M LLB 21 0007

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General Sir John Kothalawala Defense University

Communication Skills- I
(DL 1272)

K.A.P.D Kuruppuarachchi
M/ LLB/ 21/ 0007

Intake 38
Word Count – 802 words

Once a word, phrase, or comment leaves one's mouth, or once that impulsive text
message or e-mail is sent, there's no way of erasing that from others' memory. Do
you agree? Justify your opinion with appropriate examples from the Sri-Lankan

Once, an old man spread a false rumor about his neighbor that he was a thief. As a result, his
neighbor was arrested and later released after proven innocent. Later this neighbor sued the old
man for wrongly accusing him. In the court, The Judge listens to both parties and the old man
is ready to apologize. But the judge adjourned the court and assigned the old man to write
everything he said about his neighbor on a piece of paper, tear it apart, and sprayed them along
the road on the way home.
The following day the case called. The judge asks the old man to go and collect all the pieces
he spread. The old man replies “it's impossible, they’re gone”. The judge smiled and said
“that’s what happens when you use your words, once they spread out to society there is no way
of collecting them back. Even if forgiven, the effect of the words will remain. Just like it is
impossible to collect and make a perfect paper with torn pieces.”
The moral of the story opens a doorway to build up a conversation about the weight of human
communication. Also, how they impact people. Once a comment is made on something, as it
expresses the topic to be discussed, there is no way of taking the message back even if you
regret them and apologize to the receiver later. The impact made by the message will not erase
from the receiver’s mind. The theory behind this is called the irreversible nature of
‘Caroline Jurie’ and Mrs.Sri Lanka 2021 is one of the recent examples to describe the
irreversible nature of Human communication. ‘Caroline Jurie’, the formal Mrs. World and a
Judge to Mrs. Sri Lanka 2021, was decided to change the winner of the contest by announcing
she was divorce in an insulting way. The winner’s crown was removed on the stage in an
indecent manner. Her speech and action (communication) did not take too long to spread
around the world. Impulsive action of her did cost a Mrs.Sri Lanka title to Sri Lanka and she
made a bad impression on our (receivers) mind which will not change even if she apologizes.
Her impulsive reckless communication is irreversible and will not erase from people’s minds
Another famous example and tragedy that happened on hash communication was the suicide
of ‘Amili Chapurika,’ a student at the ‘University of Sabaragamuwa’. She has killed herself as
a result of the Brutal rag she had to face at the University. As we discussed communication is
not only speaking and listening. Actions are also nonverbal communication. What these so-
called seniors did was impulsively use their words and actions to damage another human soul.
She was a sensitive character, couldn’t bear the damage, and committed suicide. Is it possible
for those who insult her to take their actions (communication) back! This happens because of
a group of students who did not understand the irreversible nature of communication.
Promises have more weight than simple words. Especially in Romantic Relationships.
Muthukuda V Sumanavathi is one of the most famous and interesting cases to identify the value
of promises. ‘Muthukuda’ and ‘Sumanawathi’ who were engaged to be married. And on the
wedding day, ‘Sumanawathi’ was on ‘poruwa’ but ‘Muthukuda’ didn’t show up for the
wedding. ‘Sumanawathi’ filed a case against her lover to obtain compensation for breaking
marriage promises. The court considered the ‘Nakath Pathraya’ as evidence and ordered
‘Muthukuda’ to pay compensation. This shows us how carefully we need to communicate. It’s
a one-way ticket, there is no turning back.
Even if the court decided there is no need to pay compensation the impact of his action will not
erase from people’s minds.
In Sri Lanka, people don’t like politicians because they equivocate communication. Whenever
an election is called, they give thousands of promises and do not take any action after getting
power. Because of this nature, people don’t believe in them. Member of parliament S.B
Dissanayake learned a good lesson for his irresponsible words. He did make a statement that
was considered to be contempt of court. Even apologizing in court, judges said that the damage
had already been done, one use there is no way of taking words back. He was in person for two
years for the irreversible nature of communication.
These examples show that once a word, phrase or comment leaves a month or once that
impulsive text or e-mail is sent, there's no way of erasing that from others' memory and has to
live with consequences. Therefore, if you are ever given a chance to either encourage or put
down someone, always choose to encourage. Because we never know which comment they’ll
remember the most. The topic to be discussed is totally true and I agree with them.

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