CO English Q1 Infer The Speakers Tone

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
District of Pontevedra II

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 6

September 22, 2023

A. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of various linguistics nodes to
comprehend various texts.
Performance Standard
The learners analyze text types to effectively understand information/message (s)

B. Learning Competencies
Determine tone, mood, and purpose of the author

C. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Infer the speaker’s tone.
2. Identify some examples of tone.
3. Note down relevant information from a text heard.


A. Skill: Inferring the speaker’s tone.
B. Values Infusion: Be courageous to do a certain thing.
C. Reference: English for You and Me Reading 6 pp. 75-85, CG, TG
D. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, pictures, charts, worksheets

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
Let us all stand for our opening prayer. Amen.

2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am.
Greet your classmate good morning. Good morning classmates.

3. Review
Now let’s have an activity. I have here
a box, inside are some singular nouns.
I will pass this to you with the music on,
you will pass it to your seatmates and when
the music stops, the one holding the box
will draw one word tell its plural
form to the class.
Am I understood class? Yes Ma’am.

1. shelf
2. story Key to correction:
3. woman
1. shelves 9. teeth
4. writer
2. stories 10. scissors
5. deer
3. women
6. mouse 4. writers
7. hero 5. deer
8. alumnus 6. mice
9. tooth 7. heroes
10. scissors 8. alumni

Very Good!

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation

Let’s play a game. I will divide you into

two groups. Each group will choose 6
representatives. The 6 representatives of
each group will come in front to imitate
the picture they have drawn from the box.
Then the other members will guest what
emotions are being conveyed by your
groupmates. The group who guests it
correctly with the shortest time will be
the winner.

Am I understood class? Yes Ma’am.

Okay let’s start.

angry worried tired

scared happy surprised

shy proud confused

sad excited silly

2. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson:

What attitude do you need to do a certain

thing? Let’s find out what attitude did the
prince showed to do his assigned tasks in the
selection you are about to listened. But before
that, let’s unlock first the meaning of the
difficult words you are about to encounter
as you listen to the story.

Identify the meaning of the underlined words.

Choose from the word bank.

Cover grain walk frowned fruit robber

1. My mother loves to eat a pear.

2. The King’s son was ordered to look and capture the thief.
3. The little boy scowled because he is confused of the answer.
4. The roof is made of thatch.
5. Beer is brewed from the malt.
6. The pupils in the remote area are used to tramp in going to school.

Now, let have the story of

“ The Swan Maiden”

3. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills

What price did the King offer to the

one who can catch the pear thief? Ma’am he offered the half of his
Kingdom to the one who can catch
the pear thief and whole of it when
he’s gone.

How did the youngest prince catch

the thief? He was clever than his brothers for
he stuffed his ears with wax so that
when the music came, he heard none
of it and stayed awake.

Who was the thief? The swan maiden.

What did the prince do to the swan? He tried to shoot the swan, but the
swan turned into beautiful maiden.

How did the swan help the prince?

Every time that the prince laid his
head on the top of the swan maiden
as she comb his hair, he fell fast
asleep so during his task, he never
did it and there was his savior.

What have you learned from the story? You need to be courageous to do a
certain thing.

4. Discussing new concepts

(Discuss what is tone and its examples.)

Tone- is the attitude that an author takes towards the audience, the subject, or the
Examples: cautious, humorous, affectionate, hostile, violent, serious, sarcastic,
enthusiastic, desperate, pleading

5. Developing Mastery
Infer the tone in the following utterances.

1. “Watch my pear tree tonight and catch a. The witch is arrogant.
the thief.” b. The Swan Maiden is loving
2. Don’t shoot me, King’s son!” and caring.
3. “Yes, I am brave enough for that and c. The Prince is brave.
more.” d. The King is very
4. “I want the one who draws the water and demanding.
builds the fire.” e. The Swan Maiden is fearful.
5. “Come and lay your head on my lap for a f. The Prince is smart.
6. “ This is your work, do it.”

6. Finding practical application of concepts

Group Activity:
Group 1: Read the following utterances and infer its tone. Choose your answer from the

anger sorrow excitement terror happines


1. “We won! We won! We won the car!” shouted Myra.

2. People ran out into the street crying, “Help! Help! Help!”
3. Oscar suddenly switched the television into another channel. Frank shouted in a loud
voice, “How impolite!”
4. “Do not pit your hen against the rooster,” I cried to Roy. “That is not a chicken. It is a
5. Looking at the scene they cried, “Aie! We are ruined! Ruined! There will be no food
for months again”.

Group 2. Read the following utterances and infer its tone. Choose your answer from the
1. “What a place! Cockroaches everywhere, cobwebs, and dust thick enough to plant
potatoes in.” (excitement, disgust, appreciation)
2. “Only one-peso? What can I buy with that these days?” (Discontentment, honesty,
3. “That was a close fight and I’m glad our team won! You were marvelous on the court
boys.” (Joyful, dislike, alert)
4. “You are always late for work, and you don’t even finish half of what you are
assigned to do. You might be fired.” (Excitement, sad, threat)
5. “The world is coming to an end. Wars are everywhere, famine stalks the land, and
earthquakes kill millions yearly.” (Hopeless, cheerful, hope)

7. Making Generalization

What is tone? It is the attitude that an author takes

towards the audience, the subject, or
the character.

What are some examples of tone Anger, hope, passion, disgust,

excitement etc.

How do you infer the tone in utterances? By listening carefully to the speech
or by paying close attention to the
words that the speaker’s used.
8. Evaluating the learning

Infer the tone in the following utterances.

1. “When I was yet a girl without a mother, you took me in and gave me happiness. In
my eyes and by custom you are now my mother.”
a. Revenge b. love c. desire
2. “Way! Way!” the rider was shouting. “Do you peasants think that the whole road
belongs to you? Stay on your farm where you belong.”
a. kindness b. hope c. disrespect
3. You should be ashamed of yourself, robbing the poor peddler of the happiness of
making a sale. Ten pesos more would not have hurt your pocket but it would have
bought a small banana for his supper.”
a. gladness b. disgust c. approval
4. “Come in and warm yourself. I’m sure you must be cold.”
a. Pride b. hospitality c. patience
5. “I have asked you for a sign Lord, many is the time and you have always given me
one. I’m asking you now. It doesn’t need to be anything big, Lord.”
a. Charity b. pride c. expectance

Prepared by:


Teacher III

Observed by:

Principal I

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