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3 Nature’s Lessons

Join a classmate. Look at the pictures
and decide which animal(s) are …
3 Which animal(s) live …
1 in the desert?

›› Talk about animals, where they

live and what they do
2 in cold areas?
›› Read and learn about wolves
2 reptiles.
›› Describe animal habits, abilities
and rules
›› Listen and learn about wild animals 3 in tropical areas?
›› Write a leaflet for an animal protection society 3 mammals.
›› Project: An Animal protection campaign

4 on farms?
4 birds.
1 Label the pictures with words from the box.

butterfly camel cat cow deer frog 5 in rivers and seas?

giraffe kangaroo lion lizard macaw ostrich 5 insects.
penguin piranha polar bear snake whale

6 fish. 4 J oin a classmate and use a dictionary

to answer. Which animal(s) …
1 can’t walk?
2 can walk and fly?
3 can swim and walk?
4 have got scales?
5 have got horns?

2 3

5 12


16 17

Think it up!
• You are going to create graffiti animals for an animal protection campaign.
• You are going to present your ideas in a poster or slide presentation.

8 9 10

28 29
Animals: parts of the body
Your turn!
1 Read the text and write the headings. 1 Label the pictures with the names of the animals.
15  ometimes we compare people with
Our request Sizes Threats Many names Their habits Comparisons animals, e.g.: “He's as clever as a
fox.”. Join a classmate and complete
the following sayings with animals

The Aguará 4
Aguará Guazú wolves are omnivores. They hunt
. from the box. Then listen and check.

Guazú Project small animals like rats, birds and some insects. bat bee horse lion mouse
They also eat wild fruit. Both females and males
1 He's as quiet as a .
are territorial. They use their urine to mark
1 . their hunting areas and the places where they 2 I'm as hungry as a .
Aguará Guazú means "big wolf" in the Guaraní bury their prey. Farmers don’t like them because 3 She's as blind as a .
language. In the language of the Toba Qom it is they sometimes hunt farm animals like hens and 4 He's as brave as a .
called "kalak". rabbits. 5 You're as busy as a .
2 . 5 .
This wolf is a canid. It is unique in its species They are an endangered species because they face
because it is not closely related to any other living various threats: Farmers destroy their habitat to Things animals do
canid. It is not a fox, wolf, or dog, but a distinct prepare land for growing crops. Cars and lorries
canid. This animal is similar to a fox because it run them over on the roads. 5 Read and match the sentence halves.
has attractive reddish fur. It has got dark fur on Hunters chase them for their fur or to sell them 1 Bears hibernate in a animals to eat.
its neck, which stands up straight when the wolf is as pets. winter b because they don’t
in danger or afraid. It is also similar to a dog with 2 Mosquitoes sting people like cold weather.
6 . 2 5
long legs. 3 Birds usually build their c from cold weather.
Help us to protect this beautiful animal.
3 .
2 Match these words to the parts of the animals' nests on top d plants or stones.
bodies in Exercise 1. 4 In autumn, birds migrate e and some can
The average adult weighs 23 kg and is 90 cm tall.
It is 100 cm long from head to tail, which adds 1 beak 5 fin 9 tail to escape transmit malaria.
45 cm. Its ears are big and long. 2 claw 6 fur 10 trunk 5 Foxes and wolves hunt f their habitat to
3 ears 7 paw 11 tusk small survive.
4 feather 8 pouch 12 wing 6 They bite their g of trees to lay eggs.
2 Label the picture of the wolf with words from the box. 7 Insects often hide under h necks to kill them.
Adjectives that describe animals 8 Some animals adapt to
ears head legs neck tail
3 Match the opposites. 6 Answer the questions. Use information in
3 1 dangerous a slow Exercise 5 to help you.
2 dirty b harmless 1 What do polar bears do in winter?
4 2 How do birds escape from cold weather?
3 fast c loyal
4 quiet d clean 3 What do small animals do to keep safe from big
5 poisonous e noisy animals?
6 friendly f aggressive 4 Why are scorpions dangerous?
7 treacherous g safe 5 How do some animals get their food?

4 14 Circle the correct options. Then listen and

In action!
3 Read the text again. Find words or phrases • Now you know how to describe animals.
meaning … Your turn! 1 Some spiders are poisonous / noisy. • Create a table to include all the information
2 The cheetah is very quiet / fast. about the animals you chose for the project.
1 the only one Join a classmate and discuss.
What endangered animals are there in Argentina? 3 Foxes are dangerous / intelligent.
2 hair of an animal
Think of a phrase for a campaign in defence of 4 Dragonflies are harmless / aggressive.
3 which eats all kinds of food Aguará Guazús. 5 Tigers are slow / aggressive.
4 which guards its own area What is the national animal of Argentina? What is
6 Dogs are loyal / poisonous.
5 an animal which is hunted and eaten by another it like?
6 place where animals live

30 31
Present Simple – Wh-questions Must / mustn't
2 Complete the questions to interview Marina, a
park keeper. Affirmative and negative Interrogative Short answers
Where do they live?
What does it eat? I I I
but You 1
work? You must you Yes, you must.
Who hunts them? Marina At a National Park in Misiones. He he he
She Must she run? she
We use the Present Simple to: You 2
It mustn’t it No, it mustn’t.
• talk about facts. E.g. Dogs are mammals. Marina I usually get up very early. We we we
• talk about likes. E.g. I love my job. You 3
for breakfast? They they they
Marina I always have mate with toast.
1 Complete the questions about the Aguará You 4
do at work? 7 Complete the recommendations for tourists
Guazú. Use What, Where, How, How many and Marina Well, I take care of the animals. We use must to: visiting the park. Use must, mustn’t, can, or
Why. • express obligation. E.g. We must respect can’t.
You 5
the animals?
1 does the Aguará Guazú live? animals.
Marina Yes, I feed some animals. But others hunt for
• express prohibition (in the negative). E.g. You

It lives in grasslands. their food. mustn’t keep wild animals as pets.
2 does it eat? You 6
animals ?
It eats rats, birds, insects and fruit. Marina There are a lot.
3 does it get food? You 7
helps you? 5 What do these signs mean? All visitors 1 follow
It hunts. Marina My sister, Camila. She’s a park keeper too.
adults: $2.50 Adults must pay $2.50 and the rules. You 2
4 pups do they usually have? You 8
your job? 1
They usually have two. children: $1.00 children must pay $1.00. respect the signs and instructions.
Marina I love it!
5 do hunters chase it? You Thanks. You 3 take photos of
walk on
To sell its fur.
animals, but you 4

the grass
6 do they need help? 2
Because they are endangered.
touch them. You 5
shout at the animals. The animals
Can / can't
hurt you, but
Affirmative and negative Interrogative Short answers 3 follow the path
they 7
get angry or
You you Yes, you can.
He can he he
She jump. Can she jump? she NO
4 children under 8
It it No, it can't. on the raft 8 Write questions about the wildlife park rules
We can’t we we and answer them.
They they they
1 What / visitors follow?
5 What must visitors follow?
4 What can these animals do? Complete the table
We use can to:
and write about them. They must follow the rules.
• express ability. E.g. Lions can hunt. 2 What visitors / respect?
fly swim sting lay eggs
crocodiles ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ 6 Listen to the instructions at a wildlife park

3 Fill in the blanks with can or can’t to complete and check your answers from Exercise 5.
mosquitos 3 What / visitors take?
the sentences.
1 Helen fly a plane. ✓
2 They dance really well. ✓ macaws
4 Why / touch the animals?
3 Jeremy understand his dogs
1 Crocodiles can swim and lay eggs, but they can’t fly or sting.
Science homework. ✗ 2
4 We play in the yard at break 3 5 Who / get angry or frightened?
time. ✓ 4
5 The children go to the park 5
today. ✗

32 33
At the wildlife park Interview with a picture hunter
1 Albert and Jason are talking at the wildlife park. Which animals will they mention? Discuss with a 4 19Adam Phillips is a ‘picture hunter’. Listen to the radio interview with him and write T (true), F
classmate. (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

1 Adam likes animals.

2 He hunts animals to take them home. Your turn!
3 Quokkas eat the same food Join a classmate and discuss.
2 as kangaroos. Do you know any endangered species? List the
Listen and tick (✓) the animals that are
Your turn! 4 Pythons are poisonous. ones you know.
mentioned. Join another pair and share your lists.
Join a classmate and discuss. 5 Cape vultures will soon have How many species have you got in your list now?
3 Listen again and correct the wrong
18 What animals can you see in wildlife parks? no place to live.
information. Why can’t you touch them?
5 Listen again and write the name of the
1 Jason is a park keeper. Why are animals in wildlife parks?
Jason isn’t a park keeper. He wants to be
animal or thing Adam is describing. In action!
a park keeper. 1 Luckily, I keep them on my
• Now you know many endangered species.
computer. • Choose 2 of the animals from your list and
2 Macaws are pink.
2 It’s got a pouch. find out more information about them.
3 It’s like a mini-kangaroo. • Include the information in the table you
created in the Reading lesson.
4 It can squeeze you and kill you.
3 Flamingos eat leaves.
5 It’s an endangered species.

4 The park keeper feeds all the animals.

34 35
Write a leaflet for an animal protection 3 Rewrite these advertisements using capital
campaign letters and punctuation marks.

Punctuation marks
• Use a capital letter at the beginning of a An animal protection campaign
we must help the whales
sentence, and for names of people, towns, etc. why is it urgent
• Use a full stop (.) to show that an idea is hunters kill more and more every day Let’s complete the Project!
complete. whales are big strong and intelligent
• Use a comma (,) to separate items in a list and but they can’t escape from hunters 1 Now you know what dangers animals face.
to add extra information. 2 Discuss in your groups which animals you want to help.
• Use an exclamation mark (!) to express surprise 3 Put together all the information you’ve got.
or enthusiasm. 4 Create a graffiti animal. Make it attractive! You can make a poster or prepare your
• Use a question mark (?) at the end of a
monkeys are not pets graffiti animal as a slide presentation.
5 Discuss how to explain the message you want your graffiti animal to give and
hunters capture them and sell them on the write it down.
road 6 Rehearse and enjoy the presentation.
1 Rewrite this text using capital letters and monkeys can’t live in houses because they
punctuation marks. must climb trees run and move a lot and
what do you know about pandas people mustn’t touch them because they
they are an endangered species so we have to help them can be aggressive
they are china's natural treasure they eat bamboo leaves how can you help
which is why they are also called bamboo bears they are don’t buy monkeys on the road
very big so another name for them is giant bears
there are 50 panda reserves in china that protect around
45 percent of the giant panda's habitat according to the
world wildlife fund why are some people so bad
how can we help them
join us or send a donation some people adopt dogs during holidays
first everything goes well and children
are very happy after a while the family
don’t like the dog any more finally they
abandon the dog at the end of the holiday
be responsible
don’t adopt dogs if you are not going to
keep them
dogs suffer

4 Choose an animal and create a leaflet for an

2 Look at the photos and match them with the animal protection campaign. Remember to ...
advertisements in Exercise 3. • write about the problems there are with this animal.
My learning record
• write about what people can do to help.
• use correct punctuation marks.

Talk about animals, where they live and

what they do
Understand a text about wolves

Describe animal habits, abilities and

Understand a conversation about wild
Write a leaflet for an animal protection
society = very we
Create a graffiti animal that represents = I can m
your message
= I need to

36 37

4 What Shall We Do?

2 How many words are similar in Spanish?

3 Look at these items. Where can you get

4 21 Listen and decide where they should
go. Write the place.
them? Write the corresponding number 1
›› Talk about places in a city, shopping and directions from Exercise 1. Which places are not used? 2
›› Read and learn about a typical weekend
›› Describe actions
›› Talk about objects and people 4
›› Listen and learn about places and activities in town
›› Write a description of a picture
›› Project: A video advertisement Your turn!
Join a classmate and ask and answer.

1 Look at the pictures. What do they represent? Label the pictures with words from the box. I want to (buy a jacket).

baker’s bank coffee shop chemist disco fast food restaurant florist hospital library
museum newsagent’s park shopping centre sports centre supermarket theatre You should go to the (shopping centre).

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

The Phan

9 10 11 12

Think it up!
• You are going to design a video clip advertising an ideal free-time activity for teenagers in an
imaginary / real city.

13 14 15 16

38 39
Places in town
My weekend 1 Look at the map and complete the sentences.
1 Look at the text and circle the correct options.
1 You can find this text in a … 2 The writer is …
a newspaper. a an adult.
b social network. b a teenager.
c personal diary. c a young child.

1 The is at the end of French Activities in town

Street, on the right. 5 Read what these people are doing and write
2 The is on the corner of where they are. Use pages 38 and 39 to help.
French Street and Kent Avenue on the left. It’s 1 Sarah is buying some clothes.
next to the . 2 The students are borrowing
3 The is on Kent Avenue, a Shakespeare book.
between the chemist and the school. 3 Mrs Wells is buying some
4 The is opposite the croissants for breakfast.
bookshop. 4 The girls are eating pizza.
5 Mr Allen is buying some
2 Read the diary entry and write P (positive), N 4 The writer says “She cooks to perfection!” to Asking for and giving directions
(negative) or DS (doesn’t say) to describe the describe Granny’s dinners. Can you think of an aspirins.
writer’s opinion of the following topics. equivalent expression in Spanish? 2 Read and follow the instructions on the map. 6 The baby is getting
1 The show at Patrick’s 1 A: How do I get to the bus stop? an injection.
5 There are some incomplete sentences in the
2 Hang out with friends  alk along Kent Avenue and the bus stop is at
B: W 7 Jeff and Henry are at
text. Can you write the complete versions?
3 Dinners at home the corner of Kent Avenue and French Street. a concert.
1 After school get-together at Patrick’s.
4 Sports centre 2 A: How do I get to the florist? 8 The girls are swimming.
5 Doing homework  alk along Kent Avenue. Turn right into French
B: W 9 Albert is ordering a coffee.
2 After dinner, to the sports centre!
6 Burgers at Burger Palace Street and the florist is at the end of the street, 10 We are cycling.
7 Afternoon at home on the right.
3 Saturday morning, homework first. 6 Join a classmate. Ask and answer.
8 Disco
. 3 Complete the directions.
9 Help with household chores.
4 Meet friends and have a soda at Burger Palace. Where is (Sarah buying some clothes)?
10 Granny’s food 1 A: H
 ow do I get from the newsagent’s to the florist?
B: W
 alk 1 Kent Avenue.
3 What places does the writer visit at weekends? 5 Sleep in the afternoon and disco at night! 2
left into French Street
Underline them in the text and complete the . (She’s buying some clothes at the shopping centre.)
lists. and the florist's is at the 3
6 Typical dinner at Granny’s.
of the street, on the 4
1 Friday: .
4 J oin a classmate. Ask for and give In action!
2 Saturday: Your turn! directions. Use Exercise 2 to help.
• Now you can start organising a list of
Join a classmate and discuss. possible activities to do at weekends.
3 Sunday: Do you write in a diary? • Join your group and share your lists. Decide
Is a diary the same as a social media page? which activities you want to use for your
Why? / Why not? project.

40 41
Present Continuous – all forms Wh- questions 3 Circle the correct options.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers • Who is teaching year 8? Ms Grosso.

I am running. I’m not swimming. Am 8
sleeping? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. • Where are Rob and Alph eating pizza? In the
You 1 You 3 Are 9 sleeping? Yes, you are. / No, you 15 .
• What is Brenda buying? Bread.
running. swimming. There is 1 a / an celebration at school.
• What are Lily and Emma doing? Listening to a
She’s running. She 4 Is 10 sleeping? Yes, she is. / No, 16 . concert. There are 2 any / a lot of students helping.
An / Some students are decorating the
He’s jumping. He 5
. 11
he ? Yes, he 17
. / No, he isn’t. 2 Complete the conversations. Use the photos classroom. There isn’t 4 some / any music,
It’s hunting. It 6 . 12
it ? Yes, 18 . / No, 19 . from Exercise 1. but it's noisy because they are laughing
They 2
They aren’t swimming. Are they 13
? Yes, they are. / No, 20
. 1 Ethan Rob and Alph studying? and talking. There is 5 a / an teacher
playing. Joshua No , . organising their work.
We’re playing. We 7
. 14
we ? Yes, 21
. / No, 22
. Ethan ?
Joshua They’re eating pizza.
4 Look at what the students are preparing. Write
Remember! 2 Marsha Mr Hendriks jogging? C (countable) or U (uncountable).
We use the Present Continuous: Merlina Yes, .
• to describe actions occurring at the moment we There are two negative short forms. 1 food
Full form Short form Marsha ? 2 balloons
are speaking. E.g. I’m reading my English book.
It is not eating. It isn’t eating. Merlina He’s in the park. 3 sandwiches
It’s not eating. 3 Liam Brenda buying 4 juice
Spelling rules We are not writing. We aren’t writing. croissants?
We’re not writing. 5 mineral water
Most verbs Add -ing play – playing Mason . 6 posters
work – working Liam ? 7 cake
Verbs ending Remove -e, have – having Mason Bread. 8 slide show
in -e add -ing make – making 4 Ayleen the concert? 9 music
We never use contracted forms in short affirmative Jess Lily and Emma.
Verbs of one Double the put – putting 10 paper cups
sentences. E.g. Not Yes, he’s. but Yes, he is.
syllable ending consonant and swim – swimming Ayleen ?
in a vowel and a add -ing
Jess Outside - in a park. 5 Fill in the blanks with words from the box.
Countable and uncountable nouns a any are (x3) doing eating some
where’s working
1 Look at the pictures and write what they are doing.
Countable nouns have a singular and a plural form.
E.g. an apple, one tree, six chairs.
Uncountable nouns don’t have a plural form. Soledad 1
E.g. milk, some milk not a milk, two milks Martín He’s 2 the shopping.
Soledad And mum?
some / any / a(n) / a lot Martín She’s 3 in her office.
Soledad  4
there 5
to eat?
• We use some in affirmative sentences with
1 Brenda . 3 Ms Grosso . countable and uncountable nouns. Martín No, but there’s 6 fruit.
E.g. There are some pens. There is some coffee. Soledad What time 7 we 8
• We use any in negative sentences and today?
Martín At 1:30.
E.g. We haven’t got any photos. There isn’t any
water. Have you got any marmalade? Are there Soledad  9
you making 10
any blue trainers? sandwich?
• We use a(n) with singular countable nouns in Martín Yes, do you want one?
all forms.
5 Mr Hendriks . E.g. I’ve got a pen. Is there a car in the street? She
isn’t a teacher.
• We use a lot of with plural countable nouns and
2 Rob and Alph . 4 Lily and Emma . with uncountable nouns.
E.g. There is a lot of juice. There are a lot of cups.

42 43
Organising an outing
Asking for and giving directions
1 22 Listen to the conversations and label the places on the map. 5 Listen and complete the suggestions. Then match them to the responses. In which conversation

does the speaker not agree to the suggestion?

1 to the museum?
2 go for a pizza.
3 we go skating?

Good idea! There’s an exhibition

Great! I’m hungry. Oh sorry! I’m very tired. of modern art.

6 Join a classmate. Make and respond to suggestions. Use these ideas.

You want to ride

You accept.
a bike.

Your friend wants to

watch a film.

Your friend wants

to buy fruit. He asks He / She accepts.
for directions to the

You offer to go
with / her.
2 23 Listen again and number the sentences in 4  24 Join a classmate. Listen to the
the order they are mentioned. conversations again and try to imitate
the speakers.
a Alfred is looking for a book shop.
b Nathan is looking for a bus stop. he accepts
c Annie wants to buy some flowers. Your turn!
d Charlie needs to borrow a book. Join a classmate. Ask for and give directions.
e Liza wants to buy some medicine. You want to buy some apples.
f George is going to the baker’s. You are looking for a toy. In action!
3 Who makes a suggestion? Does the other • Now you know the names of places in town and things to do there. You also know how to make and
person accept? respond to suggestions.
• Complete your lists from the Reading lesson by adding the places to the activities.
• Vote for the most interesting activities and places.

44 45
Write a description of a picture

Present Continuous for actions in progress Indefinite article a(n) and definite article the
When we describe a picture or photo, we use • We use the indefinite article a(n) the first time we
the Present Continuous. It describes actions in mention someone or something. Then we know who or A video clip
progress. what we are talking about. We use the or a pronoun
to refer to that person or thing a second time.
There is a plant on the right. It’s mum’s favourite.
Let’s complete the Project!
There are two people in the photo, a man and a 1 Now you have a list of places and activities.
Place reference woman. The man is my uncle and the woman is my 2 Decide if you are going to prepare the clip about a real or an imaginary city.
We use these words and phrases to describe aunt. They are laughing.
3 Look for pictures to illustrate the activities you are going to suggest.
where people or things are in a picture: on the left / • When we mention a special person or object we use
on the right / at the back / at the front / at the top / the.The man on the left is my father. My brother usually
4 Write descriptions of places and the things you can do.
at the bottom sleeps on the blue cushion. 5 Practise and record the descriptions.
6 Choose a title for your clip.
7 Prepare a slide presentation and insert the recordings.
1 Look at the picture and circle the correct 2 Look at the picture. Write a description of what 8 Add some music to make the clip livelier. Ask your ICT teacher for help.
options. the people are doing. 9 Show it to your classmates and teacher.

This is 1 a / the photo of my family. I’m not in 2 a / the

My learning record
photo because I’m taking it! There is 3 a / an couple on
the sofa. 4 They / The are my parents. 5 The / They
are relaxing after 6 a / an very long day. There are two
Talk about places in town
kids on the floor.7 He / The boy in the middle is my
brother, Jamie. 8 He / It is playing with his toys. Talk about what people can do in town
The / She girl on the right is Betsy, my sister. 3 Choose a picture from a magazine with people Make, accept and reject suggestions
It / She is doing her homework. Our evenings are in it. Describe it. Remember to …
usually like this. • use the Present Continuous to describe what they Describe what people are doing
are doing.
• use a(n), the and pronouns correctly. Ask for and give directions
• guide your readers saying where in the picture the
person or object you are describing is. Guide readers within the scene I am = very we
describing ll
4 In groups. Put all the pictures on a desk. Take = I can m
Make a video clip about activities in anage
turns to describe your pictures. The other a city = I need to
members in the group must identify them. revise

46 47

All living things can be sorted into groups. Animals are grouped or classified according to their characteristics. 1 Read the answers about animals and complete the questions with a word from the box. One word
There are six classifications for animals:
will not be used.

Mammals Amphibians Arthropods How What When Where Who Why

Mammals are Amphibians are cold-blooded Arthropods do not have a backbone,
warm-blooded animals with a backbone and but they do have an external
animals with a usually start life as larvae, skeleton, a segmented body and 1 do giraffes live? Giraffes can be found in central, eastern and southern Africa.
paired jointed appendages. Some
backbone. They living in water and breathing through
give birth to their young and feed gills. They grow into adults that breathe
have wings. There are different 2 feeds the animals at the zoo? The park keeper feeds the animals.
types of arthropods:
them with milk. They breathe with air. E.g.: frogs. • insects: three pairs of legs. 3 can't we feed animals at the zoo? Because human food isn’t good for animals.
lungs and have fur or hair. E.g.: ants.
E.g.: humans, cats, rats. Reptiles • arachnids and crustaceans: four or more
pairs of legs. E.g.: spiders.
4 do elephants eat at the zoo? Hay, supplements, fruit and vegetables.
Reptiles are cold- • worm-like. E.g.: earthworms. 5 are tigers more active? They are more active at night and less active during the
Fish blooded animals • not worm-like. E.g.: jellyfish.
Fish are cold-blooded animals with a backbone day.
with a backbone and scales. They that either have four limbs
or are descended from four-limbed
are aquatic animals that breathe Birds are warm-blooded animals / 10
through gills. They ancestors. Most reptiles lay eggs, but with a backbone, feathers and
lack limbs with some give birth to fully-formed young. toothless beaks. Their young are
digits. E.g.: goldfish, Reptiles are covered with scales. E.g.: born from hard-shelled eggs. E.g.: 2 Complete the text with some, any, a(n) or a lot.
salmon, swordfish. turtles, crocodiles, snakes. hummingbirds, parrots, ostriches.

Student Teacher, are there 1 birds that don’t have feathers?

1 Match the words and expressions to the definitions. Use a dictionary to help you. Teacher All birds have feathers, but 2 birds can't fly.
1 warm-blooded a An animal that doesn’t have a backbone. Student Really? But all animals that fly are birds!
2 cold-blooded b Organs in your body that you breathe with. Teacher That is not correct. 3 bat can fly, but it is not 4 bird. And there are
of birds that don’t fly. Penguins, for example.
3 vertebrate c Animals that have a body temperature that changes with the temperature
of the air or ground around it. Student OK. Do all birds have two legs? Are there 6 species of birds with four legs?
4 invertebrate d Small, flat pieces of skin that cover the bodies of fish, snakes, etc. Teacher Well, they had four legs, but two of them evolved into wings. But the answer is: no, there aren’t
5 lungs e Living or growing in water.
birds with four legs.
6 gills f A finger or a toe. Student OK. So some birds fly, 8 birds don’t. But 9 animal that flies is not
always 10
7 aquatic g An arm or a leg.
Teacher You got it!
8 limbs h Animals that have a body temperature that remains fairly high whether the
temperature around them is hot or cold.
9 digits i Organs on the sides of a fish that it uses to breathe. / 20
10 scales j An animal that has a backbone. 3 Owen and Jack are talking about the Wild Animal Safari. Put their dialogue in order.
2 Read the text again and tick (✓) the characteristics for each classification. I’m going to the Wild Animal Safari with Sarah and her father.
We must not feed the lions, but we can feed the small animals, right?
Mammals Birds Fish Reptiles Amphibians Arthropods
Cool! But it is important to remember the rules: you must keep the windows closed and you must not feed the animals.
are warm-blooded
Yes, right. But only give approved food, OK?
have a backbone
Take the bus. Walk along Bryant Avenue. Turn right at Clark Street and the bus stop is at the end of the street, on the
feed milk to young right.
give birth to young OK, thanks!
have hair / fur There are some flamingos and macaws there too.
have feathers Hey, Owen. Where are you going now?
have beaks And how do I get to the Wild Animal Safari?
lay eggs No problem. There is specific food that we can buy feed to the animals.
are cold-blooded / 10
are aquatic
4 Circle the odd one out.
1 beak pouch trunk bear 4 baker’s newsagent’s chemist’s pizza
don't have a backbone
2 dirty noisy tail quiet 5 reptile gold fish mammal insects
have an external skeleton
3 turn between on the left opposite
have scales / 10

3 Work in pairs. Think of an animal from one of the groups above. Describe it to a classmate and ask Total: / 50
them to guess the animal.

48 49

5 How Much do We Know

about the Internet?
2 Match the names of the items to the pictures. Write the corresponding letters from Exercise 1.
a teen magazine
a blog
a web page
a family video conference
a social network
a Prezi presentation
›› Talk about the internet, online activities and computers 3 an online encyclopaedia 8 a home page 13 a chat
›› Read and learn about the internet
4 a recording 9 an e-book 14 a phone call
›› Describe habits and actions
›› Listen and learn about internet safety 5 a selfie 10 an online catalogue 15 a webinar
›› Write a description of a person in a picture
›› Project: A rap performance 3 26Listen to Maggie and tick (✓) the things
that she mentions.
Your turn!
1 Look at the different items and try to identify them. Then share your ideas with a classmate. Join a classmate and discuss.
Can you name all the items? Which of these do you use?
c Where do you use them?
What do you use them for?
a b
Do you buy goods online?

k l

d e

n o

Think it up!
• You are going to prepare a rap on how to use the internet.
• You are going to research the positive and negative aspects of using the internet.

50 51
1 Look at the text and circle the correct option. Is this a(n) ... Things we do with computers and smartphones
a a social media page? b an e-book? c a newspaper article?
1 Put a tick (✓) next to the things you usually do with your smartphone.
1 call friends 6 take selfies 11 read magazines
2 send text messages 7 follow voice directions 12 buy goods
3 scan documents 8 play online games 13 read e-books
4 scan QR codes 9 do research 14 chat online
5 upload photos 10 edit photos 15 use social networks

The different faces of the 2 Fill in the blanks to complete the texts. Use the correct form of the phrases from Exercise 1.
internet Eugenia is a computer fan. She can’t Jeff is funny. He loves computers,
by Joaquín Geneyro
study without her smartphone. She but he never 8
never 1 online research or reads 9
What’s the first thing that most teenagers do when they wake up in the morning?
Check their phones of course – messages, social media pages, likes and comments. games, but she always online for school. He usually
Then they probably surf the internet while eating their breakfast, upload some photos, 2
QR codes and 10
or download new music. 3
magazines messages with jokes to his friends.
Many young people follow celebrities and influencers on social media pages, and every online. She usually 4 friends and He often plays 11 . He likes to
student uses the internet to find information for school homework and projects. If we
want to contact a friend from another city or country, we can send him or her an email
online with them. In this photo 12
selfies. In this photo, he is laughing
or we can chat online. Sometimes our online life is more important than our real one! she is 6 an e-book because she is because he 13 a photo and he wants
We are connected to our friends and to the rest of the world through our phones and 7
research for school. to 14
it to the internet.
tablets, but what happens to all the information which we create through our online
activities? Companies collect the information and use it for commercial purposes. The
millions and millions of pieces of personal information which they collect are known as Adjectives of personality
‘big data’. They analyse the information to find out about our likes and dislikes, what
we’re buying online, where we want to travel and what we want to do. Then they target
us and other users with advertising and offers.
3 Match the pictures to the adjectives.

But there is some value in the collection and use of all this data. Scientists
communicate across countries and continents to share their findings and such
research helps people all over the world to have longer, healthier lives. Farmers can
receive online instructions about crops and looking after their animals. And volunteers
and activists use the internet to create campaigns and projects.

Just one word of warning though – always check the websites you use. Some
information on the internet is fake and so you must be careful that your sources are 1 happy 5 friendly 9 funny
2 shy 6 patient 10 unfriendly
3 absent-minded 7 generous 11 lazy
4 hard-working 8 sad 12 intelligent

2 Read the text and answer. 4 Which of the activities mentioned in the text do 4 Write P (positive) or N (negative) next to the adjectives in Exercise 3.
1 Has Joaquín got a positive or a negative opinion of you do?
5 Complete the text with the adjectives from Exercise 3.
the internet?
2 What does he warn his readers about? Your turn! Alicia is 1 s and 2 h -
In action!
3 Read the text again and write the number of the Join a classmate and discuss. . Some people think she is
What’s your view of the internet? • You already have an idea of some positive
paragraph where Joaquín writes about … 3
u so she gets
Make a list of the apps and networks you use and and negative aspects of the internet.
a the dangers of the internet.
s . Our 5 p teacher is • You also know some words related to
what you do with them. Then share your list with
b what people do every day with the internet. other classmates. Are they similar or different? helping her to make more friends. computers and the internet.
Jazmín is very 6 i • Discuss with your classmates which aspects
c how the internet is helping people.
of internet use you want to use in your rap.
d the consequences of our use of the internet. and 7 f . She is always 8 h .
e what teenagers do in the morning. We love her company!

52 53
Present Simple and Present Continuous 2 Today is a normal day for the Rostands. Pronouns
It’s 10 a.m. Ask and answer the questions.
1 What / Mr Rostand / do? Subject Possessive Possessive Object
Affirmative Negative Interrogative pronoun adjective pronoun pronoun
What's Mr Rostand doing? He's working.
Present I / You / We / They edit I / You / We / They don’t edit 4
I / you / we / they edit 2 Where / the children / study? I my mine me
Simple photos. photos. photos? you your yours you
He / She / It edits photos. He / She / It 1 edit Does he / she / it 5 photos? 3 Who / work / near the school? he his his him
photos. she her hers her
Present I’m editing photos. I’m not editing photos. 6
I editing photos? 4 What / Mrs Rostand / do? it its — it
Continuous He / She / It’s editing He / She / It 2
editing 7
he / she / it editing we our ours us
photos. photos. photos? 5 What / Mrs Rostand and her sister / teach? they their theirs them
We / You / They 3
Are we / you / they 8

We / You / They’re editing editing photos. photos? 6 Where / they / teach?

We use possessive pronouns to replace a
photos. possessive adjective + noun.
E.g. This is my tablet. It’s mine.
3 Circle the correct options. Is this your mobile phone? Is this yours?
1 Sandra is an architect. She 1 uses / use her
We use the Present Simple for habits or routines. We use the Present Continuous for actions in progress computer for everything, but today she 2 have /
at the time of speaking. 4 Complete the sentences with possessive
doesn’t have it. She usually 3 write / writes emails pronouns.
These are some time expressions you can use with the These are some time expressions you can use with the to her clients, but today she phones / is phoning
1 This is Alice’s tablet. It’s .
Present Simple: Present Continuous: them. She always 5 draws / is drawing the plans 2 A: George! Is this ?
always in the morning now
with a computer programme, but today she B: Yes, it’s . Thanks!
usually in the afternoon right now
often at night at the moment
isn’t drawing / doesn’t draw plans. She 3 That is the kids’ computer. It’s .
sometimes on Mondays 7
is organising / organise her office papers. People 4 We keep these photos because they are
never at weekends at her office 8 don’t usually talk / doesn’t usually talk .
every day / month once / twice a week
with her, but today they 9 have / are having a staff 5 This is my smartphone and that one is
meeting and they 10 is discussing / are discussing . Take it!
some office problems.
2 Hannah 1 Do you often use / Are you often using 5 Circle the correct options.
We generally use state and sense verbs. (e.g. think, have, your computer, Tom?
like, want, see, etc.) in the Present Simple.
Tom Not really. I 2 use always / always use my
smartphone. I 3 do / doing everything with it. Today
1 Complete the Rostands’ routine. is an exception. I 4 am prepare / am preparing a
slide show presentation and I 5 am downloading
/ download photos and 6 look for / looking for
information so I 7 surf / am surfing the internet.
The Rostands 1
(get up) early
every day. They 2
(have) Your turn!
breakfast in the kitchen and then Mr Rostand
Write five things you usually do at home and that
(drive) the children to school
you are not doing now.
because he 4 (work) near the
Join a classmate and ask about the things he / she
school. Mrs Rostand 5 (stay)
usually does. Are they the same things you do?
I / My work with 2 my / me friend Fiona.
at home because she 6 (start)
What are you doing now? The office is 3 her / hers and the furniture
work at 10 a.m. She and her sister
is 4 my / mine. 5 Our / Ours day starts
(teach) meditation at the gym.
at 7 a.m. and 6 we / us work until 5 p.m.
Fiona’s brother works with 7 our / us. The
responsibility of opening and closing the
office is 8 he / his. At 6 p.m. I’m at 9 me /
my house and they are at 10 theirs / their.

54 55
“Use the internet safely” campaign Three friends at the rap show
1 Look at the picture and answer.
1 Where are these teenagers? 4 What are they wearing?
2 What does the banner say? 5 Who usually wears those kinds of clothes?
3 What are they doing?

2 27 Listen and write G (girl), B (boy) or 3 28 Listen again and tick (✓) the words that
5 Look at the picture and complete the sentences. 7 31 Listen again and use the adjectives from
GB (girl and boy). are mentioned the box to describe the teenagers.
1 How many kids are watching the performance?
1 sings first. copy download 2 Do they like the show?.
2 says you mustn't copy ideas. edit friendly funny happy intelligent patient
3 talks about information on email sur f
the internet.
6 Listen to some friends at a rap

paste performance and answer.

4 says we have to be careful. upload text
1 What are the names of the people talking?
In action!
5 tells us to be careful with photos.
4 29 Listen once more and write the words that 2 Who are the rappers? • Now you know some words for actions on
rhyme in the raps. the internet.
3 Where do they study?
• Choose one or two words to use in your own
4 What is the name of the campaign?
Your turn! 5 How does Milton know the name of the celebration?
• Decide on 2 or 3 topics to rap about.
Join a classmate and discuss. 6 Who suggests doing a rap?
Can you think of any other words related to 7 How do her friends react?
actions on the internet?

56 57
Describe a person in a picture

Tenses in a description Connectors

We use the Present Simple to describe personality We use and to add more information.
and appearance. E.g. He is very serious and a perfectionist. A rap on how to use the internet
We use the Present Continuous to describe what
the person is doing in the picture. We use but to contrast two ideas.
E.g. He is different. But he is always a great
Let’s complete the Project!
brother! 1 Now you have discussed positive
1 Read the text and write T (true), F (false) or DS
(doesn’t say). and negative aspects of using the
We use because to introduce a reason.
1 Daniel is lazy. E.g. He is concentrating because he is answering
some questions.
2 Choose 2 or 3 of these aspects to
2 He always gets good marks. include in your rap.
3 He is studying for a Biology exam. We use so to introduce a consequence. 3 Brainstorm words that rhyme with
4 He usually goes to the cinema E.g. He is a hard-working student, so he always the actions on the internet you
gets good marks. chose.
at weekends.
4 Now start forming phrases of the
same length that have rhyming
Life according to me 5 Start reading them while you mark
the rhythm by snapping your
fingers or slapping your lap (it’s not
so noisy).
6 Get a cap, a pair of sunglasses and

a very big T-shirt.
7 Rehearse and memorise the rap.
8 Take part in the classroom rap
according to me

TOPICS This is a picture of my brother, Daniel. He is sitting at his desk in front of the computer
Family with a book and a folder. He is doing his homework and studying for an exam.
School He is very serious and a perfectionist. He is a hard-working student, so he always gets My learning record
Friends good marks.
Adventures In this photo, he is concentrating because he is answering some questions. He is
chatting with a classmate to check if they are right.
ARCHIVE James is outgoing and friendly. At weekends, he likes to hang out with friends and go
2018 to discos. On weekdays, he is different. But he is always a great brother! Talk about the internet, online activities
and computers
Understand a text about the internet
2 Read the answer sentences about the text. 3 Choose a picture of a girl or boy using an ICT
Write a question for each answer. device. It can be a real photo or a picture from a Describe habits and actions
magazine. Describe it. Remember to …
1 Daniel, the writer’s brother.
• describe what the person is like, what he / she is Understand a conversation about
2 He is sitting at his desk internet safety
doing and what he / she usually does.
3 He is doing his homework and studying for an • use the appropriate tenses and connectors. Write a description of a person in a
exam. picture
4 Because he is answering some questions = very we
Create and perform a rap ll
5 He’s concentrating. = I can m
6 He’s great.
4 J oin a classmate. Share your descriptions = I need to
and correct any errors. Show your work revise
to your teacher.

58 59
3 Nature’s Lessons 3
1 Read the brochure for New York City Zoo and 2 Read the brochure for City Zoo again and write 1 Match the pictures to the names of the animals.
answer the questions. T (true) or F (false).
1 The animal exhibits close

City Zoo
at the same time as the zoo. F
2 The petting zoo is for everyone.
3 The zoo closes later at the
weekend and on holidays.
26 Main Street 4 The zoo is open every
April 1st to November 1st*
day of the year.
Weekend & Holiday opening times 5 Visitors can see gorillas in
10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. a b c d e
the Central African Rainforest
Weekday opening times
10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Gorilla Experience.
6 You can touch the birds
Please note that animal exhibits close in the Tropical Bird Paradise.
15 minutes before the zoo closes.
3 Read the brochure for City Zoo once more and
★ Special attractions ★ provide the following information.
1 What dates does this brochure cover?
April 1st to November 1st
Petting Zoo - $5.00 per person
2 How much does it cost to enter the petting zoo? f g h i
Pet baby goats, rabbits, donkeys, sheep and horses.
For children up to 8 years old.

Central African Rainforest and Gorilla Experience -

3 Which special attraction is the most expensive? h
1 lizard 6 giraffe
$10.00 per person
Learn about conservation issues and the lives of gorillas
2 frog 7 piranha
4 In which attraction can visitors touch the animals?
in the Central African rainforest and see gorillas in a 3 butterfly 8 lion
simulation of their natural habitat. 4 snake 9 macaw
5 On which days can you not visit the zoo?
Tropical Bird Paradise - $15.00 per person 5 ostrich
Be amazed with our flamingos, scarlet ibis, toucans,
macaws and parrots. Learn about how they live and what 6 In which attraction can you see animals in their 2 Put the animals in Exercise 1 in the correct 3 Where do these animals live? Complete the
they eat. natural habitat? categories. table with the animals in the box.
Zoo closed on the following days: camel cow giraffe horse lion macaw
Thanksgiving Day Reptiles Amphibians
penguin polar bear
Christmas Day
1 snake 6
New Year’s Day
2 Habitat Animal(s)
Mammals Birds Desert 1 camel
1 What is the address of the zoo?
26 Main Street 3 7 Cold areas 2
4 8 3
2 What time does the zoo open?
Insects Fish Warm areas 4
3 What time does the zoo close on special days?
5 9
4 What time does the zoo close on weekdays?
Farms 7
5 Is the zoo open every day? 8

6 What time do the animal exhibits close?

88 89
3 3
4 Tick (✓) the abilities and characteristics of each animal. 8 Complete the sentences with the words from the 11 
Put the words in the order to make questions.
1 giraffes / lions / do / and / live / Where / ?
walk fly swim has scales has horns has wings has fur Where do lions and giraffes live?
bat bee horse lion mouse
piranha ✓ ✓ 2 eat / What / giraffes / do / ?

frog 1 He never speaks loudly, or shouts. He’s as quiet as a

3 zoo / of / takes / Who / in / care / lions / the / ?
mouse .
ostrich 2 Clara has got three children and she works, too. She’s
4 Why / exist / zoos / do / ?
as busy as a .
3 My cat fights all the other cats in our neighbourhood.
5 do / When / hunt / lions / ?
polar bear He's as brave as a .
4 Can I have something to eat? I'm as hungry as a
lion 6 Florida / species / many / of / How / snake / live / in / ?
5 Your laptop is on the table in front of you. Look! You’re
as blind as a ! 12 Read the answers and write the Wh-questions.
cow 1 Where do penguins live? Penguins live in the
9 Which animals do the following activities?
Southern Hemisphere.
1 Hibernate? bears
5 Look at the pictures. Label the different parts of 2 Birds migrate in the
6 Write the opposites. 2 Sting?
the animals. harmless /safe
winter to escape the cold
1 dangerous 3 Build nests?
winter months.
2 dirty 4 Migrate?
3 Polar bears eat seals and
3 fast 5 Hunt?
tail walruses.
1 4 quiet 6 Bite?
2 4 Whales communicate
5 friendly
10 Each Wh- question asks for a specific type of using noises such as
6 treacherous information. Match the Wh- question words to clicks and whistles.
the type of information.
7 Complete the sentences with words from the 5 The First Nations peoples
box. 1 Who e a quantity / values are the people who
dirty fast friendly harmless originally lived in Canada.
2 What b process
quiet treacherous 6 There are less than 2,000
pandas living in the wild.
1 Don’t be afraid. The dog is not aggressive. She is 3 Where c reason
quite friendly . 13 Put the words in order to make sentences.
4 How d thing
2 They have four dogs, but the yard is not 1 You / animals / love / must / zoo / work / in / a / if / you / .
because they clean it every You must love animals if you work in a zoo.
5 Why e people
day. 2 you / When / you / shoes / take off / must / your /
3 I don’t like cats. They don’t seem loyal to me. I think 6 How much / enter / . / ,
6 f place / location
they are . How many
4 Why are you so slow? We have to walk 3 zoo / must / You / feed / the / not / animals / in / the / .
to get there on time.
5 Why is it so noisy here? It is usually so 4 you / on safari, / are / must / in the vehicle / When / you /
. stay / .
6 People think that all snakes are dangerous, but some
of them are . 5 not / office / wear / must / perfume / You / in / the / .
6 they / Must / come / ten o’clock / at / ?

90 91
3 3
1 Listen to the announcement and tick (✓)
45 1 Complete the email with the correct forms of 1 Circle the correct options. 2 Complete the sentences with the words from the
the correct box for each activity. the verbs in brackets. box.
1 Ostriches have wings, but they can / can’t fly.
NEW MESSAGE 2 Students can’t / mustn’t speak loudly in the library. tusks pouches trunk wings paws claws feathers
Can Can’t Must From: 3 Can / Can’t they cook?
not pouches
To: 4 Visitors to the zoo can / mustn’t feed the animals. 1 Kangaroos carry their babies in their .
1 Exit the zoo by Subject: 2 Ostriches have but they can’t fly.
✓ 5 If you go on safari, you must / can’t follow the rules.
closing time.
6 Can’t / Must we pay when we go to the zoo? 3 Macaws have very colourful .
Dear Rosie
2 Throw rubbish in the 4 Eagles have very large called talons.
It was great talking to you yesterday. I 1 am (to be)
correct recycling bin. 5 Elephants have two and a long
excited about our plans to go to the zoo next week.
3 Walk on the grass. .
On the website, they say that we can 2 (to feed)
4 Feed most of the the monkeys, so bring some bananas. We can’t 6 The feet of lions and dogs are called .
3 Complete the puzzle.
(to take) a ball to play or our bikes to ride. The
5 Feed fruit and peanuts zoo 4 (to open) at 10 a.m., so let’s leave home 1
to the monkeys. early. We can take some sandwiches and 5 (to
6 Feed ice cream, have) lunch there. The zoo 6 (to have) a nice
chocolate and soda picnic area. We can take pictures, so charge your phone so 2 3 4 i
pop to the monkeys. that we can take lots of pictures with the monkeys and lions. 1 When birds or
other animals tra
g vel
7 Climb over or cross Call me later to arrange the time. because of the w
eather or for food
barriers. Lots of love, r they
Annie .
8 Take pictures. 2 Hit, bite and at
5 a tack.
Send 3 Be in or get to
a place where
9 Play with balls, ride
6 t nobody can see yo
skates and bikes. u.
2 You are going on a safari next week. What do 5 To use teeth to
10 Use wheelchairs and you want to know about the animals before you 7 e eat.
strollers. go there? Write some questions. 8 To change to ne
w or different
8 situations.
1 What do the lions eat?
2 46 Listen again and answer YES or NO. Are the animals dangerous? 9 Across
1 Is the zoo open until 7:00 p.m. today? Yes 3 4 Bees do this.
2 Does the zoo encourage recycling? 4 6 Bears do this in
the winter.
3 Does the zoo have grassy areas? 5 7 Lions do this to
get their food.
4 Can you feed all the animals? 6 9 We do this whe
n we are hungry.
5 Can you feed the animals anything 3 Do some research and answer the questions in
you want? Exercise 2.
6 Does the zoo have safety barriers? 1 Lions eat buffalo, giraffe and wildebeest. 4 Answer each question twice. 5 Circle the odd one out.
3 Write 5 more rules for the zoo under the Do and 2 Yes, the animals are dangerous, so visitors need to be careful. 1 What have they got? 1 feathers wings beak swim claws
Don’t signs. 3 a Lions: fur 2 lion giraffe penguin rhinoceros camel
4 b Kangaroos: 3 dog tiger cat horse sheep
5 2 What can they do? 4 bite paw food mouth chew

Do Don't
a Birds: 5 feet paws claws fur hoof

4 Write an email to a friend inviting them to visit b Fish:

a zoo or a safari with you. Talk about things you 3 When you go to a zoo …
1 Exit the zoo by 4 can and cannot do, and things you must and a you must .
closing time. must not do. b you must not .
2 5
3 6

92 93
4 What shall We Do? 4
READING VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1 Label the pictures with the words from the box.

bank chemist florist hospital newsagent’s park supermarket theatre

Cityblog About Events News Accommodation Contact

Weekend in the city

There's a lot to do in the city. But with the cold winter weather, you might prefer to keep warm and enjoy indoor activities. See some suggestions below
for things to do this weekend.

a b c d e f
1 florist 2 3 4
1. An excellent place to find lots of bread, cakes, muffins and 4. This weekend only: come and dance the night away to our
pastries. Special this weekend: 10% off when you spend £20 guest DJ, DJ Danny, the number 1 techno DJ in the city. Doors
or more. open at 10 p.m. Arrive before 11 p.m. and get 15% off.You
2. If you need a quiet place to work or study, to borrow a book must be 21 or over to enter. Please check online for our dress
or a magazine, or to do some research, this is the place to code.
be. This weekend, we have a special book reading by leading 5. Half-price special for family and friends this weekend to see
children’s author Mary Bing. Meet up at 3 p.m. Free of charge. an exhibition. If you plan to spend the day, there is a coffee
3. Want a quick meal? Drop in and try the city’s favourite shop and restaurant on the ground floor and a family room
hamburger and fries. But that’s not all! We have milkshakes, on the third floor for families with small kids.
apple pie and cookies, too. This weekend only, check out our 6. Looking for a quiet place to meet with friends, work or even
kids’ menu and get 5% off any kids’ meal. go on a date? Come over and enjoy our wonderful coffee,
and our warm and comfy atmosphere. Get 10% off your first
hot drink.
5 6 7 8
1 Match the descriptions 1–6 to the pictures a–f. 4 Read the descriptions once more and complete
each statement. 2 Read the descriptions of what people need. 3 Read the dialogues. Where are they?
1 a 4 Where should they go?
1 My four friends and I will buy five muffins at $4 each 1 A: Hello. I need to pick up this medicine.
2 5
10% 1 Estevan needs money. He should go to the B: Okay, please hold on while I get it for you.
3 6 at the baker's. We will pay less this
bank .
weekend. Place: chemist
2 Match the places to the pictures a–f in the 2 If we get to the disco at 10:30 p.m. we will pay
2 Peter and Beatrice want to see the ballet. They 2 A: Excuse me, where can I find the milk?
reading text should go to the .
less to get in. B: In aisle 6.
1 library e 3 Doris needs to buy food. She should go to the
3 If we have lunch at the fast food restaurant, I will pay A: Thank you.
2 disco . Place:
less for the kids.
3 coffee shop 4 Roger wants to have tea with a friend. He should go 3 A: May I have the Number 5, please?
4 The museum usually costs $10 per person, but this
4 baker’s to a . B: Would you like that with mustard?
weekend we will pay only per person.
5 museum 5 Bella and her friends want to go out dancing. They A: No, thanks.
5 I will get a discount of on my first cup
6 fast food restaurant should go to the . Place:
of tea at the coffee shop.
6 Pedro is very sick. He should go to the 4 A: Hello. Two loaves of bread, please.
3 Read the descriptions in Exercise 1 again and 6 The book reading for kids at the library will cost
answer the questions. . B: Will that be all?
7 I need to buy a magazine. I should go to the Place:
1 Where can you do research on a school project?
. 5 A: Excuse me, where can I find children's stories?
8 We need flowers for our grandmother. We should B: Right over there on the left.
2 Where can you buy cake and bread?
go to the . Place:
3 Where can you go for a quick lunch? 6 A: Excuse me, where can I find the dinosaur exhibition?
B: Up on the third floor.
4 Where can you go to see art? A: Thanks.
5 Where can you dance all night?

6 Where can you have a quick cup of coffee?

94 95
4 4
4 Label the signs with the phrases from the box. 6 Andy is asking for directions to get to the 9 Complete the sentences with the words from the
following places. Help him get there. box.
go straight ahead on the corner turn left turn right 1 Chemist: Go straight ahead. It’s the second building
a (x2) an any (x2) some (x2)
on your right, on the corner of Main and 2nd Street.
2 Museum:
1 Would you like some coffee?
3 Coffee shop: 2 We don’t have fruit.
3 Do you have pen to sign this
4 Florist: form?
4 It’s raining, so you will need to take
umbrella with you.
7 Write sentences in the Present Continuous.
5 A: Let’s get something to eat.
1 turn left 2 3 4 1 She / go / shopping centre. B: I’m afraid I don’t have money
She is going to the shopping centre. on me.
5 Look at the map. Read the directions and decide where Andy wants to go. 2 He / read / a book. A: That’s okay, I have .
6 May I have cup of coffee, please?
3 They / have / breakfast.
10 Fill in the blanks with some, any, a or an.
4 They / not / have / coffee / they / have / tea.
Whenever I go to a restaurant, I never eat 1 any
5 Are / you / go / museum / today? of the bread they serve as an appetiser. I don’t mind
having 2 guacamole though. I always have
bottle of water and sometimes I have
6 We / buy / flowers / for / Mum.
juice, too. If I am having brunch, I have
egg, which I love. If I am having lunch,
7 Are / they / get / bread / at / the / baker's?
then I usually order 6 pasta dish.
If they don’t have 7 pasta, then I will have
8 They / enjoy / a / play / the theatre. 8
salad. For dinner, I prefer to have
bowl of soup.
8 Read the dialogue and circle the correct options.
11 Complete the table with the words from the
We need to go to box.
the supermarket!
Yes. We don’t have apple computer cookie food juice music
any / some fruit left. pen salad sandwich water

We have some / any bread, but not any Countable Uncountable

/ a lot, so we should get more.
1 Go straight ahead. It’s on the corner of Main and 3 Go straight ahead to the corner of Main and 1 cookie 1 juice
2nd Street, on your right. 1st Street. It’s on the right. Should we get any / some juice as 2 2
Andy is going to the newsagent’s . Andy is going to the . well? We don’t have any / some left. 3 3
2 Go straight ahead to the end of Main Street. It’s on 4 Go straight ahead. It’s the first building on your left, 4 4
your right. on the corner of Main and 3rd Street.  Yes, let’s get any / some juice. We have 5 5
a lot of / a rice, so we don’t need to get more.
Andy is going to the . Andy is going to the .

Great. And can we get a / an

bar of chocolate too?

OK, but only a /

an small one.

96 97
4 4
1 Listen to the dialogue. Who are these
47 1 Read the paragraph about Tom’s Saturdays. Fill 1 Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence. 4 Complete the sentences with the words from
people? in the blanks with a, an or the. the box.
1 Cara and Alan is running to catch the bus.
1 Amanda daughter 2 May I have any orange juice, please? chemist coffee shop florist library
2 Greg A day in Tom's life. 3 She is visit her mother in hospital. shopping centre supermarket
3 Ray Today is Saturday. Tom has an early breakfast and then 4 They are study for the test.
heads to 1 the newsagent's to get 2 1 We can get potatoes at the .
4 Anthony 5 We don’t have some fruit.
newspaper. He spends 3 hour reading the 2 He can buy medicine at the .
5 Molly 6 It’s raining. Take a umbrella.
news and sports. At around 10 a.m. he takes his dog for 3 She can get new shoes at the .
7 He is staying at an hotel.
2 48 Listen again. Tick (✓) who is doing what. 4
walk. Today, he is taking her to 4 They can borrow books at the .
8 Go straight ahead. The library is in the right.
vet. Then he usually meets his friends for 5 Ann can have tea with her friends at the

burger at lunch. In 7 afternoons, 2 Correct the sentences in Exercise 1. .


he visits his parents who live nearby. In 8

6 She is buying flowers for her mother at the
evenings, he goes out with his girlfriend. .
1 Gardening 3 5 Put the words in order to make sentences.
2 Playing basketball 2 What do you think Tom’s Sunday is like? Write 1 baker’s / bread / at / the / are / getting / They / .
a short paragraph like the one in Exercise 1. Use 5
some of the ideas in the box. 6
3 Playing video games 2 library / The / straight / is / the / ahead / on / left / .
cook lunch / dinner go to a show / museum
4 Doing homework go to the shopping centre listen to music 3 She / apples / have / any / doesn’t / .
ride his bike walk his dog 3 Read the answers and write the questions.
5 Preparing lunch 4 some / Let’s / coffee / have / .
1 Q:

6 Planting flowers
A: I am going to the shopping centre. 5 the / children / The / playing / park / in / are / .

7 Cutting grass 2 Q:
6 has / Burger Palace / city / best / fast food / in /
8 H
 aving lunch with A: I am reading a book written by Malala Yousafzai. the / the / .
It’s great.
9 Studying for tests 3 Q: 6 Complete the sentences with the Present
Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
10 Not doing something
A: That’s my cousin Alison. She lives in Canada. 1 The kids (playing) in the park.
more productive
4 Q: 2 They (eat) pizza.
3 Can you guess the following information from 3 She (do) Spanish this term.
the dialogue? How do you know? A: I am going to the shopping centre because I 4 Pedro (buy) a pair of shoes at
1 What day of the week is it? 3 What do you like to do at the weekend? Where need to buy a new pair of shoes.
do you go? Write about your weekends. the shopping centre.
Saturday or Sunday, because everyone is home 5 Q: 5 Anna (take) notes in her blue
from school and work.
2 What is the weather like? A: He is going there at 10 a.m. 6 you
6 Q: (swim) in the pool?
3 What season of the year is it? 7 They (not study), they
A: The cake is easy to make. I just add milk and (watch) TV.
4 How would you describe each child? eggs and pop it in the oven. 8 Tom (teach) in Spain this term.



98 99
5 How Much do We Know
about the Internet? 5

News Today
1 Find the words from the box in the puzzle. 3 Complete the sentences with the words from
the box.
blog chat e-book network Prezzi selfie
web page webinar blog chat e-books mobile phone online catalogue
selfie social network webinar

Girls are computer across the United States to teach girls

about programming and coding. The
The number of female computer
engineers has gone down from 37% in
E T E E A D S J U G I R U L K 1 I wanted a picture of the group before I left, so we

geeks too organisation wants to create a group of

future female computer engineers.
1995 to 24% in 2017. Girls who Code is
working to change this.
Q M,
S Y 2
all got together for a group selfie
In the past, I used to buy books, but now I prefer

By Zeneya Grant
M W V X F J F X V V A A Q W V . It’s like carrying around a

W hen we think of computer

programmers, we usually think
of nerdy boys and men, with glasses,
library in my hand.
Martin has a in case he needs
C E L L P H O N E Q G M V D E to call his parents.
in a room by themselves. We usually
think of the Bill Gates and the Mark Z U B G T J L U P O N S N G B 4 My class will participate in a to
Zuckerbergs and the Steve Jobs of Q D H I O I Y I L T E O T A P learn about the national science competition.
Silicon Valley. In other words, we do 5 My has all my ideas and
not usually associate girls and women T K P P N D J B Q K T C B C A
reviews on the books I read. I enjoy sharing my
with computers and coding. G X K R T A C M P I W I H A G
The organisation Girls who Code is ideas with others.
working to change this idea and this 6 My parents allowed me to join the
reality. The organisation started in Z J P R Y Z C J T F R L D N T
that all my friends are on, but
2012 in New York. Girls who Code N E B O O K Z Y O B K L I I V
has free clubs and summer courses all they monitor my activities.
7 I like looking at the of my
favourite shop to see what’s on sale.
1 Read the article. Write T (true) or F (false). 4 How much does it cost for students to learn coding 2 Match the words from Exercise 1 to the pictures.
8 Every weekend I have an online
with Girls who Code?
1 When people think of computer with my cousins who live in
programmers, they usually think Europe.
T 5 How many female computer engineers were there
of boys and men.
in 1995? 4 Tick (✓) which activities you can do on your
2 People usually think of girls and mobile phone and which you can do on your
women when they think of coding. computer.
6 How many female computer engineers were there
3 The organisation wants to 1 webinar 2
in 2017?
teach and train more female Mobile phone Computer
computer programmers.
7 Has this number gone up or down? 1 call friends ✓
4 It is expensive to be part of
the Girls who Code club. 2 send text
5 There are clubs and summer 3 Read the article once more and complete the messages
programmes in only one location. statements. 3 scan documents
3 4
6 The number of female computer 1 People do not usually associate girls and women
4 scan QR codes
engineers has gone down. with computers and coding.
2 Girls who Code is working to 5 upload photos
2 Read the article again and answer the
6 take selfies
3 Girls who Code started in (year?)
1 Who do people usually think of when they think of
successful computer programmers? 5 6 7 follow voice
Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs. 4 Girls who Code started in (place?) directions

2 Name two ways students can take part in Girls who 8 play online
5 Girls who Code have clubs and summer programmes games
9 do research
3 Where can students become involved with Girls
10 edit photos
who Code? 7 8

100 101
5 5
5 Match the definitions to the correct adjectives. 7 Rewrite the Present Simple sentences in the 9 Complete the sentences. Each sentence has a 12 
Fill in the blanks to complete the table.
Present Continuous. Present Simple and a Present Continuous form of
1 Having feelings of f a funny
the verbs in brackets. Personal Possessive Possessive Object
pleasure; very satisfied 1 I eat pizza.
with life. I am eating pizza. 1 The Adams family is visiting (visit) friends pronoun adjective pronoun pronoun
in Buenos Aires this week. They travel I my mine me
2 Nervous or embarrassed b intelligent 2 You go to the shopping centre.
about meeting and (travel) abroad every year. you 1
your yours 2
speaking to other people. 2 My mother (make) a chocolate cake
3 Tomás plays basketball. he his 3
3 Forgets things easily. c friendly today. She (bake) a different cake
every week. she 4
hers 5

4 Working with a lot of d generous 4 Helena dances ballet.

3 My friends and I (go) to the Buena it its —
5 We do our homework. Vista Club to dance tonight. We (go) we 6
ours 7
5 Showing that you like e absent-
to a different club every Saturday night.
someone and are willing minded they their 8
to talk to them and help 6 They swim. 4 I (study) for a Maths test that I have
them. tomorrow. I (have) tests every week. 13 Complete the sentences with words from
6 To wait calmly or willing f happy 5 We (play) against the team from the Exercise 12.
to accept difficult 8 Write sentences about the pictures. other city today. Every month we 1 That computer is not yours, it’s mine .
situations without being (compete) against a different team. 2 Where can we pick up order?
annoyed. 1 They / at school / learn / to code 6 Pedro (take care) of his little sister 3 Let’s go, Roger. Where is coat? It’s
7 Willing to give money, g patient They are at school and are
today. He (babysit) for his parents cold outside.
time, etc. to help others learning to code.
every week. 4 They are late. Let’s call .
and make them happy.
5 Mr Jenkins doesn’t like it if students are late for
8 The ability to make h shy 10 Read the answers and write the questions.
2 The children / at school / study / Geography class.
people laugh.
French 1 Q: Where are you going?
6 decided to go to the park instead
9 Can understand ideas i hard- A: I am going to the shopping centre.
and think clearly. working of the gym because they wanted to enjoy the nice
2 Q:
A: She is having pasta for lunch.
6 Complete the sentences with adjectives from 3 My grandmother / at the gym / 14 Complete the text with the correct Present
Exercise 5. 3 Q:
A: They are my classmates.
Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Peter is always happy to spend his time helping
4 Q:
others. He is so generous .
A: I have coding class tonight.
2 Amy is very . She is always telling
4 They / at work / eat lunch 5 Q:
jokes and making everyone laugh.
A: I am doing coding because I want to be a
3 Hannah is always forgetting things. She is
computer engineer.
6 Q:
4 Henry is . He gets nervous talking to
5 They / office / have / meeting A: They get to school by bus.
people he doesn’t know.
7 Q:
5 I have to be with my little brother. He
A: It costs £20.00.
takes forever to eat, but I try not to get annoyed.
6 Victor is very . He understands things 11 Complete the text with the correct forms of the
easily and is able to think through ideas very clearly. 6 I / shopping centre / shop / for verbs in brackets. Bella usually has fruit and yogurt for breakfast, but today
shoes she 1 is having (have) pancakes. She usually goes to the
Kyle and Katie 1 are (be) twin sisters. They
gym after breakfast, but today she 2 (read)
(love) computers. They even
the newspaper. She always goes to work, but today she
(have) a blog to share their stories.
But they 4 (not know) how
(go) to the beach. After work she usually
to code. So this week, they 5 (take) a prepares dinner, but today she 4 (have) dinner
class in coding. They 6
(build) a robot at at a restaurant. Bella usually reads a book before going to
home, but they 7 (need) to know more bed, but today she 5 (watch) TV. She usually
about robotics and coding to be able to finish it. They goes to bed at 10 p.m., but today she 6 (plan)
are very excited. to go to bed at midnight.

102 103
5 5
1 Listen to the podcast and complete the
49 1 Complete the text with the words from the box. 1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms 3 Complete the sentences with the correct
sentences. of the verbs in brackets. adjectives.
at (x3) during in (x2) on once
1 Marly (use) her mobile phone 1 She makes everyone laugh. She’s
to take selfies and play games online, but she .
(not access) social media. 2 He’s really . He is
2 My grandmother is very computer literate and not confident enough to talk to people.
uses her computer to do almost everything but she 3 If Frank has money, he’ll help you. He is very
Anthony’s schedule is different from most people’s.
at (not buy) groceries online yet. .
He works 1 night and rests during the
day. He works from Sunday night to Thursday night. She (prefer) to go to the shops 4 Lucia forgets things easily. She’s .

1 Today’s Profile will look at the young, successful He always takes his meals with him. He starts work herself. 5 Ana understands things very easily. She’s quite

fashionista Sophia Anna . 2

10 p.m. and finishes 3 6 a.m. 3 My parents (travel) a lot by .

2 Most teens use their mobile phones and computers

the mornings, he goes to bed and sleeps car and (use) the GPS on their
4 Complete the sentences with the correct object
to , , for a few hours. 5 the afternoon when he phone a lot, but they (not take) pronouns.
wakes up, he does some housework and prepares selfies.
and . 1 Nick is over there. Please give the envelope to
his meals. 6 a week, usually 4 My mother is a nurse, but right now she
3 Sophia uses the power of the internet to .
Fridays, he goes to the supermarket. (work) as a teacher in an
Right now, he is looking for a new job because 2 Sorry, I didn’t hear you. Are you speaking to
4 She started off with elementary school.
working nights is very difficult and he is always tired. ?
5 Then she created a 5 I usually do ballet, but this year I (do)
3 Where are you shoes? Please put on.
6 Profile will revisit Sophia Anna to . jazz.
4 She is not feeling well. I need to give
6 We (have) a barbecue today.
2 50Listen to the podcast again. Write T (true) 2 Write about your own schedule. What do you a call.
usually do? What do you sometimes do?
or F (false). 2 Answer the following questions about yourself. 5 We are going to the shopping centre. Are you

1 Sophia has her own business. T coming with ?

1 What do you do after school?
2 Sophia uses her phone and computer 5 Are the sentences correct (✓) or incorrect (✗)?
to take selfies and play games.
1 Today I am do coding class.
3 She started off with a simple
I usually 2 She always has a snack after school.
web page.
3 They are usually going to school by bus.
4 She now has a better web page.
4 They travel abroad every year on holiday.
5 She made the change to communicate I never
5 Please take they to the office.
better with her audience.
6 She updates her blog weekly. 3 Look at the pictures. Write about these people’s
schedules. I always
7 She answers questions weekly.
8 Sophia goes to middle school.

3 Correct the false statements in Exercise 2. 2 What do you do at the weekend?

1 Sophia uses her phone and computer to run her business.
I usually

4 51 Listen once more and answer the

questions about Sophia’s activities. I never

1 How often does Sophia update her blog?

Weekly I always
2 How often does Sophia answer questions on her blog?

3 How often does Sophia go to school?

4 What is Sophia doing currently?

104 105

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