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1) To determine the unknown resistances.
2) To determine resistors in series.
3) To determine resistors in parallel.

With branched circuits, in the steady
junction point:


where are the current values which lead to or from the junction point. It is customary to take

as negative if the corresponding current in the v-th conductor flows away from the junction

point. For every closed loop C in a network of linear conductors, in the steady-state


where Rv is the resistance in the v-th conductor and Vv voltage.

Figure 1: Wheatstone Bridge Circuit

An unknown resistance value can be accurately measured using a circuit known as a
Wheatstone bridge (Figure 1). The circuit consists of the unknown resistance Rx; a known
resistance R3; calibrated variable resistors R1 and R2; a galvanometer and a battery. The
variable resistor R1 varied until the galvanometer reading is zero- that is, until there is no
current from a to b. Under this condition the bridge is said to be balanced. Because the electric
potential at point a must equal the potential at point b when the bridge is balanced, the
potential difference across R1 must equal the potential difference across R 2. Likewise, the
potential difference across R3 should equal that across Rx. From these considerations we see


Dividing (3) by (4) eliminates the currents and solving for Rx, we find that

1 3

For the unknown resistance Rx in the Wheatstone bridge circuit, one obtains

R1R3 = R3 R1 = R l1 (6)
R2 R2 l2
where l1 and l2 are respectively the lengths of the resistors R1 and R2. Since they are made of
the same metal and have the same cross sections, the ratio of their resistances should be equal
to that of their lengths.
A number of similar devices also operate on the principle of null measurement (that is,
adjustment of one circuit element to make the galvanometer read zero). One example is the
capacitance bridge used to measure unknown capacitances. These devices do not require
calibrated meters and can be used with any voltage source.
Wheatstone bridges are not useful for resistances above 10 5 ohms, but modern electronic
instruments can measure resistances as high as 1012 ohms. Such instruments have an extremely

high resistance between their input terminals. For example, input resistance of 10 10 ohms are
common in most digital multimeter, which are devices that are used to measure voltage,
current and resistance.


Figure 2: Experimental set up for determining an unknown resistance with the Wheatstone Bridge.

In this experiment the second voltage divider consist of a resistance wire 1 meter in length,
which is divided into two portions of lengths l1 and l2 by a sliding contact. As the sum l1+ l2
remains constant, the reference resistant should, so far as possible, be chosen so that the two
portions have about the same length, and therefore similar resistance.

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Name & Surname : HANI SBINATI
Date : 01/06/2023
Experiment Number : ELEC&MAGN - 04
GRADING (100 pts)
Report ( 70 pts )
Performance ( 30 pts )


Fill the table below. Calculate the Rx values by using equation 6 and ( 50 pts )


Rx will be found from Rx %

Wheatstone Bridge Law
R steps L1 (mm) L2 (mm) Vx (DC Ix
Rx Rx
Volt) (Ampere)
1 505 495 1.02 0.16 0.742 0.22 -73.63
2 667 333 2 0.09 0.588 0.16 -51.22
3 755 254 3.08 0.07 0.508 0.14 -24.39
4 809 191 4.23 0.05 0.460 0.12 3.66
5 840 160 5.25 0.05 0.429 0.11 27.44
6 850 150 5.66 0.04 0.405 0.109 37.56
7 880 120 7.33 0.04 0.387 0.104 78.05
8 885 115 7.69 0.03 0.374 0.01 87.32
9 898 102 8.8 0.03 0.363 0.09 114.63
10 910 90 10.1 0.03 0.354 0.09 146.34

Table : Calculation of Rx by using Wheatstone bridge and


1. (20 pts) Compare the results of Rx


hm's law: The ohm's law state that oh without changing the Physical State of
Conductor then Potential (V) across the conductor's directly Proportional to
current (I)

V =/ I

V = R*I

where: R Proportionality Constant which is called Resistance (R)

R = V/I {Unit of R is ohm}

The resistance depends upon the characteristics of the conductor as length, Area or Material

Resistance depends upon or Proportional to R =/ L (length of conductor)

R =/ L/A => R = P * L/A (where P "specific resistance")

1) Resistance also depends upon temperature

2) May be changed of lengths
3) May be changed cross section area
4) May be changed material of conductor


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