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Noturauta oSchotl

- Na tutaulaw m
cans thoce tutes a prínápltg
tonsidertd to bare been eman atcdftom 5ome whith ore
50urce(o4her than ans polttcal or worldIy 5upree
Divine lawstyTuco concept S
Man- Pooitivíst
Artificiau laws
’lat eron,those rut5
Came to be knoon as jus naturale.
~Later on, Romans conyerted ittt as ius avi|e
civil In GreeK
Jheories ot
Natur al Law
jus qenétiumy
1) Ancient Jheortes |i Greek Period
a) Medieval Jheo ríes |2 Ro man Period 5M0 der
a) Renaia5an ce Jheorfes Period
BChristËan Periad
4) Modern Jheoríes j Medievau Period
- AncientJheories
a) Greece
b Romc
c) Indian
d> Darkaqes [Blo0dshed )
a) Greece -Heraclitus
Hera clitu s pointed outthat the reason is one of
the c5sentials of beipg- Ihe unstabitity of potittcau
instituticns frequent changes in lao G goverrmentt
in Snall city states of Greece tnade sorn (urísts. to
thínk that tho law wa6 forhe purpost of serving the
he Stronq
interests 0f the stronq 4 oas a matter of expediencs
guintt harnqing qoverooents, arbitrorirness , atid and
heepasstoted hickíng of Some imrutobte
univacal prtnoples. hfe qovt them the idro e4 natura
3 Soot ts -bis Studcn t waG Aristotle,
anoth¬r studen t wa s flato

’$0croteS: H10- 349 BCE

’PIato ". 424 -344 BCE
AriS totle: 89H -322 BCi
Socrat es

Socrates sai dthat ike naturau physicau law th ere

is a naturau jaw Man p0sse 55 insigbts and this
insiqh t reveals to hím the q00dn ess and bo dness Df
n d eternau
things and mQkes him kno w the ab60l ute
moral rules- Jhig hum an in siqh t. is the basis to judqe
the law
Pluto implies that human nature is a ordere d 6et
hum an
oftraits posscssed in commorn by every
in divi duauand essentiau to his beinq
Aristotles0id th at man fs a part 0B nature in tut
way of the Creatures of the 6ed
1He is the part
sses active reason bu obfeh he can
fa Heposse
By this reason,man can diGover the cterna principle ot
justite, Jhemar is reasoning being the port of the natuie
4he law discovcred by reason 1s coled natural justtce
b Rome - Stoics (m an 's reQgon is the bas'g )
Jhese peo ple bui ld up trom the theoryo1
Arístotleand transform ed into a ethfcautheoty" Jheretore
the Natural Gchoof of Qurisprudence í5 al60 kho on as
Ethíca School of Jurfsprud ence
Acaording to th em, the entíre un íverse is
qovern ed by
bs reason-"Man's reason is a part of the
univergaL Yea son here fore, ohen be tives according t0
reason, beives according topature or lives baturaty t
is the moral d utty of man to Subj ect bÉmscif to the
la wof natur e"Jhè lauos o4 nature are of uo (ver sl0
applíca tion and are binaing Bn Ql men. Pos ftire
must conform to the naturdLlauo.

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