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APPLIED ECON INTRO problems in any society-production and This means that our choice must

consumption. The intent of producing give us additional benefits that are at least
Revisiting Economics as a Social Science goods and services meant for consumption equal to or more than the additional
There are three strands in the development and other forms of disposition of these benefits derived from the foregone
of the definition of economics: produced goods and services. alternatives.
Thus, economics is all about Economics as a study of Allocation
The first focuses on wealth wealth and how this wealth is being used Consistent with the process of
— In previous decades, economics has by individuals and society at large for wealth-getting and wealth-using and the
been defined as a science of wealth, material survival, stability, and process of making choices is the process of
getting-wealth and wealth-using. development. allocation.
The second stresses the decision-making Economics as a Study of Making In this section, the definition of
process Choices economics will be explained further as a
— Currently, economics is defined as the The more current definition of social science that deals with the study of
science of making choices. economics as a science of making choices allocation of scarce resources to answer
The third, concentrates on the allocation is consistent with the previous definition. the unlimited human wants.
process In everything that we do, whether
— In many textbooks, economics has been we produce or consume, whether it is There are five elements in the definition of
defined as a social science that deals with wealth-getting or wealth-using, we make economics- social science, resources,
the allocation of scarce resources to meet decisions and these decisions are based on human wants, scarcity and allocation.
the unlimited human wants. alternative choices. 1. ECONOMICS AS A SOCIAL
In the study of economics, when SCIENCE
Economics as a Study of Wealth we make a choice from among these As a science it utilizes the
The earlier definition of economics alternatives, it implies that we are scientific method of inquiry from
as the science of wealth-getting and foregoing or sacrificing the benefits that identifying the problem, proposing
wealth-using implies that the motivation of would have been derived from alternatives alternative tentative answers and
the process of wealth accumulation is the that were not selected. Opportunity Cost* hypotheses, testing the tentative answers to
utilization of wealth for individual’s Thus, making a decision, we have the question or the problem at hand,
satisfaction and society’s welfare. to consider a major concept in the study of gathering and treating the data, and
Although the focus is on wealth, economics – opportunity cost. answering the question through the
this initial definition pertains to activities In everything that we do, there are conclusion.
answering the two major economic costs and sacrifices that we have to carry. As a social science, this systematic
or scientific method is being used in the
study of society and its components. Thus, expanded not only for their own intrinsic 5. Allocation and the Act of
social science can be described as the value but because of their impact in Economizing
study of various modes and aspects of enhancing human welfare. The fifth element in the definition
human interactions in a group as these Resources are used to answer human needs of economics is the concept of allocation.
people aspire to preserve their group as a and human wants of a society. Because of the problem of scarcity, there is
social unit, to make it stable, and promote Human wants can be described as a need for a mechanism of distributing
its growth, expansion and development. differentiated or expanded human needs. limited resources to meet the expanding
As a social science, economics Human needs can be portrayed as human wants.
pertains to the study on how society creates necessities for material survival including Thus, allocation can be defined as
its material wealth, how it makes this food, shelter, clothing among others. social mechanism to respond to the
wealth available to its people with 4. Scarcity as a Source of Economic economic problem of scarcity.
minimum difficulties and how it expands Problem There are various ways of treating the
its wealth. The fourth element in the problem of scarcity.
2. Resources and the Study of definition of economics is the concept of ● For one, individuals may have to
Economics scarcity. temper or slow down the
The second dimension of the Scarcity can be considered as a expansion of their human wants in
definition of economics is resources. This key economic problem because of the the light of limited resources.
element is linked with the previous limitations of resources, on the one hand, ● The second option is to hasten the
definition of economics as the process of and the expansion of human wants, on the expansion of limited resources in
wealth creation and wealth utilization. other hand. the light of expanding human
As mentioned earlier, economics is The limitation of resources arises wants.
about resources or wealth. Resources or primarily because of its alternative and ● The third choice is the combination
wealth can be defined as products of competing uses while human wants are of the two alternatives. These
nature, qualities of individuals, and expanding because of internal and external options are integrated in the three
man-made things which are used in factors that differentiate simple human major mechanisms of allocation:
producing goods or services. Inputs of needs into wants. market system, command and
Production* These two features are the main tradition.
3. Human wants and Economic reasons for the emergence of the problem
Analysis of scarcity which has to be addressed
The third dimension of economics through the production and distribution
pertains to the focus of economics is on activities to attain the material survival,
wealth or resources, this wealth is stability, and growth of any society.
MARKET ● This information that the price only regulate but also direct control over
(Price in the Market System) signals to the consumers and the economy.
● The means of production in this producers, the price can be an ● In a command system, the state or
economic system is controlled by instrument for the allocation of agency of the government may be
private enterprises. resources through the mechanism in charge in the allocation of
● Free trade is evident. Here, the the of the market system. The problem resources by using its political
government does not directly of scarcity is addressed through the power in answering the basic
control the market forces. changes in prices and the economic problems of production
● The role of of the government is to corresponding responses of the and distribution.
regulate economic activities and buyers and sellers. ● In times of natural calamities,
provide the society what the ● The market system operating on disasters, or national emergencies,
market does not offer, such as the price mechanism provides the command system may be more
infrastructure, health, education, incentives and disincentives to orderly than the market system.
and defense. consumers and producers that ● The command system has been
● Countries that apply capitalism respond to the problem of scarcity. useful as a temporary alternative
like the US, UK, France, and ● These automatic price adjustments mechanism in abnormal times
many others strongly adhere to this are not only meant to answer the when the market system cannot
economic system. problem of shortages and surpluses fully operate of the price
● An appropriate description of a but to answer the three basic mechanism is inadequate for
market is a state when buyers and economic questions: what to allocation.
sellers transact on the purchase or produce, how to produce and for ● However, it has been used even in
sale of a good or service. The whom to produce. normal times by several totalitarian
agreement among the players is to COMMAND and socialist states in the past to
set the amount of good or service (Power in Command System) pursue national goals including
to be rendered and most In this economic system, the industrialization and self-reliance.
importantly, the price that the means of production is owned and TRADITION
output is going to be sold and controlled by the government. The (Culture in Tradition System)
brought. government decides what, how much, This is the economic system
● The price of a commodity is both and whom to produce. whereby the means of production is based
an index of cost or sacrifice (for This particular system is seen in on traditions, practices and even beliefs of
producers) and benefit or countries like North Korea, Russia, and the people. In this kind of economy, the
satisfaction (for buyers). China, because their governments do not
people employ the same practices which However, the one that is prevalent is the Thus, economics is a science of
were also applied by the forefathers. market economy. choosing an activity from alternative
Take for instance farming rice and It is so evident that you do not options that will yield the highest benefits
corn. The conventional or the manual way have to conduct researches for you to prove to society in the context of competing uses
of farming rice and corn is still widely used it. All you have to do is look around and of opportunity costs.
in some parts of the country. Another see the various kinds of businesses ● The study of economics has been
example is turning coconut and sugar cane operating. These businesses are owned by perceived as too theoretical since
juices to vinegar through natural private entities and not by the state. it deals with principles, laws and
fermentation. What does the government do with the assumptions governing human
● The third alternative allocation market if it does not directly control it? behavior in the allocation process.
mechanism is done through The government regulates the ● In addition, the treatment in many
tradition. different aspects of the market by enacting textbooks is made through the use
● The use of tradition may be useful laws, issuing licenses before a business of graphs, mathematics, and
in situations where the operation of could actually operate, and imposing statistics that many students do
the market may not be appropriate, different taxes not only upon goods and not appreciate.
or the power of an organized state services but also upon the income of the Economics is a social science and
has no control over a certain entrepreneurs. Furthermore, it is the it deals with people and how they interact
community. government that provides infrastructure, with one another to sustain, stabilize and
● This was normally observed and security, education, and other services, develop the material dimension of a
practiced in indigenous needed by the society, but are not provided society.
communities in the past, where life by the market. Many of the principles, laws and
was less complicated and simple theories developed in economics can be
needs of the members of the ECONOMICS AS AN APPLIED applied in a number of fields. It has
society can be provided by the SCIENCE several applications in commercial
society itself. As a social science, economics sciences.
deals with the analysis on how members ACCOUNTANCY!
The Economic System Prevalent in the of a society interact with one another on In the field of Accountancy, the
Philippines the creation and utilization of wealth. information generated in the recording
The Philippines has a mixed In addition, economics has been and analysis of transactions on the state
economic system because the three described as the allocation of resources to of assets of any establishment can be
economic systems are seen in the country. meet human wants. useful in
making business decisions pertaining to WHAT IS YOUR CONCEPT OF Qd = a-bP
wealth accumulation and wealth PRICE? Qd - Quantity demand
utilization. a. Price is the monetary value of a unit of a - Intercept
MARKETING commodity. b - Slope
In marketing, understanding the behavior b. From the point of view of consumers, P - Price
of consumers can be useful to firms in price is payment for the purchase of a
expanding their market share. commodity whose value reflects the OTHER FACTORS AFFECTING THE
FINANCE satisfaction or utility derived from the DEMAND OF A COMMODITY
In finance, the formation of excess funds consumption of a good or service. 1. Income – As indicated in the
for investment purposes can be understood c. From the point of view of producers, concept of demand, it is the
through the concept of saving which is price is revenue earned for a commodity willingness and capacity of a
rooted on the opportunity cost of present sold whose value reflects the cost of consumer to buy at alternative
consumption. producing a unit of good or service. prices. Although the willingness
MANAGEMENT may be influenced by the price of
In management, the optimal combination Factors affecting demand the commodity as well as the taste
of human and physical resources to be ● What are the factors that may for the commodity, the capacity to
used in production will require affect an individual’s demand for a purchase on the other hand is
understanding of benefit and cost particular good? influenced by the income of the
expressed in terms of factor productivities ● A demand curve is a graph that consumer.
and factor prices. shows the amount of commodity 2. Prices of other commodities –
that consumers are willing and able Aside from the price of the
ANALYSIS OF DEMAND to buy at alternative prices at a commodity being sold, the demand
given point in time other things for a good or service may also be
Demand held constant. influenced by prices of other
● The willingness and ability to ● What are the factors affecting goods and services.
purchase a commodity or service demand and why is the demand For example, if the other good is a
● The quantity of a commodity or curve a relationship between price substitute, the increase in the price
service wanted at a specified price of the commodity and the quantity of the substitute good may increase
and time. demanded? the demand for the commodity at
3. Expectation – In addition to the
price of the commodity, the
expectation or prospect on what is Demand curve Supply Analysis
going to happen to the price can a. The demand curve focuses on the
influence the demand for the relationship between the quantity Why is the supply curve upward sloping?
commodity. demand and the price of the The supply curve shows a
For example, if you commodity at a given point in time positive or direct relationship between
believe that the price of the other things held constant. the price of the commodity and the and the
gasoline will increase tomorrow, b. Law of Demand — As the price quantity supplied in the market.
there is a tendency for consumers of a commodity declines, the The main motivation to supply
to increase their consumption quantity increases and when the goods is to gain profit, which is based on
today. price increases, the quantity the costs of production of a firm and the
4. Taste – Taste or preference is demand declines. price of commodity.
another important factor that may c. Substitution Effect and Income
influence the demand for a Effect – The inverse or negative Principle of Diminishing Marginal
commodity. The formation of taste relationship between price of the Productivity and Increasing Marginal
is influence by several factors. commodity and the quantity Cost
Some of them can be shaped by demand shown in the demand ● A more theoretical explanation
cultural values, others through peer curve can be explained through the developed by economists is based
pressure or the power of substitution effect and income on the increasing marginal cost
advertising. effect of a price change. of production.
5. Market – The size and ● According to this perspective, as
characteristic of the market can Concepts explaining law of demand the total production of good
also influence the demand for a Income effect – refers to the modification increase not only does its total cost
commodity. An increasing of the consumption of a commodity due to increases but the additional or
population can contribute to the change in the purchasing power of the marginal cost increases as well.
expansion of existing markets for consumer resulting from a price change. ● This means that the additional cost
various commodities. Principle of Diminishing Marginal of an additional unit of production
Utility – it implies that the additional is higher than the previous unit of
satisfaction provided by an additional production.
commodity consumed is lower than the ● This increase in marginal cost is
additional satisfaction given by the due to the principle of diminishing
previous level of consumption of the marginal productivity of resources.
● According to this principle, as a Changes in the Supply Curve - Similarly, an imposition of an additional
fixed factor input, capital or land, ● There are two major categories in business tax by the government will
is mixed with a variable factor the changes in the supply curve- likewise lower the supply as the supply
input, labor, the employment of movement along the supply curve curve shifts to the left.
additional laborers will increase and shifts in the supply curve.
total production but will increase it These changes are influenced by Equilibrium Price
at a decreasing rate. the changes in the factors affecting When buyers and sellers transact in the
● This means that although total the supply of a commodity. market they agree on the price of the
production is increasing, the ● The movement along the supply commodity and the amount to be sold and
additional or marginal contribution curve is brought about by changes bought. This agreed price is called
of the additional labor to total in the price of the commodity. An equilibrium price.
production is declining. increase in price will increase the ● In the demand and supply analysis,
● This is because the productivity of quantity supplied as shown by the this market agreement shown by
the variable input is constrained by movement towards northeast along the intersection of the demand
a fixed input, capital or land. the supply curve. curve with the supply curve.
As the firm employs the additional ● On the other hand, a decrease in ● From a graphical perspective, the
variable inputs to increase its production, the price of the commodity will equilibrium price implies that
its total cost of production will likewise cause a decrease in quantity buyers and sellers in agreement to
increase. Total costs will not only increase supplied as shown by the buy and sell the same amount of
but it will increase rapidly because the movement to the southwest along commodity at the equilibrium
additional variable factor inputs are the supply curve. price.
becoming less and less productive. The shift in the curve, on the one ● Since the equilibrium price is an
Since these variable inputs are hand, is caused by changes in the other agreed price, it is also a stable
becoming less productive than the previous factors affecting supply except the price of price since there no pressure from
ones, it implies that they are becoming the commodity. the buyers and sellers to alter the
costlier to employ. This is the implication For example, an increase in amount, they want to buy or sell.
of increasing marginal costs with the minimum wage can increase the cost of Disequilibrium
increase in production of output. production and will shift the supply curve ● There are cases when there are
to the left. As the supply curve shifts to the disagreements among buyers and
left, the supply declined since all possible sellers on the price and quantity. In
quantities to be supplied decreases at all such cases disequilibrium
alternative prices. situations can occur.
● An example of disequilibrium cannot go higher than the mandated price Characteristics of MONOPOLY
condition is when the amount ceiling. 1. Maximizes profits;
buyers are willing to buy is not the ● Price Floor – Another government 2. Decides the price of the good or
same as the amount the producers measure to arrest the price adjustments in product to be sold, but does so by
are willing to sell at a given price. the market is the imposition of a price determining the quantity in order
● Another example of disequilibrium floor. This means that the government sets to demand the price desired by the
situation is when at a given level of the price of a commodity and it cannot go firm;
quantity, the price that buyers are lower than the set price. The imposition of 3. Other sellers are unable to enter
willing to purchase the commodity price floor measure is meant to protect the market of monopoly;
is different from the price the certain actors in the market. 4. In a monopoly, there is one seller
producers are willing sell. This of the good that produces all the
means the demand price is MARKET STRUCTURES output. The whole market is being
different from the supply price. served by a single company, and
Because disequilibrium situations create for practical purposes, the
differences in the amount of commodity company is the same as the
● A monopoly is a market structure in
being bought and sold, the market price is industry.
which there is only one producer/seller
not stable and can bring economic 5. A monopolist can change the price
for a product. In other words, the single
problems. If the market is efficient, these and quality of the product. He or
business is the industry.
differences create pressures through price she sells high quantities, charging
● Entry into such a market is restricted
changes to remove the disequilibrium. a lower price for the product, in a
due to high costs or other impediments,
The analysis of supply and demand very elastic market and sells lower
which may be economic, social or political.
is a simple yet powerful economic quantities, charging a higher price,
● For instance, a government can create a
framework that can be used in in a less elastic market.
monopoly over an industry that it wants to
understanding contemporary issues facing
control, such as electricity.
the Philippine economy. OLIGOPOLY
● One entity has exclusive rights to a
● In an oligopoly, there are only a few
natural resources or it may also form when
Concept of Price Ceiling and Price Floor firms that make up an industry. This
a company has a copyright or patent that
● Price Ceiling – As a measure to stabilize select group of firms has control over the
prevents others from entering the market.
prices of basic commodities during these price and, like a monopoly, an oligopoly
unusual periods the government may has barriers to entry.
impose a price control measures on basic ● The products that the oligopolistic
commodities. This means that the price firms produce are often nearly identical
and, therefore, the companies, which are and complex technology, and ● Perfect competition means there are few,
competing for market share, are strategic actions by incumbent if any, barriers to entry for new
interdependent as a result of market firms designed to discourage or companies, and prices are determined by
forces. destroy promising firms. supply and demand.
Assume for example, that an economy 4. Additional sources of barriers to ● Thus, producers in a perfectly
needs only 100 components. Company X entry often result from government competitive market are subject to the prices
produces 50 components and its regulation favoring existing firms determined by the market and do not have
competitor, Company Y produces the other making it difficult for new firms to any leverage.
50. The prices of the two brands will be enter the market. Characteristics of Perfect Competition
interdependent and, therefore, similar. So, 5. There are so few firms that the 1. There is a perfect knowledge, with
if Company X starts selling the actions of one firm can influence no information failure or time lags
components at a lower price, it will get a the actions of the other firms; in the flow of information.
greater market share, thereby forcing 6. Oligopolies can retain long run Knowledge is freely available to
Company Y to lower its price as well. abnormal profits. High barriers to all participants, which means that
● This example shows that participants in entry prevent sideline firms from risk-taking is minimal and the role
oligopolies are often able to take them entering market to capture excess of the entrepreneur is limited;
rather than set prices. profits; 2. Given that producers and
● Oligopoly situations usually invite 7. Product may be homogenous; consumers have perfect
collusion or a secret agreement between 8. Oligopolies have perfect knowledge, it is assumed that they
two or more persons or institutions to knowledge of their own cost and make rational decisions to
achieve certain objectives among the demand functions but their maximize their self-interest -
industry’s firms. inter-firm information may be consumers look to maximize
● An oligopoly in which participants incomplete. Buyers have only their utility, and producers look
explicitly engage in price fixing is a cartel. imperfect knowledge as to price, to maximize their profits.
Characteristics of OLIGOPOLY cost and product quality. 3. There are no barriers into or exit
1. An oligopoly maximizes profits; out of the market.
2. Oligopolies are price takers than PERFECT COMPETITION 4. Firms produce homogeneous,
price setters; ● Perfect competition is characterized by identical units of output that are
3. Barriers to entry are high. The many buyers and sellers, many products not branded.
most important barriers are that are similar in nature and, as a result, 5. Each unit of input, such as unit of
government licenses, economies of many substitutes. labor, are also homogeneous.
scale, patents, access to expensive
6. No single firm can influence the and no business has control over
market price, or market conditions. the market price.
The single firm is said to be a price 2. Consumers perceive that there are
taker, taking its price from the non-price differences among the
whole industry. competitors’ products;
7. There are many firms in the 3. There are few barriers to entry and
market- too many to measure. This exit;
is a result of having no barriers to 4. Producers have a degree of
entry. control over price.
8. There is no need for government __________________________________
regulation, except to make markets
more competitive.
9. Firms can make normal profits in
the long run, although they can
make abnormal (super-normal)
profits in the short run.

● Monopolistic competition is a type of
imperfect competition such that one or two
producers sells products that are
differentiated from one another as goods
but not perfect substitutes (such as
branding, quality or location).
● In a monopolistic competition, a firm
takes the prices charged by its rivals as
given and ignores the impact of its own
prices on the prices of other firms.
Characteristics of MONOPOLISTIC
1. There are many producers and
many consumers in the market,

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