P 18589 6100 91 1.49 320 5.25 392 6.43 5297 86.84
M 8990 4808 78 1.62 291 6.05 116 2.41 4323 89.91
F 9599 1292 13 1.01 29 2.24 276 21.36 974 75.39
17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) P 6361 2439 27 1.11 446 18.29 88 3.61 1878 77.00
M 3085 1827 24 1.31 407 22.28 25 1.37 1371 75.04
F 3276 612 3 0.49 39 6.37 63 10.29 507 82.84
18 Manjalumoodu (CT) P 6840 2793 30 1.07 300 10.74 102 3.65 2361 84.53
M 3300 1984 27 1.36 250 12.60 48 2.42 1659 83.62
F 3540 809 3 0.37 50 6.18 54 6.67 702 86.77
19 Muzhucode (CT) P 8000 2878 41 1.42 265 9.21 62 2.15 2510 87.21
M 3945 2194 40 1.82 241 10.98 31 1.41 1882 85.78
F 4055 684 1 0.15 24 3.51 31 4.53 628 91.81
20 Malayadi (CT) P 7812 2817 34 1.21 315 11.18 72 2.56 2396 85.06
M 3821 2116 31 1.47 292 13.80 33 1.56 1760 83.18
F 3991 701 3 0.43 23 3.28 39 5.56 636 90.73
21 Vanniyoor (CT) P 4319 1689 35 2.07 133 7.87 30 1.78 1491 88.28
M 2092 1204 33 2.74 125 10.38 26 2.16 1020 84.72
F 2227 485 2 0.41 8 1.65 4 0.82 471 97.11
22 Maruthancode (CT) P 8277 3293 102 3.10 240 7.29 146 4.43 2805 85.18
M 4082 2357 91 3.86 152 6.45 74 3.14 2040 86.55
F 4195 936 11 1.18 88 9.40 72 7.69 765 81.73


Sl. Name of Town P/ Total Total Category of workers
No. M/ F populatio workers Household
n (main+ Cultivators industry Other workers
marginal) workers
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
23 Vellamcode (CT) P 12715 4438 75 1.69 686 15.46 131 2.95 3546 79.90
M 6256 3389 68 2.01 626 18.47 62 1.83 2633 77.69
F 6459 1049 7 0.67 60 5.72 69 6.58 913 87.04
24 Kulappuram (CT) P 7677 3239 31 0.96 125 3.86 240 7.41 2843 87.77
M 3797 2233 29 1.30 98 4.39 49 2.19 2057 92.12
F 3880 1006 2 0.20 27 2.68 191 18.99 786 78.13
25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) P 8888 3273 56 1.71 495 15.12 136 4.16 2586 79.01
M 4408 2369 44 1.86 447 18.87 45 1.90 1833 77.37
F 4480 904 12 1.33 48 5.31 91 10.07 753 83.30
26 Methukummal (CT) P 19417 6922 87 1.26 316 4.57 214 3.09 6305 91.09
M 9513 5194 67 1.29 277 5.33 132 2.54 4718 90.84
F 9904 1728 20 1.16 39 2.26 82 4.75 1587 91.84
27 Vilavancode (CT) P 6731 2522 49 1.94 484 19.19 245 9.71 1744 69.15
M 3353 1825 35 1.92 411 22.52 94 5.15 1285 70.41
F 3378 697 14 2.01 73 10.47 151 21.66 459 65.85
28 Choozhal (CT) P 6807 2690 58 2.16 129 4.80 298 11.08 2205 81.97
M 3373 1858 48 2.58 96 5.17 122 6.57 1592 85.68
F 3434 832 10 1.20 33 3.97 176 21.15 613 73.68
29 Nadaikavu (CT) P 8727 3087 34 1.10 215 6.96 111 3.60 2727 88.34
M 4369 2516 31 1.23 193 7.67 73 2.90 2219 88.20
F 4358 571 3 0.53 22 3.85 38 6.65 508 88.97
30 Vavarai (CT) P 8362 2996 42 1.40 229 7.64 235 7.84 2490 83.11
M 4106 2238 40 1.79 220 9.83 41 1.83 1937 86.55
F 4256 758 2 0.26 9 1.19 194 25.59 553 72.96
31 Mancad (CT) P 4889 2351 40 1.70 48 2.04 434 18.46 1829 77.80
M 2390 1386 36 2.60 46 3.32 38 2.74 1266 91.34
F 2499 965 4 0.41 2 0.21 396 41.04 563 58.34
32 Vilathurai (CT) P 19758 7000 85 1.21 1057 15.10 255 3.64 5603 80.04
M 9803 5422 77 1.42 977 18.02 106 1.95 4262 78.61
F 9955 1578 8 0.51 80 5.07 149 9.44 1341 84.98
33 Nattalam (CT) P 7674 2888 82 2.84 198 6.86 269 9.31 2339 80.99
M 3821 2130 78 3.66 184 8.64 79 3.71 1789 83.99
F 3853 758 4 0.53 14 1.85 190 25.07 550 72.56


Sl. Name of Town P/ Total Total Category of workers
No. M/ F populatio workers Household
n (main+ Cultivators industry Other workers
marginal) workers
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
34 Painkulam (CT) P 23630 8884 98 1.10 1001 11.27 628 7.07 7157 80.56
M 11709 6821 93 1.36 871 12.77 184 2.70 5673 83.17
F 11921 2063 5 0.24 130 6.30 444 21.52 1484 71.93
35 Paloor (CT) P 6818 2585 29 1.12 494 19.11 303 11.72 1759 68.05
M 3357 1933 26 1.35 462 23.90 125 6.47 1320 68.29
F 3461 652 3 0.46 32 4.91 178 27.30 439 67.33
36 Midalam (CT) P 8625 3190 65 2.04 98 3.07 70 2.19 2957 92.70
M 4279 2447 60 2.45 89 3.64 23 0.94 2275 92.97
F 4346 743 5 0.67 9 1.21 47 6.33 682 91.79
37 Mathicode (CT) P 6532 2329 58 2.49 68 2.92 135 5.80 2068 88.79
M 3177 1734 56 3.23 60 3.46 44 2.54 1574 90.77
F 3355 595 2 0.34 8 1.34 91 15.29 494 83.03
38 Thirparappu (TP) P 22401 8595 114 1.33 705 8.20 215 2.50 7561 87.97
M 11034 6690 94 1.41 611 9.13 76 1.14 5909 88.33
F 11367 1905 20 1.05 94 4.93 139 7.30 1652 86.72
39 Ponmanai (TP) P 15554 5830 246 4.22 1231 21.11 296 5.08 4057 69.59
M 7766 4579 227 4.96 1000 21.84 118 2.58 3234 70.63
F 7788 1251 19 1.52 231 18.47 178 14.23 823 65.79
40 Kulasekaram (TP) P 17267 6156 117 1.90 730 11.86 133 2.16 5176 84.08
M 8556 4960 101 2.04 662 13.35 62 1.25 4135 83.37
F 8711 1196 16 1.34 68 5.69 71 5.94 1041 87.04
41 Thiruvattar (TP) P 18985 7229 338 4.68 560 7.75 553 7.65 5778 79.93
M 9454 5530 312 5.64 521 9.42 134 2.42 4563 82.51
F 9531 1699 26 1.53 39 2.30 419 24.66 1215 71.51
42 Athur (TP) P 11910 4605 138 3.00 426 9.25 137 2.98 3904 84.78
M 6021 3432 129 3.76 384 11.19 80 2.33 2839 82.72
F 5889 1173 9 0.77 42 3.58 57 4.86 1065 90.79
43 Verkilambi (TP) P 19730 6675 189 2.83 1229 18.41 110 1.65 5147 77.11
M 9936 5566 181 3.25 1193 21.43 36 0.65 4156 74.67
F 9794 1109 8 0.72 36 3.25 74 6.67 991 89.36
44 Kumarapuram (TP) P 14728 5156 79 1.53 862 16.72 102 1.98 4113 79.77
M 7388 4305 66 1.53 800 18.58 37 0.86 3402 79.02
F 7340 851 13 1.53 62 7.29 65 7.64 711 83.55



Sl. Name of Town P/ Total Total Category of workers

No. M/ F populatio workers Household
n (main+ Cultivators industry Other workers
marginal) workers
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
45 Kothanallur (TP) P 17662 6257 114 1.82 1131 18.08 173 2.76 4839 77.34
M 8852 5121 101 1.97 1063 20.76 77 1.50 3880 75.77
F 8810 1136 13 1.14 68 5.99 96 8.45 959 84.42
46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) P 16965 6091 45 0.74 404 6.63 311 5.11 5331 87.52
M 8310 4619 40 0.87 380 8.23 72 1.56 4127 89.35
F 8655 1472 5 0.34 24 1.63 239 16.24 1204 81.79
47 Mulagumudu (TP) P 19538 6960 135 1.94 462 6.64 284 4.08 6079 87.34
M 9603 5362 128 2.39 432 8.06 55 1.03 4747 88.53
F 9935 1598 7 0.44 30 1.88 229 14.33 1332 83.35
48 Vilavur (TP) P 14320 5065 150 2.96 1081 21.34 185 3.65 3649 72.04
M 7147 4123 146 3.54 1013 24.57 62 1.50 2902 70.39
F 7173 942 4 0.42 68 7.22 123 13.06 747 79.30
49 Padmanabhapuram (M) P 21342 7036 70 0.99 461 6.55 141 2.00 6364 90.45
M 10518 5749 56 0.97 408 7.10 59 1.03 5226 90.90
F 10824 1287 14 1.09 53 4.12 82 6.37 1138 88.42
50 Thiruvithancode (TP) P 18723 6656 51 0.77 473 7.11 370 5.56 5762 86.57
M 9240 5281 41 0.78 426 8.07 105 1.99 4709 89.17
F 9483 1375 10 0.73 47 3.42 265 19.27 1053 76.58
51 Kappiyarai (TP) P 15998 5688 58 1.02 687 12.08 276 4.85 4667 82.05
M 7858 4477 40 0.89 626 13.98 77 1.72 3734 83.40
F 8140 1211 18 1.49 61 5.04 199 16.43 933 77.04
52 Eraniel (TP) P 10375 4278 44 1.03 327 7.64 277 6.47 3630 84.85
M 5164 3196 32 1.00 310 9.70 95 2.97 2759 86.33
F 5211 1082 12 1.11 17 1.57 182 16.82 871 80.50
53 Villukuri (TP) P 15304 5150 44 0.85 862 16.74 275 5.34 3969 77.07
M 7534 4146 44 1.06 796 19.20 85 2.05 3221 77.69
F 7770 1004 0 0.00 66 6.57 190 18.92 748 74.50
54 Neyyoor (TP) P 12917 4450 118 2.65 274 6.16 185 4.16 3873 87.03
M 6414 3551 112 3.15 254 7.15 57 1.61 3128 88.09
F 6503 899 6 0.67 20 2.22 128 14.24 745 82.87
55 Reethapuram (TP) P 21177 7082 94 1.33 239 3.37 419 5.92 6330 89.38
M 10575 5807 73 1.26 108 1.86 190 3.27 5436 93.61
F 10602 1275 21 1.65 131 10.27 229 17.96 894 70.12


Sl. Name of Town P/ Total Total Category of workers
No. M/ F populatio workers Household
n (main+ Cultivators industry Other workers
marginal) workers
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
56 Kallukuttam (TP) P 19093 7302 129 1.77 385 5.27 395 5.41 6393 87.55
M 9440 5589 106 1.90 325 5.81 138 2.47 5020 89.82
F 9653 1713 23 1.34 60 3.50 257 15.00 1373 80.15
57 Thingalnagar (TP) P 13567 4913 50 1.02 526 10.71 304 6.19 4033 82.09
M 6729 3874 41 1.06 486 12.55 122 3.15 3225 83.25
F 6838 1039 9 0.87 40 3.85 182 17.52 808 77.77
58 Alur (TP) P 15063 5965 289 4.84 659 11.05 708 11.87 4309 72.24
M 7460 4248 237 5.58 552 12.99 306 7.20 3153 74.22
F 7603 1717 52 3.03 107 6.23 402 23.41 1156 67.33
59 Colachel (M) P 23227 7902 196 2.48 241 3.05 266 3.37 7199 91.10
M 11767 6748 163 2.42 187 2.77 67 0.99 6331 93.82
F 11460 1154 33 2.86 54 4.68 199 17.24 868 75.22
60 Mandaikadu (TP) P 13317 4724 213 4.51 562 11.90 256 5.42 3693 78.18
M 6611 3668 193 5.26 480 13.09 83 2.26 2912 79.39
F 6706 1056 20 1.89 82 7.77 173 16.38 781 73.96
61 Manavalakurichi (TP) P 10969 3815 77 2.02 233 6.11 132 3.46 3373 88.41
M 5478 3110 61 1.96 198 6.37 50 1.61 2801 90.06
F 5491 705 16 2.27 35 4.96 82 11.63 572 81.13
62 Vellimalai (TP) P 13182 5441 134 2.46 671 12.33 400 7.35 4236 77.85
M 6632 3901 119 3.05 629 16.12 81 2.08 3072 78.75
F 6550 1540 15 0.97 42 2.73 319 20.71 1164 75.58
63 Ayacode (CT) P 8874 3470 176 5.07 474 13.66 138 3.98 2682 77.29
M 4335 2575 171 6.64 432 16.78 37 1.44 1935 75.15
F 4539 895 5 0.56 42 4.69 101 11.28 747 83.46
64 Kattathurai (CT) P 17271 6188 95 1.54 708 11.44 280 4.52 5105 82.50
M 8598 4976 79 1.59 667 13.40 58 1.17 4172 83.84
F 8673 1212 16 1.32 41 3.38 222 18.32 933 76.98
65 Kannanoor (CT) P 7747 2683 36 1.34 511 19.05 107 3.99 2029 75.62
M 3921 2264 35 1.55 475 20.98 24 1.06 1730 76.41
F 3826 419 1 0.24 36 8.59 83 19.81 299 71.36
66 Thikkanamcode (CT) P 14086 5017 32 0.64 599 11.94 314 6.26 4072 81.16
M 7031 4029 31 0.77 425 10.55 113 2.80 3460 85.88
F 7055 988 1 0.10 174 17.61 201 20.34 612 61.94


Sl. Name of Town P/ Total Total Category of workers
No. M/ F populatio workers Household
n (main+ Cultivators industry Other workers
marginal) workers
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
67 Nullivilai (CT) P 16138 6063 49 0.81 433 7.14 476 7.85 5105 84.20
M 8080 4542 39 0.86 386 8.50 89 1.96 4028 88.68
F 8058 1521 10 0.66 47 3.09 387 25.44 1077 70.81
68 Athivilai (CT) P 7401 2609 29 1.11 200 7.67 92 3.53 2288 87.70
M 3575 1873 27 1.44 165 8.81 41 2.19 1640 87.56
F 3826 736 2 0.27 35 4.76 51 6.93 648 88.04
69 Kattimancode (CT) P 8541 3163 24 0.76 253 8.00 109 3.45 2777 87.80
M 4331 2412 14 0.58 223 9.25 41 1.70 2134 88.47
F 4210 751 10 1.33 30 3.99 68 9.05 643 85.62
70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) P 11392 4411 121 2.74 1508 34.19 178 4.04 2604 59.03
M 5675 3450 100 2.90 1223 35.45 71 2.06 2056 59.59
F 5717 961 21 2.19 285 29.66 107 11.13 548 57.02
71 Boothapandi (TP) P 15931 5465 105 1.92 810 14.82 161 2.95 4389 80.31
M 7898 4409 93 2.11 621 14.08 78 1.77 3617 82.04
F 8033 1056 12 1.14 189 17.90 83 7.86 772 73.11
72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) P 22846 8691 145 1.67 900 10.36 274 3.15 7372 84.82
M 11373 6558 130 1.98 697 10.63 72 1.10 5659 86.29
F 11473 2133 15 0.70 203 9.52 202 9.47 1713 80.31
73 Thazhakudy (TP) P 8992 3530 144 4.08 977 27.68 333 9.43 2076 58.81
M 4445 2608 138 5.29 726 27.84 130 4.98 1614 61.89
F 4547 922 6 0.65 251 27.22 203 22.02 462 50.11
74 Thadikarankonam (CT) P 6241 2770 18 0.65 967 34.91 143 5.16 1642 59.28
M 3087 1818 17 0.94 673 37.02 42 2.31 1086 59.74
F 3154 952 1 0.11 294 30.88 101 10.61 556 58.40
75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) P 5028 2092 44 2.10 380 18.16 39 1.86 1629 77.87
M 2479 1460 38 2.60 252 17.26 19 1.30 1151 78.84
F 2549 632 6 0.95 128 20.25 20 3.16 478 75.63
76 Marungur (TP) P 11236 4129 454 11.00 861 20.85 154 3.73 2660 64.42
M 5591 3295 339 10.29 729 22.12 33 1.00 2194 66.59
F 5645 834 115 13.79 132 15.83 121 14.51 466 55.88
77 Therur (TP) P 7615 3308 94 2.84 833 25.18 227 6.86 2154 65.11
M 3762 2282 79 3.46 569 24.93 48 2.10 1586 69.50
F 3853 1026 15 1.46 264 25.73 179 17.45 568 55.36


Sl. Name of Town P/ Total Total Category of workers
No. M/ F populatio workers Household
n (main+ Cultivators industry Other workers
marginal) workers
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
78 Nagercoil (M) P 224849 76345 354 0.46 1516 1.99 2718 3.56 71757 93.99
M 109938 60847 278 0.46 1221 2.01 1277 2.10 58071 95.44
F 114911 15498 76 0.49 295 1.90 1441 9.30 13686 88.31
79 Asaripallam (TP) P 16822 5876 86 1.46 403 6.86 303 5.16 5084 86.52
M 8257 4495 76 1.69 371 8.25 102 2.27 3946 87.79
F 8565 1381 10 0.72 32 2.32 201 14.55 1138 82.40
80 Suchindrum (TP) P 13193 5016 67 1.34 669 13.34 356 7.10 3924 78.23
M 6526 3801 58 1.53 530 13.94 178 4.68 3035 79.85
F 6667 1215 9 0.74 139 11.44 178 14.65 889 73.17
81 Ganapathipuram (TP) P 14598 5484 104 1.90 555 10.12 534 9.74 4291 78.25
M 7299 4207 90 2.14 511 12.15 119 2.83 3487 82.89
F 7299 1277 14 1.10 44 3.45 415 32.50 804 62.96
82 Mylaudy (TP) P 10070 3509 111 3.16 527 15.02 255 7.27 2616 74.55
M 5004 2722 94 3.45 445 16.35 93 3.42 2090 76.78
F 5066 787 17 2.16 82 10.42 162 20.58 526 66.84
83 Alagappapuram (TP) P 9626 3194 225 7.04 705 22.07 126 3.94 2138 66.94
M 4646 2462 214 8.69 527 21.41 51 2.07 1670 67.83
F 4980 732 11 1.50 178 24.32 75 10.25 468 63.93
84 Anjugrammam (TP) P 10982 3895 161 4.13 901 23.13 302 7.75 2531 64.98
M 5401 2916 152 5.21 730 25.03 72 2.47 1962 67.28
F 5581 979 9 0.92 171 17.47 230 23.49 569 58.12
85 Kottaram (TP) P 11055 3795 49 1.29 611 16.10 318 8.38 2817 74.23
M 5495 2978 48 1.61 514 17.26 136 4.57 2280 76.56
F 5560 817 1 0.12 97 11.87 182 22.28 537 65.73
86 Thengampudur (TP) P 14538 5155 98 1.90 451 8.75 310 6.01 4296 83.34
M 7289 4097 76 1.86 371 9.06 77 1.88 3573 87.21
F 7249 1058 22 2.08 80 7.56 233 22.02 723 68.34
87 Puthalam (TP) P 13073 4674 77 1.65 608 13.01 515 11.02 3474 74.33
M 6449 3668 74 2.02 578 15.76 100 2.73 2916 79.50
F 6624 1006 3 0.30 30 2.98 415 41.25 558 55.47
88 Agastheeswaram (TP) P 9717 3669 124 3.38 614 16.73 503 13.71 2428 66.18
M 4809 2678 121 4.52 570 21.28 73 2.73 1914 71.47
F 4908 991 3 0.30 44 4.44 430 43.39 514 51.87



Sl. Name of Town P/ Total Total Category of workers

No. M/ F populatio workers Household
n (main+ Cultivators industry Other workers
marginal) workers
No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) P 11872 4618 121 2.62 551 11.93 456 9.87 3490 75.57

M 5891 3396 111 3.27 496 14.61 105 3.09 2684 79.03

F 5981 1222 10 0.82 55 4.50 351 28.72 806 65.96

90 Kanniyakumari (TP) P 22453 7203 41 0.57 242 3.36 157 2.18 6763 93.89

M 11272 6222 33 0.53 214 3.44 64 1.03 5911 95.00

F 11181 981 8 0.82 28 2.85 93 9.48 852 86.85

91 Putheri (CT) P 5576 1921 13 0.68 72 3.75 58 3.02 1778 92.56

M 2798 1571 13 0.83 59 3.76 25 1.59 1474 93.83

F 2778 350 0 0.00 13 3.71 33 9.43 304 86.86

92 Gandipuram (CT) P 6106 2069 44 2.13 211 10.20 61 2.95 1753 84.73

M 3080 1676 36 2.15 195 11.63 22 1.31 1423 84.90

F 3026 393 8 2.04 16 4.07 39 9.92 330 83.97

93 Peruvilai (CT) P 6090 2039 18 0.88 93 4.56 52 2.55 1876 92.01

M 3012 1642 15 0.91 88 5.36 25 1.52 1514 92.20

F 3078 397 3 0.76 5 1.26 27 6.80 362 91.18

94 Dharamapuram (CT) P 17476 6402 61 0.95 456 7.12 582 9.09 5303 82.83

M 8768 4968 60 1.21 422 8.49 127 2.56 4359 87.74

F 8708 1434 1 0.07 34 2.37 455 31.73 944 65.83

95 Pallanthurai (CT) P 5386 1786 0 0.00 18 1.01 14 0.78 1754 98.21

M 2675 1447 0 0.00 16 1.11 1 0.07 1430 98.83

F 2711 339 0 0.00 2 0.59 13 3.83 324 95.58

96 Manakudi (CT) P 4083 1377 1 0.07 0 0.00 4 0.29 1372 99.64

M 1926 1051 1 0.10 0 0.00 1 0.10 1049 99.81

F 2157 326 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0.92 323 99.08

District (Urban) Total P 1539802 554204 10073 1.82 54646 9.86 28895 5.21 460590 83.11

M 761407 429721 8836 2.06 47287 11.00 10105 2.35 363493 84.59

F 778395 124483 1237 0.99 7359 5.91 18790 15.09 97097 78.00


(vi) Brief Analysis of the Village and Town Directory data based on inset tables

Sl. Name of CD Block Number of Type of amenity available

No. inhabited Education* Medical^ Drinking Post office # Telephone **
villages water

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Agastheeswaram 10 10(100) 10(100) 10(100) 8(80) 10(100)

2 Thovalai 12 10(83.33) 9(75) 12(100) 9(75) 11(91.67)

3 Rajakkamangalam 9 9(100) 9(100) 9(100) 8(88.89) 9(100)

4 Thackalai 2 2(100) 2(100) 2(100) 1(50) 2(100)

5 Kurunthancode 5 5(100) 5(100) 5(100) 5(100) 5(100)

6 Thiruvattaru 9 7(77.78) 6(66.67) 9(100) 5(55.56) 9(100)

7 Killiyur 3 3(100) 3(100) 3(100) 3(100) 3(100)

8 Munchirai 2 2(100) 2(100) 2(100) 2(100) 2(100)

9 Melpuram 2 2(100) 2(100) 2(100) 2(100) 2(100)

10 Not under any CD Block 2 1(50) 0(0) 2(100) 0(0) 2(100)

District (Rural) Total 56 51(91.07) 48(85.71) 56(100) 43(76.79) 55(98.21)

* Education includes all education facilities.
^ Medical includes all medical facilities.
# Post office includes post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph office.
$ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways.
@ Bank includes Commercial Bank and Cooperative Bank.
** Telephone includes Telephone,PCO and Mobile.



Sl. No. Name of CD Block Type of amenity available

Transport Banks@ Agricultural credit Approach by Power supply
communications $ societies pucca road

1 2 9 10 11 12 13

1 Agastheeswaram 10(100) 3(30) 4(40) 10(100) 10(100)

2 Thovalai 10(83.33) 8(66.67) 3(25) 10(83.33) 12(100)

3 Rajakkamangalam 9(100) 8(88.89) 8(88.89) 9(100) 9(100)

4 Thackalai 2(100) 0(0) 0(0) 2(100) 2(100)

5 Kurunthancode 5(100) 2(40) 2(40) 5(100) 5(100)

6 Thiruvattaru 7(77.78) 4(44.44) 3(33.33) 7(77.78) 9(100)

7 Killiyur 3(100) 2(66.67) 2(66.67) 3(100) 3(100)

8 Munchirai 2(100) 2(100) 1(50) 2(100) 2(100)

9 Melpuram 2(100) 1(50) 0(0) 2(100) 2(100)

10 Not under any CD Block 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 2(100)

District (Rural) Total 50(89.29) 30(53.57) 23(41.07) 50(89.29) 56(100)

* Education includes all education facilities.
^ Medical includes all medical facilities.
# Post office includes post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph office.
$ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways.
@ Bank includes Commercial Bank and Cooperative Bank.
** Telephone includes Telephone,PCO and Mobile.


Sl. Name of CD Block Population of Type of amenity available
No. inhabited Education* Medical^ Drinking Post office # Telephone **
villages water

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Agastheeswaram 38585 38585(100) 38585(100) 38585(100) 37572(97.37) 38585(100)

2 Thovalai 50496 50416(99.84) 49095(97.23) 50496(100) 49095(97.23) 50474(99.96)

3 Rajakkamangalam 67174 67174(100) 67174(100) 67174(100) 67083(99.86) 67174(100)

4 Thackalai 15130 15130(100) 15130(100) 15130(100) 5579(36.87) 15130(100)

5 Kurunthancode 61166 61166(100) 61166(100) 61166(100) 61166(100) 61166(100)

6 Thiruvattaru 36942 34795(94.19) 34709(93.96) 36942(100) 31700(85.81) 36942(100)

7 Killiyur 26888 26888(100) 26888(100) 26888(100) 26888(100) 26888(100)

8 Munchirai 18861 18861(100) 18861(100) 18861(100) 18861(100) 18861(100)

9 Melpuram 14940 14940(100) 14940(100) 14940(100) 14940(100) 14940(100)

10 Not under any CD Block 390 294(75.38) 0(0) 390(100) 0(0) 390(100)

District (Rural) Total 330572 328249(99.3) 326548(98.78) 330572(100) 312884(94.65) 330550(99.99)

* Education includes all education facilities.
^ Medical includes all medical facilities.
# Post office includes post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph office.
$ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways.
@ Bank includes Commercial Bank and Cooperative Bank.
** Telephone includes Telephone,PCO and Mobile.



Sl. No. Name of CD Block Type of amenity available

Transport Banks@ Agricultural credit Approach by Power supply
communications $ societies pucca road

1 2 9 10 11 12 13

1 Agastheeswaram 38585(100) 15700(40.69) 19477(50.48) 38585(100) 38585(100)

2 Thovalai 50416(99.84) 41437(82.06) 12985(25.71) 50416(99.84) 50496(100)

3 Rajakkamangalam 67174(100) 67083(99.86) 67083(99.86) 67174(100) 67174(100)

4 Thackalai 15130(100) 0(0) 0(0) 15130(100) 15130(100)

5 Kurunthancode 61166(100) 35639(58.27) 35639(58.27) 61166(100) 61166(100)

6 Thiruvattaru 34795(94.19) 26895(72.8) 21354(57.8) 34795(94.19) 36942(100)

7 Killiyur 26888(100) 21787(81.03) 21787(81.03) 26888(100) 26888(100)

8 Munchirai 18861(100) 18861(100) 2383(12.63) 18861(100) 18861(100)

9 Melpuram 14940(100) 8459(56.62) 0(0) 14940(100) 14940(100)

10 Not under any CD Block 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 390(100)

District (Rural) Total 327955(99.21) 235861(71.35) 180708(54.67) 327955(99.21) 330572(100)

* Education includes all education facilities.
^ Medical includes all medical facilities.
# Post office includes post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph office.
$ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways.
@ Bank includes Commercial Bank and Cooperative Bank.
** Telephone includes Telephone,PCO and Mobile.


Village not having the amenity of Distance range of place from the villages where the amenity is available
Less than 5 5-10 kilometres 10+ kilometres Total (Col. 2-4)
1 2 3 4 5
1. Education:-
(a) Primary school 5 4 0 9
(b) Middle school 7 5 0 12
(c) Degree college 19 19 9 47
2. Medical:-
(a) Hospital 6 27 23 56
(b) PHC 17 8 2 27
3. Post office- 9 4 0 13
4. Telephone 0 1 0 1
5. Bus service 2 4 0 6
6. Bank:-
(a) Commercial Bank 22 15 5 42
(b) Cooprative bank 21 8 1 30
7. Agricultural credit societies 17 14 2 33

Degree college includes Art,Engineering and Medicine

Hospital includes Allopathic & Alternative Medicine
Post office includes post office, telegraph office and post & telegraph office
Telephone includes Telephone,PCO and mobiles
Bus includes private and public
Distance Range No. / Inhabited Type of amenity available
from the nearest % Villages in

Statutory Town Each

Credit Societies
(in kms) Range
Telephone **

Approach by
Post Office#


Pucca Road


Banks @

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Less than 5 No. 43 42 41 36 43 42 22 17 42
% 97.67 95.35 83.72 100 97.67 51.16 39.53 97.67
5 - 15 No. 13 9 7 7 12 8 8 6 8
% 69.23 53.85 53.85 92.31 61.54 61.54 46.15 61.54
16- 50 No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51+ No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unspecified No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
District (Rural) No. 56 51 48 43 55 50 30 23 50
Total % 91.07 85.71 76.79 98.21 89.29 53.57 41.07 89.29
* Education includes all education facilities.
^ Medical includes all medical facilities.
# Post office includes post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph office.
$ Transport communication includes bus service, railway facility and navigable waterways.
@ Bank includes Commercial Bank and Cooperative Bank.
** Telephone includes Telephone,PCO and Mobile.


Population No. Inhabited Type of amenity available
range / % villages in

Drinking water

credit societies
each range

Power supply
Telephone **

Approach by
Post office #


pucca road

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1-499 No. 8 4 2 8 0 7 3 0 0 3 8
% 50 25 100 0 87.5 37.5 0 0 37.5 100
500-999 No. 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
% 100 100 100 0 100 100 0 0 100 100
1000 - 1999 No. 2 1 0 2 0 2 1 1 1 1 2
% 50 0 100 0 100 50 50 50 50 100
2000 - 4999 No. 15 15 15 15 14 15 15 9 8 15 15
% 100 100 100 93.33 100 100 60 53.33 100 100
5000 - 9999 No. 23 23 23 23 22 23 23 13 8 23 23
% 100 100 100 95.65 100 100 56.52 34.78 100 100
10000 + No. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 7
% 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 85.71 100 100
District (Rural) No. 56 51 48 56 43 55 50 30 23 50 56
Total % 91.07 85.71 100 76.79 98.21 89.29 53.57 41.07 89.29 100

* Education includes all education facilities.
^ Medical includes all medical facilities.
# Post office includes post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph office.
$ Transport communication includes bus service, railway facility and navigable waterways.
@ Bank includes Commercial Bank and Cooperative Bank.
** Telephone includes Telephone,PCO and Mobile.


Sl. No. Name of CD Block Number of Total area (in Percentage of cultivable Percentage of irrigated
inhabited villages Hectares) area to total area area to total cultivable
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Agastheeswaram 10 6316.09 58.87 93.56
2 Thovalai 12 16857.04 38.15 68.92

3 Rajakkamangalam 9 10193.60 65.86 87.69

4 Thackalai 2 564.06 50.47 100.00

5 Kurunthancode 5 7993.71 72.41 100.00

6 Thiruvattaru 9 38291.24 20.84 65.13
7 Killiyur 3 3638.32 83.38 16.44

8 Munchirai 2 1288.73 6.21 100.00

9 Melpuram 2 1604.60 88.75 100.00

10 Not under any CD Block 2 7426.00 19.90 100.00

Total 56 94173.39 39.22 77.30

Note:- Cultivable area= irrigated area + unirrigated area



Sl. No. Name of the town Type of educational institution (Approx. numbers)
Primary Middle Secondary / Senior secondary College*
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Kadayal (TP) 1 1 0 0 0
2 Arumanai (TP) 1 1 1 1 1
3 Edaicode (TP) 4 1 1 1 0
4 Palugal (TP) 2 1 1 1 1
5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 4 2 1 1 0
6 Pacode (TP) 5 2 2 1 0
7 Kuzhithurai (M) 2 6 6 6 1
8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) 2 2 2 0 0
9 Nalloor (TP) 2 1 2 2 0
10 Kollancode (TP) 3 3 2 9 0
11 Ezhudesam (TP) 2 3 1 1 0
12 Puthukkadai (TP) 1 3 1 0 0
13 Killiyoor (TP) 1 1 0 1 0
14 Keezhkulam (TP) 5 2 1 1 0
15 Karungal (TP) 3 1 4 2 0
16 Palappallam (TP) 5 4 3 2 0
17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) 2 2 2 0 0
18 Manjalumoodu (CT) 3 1 1 1 0
19 Muzhucode (CT) 1 0 0 0 0
20 Malayadi (CT) 8 4 1 0 0
21 Vanniyoor (CT) 2 2 2 0 0
22 Maruthancode (CT) 4 1 1 1 0
23 Vellamcode (CT) 3 1 1 0 0
24 Kulappuram (CT) 4 3 1 0 0
25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 1 1 0 0 0
26 Methukummal (CT) 1 1 1 1 0
27 Vilavancode (CT) 1 0 0 0 0
28 Choozhal (CT) 4 1 1 0 0
29 Nadaikavu (CT) 2 2 0 0 0
30 Vavarai (CT) 4 2 1 1 0
31 Mancad (CT) 2 2 0 0 0
32 Vilathurai (CT) 3 5 3 0 0
33 Nattalam (CT) 5 4 4 3 0
34 Painkulam (CT) 3 3 2 1 0
35 Paloor (CT) 1 0 0 0 0
36 Midalam (CT) 5 2 1 0 0
37 Mathicode (CT) 5 3 2 2 0
38 Thirparappu (TP) 1 1 1 0 0
39 Ponmanai (TP) 2 2 1 0 0
40 Kulasekaram (TP) 5 1 3 1 0
41 Thiruvattar (TP) 2 1 3 0 0
42 Athur (TP) 4 2 1 0 0
43 Verkilambi (TP) 5 1 1 0 0
44 Kumarapuram (TP) 5 4 3 1 0
45 Kothanallur (TP) 4 1 0 0 0
46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 2 1 1 1 0
47 Mulagumudu (TP) 2 3 2 1 0
48 Vilavur (TP) 22 3 2 1 1
49 Padmanabhapuram (M) 2 2 1 2 0



Sl. No. Name of the town Type of educational institution (Approx. numbers)
Primary Middle Secondary / Senior secondary College*
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
50 Thiruvithancode (TP ) 3 2 1 1 1
51 Kappiyarai (TP) 5 3 2 1 1
52 Eraniel (TP) 5 4 4 1 0
53 Villukuri (TP) 3 1 1 1 0
54 Neyyoor (TP) 3 1 1 1 0
55 Reethapuram (TP) 3 3 2 1 0
56 Kallukuttam (TP) 4 4 2 1 1
57 Thingalnagar (TP) 1 1 1 1 0
58 Alur (TP) 3 1 1 1 1
59 Colachel (M) 2 2 0 1 0
60 Mandaikadu (TP) 2 2 2 0 1
61 Manavalakurichi (TP) 4 3 3 2 0
62 Vellimalai (TP) 4 1 2 2 2
63 Ayacode (CT) 3 2 0 0 0
64 Kattathurai (CT) 2 1 1 1 0
65 Kannanoor (CT) 0 1 0 0 0
66 Thikkanamcode (CT) 3 1 0 0 0
67 Nullivilai (CT) 3 1 1 1 0
68 Athivilai (CT) 4 4 1 0 0
69 Kattimancode (CT) 4 4 1 0 0
70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 3 2 2 1 0
71 Boothapandi (TP) 5 4 4 1 0
72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 2 0 1 1 0
73 Thazhakudy (TP) 4 1 1 1 0
74 Thadikarankonam (CT) 8 6 3 2 0
75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 4 4 2 2 0
76 Marungur (TP) 1 2 1 1 0
77 Therur (TP) 3 4 1 0 0
78 Nagercoil (M) 1 0 0 1 0
79 Asaripallam (TP ) 5 2 0 0 0
80 Suchindrum (TP) 5 3 2 1 0
81 Ganapathipuram (TP) 4 2 1 1 1
82 Mylaudy (TP) 2 4 1 1 0
83 Alagappapuram (TP) 2 1 1 1 0
84 Anjugrammam (TP) 4 2 2 0 0
85 Kottaram (TP) 2 1 1 1 0
86 Thengampudur (TP) 6 3 2 2 1
87 Puthalam (TP) 2 1 1 1 0
88 Agastheeswaram (TP) 5 3 3 2 1
89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 3 2 1 1 0
90 Kanniyakumari (TP ) 4 1 1 1 0
91 Putheri (CT) 2 2 2 0 0
92 Gandipuram (CT) 2 2 5 0 0
93 Peruvilai (CT) 3 3 3 3 0
94 Dharamapuram (CT) 2 2 2 1 0
95 Pallanthurai (CT) 4 2 2 2 0
96 Manakudi (CT) 5 2 2 0 0
District (Urban) 3 2 1 1 0
Note- * College includes
Arts/ Science/ Commerce College (Degree Level and above)



Sl. No. Name of the Town Number of beds in medical institutions per 10,000 population
(Approx. numbers)
1 2 3
1 Kadayal (TP) 26
2 Arumanai (TP) 49
3 Edaicode (TP) 8
4 Palugal (TP) 8
5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 6
6 Pacode (TP) 0
7 Kuzhithurai (M) 19
8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) 0
9 Nalloor (TP) 8
10 Kollancode (TP) 6
11 Ezhudesam (TP) 6
12 Puthukkadai (TP) 0
13 Killiyoor (TP) 10
14 Keezhkulam (TP) 9
15 Karungal (TP) 18
16 Palappallam (TP) 0
17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) 0
18 Manjalumoodu (CT) 0
19 Muzhucode (CT) 0
20 Malayadi (CT) 0
21 Vanniyoor (CT) 0
22 Maruthancode (CT) 12
23 Vellamcode (CT) 0
24 Kulappuram (CT) 0
25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 0
26 Methukummal (CT) 0
27 Vilavancode (CT) 0
28 Choozhal (CT) 10
29 Nadaikavu (CT) 0
30 Vavarai (CT) 0
31 Mancad (CT) 20
32 Vilathurai (CT) 5
33 Nattalam (CT) 13
34 Painkulam (CT) 13
35 Paloor (CT) 15
36 Midalam (CT) 21
37 Mathicode (CT) 11
38 Thirparappu (TP) 0
39 Ponmanai (TP) 0
40 Kulasekaram (TP) 41
41 Thiruvattar (TP) 13
42 Athur (TP) 8
43 Verkilambi (TP) 0
44 Kumarapuram (TP) 0
45 Kothanallur (TP) 23
46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 9
47 Mulagumudu (TP) 0
48 Vilavur (TP) 8



Sl. No. Name of the Town Number of beds in medical institutions per 10,000 population
(Approx. numbers)
1 2 3
49 Padmanabhapuram (M) 54
50 Thiruvithancode (TP) 11
51 Kappiyarai (TP) 9
52 Eraniel (TP) 10
53 Villukuri (TP) 10
54 Neyyoor (TP) 28
55 Reethapuram (TP) 0
56 Kallukuttam (TP) 16
57 Thingalnagar (TP) 22
58 Alur (TP) 0
59 Colachel (M) 25
60 Mandaikadu (TP) 29
61 Manavalakurichi (TP) 19
62 Vellimalai (TP) 0
63 Ayacode (CT) 0
64 Kattathurai (CT) 1
65 Kannanoor (CT) 19
66 Thikkanamcode (CT) 0
67 Nullivilai (CT) 9
68 Athivilai (CT) 20
69 Kattimancode (CT) 18
70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 0
71 Boothapandi (TP) 97
72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 18
73 Thazhakudy (TP) 0
74 Thadikarankonam (CT) 38
75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 20
76 Marungur (TP) 18
77 Therur (TP) 30
78 Nagercoil (M) 15
79 Asaripallam (TP) 49
80 Suchindrum (TP) 0
81 Ganapathipuram (TP) 27
82 Mylaudy (TP) 16
83 Alagappapuram (TP) 21
84 Anjugrammam (TP) 15
85 Kottaram (TP) 22
86 Thengampudur (TP) 0
87 Puthalam (TP) 23
88 Agastheeswaram (TP) 41
89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 8
90 Kanniyakumari (TP) 47
91 Putheri (CT) 29
92 Gandipuram (CT) 11
93 Peruvilai (CT) 0
94 Dharamapuram (CT) 0
95 Pallanthurai (CT) 28
96 Manakudi (CT) 20
District (Urban) 14



Sl. No. Name of the town having slum Total population Slum population Percentage of slum population to total
1 2 3 4 5

1 Kadayal (TP) 21665 334 1.54

2 Arumanai (TP) 16283 100 0.61

3 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 15625 1285 8.22

4 Pacode (TP) 24050 881 3.66

5 Kuzhithurai (M) 21307 2764 12.97

6 Unnamalaikadai (TP) 23656 777 3.28

7 Nalloor (TP) 17989 233 1.30

8 Kollancode (TP) 38385 2090 5.44

9 Ezhudesam (TP) 24657 1680 6.81

10 Killiyoor (TP) 20938 920 4.39

11 Keezhkulam (TP) 17327 670 3.87

12 Karungal (TP) 16691 400 2.40

13 Thirparappu (TP) 22401 1228 5.48

14 Ponmanai (TP) 15554 486 3.12

15 Kulasekaram (TP) 17267 388 2.25

16 Athur (TP) 11910 148 1.24

17 Kumarapuram (TP) 14728 740 5.02

18 Kothanallur (TP) 17662 1174 6.65

19 Vilavur (TP) 14320 1136 7.93

20 Padmanabhapuram (M) 21342 2583 12.10

21 Villukuri (TP) 15304 800 5.23

22 Neyyoor (TP) 12917 981 7.59

23 Reethapuram (TP) 21177 1541 7.28

24 Thingalnagar (TP) 13567 252 1.86

25 Alur (TP) 15063 2460 16.33



Sl. No. Name of the town having slum Total population Slum population Percentage of slum population to total
1 2 3 4 5

26 Colachel (M) 23227 9481 40.82

27 Manavalakurichi (TP) 10969 273 2.49

28 Vellimalai (TP) 13182 550 4.17

29 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 11392 84 0.74

30 Boothapandi (TP) 15931 1646 10.33

31 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 22846 2140 9.37

32 Thazhakudy (TP) 8992 716 7.96

33 Marungur (TP) 11236 1029 9.16

34 Therur (TP) 7615 2510 32.96

35 Nagercoil (M) 224849 13525 6.02

36 Asaripallam (TP) 16822 300 1.78

37 Suchindrum (TP) 13193 517 3.92

38 Ganapathipuram (TP) 14598 504 3.45

39 Mylaudy (TP) 10070 1046 10.39

40 Alagappapuram (TP) 9626 1146 11.91

41 Anjugrammam (TP) 10982 168 1.53

42 Kottaram (TP) 11055 609 5.51

43 Thengampudur (TP) 14538 1155 7.94

44 Puthalam (TP) 13073 558 4.27

45 Agastheeswaram (TP) 9717 1045 10.75

46 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 11872 266 2.24

47 Kanniyakumari (TP) 22453 861 3.83

District (Urban) Total 980023 66180 6.75



Sl. No. Name of the town Name of three most important commodities manufactured
1 2 3
1 Kadayal (TP) Rubber Sheet, Cashew Nut
2 Arumanai (TP) Rubber Sheet, Cashew Nut
3 Edaicode (TP) Cashew Nut, Cement, Rubber
4 Palugal (TP) Rubber, Cashew Nut
5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) Rubber Sheet
6 Pacode (TP) Rubber
7 Kuzhithurai (M) Rubber Sheet, Bricks
8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) Cashew Nut, Aluminium Vessel, Furniture
9 Nalloor (TP) Cashew Nut, Rubber
10 Kollancode (TP) Cashew Nut, Rope
11 Ezhudesam (TP) Rope
12 Puthukkadai (TP) Spectacles, Cashew Nut, Coconut Oil
13 Killiyoor (TP) Rubber Sheet
14 Keezhkulam (TP) Cashew Nut, Furniture
15 Karungal (TP) Cashew Nut, Hand Loom
16 Palappallam (TP) Cashew Nut, Coir
17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) Rubber
18 Manjalumoodu (CT) Cashew Nut, Rubber
19 Muzhucode (CT) Rubber, Cashew Nut
20 Malayadi (CT) Rubber
21 Vanniyoor (CT) Cashew Nut
22 Maruthancode (CT) Rubber
23 Vellamcode (CT) Rubber, Cashew Nut
24 Kulappuram (CT) Cashew Nut
25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) Rubber, Cashew Nut
26 Methukummal (CT) Rubber, Cashew Nut
27 Vilavancode (CT) Cashew Nut, Bricks
28 Choozhal (CT) Cashew Nut, Coconut Oil
29 Nadaikavu (CT) Rubber, Cashew Nut
30 Vavarai (CT) Cashew Nut
31 Mancad (CT) Cashew Nut
32 Vilathurai (CT)
33 Nattalam (CT) Cashew Nut
34 Painkulam (CT) Cashew Nut, Rope, Broom
35 Paloor (CT) Cashew Nut
36 Midalam (CT) Cashew Nut, Coconut Oil
37 Mathicode (CT) Cashew Nut, Palm Leave Products
38 Thirparappu (TP) Rubber
39 Ponmanai (TP) Rubber, Pepper, Glove
40 Kulasekaram (TP) Rubber
41 Thiruvattar (TP) Rubber Sheet, Cashew Nut
42 Athur (TP) Bricks, Cashew Nut, Cement Bricks
43 Verkilambi (TP) Rubber, Honey
44 Kumarapuram (TP) Rubber Sheet, Cashew Nut
45 Kothanallur (TP) Glove
46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) Cashew Nut, Rubber
47 Mulagumudu (TP) Milk Products
48 Vilavur (TP) Stabilizer, Cashew Nut, Rubber Sheet



Sl. No. Name of the town Name of three most important commodities manufactured
1 2 3
49 Padmanabhapuram (M) Rubber
50 Thiruvithancode (TP) Honey, Cashew Nut, Rubber
51 Kappiyarai (TP) Cashew Nut, Palm Leave Products
52 Eraniel (TP) Honey, Pepper
53 Villukuri (TP) Blue Metal
54 Neyyoor (TP) Cashew Nut
55 Reethapuram (TP) Ice Bar, Rope, Broom
56 Kallukuttam (TP) Rope, Clay Pots, Masala Power
57 Thingalnagar (TP)
58 Alur (TP) Cement, Blue Metal
59 Colachel (M) Rope, Dry Fish
60 Mandaikadu (TP) Rope, Cashew Nut
61 Manavalakurichi (TP) Rope, Monosite (ire)
62 Vellimalai (TP)
63 Ayacode (CT) Rubber
64 Kattathurai (CT) Rubber
65 Kannanoor (CT) Rubber
66 Thikkanamcode (CT) Rubber
67 Nullivilai (CT)
68 Athivilai (CT)
69 Kattimancode (CT)
70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) Cashew Nut, Rubber, Clay Pot
71 Boothapandi (TP) Bricks, Cashew Nut
72 Aralvaimozhi (TP)
73 Thazhakudy (TP)
74 Thadikarankonam (CT) Rubber
75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) Aluminium Vessels, Bricks, Rubber
76 Marungur (TP) Blue Metal, Blue Metal Power, Fishing Net
77 Therur (TP)
78 Nagercoil (M) Plastic Products, Hand Loom, Fishing Net
79 Asaripallam (TP) Fishing Net, Rubber Glove
80 Suchindrum (TP) Beaten Rice, Appalam
81 Ganapathipuram (TP) Rope, Fishing Net
82 Mylaudy (TP) Idol
83 Alagappapuram (TP) Fishing Net, Ice, Blue Metal Powder
84 Anjugrammam (TP)
85 Kottaram (TP)
86 Thengampudur (TP) Cashew Nut, Fishing Net, Hand Loom Products
87 Puthalam (TP) Salt
88 Agastheeswaram (TP)
89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) Rope, Grinder Stone, Cashew Nut
90 Kanniyakumari (TP) Fish Food, Shell Articles, Mat
91 Putheri (CT)
92 Gandipuram (CT)
93 Peruvilai (CT)
94 Dharamapuram (CT) Nylon Thread, Pvc Pipes, Raisins
95 Pallanthurai (CT) Rubber
96 Manakudi (CT)


(vii) Major social and cultural events, natural Thiruvalluvar Statue

and administrative developments and Thiruvalluvar is the immortal poet of Tamil
significant activities during the decade. Nadu and has given to the world Thirukkural. The
A few social welfare schemes are being memorial statue of Thiruvalluvar is at Kanniyakumari,
implemented in this district. The Old Age Pension installed at the sea opposite to the Goddess
Scheme is common in this district. The other schemes Kanniyakumari temple. The
such as aid to pregnant women, aid for poor women pedestal of the statue isof 38
marriage, aid to handicapped persons etc., are also feet height and the statue over
being implemented in this district. it is 95 feet tall with a grand
total of 133 feet for the entire
Festivals are held in all the taluks in connection
with various celebrations in the temples, mosques and sculpture. The 3 tier pedestal
churches. The Ratholsav (Chariot fest) at Suchindrum known as Atharapeedam is
attracts huge crowd in the month of January. The surrounded by an artistic
Kodai festival in the month of March in the Mandapa known as Alankara
Mondaicadu temple in the Kalkulam taluk gets a large Mandapam with 38 feet
gathering. The thirukalya utsavam in the Kumarakoil height. Surrounding the Alankara Mandapa stand 10
temple in the Kalkulam taluk in March - April is elephant statues signifying 8 directions with earth and
observed as an important festival. Pongal in January space down.The father of Sri. Rama, the hero of
and Deepavali in November are also occasions for Ramayana, called Dasaratha was able to charioteer
festivity and rejoicing among the Hindu Communities. in ten directions. To help the tourists to worship the
The Malayalis celebrate Onam in August - September holy feet of Thiruvalluvar 140 steps are constructed
with feasts and sports. Muslims in all the taluks inside the Mandapa.
observe Muharram and Ramzam. Christmas is an
important festival for the Christians. In the St. Xaviers Suchindrum
Church at Kottur, as annual festival in the month of
This holy place is located on the bank of the
December is usually celebrated on a grand scale and
river Pazhayar, adjoining fertile fields and coconut
attracts Catholics from all over South India.
groves and the temple is dedicated to Sri
(viii) Brief description of places of religious, Sthanumalayan. The word denotes Siva, Vishnu and
historical or archaeological importance in Brahma, as Sthanu represents Siva, Mal represents
villages and places of tourist interest in Vishnu while Ayan represents Brahma, i.e., Siva,
the towns of the district. Vishnu and Brahma in “One Form”. Suchindrum
Kanniyakumari occupies a unique place means the place where Indra attained ‘Suchi’, i.e.,
among the tourist centres of India. It is the land’s purification. The temple widely known for its sanctity,
end of the Indian Peninsula, where waters of three architectural beauty and antiquity attracts large
seas; the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the crowds during the festivals in April and December.
Bay of Bengal join. It is one of the important Pilgrim
Mathoor Hanging Bridge
centres of India.
Beach The bridge has been constructed at Mathoor
across the river Parazhiyar and the trough canal
A fine beach landscape with multi-coloured (Pattanamkal canal) on the bridge carries water for
sands is another interesting aspect of Kanniyakumari. irrigation from one side of a hill to the other side of
From the beautiful beach, one can see the glorious a hill.The trough has a height of seven feet with a
sight of the moon rising up in the east and the sun width of seven feet six inches. The canal is being
setting in the west simultaneously on a full moon
shouldered by 28 huge pillars.This canal was
day. There is a sacred ancient temple dedicated to
constructed as a drought relief measure and for the
Goddess Kanniyakumari, the virgin Goddess, and from
development of agriculture in Vilavancode and
this the district derives its name. The temple is a
symbol of unity and sanctity. Kalkulam Taluks.

Tirparappu water falls Hillock at Chitharal has a cave containing Rock-cut
sculptures of Thirthankaras and attendent deities
The Kodayar makes its descend at
carved inside and outside dating back to 9th
Tirparappu and the water fall at this place is about
CenturyA.D. It was converted into Bagavathy Temple
13 kms away from Pechiparai dam.The river bed is
in the 13th Century A.D. Cars and Vans can go upto
rocky and about 300 feet in length. The water falls
the foot of the hill. One has to walk for about 10
from a height of nearly 50 feet and the water flows
minutes to reach the temple. The Jain images have
for about seven
been preserved Central Archeological Survey of India
months in a
year. The whole Muttom Beach
bed above the
The famous beach at Muttom is located about
falls is one
32 kms from Kanniyakumari. Muttom is famous for
rocky mass
its beautiful landscaping and high rocks dipping into
which extends
the sea at the beach-side. The sun set view point at
up to a distance
Muttom is one of the most Panoramic view points in
of about quarter of a kilometer upstream where the
the district. Another attraction of Muttom is the
famous Thirparappu weir has been constructed for
century old light-house built by the British.This
supplying water to the paddy fields. On either side of
beautiful beach is one of the tourist spot in
the river, on the left bank of the river in between the
water falls and the weir, there is a temple dedicated
to Siva enclosed by strong fortification. The District Sanguthurai Beach
Administration has recently constructed a swimming
Sanguthurai is a beautiful beach resort and is
pool for children over here which is very popular
very convenient for the local population of Nagercoil.
among the children.
It is only about 10 kms from the city. Unfortunately
Maruthuva Malai no infrastructure facilities were available in this beach.
The district administration has now sanctioned a
The Maruthuva Malai also known as the
project for putting up of a children’s park, seating
Marunthu Vazhum
facility, open huts (Kudils) wih terracotta roofs and
Malai, the abode of
lighting facility at the beach at a cost of Rs.6.00 lakhs.
medicinal herbs,
The entire work has been completed. It is also
forms part of the
proposed to put up a few shops for Women Self Help
western ghats.
Groups at the site, which can provide eatables to the
According to
on coming tourists at the beach side.
tradition, the
Maruthuva Malai is Ulakkai Aruvi
a fragment of the
Ulakkai Aruvi is a natural waterfall situated
Sanjeevi mountain, a piece of which fell down here,
in Azhagiapandipuram village of Thovalai Taluk. Water
and it was carried by Hanuman from Mahendragiri
is available in this water fall in the summer season.
to Sri Lanka for healing the fatal wounds of
Many tourists come here for bathing and to enjoy the
Lakshmana, the brother of Sri Rama, the epic hero.
nature. The pathway to this waterfall lies in the
It stretches for more than a kilometer, reaching a
Reserve Forest.
height of 800 feet at the highest point. It is about 11
kms from Nagorcoil. Chothavilai Beach

Chitharal This beach is about 10 Kms from

Kanniyakumari, is one of the best natural beaches of
Chitharal is a small village situated at a distance
the district. The beach has shallow water and High
of 7 Kms., from Marthandam and 45 Kms, from
sand dunes on the back ground. The District
Kanyakumari. It is famous for the Rock-cut temple.

Administration has through its own funds and through January 1937. In
the funds of MPLAD scheme, put up rest shelters, 1948 his ashes were
kudils and a view tower over here for the benefit of immersed in the sea
tourists. The tourists can reach the beach through water s in
the newly laid coastal road which is a very beautiful Kanniyakumari. In
drive along the sea-coast. commemoration of
this event a
Mukkadal beautiful monument
This is a natural dam constructed by T. has been constructed here. Its central shape is 79
Chitirai Maharaja. If supplies water to Nagercoil feet high representing the age of the Mahatma at the
Municipality and it is also proposed to get water from time of the sun at Mid day on 2nd October would fall
here for Suchindrum and Kanniyakumari. It is very on the peedam through a hole in the roof.
picturesque spot and ideal for picnics by groups. St.Xavier church
Bay Watch (Water Theme Amusement Park ) St.Xavier an outstanding and dedicated priest
The water theme amusement park at sunset visited the coastal areas of Tamil Nadu from Goa, he
point offers a unique way to experience the exotic never missed the
grandeur of Kanniyakumari in its integrals. Baywatch opportunity of
comes up with a wholesome family entertainment saga visiting Kottar in
ka nniyakumar i
of rapturous experience, which leaves you at a point
district which was a
of nonstop excitement in a thrilling and bewitching
c e l e b r a t e d
water world. Great fun styles equaling international
commercial centre
standards keep you on the ecstatic brink of frenzy.
at that time. During
Fun loaded rides like Bumping Car, Sky Cab, Crazy
his stay at Kottar, he
Chairs, Hot Tea Cups, Giant Wheel, Columbus, Wave
used to worship St.
pool, Milky Way, Multiple Splash, Kids Pool are some
Mary in the small temple. He was popularly known
of our attractions. The location being a prominent
as “ValiyaPandaram” among the people of Kottar.
place of national integration, by all means, Baywatch
While he was at Kottar, he averted the invasion of
has become the abode of leisure, happiness laughter,
Padagas on the people of Venad which was
family gatherings, etc. The search for providing unique
appreciated by the king, who became closer to the
and multiple entertainment facilities that match with Priest. In recognition of Xavier’s services, the king
international standards pave the way for introduction allotted a land to him for the purpose of constructing
of India’s first Wax Museum, which is line with the a catholic church at Kottar. There was already a
Madam Tussauds Wax Museum at London. church in 1544 in the same place, where the St.
(ix) Major characteristics of the district, Xavier’s church stands now.
contribution of the district in the form of Kamarajar Manimandapam
any historical figure associated with the
district. Another monument Kamarajar Manimandapam
was raised and dedicated to Late. Sri.Kamarajar, The
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial freedom fighter, Former Chief minister of Tamil Nadu,
The place has been associated with great men President of Indian National Congress. He was
like Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi in popularly known as Black Gandhi among the masses
whose names memorials have been here. They are and king maker during congress regime. This
very beautiful and add to the attraction of this place. monument was constructed where his ashes were
The beautiful Gandhi memorial completed in1956, is kept here for public to pay homage before immersion
situated as a memorial to the Father of the into the sea.
Nation.Mahatma Gandhi visited Kanniyakumari in

Vivekananda rock memorial and the green vegetation all around add to the scenery
of the fort and has now become a holiday resort and
Swamy Vivekananda to “Shripada Parai”
picnic centre.
during 24th, 25th and 26th December 1892 for deep
meditation and enlightenment. From very ancient Colachel Port
times, the rock has been regarded as sacred place.
Colachel is a coastal town is situated about
In Puranic tradition, it has been known as “Sripada
22kms. west of Nagercoil. It was a port for
Parai: meaning the rock, that has been blessed by
European merchants during the 16th to 18th centuries.
the touch of Shripada
feet of the The Dutch and the English had trading settlements
Goddess.On the rock, here. It was the scene of a combined naval battle
is a projection similar in August 1741, in which Marthanda Varma inflicted
in form to a human a crushing defeat on the Dutch. This victory is
fort and a little commemorated by a Pillar erected at the site. A
brownish in variety of commodities is exported from here.
complexion,which has Prominent among them being Palmyra and its fibre,
traditionally, been mineral sands, fish and salt. Efforts are being made
revered as a symbol by the port advisory committee for the construction
of Shripadam. of a ship yard and for the development of a natural
According to legend, it was on this rock that Goddess harbour at Colachel.
Kanniyakumari did Tapas.The memorial consists of
(x) Scope of Village and Town Directory
two main structures, viz (i) Vivekananda Mandapam
and (ii) Shripada Mandapam. Village Directory
Udayagiri Fort The Village Directory is a compilation of the
The fort was rebuilt in the reign of information gathered through Census 2011 and
Marthandavarma, the Venad King, during 1741-44. afterwards. The different types of relevant census
Under the supervision of De Lannoy, the Belgian data pertaining to the village directory have been
General, who served as the Chief of the Travancore presented in different forms. Village is a statutory
army; East India Company’s troops were stationed recognized unit having a definite boundary and
there till the middle of the 19th century. Foundry for separate land records. The data in village directory
the manufacture of guns, mortars and cannon balls has been presented by Community Development
were also established within the fort under the su- Blocks for all Revenue Villages. Data on villages in
pervision of the General. the Reserve Forests has also been presented. The
village directory data presented include the list of
Vattakottai (Circular Fort)
revenue villages with their location codes; area,
Vattakottai a granite fort six kilometres north- population and number of households in each village,
east of Kanniyakumari cape, forms the terminal of a the amenities available to the villages such as
line of ramparts known as the South Tranvancorelines educational, medical, drinking water, post and
built by Marthanda Varma to serve as defence for telegraph, commercial and co-operative banks,
Nanjil Nadu. It is rectangular in shape and covers an agricultural, non-agricultural and other credit societies,
area of about 3.5 acres. The fort is enclosed by walls, recreational and cultural facilities, communication,
25 to 26 feet high, 29 feet thick at the front, 18 feet approach to village, nearest towns with distance,
at the corners and 6 feet at the rear. The portion power supply, availability of newspaper and magazines,
running into the area is the most strongly built during most important commodity manufactured and land use
the reign of Mathandavarma (1729-58). About 1810 of each village have been presented in the prescribed
A.D., the British forces marched into Nanjil Nadu
format. Appendices are also presented as summary
through the Aramboly pass and demolished the
by CD Block-wise for the amenities gathered from
defence lines. The small river by the side of the fort,
different sources.

For the villages identified as Census Towns in
2011 census, the amenities data are presented in the
Town Directory. The ‘uninhabited’ villages (villages
with no population) have been indicated along with
Serial number, Name of village and their location codes
and area. The land use data for such villages are also
presented. Other data has not been presented as these
were not available for the uninhabited villages.
Town Directory
In the present DCHB, the data for the Town
Directory is presented for each town covering different
aspects of urban amenities available to the population.
Data gathered for Town Directory is different from
that of Village Directory. Various types of amenities
available to the population and to the towns including
Census Towns have been presented for each town.
There are seven Statements presented for the Town
Directory in the District Census Handbook.
Statements I to VI contain data about growth, density,
sex ratio, physical aspects of towns, communications,
civic, medical, educational and other amenities and
trade, commerce, industry and banking facilities. The
Seventh Statement relates to Slums.






Brief Note on the Village and Town Directory

Village Directory
Wherever the amenities are not available in the village,
The Village Directory is being compiled for the distance range code viz; ‘a’ for <5 Kms, ‘b’ for 5-
both inhabited and un-inhabited villages. In the village 10 Kms and ‘c’ for 10+ Kms of the nearest where
directory both private and government facilities/ facility is available is given. Column wise details are
institutions have been given. In case of un-inhabited / given below:
depopulated villages, the location code number, name
Column 20: Educational Facilities - All the different
and area of the village is being given universally in
educational facilities available in the village have been
Village Directory and Village PCA. The columns
given under these columns. Nursery/LKG//UKG
relating to the amenities and land use pattern, etc. being
classes are included in Pre-Primary Schools, Classes
left blank and it will be noted against the name of the
up to class V included in Primary School; Classes from
village that it is un-inhabited/depopulated. The
VI to VIII are included in the Middle school. Classes
Appendices to Village Directory and Inset Tables based
from IX and X included in Secondary School. Classes
on village Directory data are also prepared for inhabited
from XI and XII are included in Senior Secondary
School. In case of composite schools like middle school
In the Village Directory format for 2011 with primary school or secondary school with middle
Census there are 121 columns and the details thereon school, these are also included in the number of primary
are as follows: and middle schools, respectively. The information on
the entire educational institutes is given under these
Column 1: Serial Number: - Self explanatory. All the
villages within the CD block are presented serially in
the ascending order of their location code number. Columns 21 to 38: Medical Facilities - All the
different medical facilities available in the village have
Column 2: Name of village: - Self explanatory. The
been given under these columns.
name of the villages is shown against this column. This
also includes the forest and uninhabited villages. Columns 39 to 46: Drinking Water - The information
on availability of various types of the drinking water
Column 3: Location Code Number of village. The
facility within the village has been given under these
location code number of the villages is shown against
this column.
Columns 47 to 50: Availability of Toilet and others-
Column 4: Area of the Village: - The area of the
The information on availability of toilet and Bio-Gas
villages has been given in hectares.
etc. available in the village has been given under these
Column 5: Total Population: - The total population of columns.
the village as per 2011 Census has been given against
Columns 51 to 67: Communication (Post &
this column.
Telegraph and transport)- The information on
Column 6: Number of Households: - The number of communication and Post Office, Sub-Post Office, &
households as per 2011 Census has been given in this Telegraph Office, Village PIN Code number, Phone-
column. Landlines, Mobile Phone, Private Courier Facility,
Internet Café, etc; available in the village has been
given under these columns. The information on all
The availability of different infrastructural various transport facilities whether public/private
amenities such as education, medical, drinking water, transport like Bus, Railway Station, or Navigable
post, telegraph, banks, credit societies, recreation and waterways, Taxi , Van, Tractors etc. available in the
cultural facilities, communication, power, etc. in each village has also been given under these columns.
village have been given in the Village Directory.
Columns 68 to 79: Village connected to High ways, Column 104: (ii) Area under non-agricultural use-
Village Roads, Banks and Credit Societies- The This includes all lands occupied by buildings, roads and
information on all roads connected to village has been railways or under water, e.g. rivers and canals and
given under these columns. These include National other lands put to uses other than agriculture.
Highway, State Highway, District Roads and other
Columns 105: (iii) Barren and un-culturable land-
district roads connected to the village, Pucca roads,
This includes all barren and unculturable land like
Kutchcha Roads, Water Bounded Macadam Roads,
mountains, deserts, etc. land which cannot be brought
Navigable Water Ways and Foot Paths has been given
under cultivation except at an exorbitant cost should
under these columns. Further, the information on
be classed as unculturable whether such land is in
availability of banks, ATM and Agricultural Credit
isolated blocks or within cultivated holdings.
societies in the village has been given under these
columns. Column 106: (iv) Permanent Pastures and other
Grazing Lands- This includes all grazing lands
Columns 80 to 96: Miscellaneous Facilities - The
whether they are permanent pastures and meadows
information on various miscellaneous facilities available
or not. Village common grazing land is included under
in the village has been given under these columns.
this head.
These includes Self -Help Group, Public Distribution
Shop (PDS), Mandi /Regular Market, Weekly Haat, Column 107: (v) Land under Miscellaneous Tree
Agricultural Marketing Society, Nutrition Crops, etc- This includes all cultivable land which is
Centre(ICDS),Anganwadi Centre, ASHA, Community not included in ‘Net area sown’ but is put to some
Centre, Sports Fields, Sports Club/Recreation Centre, agricultural uses. Lands under Causing trees,
Cinema/Video Halls, Public Library, Public Reading thatching grasses, bamboo bushes and other groves
Room, News Paper Supply, Assembly Polling Station, for fuel, etc. which are not included under ‘Orchards’
Birth and Death Registration Office. are classed under this category.
Columns 97 to 100: Electricity - Availability of Power Column 108: (vi) Culturable Waste Land - This
Supply in the village, whatever may be the form of its includes lands available for cultivation, whether not
use has been given in these columns. These include taken up for cultivation or taken up for cultivation once
Electricity for Domestic Use, Electricity for Agriculture but not cultivated during the current year and the last
Use Electricity for Commercial Use, and Electricity five years or more in succession for one reason or
for all purpose Domestic Uses. other. Such lands may be either fallow or covered
with shrubs and jungles which are not put to any use.
Columns 101 and 102: Nearest Town - The name
They may be assessed or un-assessed and may lie in
of the nearest town along with the distance range code
isolated blocks or within cultivable holdings. Land once
has been in these columns.
cultivated but not cultivated for five years in succession
Land use and Irrigation: The land use pattern in the is also included in this category at the end of the five
Village Directory conform to the pattern of classification years.
of land use as recommended by the Ministry of
Column 109: (vii) Fallow Lands other than Current
Agriculture, Government of India. The Ministry has
Fallows - This includes all lands which were taken up
recommended the maintenance of records of land use
for cultivation but are temporarily out of cultivation for
pattern under the following 9 categories.
a period of not less than one year and not more than
Column 103: (i) Forests- This includes all lands five years.
classed as forest under any legal enactment dealing
Column 110: (viii) Current Fallows - T his
with forests or administered as forests, whether state-
represents cropped area, which is kept fallow during
owned or private, and whether wooded or maintained
the current year. For example, if any seeding area is
as potential forest land. The area of crops raised in
not cropped against the same year it may be treated
the forest and grazing lands or areas open for grazing
as current fallow.
within the forests remain included under the forest area.
Column 111: (ix) Net Area Sown - This represents Appendix I C: Villages with different sources of
the total area sown with crops and orchards. Area drinking water facilities available.
sown more than once; in the same year is counted
Appendix II: Villages with 5,000 and above population
only once.
which do not have one or more amenities available.
Column 112: Total Irrigated Land Area - It includes
Appendix III: Land utilization data in respect of
all land which is cultivable and irrigated by any source
Census towns.
of irrigation. The total irrigated area of the village has
been given under this column. Appendix IV: C.D. Block wise list of inhabited villages
where no amenity other than drinking water facility is
Column 113: Total Un-Irrigated land Area - Un-
Irrigated area includes all land which is cultivable but
not irrigated by any source of irrigation. The total un- Appendix V: Summary showing number of Villages
irrigated land area of the village has been given under not having Scheduled Caste population.
this column.
Appendix VI: Summary showing number of Villages
Columns 114 to 118: Area Irrigated by source - not having Scheduled Tribe population.
The area irrigated by various source of irrigation in
Appendix VII A: List of villages according to the
the village have been given under these columns. The
proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total
different source of irrigation facilities available in the
population by ranges.
village are as follows:
(i) Canals(C)-Govt. or Pvt., Appendix VII B: List of villages according to the
(ii) Wells/Tube-wells (W/TW), proportion of the Scheduled Tribes to the total
population by ranges.
(iii) Tanks/Lake(T/L),
(iv) Waterfall,(WF) and Appendix VIII: Number of villages under each Gram
(v) Others (O). Panchayat (C.D. block wise).
Columns 119 to 121: Thr ee most impor tant Town Directory
commodities manufactured - The names of three most
The following abbreviations are used to denote the
important commodities manufactured in the village are
Civic Status of the towns.
indicated in this column.
Civic Status Codes
Community Block Level totals of the Village
Directory: At the end of entries for the Village Municipal Corporation M.Corp.
Directory of each C.D. Block, the totals of different Municipal Committee MC
columns are being given wherever possible. However,
Municipal Council M Cl
in case of some of the columns, it may not be possible
to work out the CD Block level totals, in such cases City Municipal Council CMC
the particular of relevant columns are being left blank Town Municipal Council TMC
against C.D.Block level.
Municipal Board MB
Appendices to Village Directory: The Village Municipality M
Directory also includes the following appendices:
Cantonment Board/
Appendix I: Summary showing total number of Cantonment CB
villages having Educational, Medical and other amenities Notified Area NA
in villages – C.D. Block level.
Notified Town NT
Appendix I A: Villages by number of Primary Schools. Notified Area Committee/
Appendix I B: Villages by Primary, Middle and Notified Area Council NAC
Secondary Schools.
Notified Town Area NTA with population of one lakh and more, Nearest city
Industrial Notified Area INA with population of five lakh and more, Railway station
and Bus route is recorded in these columns
Industrial Township ITS
respectively. If the names mentioned in these columns
Township TS are the same as the referent town itself, the distance
Town Panchayat TP is recorded as (0) zero.
Nagar Panchayat NP Statement III: Civic and other Amenities, 2009
Town Committee/ Columns 1and 2: Serial number and Name of town -
Town Area Committee TC Self explanatory
Small Town Committee ST Column 3: Road length (in km.) - The information
Estate Office EO about the road length (in km) within the limit of the
town is recorded in this column.
Gram Panchayat GP
Census Town CT Columns 4 to 7: System of drainage - The system
of drainage available in the town is indicated in these
columns by the following codes:
Statement I: Status and Growth History
System of drainage Codes
Column 1: Serial Number- Self explanatory
Open drains OD
Column 2: Class, Name and civic status of town -
The Class is presented according to population of the Closed drains CD
towns in 2011 Census as follows: Both drains BD
Population Class
Columns 8 to 11: Number of latrines - The number
100000 and above I of various types of latrines available in the town is
indicated in these columns.
50000 – 99999 II
Columns 12 and 13: Protected water supply - The
20000 – 49999 III information on source of water supply and system of
10000 – 19999 IV water storage with capacity available in the town are
given in these columns in the following codes:
5000 – 9999 V
Column 12: Source of water supply
Below - 5000 VI
i. Tap water T
Columns 3 - 25: These columns are self explanatory
ii. Tube-well water TW
Statement II: Physical Aspects and Location of iii. Tank Water TK
town, 2009
iv. Well water W
Columns 1 and 2: Serial number and Name of town- Column 13: System of water storage
Self explanatory.
i. Over Head Tank OHT
Columns 3 to 5: Physical Aspects - In these columns ii. Service Reservoir SR
the Rainfall and Maximum and Minimum Temperature
iii. River Infiltration Gallery RIG
of the town is recorded.
iv. Bore Well Pumping System BWP
Columns 6 to 12: Name and road distance of the
v. Pressure Tank PT
town (in kms) from the State headquarters, District
headquarters, Sub-divisional /Taluk/Tahsil/Police
station/Development Block/Island HQ. Nearest city
The information on 2 major source of water above), Medical colleges, Engineering colleges,
supply is given in column 12 and the system of water Management Institute/Colleges, Polytechnics,
storage with capacity against each in kilo-litres (in Recognized Shorthand, Typewriting and vocational
bracket) is presented in column 13. training Institutions, Non-formal Education Center
(Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Center), Special School for
Column 14: Fire Fighting Service: - In case
disabled and Others available in the town, are indicated
the fire fighting service is available in the referent town,
in these columns.
‘yes’ is recorded. If the facility is not available within
the town, the name of the nearest place having this If an educational facility is not available in the
facility with its distance from the referent town has town, the name of the nearest place and its distance in
been recorded. kilometers from the town where the facility is available
is mentioned.
Columns 15 to 19: Electrification (Number of
connections) - Different types of electric connections Columns 16 to 23: Number of Social, Recreational
have been shown in these columns, i.e., Domestic, and Culture Facilities - The information on No. of
Industrial, Commercial, Road lighting (points) & others. Home Orphanage, Working women’s hostels (with No.
of seats in bracket), No. of Old Age Home, Stadium,
Statement IV: Medical Facilities, 2009
Cinema Theatre, Auditorium/Community halls, Public
Columns 1 and 2: Serial number and Name of town libraries and Reading rooms available in the town are
- Self explanatory given under these column.
Columns 3 to 13: The number of various medical Statement VI: Industry and Banking 2009
institutions such as Hospitals, Dispensaries, Health
Columns 1 and 2: Serial number and Name of town
Center, Family Welfare Center, Maternity and Child
- Self explanatory
Welfare Center, Maternity Homes, T.B. Hospital/clinic,
Nursing Homes, Charitable Hospital/Nursing Home, Columns 3 to 5: Names of three most important
Mobile Health Clinic and Others as available in the commodities manufactured:- The names of three most
town, are indicated in these columns (along with number important commodities manufactured in the town are
of beds in brackets). given under these columns.
If a medical facility is not available in the town, Columns 6 to 8: Number of banks - The number of
the name of the nearest place and its distance in banks available in the referent town both Commercial
kilometers from the town where the facility is available and Co-operative banks are recorded against these
is mentioned. columns.
Column 14: Veterinary Hospital - The Number of Columns 9 & 10: Number of Agricultural and Non
Veterinary Hospitals available in the town is given in Agricultural Credit Societies - The number of
this column. Agricultural and Non Agricultural Credit Societies
available in the referent town are given in these
Column 15: Medicine Shop - The number of Medicine
shops available in the town is given in this column.
Statement VII: Civic and other Amenities in
Statement V: Educational, Recreational and
Slums, 2009
Cultural Facilities, 2009
This statement VII provides information on
Columns 1 and 2: Serial number and Name of town
civic and other amenities in all slums whether notified
- Self explanatory
or not and for all towns having statutory bodies, like
Columns 3 to 15: Educational Facilities:- The Municipality, Municipal Corporation, Town area
information on number of Primary school, Middle committee etc.
school, Secondary school, Senior Secondary school,
Arts/Science/ Commerce colleges (of degree level and




(a) List of villages merged in towns and outgrowths at 2011 census - Nil









Alphabetical list of villages with location code numbers in 2001 and 2011

Name of the District: Kanniyakumari Name of the CD Block: Agastheeswaram

Serial Name of the Village 2011 Census location 2001 Census location
number code number code number
1 2 3 4
Name of the Taluk: Agastheeswaram
1 Agasteeswaram 643182 01631500
2 Azhagappapuram 643183 01631600
3 Eraviputhoor 643171 01630400
4 Kanniyakumari 643184 01631700
5 Kulasekarapuram 643170 01630300
6 Marangoor 643169 01630100
7 Nagercoil 643167 01629900
8 Suchindrum 643172 01630500
9 Theroor 643168 01630000
10 Vadiveeswaram (Part) 643173 01630600

Name of the CD Block: Thovalai

Name of the Taluk: Thovala

1 Ananthapuram 643146 01628500
2 Arumanalloor (Part) 643149 01628800
3 Azhagiapandipuram 643147 01628600
4 Chenbagaramanputhur (Part) 643154 01629400
5 Chiramadam 643150 01629000
6 Derisanamcope 643148 01628700
7 Erachakulam 643152 01629200
8 Esanthimangalam 643151 01629100
9 Poigaimalai R.F. 643159 01628300
10 Thadagamalai R.F. 643160 01628400
11 Thirupathisaram 643153 01629300
12 Thovala 643155 01629500


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Agastheeswaram Location CodeNo:-0334
Number of educational amenities available (If not

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded up to one

available within the village, the distance range code
viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms
of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

Management institute (MI)

Engineering college(EC)
Pre-Primary school (PP)

Medical college (MC)

Secondary School (S)
Middle school (M)
Primary school (P)
Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name of Village

Polytechnic (Pt)
decimal place)
Sl. No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 Nagercoil 643167 384 3323 950 1 1 a 1 a a 1 b a 1
2 Theroor 643168 2148.4 5290 1416 2 5 2 4 1 1 1 b b b
3 Marangoor 643169 550.8 2314 649 2 1 1 1 a a 1 c 1 1
4 Kulasekarapuram 643170 1411.3 2853 822 1 1 1 1 a b a c a c
5 Eraviputhoor 643171 782.2 2604 749 1 1 1 1 a b b c b a
6 Suchindrum 643172 112.5 924 244 1 a a a a a a a a a
7 Vadiveeswaram (Part) 643173 241 3777 1022 1 a a a a a a a a a
8 Agasteeswaram 643182 144.1 7638 1945 6 2 2 2 1 a b c c 1
9 Azhagappapuram 643183 28.7 89 26 1 a a a b b a b c b
10 Kanniyakumari 643184 513.2 9773 2552 9 5 3 1 1 a b c c b
BLOCK TOTAL 6316.2 38585 10375 25 16 10 11 3 1 3 0 1 3

Name of CD Block:-Thovalai Location CodeNo:-0335

1 Ananthapuram 643146 2566.5 4743 1379 1 3 2 2 b b c c b b
2 Azhagiapandipuram 643147 1202 3230 840 6 8 7 6 3 b c c c c
3 Derisanamcope 643148 1886.1 5803 1650 1 1 2 a a c c b c b
4 Arumanalloor (Part) 643149 885 3482 960 9 2 1 2 2 c c c c c
5 Chiramadam 643150 1707.1 1321 393 1 4 b b b c b c b b
6 Esanthimangalam 643151 964.1 3302 922 4 3 3 a a b b b a a
7 Erachakulam 643152 1339.8 5715 1605 2 3 1 1 b b 2 b a 1
8 Thirupathisaram 643153 623 5677 1546 6 3 2 2 a a a a a a
9 Chenbagaramanputhur (Part) 643154 1529.6 8182 2131 2 2 3 3 2 a b c a 1
10 Thovala 643155 1739.2 8961 2503 8 3 1 2 1 a 1 b b a
11 Poigaimalai R.F. 643159 1274.4 22 10 b b b b b c c c c c
12 Thadagamalai R.F. 643160 1140.1 58 16 b b b b c c c c c c
BLOCK TOTAL 16856.9 50496 13955 40 32 22 18 8 0 3 0 0 2


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Agastheeswaram Location CodeNo:-0334
Number of educational Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within
amenities available (If not the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
available within the village, 10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is
the distance range code available is given).
viz; a for <5 Kms, b for 5-
10 Kms and c for 10+ kms
of nearest place where
facility is available is
Primary health centre (PHC)

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Maternity and child welfare
Special school for disabled
Non-formal training centre
Vocational training school

Primary health sub centre

Community health centre

Veterinary hospital (VH)

Hospital-allopathic (HA)

Family welfare centre

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Name of Village
Others (specify)

Dispensary (D)
medicine (HO)
centre (MCW)

Sl. No.


17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 1
a 1 a b b 1 b b b b b b b Nagercoil 1
b 1 c 1 c b 1 b b b b b b b Theroor 2
c 1 b a 1 1 1 1 b b 1 1 1 Marangoor 3
c 1 b c a 1 a a c c a a a Kulasekarapuram 4
a 1 b a 1 1 1 1 c c 1 c 1 Eraviputhoor 5
a a c a a 1 a a a a a a a Suchindrum 6
a a a a a 1 a a a a a a a Vadiveeswaram (Part) 7
c 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 c c 1 a 1 Agasteeswaram 8
c a b a 1 1 1 1 b b 1 a 1 Azhagappapuram 9
c 1 b a a 4 a a c c a b a Kanniyakumari 10
0 7 0 1 1 4 13 4 4 0 0 4 1 0 4

Name of CD Block:-Thovalai Location CodeNo:-0335

b 1 c b b 1 b b b b b b b Ananthapuram 1
c 1 c a a 1 a a b b a a a Azhagiapandipuram 2
c 1 c b 1 1 1 1 a a 1 a 1 Derisanamcope 3
c 1 c a 2 1 2 2 b b 2 1 2 Arumanalloor (Part) 4
b 1 c c b b b b b b b b b Chiramadam 5
a 1 b c b 1 b b a a b a b Esanthimangalam 6
1 1 b b 1 1 1 1 b b 1 b 1 Erachakulam 7
a 1 c 1 1 1 1 1 b b 1 a 1 Thirupathisaram 8
1 2 c 1 1 1 1 1 b b 1 1 1 Chenbagaramanputhur (Part) 9
a 1 c a 1 2 1 1 b b 1 1 1 Thovala 10
c b c c c b c c c c c b c Poigaimalai R.F. 11
c b c c c b c c c c c c c Thadagamalai R.F. 12
2 11 0 0 2 7 10 7 7 0 0 7 3 0 7


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Agastheeswaram Location CodeNo:-0334
Number of Non-Government Medical Availability of drinking water - Yes / No
Amenities available.

Traditional practitioner and faith

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

Medical practitioner with no

Well water (Covered /

hospital/Nursing home.

Tube wells / Bore well

Charitable non Govt.

Tank / Pond / Lake

Name of Village

Uncovered well)
Medicine Shop

River / Canal
Hand Pump
healer .
Sl. No.





1 2 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
1 Nagercoil 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes
2 Theroor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
3 Marangoor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
4 Kulasekarapuram 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes
5 Eraviputhoor 0 2 0 0 2 3 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes
6 Suchindrum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes No Yes No No No No
7 Vadiveeswaram (Part) 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes
8 Agasteeswaram 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes
9 Azhagappapuram 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes No No No No No No No
10 Kanniyakumari 1 4 0 0 2 4 0 Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 1 8 0 2 4 9 0 10 9 5 9 2 0 0 8

Name of CD Block:-Thovalai Location CodeNo:-0335

1 Ananthapuram 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
2 Azhagiapandipuram 0 1 0 0 2 3 0 Yes Yes No No No Yes No No
3 Derisanamcope 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
4 Arumanalloor (Part) 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
5 Chiramadam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No
6 Esanthimangalam 0 4 1 0 3 2 0 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
7 Erachakulam 0 4 1 0 3 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
8 Thirupathisaram 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No
9 Chenbagaramanputhur (Part) 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
10 Thovala 0 4 0 1 1 3 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes
11 Poigaimalai R.F. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes No No Yes No No No No
12 Thadagamalai R.F. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes No No No No No No
BLOCK TOTAL 0 20 3 1 10 14 0 12 11 6 10 5 7 2 5


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Agastheeswaram Location CodeNo:-0334
Availability of toilet & others Communication and transport facilities (If amenities
Yes / No available code -Yes is given except for Village Pin Code
,If not available within the village , the distance range
code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Post & Telegraph office (P&TO)

Community toilet including bath.

hardware outlet available near the

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Community toilet excluding bath.

Internet cafes/ Common service

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary

(Land lines)
waste for productive use.

Public call office (PCO)

Mobile phone coverage

Sub post office (SPO)

Village Pin Code

Name of Village
Post office(PO)

centre (CSC)

Sl. No.
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
No Yes Yes No b Yes b 629001 Yes Yes Yes a Nagercoil 1
No Yes Yes No a Yes a 629303 Yes Yes Yes b Theroor 2
No Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes 629402 Yes Yes Yes a Marangoor 3
No Yes No No a Yes a 629403 Yes Yes Yes a Kulasekarapuram 4
No Yes No No a Yes a 629402 Yes Yes Yes b Eraviputhoor 5
Yes No Yes No a a a 629002 Yes a Yes a Suchindrum 6
Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes a 629002 Yes Yes Yes a Vadiveeswaram (Part) 7
Yes No No No a Yes b 629701 Yes Yes Yes a Agasteeswaram 8
Yes No No No a a b 629401 Yes Yes Yes a Azhagappapuram 9
No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 629702 Yes Yes Yes Yes Kanniyakumari 10
4 7 5 2 1 8 2 10 10 9 10 1

Name of CD Block:-Thovalai Location CodeNo:-0335

No Yes No No b Yes b 689851 Yes Yes Yes b Ananthapuram 1
Yes Yes No No Yes a Yes 629851 Yes Yes Yes b Azhagiapandipuram 2
No Yes No No a Yes b 629851 Yes Yes Yes a Derisanamcope 3
Yes Yes Yes No b Yes a 629853 Yes Yes Yes b Arumanalloor (Part) 4
No Yes No No a a a 629851 Yes a b b Chiramadam 5
No Yes No No a Yes Yes 629852 Yes Yes Yes a Esanthimangalam 6
No No No No a Yes a 629902 Yes Yes Yes b Erachakulam 7
No Yes No No a Yes b 629901 Yes Yes Yes a Thirupathisaram 8
No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 629301 Yes Yes Yes Yes Chenbagaramanputhur (Part) 9
Yes No No No a Yes a 629302 Yes Yes Yes a Thovala 10
No No No No b b c 689851 b b b b Poigaimalai R.F. 11
No No No No c b c 689851 Yes b b c Thadagamalai R.F. 12
3 8 1 0 2 8 3 12 11 9 9 1


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Agastheeswaram Location CodeNo:-0334
Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except
for Village Pin Code, If not available within the village, the distance range code viz; a for
< 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual &

Bus service (Public & Private)

Carts driven by animals

Sea /River ferry service

Private courier facility

Auto/Modified Autos
Name of Village

Railway stations

Machine driven)
Taxis and Vans

Sl. No.

1 2 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
1 Nagercoil a Yes a a a
2 Theroor b Yes b Yes Yes
3 Marangoor b Yes b a a
4 Kulasekarapuram a Yes c Yes Yes
5 Eraviputhoor a Yes c a Yes
6 Suchindrum a Yes a a a
7 Vadiveeswaram (Part) a Yes Yes Yes Yes
8 Agasteeswaram a Yes a a a
9 Azhagappapuram a Yes b a a
10 Kanniyakumari Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 1 10 2 4 5 0 0 0 0

Name of CD Block:-Thovalai Location CodeNo:-0335

1 Ananthapuram b Yes b Yes Yes
2 Azhagiapandipuram a Yes c Yes Yes
3 Derisanamcope a Yes c Yes Yes
4 Arumanalloor (Part) b Yes c Yes Yes
5 Chiramadam b Yes c a a
6 Esanthimangalam a Yes b Yes a
7 Erachakulam b Yes b Yes b
8 Thirupathisaram a Yes b Yes a
9 Chenbagaramanputhur (Part) Yes Yes b Yes Yes
10 Thovala a Yes Yes Yes Yes
11 Poigaimalai R.F. c b b b b
12 Thadagamalai R.F. c b c b b
BLOCK TOTAL 1 10 1 9 6 0 0 0 0


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Agastheeswaram Location CodeNo:-0334
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If amenities
available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village , the distance range code
viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is
available is given).

Water bounded macadam(WBM) roads

Connected to national highway(NH)

Commercial & Co-operative Banks

Connected to others district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Connected to major district road

Agricultural Credit Societies

Navigable waterway

Name of Village
Kutchcha roads

Footpaths (FP)
Pucca roads

Sl. No.
68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 2 1
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Nagercoil 1
a Yes a a Yes Yes Yes Yes a b a Theroor 2
a a a a Yes Yes Yes Yes a a a Marangoor 3
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a a Kulasekarapuram 4
b Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Eraviputhoor 5
a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a a Suchindrum 6
a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a Yes Vadiveeswaram (Part) 7
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a b Agasteeswaram 8
a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a a Azhagappapuram 9
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Kanniyakumari 10
4 9 8 7 10 10 10 0 10 3 1 4

Name of CD Block:-Thovalai Location CodeNo:-0335

Yes b a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b b Ananthapuram 1
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b a Azhagiapandipuram 2
c Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a b Derisanamcope 3
c Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes Arumanalloor (Part) 4
c a b a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes Chiramadam 5
c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a a Esanthimangalam 6
b a a b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b b Erachakulam 7
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a a Thirupathisaram 8
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Chenbagaramanputhur (Part) 9
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Thovala 10
c b b b b b b Yes b c b Poigaimalai R.F. 11
c b b b b b b Yes b c b Thadagamalai R.F. 12
5 7 5 8 10 10 10 0 12 8 1 3


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Agastheeswaram Location CodeNo:-0334
Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village, the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms
and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist)

Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional Centres)
Integrated Child Development Scheme
Public distribution system (PDS) shop

Community centre with/without TV

Agricultural marketing society

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Mandis / Regular market
Self-Help Group (SHG)

(Nutritional Centres)
Name of Village

Weekly Haat
Sl. No.

1 2 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
1 Nagercoil Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a
2 Theroor Yes Yes a a b Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 Marangoor Yes Yes b b a Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 Kulasekarapuram Yes Yes a a a Yes Yes Yes Yes
5 Eraviputhoor Yes Yes b a Yes Yes Yes Yes a
6 Suchindrum Yes a a a a Yes Yes Yes Yes
7 Vadiveeswaram (Part) Yes Yes a a a Yes Yes Yes Yes
8 Agasteeswaram Yes Yes a b b Yes Yes Yes Yes
9 Azhagappapuram Yes a a b b Yes Yes Yes a
10 Kanniyakumari Yes Yes Yes a a Yes Yes Yes b
BLOCK TOTAL 10 8 2 1 2 10 10 10 6

Name of CD Block:-Thovalai Location CodeNo:-0335

1 Ananthapuram Yes Yes a b b Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 Azhagiapandipuram Yes Yes Yes a a Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 Derisanamcope Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 Arumanalloor (Part) Yes Yes Yes a a Yes Yes Yes Yes
5 Chiramadam Yes Yes a b b Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Esanthimangalam Yes Yes a b b Yes Yes Yes Yes
7 Erachakulam Yes Yes b b b Yes Yes Yes Yes
8 Thirupathisaram Yes Yes b a a Yes Yes Yes a
9 Chenbagaramanputhur (Part) Yes Yes b b b Yes Yes Yes Yes
10 Thovala Yes Yes b b b Yes Yes Yes Yes
11 Poigaimalai R.F. b b b c c b b Yes b
12 Thadagamalai R.F. b b b c c b b Yes b
BLOCK TOTAL 10 10 3 1 1 10 10 12 9


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Agastheeswaram Location CodeNo:-0334
Availability of miscellaneous facilities Availability of Nearest Town
(If amenities available code -Yes is electricity (Yes/No)
given, If not available within the
village, the distance range code viz; a
for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c
for 10+ kms of nearest place where
facility is available is given).

<5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c

Power Supply for Commercial
Power Supply for Agricultural

Distance range code i.e. a for

Power Supply for Domestic
Birth & Death Registration

Power Supply for All Uses

Assembly Polling station
Sports Club / Recreation

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply

Name of Village
Public Library
Sports Field,

for 10+ kms

Use (EAG)
Use (ED)

Use (EC)

Sl. No.


90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 2 1
b b a a a Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Therur b Nagercoil 1
Yes b b b Yes Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Marungur a Theroor 2
Yes b b a Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Myladi a Marangoor 3
Yes b c Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Agasteeswaram a Kulasekarapuram 4
Yes b b Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Nagercoil c Eraviputhoor 5
a a a a Yes Yes a a Yes Yes Yes Yes Agastheeswaram a Suchindrum 6
a a a Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Nagercoil a Vadiveeswaram (Part) 7
Yes Yes c Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Kottaram a Agasteeswaram 8
a a b a a Yes a a Yes Yes Yes Yes Nagercoil a Azhagappapuram 9
Yes b c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Therur c Kanniyakumari 10
6 1 0 5 8 10 8 1 10 10 10 10

Name of CD Block:-Thovalai Location CodeNo:-0335

Yes b c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Azhagiapandipuram b Ananthapuram 1
Yes Yes c Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Boothapandi a Azhagiapandipuram 2
Yes a c a Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Azhagiapandipuram a Derisanamcope 3
Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Boothapandi b Arumanalloor (Part) 4
Yes a c Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Boothapandi b Chiramadam 5
Yes b c Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Boothapandi a Esanthimangalam 6
Yes b b Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Nagercoil b Erachakulam 7
Yes a a Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Aaralvaimozhi b Thirupathisaram 8
Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Aaralvaimozhi b Chenbagaramanputhur (Part) 9
Yes a b Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Aaralvaimozhi a Thovala 10
Yes b c b b b b b Yes No No No Poigaimalai R.F. 11
Yes b c b b b b b Yes No No No Thadagamalai R.F. 12
12 3 0 9 10 10 10 2 12 10 10 10


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Agastheeswaram Location CodeNo:-0334
Land Use
Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal place)

Fallow lands other than current

Barren and Un-cultivable land

Permanent Pastures and Other

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Area under Non-agricultural

Land Under Miscellaneous

Total Irrigated Land Area

Culturable Waste Land
Name of Village

Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Tree Crops etc.
Grazing Lands

Sl. No.



1 2 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
1 Nagercoil 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 14 250 250 0
2 Theroor 0 781.4 82.1 0 0 0 0 0 1284.9 1217.3 67.6
3 Marangoor 0 120.1 0 0 20.4 0 0 0 410.3 410.3 0
4 Kulasekarapuram 0 405.3 179.3 0 0.6 0 0 0 826.1 692.1 134
5 Eraviputhoor 0 229.3 55.2 0 0 0 0 0 497.7 464.8 32.9
6 Suchindrum 0 112.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Vadiveeswaram (Part) 0 102 0 0 21 24 0 0 94 94 0
8 Agasteeswaram 0 82.6 5.8 0 35.9 0 0 0 19.8 19.8 0
9 Azhagappapuram 0 5.1 0 0 12.2 0 0 0 11.3 6.2 5.1
10 Kanniyakumari 0 164.2 0.5 0.2 0.6 2.2 20.2 1.2 324.2 324.2 0
BLOCK TOTAL 0 2122.5 322.9 0.2 90.7 26.2 20.2 15.2 3718.3 3478.7 239.6

Name of CD Block:-Thovalai Location CodeNo:-0335

1 Ananthapuram 1404.7 202 167.6 0 0.3 0 0 0 792 488.1 303.9
2 Azhagiapandipuram 257.1 349.8 234.6 39 0 0 0 0 321.6 321.6 0
3 Derisanamcope 0 302.8 66.9 0 38.9 0 0 0 1477.5 470.6 1006.9
4 Arumanalloor (Part) 0 52.4 198.7 0 0.2 0 0 2.6 631.1 259.1 372
5 Chiramadam 71.7 950.9 74.2 0.1 0 0 0 0 610.2 610.2 0
6 Esanthimangalam 0 523.6 25 0 11.4 0 0 0 404.2 404.2 0
7 Erachakulam 585.7 235.4 20.6 0 0 0 0 13.4 484.6 484.6 0
8 Thirupathisaram 0 191.9 6.9 0 0.1 0 0 6.9 417.3 417.3 0
9 Chenbagaramanputhur (Part) 0 689.6 84.7 0 4.5 0 0 23.9 727 687.2 39.8
10 Thovala 0 358.4 694.1 2.4 0.1 118.1 0 0 566.2 289.4 276.8
11 Poigaimalai R.F. 1274.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Thadagamalai R.F. 1140.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BLOCK TOTAL 4733.7 3856.8 1573.3 41.5 55.5 118.1 0 46.8 6431.7 4432.3 1999.4


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Agastheeswaram Location CodeNo:-0334
Land Use Name of three most important
Area irrigated by source (in hectare). commodities manufactured


Water Falls(WF)

Name of Village
Canals ( C )



Sl. No.

115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1

0 153.8 96.2 0 0 Nagercoil 1
309.5 119.8 788 0 0 Rice Theroor 2
40 33 337.3 0 0 Marangoor 3
464.6 0 227.6 0 0 Rice Coconut Oil Coconut Oil Kulasekarapuram 4
4.3 0.2 460.3 0 0 Rice Rice Flakes Coconut Oil Eraviputhoor 5
0 0 0 0 0 Rice Suchindrum 6
0 0 94 0 0 Rice Vadiveeswaram (Part) 7
0 19.8 0 0 0 Rice Coconut Oil Agasteeswaram 8
0 0 6.2 0 0 Azhagappapuram 9
0 3 321.2 0 0 Kanniyakumari 10
818.4 329.6 2330.8 0 0

Name of CD Block:-Thovalai Location CodeNo:-0335

30.2 0 457.9 0 0 Ananthapuram 1
0 0 321.6 0 0 Azhagiapandipuram 2
0 0 470.6 0 0 Derisanamcope 3
0 0 259.1 0 0 Arumanalloor (Part) 4
0 0 610.2 0 0 Chiramadam 5
0 146 258.2 0 0 Bricks Esanthimangalam 6
0 0 484.6 0 0 Bricks Erachakulam 7
0 6.6 410.8 0 0 Thirupathisaram 8
0 203.5 483.7 0 0 Chenbagaramanputhur (Part) 9
248.3 0 41.1 0 0 Thovala 10
0 0 0 0 0 Poigaimalai R.F. 11
0 0 0 0 0 Thadagamalai R.F. 12
278.5 356.1 3797.8 0 0






Alphabetical list of villages with location code numbers in 2001 and 2011

Name of the District: Kanniyakumari Name of the CD Block: Rajakkamangalam

Serial Name of the Village 2011 Census location 2001 Census location
number code number code number
1 2 3 4
Name of the Taluk: Agastheeswaram
1 Dharmapuram (Part) 643177 01631000
2 Madhusoodhanapuram (Part) 643178 01631100
3 Neendakara -B 643176 01630900
4 Neendakara-A (Part) 643174 01630700
5 Parakkai 643180 01631300
6 Thamaraikulam (Part) 643181 01631400
7 Thengamputhoor (Part) 643179 01631200
8 Vadasery (Part) 643166 01629800
9 Vempanoor 643175 01630800

Name of the CD Block: Thackalai

Name of the Taluk: Kalkulam
1 Thackalai 643130 01627300
2 Valvachagostam 643129 01627100

Name of the CD Block: Kurunthancode

Name of the Taluk: Kalkulam
1 Colachel 643132 01627600
2 Kadiapattinam 643135 01627900
3 Kalkulam (Part) 643131 01627400
4 Kurunthencode (Part) 643134 01627800
5 Thalakkulam 643133 01627700


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Rajakkamangalam Location CodeNo:-0336
Number of educational amenities available (If not

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded up

available within the village, the distance range code
viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

Management institute (MI)

Engineering college(EC)
Pre-Primary school (PP)
to one decimal place)

Medical college (MC)

Secondary School (S)
Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name of Village

Polytechnic (Pt)
Sl. No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 Vadasery (Part) 643166 2306.9 6852 1884 1 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 b 2
2 Neendakara-A (Part) 643174 1512 3914 1018 2 6 4 3 3 a a b a 1
3 Vempanoor 643175 1363 10177 2740 3 7 5 4 2 b b b b b
4 Neendakara -B 643176 2045.1 19716 5125 2 8 5 3 2 b b b b 3
5 Dharmapuram (Part) 643177 1177 6196 1643 1 10 4 5 2 b b b b b
6 Madhusoodhanapuram (Part) 643178 239.8 5928 1612 8 2 3 3 2 a b b b 1
7 Thengamputhoor (Part) 643179 8.9 91 23 1 1 a a a b c b b a
8 Parakkai 643180 400.8 2524 706 2 2 2 2 1 b b b b b
9 Thamaraikulam (Part) 643181 1140 11776 3230 3 4 2 2 a b c b c b
BLOCK TOTAL 10193.5 67174 17981 23 44 28 24 13 1 1 1 0 7
Note: 1) Another part of Thamaraikulam (Part) village falls under Agastheeswaram CD block of Kanniyakumari
district. However, the data pertaining to this part is included in this CD block.

Name of CD Block:-Thackalai Location CodeNo:-0337

1 Valvachagostam 643129 420.1 5579 1468 6 3 2 1 a b b c c b
2 Thackalai 643130 144 9551 2525 2 3 2 a a b b c c c
BLOCK TOTAL 564.1 15130 3993 8 6 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Name of CD Block:-Kurunthancode Location CodeNo:-0338

1 Kalkulam 643131 2349.2 6705 1772 1 6 3 2 a a a b c a
2 Colachel 643132 1600.7 9836 2255 4 5 4 2 2 b b c c b
3 Thalakkulam 643133 1132.2 8986 2410 1 1 1 1 a b b c c b
4 Kurunthencode (Part) 643134 985.7 9050 2347 2 2 2 1 1 b b c b b
5 Kadiapattinam 643135 1925.9 26589 6415 7 7 6 4 2 1 1 c c 1
BLOCK TOTAL 7993.7 61166 15199 15 21 16 10 5 1 1 0 0 1
Note: 1) Another part of Kalkulam village falls under Thackalai CD block of Kanniyakumari district. However, the data
pertaining to this part is included in this CD block.


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Rajakkamangalam Location CodeNo:-0336
Number of educational Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within
amenities available (If not the village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-
available within the 10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is
village, the distance range available is given).
code viz; a for <5 Kms, b
for 5-10 Kms and c for
10+ kms of nearest place
where facility is available
is given).

welfare centre (MCW)

Family welfare centre

Primary health centre
Non-formal training

Mobile health clinic

Maternity and child
Vocational training

Veterinary hospital
Primary health sub
Community health

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Special school for

Name of Village
Others (specify)

Dispensary (D)
disabled (SSD)

medicine (HO)
centre (NFTC)

centre (CHC)

centre (PHS)
school /ITI


Sl. No.


17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 1
b 1 1 b 2 2 2 2 b b 2 a 2 Vadasery (Part) 1
a 1 a b 2 1 2 2 b b 2 1 2 Neendakara-A (Part) 2
b 2 1 a 2 1 2 2 b b 2 1 2 Vempanoor 3
b 2 a 1 1 5 1 1 b b 1 1 1 Neendakara -B 4
b 1 b a 1 2 1 1 b b 1 1 1 Dharmapuram (Part) 5
b 1 c b a 1 a a b b a 2 a Madhusoodhanapuram (Part) 6
b 1 c b a 1 a a b b a 1 a Thengamputhoor (Part) 7
b 1 c a a 1 a a b b a a a Parakkai 8
c 1 a b 2 2 2 2 c c 2 1 2 Thamaraikulam (Part) 9
0 11 2 0 1 10 16 10 10 0 0 10 8 0 10

Name of CD Block:-Thackalai Location CodeNo:-0337

b 1 b b 1 2 1 1 b b 1 a 1 Valvachagostam 1
a 2 a a a 2 a a a a a a a Thackalai 2
0 3 0 0 0 1 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

Name of CD Block:-Kurunthancode Location CodeNo:-0338

a 1 b b a 1 a a a a a a a Kalkulam 1
b 1 b a b 1 b b c c b a b Colachel 2
c 1 a a a 2 a a c c a 1 a Thalakkulam 3
c 1 b a 1 1 1 1 b b 1 1 1 Kurunthencode (Part) 4
c 3 b 1 2 6 2 2 c c 2 1 2 Kadiapattinam 5
0 7 0 0 1 3 11 3 3 0 0 3 3 0 3


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Rajakkamangalam Location CodeNo:-0336
Number of Non-Government Medical Availability of drinking water - Yes / No
Amenities available.

Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

Medical practitioner with no

Traditional practitioner and

Medical practitioner with

Medical practitioner with

Well water (Covered /

hospital/Nursing home.

Tube wells / Bore well

Charitable non Govt.

Tank / Pond / Lake

Name of Village

Uncovered well)
Medicine Shop
MBBS Degree

River / Canal
other degree

faith healer .

Hand Pump
Sl. No.



1 2 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
1 Vadasery (Part) 0 3 3 0 1 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 Neendakara-A (Part) 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes No Yes No No No No
3 Vempanoor 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes
4 Neendakara -B 1 5 4 3 2 9 0 Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes
5 Dharmapuram (Part) 0 4 0 0 4 5 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes
6 Madhusoodhanapuram (Part) 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes
7 Thengamputhoor (Part) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes No No No No No No No
8 Parakkai 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No
9 Thamaraikulam (Part) 1 5 2 0 3 2 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 2 23 12 3 10 21 0 9 8 6 8 1 1 3 6

Name of CD Block:-Thackalai Location CodeNo:-0337

1 Valvachagostam 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes
2 Thackalai 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 0 1 0 0 4 1 0 2 2 1 2 1 1 0 2

Name of CD Block:-Kurunthancode Location CodeNo:-0338

1 Kalkulam 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
2 Colachel 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes
3 Thalakkulam 0 3 5 0 1 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 Kurunthencode (Part) 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
5 Kadiapattinam 1 10 4 3 3 4 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 1 16 9 4 5 8 0 5 5 5 5 3 2 1 4


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Rajakkamangalam Location CodeNo:-0336
Availability of toilet & Communication and transport facilities (If amenities
others Yes / No available code -Yes is given except for Village Pin Code ,If
not available within the village , the distance range code
viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of
nearest place where facility is available is given).
Rural sanitary mart or sanitary

Community bio- gas or recycle

hardware outlet available near
Community toilet excluding

of waste for productive use.

Community toilet including

(Land lines)

Public call office (PCO)

Internet cafes/ Common

Post & Telegraph office

Mobile phone coverage

Sub post office (SPO)

service centre (CSC)

Village Pin Code

Name of Village
Post office(PO)

the village.


Sl. No.


47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
Yes Yes Yes No a Yes a 629003 Yes Yes Yes Yes Vadasery (Part) 1
No No No No a Yes b 629003 Yes Yes Yes b Neendakara-A (Part) 2
No Yes No No b Yes b 629201 Yes Yes Yes b Vempanoor 3
No Yes No No a Yes b 629502 Yes Yes Yes b Neendakara -B 4
No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 629501 Yes Yes Yes Yes Dharmapuram (Part) 5
Yes No Yes No a Yes b 629601 Yes Yes Yes b Madhusoodhanapuram (Part) 6
No Yes No No a a a 629602 a a Yes b Thengamputhoor (Part) 7
No Yes Yes No b Yes b 629601 Yes Yes Yes b Parakkai 8
No Yes Yes No b Yes Yes 629704 Yes Yes Yes b Thamaraikulam (Part) 9
2 7 5 0 1 8 2 9 8 8 9 2

Name of CD Block:-Thackalai Location CodeNo:-0337

No Yes Yes No a Yes a 629158 Yes Yes Yes a Valvachagostam 1
No Yes No No a a a 629175 Yes a Yes a Thackalai 2
0 2 1 0 0 1 0 2 2 1 2 0

Name of CD Block:-Kurunthancode Location CodeNo:-0338

No Yes No No b Yes b 629175 Yes Yes Yes a Kalkulam 1
No No No No a Yes a 629251 Yes Yes Yes a Colachel 2
Yes No Yes Yes b a Yes 629802 Yes Yes Yes a Thalakkulam 3
No Yes Yes No a Yes a 629802 Yes Yes Yes a Kurunthencode (Part) 4
No Yes Yes No b Yes b 629203 Yes Yes Yes b Kadiapattinam 5
1 3 3 1 0 4 1 5 5 5 5 0


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Rajakkamangalam Location CodeNo:-0336
Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given
except for Village Pin Code, If not available within the village, the distance range
code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where
facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual
Bus service (Public & Private)

Carts driven by animals

Sea /River ferry service

Private courier facility

Auto/Modified Autos

& Machine driven)

Name of Village

Railway stations

Taxis and Vans

Sl. No.

1 2 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
1 Vadasery (Part) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 Neendakara-A (Part) Yes Yes b b Yes
3 Vempanoor a Yes b Yes Yes
4 Neendakara -B b Yes b Yes Yes
5 Dharmapuram (Part) Yes Yes b Yes Yes
6 Madhusoodhanapuram (Part) b Yes b Yes Yes
7 Thengamputhoor (Part) b Yes b Yes a
8 Parakkai b Yes a Yes Yes
9 Thamaraikulam (Part) b Yes c Yes Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 3 9 1 8 8 0 0 0 0

Name of CD Block:-Thackalai Location CodeNo:-0337

1 Valvachagostam a Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 Thackalai a Yes b Yes Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 0 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0

Name of CD Block:-Kurunthancode Location CodeNo:-0338

1 Kalkulam a Yes b Yes a
2 Colachel a Yes b Yes Yes
3 Thalakkulam a Yes a Yes Yes
4 Kurunthencode (Part) a Yes b Yes Yes
5 Kadiapattinam b Yes b Yes Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 0 5 0 5 4 0 0 0 0


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Rajakkamangalam Location CodeNo:-0336
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If amenities
available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village , the distance range
code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where
facility is available is given).
Connected to others district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Connected to major district road

Agricultural Credit Societies

Commercial & Co-operative
macadam(WBM) roads
Connected to national

Navigable waterway

Name of Village
Kutchcha roads

Water bounded

Footpaths (FP)

Pucca roads

Sl. No.

68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 2 1
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Vadasery (Part) 1
a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Neendakara-A (Part) 2
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Vempanoor 3
a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Neendakara -B 4
b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes Dharmapuram (Part) 5
b Yes a a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Madhusoodhanapuram (Part) 6
b a a b Yes Yes Yes Yes a a a Thengamputhoor (Part) 7
a Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Parakkai 8
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes Thamaraikulam (Part) 9
3 8 7 6 9 9 9 0 9 8 3 8

Name of CD Block:-Thackalai Location CodeNo:-0337

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a a Valvachagostam 1
a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a a Thackalai 2
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 0

Name of CD Block:-Kurunthancode Location CodeNo:-0338

Yes a a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a a a Kalkulam 1
a b b a Yes Yes Yes Yes a a a Colachel 2
a a a b Yes Yes Yes Yes a a a Thalakkulam 3
b a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Kurunthencode (Part) 4
c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Kadiapattinam 5
1 1 2 3 5 5 5 0 5 2 0 2


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Rajakkamangalam Location CodeNo:-0336
Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village, the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10
Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Agricultural marketing society

Integrated Child Development

Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Public distribution system

ASHA (Accredited Social

Mandis / Regular market
Self-Help Group (SHG)

(Nutritional Centres)
Anganwadi Centre

Community centre
Name of Village

with/without TV
Health Activist)
Weekly Haat
(PDS) shop
Sl. No.

1 2 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
1 Vadasery (Part) Yes Yes a Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 Neendakara-A (Part) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a
3 Vempanoor Yes Yes a a a Yes Yes Yes a
4 Neendakara -B Yes Yes b b b Yes Yes Yes Yes
5 Dharmapuram (Part) Yes Yes a b a Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Madhusoodhanapuram (Part) Yes Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
7 Thengamputhoor (Part) Yes a a b Yes Yes Yes Yes a
8 Parakkai Yes Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
9 Thamaraikulam (Part) Yes Yes a b a Yes Yes Yes Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 9 8 3 2 4 9 9 9 6

Name of CD Block:-Thackalai Location CodeNo:-0337

1 Valvachagostam Yes Yes Yes a b Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 Thackalai Yes Yes a a a Yes Yes Yes Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 2 2 1 0 0 2 2 2 2

Name of CD Block:-Kurunthancode Location CodeNo:-0338

1 Kalkulam Yes Yes a a a Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 Colachel Yes Yes a a a Yes Yes Yes a
3 Thalakkulam Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 Kurunthencode (Part) Yes Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes a
5 Kadiapattinam Yes Yes a Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 5 5 2 2 2 5 5 5 3


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Rajakkamangalam Location CodeNo:-0336
Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If Availability of Nearest Town
amenities available code -Yes is given, If electricity (Yes/No)
not available within the village, the
distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms,
b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of
nearest place where facility is available is

<5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c

Power Supply for Commercial
Power Supply for Agricultural

Distance range code i.e. a for

Power Supply for Domestic
Birth & Death Registration

Power Supply for All Uses

Assembly Polling station
Sports Club / Recreation

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply

Name of Village
Public Library
Sports Field,

for 10+ kms

Use (EAG)
Use (ED)

Use (EC)

Sl. No.


90 91 92 93 94 95 96 (EA)
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 2 1
Yes a a a Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Agastheeswaram b Vadasery (Part) 1
Yes a a Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Asaripallam b Neendakara-A (Part) 2
Yes a b Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Nagercoil a Vempanoor 3
Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Nagercoil b Neendakara -B 4
Yes a b Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Nagercoil b Dharmapuram (Part) 5
Yes b b Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Nagercoil b Madhusoodhanapuram (Part) 6
a b b a a Yes a a Yes Yes Yes Yes Nagercoil b Thengamputhoor (Part) 7
Yes b b Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Thenthamaraikulam b Parakkai 8
Yes a b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Kanniyakumari a Thamaraikulam (Part) 9
8 1 0 7 8 9 8 1 9 9 9 9

Name of CD Block:-Thackalai Location CodeNo:-0337

Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Pathmanabapuram a Valvachagostam 1
Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes No Yes Yes Thakkalai a Thackalai 2
2 2 0 2 2 2 2 0 2 1 2 2

Name of CD Block:-Kurunthancode Location CodeNo:-0338

Yes b a Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Colachel a Kalkulam 1
Yes a a Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes No Yes Yes Thingal nagar a Colachel 2
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Eraniel a Thalakkulam 3
Yes b b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Colachel a Kurunthencode (Part) 4
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Eraniel b Kadiapattinam 5
5 2 2 5 5 5 5 3 5 4 5 5


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Rajakkamangalam Location CodeNo:-0336
Land Use
Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal place)

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree Crops etc.

Fallow lands other than current fallows

Permanent Pastures and Other Grazing
Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Barren and Un-cultivable land

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area
Culturable Waste Land
Name of Village

Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Sl. No.


1 2 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
1 Vadasery (Part) 0 944.3 388 0 187.5 0 0 0 787.1 787.1 0
2 Neendakara-A (Part) 0 454.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1057.2 1057.2 0
3 Vempanoor 0 296.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1066.3 1066.3 0
4 Neendakara -B 0 429.4 0 0 13.9 0 0 0 1601.9 1601.9 0
5 Dharmapuram (Part) 0 222.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 954.6 289.2 665.3
6 Madhusoodhanapuram (Part) 0 6 76 0 3 0 0 0 154.8 0 154.8
7 Thengamputhoor (Part) 0 2.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.2 0 6.2
8 P arakkai 0 71.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 329.4 329.4 0
9 Thamaraikulam (Part) 0 338.4 33.2 0 12.6 0 0 0 755.8 755.8 0
BLOCK TOTAL 0 2766.1 497.2 0 217 0 0 0 6713.3 5886.9 826.3

Name of CD Block:-Thackalai Location CodeNo:-0337

1 Valvachagostam 0 80.1 0 0 80 0 0 0 260 260 0
2 Thackalai 0 96.7 0 0 22.5 0 0 0 24.7 24.7 0
BLOCK TOTAL 0 176.8 0 0 102.5 0 0 0 284.7 284.7 0

Name of CD Block:-Kurunthancode Location CodeNo:-0338

1 Kalkulam 88.7 545.6 23.4 0 0 0 0 9.3 1682.2 1682.2 0
2 Colachel 0 454.7 67.5 0 1.7 0 0 0 1076.8 1076.8 0
3 Thalakkulam 0 303.7 0 0 1 0 0 0 827.4 827.4 0
4 Kurunthencode (Part) 0 181.5 0 0 47.1 0 0 0 757.1 757.1 0
5 Kadiapattinam 0 467 0 0 14 0 0 0 1445 1445 0
BLOCK TOTAL 88.7 1952.5 90.9 0 63.8 0 0 9.3 5788.5 5788.5 0

Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )
Name of CD Block:-Rajakkamang alam Location CodeNo:-0336
Land Use Name of three most important
Area irrigated by source (in hectare). commodities manufactured



Name of Village
Water Falls(WF)
Canals ( C )



Sl. No.
115 116 117 118 119 First
120 121 122 2 1
0 0 787.1 0 0 Vadasery (Part) 1
0 0 1057.2 0 0 Rice Neendakara-A (Part) 2
0 20 1046.3 0 0 Rice Vempanoor 3
0 0 1601.9 0 0 Rope Neendakara -B 4
0 135.4 153.8 0 0 Rope Dharmapuram (Part) 5
0 0 0 0 0 Madhusoodhanapuram (Part) 6
0 0 0 0 0 Thengamputhoor (Part) 7
0 118 211.4 0 0 Parakkai 8
0 508.1 247.6 0 0 Rope Thamaraikulam (Part) 9
0 781.5 5105.3 0 0

Name of CD Block:-Thackalai Location CodeNo:-0337

20 0 240 0 0 Valvachagostam 1
12.1 0.9 11.7 0 0 Thackalai 2
32.1 0.9 251.7 0 0

Name of CD Block:-Kurunthancode Location CodeNo:-0338

0 10 1672.2 0 0 Kalkulam 1
0 13.9 1062.9 0 0 Colachel 2
0 12.2 815.2 0 0 Thalakkulam 3
0 0 757.1 0 0 Kurunthencode (Part) 4
0 44.8 1400.1 0 0 Rope Beedi Cotton Products Kadiapattinam 5
0 80.9 5707.5 0 0







Alphabetical list of villages with location code numbers in 2001 and 2011

Name of the District: Kanniyakumari Name of the CD Block:Thiruvattaru

Serial Name of the Village 2011 Census location 2001 Census location
number code number code number
1 2 3 4
Name of the Taluk: Kalkulam
1 Aruvikkarai (Part) 643123 01626500
2 Attoor (Part) 643127 01626900
3 Mecode 643126 01626800
4 Ponmanai 643125 43020000
5 Surulacode 643124 01626600
6 Thirpparappu 643122 01626400
7 Veerapuli Extn. (Old Kulasekarapuram) 643137 01626300
8 Veerapuli R.F. 643136 01626200
9 Veeyanoor (Part) 643128 01627000

Name of the CD Block: Killiyur

Name of the Taluk: Vilavancode
1 Keezhkulam 643098 01625800
2 Nattalam (Part) 643095 01625000
3 Paloor (Part) 643099 01626000


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Thiruvattaru Location CodeNo:-0339
Number of educational amenities available (If not
available within the village, the distance range code

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded up to one

viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms
of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Degree college of arts science & commerce

Number of households (2011 census)
Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

Management institute (MI)

Engineering college(EC)
Pre-Primary school (PP)

Medical college (MC)

Secondary School (S)
Middle school (M)
Primary school (P)
Location code no.
Name of Village

Polytechnic (Pt)
decimal place)
Sl. No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1 Thirpparappu 643122 1654.4 4452 1154 2 2 1 1 1 c c c c b

2 Aruvikkarai (Part) 643123 320.4 5203 1410 4 4 4 3 2 b a c c a

3 Surulacode 643124 3297.2 4805 1332 1 5 3 1 a c c c c c

4 Ponmanai 643125 75.1 86 23 1 a a a b c c c c b

5 Mecode 643126 1935.9 5541 1405 4 3 3 a a b a c c b

6 Attoor (Part) 643127 1076.7 11699 2941 10 1 3 3 a b 1 c a c

7 Veeyanoor (Part) 643128 1128.6 3009 732 3 12 8 7 2 b a c c b

8 Veerapuli R.F. 643136 28109 1663 470 b b b b b c c c c c

9 Veerapuli Extn. (Old 643137 694 484 138 b b b b b c c c c c


BLOCK TOTAL 38291.3 36942 9605 25 27 22 15 5 0 1 0 0 0

Name of CD Block:-Kiliyur Location CodeNo:-0340

1 Nattalam (Part) 643095 1625.6 5101 1340 6 9 6 6 4 a 1 c c a

2 Keezhkulam 643098 1050.5 13097 2745 14 5 4 5 2 b b c c b

3 Paloor (Part) 643099 962.2 8690 2368 14 2 2 2 1 b a c c a

BLOCK TOTAL 3638.3 26888 6453 34 16 12 13 7 0 1 0 0 0


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Thiruvattaru Location CodeNo:-0339
Number of educational Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the
amenities available (If not village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms
available within the and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is
village, the distance range given).
code viz; a for <5 Kms, b
for 5-10 Kms and c for
10+ kms of nearest place
where facility is available
is given).
Non-formal training centre (NFTC)

Maternity and child welfare centre

Special school for disabled (SSD)

Community health centre (CHC)

Primary health sub centre (PHS)

Vocational training school /ITI

Hospital-alternative medicine

Family welfare centre (FWC)

Primary health centre (PHC)

Mobile health clinic (MHC)

Veterinary hospital (VH)
Hospital-allopathic (HA)
T.B. clinic (TBC)

Name of Village
Others (specify)

Dispensary (D)

Sl. No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 1

c 1 1 a 1 4 1 1 c c 1 b 1 Thirpparappu 1

b 1 b b a 1 a a c c a b a Aruvikkarai (Part) 2

b 1 c a 1 2 1 1 c c 1 b 1 Surulacode 3

b a b a a a a a c c a a a Ponmanai 4

b 1 b b a 1 a a c c a c a Mecode 5

b 1 b a 1 5 1 1 b b 1 b 1 Attoor (Part) 6

b 1 c b a 1 a a b b a a a Veeyanoor (Part) 7

c b b b b b b b c c b c b Veerapuli R.F. 8

c b b b b b b b c c b c b Veerapuli Extn. (Old 9


0 6 1 0 0 3 14 3 3 0 0 3 0 0 3

Name of CD Block:-Kiliyur Location CodeNo:-0340

b 1 a a 1 2 1 1 b b 1 a 1 Nattalam (Part) 1

b 2 b a 1 2 1 1 c c 1 1 1 Keezhkulam 2

b 2 a a 1 1 1 1 c c 1 a 1 Paloor (Part) 3

0 5 0 0 0 3 5 3 3 0 0 3 1 0 3


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Thiruvattaru Location CodeNo:-0339
Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities Availability of drinking water - Yes / No

Traditional practitioner and faith

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

Medical practitioner with no

Well water (Covered /

hospital/Nursing home.

Tube wells / Bore well

Charitable non Govt.

Tank / Pond / Lake

Name of Village

Uncovered well)
Medicine Shop

River / Canal
Hand Pump
Sl. No.

healer .




1 2 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

1 Thirpparappu 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

2 Aruvikkarai (Part) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

3 Surulacode 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes

4 Ponmanai 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Yes No No No No No

5 Mecode 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes

6 Attoor (Part) 1 5 2 0 5 2 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes

7 Veeyanoor (Part) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes

8 Veerapuli R.F. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

9 Veerapuli Extn. (Old 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No


BLOCK TOTAL 1 6 2 1 11 3 0 9 9 7 6 7 6 4 7

Name of CD Block:-Kiliyur Location CodeNo:-0340

1 Nattalam (Part) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes

2 Keezhkulam 1 5 2 0 1 4 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No

3 Paloor (Part) 0 2 5 0 1 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes

BLOCK TOTAL 1 7 7 0 2 5 0 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 2


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Thiruvattaru Location CodeNo:-0339
Availability of toilet & others Communication and transport facilities (If amenities
Yes / No available code -Yes is given except for Village Pin Code
,If not available within the village , the distance range
code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+
kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Post & Telegraph office (P&TO)

Community toilet including bath.

hardware outlet available near the

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Community toilet excluding bath.

Internet cafes/ Common service

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary

(Land lines)
waste for productive use.

Public call office (PCO)

Mobile phone coverage

Sub post office (SPO)

Village Pin Code

Name of Village
Post office(PO)

centre (CSC)

Sl. No.
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 629161 Yes Yes Yes b Thirpparappu 1

Yes Yes No Yes a Yes Yes 629177 Yes Yes Yes a Aruvikkarai (Part) 2

No Yes Yes No b Yes b 629164 Yes Yes Yes b Surulacode 3

No Yes No No a a b 629164 Yes a Yes b Ponmanai 4

No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 629177 Yes Yes Yes a Mecode 5

Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 629177 Yes Yes Yes Yes Attoor (Part) 6

No No No No a a b 629158 Yes a Yes b Veeyanoor (Part) 7

No No No No b b c 629161 Yes b b b Veerapuli R.F. 8

No No No No b b c 629161 Yes b b b Veerapuli Extn. (Old 9


3 5 3 2 3 5 4 9 9 5 7 1

Name of CD Block:-Kiliyur Location CodeNo:-0340

No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 629165 Yes Yes Yes b Nattalam (Part) 1

No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 629193 Yes Yes Yes b Keezhkulam 2

Yes No Yes No a Yes a 629157 Yes Yes Yes a Paloor (Part) 3

1 2 3 0 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 0


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Thiruvattaru Location CodeNo:-0339
Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given
except for Village Pin Code, If not available within the village, the distance range
code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where
facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual &

Bus service (Public & Private)

Carts driven by animals

Sea /River ferry service

Private courier facility

Auto/Modified Autos
Name of Village

Railway stations

Machine driven)
Taxis and Vans

Sl. No.

1 2 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

1 Thirpparappu Yes Yes c Yes Yes

2 Aruvikkarai (Part) a Yes c Yes Yes

3 Surulacode b Yes c Yes Yes

4 Ponmanai b Yes c a a

5 Mecode a Yes b Yes Yes

6 Attoor (Part) b Yes b Yes Yes

7 Veeyanoor (Part) b Yes b b Yes

8 Veerapuli R.F. b b c b b

9 Veerapuli Extn. (Old b b c b b


BLOCK TOTAL 1 7 0 5 6 0 0 0 0

Name of CD Block:-Kiliyur Location CodeNo:-0340

1 Nattalam (Part) b Yes b Yes Yes

2 Keezhkulam Yes Yes b Yes Yes

3 Paloor (Part) a Yes b Yes Yes

BLOCK TOTAL 1 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 0


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Thiruvattaru Location CodeNo:-0339
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If amenities
available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village , the distance range
code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where
facility is available is given).

Water bounded macadam(WBM) roads

Connected to national highway(NH)

Commercial & Co-operative Banks

Connected to others district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Connected to major district road

Agricultural Credit Societies

Navigable waterway

Name of Village
Kutchcha roads

Footpaths (FP)
Pucca roads

Sl. No.
68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 2 1

c Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Thirpparappu 1

c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Aruvikkarai (Part) 2

c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b b b Surulacode 3

c Yes b b Yes Yes Yes Yes a b a Ponmanai 4

c b a a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a b Mecode 5

b b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes Attoor (Part) 6

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a b b Veeyanoor (Part) 7

c b b b b b b Yes b b b Veerapuli R.F. 8

c b b b b b b Yes b b b Veerapuli Extn. (Old 9


1 5 5 4 7 7 7 0 9 4 1 3

Name of CD Block:-Kiliyur Location CodeNo:-0340

b Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes b b b Nattalam (Part) 1

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Keezhkulam 2

b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Paloor (Part) 3

1 3 3 2 3 3 3 0 3 2 0 2


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Thiruvattaru Location CodeNo:-0339
Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village, the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms
and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Community centre with/without TV

ASHA (Accredited Social Health
Public distribution system (PDS)

Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional

Agricultural marketing society

Integrated Child Development

Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Mandis / Regular market
Self-Help Group (SHG)
Name of Village

Weekly Haat

Sl. No.


1 2 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

1 Thirpparappu Yes Yes Yes b b Yes Yes Yes Yes

2 Aruvikkarai (Part) Yes Yes a a a Yes Yes Yes a

3 Surulacode Yes Yes b b b Yes Yes Yes Yes

4 Ponmanai a a a b b Yes Yes Yes a

5 Mecode Yes Yes b b c Yes Yes Yes Yes

6 Attoor (Part) Yes Yes Yes b b Yes Yes Yes a

7 Veeyanoor (Part) Yes Yes a b b Yes Yes Yes a

8 Veerapuli R.F. b b b c c Yes Yes Yes b

9 Veerapuli Extn. (Old b b b b c b b Yes b


BLOCK TOTAL 6 6 2 0 0 8 8 9 3

Name of CD Block:-Kiliyur Location CodeNo:-0340

1 Nattalam (Part) Yes Yes a b b Yes Yes Yes a

2 Keezhkulam Yes Yes Yes b b Yes Yes Yes a

3 Paloor (Part) Yes Yes a a a Yes Yes Yes Yes

BLOCK TOTAL 3 3 1 0 0 3 3 3 1


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Thiruvattaru Location CodeNo:-0339
Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If Availability of electricity Nearest Town
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not (Yes/No)
available within the village, the distance range
code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms
and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where
facility is available is given).

<5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c

Power Supply for Commercial
Power Supply for Agricultural

Distance range code i.e. a for

Power Supply for Domestic
Birth & Death Registration

Power Supply for All Uses

Assembly Polling station
Sports Club / Recreation

Public Reading Room

Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply

Name of Village
Public Library
Sports Field,

for 10+ kms

Use (EAG)
Use (ED)

Use (EC)

Sl. No.


90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 2 1

Yes Yes c Yes Yes Yes Yes b Yes No Yes Yes Thiruvattar b Thirpparappu 1

Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Ponmanai a Aruvikkarai (Part) 2

Yes a c a Yes Yes Yes b Yes No Yes Yes Pathmanabapuram c Surulacode 3

a b c a a a a a Yes No Yes Yes Pathmanabapuram b Ponmanai 4

Yes a b a Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Athur c Mecode 5

Yes Yes b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pathmanabapuram a Attoor (Part) 6

Yes a b a a Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Mulagumudu b Veeyanoor (Part) 7

Yes b c b b b b b Yes No No No Veerapuli R.F. 8

Yes b c b b b b b Yes No No No Veerapuli Extn. (Old 9


8 3 0 3 5 6 6 1 9 4 7 7

Name of CD Block:-Kiliyur Location CodeNo:-0340

Yes a b a Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Ezhudesam a Nattalam (Part) 1

Yes b c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Kuzhithurai c Keezhkulam 2

Yes b b a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Kuzhithurai b Paloor (Part) 3

3 0 0 1 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Thiruvattaru Location CodeNo:-0339
Land Use
Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal place)

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Fallow lands other than current

Barren and Un-cultivable land

Permanent Pastures and Other

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area
Culturable Waste Land
Name of Village

Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Grazing Lands

Crops etc.

Sl. No.


1 2 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114

1 Thirpparappu 0 182.3 14 0 0 0 0 0 1458.1 1458.1 0

2 Aruvikkarai (Part) 0 3.9 0.9 0 3.9 2.5 28.8 1.7 278.7 278.7 0

3 Surulacode 313.1 196.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2787.9 2787.9 0

4 Ponmanai 0 1.5 18.1 0 55.5 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Mecode 0 173.7 41.5 0 37.5 0 0 0 1683.2 367.2 1316

6 Attoor (Part) 0 238.8 2.3 0 5 0 0 0 830.6 155.2 675.4

7 Veeyanoor (Part) 0 144.6 42.1 0 0 0 0 0 941.8 150.2 791.6

8 Veerapuli R.F. 28109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 Veerapuli Extn. (Old 694 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


BLOCK TOTAL 29116 941 118.9 0 101.9 2.5 28.8 1.7 7980.3 5197.3 2783

Name of CD Block:-Kiliyur Location CodeNo:-0340

1 Nattalam (Part) 0 406 0 0 0 0 0 0 1219.6 231.4 988.2

2 Keezhkulam 0 40.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1010 75.8 934.2

3 Paloor (Part) 0 153.6 1 0 3.6 0 0 0 804.1 191.6 612.5

BLOCK TOTAL 0 600.1 1 0 3.6 0 0 0 3033.7 498.8 2534.9


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Thiruvattaru Location CodeNo:-0339
Land Use Name of three most important
Area irrigated by source (in hectare).
Wells/Tube-wells(W/TW) commodities manufactured


Water Falls(WF)

Name of Village
Canals ( C )



Sl. No.
115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1

80 0 1378.1 0 0 Thirpparappu 1

6.7 0.9 271 0 0 Aruvikkarai (Part) 2

157.3 13 2617.6 0 0 Surulacode 3

0 0 0 0 0 Ponmanai 4

156.4 5 181.7 0 24 Rubber Band Mecode 5

61.2 0 94 0 0 Rubber Sheet Attoor (Part) 6

20 0 106.2 0 24 Veeyanoor (Part) 7

0 0 0 0 0 Veerapuli R.F. 8

0 0 0 0 0 Veerapuli Extn. (Old 9


481.6 18.9 4648.6 0 24

Name of CD Block:-Kiliyur Location CodeNo:-0340

122.2 0 109.2 0 0 Coconut Oil Banana Chips Nattalam (Part) 1

12.9 28.8 34.1 0 0 Coconut Oil Keezhkulam 2

63.2 6 122.4 0 0 Chips Coconut Oil Paloor (Part) 3

198.3 34.8 265.7 0 0







Alphabetical list of villages with location code numbers in 2001 and 2011

Name of the District: Kanniyakumari Name of the CD Block: Munchirai

Serial Name of the Village 2011 Census location 2001 Census location
number code number code number
1 2 3 4

Name of the Taluk: Vilavancode

1 Arudesam (Part) 643097 01625600

2 Ezhudesam 643096 01625500

Name of the CD Block: Melpuram

Name of the Taluk: Vilavancode

1 Edaicode 643094 01624600

2 Mancode (Part) 643093 01624300

Name of the CD Block: Not under Any CD Block

Name of the Taluk: Vilavancode

1 Kilamalai R.F. 643100 01624200

Name of the Taluk: Kalkulam

2 Velimalai Forest 643138 01626700

Name of the Taluk: Thovala

3 Asambu R.F. 643157 01628100

4 Mahendragiri R.F. 643158 01628200

5 Thekkumalai East 643163 01629700

6 Thekkumalai West 643162 01629600

7 Veerapuli R.F. 643156 01628000

8 Velimalai R.F. 643161 01628900

Name of the Taluk: Agastheeswaram

9 Thekkumalai RF.(West and East) 643185 01630200


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Munchirai Location CodeNo:-0341
Number of educational amenities available (If not

Total area of the village ( in hectares rounded up to one

available within the village, the distance range code
viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms
of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Number of households (2011 census)

Degree college of arts science &

Total population ( 2011 census )

Senior Secondary school (SS)

Management institute (MI)

Engineering college(EC)
Pre-Primary school (PP)

Medical college (MC)

Secondary School (S)
Primary school (P)

Middle school (M)

Location code no.

commerce (ASC)
Name of Village

Polytechnic (Pt)
decimal place)
Sl. No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 Ezhudesam 643096 420 16478 3385 2 26 13 4 3 a b c c a
2 Arudesam (Part) 643097 868.7 2383 642 10 10 9 3 2 b b c b 1
BLOCK TOTAL 1288.7 18861 4027 12 36 22 7 5 0 0 0 0 1

Name of CD Block:- Melpuram Location CodeNo:-0342

1 Mancode (Part) 643093 1063.6 6481 1623 6 5 3 1 a c a c c 1
2 Edaicode 643094 541 8459 2143 5 9 4 2 1 a b c c 1
BLOCK TOTAL 1604.6 14940 3766 11 14 7 3 1 0 0 0 0 2

Name of CD Block:- Not under any CD Block Location CodeNo:-9999

1 Kilamalai R.F. 643100 6300 294 77 1 1 1 a a a c c c c
2 Velimalai Forest 643138 1126 96 47 a a a a a c c c c c
3 Veerapuli R.F. 643156 400 0 0 -
4 Asambu R.F. 643157 20 0 0 -
5 Mahendragiri R.F. 643158 4360 0 0 -
6 Velimalai R.F. 643161 872 0 0 Uninhabited
7 Thekkumalai West 643162 906.5 0 0 -
8 Thekkumalai East 643163 1187.8 0 0 -
9 Thekkumalai RF.(West 643185 48.3 0 0 -
and East)

BLOCK TOTAL 15220.6 390 124 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DISTRICT TOTAL 101967.9 330572 85478 194 213 144 102 47 3 10 1 1 16


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Munchirai Location CodeNo:-0341
Number of educational Number of Medical Amenities available. (If not available within the
amenities available (If not village , the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10
available within the Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available
village, the distance range is given).
code viz; a for <5 Kms, b
for 5-10 Kms and c for
10+ kms of nearest place
where facility is available
is given).

Maternity and child welfare

Special school for disabled
Non-formal training centre
Vocational training school

Primary health sub centre

Community health centre

Veterinary hospital (VH)

Hospital-allopathic (HA)

Family welfare centre

Primary health centre

Mobile health clinic

T.B. clinic (TBC)

Name of Village
Others (specify)

Dispensary (D)
medicine (HO)
centre (MCW)


Sl. No.



17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 1
a 2 a a 2 8 2 2 b b 2 a 2 Ezhudesam 1
1 1 b 1 2 1 2 2 c c 2 3 2 Arudesam (Part) 2
1 3 0 0 1 4 9 4 4 0 0 4 3 0 4

Name of CD Block:- Melpuram Location CodeNo:-0342

b 2 c c 1 2 1 1 c c 1 1 1 Mancode (Part) 1
a 1 b 1 1 1 1 1 b b 1 1 1 Edaicode 2
0 3 0 0 1 2 3 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 2

Name of CD Block:- Not under any CD Block Location CodeNo:-9999

c 1 c c a a a a c c a c a Kilamalai R.F. 1
c a c b a a a a c c a b a Velimalai Forest 2
- Veerapuli R.F. 3
- Asambu R.F. 4
- Mahendragiri R.F. 5
Uninhabited Velimalai R.F. 6
- Thekkumalai West 7
- Thekkumalai East 8
- Thekkumalai RF.(West and 9

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 57 3 1 7 37 85 37 37 0 0 37 21 0 37


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Munchirai Location CodeNo:-0341
Number of Non-Government Medical Amenities Availability of drinking water - Yes / No

(Covered / Uncovered
Medical practitioner with no degree

Traditional practitioner and faith

Medical practitioner with MBBS

Medical practitioner with other

Tap water (Treated/Untreated)

hospital/Nursing home.

Tube wells / Bore well

Charitable non Govt.

Tank / Pond / Lake

Name of Village

Medicine Shop

River / Canal
Hand Pump
Well water
healer .
Sl. No.




1 2 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
1 Ezhudesam 1 4 0 0 3 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
2 Arudesam (Part) 0 3 2 0 2 4 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No
BLOCK TOTAL 1 7 2 0 5 4 0 2 2 2 2 0 1 0 1

Name of CD Block:- Melpuram Location CodeNo:-0342

1 Mancode (Part) 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
2 Edaicode 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 2

Name of CD Block:- Not under any CD Block Location CodeNo:-9999

1 Kilamalai R.F. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes No No No No No No No
2 Velimalai Forest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes Yes No No Yes No No No
3 Veerapuli R.F. -
4 Asambu R.F. -
5 Mahendragiri R.F. -
6 Velimalai R.F. Uninhabited
7 Thekkumalai West -
8 Thekkumalai East -
9 Thekkumalai RF.(West -
and East)

BLOCK TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
DISTRICT TOTAL 7 88 35 11 53 65 0 56 52 37 47 22 19 10 37


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Munchirai Location CodeNo:-0341
Availability of toilet & others Communication and transport facilities (If amenities
Yes / No available code -Yes is given except for Village Pin Code ,If
not available within the village , the distance range code
viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of
nearest place where facility is available is given).

Post & Telegraph office (P&TO)

Community toilet including bath.

hardware outlet available near the

Community bio- gas or recycle of

Community toilet excluding bath.

Internet cafes/ Common service

Rural sanitary mart or sanitary

(Land lines)
waste for productive use.

Public call office (PCO)

Mobile phone coverage

Sub post office (SPO)

Village Pin Code

Name of Village
Post office(PO)

centre (CSC)

Sl. No.
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 629169 Yes Yes Yes b Ezhudesam 1
Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 629172 Yes Yes Yes a Arudesam (Part) 2
1 1 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0

Name of CD Block:- Melpuram Location CodeNo:-0342

No Yes Yes No a Yes b 629152 Yes Yes Yes b Mancode (Part) 1
No No No No Yes Yes Yes 629152 Yes Yes b b Edaicode 2
0 1 1 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 0

Name of CD Block:- Not under any CD Block Location CodeNo:-9999

No Yes No No a a a 629001 a a Yes b Kilamalai R.F. 1
No No No No b a c 629161 Yes a a a Velimalai Forest 2
- Veerapuli R.F. 3
- Asambu R.F. 4
- Mahendragiri R.F. 5
Uninhabited Velimalai R.F. 6
- Thekkumalai West 7
- Thekkumalai East 8
- Thekkumalai RF.(West and 9

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0
15 37 23 5 12 41 17 56 53 44 49 5


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Munchirai Location CodeNo:-0341
Communication and transport facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given except for
Village Pin Code, If not available within the village, the distance range code viz; a for < 5
Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given).

Cycle-pulled rickshaws(Manual &

Bus service (Public & Private)

Carts driven by animals

Sea /River ferry service

Private courier facility

Auto/Modified Autos
Name of Village

Railway stations

Machine driven)
Taxis and Vans

Sl. No.

1 2 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
1 Ezhudesam Yes Yes b Yes Yes
2 Arudesam (Part) a Yes b Yes Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 1 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0

Name of CD Block:- Melpuram Location CodeNo:-0342

1 Mancode (Part) b Yes c Yes Yes
2 Edaicode b Yes b Yes Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0

Name of CD Block:- Not under any CD Block Location CodeNo:-9999

1 Kilamalai R.F. a a c a a
2 Velimalai Forest a a c a a
3 Veerapuli R.F. -
4 Asambu R.F. -
5 Mahendragiri R.F. -
6 Velimalai R.F. Uninhabited
7 Thekkumalai West -
8 Thekkumalai East -
9 Thekkumalai RF.(West and -

BLOCK TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DISTRICT TOTAL 8 50 5 40 38 0 0 0 0


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Munchirai Location CodeNo:-0341
Village connected to highways,village roads, banks & credit societies (If amenities
available code -Yes is given, If not available within the village , the distance range code
viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is
available is given).
Connected to national highway(NH)

Commercial & Co-operative Banks

Water bounded macadam(WBM)
Connected to others district road
Connected to state highway(SH)

Connected to major district road

Agricultural Credit Societies

Navigable waterway

Name of Village
Kutchcha roads

Footpaths (FP)
Pucca roads

Sl. No.

68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 2 1
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a Ezhudesam 1
b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Arudesam (Part) 2
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 1

Name of CD Block:- Melpuram Location CodeNo:-0342

b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a c c Mancode (Part) 1
b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes b b Edaicode 2
0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 1 0 0

Name of CD Block:- Not under any CD Block Location CodeNo:-9999

c b a a a Yes Yes Yes c c c Kilamalai R.F. 1
c b b b b b b Yes b b b Velimalai Forest 2
- Veerapuli R.F. 3
- Asambu R.F. 4
- Mahendragiri R.F. 5
Uninhabited Velimalai R.F. 6
- Thekkumalai West 7
- Thekkumalai East 8
- Thekkumalai RF.(West and 9

0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0
17 39 36 36 50 51 51 0 56 30 8 23


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Munchirai Location Co deNo:-0341
Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If amenities available code -Yes is given, If not
available within the village, the distance range code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c
for 10+ kms of nearest place where facility is available is given)

Community centre with/without TV

ASHA (Accredited Social Health
Public distribution system (PDS)

Anganwadi Centre (Nutritional

Agricultural marketing society

Integrated Child Development

Scheme (Nutritional Centres)

Others (Nutritional Centres)

Mandis / Regular market
Self-Help Group (SHG)
Name of Village

Weekly Haat

Sl. No.


1 2 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
1 Ezhudesam Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 Arudesam (Part) Yes Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 0 2

Name of CD Block:- Melpuram Location CodeNo:-0342

1 Mancode (Part) Yes Yes b a c Yes Yes Yes a
2 Edaicode Yes Yes b b b Yes Yes Yes Yes
BLOCK TOTAL 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 1

Name of CD Block:- Not under any CD Block Location CodeNo:-9999

1 Kilamalai R.F. Yes Yes b b b Yes Yes Yes a
2 Velimalai Forest b b b b c a a Yes a
3 Veerapuli R.F. -
4 Asambu R.F. -
5 Mahendragiri R.F. -
6 Velimalai R.F. Uninhabited
7 Thekkumalai West -
8 Thekkumalai East -
9 Thekkumalai RF.(West and -

BLOCK TOTAL 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0
DISTRICT TOTAL 50 47 16 7 11 52 52 56 0 33


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Munchirai Location CodeNo:-0341
Availability of miscellaneous facilities (If Availability of electricity Nearest Town
amenities available code -Yes is given, If not (Yes/No)
available within the village, the distance range
code viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms
and c for 10+ kms of nearest place where
facility is available is given).

Birth & Death Registration Office

Distance range code i.e. a for <5

Power Supply for All Uses (EA)
Power Supply for Domestic Use
Sports Club / Recreation Centre

Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for

Power Supply for Commercial
Power Supply for Agricultural
Assembly Polling station
Public Reading Room
Cinema / Video Hall

Newspaper Supply

Name of Village
Public Library
Sports Field,

Use (EAG)

Use (EC)

10+ kms

Sl. No.

90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 2 1

Yes Yes a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pudhu kadai a Ezhudesam 1
Yes a b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Kilkulam a Arudesam (Part) 2
2 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Name of CD Block:- Melpuram Location CodeNo:-0342

Yes b a a a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Idaicode c Mancode (Part) 1
Yes b b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unnamalaikadai a Edaicode 2
2 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Name of CD Block:- Not under any CD Block Location CodeNo:-9999

Yes a c b a a a b Yes No No Yes Thirpparappu c Kilamalai R.F. 1
Yes a c a a a a a Yes No No No Bootha pandi b Velimalai Forest 2
- Veerapuli R.F. 3
- Asambu R.F. 4
- Mahendragiri R.F. 5
Uninhabited Velimalai R.F. 6
- Thekkumalai West 7
- Thekkumalai East 8
- Marandalli a Thekkumalai RF.(West 9
and East)

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1
50 13 2 35 44 49 46 14 56 44 49 50


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Munchirai Location CodeNo:-0341
Land Use
Area under different types of land use ( in hectares rounded up to one decimal place)

Area under Non-agricultural Uses

Land Under Miscellaneous Tree

Fallow lands other than current

Barren and Un-cultivable land

Permanent Pastures and Other

Total Un-irrigated Land Area

Total Irrigated Land Area
Culturable Waste Land
Name of Village

Current Fallows

Net Area Sown

Grazing Lands

Crops etc.

Sl. No.


1 2 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
1 Ezhudesam 0 120 20 0 50 150 0 0 80 80 0
2 Arudesam (Part) 0 0 0 0 719 0 149.7 0 0 0 0
BLOCK TOTAL 0 120 20 0 769 150 149.7 0 80 80 0

Name of CD Block:- Melpuram Location CodeNo:-0342

1 Mancode (Part) 5 6 104.2 0 0 0 50.2 0 898.2 898.2 0
2 Edaicode 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 526 526 0
BLOCK TOTAL 5 21 104.2 0 0 0 50.2 0 1424.2 1424.2 0

Name of CD Block:- Not under any CD Block Location CodeNo:-9999

1 Kilamalai R.F. 4823 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1477.5 1477.5 0
2 Velimalai Forest 1126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Veerapuli R.F. 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Asambu R.F. 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Mahendragiri R.F. 4360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Velimalai R.F. 872 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Thekkumalai West 906.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Thekkumalai East 1188 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Thekkumalai RF.(West 48.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
and East)

BLOCK TOTAL 13743 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1477.5 1477.5 0

DISTRICT TOTAL 47687 12556.8 2728.4 41.7 1404 296.8 248.9 73 36932.2 28548.9 8383.2


Amenities and Land use ( As in 2009 )

Name of CD Block:-Munchirai Location CodeNo:-0341
Land Use Name of three most important commodities
Area irrigated by source (in hectare). manufactured


Water Falls(WF)

Name of Village
Canals ( C )



Sl. No.

115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 2 1

6 1 73 0 0 Coconut Oil Chips Ezhudesam 1
0 0 0 0 0 Cashewnut Coconut Oil Soap Arudesam (Part) 2
6 1 73 0 0

Name of CD Block:- Melpuram Location CodeNo:-0342

0 13.1 885.1 0 0 Rubber Sheet Coconut Oil Mancode (Part) 1
0 0 526 0 0 Edaicode 2
0 13.1 1411.1 0 0

Name of CD Block:- Not under any CD Block Location CodeNo:-9999

0 0 1477.5 0 0 Rubber Sheet Kilamalai R.F. 1
0 0 0 0 0 Velimalai Forest 2
0 0 0 0 0 Veerapuli R.F. 3
0 0 0 0 0 Asambu R.F. 4
0 0 0 0 0 Mahendragiri R.F. 5
0 0 0 0 0 Velimalai R.F. 6
0 0 0 0 0 Thekkumalai West 7
0 0 0 0 0 Thekkumalai East 8
0 0 0 0 0 Thekkumalai RF.(West and 9

0 0 1477.5 0 0
1814.9 1616.8 25069 0 48





Appendix I - Village Directory

Summary showing total number of villages having educational, medical and other amenities -CD Block level

Sl. No. Name of CD block Inhabited Total Villages having educational institutions
villages population

Degree college of arts sceince & commerce

Degree college of engineering

Senior secondary school (SS)
Pre-primary school

Secondary school

Medical college
Primary school

Middle school
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Agastheeswaram 10 38585 10 7 6 7 3 1 3 0

2 Thovalai 12 50496 10 10 9 7 4 0 2 0

3 Rajakkamangalam 9 67174 9 9 8 8 7 1 1 1

4 Thackalai 2 15130 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0

5 Kurunthancode 5 61166 5 5 5 5 3 1 1 0

6 Thiruvattaru 9 36942 7 6 6 5 3 0 1 0

7 Killiyur 3 26888 3 3 3 3 3 0 1 0

8 Munchirai 2 18861 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0

9 Melpuram 2 14940 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0

10 Not under any CD 2 390 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0


Total 56 330572 51 47 44 40 26 3 9 1


Appendix I - Village Directory

Summary showing total number of villages having educational, medical and other amenities -CD Block level

Villages having educational institutions (contd.) Villages having Medical institutions Name of CD block Sl. No.

Maternity and child welfare centre

Vocational training school /ITI

Special school for disabled

Non-formal training centre

Primary health sub centre

Community health centre
No educational facility
Management institute

Primary health centre

Others (specify)

T.B. clinic
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 1

1 3 0 7 0 1 0 1 4 10 4 4 0 Agastheeswaram 1

0 2 2 10 0 0 2 2 6 9 6 6 0 Thovalai 2

0 4 0 9 2 0 0 1 6 9 6 6 0 Rajakkamangalam 3

0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 Thackalai 4

0 1 0 5 0 0 0 1 2 5 2 2 0 Kurunthancode 5

0 0 0 6 1 0 2 0 3 6 3 3 0 Thiruvattaru 6

0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 0 Killiyur 7

0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 0 Munchirai 8

0 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 0 Melpuram 9

0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not under any CD 10


1 13 3 47 3 1 5 7 29 48 29 29 0


Appendix I - Village Directory

Summary showing total number of villages having educational, medical and other amenities -CD Block level

Sl. No. Name of CD block Villages having Medical institutions (contd.) … Villages having drinking water

Medical practioner (with MBBS Degree)

Medical practioner (with other degree)

(coverd/ uncovered well)

Hospital-alternative medicine

Tap water (treated/untreated)

Family welfare centre
Mobile health clinic

Tubewell/ borewell
No medical facility
Veterinary hospital

Medicine shop

Hand pump

Well water
1 2 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

1 Agastheeswaram 0 4 1 0 4 4 0 4 0 0 10 9 5 9

2 Thovalai 0 6 3 0 6 9 3 9 0 3 12 11 6 10

3 Rajakkamangalam 0 6 7 0 6 7 5 6 0 0 9 8 6 8

4 Thackalai 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 2 1 2

5 Kurunthancode 0 2 3 0 2 4 2 4 0 0 5 5 5 5

6 Thiruvattaru 0 3 0 0 3 2 1 2 0 3 9 9 7 6

7 Killiyur 0 3 1 0 3 2 2 2 0 0 3 3 3 3

8 Munchirai 0 2 1 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 2

9 Melpuram 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2

10 Not under any CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 0


Total 0 29 18 0 29 31 14 29 0 8 56 52 37 47


Appendix I - Village Directory

Summary showing total number of villages having educational, medical and other amenities -CD Block level

Villages having drinking water Villages having Post & Telegraph Name of CD block Sl. No.

Internet cafes/ Common service centre

No drinking water facility

Mobile phone coverage

Post & telegraph office

(land lines)
Tank/ pond/ lake

Public call office

Sub post office
River/ canal

Post office


40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 2 1

2 0 0 8 0 1 8 2 10 9 10 1 Agastheeswaram 1

5 7 2 5 0 2 8 3 11 9 9 1 Thovalai 2

1 1 3 6 0 1 8 2 8 8 9 2 Rajakkamangalam 3

1 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 Thackalai 4

3 2 1 4 0 0 4 1 5 5 5 0 Kurunthancode 5

7 6 4 7 0 3 5 4 9 5 7 1 Thiruvattaru 6

1 0 0 2 0 2 3 2 3 3 3 0 Killiyur 7

0 1 0 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 Munchirai 8

1 1 0 2 0 1 2 1 2 2 1 0 Melpuram 9

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Not under any CD 10


22 19 10 37 0 12 41 17 53 44 49 5


Appendix I - Village Directory

Summary showing total number of villages having educational, medical and other amenities -CD Block level

Sl. No. Name of CD block Villages having transport Banks

Navigable water ways (river/canal/sea ferry

Commercial & co-operative

Bus service (public/private)
Village roads-pucca road

Auto/ modified autos

Railway station

Taxi & vans



1 2 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

1 Agastheeswaram 10 10 2 4 5 0 0 3 1

2 Thovalai 10 10 1 9 6 0 0 8 1

3 Rajakkamangalam 9 9 1 8 8 0 0 8 3

4 Thackalai 2 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0

5 Kurunthancode 5 5 0 5 4 0 0 2 0

6 Thiruvattaru 7 7 0 5 6 0 0 4 1

7 Killiyur 3 3 0 3 3 0 0 2 0

8 Munchirai 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 2 2

9 Melpuram 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 1 0

10 Not under any CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Total 50 50 5 40 38 0 0 30 8


Appendix I - Village Directory

Summary showing total number of villages having educational, medical and other amenities -CD Block level

Credit Villages having recreation facility Miscellaneous Villages having Name of CD block Sl. No.
societies power supply

Public distribution system (PDS) shop

Birth & death registration office

Agricultural credit societies

Availability of news paper

Asembly polling station

Public reading rooms
Cinema / video halls

Public library

Not available
Weekly haat

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 2 1

4 0 5 8 10 8 1 8 1 10 0 Agastheeswaram 1

3 0 9 10 10 10 1 10 2 12 0 Thovalai 2

8 0 7 8 9 8 2 8 1 9 0 Rajakkamangalam 3

0 0 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 Thackalai 4

2 2 5 5 5 5 2 5 3 5 0 Kurunthancode 5

3 0 3 5 6 6 0 6 1 9 0 Thiruvattaru 6

2 0 1 3 3 3 0 3 2 3 0 Killiyur 7

1 0 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 0 Munchirai 8

0 0 1 1 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 Melpuram 9

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 Not under any CD 10


23 2 35 44 49 47 7 46 14 56 0


Appendix IA - Village Directory

Villages by number of primary schools
Sl. No. Name of C.D.Block Inhabited villages Number of primary schools
None One Two Three Four +

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Agastheeswaram 10 3 4 1 0 2
2 Thovalai 12 2 1 2 5 2
3 Rajakkamangalam 9 0 1 2 0 6
4 Thackalai 2 0 0 0 2 0
5 Kurunthancode 5 0 1 1 0 3
6 Thiruvattaru 9 3 1 1 1 3
7 Killiyur 3 0 0 1 0 2
8 Munchirai 2 0 0 0 0 2
9 Melpuram 2 0 0 0 0 2
10 Not under any CD Block 2 1 1 0 0 0
Total 56 9 9 8 8 22

Appendix IB - Village Directory

Villages by primary, middle and secondary schools

Sl. No. Name of C.D.Block Inhabited Type of educational institutions available

No school At least one primary At least one primary At least one middle
school and no middle school and one school and one
school middle school secondary school
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Agastheeswaram 10 3 1 6 6

2 Thovalai 12 2 1 9 7

3 Rajakkamangalam 9 0 1 8 8

4 Thackalai 2 0 0 2 1

5 Kurunthancode 5 0 0 5 5

6 Thiruvattaru 9 3 0 6 5

7 Killiyur 3 0 0 3 3

8 Munchirai 2 0 0 2 2

9 Melpuram 2 0 0 2 2

10 Not under any CD 2 1 0 1 0


Total 56 9 3 44 39


Appendix IC - Village Directory

Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available
Sl. No. Name of C.D.Block Number of villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available
Only tap Only well Only tubewell Only handpump More than one source only
(treated/ (covered / /borewell from tap, well, tubewell,
untreated) uncovered) hand pump
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Agastheeswaram 1 0 0 0 9

2 Thovalai 0 0 0 0 12

3 Rajakkamangalam 1 0 0 0 8

4 Thackalai 0 0 0 0 2

5 Kurunthancode 0 0 0 0 5

6 Thiruvattaru 0 0 0 0 9

7 Killiyur 0 0 0 0 3

8 Munchirai 0 0 0 0 2

9 Melpuram 0 0 0 0 2

10 Not under any CD Block 1 0 0 0 1

Total 3 0 0 0 53


Appendix II- Village Directory

Villages with 5000 and above population which do not have one or more amenities available.

Sl. No. Name of CD Block Name of village Location Population Amenities not available (indicate N.A.
code where amenity not available)
Senior College Primary
secondary health sub
school centre
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Agastheeswaram Theroor 643168 5290 Available Available Available

2 Agastheeswaram Agasteeswaram 643182 7638 Available N.A. Available

3 Agastheeswaram Kanniyakumari 643184 9773 Available N.A. Available

4 Thovalai Derisanamcope 643148 5803 N.A. N.A. Available

5 Thovalai Erachakulam 643152 5715 N.A. Available Available

6 Thovalai Thirupathisaram 643153 5677 N.A. N.A. Available

7 Thovalai Chenbagaramanputhur (Part) 643154 8182 Available N.A. Available

8 Rajakkamangalam Vempanoor 643175 10177 Available N.A. Available

9 Rajakkamangalam Neendakara -B 643176 19716 Available N.A. Available

10 Rajakkamangalam Dharmapuram (Part) 643177 6196 Available N.A. Available

11 Rajakkamangalam Madhusoodhanapuram (Part) 643178 5928 Available N.A. Available

12 Rajakkamangalam Thamaraikulam (Part) 643181 11776 N.A. N.A. Available

13 Thackalai Valvachagostam 643129 5579 N.A. N.A. Available

14 Thackalai Thackalai 643130 9551 N.A. N.A. Available

15 Kurunthancode Kalkulam 643131 6705 N.A. N.A. Available

16 Kurunthancode Colachel 643132 9836 Available N.A. Available

17 Kurunthancode Thalakkulam 643133 8986 N.A. N.A. Available

18 Kurunthancode Kurunthencode (Part) 643134 9050 Available N.A. Available

19 Thiruvattaru Aruvikkarai (Part) 643123 5203 Available N.A. Available

20 Thiruvattaru Mecode 643126 5541 N.A. N.A. Available

21 Thiruvattaru Attoor (Part) 643127 11699 N.A. Available Available

22 Killiyur Nattalam (Part) 643095 5101 Available Available Available

23 Killiyur Keezhkulam 643098 13097 Available N.A. Available

24 Killiyur Paloor (Part) 643099 8690 Available N.A. Available

25 Munchirai Ezhudesam 643096 16478 Available N.A. Available

26 Melpuram Mancode (Part) 643093 6481 N.A. N.A. Available

27 Melpuram Edaicode 643094 8459 Available N.A. Available


Appendix II- Village Directory

Villages with 5000 and above population which do not have one or more amenities available.

Amenities not available (indicate N.A. where amenity not Name of village Name of CD Block Sl. No.

Tap drinking Bus facility Approach by Banks

water pucca road

9 10 11 12 3 2 1

Available Available Available N.A. Theroor Agastheeswaram 1

Available Available Available N.A. Agasteeswaram Agastheeswaram 2

Available Available Available Available Kanniyakumari Agastheeswaram 3

Available Available Available Available Derisanamcope Thovalai 4

Available Available Available Available Erachakulam Thovalai 5

Available Available Available N.A. Thirupathisaram Thovalai 6

Available Available Available Available Chenbagaramanputhur (Part) Thovalai 7

Available Available Available Available Vempanoor Rajakkamangalam 8

Available Available Available Available Neendakara -B Rajakkamangalam 9

Available Available Available Available Dharmapuram (Part) Rajakkamangalam 10

Available Available Available Available Madhusoodhanapuram (Part) Rajakkamangalam 11

Available Available Available Available Thamaraikulam (Part) Rajakkamangalam 12

Available Available Available N.A. Valvachagostam Thackalai 13

Available Available Available N.A. Thackalai Thackalai 14

Available Available Available N.A. Kalkulam Kurunthancode 15

Available Available Available N.A. Colachel Kurunthancode 16

Available Available Available N.A. Thalakkulam Kurunthancode 17

Available Available Available Available Kurunthencode (Part) Kurunthancode 18

Available Available Available Available Aruvikkarai (Part) Thiruvattaru 19

Available Available Available Available Mecode Thiruvattaru 20

Available Available Available Available Attoor (Part) Thiruvattaru 21

Available Available Available N.A. Nattalam (Part) Killiyur 22

Available Available Available Available Keezhkulam Killiyur 23

Available Available Available Available Paloor (Part) Killiyur 24

Available Available Available Available Ezhudesam Munchirai 25

Available Available Available N.A. Mancode (Part) Melpuram 26

Available Available Available Available Edaicode Melpuram 27


Appendix V- Village Directory

Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Castes population

Sl. No. Name of C.D. Block Total Uninhabited Inhabited Number of inhabited villages having no
villages villages villages Scheduled Castes population

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Agastheeswaram 10 0 10 0

2 Thovalai 12 0 12 1

3 Rajakkamangalam 9 0 9 1

4 Thackalai 2 0 2 0

5 Kurunthancode 5 0 5 0

6 Thiruvattaru 9 0 9 3

7 Killiyur 3 0 3 0

8 Munchirai 2 0 2 0

9 Melpuram 2 0 2 0

10 Not under Any CD Block 9 7 2 1

Total 63 7 56 6
Note: Part villages counted once.

Appendix VI - Village Directory

Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Tribes population

Sl. No. Name of C.D. Block Total villages Uninhabited Inhabited Number of inhabited villages
villages villages having no Scheduled Tribes

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Agastheeswaram 10 0 10 1

2 Thovalai 12 0 12 7

3 Rajakkamangalam 9 0 9 7

4 Thackalai 2 0 2 1

5 Kurunthancode 5 0 5 3

6 Thiruvattaru 9 0 9 3

7 Killiyur 3 0 3 3

8 Munchirai 2 0 2 2

9 Melpuram 2 0 2 0

10 Not under Any CD Block 9 7 2 1

Total 63 7 56 28
Note: Part villages counted once.

Appendix VII A - Village Directory

List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges.
Range of Scheduled Castes Location code number Name of village
population (Percentages)
1 2 3
CD Block: Agastheeswaram(0334)

Less than 5 643181 Thamaraikulam (Part)

Less than 5 643182 Agasteeswaram
Less than 5 643184 Kanniyakumari
11 - 20 643167 Nagercoil
11 - 20 643168 Theroor
11 - 20 643169 Marangoor
11 - 20 643170 Kulasekarapuram
11 - 20 643171 Eraviputhoor
31 - 40 643173 Vadiveeswaram (Part)
51 - 75 643172 Suchindrum
76 and above 643183 Azhagappapuram
CD Block: Thovalai(0335)

Nil 643159 Poigaimalai R.F.

Less than 5 643149 Arumanalloor (Part)
Less than 5 643150 Chiramadam
Less than 5 643160 Thadagamalai R.F.
5 - 10 643146 Ananthapuram
5 - 10 643147 Azhagiapandipuram
5 - 10 643151 Esanthimangalam
5 - 10 643154 Chenbagaramanputhur (Part)
5 - 10 643155 Thovala
11 - 20 643148 Derisanamcope
11 - 20 643152 Erachakulam
11 - 20 643153 Thirupathisaram
CD Block: Rajakkamangalam(0336)

Nil 643179 Thengamputhoor (Part)

Less than 5 643174 Neendakara-A (Part)
Less than 5 643175 Vempanoor
Less than 5 643177 Dharmapuram (Part)
Less than 5 643181 Thamaraikulam (Part)
5 - 10 643176 Neendakara -B
5 - 10 643178 Madhusoodhanapuram (Part)
5 - 10 643180 Parakkai
11 - 20 643166 Vadasery (Part)


Appendix VII A - Village Directory

List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges.
Range of Scheduled Castes Location code number Name of village
population (Percentages)
1 2 3
CD Block: Thackalai(0337)

Less than 5 643129 Valvachagostam

5 - 10 643130 Thackalai
5 - 10 643131 Kalkulam (Part)
CD Block: Kurunthancode(0338)

Less than 5 643132 Colachel

Less than 5 643134 Kurunthencode (Part)
Less than 5 643135 Kadiapattinam
5 - 10 643131 Kalkulam (Part)
5 - 10 643133 Thalakkulam
CD Block: Thiruvattaru(0339)

Nil 643125 Ponmanai

Nil 643128 Veeyanoor (Part)
Nil 643137 Veerapuli Extn. (Old Kulasekarapuram)
Less than 5 643122 Thirpparappu
Less than 5 643123 Aruvikkarai (Part)
Less than 5 643126 Mecode
Less than 5 643127 Attoor (Part)
Less than 5 643136 Veerapuli R.F.
11 - 20 643124 Surulacode
CD Block: Killiyur(0340)

Less than 5 643095 Nattalam (Part)

Less than 5 643098 Keezhkulam
Less than 5 643099 Paloor (Part)
CD Block: Munchirai(0341)

Less than 5 643096 Ezhudesam

11 - 20 643097 Arudesam (Part)
CD Block: Melpuram(0342)

Less than 5 643093 Mancode (Part)

Less than 5 643094 Edaicode
CD Block: Not under any CD Block(9999)

Nil 643138 Velimalai Forest

Less than 5 643100 Kilamalai R.F.


Appendix VII B - Village Directory

List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.
Range of Scheduled Tribes population Location code number Name of village
1 2 3
CD Block: Agastheeswaram(0334)

Nil 643183 Azhagappapuram

Less than 5 643167 Nagercoil
Less than 5 643168 Theroor
Less than 5 643169 Marangoor
Less than 5 643170 Kulasekarapuram
Less than 5 643171 Eraviputhoor
Less than 5 643172 Suchindrum
Less than 5 643173 Vadiveeswaram (Part)
Less than 5 643181 Thamaraikulam (Part)
Less than 5 643182 Agasteeswaram
Less than 5 643184 Kanniyakumari
CD Block: Thovalai(0335)

Nil 643146 Ananthapuram

Nil 643147 Azhagiapandipuram
Nil 643148 Derisanamcope
Nil 643150 Chiramadam
Nil 643151 Esanthimangalam
Nil 643159 Poigaimalai R.F.
Nil 643160 Thadagamalai R.F.
Less than 5 643149 Arumanalloor (Part)
Less than 5 643152 Erachakulam
Less than 5 643153 Thirupathisaram
Less than 5 643154 Chenbagaramanputhur (Part)
Less than 5 643155 Thovala
CD Block: Rajakkamangalam(0336)

Nil 643174 Neendakara-A (Part)

Nil 643175 Vempanoor
Nil 643176 Neendakara -B
Nil 643177 Dharmapuram (Part)
Nil 643178 Madhusoodhanapuram (Part)
Nil 643179 Thengamputhoor (Part)
Nil 643180 Parakkai
Nil 643181 Thamaraikulam (Part)
Less than 5 643166 Vadasery (Part)


Appendix VII B - Village Directory

List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.
Range of Scheduled Tribes population Location code number Name of village
1 2 3
CD Block: Thackalai(0337)

Nil 643130 Thackalai

Nil 643131 Kalkulam (Part)
Less than 5 643129 Valvachagostam
CD Block: Kurunthancode(0338)

Nil 643131 Kalkulam (Part)

Nil 643133 Thalakkulam
Nil 643134 Kurunthencode (Part)
Less than 5 643132 Colachel
Less than 5 643135 Kadiapattinam
CD Block: Thiruvattaru(0339)

Nil 643125 Ponmanai

Nil 643126 Mecode
Nil 643128 Veeyanoor (Part)
Less than 5 643122 Thirpparappu
Less than 5 643123 Aruvikkarai (Part)
Less than 5 643124 Surulacode
Less than 5 643127 Attoor (Part)
76 and above 643136 Veerapuli R.F.
76 and above 643137 Veerapuli Extn. (Old
CD Block: Killiyur(0340)

Nil 643095 Nattalam (Part)

Nil 643098 Keezhkulam
Nil 643099 Paloor (Part)
CD Block: Munchirai(0341)

Nil 643096 Ezhudesam

Nil 643097 Arudesam (Part)
CD Block: Melpuram(0342)

Less than 5 643094 Edaicode

11 - 20 643093 Mancode (Part)
CD Block: Not under any CD Block(9999)

Nil 643138 Velimalai Forest

76 and above 643100 Kilamalai R.F.


APPENDIX VIII : Number of Villages under each Gram Panchayat

Name of C.D Name of the Gram Number of Villages with MDDS code
Block Panchayat number and name
Number MDDS Code Village Name
1 2 3 4 5
1. Agastheeswaram
1. Eraviputhoor 1 643171 Eraviputhoor (Part)
2. Kariamanicapuram 2 643172 Suchindrum
643173 Vadiveeswaram (Part)
3. Karumpattur 1 643181 Thamaraikulam (Part)(Part)
4. Kovalam 1 643182 Agasteeswaram
5. Kulasekarapuram 1 643170 Kulasekarapuram
6. Leepuram 1 643184 Kanniyakumari (Part)
7. Maharajapuram 2 643183 Azhagappapuram
643184 Kanniyakumari (Part)
8. Nallur 2 643169 Marangoor
643171 Eraviputhoor (Part)
9. North Tamaraikulam 1 643181 Thamaraikulam (Part)(Part)
10. Panchalingapuram 1 643184 Kanniyakumari (Part)
11. Ramapuram 1 643168 Theroor(Part)
12. Swamithope 1 643181 Thamaraikulam (Part)(Part)
13. Therekalpudur 2 643167 Nagercoil
643168 Theroor(Part)
2. Thovalai
1. Arumanalloor 1 643149 Arumanalloor (Part)
2. Beemanagari 1 643153 Thirupathisaram (Part)
3. Chenbagaramanputhur 2 643159 Poigaimalai R.F.
643160 Thadagamalai R.F.
4. Derisanamcope 1 643148 Derisanamcope (Part)
5. Erachakulam 1 643152 Erachakulam (Part)
6. Esanthimangalam 2 643151 Esanthimangalam
643152 Erachakulam (Part)
7. Gnalam 2 643148 Derisanamcope (Part)
643150 Chiramadam
8. Kadukkarai 1 643146 Ananthapuram (Part)
9. Kattupudur 1 643147 Azhagiapandipuram
10. Madhavalayam 1 643154 Chenbagaramanputhur (Part)(Part)
11. Sahayanagar 2 643154 Chenbagaramanputhur (Part)(Part)
643155 Thovala (Part)
12. Thellanthi 1 643148 Derisanamcope (Part)
13. Thidal 1 643146 Ananthapuram (Part)
14. Thirupathisaram 1 643153 Thirupathisaram (Part)
15. Thovalai 1 643155 Thovala (Part)


APPENDIX VIII : Number of Villages under each Gram Panchayat

Name of C.D Name of the Gram Number of Villages with MDDS code
Block Panchayat number and name
Number MDDS Code Village Name
1 2 3 4 5
3. Rajakkamangalam
1. Althikkattuvillai 2 643177 Dharmapuram (Part)(Part)
643178 Madhusoodhanapuram (Part)(Part)
2. Elluvilai 1 643176 Neendakara -B(Part)
3. Kanyakulam 1 643166 Vadasery (Part)
4. Kesavanputhenthurai 2 643177 Dharmapuram (Part)(Part)
643178 Madhusoodhanapuram (Part)(Part)
5. Manakudi 1 643181 Thamaraikulam (Part)(Part)
6. Melakrishnanpudur 2 643177 Dharmapuram (Part)(Part)
643178 Madhusoodhanapuram (Part)(Part)
7. Melasankarankuzhi 2 643174 Neendakara-A (Part)
643175 Vempanoor
8. North Surangudy 1 643177 Dharmapuram (Part)(Part)
9. Parakkai 3 643178 Madhusoodhanapuram (Part)(Part)
643179 Thengamputhoor (Part)
643180 Parakkai
10. Rajakkamangalam 1 643176 Neendakara -B(Part)
4. Thackalai
1. Chadayamangalam 1 643131 Kalkulam (Part)
2. Kalkurichy 2 643130 Thackalai (Part)
643131 Kalkulam (Part)
3. Maruthurkurichi 1 643129 Valvachagostam
4. Muthalakurichy 1 643130 Thackalai (Part)
5. Kurunthancode
1. Kakkottuthalai 1 643133 Thalakkulam (Part)
2. Kurunthancode 2 643133 Thalakkulam (Part)
643134 Kurunthencode (Part)(Part)
3. Muttam 1 643135 Kadiapattinam (Part)
4. Nettancode 1 643134 Kurunthencode (Part)(Part)
5. Simoncolony 1 643132 Colachel
6. Thalakkulam 1 643133 Thalakkulam (Part)
7. Thenkarai 1 643131 Kalkulam (Part)
8. Vellichandai 1 643135 Kadiapattinam (Part)
6. Thiruvattaru
1. Aruvikkarai 1 643123 Aruvikkarai (Part)
2. Balamore 1 643124 Surulacode (Part)
3. Cherukole 2 643127 Attoor (Part)(Part)
643128 Veeyanoor (Part)
4. Kumarankudi 1 643126 Mecode


APPENDIX VIII : Number of Villages under each Gram Panchayat

Name of C.D Name of the Gram Number of Villages with MDDS code
Block Panchayat number and name
Number MDDS Code Village Name
1 2 3 4 5
5. Pechiparai 4 643122 Thirpparappu
643124 Surulacode (Part)
643136 Veerapuli R.F.(Part)
643137 Veerapuli Extn. (Old Kulasekarapuram)
6. Surulacode 3 643124 Surulacode (Part)
643125 Ponmanai
643136 Veerapuli R.F.(Part)
7. Yettacode 1 643127 Attoor (Part)(Part)
7. Killiyur
1. Enayam Puthenthurai 1 643098 Keezhkulam
2. Kollanchy 1 643095 Nattalam (Part)
3. Mullaginavilai 1 643099 Paloor (Part)(Part)
4. Thipramalai 1 643099 Paloor (Part)(Part)
8. Munchirai
1. Munchirai 1 643097 Arudesam (Part)
2. Thoothoor 1 643096 Ezhudesam
9. Melpuram
1. Devicode 1 643094 Edaicode
2. Mancode 1 643093 Mancode (Part)





STATEMENT - I : Status and Growth History

Sl. Class, name and civic status of Location Code No. Name of Taluk/ Name of CD block Area Number of
No. town Tahsil/ Police (sq. Km.) households incl.
Station/Islands etc. houseless
(2011 Census)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 III,Kadayal (TP) 3362905881803880 Vilavancode 4.78 5512
2 IV,Arumanai (TP) 3362905881803881 Vilavancode 6.4 4236
3 III,Edaicode (TP) 3362905881803882 Vilavancode 10.75 6528
4 IV,Palugal (TP) 3362905881803883 Vilavancode 8.8 4429
5 IV,Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 3362905881803884 Vilavancode 3.5 3892
6 III,Pacode (TP) 3362905881803885 Vilavancode 4.17 6237
7 III,Kuzhithurai (M) 3362905881803886 Vilavancode 5.15 5519
8 III,Unnamalaikadai (TP) 3362905881803887 Vilavancode 15.7 5969
9 IV,Nalloor (TP) 3362905881803888 Vilavancode 8.5 4480
10 III,Kollancode (TP) 3362905881803889 Vilavancode 6.4 8514
11 III,Ezhudesam (TP) 3362905881803890 Vilavancode 4.78 6114
12 V,Puthukkadai (TP) 3362905881803891 Vilavancode 1.86 2537
13 III,Killiyoor (TP) 3362905881803892 Vilavancode 10.08 5479
14 IV,Keezhkulam (TP) 3362905881803893 Vilavancode 4.8 4297
15 IV,Karungal (TP) 3362905881803894 Vilavancode 18.93 4368
16 IV,Palappallam (TP) 3362905881803895 Vilavancode 6.25 4842
17 V,Puliyoorsalai (CT) 3362905881643101 Vilavancode Melpuram 8.1 1614
18 V,Manjalumoodu (CT) 3362905881643102 Vilavancode Melpuram 15.7 1840
19 V,Muzhucode (CT) 3362905881643103 Vilavancode Melpuram 2.93 2075
20 V,Malayadi (CT) 3362905881643104 Vilavancode Melpuram 3.6 2083
21 VI,Vanniyoor (CT) 3362905881643105 Vilavancode Melpuram 3.1 1183
22 V,Maruthancode (CT) 3362905881643106 Vilavancode Melpuram 5.35 2173
23 IV,Vellamcode (CT) 3362905881643107 Vilavancode Melpuram 2.36 3279
24 V,Kulappuram (CT) 3362905881643108 Vilavancode Munchirai 7.04 1990
25 V,Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 3362905881643109 Vilavancode Munchirai 4.53 2263
26 IV,Methukummal (CT) 3362905881643110 Vilavancode Munchirai 4.53 5002
27 V,Vilavancode (CT) 3362905881643111 Vilavancode Melpuram 4.02 1760
28 V,Choozhal (CT) 3362905881643112 Vilavancode Munchirai 3.03 1799
29 V,Nadaikavu (CT) 3362905881643113 Vilavancode Munchirai 4.7 2236
30 V,Vavarai (CT) 3362905881643114 Vilavancode Munchirai 2.76 2250
31 VI,Mancad (CT) 3362905881643115 Vilavancode Munchirai 1.8 1320
32 IV,Vilathurai (CT) 3362905881643116 Vilavancode Munchirai 9.62 5171


STATEMENT - I : Status and Growth History

Population 2011 Population and growth rate (in brackets) of the town at the Censuses Class, name and civic status of Sl.
of town No.
SCs STs 1901 1911 1921 1931

8 9 10 11 12 13 2 1
1015 1259 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) III,Kadayal (TP) 1
426 16 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Arumanai (TP) 2
413 30 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) III,Edaicode (TP) 3
464 15 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Palugal (TP) 4
217 3 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 5
35 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) III,Pacode (TP) 6
309 4 0(0) 0(0) 3160(0) 4165(31.8) III,Kuzhithurai (M) 7
127 6 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) III,Unnamalaikadai (TP) 8
156 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Nalloor (TP) 9
683 116 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) III,Kollancode (TP) 10
2467 1 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) III,Ezhudesam (TP) 11
190 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Puthukkadai (TP) 12
309 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) III,Killiyoor (TP) 13
17 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Keezhkulam (TP) 14
236 3 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Karungal (TP) 15
380 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Palappallam (TP) 16
167 7 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Puliyoorsalai (CT) 17
151 9 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Manjalumoodu (CT) 18
182 5 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Muzhucode (CT) 19
124 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Malayadi (CT) 20
104 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) VI,Vanniyoor (CT) 21
579 2 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Maruthancode (CT) 22
34 6 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Vellamcode (CT) 23
81 3 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Kulappuram (CT) 24
214 4 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 25
297 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Methukummal (CT) 26
60 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Vilavancode (CT) 27
140 16 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Choozhal (CT) 28
123 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Nadaikavu (CT) 29
78 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Vavarai (CT) 30
79 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) VI,Mancad (CT) 31
204 2 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Vilathurai (CT) 32


STATEMENT - I : Status and Growth History

Sl. Class, name and civic status of Population and growth rate (in brackets) of the town at the Censuses of
No. town
1941 1951 1961 1971 1981

1 2 14 15 16 17 18
1 III,Kadayal (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
2 IV,Arumanai (TP) 0(0) 9141(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
3 III,Edaicode (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
4 IV,Palugal (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
5 IV,Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
6 III,Pacode (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
7 III,Kuzhithurai (M) 8853(112.56) 10860(22.67) 13708(26.22) 16198(18.16) 18427(13.76)
8 III,Unnamalaikadai (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
9 IV,Nalloor (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
10 III,Kollancode (TP) 0(0) 7015(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
11 III,Ezhudesam (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
12 V,Puthukkadai (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
13 III,Killiyoor (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
14 IV,Keezhkulam (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
15 IV,Karungal (TP) 0(0) 3107(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
16 IV,Palappallam (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
17 V,Puliyoorsalai (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
18 V,Manjalumoodu (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
19 V,Muzhucode (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
20 V,Malayadi (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
21 VI,Vanniyoor (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
22 V,Maruthancode (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
23 IV,Vellamcode (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
24 V,Kulappuram (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
25 V,Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
26 IV,Methukummal (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
27 V,Vilavancode (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
28 V,Choozhal (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
29 V,Nadaikavu (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
30 V,Vavarai (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
31 VI,Mancad (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
32 IV,Vilathurai (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)


STATEMENT - I : Status and Growth History

Population and growth rate (in brackets) of the Density Sex ratio Class, name and civic status of town Sl.
town at the Censuses of (2011 No.
1991 2001 2011 Census) 1991 2001 2011

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 1
0(0) 19183(0) 21665(12.94) 4532 0 1046 1038 III,Kadayal (TP) 1
0(0) 15071(0) 16283(8.04) 2544 0 1020 1030 IV,Arumanai (TP) 2
0(0) 23453(0) 25378(8.21) 2361 0 1030 1040 III,Edaicode (TP) 3
0(0) 17686(0) 18276(3.34) 2077 0 1042 1087 IV,Palugal (TP) 4
0(0) 13311(0) 15625(17.38) 4464 0 1024 1015 IV,Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 5
0(0) 22781(0) 24050(5.57) 5767 0 976 989 III,Pacode (TP) 6
19226(4.34) 20503(6.64) 21307(3.92) 4137 1031 1036 1022 III,Kuzhithurai (M) 7
0(0) 20666(0) 23656(14.47) 1507 0 970 1006 III,Unnamalaikadai (TP) 8
0(0) 15563(0) 17989(15.59) 2116 0 983 1002 IV,Nalloor (TP) 9
0(0) 34425(0) 38385(11.5) 5998 0 979 992 III,Kollancode (TP) 10
0(0) 18741(0) 24657(31.57) 5158 0 990 1036 III,Ezhudesam (TP) 11
0(0) 9037(0) 9909(9.65) 5327 0 965 1038 V,Puthukkadai (TP) 12
0(0) 19273(0) 20938(8.64) 2077 0 955 1031 III,Killiyoor (TP) 13
0(0) 17345(0) 17327(-0.1) 3610 0 973 1019 IV,Keezhkulam (TP) 14
0(0) 15952(0) 16691(4.63) 882 0 1040 1079 IV,Karungal (TP) 15
0(0) 16652(0) 18589(11.63) 2974 0 1055 1068 IV,Palappallam (TP) 16
0(0) 0(0) 6361(0) 785 0 0 1062 V,Puliyoorsalai (CT) 17
0(0) 0(0) 6840(0) 436 0 0 1073 V,Manjalumoodu (CT) 18
0(0) 0(0) 8000(0) 2730 0 0 1028 V,Muzhucode (CT) 19
0(0) 0(0) 7812(0) 2170 0 0 1044 V,Malayadi (CT) 20
0(0) 0(0) 4319(0) 1393 0 0 1065 VI,Vanniyoor (CT) 21
0(0) 0(0) 8277(0) 1547 0 0 1028 V,Maruthancode (CT) 22
0(0) 0(0) 12715(0) 5388 0 0 1032 IV,Vellamcode (CT) 23
0(0) 0(0) 7677(0) 1090 0 0 1022 V,Kulappuram (CT) 24
0(0) 0(0) 8888(0) 1962 0 0 1016 V,Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 25
0(0) 0(0) 19417(0) 4286 0 0 1041 IV,Methukummal (CT) 26
0(0) 0(0) 6731(0) 1674 0 0 1007 V,Vilavancode (CT) 27
0(0) 0(0) 6807(0) 2247 0 0 1018 V,Choozhal (CT) 28
0(0) 0(0) 8727(0) 1857 0 0 997 V,Nadaikavu (CT) 29
0(0) 0(0) 8362(0) 3030 0 0 1037 V,Vavarai (CT) 30
0(0) 0(0) 4889(0) 2716 0 0 1046 VI,Mancad (CT) 31
0(0) 0(0) 19758(0) 2054 0 0 1016 IV,Vilathurai (CT) 32


STATEMENT - I : Status and Growth History

Sl. Class, name and civic status of Location Code No. Name of Taluk/ Name of CD block Area Number of
No. town Tahsil/ Police (sq. Km.) households incl.
Station/Islands etc. houseless
(2011 Census)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
33 V,Nattalam (CT) 3362905881643117 Vilavancode Killiyur 4.38 2054
34 III,Painkulam (CT) 3362905881643118 Vilavancode Munchirai 9.18 5638
35 V,Paloor (CT) 3362905881643119 Vilavancode Killiyur 1.75 1761
36 V,Midalam (CT) 3362905881643120 Vilavancode Killiyur 4.29 2204
37 V,Mathicode (CT) 3362905881643121 Vilavancode Killiyur 1.06 1775
38 III,Thirparappu (TP) 3362905882803896 Kalkulam 10.96 5839
39 IV,Ponmanai (TP) 3362905882803897 Kalkulam 17.21 4068
40 IV,Kulasekaram (TP) 3362905882803898 Kalkulam 6.25 4421
41 IV,Thiruvattar (TP) 3362905882803899 Kalkulam 6.3 4836
42 IV,Athur (TP) 3362905882803900 Kalkulam 5.36 3047
43 IV,Verkilambi (TP) 3362905882803901 Kalkulam 15.5 5044
44 IV,Kumarapuram (TP) 3362905882803902 Kalkulam 14.07 3653
45 IV,Kothanallur (TP) 3362905882803903 Kalkulam 7.5 4514
46 IV,Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 3362905882803904 Kalkulam 2.56 4406
47 IV,Mulagumudu (TP) 3362905882803905 Kalkulam 8.5 5041
48 IV,Vilavur (TP) 3362905882803906 Kalkulam 22.75 3725
49 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) 3362905882803907 Kalkulam 6.47 5549
50 IV,Thiruvithancode (TP) 3362905882803908 Kalkulam 10.5 4469
51 IV,Kappiyarai (TP) 3362905882803909 Kalkulam 4.53 4045
52 IV,Eraniel (TP) 3362905882803910 Kalkulam 8.68 2681
53 IV,Villukuri (TP) 3362905882803911 Kalkulam 9.96 4037
54 IV,Neyyoor (TP) 3362905882803912 Kalkulam 5.23 3430
55 III,Reethapuram (TP) 3362905882803913 Kalkulam 3.34 5210
56 IV,Kallukuttam (TP) 3362905882803914 Kalkulam 4.3 4815
57 IV,Thingalnagar (TP) 3362905882803915 Kalkulam 8.15 3538
58 IV,Alur (TP) 3362905882803916 Kalkulam 8.1 3882
59 III,Colachel (M) 3362905882803917 Kalkulam 5.18 5205
60 IV,Mandaikadu (TP) 3362905882803918 Kalkulam 2.2 3444
61 IV,Manavalakurichi (TP) 3362905882803919 Kalkulam 4.2 2636
62 IV,Vellimalai (TP) 3362905882803920 Kalkulam 3.23 3436
63 V,Ayacode (CT) 3362905882643139 Kalkulam Thiruvattaru 8.5 2351
64 IV,Kattathurai (CT) 3362905882643140 Kalkulam Thiruvattaru 6.28 4476


STATEMENT - I : Status and Growth History

Population 2011 Population and growth rate (in brackets) of the town at the Censuses Class, name and civic status of Sl.
of town No.
SCs STs 1901 1911 1921 1931

8 9 10 11 12 13 2 1
105 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Nattalam (CT) 33
384 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) III,Painkulam (CT) 34
164 122 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Paloor (CT) 35
138 5 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Midalam (CT) 36
417 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Mathicode (CT) 37
186 137 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) III,Thirparappu (TP) 38
649 346 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Ponmanai (TP) 39
230 90 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Kulasekaram (TP) 40
161 21 0(0) 0(0) 1631(0) 1727(5.89) IV,Thiruvattar (TP) 41
50 13 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Athur (TP) 42
107 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Verkilambi (TP) 43
110 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Kumarapuram (TP) 44
111 7 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Kothanallur (TP) 45
28 4 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 46
304 10 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Mulagumudu (TP) 47
508 3 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Vilavur (TP) 48
2264 1 0(0) 0(0) 9156(0) 10313(12.64) III,Padmanabhapuram (M) 49
1064 0 0(0) 0(0) 4273(0) 5326(24.64) IV,Thiruvithancode (TP) 50
225 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Kappiyarai (TP) 51
431 6 0(0) 0(0) 5541(0) 7513(35.59) IV,Eraniel (TP) 52
639 6 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Villukuri (TP) 53
325 10 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Neyyoor (TP) 54
873 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) III,Reethapuram (TP) 55
355 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Kallukuttam (TP) 56
378 3 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Thingalnagar (TP) 57
1322 8 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Alur (TP) 58
455 0 0(0) 0(0) 7967(0) 9392(17.89) III,Colachel (M) 59
233 7 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Mandaikadu (TP) 60
300 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Manavalakurichi (TP) 61
949 47 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Vellimalai (TP) 62
556 8 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Ayacode (CT) 63
42 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Kattathurai (CT) 64


STATEMENT - I : Status and Growth History

Sl. Class, name and civic status of Population and growth rate (in brackets) of the town at the Censuses of
No. town
1941 1951 1961 1971 1981

1 2 14 15 16 17 18
33 V,Nattalam (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
34 III,Painkulam (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
35 V,Paloor (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
36 V,Midalam (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
37 V,Mathicode (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
38 III,Thirparappu (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
39 IV,Ponmanai (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
40 IV,Kulasekaram (TP) 0(0) 4894(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
41 IV,Thiruvattar (TP) 1926(11.52) 1931(0.26) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
42 IV,Athur (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
43 IV,Verkilambi (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
44 IV,Kumarapuram (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
45 IV,Kothanallur (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
46 IV,Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
47 IV,Mulagumudu (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
48 IV,Vilavur (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
49 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) 11936(15.74) 13397(12.24) 14491(8.17) 16889(16.55) 18246(8.03)
50 IV,Thiruvithancode (TP) 6240(17.16) 7450(19.39) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
51 IV,Kappiyarai (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
52 IV,Eraniel (TP) 8709(15.92) 9113(4.64) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
53 IV,Villukuri (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
54 IV,Neyyoor (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
55 III,Reethapuram (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
56 IV,Kallukuttam (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
57 IV,Thingalnagar (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
58 IV,Alur (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
59 III,Colachel (M) 11377(21.14) 13606(19.59) 15673(15.19) 18819(20.07) 23124(22.88)
60 IV,Mandaikadu (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
61 IV,Manavalakurichi (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
62 IV,Vellimalai (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
63 V,Ayacode (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
64 IV,Kattathurai (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)


STATEMENT - I : Status and Growth History

Population and growth rate (in brackets) of the Density Sex ratio Class, name and civic status of town Sl.
town at the Censuses of (2011 No.
1991 2001 2011 Census) 1991 2001 2011

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 1
0(0) 0(0) 7674(0) 1752 0 0 1008 V,Nattalam (CT) 33
0(0) 0(0) 23630(0) 2574 0 0 1018 III,Painkulam (CT) 34
0(0) 0(0) 6818(0) 3896 0 0 1031 V,Paloor (CT) 35
0(0) 0(0) 8625(0) 2010 0 0 1016 V,Midalam (CT) 36
0(0) 0(0) 6532(0) 6162 0 0 1056 V,Mathicode (CT) 37
0(0) 21736(0) 22401(3.06) 2044 0 1030 1030 III,Thirparappu (TP) 38
0(0) 13480(0) 15554(15.39) 904 0 1004 1003 IV,Ponmanai (TP) 39
0(0) 16351(0) 17267(5.6) 2763 0 984 1018 IV,Kulasekaram (TP) 40
0(0) 18272(0) 18985(3.9) 3013 0 1033 1008 IV,Thiruvattar (TP) 41
0(0) 11744(0) 11910(1.41) 2222 0 983 978 IV,Athur (TP) 42
0(0) 18003(0) 19730(9.59) 1273 0 1050 986 IV,Verkilambi (TP) 43
0(0) 13938(0) 14728(5.67) 1047 0 1011 994 IV,Kumarapuram (TP) 44
0(0) 15880(0) 17662(11.22) 2355 0 1046 995 IV,Kothanallur (TP) 45
0(0) 16686(0) 16965(1.67) 6627 0 1015 1042 IV,Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 46
0(0) 18057(0) 19538(8.2) 2299 0 1065 1035 IV,Mulagumudu (TP) 47
0(0) 13672(0) 14320(4.74) 629 0 1035 1004 IV,Vilavur (TP) 48
19269(5.61) 20075(4.18) 21342(6.31) 3299 991 1014 1029 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) 49
0(0) 16397(0) 18723(14.19) 1783 0 1031 1026 IV,Thiruvithancode (TP) 50
0(0) 13368(0) 15998(19.67) 3532 0 1003 1036 IV,Kappiyarai (TP) 51
0(0) 9305(0) 10375(11.5) 1195 0 1005 1009 IV,Eraniel (TP) 52
0(0) 13696(0) 15304(11.74) 1537 0 1022 1031 IV,Villukuri (TP) 53
0(0) 12288(0) 12917(5.12) 2470 0 1035 1014 IV,Neyyoor (TP) 54
0(0) 11887(0) 21177(78.15) 6340 0 1080 1003 III,Reethapuram (TP) 55
0(0) 16989(0) 19093(12.38) 4440 0 1002 1023 IV,Kallukuttam (TP) 56
0(0) 12562(0) 13567(8) 1665 0 1050 1016 IV,Thingalnagar (TP) 57
0(0) 12379(0) 15063(21.68) 1860 0 1021 1019 IV,Alur (TP) 58
24305(5.11) 23787(-2.13) 23227(-2.35) 4484 973 983 974 III,Colachel (M) 59
0(0) 12375(0) 13317(7.61) 6053 0 1000 1014 IV,Mandaikadu (TP) 60
0(0) 10412(0) 10969(5.35) 2612 0 1006 1002 IV,Manavalakurichi (TP) 61
0(0) 11760(0) 13182(12.09) 4081 0 1007 988 IV,Vellimalai (TP) 62
0(0) 0(0) 8874(0) 1044 0 0 1047 V,Ayacode (CT) 63
0(0) 0(0) 17271(0) 2750 0 0 1009 IV,Kattathurai (CT) 64


STATEMENT - I : Status and Growth History

Sl. Class, name and civic status of Location Code No. Name of Taluk/ Name of CD block Area Number of
No. town Tahsil/ Police (sq. Km.) households incl.
Station/Islands etc. houseless
(2011 Census)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
65 V,Kannanoor (CT) 3362905882643141 Kalkulam Thiruvattaru 5 2010
66 IV,Thikkanamcode (CT) 3362905882643142 Kalkulam Thackalai 4.5 3629
67 IV,Nullivilai (CT) 3362905882643143 Kalkulam Thackalai 4 4165
68 V,Athivilai (CT) 3362905882643144 Kalkulam Thackalai 4.05 2033
69 V,Kattimancode (CT) 3362905882643145 Kalkulam Kurunthancode 4.55 2221
70 IV,Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 3362905883803921 Thovala 10.24 3146
71 IV,Boothapandi (TP) 3362905883803922 Thovala 5 4280
72 III,Aralvaimozhi (TP) 3362905883803923 Thovala 28.54 6206
73 V,Thazhakudy (TP) 3362905883803924 Thovala 5 2503
74 V,Thadikarankonam (CT) 3362905883643164 Thovala Thovalai 2.75 1640
75 V,Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 3362905883643165 Thovala Thovalai 2.75 1421
76 IV,Marungur (TP) 3362905884803925 Agastheeswaram 10 3148
77 V,Therur (TP) 3362905884803926 Agastheeswaram 9.64 2148
78 I,Nagercoil (M) 3362905884803927 Agastheeswaram 24.27 59997
79 IV,Asaripallam (TP) 3362905884803928 Agastheeswaram 10.98 4457
80 IV,Suchindrum (TP) 3362905884803929 Agastheeswaram 7.55 3644
81 IV,Ganapathipuram (TP) 3362905884803930 Agastheeswaram 5.54 3880
82 IV,Mylaudy (TP) 3362905884803931 Agastheeswaram 5.82 2661
83 V,Alagappapuram (TP) 3362905884803932 Agastheeswaram 8.63 2656
84 IV,Anjugrammam (TP) 3362905884803933 Agastheeswaram 7.6 2915
85 IV,Kottaram (TP) 3362905884803934 Agastheeswaram 4.87 2952
86 IV,Thengampudur (TP) 3362905884803935 Agastheeswaram 4.15 3849
87 IV,Puthalam (TP) 3362905884803936 Agastheeswaram 11.52 3417
88 V,Agastheeswaram (TP) 3362905884803937 Agastheeswaram 2.55 2620
89 IV,Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 3362905884803938 Agastheeswaram 8.8 3100
90 III,Kanniyakumari (TP) 3362905884803939 Agastheeswaram 4.91 5525
91 V,Putheri (CT) 3362905884643186 Agastheeswaram Rajakkamangalam 4.78 1577
92 V,Gandipuram (CT) 3362905884643187 Agastheeswaram Rajakkamangalam 2.75 1625
93 V,Peruvilai (CT) 3362905884643188 Agastheeswaram Rajakkamangalam 5.68 1608
94 IV,Dharamapuram (CT) 3362905884643189 Agastheeswaram Rajakkamangalam 1.47 4457
95 V,Pallanthurai (CT) 3362905884643190 Agastheeswaram Rajakkamangalam 4 1324
96 VI,Manakudi (CT) 3362905884643191 Agastheeswaram Rajakkamangalam 0.46 1026


STATEMENT - I : Status and Growth History

Population 2011 Population and growth rate (in brackets) of the town at the Censuses Class, name and civic status of Sl.
of town No.
SCs STs 1901 1911 1921 1931

8 9 10 11 12 13 2 1
16 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Kannanoor (CT) 65
945 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Thikkanamcode (CT) 66
664 14 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Nullivilai (CT) 67
49 1 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Athivilai (CT) 68
157 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Kattimancode (CT) 69
513 8 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 70
915 16 0(0) 0(0) 4585(0) 4999(9.03) IV,Boothapandi (TP) 71
3698 83 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 6585(0) III,Aralvaimozhi (TP) 72
974 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Thazhakudy (TP) 73
268 198 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Thadikarankonam (CT) 74
1470 17 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 75
504 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Marungur (TP) 76
2334 69 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Therur (TP) 77
9427 381 25782(0) 29883(15.91) 34406(15.14) 42945(24.82) I,Nagercoil (M) 78
506 20 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Asaripallam (TP) 79
1178 44 0(0) 0(0) 3620(0) 2762(3.92) IV,Suchindrum (TP) 80
325 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Ganapathipuram (TP) 81
368 32 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Mylaudy (TP) 82
725 5 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Alagappapuram (TP) 83
1415 16 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Anjugrammam (TP) 84
969 5 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Kottaram (TP) 85
705 7 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Thengampudur (TP) 86
190 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Puthalam (TP) 87
433 25 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Agastheeswaram (TP) 88
51 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 89
308 171 0(0) 0(0) 3304(0) 3598(8.9) III,Kanniyakumari (TP) 90
634 18 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Putheri (CT) 91
217 4 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Gandipuram (CT) 92
258 42 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Peruvilai (CT) 93
925 4 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) IV,Dharamapuram (CT) 94
12 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) V,Pallanthurai (CT) 95
0 0 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) VI,Manakudi (CT) 96


STATEMENT - I : Status and Growth History

Sl. Class, name and civic status of Population and growth rate (in brackets) of the town at the Censuses of
No. town
1941 1951 1961 1971 1981

1 2 14 15 16 17 18
65 V,Kannanoor (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
66 IV,Thikkanamcode (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
67 IV,Nullivilai (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
68 V,Athivilai (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
69 V,Kattimancode (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
70 IV,Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 0(0) 2950(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
71 IV,Boothapandi (TP) 5331(6.64) 6469(21.35) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
72 III,Aralvaimozhi (TP) 7166(8.82) 7638(6.59) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
73 V,Thazhakudy (TP) 0(0) 3830(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
74 V,Thadikarankonam (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
75 V,Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
76 IV,Marungur (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
77 V,Therur (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
78 I,Nagercoil (M) 51657(20.29) 79284(53.48) 106207(33.96) 141288(33.03) 171648(21.49)
79 IV,Asaripallam (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
80 IV,Suchindrum (TP) 4522(20.2) 4535(0.29) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
81 IV,Ganapathipuram (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
82 IV,Mylaudy (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
83 V,Alagappapuram (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
84 IV,Anjugrammam (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
85 IV,Kottaram (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
86 IV,Thengampudur (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
87 IV,Puthalam (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
88 V,Agastheeswaram (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
89 IV,Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
90 III,Kanniyakumari (TP) 4283(19.04) 5218(21.83) 0(0) 11211(0) 14087(25.65)
91 V,Putheri (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
92 V,Gandipuram (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
93 V,Peruvilai (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
94 IV,Dharamapuram (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
95 V,Pallanthurai (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
96 VI,Manakudi (CT) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)


STATEMENT - I : Status and Growth History

Population and growth rate (in brackets) of the Density Sex ratio Class, name and civic status of town Sl.
town at the Censuses of (2011 No.
1991 2001 2011 Census) 1991 2001 2011

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 1
0(0) 0(0) 7747(0) 1549 0 0 976 V,Kannanoor (CT) 65
0(0) 0(0) 14086(0) 3130 0 0 1003 IV,Thikkanamcode (CT) 66
0(0) 0(0) 16138(0) 4035 0 0 997 IV,Nullivilai (CT) 67
0(0) 0(0) 7401(0) 1827 0 0 1070 V,Athivilai (CT) 68
0(0) 0(0) 8541(0) 1877 0 0 972 V,Kattimancode (CT) 69
0(0) 12183(0) 11392(-6.49) 1113 0 1021 1007 IV,Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 70
0(0) 14743(0) 15931(8.06) 3186 0 1017 1017 IV,Boothapandi (TP) 71
0(0) 19211(0) 22846(18.92) 800 0 997 1009 III,Aralvaimozhi (TP) 72
0(0) 8568(0) 8992(4.95) 1798 0 1000 1023 V,Thazhakudy (TP) 73
0(0) 0(0) 6241(0) 2269 0 0 1022 V,Thadikarankonam (CT) 74
0(0) 0(0) 5028(0) 1828 0 0 1028 V,Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 75
0(0) 10103(0) 11236(11.21) 1124 0 1032 1010 IV,Marungur (TP) 76
0(0) 6937(0) 7615(9.77) 790 0 1005 1024 V,Therur (TP) 77
190084(10.74) 208179(9.52) 224849(8.01) 9264 1004 1023 1045 I,Nagercoil (M) 78
0(0) 12755(0) 16822(31.89) 1532 0 998 1037 IV,Asaripallam (TP) 79
0(0) 12052(0) 13193(9.47) 1747 0 998 1022 IV,Suchindrum (TP) 80
0(0) 13711(0) 14598(6.47) 2635 0 1020 1000 IV,Ganapathipuram (TP) 81
0(0) 9001(0) 10070(11.88) 1730 0 980 1012 IV,Mylaudy (TP) 82
0(0) 8121(0) 9626(18.53) 1115 0 1155 1072 V,Alagappapuram (TP) 83
0(0) 9353(0) 10982(17.42) 1445 0 1037 1033 IV,Anjugrammam (TP) 84
0(0) 9919(0) 11055(11.45) 2270 0 1008 1012 IV,Kottaram (TP) 85
0(0) 12675(0) 14538(14.7) 3503 0 1002 995 IV,Thengampudur (TP) 86
0(0) 11835(0) 13073(10.46) 1135 0 999 1027 IV,Puthalam (TP) 87
0(0) 8995(0) 9717(8.03) 3811 0 1037 1021 V,Agastheeswaram (TP) 88
0(0) 11106(0) 11872(6.9) 1349 0 1044 1015 IV,Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 89
17225(22.28) 19739(14.6) 22453(13.75) 4573 984 997 992 III,Kanniyakumari (TP) 90
0(0) 0(0) 5576(0) 1167 0 0 993 V,Putheri (CT) 91
0(0) 0(0) 6106(0) 2220 0 0 982 V,Gandipuram (CT) 92
0(0) 0(0) 6090(0) 1072 0 0 1022 V,Peruvilai (CT) 93
0(0) 0(0) 17476(0) 11888 0 0 993 IV,Dharamapuram (CT) 94
0(0) 0(0) 5386(0) 1347 0 0 1013 V,Pallanthurai (CT) 95
0(0) 0(0) 4083(0) 8876 0 0 1120 VI,Manakudi (CT) 96


STATEMENT-II: Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 2009

Sl. Name of town Physical aspects Name of and road distance (in kms) from
No. Rainfall Temperature State HQ. District HQ. Sub-Division/ Taluk/ Tahsil
(in mm) (in centigrade) / PS/ Development Block/
Max Min Island HQ.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Kadayal (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (785) Nagercoil (45) Vilavancode (14)
2 Arumanai (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (780) Nagercoil (40) Vilavancode (14)
3 Edaicode (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (790) Nagercoil (50) Vilavancode (5)
4 Palugal (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (790) Nagercoil (40) Vilavancode (9)
5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (890) Nagercoil (38) Vilavancode (5)
6 Pacode (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (800) Nagercoil (35) Vilavancode (3)
7 Kuzhithurai (M) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (730) Nagercoil (30) Vilavancode (15)
8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (720) Nagercoil (32) Vilavancode (4)
9 Nalloor (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (755) Nagercoil (35) Vilavancode (4)
10 Kollancode (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (760) Nagercoil (53) Vilavancode (16)
11 Ezhudesam (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (780) Nagercoil (40) Vilavancode (5)
12 Puthukkadai (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (780) Nagercoil (38) Vilavancode (10)
13 Killiyoor (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (735) Nagercoil (33) Vilavancode (15)
14 Keezhkulam (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (760) Nagercoil (35) Vilavancode (16)
15 Karungal (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (780) Nagercoil (35) Vilavancode (15)
16 Palappallam (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (760) Nagercoil (30) Vilavancode (15)
17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (785) Nagercoil (45) Vilavancode (8)
18 Manjalumoodu (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (780) Nagercoil (40) Vilavancode (14)
19 Muzhucode (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (780) Nagercoil (40) Vilavancode (14)
20 Malayadi (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (770) Nagercoil (40) Vilavancode (14)
21 Vanniyoor (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (28) Vilavancode (10)
22 Maruthancode (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (35) Vilavancode (7)
23 Vellamcode (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (768) Nagercoil (38) Vilavancode (7)
24 Kulappuram (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (760) Nagercoil (30) Vilavancode (7)
25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (755) Nagercoil (30) Vilavancode (5)
26 Methukummal (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (755) Nagercoil (30) Vilavancode (2)
27 Vilavancode (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (28) Vilavancode (0)
28 Choozhal (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (60) Vilavancode (10)
29 Nadaikavu (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (760) Nagercoil (35) Vilavancode (15)
30 Vavarai (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (45) Vilavancode (12)
31 Mancad (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (40) Vilavancode (10)
32 Vilathurai (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (40) Vilavancode (8)


STATEMENT-II: Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 2009

Name of and road distance (in kms) from Railway station Bus route Name of town Sl.
Nearest city Nearest city with population No.
with of five lakh and more
population of
9 10 11 12 2 1
Nagercoil (45) Thiruvananthapuram (50) Kuzhithurai (14) Kadayal (0) Kadayal (TP) 1
Nagercoil (40) Thiruvananthapuram (48) Kuzhithurai (14) Arumanai (0) Arumanai (TP) 2
Nagercoil (50) Thiruvananthapuram (45) Kuzhithurai (43) Edaicode (0) Edaicode (TP) 3
Nagercoil (40) Thiruvananthapuram (35) Parasalai (5) Palugal (0) Palugal (TP) 4
Nagercoil (38) Thiruvananthapuram (48) Kuzhithurai (7) Kaliyakkavilai (0) Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 5
Nagercoil (35) Thiruvananthapuram (48) Kuzhithurai (4) Pacode (0) Pacode (TP) 6
Nagercoil (30) Thiruvananthapuram (35) Kuzhithurai (2) Kuzhithurai (0) Kuzhithurai (M) 7
Nagercoil (32) Thiruvananthapuram (42) Kuzhithurai (2) Unnamalaikadai (0) Unnamalaikadai (TP) 8
Nagercoil (35) Thiruvananthapuram (42) Kuzhithurai (2) Nalloor (0) Nalloor (TP) 9
Nagercoil (53) Thiruvananthapuram (42) Kuzhithurai (10) Kollancode (0) Kollancode (TP) 10
Nagercoil (40) Thiruvananthapuram (45) Kuzhithurai (10) Ezhudesam (0) Ezhudesam (TP) 11
Nagercoil (38) Thiruvananthapuram (38) Kuzhithurai (8) Puthukkadai (0) Puthukkadai (TP) 12
Nagercoil (33) Thiruvananthapuram (31) Kuzhithurai (7) Killiyoor (0) Killiyoor (TP) 13
Nagercoil (15) Thiruvananthapuram (46) Marthandam (15) Keezhkulam (0) Keezhkulam (TP) 14
Nagercoil (35) Thiruvananthapuram (63) Palliyadi (5) Karungal (0) Karungal (TP) 15
Nagercoil (30) Thiruvananthapuram (45) Palliyadi (8) Palappallam (0) Palappallam (TP) 16
Nagercoil (45) Thiruvananthapuram (47) Kuzhithurai (9) Puliyoorsalai (0) Puliyoorsalai (CT) 17
Nagercoil (40) Thiruvananthapuram (47) Kuzhithurai (10) Manjalumoodu (0) Manjalumoodu (CT) 18
Nagercoil (40) Thiruvananthapuram (50) Kuzhithurai (10) Muzhucode (0) Muzhucode (CT) 19
Nagercoil (40) Thiruvananthapuram (35) Kuzhithurai (10) Malayadi (0) Malayadi (CT) 20
Nagercoil (28) Thiruvananthapuram (45) Parasalai (1) Vanniyoor (0) Vanniyoor (CT) 21
Nagercoil (32) Thiruvananthapuram (40) Kuzhithurai (5) Maruthancode (0) Maruthancode (CT) 22
Nagercoil (38) Thiruvananthapuram (50) Kuzhithurai (10) Vellamcode (0) Vellamcode (CT) 23
Nagercoil (30) Thiruvananthapuram (60) Kuzhithurai (8) Kulappuram (0) Kulappuram (CT) 24
Nagercoil (30) Thiruvananthapuram (65) Kuzhithurai (8) Adaikkakuzhi (0) Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 25
Nagercoil (30) Thiruvananthapuram (55) Kuzhithurai (6) Methukummal (0) Methukummal (CT) 26
Nagercoil (28) Thiruvananthapuram (45) Kuzhithurai (1) Vilavancode (0) Vilavancode (CT) 27
Nagercoil (60) Thiruvananthapuram (10) Kuzhithurai (6) Choozhal (0) Choozhal (CT) 28
Nagercoil (35) Thiruvananthapuram (35) Kuzhithurai (6) Nadaikavu (0) Nadaikavu (CT) 29
Nagercoil (45) Thiruvananthapuram (35) Kuzhithurai (8) Vavarai (0) Vavarai (CT) 30
Nagercoil (40) Thiruvananthapuram (35) Kuzhithurai (10) Mancad (0) Mancad (CT) 31
Nagercoil (40) Thiruvananthapuram (35) Kuzhithurai (8) Vilathurai (0) Vilathurai (CT) 32


STATEMENT-II: Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 2009

Sl. Name of town Physical aspects Name of and road distance (in kms) from
No. Rainfall Temperature State HQ. District HQ. Sub-Division/ Taluk/ Tahsil
(in mm) (in centigrade) / PS/ Development Block/
Max Min Island HQ.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
33 Nattalam (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (35) Vilavancode (10)
34 Painkulam (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (28) Vilavancode (10)
35 Paloor (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (32) Vilavancode (10)
36 Midalam (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (35) Vilavancode (10)
37 Mathicode (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (780) Nagercoil (30) Vilavancode (15)
38 Thirparappu (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (755) Nagercoil (35) Kalkulam (20)
39 Ponmanai (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (754) Nagercoil (32) Kalkulam (15)
40 Kulasekaram (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (753) Nagercoil (33) Kalkulam (15)
41 Thiruvattar (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (780) Nagercoil (30) Kalkulam (15)
42 Athur (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (760) Nagercoil (30) Kalkulam (15)
43 Verkilambi (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (756) Nagercoil (25) Kalkulam (10)
44 Kumarapuram (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (700) Nagercoil (23) Kalkulam (8)
45 Kothanallur (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (23) Kalkulam (6)
46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (640) Nagercoil (30) Kalkulam (15)
47 Mulagumudu (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (660) Nagercoil (20) Kalkulam (8)
48 Vilavur (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (746) Nagercoil (19) Kalkulam (4)
49 Padmanabhapuram (M) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (744) Nagercoil (15) Kalkulam (4)
50 Thiruvithancode (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (20) Kalkulam (2)
51 Kappiyarai (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (780) Nagercoil (25) Kalkulam (8)
52 Eraniel (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (665) Nagercoil (15) Kalkulam (4)
53 Villukuri (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (618) Nagercoil (10) Kalkulam (7)
54 Neyyoor (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (760) Nagercoil (20) Kalkulam (7)
55 Reethapuram (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (768) Nagercoil (18) Kalkulam (7)
56 Kallukuttam (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (710) Nagercoil (14) Kalkulam (6)
57 Thingalnagar (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (18) Kalkulam (8)
58 Alur (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (759) Nagercoil (8) Kalkulam (12)
59 Colachel (M) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (720) Nagercoil (24) Kalkulam (13)
60 Mandaikadu (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (780) Nagercoil (20) Kalkulam (10)
61 Manavalakurichi (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (618) Nagercoil (18) Kalkulam (12)
62 Vellimalai (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (766) Nagercoil (16) Kalkulam (12)
63 Ayacode (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (850) Nagercoil (35) Kalkulam (16)
64 Kattathurai (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (718) Nagercoil (20) Kalkulam (4)


STATEMENT-II: Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 2009

Name of and road distance (in kms) from Railway station Bus route Name of town Sl.
Nearest city Nearest city with population No.
with of five lakh and more
population of
9 10 11 12 2 1
Nagercoil (35) Thiruvananthapuram (40) Kuzhithurai (6) Nattalam (0) Nattalam (CT) 33
Nagercoil (28) Thiruvananthapuram (55) Kuzhithurai (11) Painkulam (0) Painkulam (CT) 34
Nagercoil (30) Thiruvananthapuram (50) Kuzhithurai (11) Paloor (0) Paloor (CT) 35
Nagercoil (35) Thiruvananthapuram (40) Kuzhithurai (10) Midalam (0) Midalam (CT) 36
Nagercoil (30) Thiruvananthapuram (65) Kuzhithurai (15) Mathicode (0) Mathicode (CT) 37
Nagercoil (35) Thiruvananthapuram (55) Kuzhithurai (13) Thirparappu (0) Thirparappu (TP) 38
Nagercoil (32) Thiruvananthapuram (45) Kuzhithurai (15) Ponmanai (0) Ponmanai (TP) 39
Nagercoil (33) Thiruvananthapuram (52) Kuzhithurai (11) Kulasekaram (0) Kulasekaram (TP) 40
Nagercoil (30) Thiruvananthapuram (55) Kuzhithurai (15) Thiruvattar (0) Thiruvattar (TP) 41
Nagercoil (30) Thiruvananthapuram (60) Kuzhithurai (7) Athur (0) Athur (TP) 42
Nagercoil (25) Thiruvananthapuram (50) Eraniel (15) Verkilambi (0) Verkilambi (TP) 43
Nagercoil (23) Thiruvananthapuram (50) Eraniel (10) Kumarapuram (0) Kumarapuram (TP) 44
Nagercoil (23) Thiruvananthapuram (65) Eraniel (10) Kothanallur (0) Kothanallur (TP) 45
Nagercoil (30) Thiruvananthapuram (60) Palliyarai (3) Valvaithankoshtam (0) Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 46
Nagercoil (20) Thiruvananthapuram (49) Palliyadi (5) Mulagumudu (0) Mulagumudu (TP) 47
Nagercoil (19) Thiruvananthapuram (50) Eraniel (6) Vilavur (0) Vilavur (TP) 48
Nagercoil (15) Thiruvananthapuram (52) Eraniel (4) Padmanabhapuram (0) Padmanabhapuram (M) 49
Nagercoil (30) Thiruvananthapuram (60) Eraniel (4) Thiruvithancode (0) Thiruvithancode (TP) 50
Nagercoil (25) Thiruvananthapuram (43) Palliyadi (2) Kappiyarai (0) Kappiyarai (TP) 51
Nagercoil (15) Thiruvananthapuram (51) Eraniel (2) Eraniel (0) Eraniel (TP) 52
Nagercoil (10) Thiruvananthapuram (80) Eraniel (4) Villukuri (0) Villukuri (TP) 53
Nagercoil (20) Thiruvananthapuram (50) Eraniel (3) Neyyoor (0) Neyyoor (TP) 54
Nagercoil (18) Thiruvananthapuram (52) Eraniel (10) Reethapuram (0) Reethapuram (TP) 55
Nagercoil (22) Thiruvananthapuram (60) Eraniel (6) Kallukuttam (0) Kallukuttam (TP) 56
Nagercoil (18) Thiruvananthapuram (75) Eraniel (2) Thingalnagar (0) Thingalnagar (TP) 57
Nagercoil (8) Thiruvananthapuram (65) Virani (10) Alur (0) Alur (TP) 58
Nagercoil (24) Thiruvananthapuram (45) Eraniel (9) Colachel (0) Colachel (M) 59
Nagercoil (20) Thiruvananthapuram (60) Eraniel (5) Mandaikadu (0) Mandaikadu (TP) 60
Nagercoil (18) Thiruvananthapuram (18) Eraniel (8) Manavalakurichi (0) Manavalakurichi (TP) 61
Nagercoil (16) Thiruvananthapuram (96) Nagercoil (12) Vellimalai (0) Vellimalai (TP) 62
Nagercoil (35) Thiruvananthapuram (60) Marthandam (10) Ayacode (0) Ayacode (CT) 63
Nagercoil (20) Thiruvananthapuram (51) Marthandam (7) Kattathurai (0) Kattathurai (CT) 64


STATEMENT-II: Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 2009

Sl. Name of town Physical aspects Name of and road distance (in kms) from
No. Rainfall Temperature State HQ. District HQ. Sub-Division/ Taluk/ Tahsil
(in mm) (in centigrade) / PS/ Development Block/
Max Min Island HQ.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
65 Kannanoor (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (718) Nagercoil (20) Kalkulam (4)
66 Thikkanamcode (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (850) Nagercoil (15) Kalkulam (3)
67 Nullivilai (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (721) Nagercoil (16) Kalkulam (7)
68 Athivilai (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (718) Nagercoil (20) Kalkulam (4)
69 Kattimancode (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (722) Nagercoil (13) Kalkulam (8)
70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (700) Nagercoil (17) Thovala (5)
71 Boothapandi (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (12) Thovala (6)
72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (716) Nagercoil (16) Thovala (4)
73 Thazhakudy (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (720) Nagercoil (8) Thovala (8)
74 Thadikarankonam (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (650) Nagercoil (20) Thovala (10)
75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (600) Nagercoil (12) Thovala (3)
76 Marungur (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (760) Nagercoil (11) Agastheeswaram (8)
77 Therur (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (730) Nagercoil (10) Agastheeswaram (13)
78 Nagercoil (M) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (682) Nagercoil (0) Agastheeswaram (0)
79 Asaripallam (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (725) Nagercoil (5) Agastheeswaram (5)
80 Suchindrum (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (5) Agastheeswaram (4)
81 Ganapathipuram (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (760) Nagercoil (10) Agastheeswaram (10)
82 Mylaudy (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (780) Nagercoil (15) Agastheeswaram (15)
83 Alagappapuram (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (15) Agastheeswaram (15)
84 Anjugrammam (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (720) Nagercoil (18) Agastheeswaram (18)
85 Kottaram (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (735) Nagercoil (15) Agastheeswaram (1)
86 Thengampudur (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (760) Nagercoil (8) Agastheeswaram (8)
87 Puthalam (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (780) Nagercoil (13) Agastheeswaram (13)
88 Agastheeswaram (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (726) Nagercoil (16) Agastheeswaram (16)
89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (715) Nagercoil (10) Agastheeswaram (3)
90 Kanniyakumari (TP) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (728) Nagercoil (21) Agastheeswaram (2)
91 Putheri (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (760) Nagercoil (8) Agastheeswaram (8)
92 Gandipuram (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (750) Nagercoil (2) Agastheeswaram (5)
93 Peruvilai (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (760) Nagercoil (3) Agastheeswaram (3)
94 Dharamapuram (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (760) Nagercoil (13) Agastheeswaram (13)
95 Pallanthurai (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (780) Nagercoil (12) Agastheeswaram (10)
96 Manakudi (CT) 1142.4 33.5 23.9 Chennai (760) Nagercoil (14) Agastheeswaram (14)


STATEMENT-II: Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 2009

Name of and road distance (in kms) from Railway station Bus route Name of town Sl.
Nearest city Nearest city with population No.
with of five lakh and more
population of
9 10 11 12 2 1
Nagercoil (20) Thiruvananthapuram (51) Marthandam (7) Kannanoor (0) Kannanoor (CT) 65
Nagercoil (15) Thiruvananthapuram (60) Eraniel (4) Thikkanamcode (0) Thikkanamcode (CT) 66
Nagercoil (16) Thiruvananthapuram (60) Eraniel (3) Nullivilai (0) Nullivilai (CT) 67
Nagercoil (20) Thiruvananthapuram (64) Eraniel (3) Athivilai (0) Athivilai (CT) 68
Nagercoil (13) Thiruvananthapuram (64) Eraniel (4) Kattimancode (0) Kattimancode (CT) 69
Nagercoil (17) Thiruvananthapuram (87) Nagercoil (17) Azhagiapandipuram (0) Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 70
Nagercoil (12) Thiruvananthapuram (70) Nagercoil (12) Boothapandi (0) Boothapandi (TP) 71
Nagercoil (16) Thiruvananthapuram (72) Aralvaimozhi (0) Aralvaimozhi (0) Aralvaimozhi (TP) 72
Nagercoil (8) Thiruvananthapuram (73) Aralvaimozhi (8) Thazhakudy (0) Thazhakudy (TP) 73
Nagercoil (20) Thiruvananthapuram (80) Nagercoil (20) Thadikarankonam (0) Thadikarankonam (CT) 74
Nagercoil (12) Thiruvananthapuram (80) Nagercoil (12) Chenbagaramanputhur (0) Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 75
Nagercoil (11) Thiruvananthapuram (84) Nagercoil (11) Marungur (0) Marungur (TP) 76
Nagercoil (10) Thiruvananthapuram (84) Nagercoil (10) Therur (0) Therur (TP) 77
Nagercoil (0) Thiruvananthapuram (66) Nagercoil (0) Nagercoil (0) Nagercoil (M) 78
Nagercoil (5) Thiruvananthapuram (70) Nagercoil (5) Asaripallam (0) Asaripallam (TP) 79
Nagercoil (5) Thiruvananthapuram (71) Nagercoil (5) Suchindrum (0) Suchindrum (TP) 80
Nagercoil (10) Thiruvananthapuram (90) Nagercoil (10) Ganapathipuram (0) Ganapathipuram (TP) 81
Nagercoil (15) Thiruvananthapuram (77) Kanniyakumari (15) Mylaudy (0) Mylaudy (TP) 82
Nagercoil (15) Thiruvananthapuram (81) Kanniyakumari (8) Alagappapuram (0) Alagappapuram (TP) 83
Nagercoil (18) Thiruvananthapuram (86) Kanniyakumari (7) Anjugrammam (0) Anjugrammam (TP) 84
Nagercoil (15) Thiruvananthapuram (82) Kanniyakumari (5) Kottaram (0) Kottaram (TP) 85
Nagercoil (8) Thiruvananthapuram (60) Nagercoil (8) Thengampudur (0) Thengampudur (TP) 86
Nagercoil (13) Thiruvananthapuram (84) Nagercoil (13) Puthalam (0) Puthalam (TP) 87
Nagercoil (16) Thiruvananthapuram (84) Kanniyakumari (5) Agastheeswaram (0) Agastheeswaram (TP) 88
Nagercoil (10) Thiruvananthapuram (84) Kanniyakumari (8) Thenthamaraikulam (0) Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 89
Nagercoil (21) Thiruvananthapuram (86) Kanniyakumari (0) Kanniyakumari (0) Kanniyakumari (TP) 90
Nagercoil (8) Thiruvananthapuram (80) Kottar (3) Putheri (0) Putheri (CT) 91
Nagercoil (2) Thiruvananthapuram (80) Nagercoil (2) Gandipuram (0) Gandipuram (CT) 92
Nagercoil (3) Thiruvananthapuram (80) Nagercoil (3) Peruvilai (0) Peruvilai (CT) 93
Nagercoil (13) Thiruvananthapuram (80) Nagercoil (13) Dharamapuram (0) Dharamapuram (CT) 94
Nagercoil (12) Thiruvananthapuram (80) Nagercoil (12) Pallanthurai (0) Pallanthurai (CT) 95
Nagercoil (14) Thiruvananthapuram (80) Nagercoil (14) Manakudi (0) Manakudi (CT) 96


STATEMENT - III: Civic and other Amenities, 2009

Sl. Name of Town Road System of drainage Number of latrines

No. length
(in kms) Open Closed Both - Nil Pit Flush/ Pour Service Others
(OD) (CD) Open & System Flush (Water
Closed borne)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Kadayal (TP) 105 BD 0 5179 0 0
2 Arumanai (TP) 36 BD 0 4236 0 0
3 Edaicode (TP) 35 BD 0 6263 0 0
4 Palugal (TP) 38 OD 0 3804 1 0
5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 42 BD 0 3892 2 1
6 Pacode (TP) 83 OD 0 6100 0 0
7 Kuzhithurai (M) 40 BD 0 5187 7 2
8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) 56 BD 0 5969 0 0
9 Nalloor (TP) 54 BD 0 4422 0 0
10 Kollancode (TP) 66 BD 0 7264 4 0
11 Ezhudesam (TP) 96 CD 0 5418 2 0
12 Puthukkadai (TP) 16 BD 0 2537 0 0
13 Killiyoor (TP) 92 BD 0 4781 0 0
14 Keezhkulam (TP) 53 OD 0 4095 0 0
15 Karungal (TP) 139 BD 0 4368 0 0
16 Palappallam (TP) 61 OD 0 4500 0 0
17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) 7 Nil 0 1614 0 0
18 Manjalumoodu (CT) 7 BD 0 1760 0 0
19 Muzhucode (CT) 6 BD 0 2075 0 0
20 Malayadi (CT) 17 OD 0 1772 0 0
21 Vanniyoor (CT) 4 OD 0 1183 0 0
22 Maruthancode (CT) 6 BD 0 1951 0 0
23 Vellamcode (CT) 7 BD 0 2935 0 0
24 Kulappuram (CT) 13 OD 0 1965 0 0
25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 13 Nil 0 2046 0 0
26 Methukummal (CT) 42 OD 0 4707 0 0
27 Vilavancode (CT) 5 OD 0 1760 0 0
28 Choozhal (CT) 16 OD 0 1650 0 0
29 Nadaikavu (CT) 13 Nil 0 1903 0 0
30 Vavarai (CT) 13 Nil 0 1931 0 0


STATEMENT - III: Civic and other Amenities, 2009

Protected water supply Fire fighting service* Electrification (Number of Name of Town Sl.
connections) No.
Source of System of storage

Road lighting
supply with capacity in KL

(Codes) @ (along with Codes) @

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 1
TT,TW/B OHT(815) No,Kuzhithurai(14) 5450 12 295 1630 24 Kadayal (TP) 1
TT,CW OHT(420) No,Kuzhithurai(14) 4200 1 127 624 0 Arumanai (TP) 2
TT,HP OHT(710),BWP No,Kuzhithurai(6) 6049 15 150 657 12 Edaicode (TP) 3
TT, OHT(560) No,Parasalai(8) 4429 2 175 700 0 Palugal (TP) 4
TT,CW OHT(640) No,Kuzhithurai(5) 3892 4 310 674 85 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 5
TT, OHT(1000) No,Kuzhithurai(4) 6237 13 125 915 0 Pacode (TP) 6
TT,R/C OHT(2064) Yes 5519 12 3427 1524 0 Kuzhithurai (M) 7
TT,CW OHT(780) No,Kuzhithurai(3) 5950 14 345 102 84 Unnamalaikadai (TP) 8
TT, OHT(1092) No,Kuzhithurai(2) 4480 5 250 110 7 Nalloor (TP) 9
TT,CW OHT(1160) Yes 8006 12 208 1222 8 Kollancode (TP) 10
TT, OHT(1588) No,Kolllancode(6) 5940 13 122 1280 0 Ezhudesam (TP) 11
TT,CW OHT(460) No,Kuzhithurai(8) 2537 3 110 561 0 Puthukkadai (TP) 12
TT,HP OHT(756),BWP No,Kuzhithurai(10) 5152 12 75 1257 0 Killiyoor (TP) 13
TT,UW OHT(945) No,Marthandam(15) 4297 6 86 1436 0 Keezhkulam (TP) 14
TT,HP OHT(800),BWP(9) No,Colachel(8) 4368 7 320 1494 4 Karungal (TP) 15
TT,CW OHT(710) No,Colachel(4) 4842 5 96 1264 0 Palappallam (TP) 16
TT, OHT(1000) No,Kuzhithurai(9) 1614 1 96 332 2 Puliyoorsalai (CT) 17
TT,HP OHT(1000) No,Kuzhithurai(10) 1753 1 90 215 0 Manjalumoodu (CT) 18
TT,HP OHT(1000) No,Kuzhithurai(10) 2075 2 85 280 0 Muzhucode (CT) 19
TT, OHT(200) No,Kuzhithurai(10) 1992 2 41 200 0 Malayadi (CT) 20
TT, OHT(100) No,Kuzhithurai(5) 1183 1 24 293 0 Vanniyoor (CT) 21
TT,TW/B OHT(370) Yes 2173 2 43 405 0 Maruthancode (CT) 22
TT,HP OHT(100) No,Kuzhithurai(10) 3169 2 80 300 0 Vellamcode (CT) 23
TT,R/C OHT(200) Yes 1932 1 39 600 0 Kulappuram (CT) 24
TT, OHT(200) No,Kuzhithurai(5) 2162 2 46 400 0 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 25
TT,CW OHT(500) Yes 4785 12 100 895 0 Methukummal (CT) 26
TT, OHT(500) No,Kuzhithurai(1) 1760 1 36 692 0 Vilavancode (CT) 27
TT,CW OHT(800) No,Kolllancode(5) 1799 1 120 758 0 Choozhal (CT) 28
TT, OHT(500) No,Kuzhithurai(6) 2130 2 45 412 0 Nadaikavu (CT) 29
TT,UW OHT(900) No,Kuzhithurai(8) 2170 2 45 366 0 Vavarai (CT) 30


STATEMENT - III: Civic and other Amenities, 2009

Sl. Name of Town Road System of drainage Number of latrines

No. length
(in kms) Open Closed Both - Nil Pit Flush/ Pour Service Others
(OD) (CD) Open & System Flush (Water
Closed borne)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
31 Mancad (CT) 13 Nil 0 1320 0 0
32 Vilathurai (CT) 59 OD 0 5048 2 0
33 Nattalam (CT) 13 OD 0 1909 0 0
34 Painkulam (CT) 25 OD 0 5540 2 0
35 Paloor (CT) 5 Nil 0 1666 0 0
36 Midalam (CT) 20 OD 0 1994 0 0
37 Mathicode (CT) 19 OD 0 1775 0 0
38 Thirparappu (TP) 68 BD 0 5726 3 2
39 Ponmanai (TP) 34 OD 0 3322 4 0
40 Kulasekaram (TP) 48 BD 0 4065 0 0
41 Thiruvattar (TP) 35 OD 0 4461 1 0
42 Athur (TP) 48 OD 0 3036 0 0
43 Verkilambi (TP) 66 BD 0 4801 1 0
44 Kumarapuram (TP) 34 BD 0 3523 2 0
45 Kothanallur (TP) 46 BD 0 4048 4 0
46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 36 OD 0 4095 0 0
47 Mulagumudu (TP) 52 BD 0 5041 0 0
48 Vilavur (TP) 51 OD 0 3412 4 0
49 Padmanabhapuram (M) 40 BD 0 5510 5 2
50 Thiruvithancode (TP) 79 BD 0 4347 0 0
51 Kappiyarai (TP) 59 BD 0 4045 0 0
52 Eraniel (TP) 38 BD 0 2511 0 0
53 Villukuri (TP) 54 BD 0 3500 0 0
54 Neyyoor (TP) 50 OD 0 3420 0 0
55 Reethapuram (TP) 88 OD 0 5210 0 0
56 Kallukuttam (TP) 78 OD 0 4815 3 0
57 Thingalnagar (TP) 17 CD 0 3280 1 0
58 Alur (TP) 55 OD 0 3842 0 0
59 Colachel (M) 33 BD 0 4957 2 15
60 Mandaikadu (TP) 24 BD 0 3220 2 4


STATEMENT - III: Civic and other Amenities, 2009

Protected water supply Fire fighting service* Electrification (Number of Name of Town Sl.
connections) No.
Source of System of storage

Road lighting
supply with capacity in KL

(Codes) @ (along with Codes) @

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 1
TT,UW OHT(400) No,Kuzhithurai(8) 1320 1 37 310 0 Mancad (CT) 31
TT, OHT(950) No,Kuzhithurai(8) 5171 13 450 914 0 Vilathurai (CT) 32
TT,UW OHT(400) No,Kuzhithurai(6) 1976 2 115 501 0 Nattalam (CT) 33
TT,UW OHT(3000) No,Kuzhithurai(11) 5638 12 112 1250 0 Painkulam (CT) 34
HP,UW OHT(100) No,Kuzhithurai(10) 1667 1 360 360 0 Paloor (CT) 35
TT, OHT(1000) No,Colachel(10) 2204 2 132 542 0 Midalam (CT) 36
TT,CW OHT(430) No,Colachel(5) 1775 1 42 337 0 Mathicode (CT) 37
TT, OHT(840) No,Kulasekaram(1) 5650 14 117 1092 10 Thirparappu (TP) 38
TT,UW OHT(520) No,Kulasekaram(2) 3544 4 180 624 34 Ponmanai (TP) 39
TT, OHT(330) No,Kulasekaram(1) 4203 5 508 903 0 Kulasekaram (TP) 40
TT, OHT(870) No,Kuzhithurai(8) 4836 6 96 744 0 Thiruvattar (TP) 41
HP,UW OHT(680) No,Puliyurkurichi(10) 2845 4 69 51 18 Athur (TP) 42
TT, OHT(1000) No,Thackalai(9) 4598 10 346 1008 0 Verkilambi (TP) 43
TT,UW OHT(870) No,Puliyurkurichi(8) 3653 5 114 913 18 Kumarapuram (TP) 44
TT, OHT(205) No,Thackalai(7) 4198 2 120 764 6 Kothanallur (TP) 45
TT,CW OHT(655) No,Kuzhithurai(5) 4406 3 653 750 0 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 46
TT, OHT(510) No,Thackalai(7) 5041 12 178 1056 0 Mulagumudu (TP) 47
TT,CW OHT(875) No,Puliyurkurichi(5) 3725 4 87 813 0 Vilavur (TP) 48
TT, OHT(900) Yes 5430 11 1543 1257 275 Padmanabhapuram (M) 49
TT, OHT(825) No,Thackalai(2) 4225 5 395 734 0 Thiruvithancode (TP) 50
TT,UW OHT(690) No,Thackalai(8) 3857 7 230 798 126 Kappiyarai (TP) 51
TT,CW OHT(540) No,Puliyurkurichi(6) 2681 3 240 790 0 Eraniel (TP) 52
TT, OHT(747) No,Thackalai(5) 4037 8 290 898 0 Villukuri (TP) 53
TT,CW OHT(1030) No,Colachel(6) 3430 9 68 989 0 Neyyoor (TP) 54
TT,CW OHT(3500) No,Colachel(3) 5210 12 104 1157 0 Reethapuram (TP) 55
TT, OHT(1080) No,Colachel(3) 4815 5 97 1229 0 Kallukuttam (TP) 56
TT, OHT(630) Yes 3538 4 245 996 0 Thingalnagar (TP) 57
TT, OHT(840) No,Nagercoil(9) 3882 5 85 215 417 Alur (TP) 58
TT,TW/B OHT(2080) Yes 5096 12 104 1407 4 Colachel (M) 59
TT, OHT(770) No,Colachel(3) 3227 6 69 841 0 Mandaikadu (TP) 60


STATEMENT - III: Civic and other Amenities, 2009

Sl. Name of Town Road System of drainage Number of latrines

No. length
(in kms) Open Closed Both - Nil Pit Flush/ Pour Service Others
(OD) (CD) Open & System Flush (Water
Closed borne)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
61 Manavalakurichi (TP) 32 BD 0 2384 0 0
62 Vellimalai (TP) 30 OD 0 3003 0 4
63 Ayacode (CT) 32 CD 0 2279 0 0
64 Kattathurai (CT) 11 OD 0 4167 0 0
65 Kannanoor (CT) 16 OD 0 1913 0 0
66 Thikkanamcode (CT) 22 CD 0 3306 0 0
67 Nullivilai (CT) 12 OD 0 3914 0 0
68 Athivilai (CT) 12 OD 0 2033 0 0
69 Kattimancode (CT) 11 OD 0 2198 0 0
70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 143 OD 0 2149 0 4
71 Boothapandi (TP) 36 BD 0 3750 2 4
72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 65 OD 0 5207 8 0
73 Thazhakudy (TP) 29 BD 0 1785 5 0
74 Thadikarankonam (CT) 13 OD 0 1208 0 0
75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 30 BD 0 1135 0 0
76 Marungur (TP) 17 OD 0 2850 1 0
77 Therur (TP) 27 OD 0 1716 3 0
78 Nagercoil (M) 198 BD 0 57260 2 0
79 Asaripallam (TP) 43 OD 0 4365 0 0
80 Suchindrum (TP) 45 BD 0 3391 5 4
81 Ganapathipuram (TP) 38 OD 0 3617 3 3
82 Mylaudy (TP) 22 OD 0 2473 0 0
83 Alagappapuram (TP) 140 BD 0 2426 0 0
84 Anjugrammam (TP) 30 OD 0 2457 0 0
85 Kottaram (TP) 38 BD 0 2741 0 0
86 Thengampudur (TP) 42 BD 0 3200 0 2
87 Puthalam (TP) 17 OD 0 2940 0 0
88 Agastheeswaram (TP) 42 BD 0 2250 2 0
89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 35 OD 0 2891 0 0
90 Kanniyakumari (TP) 25 BD 0 5443 7 4


STATEMENT - III: Civic and other Amenities, 2009

Protected water supply Fire fighting service* Electrification (Number of Name of Town Sl.
connections) No.
Source of System of storage

Road lighting
supply with capacity in KL

(Codes) @ (along with Codes) @

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 1
TT,CW OHT(995) No,Colachel(5) 2636 3 141 786 18 Manavalakurichi (TP) 61
TT, OHT(560) No,Colachel(8) 3436 5 69 718 0 Vellimalai (TP) 62
TT,TW/B OHT(400) No,Puliyurkurichi(17) 2215 2 47 734 0 Ayacode (CT) 63
TT,TW/B OHT(2060) Yes 4294 7 98 200 0 Kattathurai (CT) 64
TT,UW OHT(500) No,Marthandam(7) 1915 2 70 100 0 Kannanoor (CT) 65
TT,TW/B OHT(750) No,Thackalai(4) 3383 8 150 738 10 Thikkanamcode (CT) 66
TT, OHT(800) No,Thackalai(10) 4011 5 90 786 0 Nullivilai (CT) 67
TT, OHT(500) No,Thackalai(4) 2033 2 200 383 0 Athivilai (CT) 68
TT,TW/B OHT(500) No,Colachel(12) 2221 2 45 891 0 Kattimancode (CT) 69
TT,CW OHT(492) No,Nagercoil(17) 2875 4 287 544 210 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 70
TT,CW OHT(1100) No,Nagercoil(12) 4139 5 160 786 13 Boothapandi (TP) 71
TT,TW/B OHT(1570) No,Boothapandi(8) 6206 13 413 893 0 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 72
TT,HP OHT(485) No,Nagercoil(8) 2391 4 111 480 5 Thazhakudy (TP) 73
TT, OHT(150) No,Nagercoil(20) 1519 1 55 250 0 Thadikarankonam (CT) 74
TT,HP OHT(3000),SR(10) No,Nagercoil(12) 1421 1 28 376 0 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 75
TT,HP OHT(650) No,Nagercoil(11) 3148 6 110 715 25 Marungur (TP) 76
TT,CW OHT(530) No,Nagercoil(10) 2148 2 55 566 0 Therur (TP) 77
TT,HP OHT(3400),PT(680) Yes 59224 59 21462 9182 548 Nagercoil (M) 78
TT, OHT(860) No,Nagercoil(5) 4457 4 561 893 37 Asaripallam (TP) 79
TT, OHT(660) No,Nagercoil(5) 3644 5 276 756 73 Suchindrum (TP) 80
TT, OHT(1240) No,Nagercoil(10) 3880 8 47 1264 0 Ganapathipuram (TP) 81
TT,TW/B OHT(998) No,Kanniyakumari(15) 2661 4 70 697 0 Mylaudy (TP) 82
TT,UW OHT(960) No,Kanniyakumari(8) 2656 4 710 80 0 Alagappapuram (TP) 83
TT, OHT(800) No,Kanniyakumari(5) 2915 4 100 850 2 Anjugrammam (TP) 84
TT, OHT(655) No,Kanniyakumari(4) 2952 4 82 571 0 Kottaram (TP) 85
TT, OHT(1100) No,Nagercoil(9) 3849 5 42 687 6 Thengampudur (TP) 86
TT, OHT(790) No,Nagercoil(12) 3303 5 36 821 1 Puthalam (TP) 87
TT,TW/B OHT(720) Yes 2500 4 128 635 0 Agastheeswaram (TP) 88
TT,CW OHT(826) No,Nagercoil(10) 3100 6 115 914 0 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 89
TT, OHT(1000) Yes 5525 12 158 1150 56 Kanniyakumari (TP) 90


STATEMENT - III: Civic and other Amenities, 2009

Sl. Name of Town Road System of drainage Number of latrines

No. length
(in kms) Open Closed Both - Nil Pit Flush/ Pour Service Others
(OD) (CD) Open & System Flush (Water
Closed borne)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
91 Putheri (CT) 6 OD 0 1437 0 0
92 Gandipuram (CT) 7 OD 0 1625 1 0
93 Peruvilai (CT) 8 OD 0 1570 0 0
94 Dharamapuram (CT) 5 OD 0 3616 1 0
95 Pallanthurai (CT) 13 OD 0 1324 1 0
96 Manakudi (CT) 14 OD 0 1026 3 0

*In case this service is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance from the town where
facility is available has been given
@Two major source only


TT: Tap water from treated source TK/P/L:Tank/Pond/Lake

TU:Tap water from un-treated source O:Others
CW: Covered well OHT:Over head Tank
UW: Un-covered well SR:Service Reservoir
HP:Hand pump RIG:River Infiltration Gallery
TW/B:Tubewell /Borehole BWP:Bore Well Pumping system
RW:Rainwater PT:Pressure Tank
S:Spring N\A,NA,N.A.: Not Avialable


STATEMENT - III: Civic and other Amenities, 2009

Protected water supply Fire fighting service* Electrification (Number of Name of Town Sl.
connections) No.
Source of System of storage

Road lighting
supply with capacity in KL

(Codes) @ (along with Codes) @

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 1
TT, OHT(2500) No,Nagercoil(8) 1557 1 33 250 0 Putheri (CT) 91
TT, OHT(103) No,Nagercoil(2) 1625 1 42 42 0 Gandipuram (CT) 92
TT, OHT(1500) No,Nagercoil(3) 1608 1 35 400 0 Peruvilai (CT) 93
TT, OHT(450) No,Nagercoil(13) 4218 5 80 1135 0 Dharamapuram (CT) 94
TT, OHT(1400) No,Nagercoil(12) 1324 1 26 45 2 Pallanthurai (CT) 95
TT,TU OHT(303) No,Nagercoil(12) 1026 1 21 249 3 Manakudi (CT) 96

*In case this service is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance from the town where
facility is available has been given
@Two major source only


TT: Tap water from treated source TK/P/L:Tank/Pond/Lake

TU:Tap water from un-treated source O:Others
CW: Covered well OHT:Over head Tank
UW: Un-covered well SR:Service Reservoir
HP:Hand pump RIG:River Infiltration Gallery
TW/B:Tubewell /Borehole BWP:Bore Well Pumping system
RW:Rainwater PT:Pressure Tank
S:Spring N\A,NA,N.A.: Not Avialable


STATEMENT - IV: Medical Facilities, 2009

No. of Medical facilities* (with number of beds in brackets)

Hospital/Nursing Home
Family Welfare Center
Hospitals (Allopathic

Dispensaries / Health

Mobile Health Clinic

T.B.Hospital/ Clinic
Maternity and Child

Veterinary Hospital
Maternity Homes

Nursing Homes

Medicine Shop
Welfare Center
Name of Town

Others etc.
& Others)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1 Kadayal (TP) 1(0) 1(19) 7 Kms. 1(19) 1(19) 14 Kms. N.A.

14 Kms. 30 Kms. NA 0 9

2 Arumanai (TP) 2(20) 1(15) 1(0) 1(15) 1(15) 1(15) N.A. 1(0) 35 Kms. NA 0 4

3 Edaicode (TP) 1(0) 1(5) 1(0) 1(5) 1(5) 1(5) N.A. 1(0) 35 Kms. NA 0 4

4 Palugal (TP) 1(0) 1(5) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 9 Kms. N.A.7 Kms. 30 Kms. NA 1 2

5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 5 Kms. 5 Kms. 5 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 5 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 30 Kms. NA 0 4

6 Pacode (TP) 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. N.A.2 Kms. 28 Kms. NA 0 2

7 Kuzhithurai (M) 2(20) 1(5) 1(0) 1(5) 1(5) 1(5) N.A. 1(0) 30 Kms. NA 2 11

8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. N.A.3 Kms. 25 Kms. NA 0 1

9 Nalloor (TP) 1(0) 1(5) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 4 Kms. N.A.2 Kms. 26 Kms. NA 0 5

10 Kollancode (TP) 1(0) 1(6) 1(0) 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) N.A.4 Kms. 30 Kms. NA 2 3

11 Ezhudesam (TP) 1(0) 1(5) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 5 Kms. N.A.5 Kms. 28 Kms. NA 0 3

12 Puthukkadai (TP) 4 Kms. 2 Kms. 7 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 2 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 28 Kms. NA 0 2

13 Killiyoor (TP) 1(0) 1(5) 1(0) 1(5) 1(5) 1(5) N.A. 2(0) 25 Kms. NA 2 3

14 Keezhkulam (TP) 1(0) 1(5) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 16 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 23 Kms. NA 0 2

15 Karungal (TP) 2(10) 1(5) 1(0) 1(5) 1(5) 1(5) N.A. 2(0) 20 Kms. NA 0 9

16 Palappallam (TP) 3 Kms. 7 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 7 Kms. N.A.3 Kms. 18 Kms. NA 1 1

17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) 5 Kms. 5 Kms. 7 Kms. 5 Kms. 5 Kms. 5 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 40 Kms. NA 0 1

18 Manjalumoodu (CT) 2 Kms. 5 Kms. 3 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. 5 Kms. N.A.5 Kms. 35 Kms. NA 0 1

19 Muzhucode (CT) 2 Kms. 4 Kms. 3 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. 4 Kms. N.A.4 Kms. 35 Kms. NA 0 1

20 Malayadi (CT) 5 Kms. 5 Kms. 5 Kms. 10 Kms.10 Kms. 5 Kms. N.A.

10 Kms. 28 Kms. NA 1 2

21 Vanniyoor (CT) 1 Kms. 3 Kms. 5 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. 3 Kms. N.A.3 Kms. 26 Kms. NA 0 1

22 Maruthancode (CT) 1(0) 3 Kms. 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 7 Kms. N.A.8 Kms. 25 Kms. NA 0 1

23 Vellamcode (CT) 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. N.A.5 Kms. 30 Kms. NA 0 1

24 Kulappuram (CT) 9 Kms. 9 Kms. 9 Kms. 9 Kms. 9 Kms. 9 Kms. N.A.4 Kms. 35 Kms. NA 0 1

25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 5 Kms. 5 Kms. 9 Kms. 5 Kms. 5 Kms. 5 Kms. N.A.4 Kms. 35 Kms. NA 0 1

26 Methukummal (CT) 13 Kms. 7 Kms. 7 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 7 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 35 Kms. NA 0 1

27 Vilavancode (CT) 1 Kms. 2 Kms. 4 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. N.A.2 Kms. 30 Kms. NA 0 1


STATEMENT - IV: Medical Facilities, 2009

No. of Medical facilities* (with number of beds in brackets)

Hospital/Nursing Home
Family Welfare Center
Hospitals (Allopathic

Dispensaries / Health

Mobile Health Clinic

T.B.Hospital/ Clinic
Maternity and Child

Veterinary Hospital
Maternity Homes

Nursing Homes

Medicine Shop
Welfare Center
Name of Town

Others etc.
& Others)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

28 Choozhal (CT) 1(0) 1(1) 7 Kms. 1(3) 1(3) 10 Kms. N.A.5 Kms. 35 Kms. NA 0 5

29 Nadaikavu (CT) 6 Kms. 6 Kms. 8 Kms. 5 Kms. 5 Kms. 6 Kms. N.A.3 Kms. 33 Kms. NA 0 2

30 Vavarai (CT) 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. N.A.4 Kms. 33 Kms. NA 0 1

31 Mancad (CT) 1(0) 1(0) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 10 Kms. N.A.3 Kms. 33 Kms. NA 1 1

32 Vilathurai (CT) 1(0) 1(1) 7 Kms. 1(4) 1(4) 8 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 32 Kms. NA 2 4

33 Nattalam (CT) 6 Kms. 1(5) 1(0) 6 Kms. 6 Kms. 1(5) N.A.4 Kms. 30 Kms. NA 0 1

34 Painkulam (CT) 1(0) 1(10) 7 Kms. 1(10) 1(10) 10 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 28 Kms. NA 2 4

35 Paloor (CT) 1(0) 3 Kms. 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 3 Kms. N.A.5 Kms. 26 Kms. NA 0 2

36 Midalam (CT) 1(0) 1(6) 7 Kms. 1(6) 1(6) 10 Kms. N.A.5 Kms. 26 Kms. NA 0 1

37 Mathicode (CT) 1(0) 1(1) 7 Kms. 1(3) 1(3) 15 Kms. N.A.3 Kms. 25 Kms. NA 0 1

38 Thirparappu (TP) 1 Kms. 1 Kms. 1 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 1 Kms. N.A.1 Kms. 38 Kms. NA 1 1

39 Ponmanai (TP) 2 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 35 Kms. NA 0 1

40 Kulasekaram (TP) 2(50) 1(5) 1(0) 1(5) 1(5) 1(5) N.A. 1(0) 36 Kms. NA 0 11

41 Thiruvattar (TP) 1(0) 1(6) 1(0) 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) N.A. 1(1) 35 Kms. NA 1 3

42 Athur (TP) 8 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 3 Kms. N.A.8 Kms. 35 Kms. NA 0 2

43 Verkilambi (TP) 2 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 33 Kms. NA 2 3

44 Kumarapuram (TP) 8 Kms. 3 Kms. 8 Kms. 8 Kms. 8 Kms. 3 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 26 Kms. NA 0 2

45 Kothanallur (TP) 1(0) 1(10) 1(0) 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) N.A. 1(0) 26 Kms. NA 0 3

46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 1(0) 1(5) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 15 Kms. N.A.5 Kms. 27 Kms. NA 0 3

47 Mulagumudu (TP) 7 Kms. 4 Kms. 7 Kms. 7 Kms. 7 Kms. 4 Kms. N.A.7 Kms. 25 Kms. NA 2 3

48 Vilavur (TP) 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 2(6) 2(6) 3 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 23 Kms. NA 0 1

49 Padmanabhapuram (M) 2(96) 1(5) 1(0) 1(5) 1(5) 1(5) N.A. 1(0) 20 Kms. NA 2 10

50 Thiruvithancode (TP) 1(0) 1(5) 1(0) 1(5) 1(5) 1(5) N.A.2 Kms. 20 Kms. NA 1 7

51 Kappiyarai (TP) 1(0) 1(5) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 8 Kms. N.A.2 Kms. 23 Kms. NA 0 1

52 Eraniel (TP) 5 Kms. 4 Kms. 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 4 Kms. N.A.3 Kms. 15 Kms. NA 0 4

53 Villukuri (TP) 1(0) 1(5) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 7 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 12 Kms. NA 0 1

54 Neyyoor (TP) 1(0) 1(12) 7 Kms. 1(12) 1(12) 8 Kms. N.A.2 Kms. 18 Kms. NA 0 2


STATEMENT - IV: Medical Facilities, 2009

No. of Medical facilities* (with number of beds in brackets)

Hospital/Nursing Home
Family Welfare Center
Hospitals (Allopathic

Dispensaries / Health

Mobile Health Clinic

T.B.Hospital/ Clinic
Maternity and Child

Veterinary Hospital
Maternity Homes

Nursing Homes

Medicine Shop
Welfare Center
Name of Town

Others etc.
& Others)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

55 Reethapuram (TP) 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 10 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. N.A.3 Kms. 20 Kms. NA 2 4

56 Kallukuttam (TP) 1(0) 1(10) 7 Kms. 1(10) 1(10) 7 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 18 Kms. NA 1 4

57 Thingalnagar (TP) 1(0) 1(10) 7 Kms. 1(10) 1(10) 8 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 15 Kms. NA 0 5

58 Alur (TP) 4 Kms. 8 Kms. 8 Kms. 8 Kms. 8 Kms. 4 Kms. N.A.1 Kms. 5 Kms. NA 0 3

59 Colachel (M) 2(38) 1(5) 1(0) 1(5) 1(5) 1(5) N.A. 1(0) 20 Kms. NA 2 6

60 Mandaikadu (TP) 1(0) 1(13) 7 Kms. 1(13) 1(13) 11 Kms. N.A.3 Kms. 15 Kms. NA 0 2

61 Manavalakurichi (TP) 1(0) 1(1) 7 Kms. 2(10) 2(10) 12 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 10 Kms. NA 0 3

62 Vellimalai (TP) 8 Kms. 8 Kms. 8 Kms. 8 Kms. 8 Kms. 8 Kms. N.A.

10 Kms. 10 Kms. NA 0 4

63 Ayacode (CT) 5 Kms. 6 Kms. 8 Kms. 8 Kms. 8 Kms. 5 Kms. N.A.6 Kms. 35 Kms. NA 0 1

64 Kattathurai (CT) 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. 4 Kms. N.A. 1(2) 25 Kms. NA 0 1

65 Kannanoor (CT) 1(0) 1(5) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 4 Kms. N.A.2 Kms. 23 Kms. NA 0 1

66 Thikkanamcode (CT) 2 Kms. 3 Kms. 5 Kms. 10 Kms.10 Kms. 2 Kms. N.A.3 Kms. 18 Kms. NA 0 2

67 Nullivilai (CT) 1(0) 1(5) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 7 Kms. N.A.1 Kms. 8 Kms. NA 0 2

68 Athivilai (CT) 1(0) 1(5) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 9 Kms. N.A.4 Kms. 13 Kms. NA 0 2

69 Kattimancode (CT) 1(0) 1(5) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 8 Kms. N.A.3 Kms. 7 Kms. NA 0 1

70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 5 Kms. 7 Kms. 7 Kms. 7 Kms. 7 Kms. 7 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 25 Kms. NA 0 1

71 Boothapandi (TP) 2(74) 1(20) 1(0) 1(20) 1(20) 1(20) N.A. 1(0) 17 Kms. NA 0 4

72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 1(0) 1(10) 1(0) 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) N.A. 1(0) 25 Kms. NA 0 5

73 Thazhakudy (TP) 5 Kms. 3 Kms. 3 Kms. 5 Kms. 5 Kms. 3 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 18 Kms. NA 0 1

74 Thadikarankonam (CT) 2(0) 1(6) 1(0) 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) N.A. 1(0) 25 Kms. NA 0 1

75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 1(0) 1(1) 1(0) 1(3) 1(3) 1(3) N.A.6 Kms. 19 Kms. NA 0 1

76 Marungur (TP) 1(0) 1(5) 1(0) 1(5) 1(5) 1(5) N.A.5 Kms. 18 Kms. NA 0 4

77 Therur (TP) 1(2) 1(7) 7 Kms. 1(7) 1(7) 13 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 15 Kms. NA 0 2

78 Nagercoil (M) 3(300) 1(10) 1(0) 1(10) 1(10) 2(10) N.A. 1(0) 8 Kms. NA 8 61

79 Asaripallam (TP) 2(63) 1(5) 1(0) 1(5) 1(5) 1(5) N.A. 1(0) 1(0) NA 0 4


STATEMENT - IV: Medical Facilities, 2009

No. of Medical facilities* (with number of beds in brackets)

Hospital/Nursing Home
Family Welfare Center
Hospitals (Allopathic

Dispensaries / Health

Mobile Health Clinic

T.B.Hospital/ Clinic
Maternity and Child

Veterinary Hospital
Maternity Homes

Nursing Homes

Medicine Shop
Welfare Center
Name of Town

Others etc.
& Others)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

80 Suchindrum (TP) 5 Kms. 5 Kms. 5 Kms. 5 Kms. 5 Kms. 9 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 10 Kms. NA 0 4

81 Ganapathipuram (TP) 1(0) 1(10) 1(0) 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) N.A.3 Kms. 10 Kms. NA 0 1

82 Mylaudy (TP) 2(0) 1(5) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 12 Kms. N.A. 1(1) 15 Kms. NA 0 5

83 Alagappapuram (TP) 1(0) 1(5) 1(0) 1(5) 1(5) 1(5) N.A. 1(0) 15 Kms. NA 0 1

84 Anjugrammam (TP) 18 Kms.10 Kms. 7 Kms. 1(8) 1(8) 10 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 18 Kms. NA 0 5

85 Kottaram (TP) 1(0) 1(6) 1(0) 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) N.A. 1(0) 15 Kms. NA 0 5

86 Thengampudur (TP) 8 Kms. 1 Kms. 1 Kms. 1 Kms. 1 Kms. 1 Kms. N.A.3 Kms. 8 Kms. NA 0 2

87 Puthalam (TP) 1(0) 1(10) 7 Kms. 1(10) 1(10) 12 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 10 Kms. NA 0 1

88 Agastheeswaram (TP) 1(0) 1(10) 1(0) 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) N.A. 1(0) 18 Kms. NA 0 2

89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 1(0) 1(1) 7 Kms. 1(4) 1(4) 2 Kms. N.A. 1(0) 16 Kms. NA 0 2

90 Kanniyakumari (TP) 2(81) 1(1) 1(0) 1(10) 1(10) 1(4) N.A.6 Kms. 20 Kms. NA 2 6

91 Putheri (CT) 1(1) 1(5) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 8 Kms. N.A.8 Kms. 8 Kms. NA 1 1

92 Gandipuram (CT) 1(0) 1(1) 7 Kms. 1(3) 1(3) 4 Kms. N.A.1 Kms. 8 Kms. NA 0 2

93 Peruvilai (CT) 2 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. N.A.2 Kms. 3 Kms. NA 0 1

94 Dharamapuram (CT) 6 Kms. 2 Kms. 5 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. 2 Kms. N.A.1 Kms. 8 Kms. NA 0 1

95 Pallanthurai (CT) 1(0) 1(5) 7 Kms. 1(5) 1(5) 10 Kms. N.A.

10 Kms. 9 Kms. NA 0 1

96 Manakudi (CT) 1(0) 1(0) 7 Kms. 1(4) 1(4) 14 Kms. N.A.3 Kms. 12 Kms. NA 0 1

*If a medical facility is not available in the town,nearest place distance from the town where facility is available has
been given

*N.A.:Not Available


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Sl. No. Name of Town Number of Educational Facilities*

Primary school Middle school Secondry school Senior Secondry school

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Kadayal (TP) 3 2 1 1
2 Arumanai (TP) 2 2 2 2
3 Edaicode (TP) 9 2 2 2
4 Palugal (TP) 4 2 1 1
5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 7 3 1 1
6 Pacode (TP) 11 4 4 2
7 Kuzhithurai (M) 5 12 12 12
8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) 5 4 4 1
9 Nalloor (TP) 4 2 4 3
10 Kollancode (TP) 13 11 8 33
11 Ezhudesam (TP) 6 7 3 3
12 Puthukkadai (TP) 1 3 1 Munchirai(2)
13 Killiyoor (TP) 3 3 1 2
14 Keezhkulam (TP) 9 4 2 1
15 Karungal (TP) 5 2 6 4
16 Palappallam (TP) 10 8 5 3
17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) 1 1 1 Melpalai(5)
18 Manjalumoodu (CT) 2 1 1 1
19 Muzhucode (CT) 1 Arumanai(4) Arumanai(4) Arumanai(4)
20 Malayadi (CT) 6 3 1 Maruthncode(5)
21 Vanniyoor (CT) 1 1 1 Kuzhithurai(4)
22 Maruthancode (CT) 3 1 1 1
23 Vellamcode (CT) 4 1 1 Arumanai(5)
24 Kulappuram (CT) 3 2 1 Aruthesam valarai(5)
25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 1 1 Adaikkakuzhi(5) Aruthesam valarai(5)
26 Methukummal (CT) 1 1 1 1
27 Vilavancode (CT) 1 Kuzhithurai(2) Kuzhithurai(2) Kuzhithurai(2)
28 Choozhal (CT) 3 1 1 Kollancode(3)
29 Nadaikavu (CT) 2 2 Kuzhithurai(5) Kuzhithurai(5)
30 Vavarai (CT) 3 2 1 1
31 Mancad (CT) 1 1 Vavarai(2) Vavarai(2)
32 Vilathurai (CT) 6 10 5 Munchirai(3)
*If an educational facilitiy is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance from the town
where facility is available has been given


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Number of Educational Facilities* Name of Town Sl. No.

Arts/ Science/ Commerce Medical colleges Engineering colleges
colleges (of degree level and

7 8 9 2 1
Arumanai(4) Asaripallam(32) Palukkal(15) Kadayal (TP) 1
1 Asaripallam(20) Manjalumoodu(3) Arumanai (TP) 2
Kuzhithurai(6) Asaripallam(50) Nagercoil(50) Edaicode (TP) 3
1 Asaripallam(35) Manivilai(4) Palugal (TP) 4
Marthandam(5) Asaripallam(38) Palukkal(10) Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 5
Marthandam(3) Asaripallam(37) Marthandam(3) Pacode (TP) 6
2 Asaripallam(30) Konam(30) Kuzhithurai (M) 7
Marthandam(2) Asaripallam(32) Elavuvilai(3) Unnamalaikadai (TP) 8
Marthandam(1) Asaripallam(40) Elavuvilai(3) Nalloor (TP) 9
1 Asaripallam(55) Kaliyakkavilai(10) Kollancode (TP) 10
1 Asaripallam(45) Marthandam(15) Ezhudesam (TP) 11
Munchirai(2) Asaripallam(35) Marthandam(8) Puthukkadai (TP) 12
1 Asaripallam(28) Elavuvilai(3) Killiyoor (TP) 13
Marthandam(15) Asaripallam(35) Karungal(8) Keezhkulam (TP) 14
Tholaiyavattam(8) Asaripallam(25) 1 Karungal (TP) 15
Tholaiyavattam(7) Asaripallam(25) Karungal(3) Palappallam (TP) 16
Arumanai(3) Asaripallam(45) Manjalumoodu(3) Puliyoorsalai (CT) 17
Arumanai(5) Asaripallam(45) 1 Manjalumoodu (CT) 18
Marthandam(10) Asaripallam(42) Manjalumoodu(5) Muzhucode (CT) 19
Marthandam(10) Asaripallam(40) Nagercoil(40) Malayadi (CT) 20
Kuzhithurai(4) Asaripallam(34) Nagercoil(34) Vanniyoor (CT) 21
Kuzhithurai(8) Asaripallam(35) Attoor(7) Maruthancode (CT) 22
Marthandam(15) Asaripallam(42) Attoor(5) Vellamcode (CT) 23
Kulappuram mariyagiri(2) Asaripallam(30) Arumanai manchaumoodu(12) Kulappuram (CT) 24
Mariyagiri(5) Asaripallam(30) Marthandam(20) Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 25
Mariyagiri(3) Marthandam(20) Marthandam(20) Methukummal (CT) 26
Kuzhithurai(2) Asaripallam(30) Nagercoil(30) Vilavancode (CT) 27
Thooththur(6) Asaripallam(60) Karungal(30) Choozhal (CT) 28
Mariyagiri(4) Asaripallam(30) Marthandam(20) Nadaikavu (CT) 29
Mariyagiri(8) Munchirai(5) Elavuvilai(8) Vavarai (CT) 30
Mariyagiri(5) Munchirai(3) Elavuvilai(6) Mancad (CT) 31
Nagercoil(40) Asaripallam(40) Marthandam(8) Vilathurai (CT) 32


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Sl. No. Name of Town Number of Educational Facilities*

Management Institute/ Polytechnics Recognised Non-formal
colleges Shorthand, Education
Typewriting and voc. Center (SSA
training institutions Center)

1 2 10 11 12 13
1 Kadayal (TP) Nagercoil(45) Thiruvithancode(25) 2 5
2 Arumanai (TP) Marthandam(12) Nagercoil(25) 1 4
3 Edaicode (TP) Marthandam(7) 1 Melpuram(3) 5
4 Palugal (TP) Marthandam(12) Nagercoil(40) Kaliyakkavilai(5) 4
5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) Kumarapuram(19) Thiruvithancode(20) Marthandam(5) 3
6 Pacode (TP) Nagercoil(35) Sunkan kadai(33) 2 5
7 Kuzhithurai (M) 1 Mulagumoodu(10) 3 5
8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) Nagercoil(32) Sunkan kadai(30) Marthandam(2) 6
9 Nalloor (TP) Nagercoil(40) Pookkadai(15) 1 4
10 Kollancode (TP) Marthandam(18) Nagercoil(48) 2 7
11 Ezhudesam (TP) Sunkan kadai(23) Nagercoil(40) Puthukadai(5) 5
12 Puthukkadai (TP) Marthandam(8) Sunkan kadai(25) 1 2
13 Killiyoor (TP) Nagercoil(35) Nagercoil(35) Marthandam(10) 4
14 Keezhkulam (TP) Nagercoil(45) Konam(43) Marthandam(15) 3
15 Karungal (TP) Marthandam(10) 1 1 4
16 Palappallam (TP) Marthandam(10) Pookkadai(8) Karungal(3) 4
17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) Marthandam(16) Kuttaicode(2) Kadayal(3) 1
18 Manjalumoodu (CT) Marthandam(12) Kuttaicode(6) Arumanai(5) 1
19 Muzhucode (CT) Marthandam(10) Kuttaicode(10) Arumanai(4) 2
20 Malayadi (CT) Marthandam(10) Nagercoil(40) Nagercoil(40) 2
21 Vanniyoor (CT) Nagercoil(34) Thiruvithancode(24) Kaliyakkavilai(4) 1
22 Maruthancode (CT) Marthandam(10) Thiruvithancode(10) 1 2
23 Vellamcode (CT) Marthandam(10) Kuttaicode(10) Attur(5) 3
24 Kulappuram (CT) Asaripallam(12) Konam(30) Kaliyakkavilai(4) 1
25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) Asaripallam(15) Kuttaicode(21) Kaliyakkavilai(5) 2
26 Methukummal (CT) Asaripallam(23) Kuttaicode(20) Kaliyakkavilai(6) 5
27 Vilavancode (CT) Nagercoil(30) Thiruvithancode(20) Kaliyakkavilai(3) 1
28 Choozhal (CT) Nagercoil(60) Pookkadai(35) Kaliyakkavilai(10) 2
29 Nadaikavu (CT) Mulagumoodu(12) Kuttaicode(22) Kaliyakkavilai(6) 2
30 Vavarai (CT) Thirupathicharam(47) Kuttaicode(19) Kaliyakkavilai(7) 2
31 Mancad (CT) Thirupathicharam(45) Kuttaicode(17) Kaliyakkavilai(5) 1
32 Vilathurai (CT) Munchirai(3) Nagercoil(40) Nagercoil(40) 4
*If an educational facilitiy is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance from the town
where facility is available has been given


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Number of Educational Facilities* Number of Social, Recreational and Cultural facilities Name of Town Sl.

Special School for Disabled No. of Orphanage Home Working women's hostles

14 15 16 17 2 1
Kuzhithurai(14) 0 Irenipuram(20) Nagercoil(45) Kadayal (TP) 1
Nagercoil(40) 0 Nagercoil(40) Marthandam(12) Arumanai (TP) 2
Nagercoil(50) 0 Tholadi(3) Nagercoil(50) Edaicode (TP) 3
Nagercoil(40) 0 Nagercoil(40) Nagercoil(40) Palugal (TP) 4
Nagercoil(38) 0 1 Marthandam(5) Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 5
Irenipuram(7) 0 Marthandam(3) Marthandam(3) Pacode (TP) 6
Nagercoil(30) 0 Irenipuram(8) Nagercoil(30) Kuzhithurai (M) 7
Irenipuram(6) 0 Nagercoil(32) Nagercoil(32) Unnamalaikadai (TP) 8
1 0 Marthandam(2) Nagercoil(40) Nalloor (TP) 9
Nagercoil(48) 0 Nagercoil(48) Nagercoil(48) Kollancode (TP) 10
1 0 Munchirai(5) Nagercoil(45) Ezhudesam (TP) 11
Nagercoil(35) 0 Munchirai(2) Marthandam(8) Puthukkadai (TP) 12
Nagercoil(35) 0 Nagercoil(35) Nagercoil(35) Killiyoor (TP) 13
Neyyur(15) 0 Munchirai(8) Marthandam(15) Keezhkulam (TP) 14
Irenipuram(5) 0 Reethapuram(3) Nagercoil(30) Karungal (TP) 15
Irenipuram(12) 0 Reethapuram(1) Nagercoil(30) Palappallam (TP) 16
Kaliyakkavilai(13) 0 Marthandam(16) Marthandam(16) Puliyoorsalai (CT) 17
Kuzhithurai(10) 0 Marthandam(11) Marthandam(11) Manjalumoodu (CT) 18
Kuzhithurai(10) 0 Marthandam(10) Nagercoil(42) Muzhucode (CT) 19
Nagercoil(40) 0 Nagercoil(40) Marthandam(10) Malayadi (CT) 20
Kookkudi(1) 0 Thiruthuvapuram(3) Nagercoil(34) Vanniyoor (CT) 21
Kookkudi(2) 0 Thiruthuvapuram(3) Nagercoil(35) Maruthancode (CT) 22
Kuzhithurai(15) 0 Marthandam(10) Marthandam(10) Vellamcode (CT) 23
Nagercoil(30) 0 Nagercoil(30) Nagercoil(30) Kulappuram (CT) 24
Nagercoil(20) 0 Nagercoil(15) Nagercoil(30) Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 25
Kookkudi(7) 0 Thiruthuvapuram(5) Nagercoil(30) Methukummal (CT) 26
Kookkudi(2) 0 Thiruthuvapuram(1) Nagercoil(30) Vilavancode (CT) 27
Marthandam(15) 0 Vallavilai(6) Nagercoil(60) Choozhal (CT) 28
Mariyagiri(4) 0 Irenipuram(10) Nagercoil(30) Nadaikavu (CT) 29
Nambhali(5) 0 Munchirai(4) Nagercoil(45) Vavarai (CT) 30
Nambhali(6) 0 Munchirai(3) Nagercoil(40) Mancad (CT) 31
Nagercoil(40) 0 Munchirai(3) Nagercoil(40) Vilathurai (CT) 32


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Sl. No. Name of Town Number of Social, Recreational and Cultural facilities
No. of Old Age Home Stadium Cinema Theatre

1 2 18 19 20
1 Kadayal (TP) Kuzhithurai(14) Nagercoil(45) Kuzhithurai(14)
2 Arumanai (TP) Nagercoil(40) Nagercoil(40) Kuzhithurai(5)
3 Edaicode (TP) 1 Nagercoil(50) Kuzhithurai(6)
4 Palugal (TP) Nagercoil(40) Nagercoil(40) Kuzhithurai(9)
5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) Marthandam(5) Nagercoil(38) Kuzhithurai(3)
6 Pacode (TP) Nagercoil(35) Nagercoil(35) Marthandam(3)
7 Kuzhithurai (M) 1 Nagercoil(30) 1
8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) Marthandam(2) 1 Marthandam(2)
9 Nalloor (TP) Marthandam(2) Marthandam(2) 1
10 Kollancode (TP) Azhakiyamandabam(28) 3 Kaliyakkavilai(10)
11 Ezhudesam (TP) Munchirai(5) Nagercoil(40) Marthandam(15)
12 Puthukkadai (TP) Marthandam(8) Nagercoil(35) Marthandam(8)
13 Killiyoor (TP) Nagercoil(35) Nagercoil(35) Marthandam(10)
14 Keezhkulam (TP) Munchirai(8) Nagercoil(35) Marthandam(15)
15 Karungal (TP) Sahayanagar(2) Mathicode(2) Marthandam(10)
16 Palappallam (TP) 1 Nagercoil(30) Marthandam(10)
17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) Marthandam(16) 1 1
18 Manjalumoodu (CT) Marthandam(11) Nagercoil(45) Marthandam(11)
19 Muzhucode (CT) Nagercoil(42) Nagercoil(42) Marthandam(10)
20 Malayadi (CT) Nagercoil(40) Marthandam(10) Kuzhithurai(10)
21 Vanniyoor (CT) Thiruthuvapuram(3) Kuzhithurai(4) Kuzhithurai(4)
22 Maruthancode (CT) Thiruthuvapuram(4) 1 2
23 Vellamcode (CT) Marthandam(10) 1 Marthandam(10)
24 Kulappuram (CT) Nagercoil(30) 1 Kaliyakkavilai(4)
25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) Thiruthuvapuram(12) 1 Kaliyakkavilai(8)
26 Methukummal (CT) Thiruthuvapuram(8) 1 Kaliyakkavilai(7)
27 Vilavancode (CT) Thiruthuvapuram(1) Kuzhithurai(2) Kuzhithurai(2)
28 Choozhal (CT) Vallavilai(6) Padanthalumoodu(12) Kaliyakkavilai(10)
29 Nadaikavu (CT) Kuzhithurai(6) Nagercoil(30) Kuzhithurai(6)
30 Vavarai (CT) Munchirai(4) 1 Kaliyakkavilai(6)
31 Mancad (CT) Munchirai(3) 1 Kaliyakkavilai(4)
32 Vilathurai (CT) Munchirai(8) 4 Marthandam(8)
*If an educational facilitiy is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance from the town
where facility is available has been given


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Number of Social, Recreational and Cultural facilities Name of Town Sl. No.
Auditorium/ Community Public libraries Reading rooms

21 22 23 2 1
2 1 1 Kadayal (TP) 1
Kulachal(1) 1 1 Arumanai (TP) 2
4 2 2 Edaicode (TP) 3
Kuzhithurai(9) 1 1 Palugal (TP) 4
1 1 1 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 5
3 1 1 Pacode (TP) 6
4 1 1 Kuzhithurai (M) 7
3 1 1 Unnamalaikadai (TP) 8
2 2 2 Nalloor (TP) 9
5 1 1 Kollancode (TP) 10
3 7 7 Ezhudesam (TP) 11
1 1 1 Puthukkadai (TP) 12
4 1 1 Killiyoor (TP) 13
3 2 2 Keezhkulam (TP) 14
3 1 1 Karungal (TP) 15
4 1 1 Palappallam (TP) 16
1 Arumanai(3) Arumanai(3) Puliyoorsalai (CT) 17
2 1 1 Manjalumoodu (CT) 18
Arumanai(4) 1 1 Muzhucode (CT) 19
2 Marthandam(10) Marthandam(10) Malayadi (CT) 20
1 1 1 Vanniyoor (CT) 21
1 2 2 Maruthancode (CT) 22
1 1 1 Vellamcode (CT) 23
Kaliyakkavilai(4) 1 1 Kulappuram (CT) 24
Kaliyakkavilai(7) Marthandam(4) Marthandam(4) Adaikkakuzhi (CT) 25
Kaliyakkavilai(8) Marthandam(5) Marthandam(5) Methukummal (CT) 26
Kuzhithurai(2) Kuzhithurai(2) Kuzhithurai(2) Vilavancode (CT) 27
3 3 3 Choozhal (CT) 28
Kuzhithurai(6) Kuzhithurai(6) Kuzhithurai(6) Nadaikavu (CT) 29
1 Kaliyakkavilai(6) Kaliyakkavilai(6) Vavarai (CT) 30
1 Munchirai(3) Munchirai(3) Mancad (CT) 31
1 2 2 Vilathurai (CT) 32


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Sl. No. Name of Town Number of Educational Facilities*

Primary school Middle school Secondry school Senior Secondry school

1 2 3 4 5 6
33 Nattalam (CT) 4 3 3 2
34 Painkulam (CT) 8 7 5 3
35 Paloor (CT) 1 Tholaiyavattam(5) Pootteri(5) Pootteri(4)
36 Midalam (CT) 4 2 1 Mangalakuntru(4)
37 Mathicode (CT) 3 2 1 1
38 Thirparappu (TP) 2 3 2 1
39 Ponmanai (TP) 3 3 2 Kulasekaram(2)
40 Kulasekaram (TP) 8 2 5 2
41 Thiruvattar (TP) 3 2 5 Puthankadai(3)
42 Athur (TP) 5 2 1 Kulasekaram(8)
43 Verkilambi (TP) 9 2 2 Manali karai(2)
44 Kumarapuram (TP) 8 6 4 1
45 Kothanallur (TP) 7 2 Vilavur(2) Vilavur(2)
46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 3 1 1 1
47 Mulagumudu (TP) 3 6 4 1
48 Vilavur (TP) 31 5 3 1
49 Padmanabhapuram (M) 4 4 2 4
50 Thiruvithancode (TP) 6 3 1 2
51 Kappiyarai (TP) 8 5 3 1
52 Eraniel (TP) 5 4 4 1
53 Villukuri (TP) 5 1 1 1
54 Neyyoor (TP) 4 1 1 1
55 Reethapuram (TP) 7 7 4 3
56 Kallukuttam (TP) 7 7 4 2
57 Thingalnagar (TP) 2 2 2 2
58 Alur (TP) 4 1 2 2
59 Colachel (M) 4 4 1 2
60 Mandaikadu (TP) 2 3 2 Manavalakurichi(3)
61 Manavalakurichi (TP) 4 3 3 2
62 Vellimalai (TP) 5 1 2 2
63 Ayacode (CT) 3 2 Thiruvattar(3) Thiruvattar(3)
64 Kattathurai (CT) 3 1 1 1
*If an educational facilitiy is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance from the town
where facility is available has been given


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Number of Educational Facilities* Name of Town Sl. No.

Arts/ Science/ Commerce Medical colleges Engineering colleges
colleges (of degree level and

7 8 9 2 1
Tholaiyavattam(3) Asaripallam(35) 1 Nattalam (CT) 33
Killiyoor(6) Asaripallam(35) Karungal(10) Painkulam (CT) 34
Killiyoor(8) Asaripallam(35) Karungal(10) Paloor (CT) 35
Tholaiyavattam(10) Asaripallam(40) Karungal(5) Midalam (CT) 36
Tholaiyavattam(6) Asaripallam(35) Karungal(2) Mathicode (CT) 37
Kuzhithurai(13) Kulasekaram(1) Marthandam(13) Thirparappu (TP) 38
Marthandam(9) Kulasekaram(2) Attoor(6) Ponmanai (TP) 39
Marthandam(10) 2 Attoor(15) Kulasekaram (TP) 40
Marthandam(3) Kulasekaram(4) Attoor(3) Thiruvattar (TP) 41
Marthandam(6) 1 1 Athur (TP) 42
Thiruvithancode(8) Asaripallam(27) Kumarakovil(15) Verkilambi (TP) 43
Kumarakovil(8) Asaripallam(27) Kumarakovil(8) Kumarapuram (TP) 44
Kumarakovil(5) Asaripallam(25) Kumarakovil(5) Kothanallur (TP) 45
Marthandam(6) Kulasekaram(20) Kuttakuzhi(3) Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 46
Thiruvithancode(3) Asaripallam(21) Kumarakovil(15) Mulagumudu (TP) 47
1 Asaripallam(21) 1 Vilavur (TP) 48
Kumarakovil(4) Asaripallam(15) Kumarakovil(3) Padmanabhapuram (M) 49
1 Asaripallam(20) Kumarakovil(2) Thiruvithancode (TP) 50
1 Asaripallam(25) Velliyavilai(4) Kappiyarai (TP) 51
Thiruvithancode(14) Asaripallam(18) Kumarakovil(11) Eraniel (TP) 52
Nagercoil(10) Asaripallam(20) Kumarakovil(4) Villukuri (TP) 53
Lakshmipuram(5) Asaripallam(20) Colachal(10) Neyyoor (TP) 54
Lakshmipuram(7) Asaripallam(18) Manavalakurichi(8) Reethapuram (TP) 55
1 Asaripallam(18) Urappanai vilai(5) Kallukuttam (TP) 56
Lakshmipuram(4) Asaripallam(12) Vellamodi(10) Thingalnagar (TP) 57
1 Asaripallam(4) 2 Alur (TP) 58
Lakshmipuram(3) Asaripallam(21) Sunkan kadai(17) Colachel (M) 59
1 Asaripallam(13) Vellamodi(5) Mandaikadu (TP) 60
Lakshmipuram(5) Asaripallam(15) Vellamodi(6) Manavalakurichi (TP) 61
2 Asaripallam(10) 1 Vellimalai (TP) 62
Marthandam(15) Kulasekaram(5) Attoor(7) Ayacode (CT) 63
Marthandam(6) Asaripallam(20) Kuttakuzhi(31) Kattathurai (CT) 64


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Sl. No. Name of Town Number of Educational Facilities*

Management Institute/ Polytechnics Recognised Non-formal
colleges Shorthand, Education
Typewriting and voc. Center (SSA
training institutions Center)

1 2 10 11 12 13
33 Nattalam (CT) Nagercoil(35) Marthandam(6) Munchirai(4) 2
34 Painkulam (CT) Nagercoil(28) Konam(26) 1 6
35 Paloor (CT) Nagercoil(28) Konam(27) Marthandam(8) 1
36 Midalam (CT) Nagercoil(35) Pookkadai(14) Marthandam(12) 2
37 Mathicode (CT) Nagercoil(30) Pookkadai(10) 1 2
38 Thirparappu (TP) Patchiparai(7) Nagercoil(40) Marthandam(13) 5
39 Ponmanai (TP) Kumarakovil(19) 1 Kulasekaram(2) 4
40 Kulasekaram (TP) Attur(15) Konam(40) 3 4
41 Thiruvattar (TP) Patchiparai(15) Thakkalai(15) Kulasekaram(5) 4
42 Athur (TP) 1 Porvilai(20) Kulasekaram(5) 3
43 Verkilambi (TP) Attur(12) Konam(25) Manali karai(2) 5
44 Kumarapuram (TP) Nagercoil(23) Vendalicode(6) 1 3
45 Kothanallur (TP) Kumarakovil(5) Punkarai(11) 1 4
46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) Marthandam(6) Pookkadai(10) Kuzhithurai(8) 4
47 Mulagumudu (TP) Kumarakovil(15) Pookkadai(5) 1 5
48 Vilavur (TP) 1 Thiruvithancodu(7) Thakkalai(3) 3
49 Padmanabhapuram (M) Kumarakovil(32) Kozhiporvilai(7) 2 5
50 Thiruvithancode (TP) Nagercoil(20) Pookkadai(3) Nagercoil(20) 4
51 Kappiyarai (TP) Marthandam(12) Pookkadai(1) 1 4
52 Eraniel (TP) Kumarakovil(11) Punkarai(10) Konam(21) 2
53 Villukuri (TP) Kumarakovil(4) Kumarakovil(4) Thakkalai(10) 4
54 Neyyoor (TP) Lakshmipuram(5) Pookkadai(8) Thingal nagar(22) 3
55 Reethapuram (TP) Vellamadam(9) Vellamodi(9) Nagercoil(18) 4
56 Kallukuttam (TP) Nagercoil(14) Sunkan kadai(14) Thingal nagar(3) 3
57 Thingalnagar (TP) Nagercoil(12) Nagercoil(16) Nagercoil(18) 3
58 Alur (TP) Nagercoil(8) 1 Nagercoil(8) 3
59 Colachel (M) Sunkan kadai(17) Pookkadai(10) 1 4
60 Mandaikadu (TP) Nagercoil(17) Pazhavilai(10) Konam(13) 3
61 Manavalakurichi (TP) Vellamadi(6) Vellamodi(6) 1 2
62 Vellimalai (TP) Nagercoil(16) Vellamodi(3) Nagercoil(16) 3
63 Ayacode (CT) Sunkan kadai(25) Vendarkedu(4) Manali karai(7) 2
64 Kattathurai (CT) Nagercoil(20) Pookkadai(7) Marthandam(7) 4
*If an educational facilitiy is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance from the town
where facility is available has been given


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Number of Educational Facilities* Number of Social, Recreational and Cultural facilities Name of Town Sl.

Special School for Disabled No. of Orphanage Home Working women's hostles

14 15 16 17 2 1
Nagercoil(35) 0 Nagercoil(35) Nagercoil(35) Nattalam (CT) 33
Nagercoil(28) 0 1 Nagercoil(28) Painkulam (CT) 34
Marthandam(12) 0 1 Nagercoil(30) Paloor (CT) 35
Marthandam(12) 0 Karungal(5) Nagercoil(35) Midalam (CT) 36
Marthandam(11) 0 Karungal(5) Nagercoil(30) Mathicode (CT) 37
1 0 Marthandam(13) Marthandam(13) Thirparappu (TP) 38
Irenipuram(15) 0 Kulasekaram(2) Marthandam(9) Ponmanai (TP) 39
Nagercoil(35) 0 Nagercoil(35) Nagercoil(35) Kulasekaram (TP) 40
Nagercoil(30) 0 1 Nagercoil(30) Thiruvattar (TP) 41
Myload(8) 0 Suralakodu(15) Marthandam(6) Athur (TP) 42
Nagercoil(25) 0 Nagercoil(25) Nagercoil(25) Verkilambi (TP) 43
Thakkalai(7) 0 3 Nagercoil(23) Kumarapuram (TP) 44
Thakkalai(7) 0 Kottrikodu(5) Nagercoil(23) Kothanallur (TP) 45
Nagercoil(30) 0 Pilankalai(7) Nagercoil(30) Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 46
Nagercoil(21) 0 Nagercoil(21) Nagercoil(21) Mulagumudu (TP) 47
1 0 Nagercoil(19) Nagercoil(19) Vilavur (TP) 48
1 0 1 1 Padmanabhapuram (M) 49
Thakkalai(2) 0 Thackalai(2) Nagercoil(20) Thiruvithancode (TP) 50
Thakkalai(8) 0 1 Nagercoil(25) Kappiyarai (TP) 51
Nagercoil(23) 0 Nagercoil(23) Nagercoil(23) Eraniel (TP) 52
Nagercoil(10) 0 Azhakiyamandam(10) Nagercoil(10) Villukuri (TP) 53
1 0 Nagercoil(20) Marthandam(15) Neyyoor (TP) 54
1 0 Karungal(6) Marthandam(13) Reethapuram (TP) 55
Vattam(7) 0 Mandaikadu(5) Nagercoil(14) Kallukuttam (TP) 56
Nagercoil(18) 0 Reethapuram(10) Nagercoil(18) Thingalnagar (TP) 57
Nagercoil(8) 0 Nagercoil(8) Nagercoil(8) Alur (TP) 58
Alancode(17) 0 Nagercoil(23) Nagercoil(23) Colachel (M) 59
Nagercoil(17) 0 Nagercoil(17) Nagercoil(17) Mandaikadu (TP) 60
Alancode(12) 0 Nagercoil(18) Nagercoil(18) Manavalakurichi (TP) 61
Nagercoil(16) 0 Nagercoil(16) Nagercoil(16) Vellimalai (TP) 62
Chithrankodu(5) 0 Putthan kadai(2) Nagercoil(35) Ayacode (CT) 63
Nagercoil(20) 0 Thackalai(4) Thackalai(4) Kattathurai (CT) 64


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Sl. No. Name of Town Number of Social, Recreational and Cultural facilities
No. of Old Age Home Stadium Cinema Theatre

1 2 18 19 20
33 Nattalam (CT) Nagercoil(35) Marthandam(6) Marthandam(6)
34 Painkulam (CT) Marthandam(11) 1 Kuzhithurai(10)
35 Paloor (CT) 1 Tholaiyavattam(10) Marthandam(10)
36 Midalam (CT) Karungal(5) Poottetri(3) Marthandam(12)
37 Mathicode (CT) Marthandam(11) 1 Marthandam(11)
38 Thirparappu (TP) Nagercoil(40) 1 Marthandam(13)
39 Ponmanai (TP) Thadikarankonam(16) Nagercoil(32) Marthandam(9)
40 Kulasekaram (TP) Nagercoil(35) 1 Marthandam(10)
41 Thiruvattar (TP) Nagercoil(30) Nagercoil(35) Marthandam(6)
42 Athur (TP) Nagercoil(30) Nagercoil(30) Marthandam(6)
43 Verkilambi (TP) Nagercoil(25) Nagercoil(25) Marthandam(12)
44 Kumarapuram (TP) Pilankalai(2) Nagercoil(23) Marthandam(14)
45 Kothanallur (TP) Kumarakovil(5) Nagercoil(23) Marthandam(14)
46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) Mookari(5) Nagercoil(30) Marthandam(6)
47 Mulagumudu (TP) Nagercoil(21) Nagercoil(21) Marthandam(9)
48 Vilavur (TP) 1 Nagercoil(19) Nagercoil(19)
49 Padmanabhapuram (M) Nagercoil(15) Nagercoil(15) Nagercoil(15)
50 Thiruvithancode (TP) Kumarakovil(6) Nagercoil(20) Marthandam(17)
51 Kappiyarai (TP) Azhakiyamandabam(6) Nagercoil(25) Marthandam(12)
52 Eraniel (TP) Nagercoil(23) Nagercoil(23) Nagercoil(23)
53 Villukuri (TP) Nagercoil(10) Nagercoil(10) Nagercoil(10)
54 Neyyoor (TP) Pilankalai(10) Nagercoil(20) Thingalnagar(2)
55 Reethapuram (TP) Nagercoil(18) Nagercoil(18) Eraniel(9)
56 Kallukuttam (TP) Nagercoil(14) Nagercoil(14) Thingalnagar(20)
57 Thingalnagar (TP) Nagercoil(18) 1 1
58 Alur (TP) Nagercoil(8) Nagercoil(8) Nagercoil(8)
59 Colachel (M) Nagercoil(23) Nagercoil(23) Vellisanthai(18)
60 Mandaikadu (TP) Nagercoil(17) Nagercoil(17) Nagercoil(17)
61 Manavalakurichi (TP) Thikkanancode(15) Nagercoil(18) Vellisanthai(5)
62 Vellimalai (TP) Nagercoil(16) Nagercoil(16) Thingalnagar(10)
63 Ayacode (CT) 1 1 Marthandam(15)
64 Kattathurai (CT) Thackalai(4) Nagercoil(20) Marthandam(7)
*If an educational facilitiy is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance from the town
where facility is available has been given.


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Number of Social, Recreational and Cultural facilities Name of Town Sl. No.
Auditorium/ Community Public libraries Reading rooms

21 22 23 2 1
Marthandam(6) Marthandam(6) Marthandam(6) Nattalam (CT) 33
2 1 1 Painkulam (CT) 34
1 1 1 Paloor (CT) 35
3 2 2 Midalam (CT) 36
2 1 1 Mathicode (CT) 37
3 2 2 Thirparappu (TP) 38
1 3 3 Ponmanai (TP) 39
2 2 2 Kulasekaram (TP) 40
4 1 1 Thiruvattar (TP) 41
3 1 1 Athur (TP) 42
2 1 1 Verkilambi (TP) 43
4 1 1 Kumarapuram (TP) 44
1 1 1 Kothanallur (TP) 45
Paliyarai(3) 1 1 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) 46
1 1 1 Mulagumudu (TP) 47
2 1 1 Vilavur (TP) 48
1 1 1 Padmanabhapuram (M) 49
Nagercoil(20) 1 1 Thiruvithancode (TP) 50
2 1 1 Kappiyarai (TP) 51
3 1 1 Eraniel (TP) 52
4 2 2 Villukuri (TP) 53
6 1 1 Neyyoor (TP) 54
3 1 1 Reethapuram (TP) 55
4 1 1 Kallukuttam (TP) 56
2 1 1 Thingalnagar (TP) 57
2 3 3 Alur (TP) 58
3 1 1 Colachel (M) 59
2 2 2 Mandaikadu (TP) 60
3 1 1 Manavalakurichi (TP) 61
1 1 1 Vellimalai (TP) 62
33 Kulasekaram(5) Kulasekaram(5) Ayacode (CT) 63
2 1 1 Kattathurai (CT) 64


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Sl. No. Name of Town Number of Educational Facilities*

Primary school Middle school Secondry school Senior Secondry school

1 2 3 4 5 6
65 Kannanoor (CT) Kattathurai(2) 1 Kattathurai(2) Kattathurai(2)
66 Thikkanamcode (CT) 4 1 Mulagu mudu(2) Mulagu mudu(2)
67 Nullivilai (CT) 5 1 1 1
68 Athivilai (CT) 3 3 1 Eraniel(3)
69 Kattimancode (CT) 3 3 1 Kodubai kuzhi(3)
70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 3 2 2 1
71 Boothapandi (TP) 8 7 6 2
72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 5 1 2 2
73 Thazhakudy (TP) 4 1 1 1
74 Thadikarankonam (CT) 5 4 2 1
75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 2 2 1 1
76 Marungur (TP) 1 2 1 1
77 Therur (TP) 2 3 1 Suchinthiram(3)
78 Nagercoil (M) 31 3 11 14
79 Asaripallam (TP) 8 4 Nagercoil(5) Nagercoil(5)
80 Suchindrum (TP) 6 4 2 1
81 Ganapathipuram (TP) 6 3 1 1
82 Mylaudy (TP) 2 4 1 1
83 Alagappapuram (TP) 2 1 1 1
84 Anjugrammam (TP) 4 2 2 Mayiladi(8)
85 Kottaram (TP) 2 1 1 1
86 Thengampudur (TP) 8 4 3 3
87 Puthalam (TP) 3 1 1 1
88 Agastheeswaram (TP) 5 3 3 2
89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 4 2 1 1
90 Kanniyakumari (TP) 8 3 3 2
91 Putheri (CT) 1 1 1 Vadaseri(3)
92 Gandipuram (CT) 1 1 3 Vallankumaravenai(1)
93 Peruvilai (CT) 2 2 2 2
94 Dharamapuram (CT) 4 4 3 2
95 Pallanthurai (CT) 2 1 1 1
96 Manakudi (CT) 2 1 1 Puththalam(3)
*If an educational facilitiy is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance from the town
where facility is available has been given


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Number of Educational Facilities* Name of Town Sl. No.

Arts/ Science/ Commerce Medical colleges Engineering colleges
colleges (of degree level and

7 8 9 2 1
Nagercoil(20) Asaripallam(20) Kuttai kadu(4) Kannanoor (CT) 65
Azhakiyamandabam(1) Asaripallam(15) 2 Thikkanamcode (CT) 66
Neyyoor(6) Asaripallam(10) Sunkan kadai(6) Nullivilai (CT) 67
Azhakiyamandabam(2) Asaripallam(14) Kumarakovil(5) Athivilai (CT) 68
Neyyoor(10) Asaripallam(10) Sunkan kadai(10) Kattimancode (CT) 69
Thadikarankonam(7) Asaripallam(20) Erachakulam(7) Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 70
Nagercoil(12) Asaripallam(12) Erachakulam(8) Boothapandi (TP) 71
1 Asaripallam(19) 3 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 72
Nagercoil(8) Asaripallam(8) Nagercoil(8) Thazhakudy (TP) 73
Nagercoil(20) Asaripallam(20) Erachakulam(15) Thadikarankonam (CT) 74
Nagercoil(12) Asaripallam(15) 2 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 75
Nagercoil(11) Asaripallam(11) 1 Marungur (TP) 76
Nagercoil(10) Asaripallam(13) 1 Therur (TP) 77
5 2 1 Nagercoil (M) 78
Nagercoil(5) 1 Sunkan kadai(5) Asaripallam (TP) 79
Nagercoil(5) Asaripallam(9) Konam(7) Suchindrum (TP) 80
1 Asaripallam(5) 1 Ganapathipuram (TP) 81
Kanniyakumari(12) Asaripallam(15) Nagercoil(15) Mylaudy (TP) 82
Kanniyakumari(10) Asaripallam(15) 1 Alagappapuram (TP) 83
Agastheeswaram(8) Asaripallam(21) Alagappapuram(4) Anjugrammam (TP) 84
Agastheeswaram(3) Asaripallam(15) Alagappapuram(6) Kottaram (TP) 85
1 Asaripallam(13) Konam(12) Thengampudur (TP) 86
Nagercoil(13) Asaripallam(13) Nagercoil(13) Puthalam (TP) 87
1 Asaripallam(18) Konam(18) Agastheeswaram (TP) 88
Agastheeswaram(3) Asaripallam(10) Nagercoil(10) Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 89
Agastheeswaram(5) 1 Alagappapuram(6) Kanniyakumari (TP) 90
Vadaseri(5) Asaripallam(10) Erachakulam(2) Putheri (CT) 91
Vadaseri(8) Asaripallam(13) Konam(10) Gandipuram (CT) 92
Asaripallam(2) Asaripallam(2) Alamparai(3) Peruvilai (CT) 93
Asaripallam(5) Asaripallam(11) Konam(8) Dharamapuram (CT) 94
Nagercoil(12) Asaripallam(18) Konam(15) Pallanthurai (CT) 95
Nagercoil(12) Asaripallam(18) Konam(18) Manakudi (CT) 96


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Sl. No. Name of Town Number of Educational Facilities*

Management Institute/ Polytechnics Recognised Non-formal
colleges Shorthand, Education
Typewriting and voc. Center (SSA
training institutions Center)

1 2 10 11 12 13
65 Kannanoor (CT) Nagercoil(20) Pookkadai(8) Marthandam(7) 2
66 Thikkanamcode (CT) Sunkan kadai(10) Punkarai(2) Thingal nagar(2) 4
67 Nullivilai (CT) Sunkan kadai(6) Sunkan kadai(6) Thingal nagar(8) 4
68 Athivilai (CT) Sunkan kadai(10) Pookkadai(6) Thakkalai(3) 2
69 Kattimancode (CT) Sunkan kadai(10) Sunkan kadai(10) Sunkan kadai(10) 2
70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) Nagercoil(17) Erachakulam(7) 1 3
71 Boothapandi (TP) Nagercoil(12) Chenbagaramanpudur(6) 2 4
72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 2 1 1 6
73 Thazhakudy (TP) Nagercoil(8) Erachakulam(2) 3 2
74 Thadikarankonam (CT) Erachakulam(15) Erachakulam(15) Nagercoil(20) 1
75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) Nagercoil(12) 1 Nagercoil(12) 1
76 Marungur (TP) Nagercoil(10) 1 Nagercoil(11) 3
77 Therur (TP) Thirupathicharam(5) Nagercoil(10) Suchinthiram(3) 2
78 Nagercoil (M) 2 2 35 16
79 Asaripallam (TP) Vellmodu(8) 1 1 4
80 Suchindrum (TP) Nagercoil(5) Konam(7) Konam(7) 3
81 Ganapathipuram (TP) Rajakkamangalam(2) 1 Rajakkamangalam(2) 3
82 Mylaudy (TP) Agastheeswaram(12) Nagercoil(16) Anjugramam(15) 2
83 Alagappapuram (TP) Kanniyakumari(10) Nagercoil(15) Anjugramam(5) 2
84 Anjugrammam (TP) Nagercoil(18) Nagercoil(18) 1 2
85 Kottaram (TP) Nagercoil(15) Nagercoil(15) 1 3
86 Thengampudur (TP) 1 1 1 3
87 Puthalam (TP) Nagercoil(13) Nagercoil(13) Nagercoil(13) 3
88 Agastheeswaram (TP) Kanniyakumari(5) 1 1 2
89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) Nagercoil(10) Konam(15) 1 3
90 Kanniyakumari (TP) Nagercoil(20) Konam(24) 1 5
91 Putheri (CT) Parvathipuram(5) Vadaseri(3) Krishnankovil(3) 1
92 Gandipuram (CT) Nagercoil(6) Pillaiyarpuram(4) Nagercoil(1) 2
93 Peruvilai (CT) Asaripallam(2) Kaliyankadu(3) 1 1
94 Dharamapuram (CT) Pillaiyarpuram(5) Pillaiyarpuram(2) Ethmozhi(2) 4
95 Pallanthurai (CT) Nagercoil(12) Pillaiyarpuram(4) Puthandurai(3) 3
96 Manakudi (CT) Nagercoil(12) Pillaiyarpuram(10) Nagercoil(12) 1
*If an educational facilitiy is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance from the town
where facility is available has been given


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Number of Educational Facilities* Number of Social, Recreational and Cultural facilities Name of Town Sl.

Special School for Disabled No. of Orphanage Home Working women's hostles

14 15 16 17 2 1
Nagercoil(20) 0 Thackalai(4) Thackalai(4) Kannanoor (CT) 65
Kottaram(28) 0 1 Nagercoil(10) Thikkanamcode (CT) 66
Anantha nadar kudiyiruppu(13) 0 Saral(4) Nagercoil(14) Nullivilai (CT) 67
Anantha nadar kudiyiruppu(13) 0 Saral(6) Nagercoil(16) Athivilai (CT) 68
Anantha nadar kudiyiruppu(12) 0 Saral(8) Nagercoil(13) Kattimancode (CT) 69
Nagercoil(17) 0 1 Nagercoil(17) Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 70
Nagercoil(12) 0 Mokkudal(3) Nagercoil(12) Boothapandi (TP) 71
Nagercoil(16) 0 Nagercoil(16) Nagercoil(16) Aralvaimozhi (TP) 72
1 0 Nagercoil(8) Nagercoil(8) Thazhakudy (TP) 73
Kottaram(28) 0 1 Nagercoil(20) Thadikarankonam (CT) 74
Konam(15) 0 1 Nagercoil(12) Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 75
Nagercoil(11) 0 Nagercoil(11) Nagercoil(11) Marungur (TP) 76
Nagercoil(10) 0 Nagercoil(10) Nagercoil(10) Therur (TP) 77
1 0(0) 1 1 Nagercoil (M) 78
Alancode(20) 0 Nagercoil(5) Nagercoil(5) Asaripallam (TP) 79
Kottaram(9) 0 Nagercoil(5) Nagercoil(5) Suchindrum (TP) 80
Nagercoil(10) 0 Nagercoil(10) Raman puthur(8) Ganapathipuram (TP) 81
Kottaram(8) 0 Nagercoil(18) Nagercoil(18) Mylaudy (TP) 82
Kottaram(5) 0 1 Nagercoil(15) Alagappapuram (TP) 83
Kottaram(10) 0 Kottaram(10) Nagercoil(18) Anjugrammam (TP) 84
1 0 Kanniyakumari(5) Nagercoil(15) Kottaram (TP) 85
1 0 Nagercoil(8) Nagercoil(8) Thengampudur (TP) 86
Nagercoil(13) 0 Nagercoil(13) Nagercoil(13) Puthalam (TP) 87
Kottaram(3) 0 Kanniyakumari(5) Kanniyakumari(5) Agastheeswaram (TP) 88
1 0 1 Nagercoil(10) Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 89
Kottaram(6) 0 1 1 Kanniyakumari (TP) 90
Puliyade(3) 0 Kesavathirupapuram(6) Kaliyankadu(8) Putheri (CT) 91
Kottaram(14) 0 Nagercoil(6) Nagercoil(6) Gandipuram (CT) 92
Paruthivilai(3) 0 Nagercoil(3) Nagercoil(3) Peruvilai (CT) 93
Nagercoil(13) 0 Nagercoil(6) Nagercoil(6) Dharamapuram (CT) 94
Kottaram(20) 0 Nagercoil(12) Nagercoil(12) Pallanthurai (CT) 95
Nagercoil(12) 0 Zion puram(8) Vivekanandapuram(6) Manakudi (CT) 96


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Sl. No. Name of Town Number of Social, Recreational and Cultural facilities
No. of Old Age Home Stadium Cinema Theatre

1 2 18 19 20
65 Kannanoor (CT) Thackalai(4) Nagercoil(20) Marthandam(7)
66 Thikkanamcode (CT) Thackalai(4) Neyyar(3) Nagercoil(10)
67 Nullivilai (CT) Saral(4) Nagercoil(14) Nagercoil(14)
68 Athivilai (CT) Saral(6) Nagercoil(16) Vellisanthai(6)
69 Kattimancode (CT) Saral(8) Nagercoil(13) Vellisanthai(10)
70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 1 Nagercoil(17) Nagercoil(17)
71 Boothapandi (TP) Nagercoil(12) Nagercoil(12) Nagercoil(12)
72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) Nagercoil(16) Nagercoil(16) Nagercoil(16)
73 Thazhakudy (TP) Nagercoil(8) 1 Erachakulam(2)
74 Thadikarankonam (CT) Nagercoil(20) 1 Nagercoil(20)
75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) Nagercoil(12) 3 Nagercoil(12)
76 Marungur (TP) Nagercoil(11) Nagercoil(11) Nagercoil(11)
77 Therur (TP) Nagercoil(10) Nagercoil(10) Nagercoil(10)
78 Nagercoil (M) 1 1 8
79 Asaripallam (TP) Nagercoil(5) Nagercoil(5) Nagercoil(5)
80 Suchindrum (TP) Nagercoil(5) Nagercoil(5) Nagercoil(5)
81 Ganapathipuram (TP) Nagercoil(10) Nagercoil(10) Nagercoil(10)
82 Mylaudy (TP) Kanniyakumari(12) Nagercoil(12) Nagercoil(15)
83 Alagappapuram (TP) Kanniyakumari(10) Nagercoil(10) Nagercoil(10)
84 Anjugrammam (TP) Nagercoil(18) Nagercoil(18) Nagercoil(18)
85 Kottaram (TP) Kanniyakumari(5) Kanniyakumari(5) Nagercoil(15)
86 Thengampudur (TP) Nagercoil(8) 1 Nagercoil(8)
87 Puthalam (TP) Nagercoil(13) Nagercoil(13) Nagercoil(13)
88 Agastheeswaram (TP) 1 1 Nagercoil(16)
89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) Nagercoil(10) 1 Nagercoil(10)
90 Kanniyakumari (TP) 1 1 Nagercoil(20)
91 Putheri (CT) Nagercoil(8) Nagercoil(8) 4
92 Gandipuram (CT) Nagercoil(6) Nagercoil(6) Nagercoil(6)
93 Peruvilai (CT) 1 Nagercoil(3) Nagercoil(3)
94 Dharamapuram (CT) Nagercoil(6) Nagercoil(6) Nagercoil(6)
95 Pallanthurai (CT) Nagercoil(12) Nagercoil(12) Nagercoil(12)
96 Manakudi (CT) Mangavali(10) 1 Nagercoil(12)
*If an educational facilitiy is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance from the town
where facility is available has been given


Statement-V: Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 2009

Number of Social, Recreational and Cultural facilities Name of Town Sl. No.
Auditorium/ Community Public libraries Reading rooms

21 22 23 2 1
Thackalai(4) 1 1 Kannanoor (CT) 65
4 5 5 Thikkanamcode (CT) 66
1 1 1 Nullivilai (CT) 67
1 1 1 Athivilai (CT) 68
Surankadu(10) 4 4 Kattimancode (CT) 69
1 1 1 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 70
2 2 2 Boothapandi (TP) 71
6 1 1 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 72
2 2 2 Thazhakudy (TP) 73
1 1 1 Thadikarankonam (CT) 74
3 1 1 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) 75
2 1 1 Marungur (TP) 76
Kannazhi(5) 3 3 Therur (TP) 77
5 2 2 Nagercoil (M) 78
2 1 1 Asaripallam (TP) 79
1 1 1 Suchindrum (TP) 80
2 7 5 Ganapathipuram (TP) 81
Nagercoil(15) 1 1 Mylaudy (TP) 82
Nagercoil(10) 1 1 Alagappapuram (TP) 83
1 1 1 Anjugrammam (TP) 84
4 2 2 Kottaram (TP) 85
1 1 1 Thengampudur (TP) 86
1 2 2 Puthalam (TP) 87
4 1 1 Agastheeswaram (TP) 88
7 12 12 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 89
5 7 6 Kanniyakumari (TP) 90
1 1 1 Putheri (CT) 91
1 Nagercoil(6) Nagercoil(6) Gandipuram (CT) 92
Nagercoil(4) Nagercoil(2) Nagercoil(2) Peruvilai (CT) 93
2 1 1 Dharamapuram (CT) 94
2 Nagercoil(12) Nagercoil(12) Pallanthurai (CT) 95
1 2 2 Manakudi (CT) 96


STATEMENT - VI : Industry and Banking, 2009

Sl. Name of Town Names of three most important commodities manufactured Number of

Number of agricultural credit

agricultural credit societies

No banks

Private Commercial

Co-operative Bank
Nationalised Bank
1st 2nd 3rd

Number of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Kadayal (TP) Rubber sheet Cashew nut 2 2 0 0 0

2 Arumanai (TP) Rubber sheet Cashew nut 2 2 1 0 1

3 Edaicode (TP) Cashew nut Cement Rubber 1 1 2 0 0

4 Palugal (TP) Rubber Cashew nut 1 0 1 1 0

5 Kaliyakkavilai (TP) Rubber sheet 2 1 1 1 0

6 Pacode (TP) Rubber 1 1 1 1 0

7 Kuzhithurai (M) Rubber sheet Bricks 4 3 1 1 2

8 Unnamalaikadai (TP) Cashew nut Aluminium vessel Furniture 2 1 0 3 0

9 Nalloor (TP) Cashew nut Rubber 3 0 1 3 0

10 Kollancode (TP) Cashew nut Rope 1 2 1 1 0

11 Ezhudesam (TP) Rope 2 1 2 2 0

12 Puthukkadai (TP) Spectacles Cashew nut Coconut oil 1 2 0 1 0

13 Killiyoor (TP) Rubber sheet 1 1 2 3 0

14 Keezhkulam (TP) Cashew nut Furniture 2 0 1 0 1

15 Karungal (TP) Cashew nut Hand loom 2 0 1 1 0

16 Palappallam (TP) Cashew nut Coir 1 0 0 1 0

17 Puliyoorsalai (CT) Rubber 1 0 1 0 0

18 Manjalumoodu (CT) Cashew nut Rubber 1 0 1 0 0

19 Muzhucode (CT) Rubber Cashew nut 1 0 1 0 0

20 Malayadi (CT) Rubber 0 2 1 1 0

21 Vanniyoor (CT) Cashew nut 1 0 0 0 0

22 Maruthancode (CT) Rubber 1 0 0 0 0

23 Vellamcode (CT) Rubber Cashew nut 1 0 1 0 0

24 Kulappuram (CT) Cashew nut 1 0 0 0 0

25 Adaikkakuzhi (CT) Rubber Cashew nut 1 0 0 0 0

26 Methukummal (CT) Rubber Cashew nut 1 0 1 0 0

27 Vilavancode (CT) Cashew nut Bricks 1 0 0 0 0


STATEMENT - VI : Industry and Banking, 2009

Sl. Name of Town Names of three most important commodities manufactured Number of

Number of agricultural credit

agricultural credit societies

No banks

Private Commercial

Co-operative Bank
Nationalised Bank
1st 2nd 3rd

Number of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

28 Choozhal (CT) Cashew nut Coconut oil 1 4 1 1 0

29 Nadaikavu (CT) Rubber Cashew nut 1 0 0 0 0

30 Vavarai (CT) Cashew nut 0 1 0 0 0

31 Mancad (CT) Cashew nut 1 3 0 0 0

32 Vilathurai (CT) 1 2 1 3 0

33 Nattalam (CT) Cashew nut 1 0 1 1 0

34 Painkulam (CT) Cashew nut Rope Broom 1 1 1 1 1

35 Paloor (CT) Cashew nut 1 0 0 0 0

36 Midalam (CT) Cashew nut Coconut oil 0 4 0 0 0

37 Mathicode (CT) Cashew nut Palm leave products 1 2 0 0 0

38 Thirparappu (TP) Rubber 2 1 2 2 0

39 Ponmanai (TP) Rubber Pepper Glove 1 0 0 2 0

40 Kulasekaram (TP) Rubber 2 9 1 2 0

41 Thiruvattar (TP) Rubber sheet Cashew nut 1 1 1 1 0

42 Athur (TP) Bricks Cashew nut Cement bricks 2 0 0 1 0

43 Verkilambi (TP) Rubber Honey 1 0 1 1 1

44 Kumarapuram (TP) Rubber sheet Cashew nut 2 1 1 0 0

45 Kothanallur (TP) Glove 2 2 0 1 0

46 Valvaithankoshtam (TP) Cashew nut Rubber 2 0 1 1 2

47 Mulagumudu (TP) Milk products 1 1 0 1 0

48 Vilavur (TP) Stabilizer Cashew nut Rubber sheet 2 0 0 0 0

49 Padmanabhapuram (M) Rubber 5 2 1 1 2

50 Thiruvithancode (TP) Honey Cashew nut Rubber 1 3 1 1 0

51 Kappiyarai (TP) Cashew nut Palm leave products 2 0 1 0 0

52 Eraniel (TP) Honey Pepper 1 1 0 1 0

53 Villukuri (TP) Blue metal 1 0 1 1 0


STATEMENT - VI : Industry and Banking, 2009

Sl. Name of Town Names of three most important commodities manufactured Number of

Number of agricultural credit

agricultural credit societies

No banks

Private Commercial

Co-operative Bank
Nationalised Bank
1st 2nd 3rd

Number of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

54 Neyyoor (TP) Cashew nut 2 0 0 0 0

55 Reethapuram (TP) Ice bar Rope Broom 2 1 0 2 0

56 Kallukuttam (TP) Rope Clay pots Masala power 2 3 1 0 0

57 Thingalnagar (TP) 3 0 1 1 0

58 Alur (TP) Cement Blue metal 1 0 0 2 0

59 Colachel (M) Rope Dry fish 2 1 1 1 0

60 Mandaikadu (TP) Rope Cashew nut 2 1 1 1 0

61 Manavalakurichi (TP) Rope Monosite (ire) 2 4 1 1 0

62 Vellimalai (TP) 1 0 1 1 0

63 Ayacode (CT) Rubber 1 0 1 1 0

64 Kattathurai (CT) Rubber 1 0 1 1 0

65 Kannanoor (CT) Rubber 0 1 1 0 0

66 Thikkanamcode (CT) Rubber 2 5 1 1 0

67 Nullivilai (CT) 1 0 1 2 0

68 Athivilai (CT) 0 1 1 1 0

69 Kattimancode (CT) 1 0 1 0 0

70 Azhagiapandipuram (TP) Cashew nut Rubber Clay pot 1 4 0 1 0

71 Boothapandi (TP) Bricks Cashew nut 2 0 0 0 0

72 Aralvaimozhi (TP) 2 2 1 1 0

73 Thazhakudy (TP) 1 0 1 1 0

74 Thadikarankonam (CT) Rubber 1 0 0 0 0

75 Chenbagaramanputhur (CT) Aluminium vessels Bricks Rubber 0 1 0 0 0

76 Marungur (TP) Blue metal Blue metal power Fishing net 1 1 1 1 0

77 Therur (TP) 2 0 0 1 0

78 Nagercoil (M) Plastic products Hand loom Fishing net 41 4 2 2 0

79 Asaripallam (TP) Fishing net Rubber glove 2 0 0 1 0


STATEMENT - VI : Industry and Banking, 2009

Sl. Name of Town Names of three most important commodities manufactured Number of

Number of agricultural credit

agricultural credit societies

No banks

Private Commercial

Co-operative Bank
Nationalised Bank
1st 2nd 3rd

Number of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

80 Suchindrum (TP) Beaten rice Appalam 1 2 0 1 3

81 Ganapathipuram (TP) Rope Fishing net 2 0 1 1 0

82 Mylaudy (TP) Idol 1 0 0 1 0

83 Alagappapuram (TP) Fishing net Ice Blue metal powder 1 1 1 1 0

84 Anjugrammam (TP) 10 5 0 0 0

85 Kottaram (TP) 1 0 1 0 0

86 Thengampudur (TP) Cashew nut Fishing net Hand loom products 2 1 0 1 1

87 Puthalam (TP) Salt 1 2 1 1 1

88 Agastheeswaram (TP) 2 1 0 0 1

89 Thenthamaraikulam (TP) Rope Grinder stone Cashew nut 1 1 1 1 1

90 Kanniyakumari (TP) Fish food Shell articles Mat 4 4 1 0 1

91 Putheri (CT) 1 0 1 1 0

92 Gandipuram (CT) 1 0 1 1 0

93 Peruvilai (CT) 1 0 0 0 0

94 Dharamapuram (CT) Nylon thread Pvc pipes Raisins 1 0 1 0 0

95 Pallanthurai (CT) Rubber 0 2 0 0 0

96 Manakudi (CT) 1 0 1 0 0


STATEMENT - VII: Civic and other amenities in Slums, 2009

Sl. No. Class and name of town Name of the slum

No. of households (approx)

Population of the Slum

Paved roads (in kms)

Is it notified

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 III,Kadayal (TP) Ganapathikal No 54 167 1
2 III,Kadayal (TP) Kattavilai No 54 167 0.9
3 IV,Arumanai (TP) Suttur konam No 25 100 0.5
4 IV,Kaliyakkavilai (TP) R.c street No 100 420 1
5 IV,Kaliyakkavilai (TP) Meli colony No 100 420 0.95
6 IV,Kaliyakkavilai (TP) Mecode mannalippu No 106 445 1.25
7 III,Pacode (TP) Kotha vilai No 68 270 1.5
8 III,Pacode (TP) Patta vilai No 52 161 1
9 III,Pacode (TP) Uralivilai No 59 210 1
10 III,Pacode (TP) Asarikudi vilai No 60 240 1
11 III,Kuzhithurai (M) R.c street marthandam Yes 96 403 1.2
12 III,Kuzhithurai (M) Kodunkulam Yes 110 462 1.207
13 III,Kuzhithurai (M) Parambuvilai Yes 75 312 1.086
14 III,Kuzhithurai (M) Pazhavar Yes 58 180 0.9
15 III,Kuzhithurai (M) R.c street kuzhithurai Yes 72 302 0.92
16 III,Kuzhithurai (M) Nariyan vilai Yes 263 1105 1.424
17 III,Unnamalaikadai (TP) Kullakatchi No 70 294 1.3
18 III,Unnamalaikadai (TP) Thatchan vilagam No 115 483 1.4
19 IV,Nalloor (TP) Nanthancode No 75 233 1.4
20 III,Kollancode (TP) Vallavilai No 210 882 1.5
21 III,Kollancode (TP) Nirodi durai No 125 490 1.3
22 III,Kollancode (TP) Manjathoppu No 65 273 1.2
23 III,Kollancode (TP) Marthandan durai No 110 445 1.5
24 III,Ezhudesam (TP) Kalingaraipuram No 400 1680 1.5
25 III,Killiyoor (TP) Compilar No 74 311 1.5
26 III,Killiyoor (TP) Matha puram No 67 281 1.5
27 III,Killiyoor (TP) Elavuvilai No 78 328 1.2
28 IV,Keezhkulam (TP) Helan colony No 100 420 1
29 IV,Keezhkulam (TP) Siyon colony No 60 250 1
30 IV,Karungal (TP) Mangan vilai No 100 400 1.3
31 III,Thirparappu (TP) Kottur konam No 122 512 1.6
32 III,Thirparappu (TP) Vilavoor konam No 75 310 0.8
33 III,Thirparappu (TP) Pinanthodu No 48 152 0.7
34 III,Thirparappu (TP) Unnerkonam No 78 254 1.3
35 IV,Ponmanai (TP) Chekkumoodu No 51 204 0.7
36 IV,Ponmanai (TP) Pambuthukki vilai No 32 120 0
37 IV,Ponmanai (TP) Thembaraiyadi No 40 162 0.5


STATEMENT - VII: Civic and other amenities in Slums, 2009

hydrants installed for supply of

System of drainage Number of latrines Class and name of town Sl.
Electricity (Number
of connections)

No. of tap points/ public

Both (Open & Closed)

Flush/ Pour Flush

protected water
(Water borne)

Road lighting
Pit System






8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
BD 0 19 0 0 0 4 19 2 1 III,Kadayal (TP) 1
BD 0 41 0 0 0 4 19 2 1 III,Kadayal (TP) 2
OD 0 19 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 IV,Arumanai (TP) 3
BD 0 70 0 0 0 7 90 4 1 IV,Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 4
BD 0 75 0 0 0 7 87 4 1 IV,Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 5
Nil 0 80 0 0 0 7 92 4 1 IV,Kaliyakkavilai (TP) 6
OD 0 51 0 0 0 5 24 3 1 III,Pacode (TP) 7
OD 0 39 0 0 0 3 18 2 1 III,Pacode (TP) 8
OD 0 44 0 0 0 4 21 2 1 III,Pacode (TP) 9
OD 0 45 0 0 0 4 21 2 1 III,Pacode (TP) 10
BD 0 47 0 0 0 6 34 3 1 III,Kuzhithurai (M) 11
BD 0 43 0 0 0 7 66 4 1 III,Kuzhithurai (M) 12
BD 0 23 0 0 0 5 26 3 1 III,Kuzhithurai (M) 13
Nil 0 44 0 0 0 4 20 2 1 III,Kuzhithurai (M) 14
BD 0 32 1 0 0 5 25 3 1 III,Kuzhithurai (M) 15
BD 0 79 1 0 0 18 158 9 3 III,Kuzhithurai (M) 16
OD 0 45 0 0 0 5 25 3 1 III,Unnamalaikadai (TP) 17
OD 0 65 0 2 0 8 69 4 1 III,Unnamalaikadai (TP) 18
OD 0 56 0 0 0 5 26 3 1 IV,Nalloor (TP) 19
OD 0 158 0 0 2 14 189 7 2 III,Kollancode (TP) 20
OD 0 94 0 0 1 8 113 4 1 III,Kollancode (TP) 21
OD 0 49 0 0 1 4 23 2 1 III,Kollancode (TP) 22
OD 0 83 0 0 1 7 99 4 1 III,Kollancode (TP) 23
OD 0 300 2 0 0 27 360 14 4 III,Ezhudesam (TP) 24
BD 0 47 0 0 0 5 26 3 1 III,Killiyoor (TP) 25
BD 0 41 0 0 0 4 23 2 1 III,Killiyoor (TP) 26
BD 0 52 0 0 0 5 27 3 1 III,Killiyoor (TP) 27
Nil 0 75 0 0 0 7 80 4 1 IV,Keezhkulam (TP) 28
OD 0 45 0 0 0 4 21 2 1 IV,Keezhkulam (TP) 29
BD 0 75 0 0 0 7 90 4 1 IV,Karungal (TP) 30
OD 0 88 0 0 0 8 108 4 1 III,Thirparappu (TP) 31
OD 0 56 0 0 0 5 26 3 1 III,Thirparappu (TP) 32
OD 0 36 0 0 0 3 10 2 0 III,Thirparappu (TP) 33
OD 0 50 0 0 0 5 27 3 1 III,Thirparappu (TP) 34
OD 0 16 0 0 0 3 18 2 1 IV,Ponmanai (TP) 35
OD 0 24 0 0 0 2 6 1 0 IV,Ponmanai (TP) 36
OD 0 12 0 0 1 3 8 2 0 IV,Ponmanai (TP) 37


STATEMENT - VII: Civic and other amenities in Slums, 2009

Sl. No. Class and name of town Name of the slum

Population of the Slum

Paved roads (in kms)

No. of households
Is it notified


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
38 IV,Kulasekaram (TP) Anna nagar Yes 94 388 0.8
39 IV,Athur (TP) Kilkudi No 38 148 0.5
40 IV,Kumarapuram (TP) Paddappa kulam No 32 128 0.4
41 IV,Kumarapuram (TP) Nenchanthi ad colony No 40 160 0.3
42 IV,Kumarapuram (TP) Annaikatti vilai No 75 315 1
43 IV,Kumarapuram (TP) Ratsanyapuram No 35 137 0.4
44 IV,Kothanallur (TP) Charal vilai No 149 596 1.3
45 IV,Kothanallur (TP) Muttaikadu No 84 342 1.1
46 IV,Kothanallur (TP) Chembaruthi vilai No 59 236 0.8
47 IV,Vilavur (TP) Vilavur No 142 596 1.5
48 IV,Vilavur (TP) Marunthukottai No 81 340 1
49 IV,Vilavur (TP) Asan kinaru No 25 105 0.3
50 IV,Vilavur (TP) Illuppakonam No 23 95 0.5
51 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) Arasu vilai No 73 307 1.4
52 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) Sharoad No 208 874 2
53 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) Vazhavilai No 97 407 1.5
54 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) Brahmapuram No 95 399 1.5
55 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) Illuppai konam No 48 202 0.7
56 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) Anna colony No 26 101 0.5
57 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) K.k.karai No 75 293 1.5
58 IV,Villukuri (TP) Paraiyati No 250 800 1.8
59 IV,Neyyoor (TP) Machchakkarai No 45 175 0.5
60 IV,Neyyoor (TP) Olakkode No 20 84 0.4
61 IV,Neyyoor (TP) Pathiricode No 60 245 1
62 IV,Neyyoor (TP) Iyyanpalavilai No 60 237 0.5
63 IV,Neyyoor (TP) Senkara vilai No 65 240 1
64 III,Reethapuram (TP) Pilankarai colony Yes 160 496 1.6
65 III,Reethapuram (TP) Senthurai colony(patharai colony) Yes 170 527 1.8
66 III,Reethapuram (TP) Irumpili pottal colony No 53 164 0.8
67 III,Reethapuram (TP) Indira colony No 15 47 0.1
68 III,Reethapuram (TP) Reethapuram colony No 99 307 1.1
69 IV,Thingalnagar (TP) Nanthancode No 60 252 1
70 IV,Alur (TP) Ambethkar colony No 115 460 1
71 IV,Alur (TP) Indira nagar No 30 120 0.5
72 IV,Alur (TP) Panavilai No 135 560 1.5
73 IV,Alur (TP) Annanagar No 80 320 1
74 IV,Alur (TP) Vivekananthar nagar No 75 310 0.5


STATEMENT - VII: Civic and other amenities in Slums, 2009

System of drainage Number of latrines Class and name of town Sl.

supply of protected water

Electricity (Number

No. of tap points/ public

Both (Open & Closed)
of connections)

hydrants installed for


Road lighting
Flush (Water

Flush/ Pour
Pit System






8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
BD 0 71 0 0 0 6 33 3 1 IV,Kulasekaram (TP) 38
OD 0 27 0 0 0 3 8 2 0 IV,Athur (TP) 39
Nil 0 15 0 0 0 2 6 1 0 IV,Kumarapuram (TP) 40
Nil 0 22 0 0 1 3 8 2 0 IV,Kumarapuram (TP) 41
OD 0 56 0 0 0 5 26 3 1 IV,Kumarapuram (TP) 42
Nil 0 25 0 0 0 2 7 1 0 IV,Kumarapuram (TP) 43
OD 0 47 0 0 1 10 104 5 1 IV,Kothanallur (TP) 44
OD 0 25 0 0 1 6 29 3 1 IV,Kothanallur (TP) 45
OD 0 42 0 0 0 4 21 2 1 IV,Kothanallur (TP) 46
Nil 0 60 2 0 0 9 85 5 1 IV,Vilavur (TP) 47
OD 0 40 1 0 0 5 28 3 1 IV,Vilavur (TP) 48
Nil 0 15 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 IV,Vilavur (TP) 49
Nil 0 10 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 IV,Vilavur (TP) 50
BD 0 55 2 0 15 5 26 3 1 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) 51
BD 0 134 0 0 0 14 132 7 2 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) 52
BD 0 73 1 0 0 6 34 3 1 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) 53
BD 0 64 0 0 0 6 33 3 1 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) 54
BD 0 36 0 0 10 3 10 2 0 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) 55
Nil 0 20 0 0 0 2 5 1 0 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) 56
BD 0 56 0 0 0 5 26 3 1 III,Padmanabhapuram (M) 57
OD 0 188 0 0 0 17 225 9 3 IV,Villukuri (TP) 58
OD 0 25 0 0 0 3 9 2 0 IV,Neyyoor (TP) 59
OD 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 IV,Neyyoor (TP) 60
OD 0 45 0 0 0 4 21 2 1 IV,Neyyoor (TP) 61
OD 0 40 0 0 0 4 21 2 1 IV,Neyyoor (TP) 62
OD 0 49 0 0 0 4 23 2 1 IV,Neyyoor (TP) 63
OD 0 120 0 0 0 11 135 6 2 III,Reethapuram (TP) 64
OD 0 128 0 0 0 11 145 6 2 III,Reethapuram (TP) 65
OD 0 28 0 0 0 4 19 2 1 III,Reethapuram (TP) 66
OD 0 10 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 III,Reethapuram (TP) 67
OD 0 64 0 0 0 7 35 4 1 III,Reethapuram (TP) 68
BD 0 18 0 0 0 4 21 2 1 IV,Thingalnagar (TP) 69
OD 0 85 0 0 1 8 102 4 1 IV,Alur (TP) 70
Nil 0 23 0 0 0 2 6 1 0 IV,Alur (TP) 71
Nil 0 101 0 0 0 9 120 5 1 IV,Alur (TP) 72
OD 0 60 0 0 0 5 28 3 1 IV,Alur (TP) 73
OD 0 40 0 0 0 5 26 3 1 IV,Alur (TP) 74


STATEMENT - VII: Civic and other amenities in Slums, 2009

Sl. No. Class and name of town Name of the slum

No. of households (approx)

Population of the Slum

Paved roads (in kms)

Is it notified

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
75 IV,Alur (TP) Sunkankadai No 150 570 0.7
76 IV,Alur (TP) Ganthi nagar No 30 120 0.2
77 III,Colachel (M) Kottlepadu No 679 2852 3.2
78 III,Colachel (M) Sasthan karai No 240 934 1.5
79 III,Colachel (M) Thuraimugam street No 1356 5695 4.1
80 IV,Manavalakurichi (TP) Kunnankadu No 40 168 0.6
81 IV,Manavalakurichi (TP) Chakkkappathu No 25 105 0.3
82 IV,Vellimalai (TP) Sivanthaman No 140 550 1.6
83 IV,Azhagiapandipuram (TP) Kurathiyarai Yes 20 84 0.3
84 IV,Boothapandi (TP) Nantri kuzhi No 70 217 0.2
85 IV,Boothapandi (TP) Bhakkiya nagar No 40 127 0.25
86 IV,Boothapandi (TP) Kattu puthur No 67 208 0.3
87 IV,Boothapandi (TP) Thittu vilai sa street No 42 176 0.25
88 IV,Boothapandi (TP) Mathyas nager tsunami colony No 27 103 0.6
89 IV,Boothapandi (TP) Kalaungadi No 15 52 0.1
90 IV,Boothapandi (TP) Arasan kuzhi colony No 60 217 0.3
91 IV,Boothapandi (TP) Butterkulam colony No 70 231 0.4
92 IV,Boothapandi (TP) Joseph colony No 25 105 0.5
93 IV,Boothapandi (TP) Viravilai colony No 52 210 0.3
94 III,Aralvaimozhi (TP) Gandhi nagar Yes 180 730 1.5
95 III,Aralvaimozhi (TP) Kattunayakan kudiyuppu No 50 210 0.5
96 III,Aralvaimozhi (TP) Indira kootu kudiyiruppu No 300 1200 2
97 V,Thazhakudy (TP) Kananaga moolam puthukudiyiruppu No 179 716 1.7
98 IV,Marungur (TP) Manikka nagar Yes 25 105 0.3
99 IV,Marungur (TP) Periyakulam colony Yes 20 84 0.1
100 IV,Marungur (TP) Athithiyadi Yes 200 840 0.6
101 V,Therur (TP) Puthukiramam colony Yes 130 546 1
102 V,Therur (TP) Uthirappatti Yes 50 210 0.7
103 V,Therur (TP) Thandalayan konam Yes 110 462 1
104 V,Therur (TP) Maharajapuram Yes 250 1040 1.5
105 V,Therur (TP) Athithikulam Yes 60 252 1
106 I,Nagercoil (M) Melakalunkadi No 218 676 1
107 I,Nagercoil (M) Kulalar street No 206 639 1
108 I,Nagercoil (M) Thamaraikulam street No 49 206 0.08
109 I,Nagercoil (M) Ilankadai sambavar street No 60 186 0.21
110 I,Nagercoil (M) Kallankulam No 57 239 0.3
111 I,Nagercoil (M) Malikthinar street No 149 597 0.32


STATEMENT - VII: Civic and other amenities in Slums, 2009

System of drainage Number of latrines Class and name of town Sl.

Electricity (Number

hydrants installed for supply

of connections)

No. of tap points/ public

Both (Open & Closed) Private

of protected water
Flush/ Pour Flush
(Water borne)

Road lighting
Pit System






8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
OD 0 70 0 0 1 10 130 5 2 IV,Alur (TP) 75
Nil 0 23 0 0 0 2 6 1 0 IV,Alur (TP) 76
BD 0 204 0 0 3 45 407 23 7 III,Colachel (M) 77
BD 0 180 0 0 0 16 200 8 2 III,Colachel (M) 78
BD 0 908 0 0 9 90 1130 45 14 III,Colachel (M) 79
OD 0 30 0 0 0 3 8 2 0 IV,Manavalakurichi (TP) 80
OD 0 19 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 IV,Manavalakurichi (TP) 81
OD 0 105 0 0 0 9 120 5 1 IV,Vellimalai (TP) 82
Nil 0 10 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 IV,Azhagiapandipuram (TP) 83
OD 0 31 0 0 0 5 25 3 1 IV,Boothapandi (TP) 84
OD 0 12 0 0 0 3 8 2 0 IV,Boothapandi (TP) 85
OD 0 23 0 0 0 4 23 2 1 IV,Boothapandi (TP) 86
OD 0 32 0 0 0 3 8 2 0 IV,Boothapandi (TP) 87
OD 0 12 0 0 0 2 5 1 0 IV,Boothapandi (TP) 88
OD 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 IV,Boothapandi (TP) 89
OD 0 20 0 0 0 4 21 2 1 IV,Boothapandi (TP) 90
OD 0 53 0 0 0 5 25 3 1 IV,Boothapandi (TP) 91
OD 0 19 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 IV,Boothapandi (TP) 92
OD 0 37 0 0 0 3 18 2 1 IV,Boothapandi (TP) 93
BD 0 135 0 0 0 12 162 6 2 III,Aralvaimozhi (TP) 94
Nil 0 38 0 0 0 3 10 2 1 III,Aralvaimozhi (TP) 95
BD 0 225 0 0 0 20 250 10 3 III,Aralvaimozhi (TP) 96
OD 0 86 0 0 0 12 137 6 2 V,Thazhakudy (TP) 97
OD 0 19 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 IV,Marungur (TP) 98
OD 0 14 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 IV,Marungur (TP) 99
OD 0 150 0 0 0 13 180 7 2 IV,Marungur (TP) 100
OD 0 80 0 0 0 9 78 5 1 V,Therur (TP) 101
OD 0 35 0 0 0 3 10 2 1 V,Therur (TP) 102
OD 0 83 0 0 0 7 99 4 1 V,Therur (TP) 103
OD 0 188 0 0 0 17 225 9 3 V,Therur (TP) 104
OD 0 45 0 0 0 4 21 2 1 V,Therur (TP) 105
OD 0 65 0 0 2 15 136 8 2 I,Nagercoil (M) 106
OD 0 62 1 0 0 14 185 7 2 I,Nagercoil (M) 107
OD 0 30 1 0 0 3 10 2 0 I,Nagercoil (M) 108
OD 0 45 3 0 0 4 21 2 1 I,Nagercoil (M) 109
OD 0 42 1 0 0 4 20 2 1 I,Nagercoil (M) 110
OD 0 112 1 0 1 10 134 5 1 I,Nagercoil (M) 111


STATEMENT - VII: Civic and other amenities in Slums, 2009

Sl. No. Class and name of town Name of the slum

No. of households (approx)

Population of the Slum

Paved roads (in kms)

Is it notified

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
112 I,Nagercoil (M) Ponnagar No 60 186 0.2
113 I,Nagercoil (M) Kattunayakkan street No 48 202 0.25
114 I,Nagercoil (M) Arukuvilai Yes 870 3654 1
115 I,Nagercoil (M) Melaththeru kana Yes 97 407 0.6
116 I,Nagercoil (M) Ottutharai street Yes 155 651 1
117 I,Nagercoil (M) Manikkavasakapuram Yes 39 164 0.08
118 I,Nagercoil (M) Chithrai rajapuram Yes 43 181 0.14
119 I,Nagercoil (M) Mgr nagar - 1 Yes 103 433 0.32
120 I,Nagercoil (M) Arasu colony Yes 52 218 0.28
121 I,Nagercoil (M) Kunnu vilai Yes 124 521 0.32
122 I,Nagercoil (M) Kalaivanar street Yes 40 168 0.22
123 I,Nagercoil (M) Parakkankalpand Yes 220 924 1
124 I,Nagercoil (M) Mgr nagar - 2 Yes 109 458 0.35
125 I,Nagercoil (M) Poochathankulam Yes 38 160 0.12
126 I,Nagercoil (M) Sulaiman nagar Yes 19 80 0.1
127 I,Nagercoil (M) Muthaliyar vilai Yes 64 269 0.7
128 I,Nagercoil (M) Kasthuri nagar Yes 42 176 0.21
129 I,Nagercoil (M) Puththan kudiyiruppu Yes 22 92 0.2
130 I,Nagercoil (M) Madan kovil street Yes 51 214 0.4
131 I,Nagercoil (M) Aattukadai mudukku Yes 43 181 0.6
132 I,Nagercoil (M) Arunthathiyar street Yes 161 660 0.36
133 I,Nagercoil (M) Sasthiri nagar Yes 153 613 0.4
134 I,Nagercoil (M) Maraseenivilai Yes 88 370 0.12
135 IV,Asaripallam (TP) Gandhi colony Yes 75 300 1.2
136 IV,Suchindrum (TP) Parabbu vilai No 38 160 0.8
137 IV,Suchindrum (TP) Karaiyan kuzhi No 45 189 0.7
138 IV,Suchindrum (TP) Pathinettam padi No 40 168 1
139 IV,Ganapathipuram (TP) Kakkathoppu No 75 315 1.5
140 IV,Ganapathipuram (TP) Boomathivilai No 25 105 0.5
141 IV,Ganapathipuram (TP) Mgr nagar No 20 84 0.5
142 IV,Mylaudy (TP) Kamaraj puthu colony No 154 616 1.5
143 IV,Mylaudy (TP) Lakshmipuram colony No 15 63 0.1
144 IV,Mylaudy (TP) Virusatha colony No 56 224 0.5
145 IV,Mylaudy (TP) Subramaniyapuram colony No 21 84 0.3
146 IV,Mylaudy (TP) Perumalpuram No 19 59 0.1
147 V,Alagappapuram (TP) Therkubhagavathi puram No 98 304 1


STATEMENT - VII: Civic and other amenities in Slums, 2009

System of drainage Number of latrines Class and name of town Sl.

Electricity (Number

hydrants installed for supply

of connections)

No. of tap points/ public

Both (Open & Closed)

Road lighting (points)

of protected water
Flush/ Pour Flush
(Water borne)

Pit System





8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
OD 0 45 0 0 0 4 21 2 1 I,Nagercoil (M) 112
OD 0 36 1 0 0 3 10 2 0 I,Nagercoil (M) 113
Nil 0 577 2 0 2 58 770 29 9 I,Nagercoil (M) 114
Nil 0 73 1 0 1 6 34 3 1 I,Nagercoil (M) 115
Nil 0 86 1 0 1 10 140 5 2 I,Nagercoil (M) 116
Nil 0 29 0 0 1 3 8 2 0 I,Nagercoil (M) 117
OD 0 32 0 0 0 3 9 2 0 I,Nagercoil (M) 118
OD 0 77 0 0 3 7 93 4 1 I,Nagercoil (M) 119
Nil 0 39 0 0 0 3 18 2 1 I,Nagercoil (M) 120
Nil 0 76 1 0 1 8 102 4 1 I,Nagercoil (M) 121
Nil 0 30 1 0 1 3 8 2 0 I,Nagercoil (M) 122
Nil 0 165 1 0 1 15 198 8 2 I,Nagercoil (M) 123
Nil 0 81 0 0 0 7 98 4 1 I,Nagercoil (M) 124
Nil 0 28 1 0 0 3 8 2 0 I,Nagercoil (M) 125
Nil 0 14 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 I,Nagercoil (M) 126
Nil 0 48 1 0 1 4 22 2 1 I,Nagercoil (M) 127
Nil 0 31 0 0 2 3 8 2 0 I,Nagercoil (M) 128
Nil 0 16 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 I,Nagercoil (M) 129
Nil 0 38 0 0 2 3 18 2 1 I,Nagercoil (M) 130
Nil 0 32 1 0 1 3 9 2 0 I,Nagercoil (M) 131
Nil 0 121 1 0 4 11 145 6 2 I,Nagercoil (M) 132
Nil 0 114 0 0 0 10 138 5 2 I,Nagercoil (M) 133
Nil 0 66 1 0 2 6 31 3 1 I,Nagercoil (M) 134
Nil 0 56 0 0 0 5 26 3 1 IV,Asaripallam (TP) 135
Nil 0 20 0 0 0 3 8 2 0 IV,Suchindrum (TP) 136
Nil 0 25 0 0 0 3 9 2 0 IV,Suchindrum (TP) 137
Nil 0 12 1 0 0 3 8 2 0 IV,Suchindrum (TP) 138
OD 0 56 0 0 0 5 26 3 1 IV,Ganapathipuram (TP) 139
OD 0 15 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 IV,Ganapathipuram (TP) 140
OD 0 15 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 IV,Ganapathipuram (TP) 141
OD 0 116 0 0 0 10 92 5 2 IV,Mylaudy (TP) 142
BD 0 11 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 IV,Mylaudy (TP) 143
BD 0 42 0 0 0 4 20 2 1 IV,Mylaudy (TP) 144
BD 0 16 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 IV,Mylaudy (TP) 145
OD 0 14 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 IV,Mylaudy (TP) 146
BD 0 74 0 0 0 7 34 4 1 V,Alagappapuram (TP) 147


STATEMENT - VII: Civic and other amenities in Slums, 2009

Sl. No. Class and name of town Name of the slum

No. of households (approx)

Population of the Slum

Paved roads (in kms)

Is it notified

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
148 V,Alagappapuram (TP) Indra colony No 150 465 1.6
149 V,Alagappapuram (TP) Valan nagar No 70 217 1
150 V,Alagappapuram (TP) Saveriyar kudiyruppu No 40 160 0.7
151 IV,Anjugrammam (TP) Mettukudiyruppu No 40 168 0.6
152 IV,Kottaram (TP) Lakshmi puram colony No 75 315 0.75
153 IV,Kottaram (TP) Narikulam colony No 70 294 0.75
154 IV,Thengampudur (TP) Puthukudiyiruppu No 45 189 0.5
155 IV,Thengampudur (TP) Katettri No 128 538 1.5
156 IV,Thengampudur (TP) Palkulam No 42 176 0.5
157 IV,Thengampudur (TP) Kalainar nagar No 46 143 0
158 IV,Thengampudur (TP) Collector colony No 26 109 0
159 IV,Puthalam (TP) Ariyaperumal vilai colony No 180 558 1.7
160 V,Agastheeswaram (TP) Ramanputhur No 127 533 0.7
161 V,Agastheeswaram (TP) Nethaji colony No 122 512 0.7
162 IV,Thenthamaraikulam (TP) Thondaiman colony No 35 140 0.7
163 IV,Thenthamaraikulam (TP) Pulilyur colony No 30 126 0.6
164 III,Kanniyakumari (TP) Chinnamuttam No 75 315 1.4
165 III,Kanniyakumari (TP) Vadi street No 130 546 1.8


STATEMENT - VII: Civic and other amenities in Slums, 2009

System of drainage Number of latrines Class and name of town Sl.

Electricity (Number

hydrants installed for supply

of connections)

No. of tap points/ public

Both (Open & Closed)

Road lighting (points)

of protected water
Flush/ Pour Flush
(Water borne)

Pit System





8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1
BD 0 113 0 0 0 10 135 5 2 V,Alagappapuram (TP) 148
BD 0 53 0 0 0 5 25 3 1 V,Alagappapuram (TP) 149
BD 0 30 0 0 0 3 8 2 0 V,Alagappapuram (TP) 150
OD 0 15 0 0 0 3 8 2 0 IV,Anjugrammam (TP) 151
Nil 0 23 0 0 0 5 26 3 1 IV,Kottaram (TP) 152
Nil 0 21 0 0 0 5 25 3 1 IV,Kottaram (TP) 153
Nil 0 34 0 0 0 3 9 2 0 IV,Thengampudur (TP) 154
OD 0 38 0 0 1 9 115 5 1 IV,Thengampudur (TP) 155
OD 0 16 0 0 1 3 8 2 0 IV,Thengampudur (TP) 156
Nil 0 25 0 0 0 3 9 2 0 IV,Thengampudur (TP) 157
Nil 0 8 0 0 0 2 5 1 0 IV,Thengampudur (TP) 158
Nil 0 75 0 1 1 12 108 6 2 IV,Puthalam (TP) 159
OD 0 95 0 0 0 8 100 4 1 V,Agastheeswaram (TP) 160
OD 0 92 0 0 0 8 100 4 1 V,Agastheeswaram (TP) 161
Nil 0 26 0 0 0 2 7 1 0 IV,Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 162
Nil 0 23 0 0 0 2 6 1 0 IV,Thenthamaraikulam (TP) 163
BD 0 45 0 0 1 5 26 3 1 III,Kanniyakumari (TP) 164
BD 0 80 0 0 2 9 117 5 1 III,Kanniyakumari (TP) 165


Appendix to Town Directory

Town showing their outgrowth with population
Sl. No. Name of town with location Population of core town Name of Outgrowth Population of Outgrowth
1 2 3 4 5




Apart from demography data, all the basic amenities data were collected from State Government as on
2009. Every effort has been made to present the data accurately. However, there could be human errors
occasionally in data presentation due to enormous volume of the data. Such errors, if any, are not
intentional. When in doubt, the user is advised to consult the concerned office.

English - (10-2011)

Directorate of Census Operations, Tamil Nadu

Ministry of Home Affairs
‘E’ Wing, 3rd Floor,
Rajaji Bhavan, Besant Nagar,
Chennai – 600090


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