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Dear Mom and Dad,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to express my

commitment and dedication to my education, specifically regarding my
decision to join Allen. I, Adeep Vijay, solemnly affirm that once I embark
on this academic journey, I will see it through to completion without
wavering in my resolve. I understand the importance of consistency and
determination in achieving success, and I assure you that I will give my
best effort to excel in my studies.

I recognize the sacrifices you've made for my education, and I want to assure
you that I am fully aware of the consequences if I were to deviate from this
commitment. I am prepared to face any challenges that may arise and take
responsibility for my actions. Your trust means the world to me, and I am
determined to make you proud.

Thank you for your unwavering support.


Adeep Vijay

Father signature Mother signature

................................. .................................

Student signature


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