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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Schools Division Office of Tacurong City

Lesson Plan in Science 10

Subject: Science Date: March 6, 2024
Section: Teacher: Kimberly Grace M. Tabalba
Time: Position: Pre-Service Teacher
Quarter 3

A. Content The learners describes the parts of the female reproductive system
B. Learning The Learners demonstrates understanding that these feedback mechanisms help the
Competencies organism maintain homeostasis to reproduce and survive
(LC Code)
(S10LT – IIIc-36)
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
C. Objectives 1. Identify the parts of the female reproductive system
2. discuss the function of the female reproductive system and its part 3. Draw the
female reproductive system and label its parts


A. References
1. Learning Materials

DepEd Module:
Science 8 Quarter 3,
Module 4- Lesson 1
Arrangement of
DepEd Module: Science 10 Quarter 3, Module 3
Science Learner’s Material page 225
2. Teacher’s Guide
3. Curriculum Guide K to 12 Science Curriculum Guide page 52
B. Other Resources Laptop, Television, board, videoclips (youtube)
C. Teaching Approach Learner-Centered Approach
D. Integration
E. Values Focus Collaboration and Critical Thinking
A. Preliminary Activity
Teacher Activity Student Activity
Routinary Activities
(5 minutes)
a. Prayer “Before we start, kindly lead the prayer.” (Anyone in class will lead the
b. Greetings “Good morning, class!” “Good morning, ma’am!”
“Before you sit down, I will give
you 15 seconds to go back to
your assigned seats, pick up the “Yes, ma’am.”
rubbish on the floor and arrange
your chairs properly.”
“Good morning, class!”

“Before you sit down, I will give you 15 seconds

to go back to your assigned seats, pick up the
trash on the floor and arrange your chairs properly.”
c. Checking of “I am going to check your attendance today. As I call “Yes, ma’am.”
Attendance your name, say the first letter of your crush’s name if
you are present. Understand?”
d. Reading of the “Before we start, let me tell you our classroom
classroom Rules rules.” “Yes, ma’am.”

“Rule 1: Respect everyone.

Rule 2: Keep quiet.
Rule 3: Listen attentively.
Rule 4: Raise your hand if you want to
answer or ask questions.”
“Are we clear?”
e. energizer “Now, let’s have first an energizer to wake you up [follow the teacher]
and make you motivated.”

f. Review of the “okay, take your seats” [students take their seat]
previous lesson
“Before we start our lesson, let’s have a recap of your
topic yesterday. “

1. ELICIT “To begin our class, let’s have first a game where
you will try to guess the jumbled words.”

1. Suretu - Uterus
2. Ebut naipollaf - Fallopian Tube
3. Yravo - Ovary
4. Anigav - Vagina
5. Xivrec - Cervix
2. ENGAGE Pictures will be shown,and the students will identify
what the pictures are.
3. EXPLORE “Based on the game that we played, what do "About the female reproductive system.”
you think is our topic for today?

“Yes, you have an idea. What we are going to

discuss today is about the female reproductive

4. EXPLAIN Students may give their idea/answers

related to the questions

“Ovaries — There are 2 ovaries, 1 on

What are the parts of the female reproductive each side of the uterus where female
system? hormones (oestrogen and progesterone)
are produced, and eggs are stored to
mature. Every month, an egg is released.
This is called ovulation.
Fallopian tubes — these are 2 thin tubes
that connect the ovaries to the uterus,
allowing the egg to travel to the uterus.
Uterus (the womb) — the lining of the
uterus thickens with blood and other
substances every month. If pregnancy
occurs, the fertilised egg will implant in
the uterus and grow into a foetus and then
a baby. If it does not, this lining flows out
of the body. This is known as
menstruation or your period.
Cervix — this is the lower part of the
uterus, that connects the uterus to the
Vagina — this is a muscular tube
connecting the cervix to the outside of the

“The female reproductive system is

involved in sexual activity, fertility,
pregnancy and childbirth. It is made up of
female body parts.
What is the female reproductive system and how The female reproductive system includes
does it work? parts of the female body that are involved
in fertility, reproduction and sex. “
5. ELABORA Identify the parts of the female reproductive system
TE write it on a ¼ sheet of paper Students will answer

6. EVALUAT “Get ¼ sheet of paper and answer it.”

Directions: Read carefully each item. Use a separate
sheet for your answers. Write true or false on the
statement given.

______1. The female reproductive system organs 1. True

consist of ovaries, uterus , fallopian tubes and vagina 2. False
______2. The process of an and sperm joining 3. True
together is called reproduction. 4. False
______3. The ovary produces egg cells as well as 5. True
female sex hormones.
______4. Female have one fallopian tube
______5. Female humans have two ovaries.
7. EXTEND “In a one whole sheet of paper or on your notebook,
draw the female reproductive system and label its “okay ma’am”


Prepared by: Checked by:


Pre-Service Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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