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You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this exercise program. These
recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult
your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical condition or injury that
contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older

The information in this report is not meant to supplement, nor replace, proper exercise training. All
forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and publishers advise readers to take full
responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this book, be sure
that your equipment is well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude,
training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this book are not intended as a substitute for
any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician.

Don’t lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Always ask for instruction
and assistance when lifting. Don’t perform any exercise without proper instruction. See your physician
before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to
your physician before starting any exercise program, includingThe Ultimate Guide to Boosting Your
Testosterone. If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising,
stop the movement and consult a physician.

You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high
blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all
nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. This publication is intended for
informational use only. Jason Ferruggia and Renegade Fitness, LLC will not assume any liability or be
held responsible for any form of injury, personal loss or illness caused by the utilization of this

©Jason Ferruggia 2022

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For a society to thrive it needs strong men. With the epidemic of low testosterone this is impossible.
You simply can’t be a strong man with low testosterone. And that fact may be the answer to many of
the problems we currently face as humans.

If you look around at all the insanity in the world you can come up with a million conclusions and
theories about how to fix it.

But no one ever talks about the real pandemic. That of low testosterone males. It may sound insane to
you but I would guarantee that if all men had optimized testosterone levels we would live in a very
different world. Weak, low T, beta males make horrible decisions and act out in dangerous ways.

Testosterone levels in men have decreased dramatically over the last fifty years. Depending on the
study you read, that decrease could be as high as 50%!

That means you may have HALF the testosterone that your grandfather had.

And because of that they have changed what is considered “normal,” instead of addressing the prob-
lem head on.

Sperm counts are also down 59%.

©Jason Ferruggia 2022

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When they say there are no real men anymore, that statement is more on point than you might have
thought. It’s not just a sound byte. It’s a fact.

If you have low testosterone life will always be a struggle.

Here are some of the possible symptoms you may experience:

• Loss of muscle mass

• Inability to gain muscle mass
• Increased fat storage, especially around the midsection
• Decreased libido
• Erectile dysfunction
• Joint pain
• Mood swings, anxiety, irritability
• Brain fog, lack of focus
• Insomnia
• Low energy levels
• Decreased confidence
• Increased risk of heart disease
• Increased risk of diabetes
• Increased risk of dementia
• Increased risk of Alzheimers
• Increased risk of prostate cancer
• Increased levels of C-reactive protein and inflammation
• Decreased insulin sensitivity leading to type 2 diabetes
• Atherosclerosis, clogged blood vessels
• High cholesterol
• Depression

None of those are things you want.

Boosting your testosterone levels can change your life in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. With-
out exaggeration, EVERYTHING gets better.

One of the things testosterone does, aside from the obvious physical benefits of more muscle, less fat,
and a stronger libido, is boost dopamine levels in the brain. This leads to you feeling better, happier,
and more confident in everything you do.

©Jason Ferruggia 2022

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It also improves your memory. That’s why higher testosterone levels have been associated with a
decreased risk of Alzheimers. If your memory is starting to go, you may have low T.

Studies have shown that when you have higher testosterone levels you’re more likely to take more risks.
This leads to more success in both business and life.

And, believe it or not, women can sense higher testosterone levels in men and automatically more
attracted to them.

To simplify and sum up all the information that follows in the rest of this guide:

• Lift weights
• Avoid junk food
• Eat meat
• Avoid plastics and toxic chemicals
• Get enough sleep
• Reduce stress
• Don’t be fat

Of course, it’s way more complex than that. But doing those things is a good start.

And you should always get blood work done just so you’re not guessing.

There are several tests to get but the following are essential:

• Total testosterone
• Free testosterone
• Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
• Thyroid panel
• Lipid panel
• Basic metabolic panel
• Estradiol E2 Sensitive Test
• Prolactin
• C-Reactive Protein Quant

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Lack of Quality Sleep
The fastest way to see measurable decreases in your testosterone levels is to only sleep 4-6 hours a
night, for a few nights in a row. Do that and your T levels will drop. Do that for a long time, as many
men do, and you can kiss your T levels goodbye. Sleep is the most important thing anyone can do to
optimize T levels and every other aspect of health. We always look for supplements or drugs or a
better training routine or diet to give us the results we want. When, in reality, all that is useless if sleep
is not dialed in. I can’t repeat this enough… Sleep is the key to everything. Don’t neglect it.

Here’s a quick sleep optimization summary:

• Get up and go to sleep at the same time every day.

• Ideally you would get to bed by 10pm and wake with the sun.
• Getting 8 hours of sleep is ideal. Getting 7 isn’t bad. Less than that is horrible.
• Get natural sunlight for at least 10 minutes (20 is better) as early as possible in the morning.
• Train at the same time every day.
• Don’t train later than 5 or 6pm if you have trouble sleeping.
• Spend as much time outside as possible.
• Keep the lights dim at night. Bright overhead lights are the worst. So use candles and lamps.
• Turn down the brightness on all your screens to the lowest setting possible, at night.
• No screens two hours before bed.
• Don’t eat two hours before bed.
• Keep your bedroom pitch black.
• Wear a black out eye mask.
• Keep your bedroom 65-68 degrees.
• Spend all you can afford on the best mattress possible. You spend 1/3 of your life in bed.
It’s worth the investment.
• Supplement with magnesium.

This is the highest quality magnesium on the market:

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Don’t overtrain. This is a simple way to avoid dropping your testosterone levels. Keep your workouts
under an hour. Lift heavy weights with adequate rest periods. Don’t rush around between sets, using
light weights and high reps.

Lack of Sunlight
Sun heals all. In caveman times we would have spent the majority of our time outside hunting, foraging,
building shelter, etc. Now we spend the majority of our time inside. It’s not natural or healthy. Get
outside more often if you want to experience higher T levels and better health.

Seed Oils
Things like canola oil are poison. They wreak havoc on your health and aren’t fit for human consump-
tion. The only oils safe enough for human consumption are olive oil, coconut oil, and fish oil. Avoid
everything else.

Soy increases your estrogen. Estrogen is the female hormone. It gives men man-boobs and a pear
shaped physique. Very few men need higher estrogen levels. Beware of the soy hidden in countless
foods. Always read labels.

If you’re fat your estrogen will automatically go up. That’s because being fat increases your aromatase
activity which leads to testosterone being converted to estrogen. If you want to have high testosterone
levels you have to get and stay lean.

XenoEstrogens & Plastic

These are endocrine disrupting chemicals that crush your testosterone levels.

Don’t eat or drink anything out of plastic.

Don’t use any cosmetics, soaps or cleaning products with Phthalates or Parabens.

Avoid PVC which is the most toxic xenoestrogen and is found in vinyl and cling wrap.

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Here is a pretty comprehensive list of things to look for and avoid at all costs in any products you
purchase or use.

Herbicides Insecticides Industrial Chemicals

• 2,4,-D • Aldicarb • Bisphenol – A
• 2,4,5- T • beta-HCH • Polycarbonates
• Alachlor • Carbaryl • Butylhydroxyanisole
• Amitro • Chlordane • Cadmium
• Atrazine • Chlordecone • Chloro- & Bromo-diphenyl
• Linuron • DBCP • Dioxins
• Metribuzin • Dicofol • Furans
• Nitrofen • Dieldrin • Lead
• Trifluralin • DDT and metabolites • Manganese
• Endosulfan • Methyl mercury
Fungicides • Heptachlor / H-epoxide • Nonylphenol
• Benomyl • Lindane (gamma-HCH) • Octylphenol
• Ethylene thiourea • Malathion • PBDEs
• Fenarimol • Methomyl • PCBs
• Hexachlorobenzene • Methoxychlor • Pentachlorophenol
• Mancozeb • Oxychlordane • Penta- to Nonylphenols
• Maneb • Parathion • Perchlorate
• Metriam – complex • Synthetic pyrethroids • PFOA
• Tri-butyl-tin • Transnonachlor • P-tert-Pentylphenol
• Vinclozolin • Toxaphene • Phtalates
• Zineb • Styrene

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Drugs & Alcohol

A drink once in a while isn’t going to have any negative impact. But drinking a few nights per week is a
whole different story. There are numerous studies showing that regular alcohol consumption lowers
testosterone levels in men. Beer would be the worst offender since it contains estrogenic ingredients. If
you have to drink limit it to once per week and stick with clear alcohol like vodka.

Studies have also shown regular weed use to result in lower T levels. So do your best to limit it.

Pesticides: Glyphosate & Atrazine

These are used on nearly all produce that isn’t labeled organic. The easiest way to avoid them is to only
eat certified organic foods. Glyphosate has been shown to reduce testosterone levels in multiple stud-

Excess Sugar & Processed Carbs

Eating a junk food diet loaded with processed sugar and processed carbs will just lead to you being fat,
estrogen laden, and having low testosterone levels.

Excess Stimulants
Excess stimulant intake keeps your stress hormones- cortisol and adrenaline- chronically elevated. If
those are high, testosterone usually suffers.

If you have signs of low T and low libido one of the quickest and easiest fixes is to reduce your intake of
caffeine and other stimulants. I’ve had clients go cold turkey and cut all stimulants and within a week
they’ve reported higher libido than they had in years.

©Jason Ferruggia 2022

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Eat Enough Protein
You want to eat at least .82 grams of protein per day, per pound of bodyweight. For simple math I like 1
gram per pound. But going higher than this isn’t necessarily better. Doing that will force you to eat less
carbs and fat. Those two macros are more important for T levels than protein.

Eat Enough Carbs

You need carbs to fuel and recover from intense exercise. Extremely low carb diets are often associated
with lower T levels. So be sure to consume enough fruit, veggies and whatever amount of clean starch-
es like white rice and potatoes you can tolerate.

Eat Enough Fat

High quality fats are the building blocks of testosterone and overall hormone optimization. You need
enough to ensure that there isn’t a deficiency. This usually at least 20% of your total calories. Some
great sources of fat are grass fed beef, egg yolks, and olive oil. This is the highest quality olive oil you
can buy:

Supplement with Vitamin D

If your D levels are low your T levels could be low. Make sure you’re getting enough natural sunlight.
But that’s not always enough. Most people may benefit from 2500-5,000iu per day of Vitamin D

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Supplement with Magnesium

Most people who train hard and sweat a lot are deficient in magnesium. Magnesium is responsible for
over 300 important processes in the body and may help boost T levels. It also improves your sleep,
which is critical for higher T levels. I recommend supplementing with at least 300mg per day.
This is the best magnesium you can buy:

Have More Sex

Because it’s just good for everything. For a reliable, proven boost in your sexual performance I recom-
mend the Phoenix Pro. Check it out at:

There are studies showing the competition elevates your T levels. It also makes you feel more alive and

Act Your Way Into Thinking Differently

I often speak about this during my live talks on stages across the country. The self help industry has it
backwards. They want you to think your way into acting differently. That takes way too long and usually
doesn’t even work. Instead of waiting do it right now.

Act like a high T mans man that you admire. Envision how his posture would be. What his facial expres-
sions would be. How his body language would look. How he would enter and command a room. How
other men would act around him. How women would act around him.

No go embody all those characteristics and choose to become that man TODAY. Not a month from
now. Not a year from now when you finish reading 17 more books on masculinity and confidence.

Right now. Become the MAN. And never look back.

©Jason Ferruggia 2022

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On the following pages you will

find interviews with world
renowned experts on boosting
testosterone levels and other
hormones you need to be fully

Be sure to take notes as there

are some life changing gems in

©Jason Ferruggia 2022

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JAY: Well, let's start with just going to get tested. J: Is there one, like if someone's in the middle of
What should every guy be getting tested? the country, they don't have a forward-thinking
doctor, is there one online that you like, like
ALI: So you wanna get your total testosterone in WellnessFX or any of those?
addition to your free testosterone, 'cause free
testosterone is really what your body is using. So A: Yeah, yeah, I usually send people to Private MD
you could have all the total in the world, you can Labs because they have a men's anti-aging panel.
have 900 total, and if your free is shit, then it's I think it's like $360. Now, some states you can't
really not helping you. And then... send it to like New York, New Jersey, the pain in
the ass ones. But there's workarounds, if you have
J: Now, what would cause that ratio to be shitty a friend in another state, I didn't tell you to do
like that? that, but... That's kind of a good panel to copy
and then kinda bring to the doctor. And so most
guys, they'll have to push their doctor to get that.
A: It can get bound up into what's called sex 'Cause I've heard everything from, "Dude, you're
hormone binding globulin, and that could be due too young to get it tested," or, "You look in
to stress, environmental factors, the way the shape," and I'm like, "Okay, have you seen a male
body's health is perceived by the nervous system physique athlete naturally on stage? Their test
and stuff like that. So you wanna make sure levels are through the floor and they look great."
you're also getting SHBG or sex hormone binding
globulin tested.
So you can't really say anything. So I would ask
that. And then DHEA is a really good one to get
Estradiol, but there's a specific one for men, it's a because it's a precursor for testosterone. And
highly sensitive test, so a lot of guys who get then there's urine tests, that would be nice too,
regular estrogen tested, it will always flag high but ideal world, it would be, get everything on
because it's more sensitive for guys than it is for serum, and then get what's called a DUTCH test
women. So it has to be specific test for them. which measures all the pathways. So if you're not
And then it's good to get the prostate antigen converting DHEA into testosterone, why? And it
just to get a baseline, a lipid panel. I'm all for the kind of measures all those, and that's like $350
kitchen sink. If you can get everything all the out of pocket too, so... But...
people list, awesome. It may cost more via certain
insurances or you can pay out of pocket online,
bring it to your doctor, get that tested.

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Generally just going to the doctor, just get a A: No, and it's dying down, but the rage was
baseline no matter what your age, because even Keto, so everyone who says they're keto, or
guys in their 20s, they're showing up with test they're really low carb, so they're in the no man's
levels of like 160, and optimal is considered 500 land of not enough carbs to fuel the training
or above. they're doing, but not...

Rarely, rarely do guys come up with that in their J: And then doing that, yeah.
20s and 30s now, and it's really scary.
A: Not actually keto to get those benefits.
J: Oh man. So what do you recommend with
training, that kind of... Strength training and So they feel like shit. And that's going to actually
cardio. What's too much? What's crushing your increase stress. So they don't think they're losing
testosterone levels? fat because they have so much water retention
from cortisol release.
A: So I was actually discussing this with Alwyn
Cosgrove yesterday, how we're seeing... You know When it's like, alright, go to sleep. Don't get up
how the industry shifts in all these different early to go to the gym when you're sleeping five
directions. So everyone tends to come to a lot of hours. Sleep, rest, train maybe four days a week
fitness professionals now doing cardio-based max is what people really need to do to lift, and
workouts, like metabolic circuits only, kettlebell then walk, that's like a forgotten art.
circuits only, nobody does the true old-school,
even body-building splits, all that stuff works.
We used to have to walk to change the TV
channel in the '80s.
But somehow people are afraid of it. And there's
a lot of good things about the intense workouts
that are 20, 30 minutes, but you still need We don't know what walking is anymore, or
strength training, especially if you've never done rolling down the window, all the physical things
it. we had to do, we can just sit on our couch and
press buttons and have it delivered to us.
Nothing beats the hormonal release that you get
from deadlifts. So nothing will beat that. So you J: So training...
get a high testosterone release from lower rep
deadlifting, compounding, compound lifts, So when you say lift and walk, do you not like any
squats, bench press, all that stuff. And then all the cardio in-between?
accessory work, you'll get a good growth
hormone pump. And so you get a release of A: Oh, I do. And I mean I think cardio, actually, the
growth hormone, testosterone, IGF-1, epinephrine, whole fuck cardio movement kind of went way
norepinephrine, all of that together with cortisol too far, there is a lot of cardiovascular benefits
is a great fat-burning soup. and health benefits, and it will help you recover
J: And do you think that people, as you said, 99%
of the people are stressed out already, they go in So I think that there's a lot of benefit to this
and their only training as high intensity circuits all traditional steady state work.
the time, that's just more stress, more cortisol,
probably not a good idea, yeah.

©Jason Ferruggia 2022

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J: Okay, so what would you say for someone precursor to all the hormones. And anything too
who's got low T and trying to bounce back, long over time can lower test levels. So, but is it
what's too much? What's optimal? that or is it that plus you're not sleeping, plus all
these different factors, but I would say if they
A: I would say if they can lift at least three days a restrict something for too long, then it will
week, that would be good, four would be definitely impact them negatively.
awesome, if they could walk every day. Just step
tracking is a great thing, and then making sure J: So what's the lowest you'd recommend, like a
they're sleeping and they're eating, and this is percentage of calories, for fat?
dependent upon them, sleeping enough and
eating enough. And then adding in 30-60 A: For a guy, probably maybe 25 would be the
minutes of cardiovascular work, maybe like 3-4 lowest, 20. They don't wanna go below 50 grams
times a week if they can. if they're dieting, physique guys probably won't
go below 40 if they're smaller. But... And for
That would be ideal. women, it's a little bit higher. So women are more
stress sensitive. But the guys, they'll either not eat
I don't know if it's realistic to everybody but... enough fat, not eat enough carbs or not eat
enough protein. It's never even. [laughter] So, it's
mostly not enough protein. And then there's a lot
J: Would you like to say two probably minimum of guys who are really hard trainers that actually
would be good? need to eat more carbs, but they're just afraid of
A: Yeah. Just pick up some heavy things.
J: Are there any supplements that you like for
J: So I understand that yes, it's nice to sweat and testosterone boosting, like Tribulus or Tongkat or
it's nice to feel like you did something, but I any of those kind of things?
mean, if you're doing 30 seconds on, five off,
that's not HIIT. A: They don't... None of them really bring them
up to levels that I think are noticeable for guys.
That's like aerobic slop. And there's nothing truthful that's like, yeah, if I
take this, it will absolutely boost my levels. Men
A: I mean, you cannot maintain the same who are deficient in zinc, magnesium, vitamin D,
intensity. So that's why all these places are those heavily correlate. And there might be
popping up and I get why. Because it's fun to go maybe 100 point bump, but again, that's also
to a class and feel like that. But do it like once a trivial to some guys who are in their 100s or
week. 200s. If you go to 300, are you really gonna feel
Not every day.
But it can't hurt to help supplement with that
because whoever created ZMA, that's genius,
J: Now let's talk about the impact, though, on because those are heavily depleted and
testosterone. Do you think going too low on magnesium, especially during stress. And it's
carbs, too low on fat, where's the balance there? responsible for so many things in the body that
it's something that they can definitely benefit
A: Too low on anything will deplete levels, from.
especially fat, because fat... Cholesterol is a

©Jason Ferruggia 2022

14 All rights reserved worldwide

Some guys will do well, stinging nettle can lower greens powder and a good Multi will get you
sex hormone binding globulin and help increase there.
free testosterone a little bit. But again, trivial. I
like to mess with the guys at vitamin shop and J: I like that approach, but I think it's probably not
stuff. "Tell me about this." Or when I was in my healthy to be taking 87 pills a day, that doesn't
hotel room the other morning, they had... I had seem natural or normal. [laughter]
sports center on. They had three commercials for
three different products for guys. One of them
Nugenix, Frank Thomas. A: No. And people... And the problem is, if you go
to a typical naturopath, and they run all these
tests. It's like $5,000 of tests. $300 of
And then this other one that was called GF-9 or supplements every single month. When does that
Growth Factor nine or something to increase GH stop? There's never an end point and they may or
600%. And I was like "I bet it's just fucking amino may not retest, but the results that you get when
acid." So I Google it and I'm like, "Okay, yeah, you retest, if they don't happen to align with what
amino acids with, L-Theanine. It's just ridiculous." your supplement was supposed to do, then the
So there's nothing really that does what person loses belief in what you're doing, and then
testosterone replacement would do. it's a shit show. And then people get tired of it
and it hurts their stomach, and it's like, who wants
J: So what about just overall health supplements, to be taking that many pills?
I mean, I'd consider magnesium one.
If you can cover bases with a good fish oil and a
A: Yeah. good Multi, I think you're good to go.

J: What else do you think? J: Yeah, What about guys who show deficiencies
taking pregnenolone and DHEA. And any benefit
A: I think fish oil, they make them in such good of taking that supplement.
quality now, so I think that's absolutely necessary.
So many people are deficient in the Omega3, if A: You know, I... So the doctors that I network
they don't eat fish too. So I use chronometer as a with, they don't see much of a benefit from
food tracker. Excuse me, with my nutrition clients, pregnenolone.
and it will show their mineral profile, their
micronutrient profile, and then their Omega On serum testing But it can still benefit the
profile. So if they're not getting those in, then I pathways.
think it's very helpful to supplement especially for
heart health and lowering triglycerides and stuff
like that. And then I think a good multivitamin. I J: And you supplement it, it doesn't help?
think we don't lack that. People are very
obsessed over single supplements. A: It won't show up on tests, but it will help the
And then I think anything that's individual, like,
sleep supplements and stuff like that, or if So I think that there can be some help... Some
somebody has some gut issues, there's stuff that good things in taking pregnenolone... DHEA as
they can benefit from. But overall, as, a blanket well.
statement. I think that we've over marketed a lot
of supplements, and it really just takes like,
alright, if you're eating no vegetables, maybe a

©Jason Ferruggia 2022

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With men, it tends to err towards the side of J: Is that just the URL
being converted to estrogen, so as long as they
kinda watch that. A: Yeah,, I think. Because CVS is starting
to pull all beauty products and stuff that have
In women, it goes more toward testosterone, but phthalates and parabens...
there's been some good research showing DHEA
supplementation. A lot of naturopathic doctors And sulfates, stuff like that, yeah.
will use that at 50 milligrams or above for guys.

Which is great, 'cause there's companies out

But I wouldn't have them go, "Oh, I'm gonna go there like Burt's Bees and Beautycounter and
take this, 'cause it's gonna boost my tes." yeah, everything that's made from natural stuff.

Because even with water, water filters, Estrogens

'Cause it could go the wrong way. that come from birth control in the water, it
doesn't get filtered out, you can really go down
J: I think we covered most stuff I want to cover, rabbit holes with a lot of this stuff, but I would
except for cosmetics and stuff. Dive in a little bit say the biggest rocks for people to do or to
more. Just give the list of things that you need to confront, would be switch everything from plastic
avoid. to glass or stainless steel.

The best website... And even kitchen stuff, too. Start there, then get a good water filter and then
a shower head filter. And then if something you're
A: Yeah. Yeah, you wanna go stainless steel if you using every day, say it's a body lotion or an
can. No more heating up Tupperware in the aftershave, every single day application that's
microwave in plastic, because there are estrogens going in your skin... Yeah, maybe we switch to
in the plastic that seep into that... Into the food. one that's not toxic. But it can be very
So glass or stainless steel, 'cause BPA-free does overwhelming when someone's like, "Oh my God,
not mean BPC-free or any other letter of the I have to change everything about me."
alphabet free. And then, switching cosmetic
products, there's a list on the EWG website, the Especially with guys, they're very single-focused,
Environmental Working Group. so it's one thing at a time...

For all men's and women's products that are safe And that tends to work best.
and non-toxic.

©Jason Ferruggia 2022

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JAY: I know there's a bunch of them, but what are J: Why did you mentioned estrogen? Let me just
some of the most important tests that guys in get your opinion on something. So, I know that
their 40s and beyond should be getting? there's some... It seems like it's more in the
bodybuilding world, where they... I don't know
KIRK: Well... I always preface that with, what is it what your opinion is on this. They want your
about yourself that you're unhappy with? estrogen way lower, closer to 20... And then I've
heard and read different opinions with this,
protective effects, with brain health, joint health
If you were experiencing emotions the symptoms to have it higher...
that you said...

At 50 to 70, where are you at with that?

Yeah, so you of course just need like a regular...
Like you need to regular CBC, right? You have to
make sure that you're not anemic and that you K: I really think the lower, the better. So if you
can hold iron and all the basic medical stuff. But look back... And this actually comes from a guy
then when I do, say something like, testosterone, named Edward Lichten, who was one of the first
if you wanna look at your anabolic ones, well, of guys who I trained with on hormones, and he's
course, the cholesterol is the first step but then been doing hormone replacement therapy
you have DHEA, so you... You need to test your probably longer than anyone in the US. And he
DHEA. was an OB-GYN doc, treated women. He's given
women hormones and these women are feeling
so much better, they're bringing their husbands in
And there's pregnenolone, which is also a part of and be like, "Hey, can you do the same with my
that, and you need to test that. And you need to husband?" And he's like, "I guess." But it's like 50
test cortisol, because you need to know how years ago, he was doing this. But he's done a ton
much of that DHEA is going to cortisol, and how of research on the environmental endotoxins, and
much of the pregnenolone is going to cortisol. the pseudo, phyto, xenoestrogens and if you
And then, you wanna obviously give somebody track it back 50 years ago, and... Well, this is
testosterone, but that testosterone can become when I was training with him, so I guess it would
estrogen, so you wanna test your estrogen levels, be 60 years ago, the average... The average, say,
and then you want to... Some of that testosterone 40ish, 35-45-year-old guy, his estradiol level
can become dihydrotestosterone, which can have would be 5-10. And nobody's that low now.
some negative effects if that gets too high, so
you wanna make sure that that's not going too

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Nobody. And it depends on the lab, you're J: Right, that just makes more sense to me. I
getting how sensitive is it... Is some of that, is it could be wrong. It could turn out to be wrong,
phyto or xenoestrogens, or is all of that truly and it could be higher is better, but I don't know.
estradiol. And once I started doing more than just The joint issue is about... Is the one that I do here.
straight testosterone, when I started adding The most about that I am convinced of. And like
things in like Nandrolone and when I put anything else, I think there's a pretty big range as
synthetics in to lower sex hormone-binding to what can be comfortable for somebody, right?
globulin and all that, I then started testing all of
the... All three estrogens, estrone, estriol and K: So like I had... I had a Seal come see me. And
estradiol. And some people will get really high in he was pretty young, and I said, "Oh you don't
all of those in there, and there's tricks that you need testosterone man like if we can do this, this,
can do to get that down in men. So, my whole this and whatever." But he wanted testosterone,
approach to medicine, health optimization, so he went out in town, he found a doctor who
coaching, whatever just my philosophy in life is, would give him testosterone. Like literally, like
we don't know shit. two days after I saw... I men he went out and then
he calls me and he's panicked 'cause he has
We act like we know a lot of stuff, we don't. We gynecomastia and he has one... He's had one
understand two fifths or five eights of fuck all. We injection and I check his...
know such a small amount of what's going on. So
even just like when these guys go into a strip mall I do his blood work and his estradiol is like 65 or
and they get testosterone. Well, there's 17 steps in something, which is high, but Gynecomastia at 65
between DHEA and testosterone. You're telling that seems kinda crazy. I remember when I... I was
me that none of that says that shows a bio-active. guinea pigging myself when I was doing all this
Like none of that matters. Of course, some of that too, right, I was up to like... 'Cause they age adjust
stuff matters and there's things after that that DHEA for a reason that I can't... That has been
matter, and all of that, right? escaping me for a decade, I have no idea why
would you age adjust that? That doesn't make
So like nutrition. What's the best diet vegan, keto, any sense to me. There's so many big benefits to
anything in between there, you can get really DHEA. Why... And it's higher when you're
smart people with PhDs and to tell you, very younger and it's lower when you're older, like,
convincing arguments on either side, and I don't why wouldn't you do this, right?
know, I'm not smarter than none of these guys.
They both sound right to me, but what I just... The So I was really experimenting with myself and just
way I think about it is what has the most going super hot, but I wasn't doing anything to
biological plausibility. And the most biologically interfere with aromatization, so I remember
plausible thing would be how you evolve to be on checking my own blood, maybe six months until I
this planet. That just makes sense to me and if get this... Figuring all the stuff out and my
before we started introducing all these chemicals estradiol level was like 180 something, and I didn't
into the environment, if the average man was have gynecomastia and I didn't have...
running around a five or ten...

J: Did you have any pain, symptoms or side

I'm gonna hedge on that and say, "Well, that's effects.
probably where the average man should be."

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K: And I didn't have any bloating and like I felt T3, or are you genuinely not producing enough
fine. I was like, "Wow, that seems really high. I T3. You can figure that out. And the same thing
can't believe... Like how am I gonna get rid of with... You have to bring in sexual hormone
that." That shouldn't be right. But to your point, I binding globulin for the same way when you're
don't think I've ever had a guy who needed to be doing free... When you look at people's labs,
low or needed to be higher than 25ish, so right almost every lab company out there will tell you
around 25, if you're having joint pains, it does dry that their free testosterone is calculated, which
out your joints a bit to have lower estradiol levels. just means it's an algorithm based on your total
You just retain less fluid and I mean one of the and a few other variables that we decided to
difference between men and women. You can see throw in there, we're guessing that it's this. And
it in our skin and bodies, whatever, so I've seen there's something called a free androgen index,
guys, they'll complain about just more joint pain if what you do on women.
they're lower than like 25ish, but I've never seen
anyone that needed to be at 50 or 60 or anything 'Cause a lot of people don't know that the
close to that. dominant sex hormone in women is testosterone
as well. And so their free androgen index is really
J: Right. Okay. So there's a little variation. Any important because that's where they're getting all
other specific tests that come to mind that you their anabolic activity obviously. But their
guys... estrogen is super high and their sex hormone
binding globulin is super high, so you do these
K: I always test insulin sensitivity. I always test calculations to say, even given that you have
sexual hormone binding globulin, fasting insulin. these super high levels of these hormones, how
HbA1c is a little controversial depending on what anabolic are you? And what I found, and this was
type of diet you eat, but I think it's reasonable. another thing I learned from Edward Lichten
And then of course, I'll do a cholesterol panel and was... Because men's estradiol levels are so high
not because I'm really a big advocate of the now and their sex hormone binding globulin is so
cholesterol hypothesis for heart attack, but that high now, you need to do the free androgen
does give me some sort of indication of where index on them, which really supersedes
your hormones are coming from and are we bioavailable or free testosterone, which is
giving you everything, because I want you to calculated.
make some of your own hormones so you can
get some of those intermediates, right? So, let's get your free androgen index down into
this Goldilocks zone, which matters a lot more
And then of course, the precursors from the than your total. There's also a study... And I know
brain, so you wanna know what is the luteinizing this is tangental but I can't stop myself. There's
hormone. And what is the FSH. And what's the also a study out of UCLA where they basically
prolactin level. You wanna make sure that you're broke the testosterone, I think it was total they
not interfering with their pituitary hormones too were doing, but they broke that bell curve down
much. I always test thyroid, and I'll do reverse T3 into quintiles. And at the upper quintile, adjust for
and free T3 and TSH, and from that you can all other variables, it doesn't matter, race,
come up with... ethnicity, age, socio economic, nutrition, doesn't
matter. If you're in the highest quintile, you have
the lowest risk of death and the lowest risk of
If somebody's thyroid function isn't great, there's disease of anybody else in the curve. Every
a calculation you can do to figure out on that is, quintile you go down, it doubles.
well, is that because your stress hormones are so
high that you're not converting T3... Your T4 to

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So I put everybody in the upper quintile. It just K: This is how pathetic labs are now. And I'm not
makes sense to me. And there're... That'll drive a conspiracy theorist at all. But I just have a really
the urologist crazy because, well, obviously hard time understanding how this is valid science.
testosterone causes prostate cancer. And What lab companies do now is they re-adjust
obviously, it does not, or 19-year-olds would have their normal range, which has nothing to do with
prostate cancer and 80-year-olds wouldn't. That normal range. So, if you say, "What's normal in
doesn't make any sense. America?" It used to be 30 pounds overweight.
That's not normal, that's usual. Right?
And of course, within the last five years or so
they've proven that it is exactly the opposite, that So, what they're doing now is they're saying,
there's estrogen. But, if you already have prostate "Well, the usual range is here, which we're gonna
cancer and it's sensitive to androgens and I give call our normal range." They re-adjust that every
you testosterone, then that will expose itself if it 100 patients.
has not been diagnosed yet, because it's going to
grow really quickly. And then they're gonna go, So, if you have 100 patients come in low, the new
"Oh see that caused it" and I'm like, "No, it just high could be 20% lower. So I stick with the
exposed it." Framingham data. Essentially, that was
unadulterated, this was just random. It was tens
So I put everybody... Basically what I do is I, of thousands of people over 40 years and if like
again, biological plausibility. I don't know... I don't this is what it turned out to be, I'm buying that,
think I've met the man who said, "I wasn't ideal I'm buying that. If you... You can't convince me
between 25 and 35." It was 25 and 30. I haven't that you can shift things around now, and that
met that man yet who's like, that if I said, "When you're doing something better for people. That
do you want me to take you back to your like... " doesn't make sense to me. Just like you can't
Yeah. That's kind of where I put everybody, that's convince me that you don't need sleep or you
kind of my metrics. can live off the shakes or [laughter] anything
that's... No, that's not how we were... That's not
What's normal, and again, what's normal for how we're designed and that's not how we
healthy, athletic, lean, fit, guys in that age group? evolved and it can't possibly, well, it could
What do their hormones look like? It makes a lot possibly but it's exceedingly unlikely that that's
of sense to re-approximate that. It's not gonna ideal.
make you 25, but it's going to give you the best
opportunity to get the best performance that you J: Yeah. So is there... There's a number you'd like
can get. But your performance is still gonna be to get people to?
driven by you doing the work to improve your
performance. But I'm gonna put you in a
physiological state where you can actually
improve your performance.

J: And so, what do you like to see people's test

levels at? And didn't they lower... You mentioned
earlier the high used to be 1150, didn't they bring
it down to 950 or something recently?

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K: Yeah. If you look... Basically, if you take a bell this day." The ideal thing would be to give
curve of 250 to 1150, and you break that into five yourself a testosterone injection everyday and it
bits, that top 20%, the top quintile... I can't come should be super small. I find that to be a little
up with those at the top of my head, I wanna just unrealistic. But my ideal client, I say, "Do it every
say it ends up being somewhere like 937 or other day" and they do it SubQ. So now it's
something like that, right around something... stored in their fat, so you don't have to worry
Some odd number, but it's right around 900-ish. about it hitting bloodstreams and being
And I have seen guys who have essentially, no sex processed super fast or anything like that. So
hormone binding globulin, they just don't make it. you're just doing that SubQ...
For whatever reason, their body doesn't produce
a lot of it. And those guys can have... Those guys J: Is SubQ fairly new, like the last couple years or
can be very anabolic with 800 or 750. But, unless so?
they're having some sort of symptom that I think
could be caused by excessive that still keeps
them in that upper quintile. Yeah. K: Yeah. I only started doing SubQ maybe four
years ago.
I'm just not as concerned about their frequency.
The other thing that... The other problem with J: Okay. And that's the preferred method these
these people who haven't really spent the days?
majority of their time training in hormone
replacement therapy is... Again, they're running K: Yeah. So I always thought that... When I trained
an algorithm where it's "Well, this is how much with the guys who've been doing this forever, it's
testosterone you need, and I'm gonna test you on like, it has to be IM and it has to be IM, it has to be
this day. And then I know the normal kind of what IM. And then really, we kind of proved their point
I'm looking for on this day, given an injection on against them. We kind of exposed the fallacy of
this day." Well, like everything in your... Every their logic with the pellets. So now you start
hormone in your body is pulsatile, right? putting pellets in people, and they had a
smoother distribution of testosterone and
You don't produce 200 mg of testosterone on actually got... They had better effects than
Monday, and not until next Monday. That's not anybody on any injection. Why? Because it was
how the body works. So a 25-30 year old male, all on their fat, and it was all dissolving at a
his testicles... An athletic healthy guy is gonna consistent rate, and so their testosterone level
produce about 75-100 mg of testosterone in a was just staying pretty much the same all day,
week. If I give you 100 mg all at once, your body every day.
sees that all at once. That's super physiologic.
That's higher than you would ever see, because And that's where you stay truly anabolic. And if
you're never gonna produce that much in one you don't put in too many pellets, you don't
day. And then that leads to a down-regulation of down-regulate people's receptors to it. And now,
androgen receptors. And so now, if I have fewer I can saturate all your androgen receptors every
catcher's mitts for the testosterone molecule, single day, and there's no nadir. So I've seen... I
now you need more testosterone. get a lot of clients who are like "Well, I've been on
HRT for three years. I'm good." And I'll test their
And so what happens when... And everybody's labs, I'm like "You're a bag of shit. You're not even
looking for these esters and all these things that close to being good." And I say, "What's your
last longer, that have the lower mixture that "Well, routine?" "I do a 300 mg injection every two
this one's gonna peak at this day, and this is weeks."
gonna peak at that day, and that's gonna peak at

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Yeah, that's not even close to... [chuckle] Not what... Let's say if we broke down 100 over a
even close to anywhere. So now, you're super week, you'd basically be looking at like 17 mg a
physiologic for three or four days, then you go day, you would be making. And now, you have
down to what would have been normal if you had 300, so that's 20 times more than your body
androgen receptors, which you don't. And so would ever make. You don't have enough
now, even when you hit your normal range, you're androgen receptors to grab that. You don't even
already hypo. And now, you're gonna go down to have enough sex hormone binding globulin to
this nadir, so you're gonna spend too... grab that. So where's it gonna go?

J: And will that cause estrogen to spike more, It has to become estrogen. There's no alternative,
too, less frequent? that or...

K: Yeah, I mean almost none of these guys will do Because there's a benefit to it and and you're not
aromatase inhibitors, because it's a cancer drug. using it. Yeah.
And they're just like, "Well, that's a cancer drug,
I'm not... " It's not a cancer drug. It's a drug that That or DHT. And so I know there are people who
affects hormones, that affects certain types of are a little sketchy about it, but I don't see any
cancer. But yeah, so it... downside to using AI's. If it keeps you more
anabolic, and if you're feeling better and
J: But wouldn't you say if you can avoid an AI, performing better on it, they're dirt cheap.
avoid it at all costs, or...
J: So the first thing to avoid those estrogen
K: If you can... I don't see any downside to AIs spikes though is just more frequency and then
honestly, and you can do the... As far as I know, SubQ even better?
about the highest effective dose of zinc is 60 mg.
You can go to 600, and I don't think it does K: Right. Right.
anything more. And even at 60, you're looking at
about 30% of the efficacy of say something
simple like Arimidex. And I have my clients take J: Okay. And SubQ, you just go abdomen or do
Arimidex once a week, so you're doing 1 mg once you rotate?
a week. Some guys only need half. Some guys are
like, "One is too much for me." K: Most guys end up doing it in their glutes. Some
guys do it in their abdomen. I can't do it in my
J: Some guys don't need it. There's some guys abdomen for whatever reason. I'm not vascular in
who don't need it. a good way, not like I have ripped six packs,
[chuckle] but I've just like very vascular fat in my
abdomen. And so every injection gives me a
K: And some guys just don't need it. Some guys perfect silver dollar sized bruise that takes two
just... But... weeks to go away, so it doesn't look too cool
hanging around the pool [chuckle] and the beach
J: Is there less of a need for it with SubQ? and stuff. And so I tend to just go off in the glutes
kind of off to the side of the hip or whatever, like
K: Yeah, so if you're... The smaller the doses whatever works for you guys, man.
you're doing, to your point, if I put... So if I give
you 300 mg in one day, like these guys are
getting their injections once every two weeks, if

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J: And SubQ equates to being like 20% more or J: It's so funny how people will still fight that,
something, is that right? they wanna try everything else, supplements and
K: Twenty percent...
K: I have... I can't tell you how many clients I have,
J: Like if you used 100 mg IM, it's more effective and they spend a ridiculous... To me, it's
like you get more out of it, or you don't agree ridiculous, it's like, "I can't even believe you're
with that? willing to pay me this." But I have to do that, or I
don't earn... I can't handle the number of people
who wanna work with. So it's like, just keep
K: No. What you're doing with the IM is that. It's extrapolating it so that I can do enough work to
that... Is you're just using it faster, right? Because be really helpful, but there's... Even though my
it's getting into your bloodstream faster. When contract... And this is something I wanted to
the SubQ... It's days before what you put in your mention earlier, so when you're talking about the
SubQ is actually hitting some of it, before... And guy who lives kind of in the fly over zone, or who
some of it it's gonna hit your bloodstream that doesn't have any of the great resources that he
day, but it's gonna be three... Probably three days, would have if he lived near an ocean...
maybe four days before all of that it's in your
bloodstream. So I don't adjust the dose on that, I
purely do my dosage off of what your lab show, My contract with those people and everybody
and I'd say 95% of my clients don't need more else is, I'm not your doctor, right? I'm a doctor, I'm
than 100 milligrams a day or 100 milligrams a a consultant, and this is what I do, and it's very
week to be up in that upper quintile. narrow, and this is what I work on. And
everything else you need to see your doctor
about... And I'm more than happy to talk to your
There are a few guys that... And there are few rare doctor about what I'm doing. I'll consult with your
people, they're usually really, really big guys like doctor, and I'll give you all the notes for you to
former NFL guys, and maybe they weigh 300 talk to your doctor if that's what you wanna do, I
pounds. Like those... Those who probably have don't care, but I'm not your doctor.
always been producing twice as much
testosterone as everyone else but... So do the
average size dude, like it's just... It's right around That's the only way to do this, because I'm
100. working on this very narrow thing. But even
working on this narrow thing, I say, when you're
working with me it's like "We're gonna work on
J: Just back to hormones for a second, so if your sleep, we're gonna work on nutrition, we're
somebody's listening, how would they know, going to work on your exercise protocol and
what are some symptoms to look for low we're gonna work on your mindfulness, your
testosterone and then maybe also if you wanna stress mitigation or whatever you wanna call it,
talk about cortisol and estrogen and all as well. we're gonna work on your anxiety sort of cortisol
And maybe things that people can do on their levels" and I can essentially tell them anything,
own. Obviously, we'll get into sleep with that too. and they're just happily taking notes, "Oh yeah,
like eat kale five times a day and do two hours on
K: Right. Yeah, well, the lowest hanging fruit is the treadmill." Not that I would do any of that,
sleep, so 100% of... 100% of your hormone but yeah. I could say anything ridiculous and
regulation is controlled by your sleep, how well they're just like, "Yeah, cool." And then I want you
you slept and how long you slept. to sleep eight hours a night" and they're like,
"Wow, wow, I can't do that"

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Like, "What do you mean you can't do that?" So a very common symptom, and this is hugely
They're like, "No, I don't have the time to do that." common with anybody who's in the field where
I'm like, "You just agreed to doing two hours a they get a lot of TBIs, but even if... Even if they're
day on a treadmill, don't do the treadmill and not people who are likely to have TBIs once their
sleep eight hours." It's still the biggest resistance hormones get low, and especially men and it's
across everyone. And so I would say that the true in women as well, once your hormones get
people who work with me, the biggest benefit low, they say, "Well, I walk into a room, I don't
they get out of it, is after a year, they realize that have any idea why the hell I'm in that room, and I
sleep is the most important thing out of walk back out of the room and go back and I go,
everything we've done, but it takes me damn "Oh yeah." And then I go back into the room and
near the whole year to convince them that that's I don't know why I'm there again." [chuckle] And
the best... That's the most important thing, then they're like, "Oh, maybe... I guess I'm just
because their life will get busy, they sold their getting old it's Alzheimer's disease, right?" And
company and they don't need to... And they're I'm like, "You're 42, dude, that's not old. That's a
gonna sit back and just... hormone insufficiency." So the most... Most
obvious one in the mirror is you look older, you
You know that's not gonna happen and they're don't... You aren't holding as much muscle mass.
gonna start like, "Well, I'm gonna be on this
advisory board and then I'm just gonna take this You're holding more fat, and then... We just know
little trip," and then the next thing you know, the way an old person physique looks, even if
they're starting another company, right? And so... they manage to hold on to muscle that looks
"Well, I can't quite do this. I can't... " And the different than a young man's musculature, so you
thing that they always start pushing back on first can tell that way. If you're... For men, especially,
is the sleep. I'm like, "No, if you didn't do anything true for women as well, but men noticed the
else, just do the sleep. Go eat McDonald's and verbal fluency a lot. So just the fact that you can't
don't work out, and don't meditate and don't do get that word out and it's like, "I know I know this
any... And sleep. Like sleep eight hours a night. word, I use it every day. It's a very common word
And you're gonna be better off than... That's the and I can't get it". Confidence in men just like,
one thing you have to do." That's a tough your ability to present and... Not hubris, but just
message man, but that's the number one thing. like, This is what I do, I'm an expert in this, and I
can't seem to formulate an intelligent sentence
As far as the symptoms that people associated about this, emotional ability, both in men and
with, I really just say that what we as a society women.
consider aging, it really means that we're getting
fatter, dumber, slower and colder, and our skin is So we know that the whole PMS thing, when
looking worse really, right? That's what aging women's hormones just get really far shifted, they
means, and losing muscle mass. So the body can be crying and then super happy and then
comp is shifting, our brains aren't working as well, super angry and all within three quarters of a
we're not as mobile. And that's what you're second... How is that possible? Well, men
seeing when you're seeing aging in somebody. experience the same thing, men are just more
Again, all of that's controlled by sleep. So stoic about it, and they just sit there with it in
anything that you're like, "Well, I feel old." their head, but if they're honest...

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And part of what I do with people with you're appreciating, and assuming that you have
mindfulness training is, I just say, "I just want you been that way formerly in your life, which is most
to pay attention to how you feel and where men.
you're feeling it, I don't give a shit how you feel,
and I don't give a shit where you're feeling it, I If you're not feeling like that drive or even your
just want you to pay attention to that." And so own spouse, like if you... Wanna have sex, but I
guys will go... really just kinda wanna have an orgasm, I'm not
feeling like I wanna fucking consume you or just
Once you just get them to pay attention to that, like... That male sex drive, that's a big issue. And
and you're just asking some questions. You can't then overall...
get too detailed because then it feels too
touchy-feely and they don't wanna talk about it, J: Hold on, I may have missed something there,
but just ask them some basic questions about it so when you said... You said... What was it?
and they'll be like, "Yeah, actually I noticed every Correlate libido, sex drive, testosterone levels?
time I sit on my couch and no one's around, and I
don't have the TV on and I just sit down for a bit
and I'm trying to read a book or whatever. I feel K: The erectile dysfunction. So when testosterone
really anxious, man. It's like, I don't know what it levels get low, and I hate to simplify to that, but
is. Not so anxious, I have to do anything about it, that's just what people know. I'm talking about a
but I feel really anxious." "I feel super emotional, I whole metabolic mill open, but we are just using
feel rejection way harder, like my wife gives me a that as a simple example. A lot of guys won't
look that just makes me feel like dog shit, have erectile dysfunction, but they don't really
whereas it would have ordinarily... I would have have that much of a sex drive. So it's like they
said like, "What's going on?" But instead it's like, have a spouse, or they have an intimate another
"Oh no, I feel terrible." or they hook up with a girl or whatever, and they
can still get erection and they can still have an
orgasm, they can still have sex, but it's not like
Definitely any type of physical performance, so if that... Head tingling like, "Oh my God, I really
you just feel like, "Hey, I'm eating better," and want to do this." It's like, "I'm a guy, I have an
here's the truth. Guys in their 40s and 50s that opportunity to have sex, I'm gonna do it, I'm not
are interested in health and performance, they gonna waste it," right?
eat way better than they ate when they were in
their 20s, and they're way smarter about what
they do. They're reading books, they're listening And so I find that much more correlated, now
to podcasts, they're working with trainers, and if some guys do say, "Well, "My erection quality
your performance is still getting worse and you're isn't quite what it used to be," but I don't... I
like, "I keep getting worse, yet I'm doing haven't found that it's like, oh, testosterone,
everything right." You're almost certainly looking there's a level where you can't get an erection
at hormone issues. And then another thing anymore, but the sex drive changes a lot.
there's... People talk a lot about erectile
dysfunction, I don't find that to be as correlated J: Do you find sometimes if you take someone
with... It's just purely what we call libido. I think from 200 to 800, some people have zero
any man at any age sees a beautiful woman who impact... Positive impact on their sex drive or
is dressed in a way to be noticed sexually, and we erectile...
go, "Oh, wow, that's a sexy woman," but if you
don't feel that, if that's not coming out of you, if
you're not actually being drawn towards that,
that's not really attractive to you, is something

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K: Right, right. So what you see in that... So when sensitivity 30%, decreases thyroid function 30%,
I see a guy who comes in with a total increases cortisol and stress hormones, 30% to
testosterone of 200, he can watch porn, get an 50%. So now you're catabolic, now you're walking
erection, masturbate, but he is not interested in around, and I tell people this all the time. It's like
pursuing sex. Right? So he doesn't have erectile the whole reason for sleep, and you can go as
dysfunction. scientific and geeky as you want to, but it breaks
down to this, the reason we sleep is to get ready
But he has a very low libido, he's not gonna go... for tomorrow, and your body is predicting what
He's not actually pursuing sex, he's not actually tomorrow is going to be like based on today... In
craving sex it's like... Most of the time, he's the last couple of days, right?
probably using that as some sort of stress relief, if
it's just like, "My head is really kind of going crazy, So, as you know, when you work out, you don't
I wanna get... I wanna release a little poison out of get stronger, you get weaker, you tear your
my brain and I'll rub one out and then I'll go back muscles down, and your body says, Oh, we got
to work." so that's what I mean by, I don't find it torn down doing that much, we better repair this
super highly correlated to the erectile to be a little stronger, a little more resilient, to be
dysfunction. Now, the other cool thing though able to produce a little more ATP, like whatever
about once you get your hormones right, is that kind of exercise you're doing, so that tomorrow
men do have a built-in God-given natural when I do that, I'll be better prepared and my
testosterone detector, right? If the Compass is body will be more able to do that.
pointing North when you wake up in the morning,
you got a good night sleep and you have plenty Well, the problem is, if you don't get to sleep, you
of testosterone. If you wake up flaccid, either still have to do tomorrow, it's not optional you
your testosterone is just low in general, or you don't go, "Oh I didn't sleep enough so scratch
didn't get enough sleep or both. Right? today off, I'm going back to sleep," like that
doesn't work. So what do you do? You get up and
And how severe that is, if you have... So, a normal you produce more stress hormones, that's how
amount of time in bed is eight hours, right. That is you get through it, and what the stress hormones
the ideal, and we can go into details on that if are doing is they are now using your body as the
you want, you wanna explain that the audience, fuel source to make up for what you didn't get to
but that's the fact, and people publish all sorts of repair. So now your primary immuno acids source
other stupid shit and you can't... It's true. Eight is now, your muscles. And once people
hours is the number, and if you sleep six hours understand that, it's like there's nothing more
instead of eight hours, you think, "Oh, I'm only important than that, and there's nothing more
losing 25% of my sleep." Mm-hmm, you're losing important to your overall health and performance
25% of your total sleep, but the type of sleep that than to make sure that you get enough sleep.
you're getting in the morning or the type of sleep
that you're getting at the beginning of the night J: People can prove it to themselves, if you get in
when you... Like the types that you're missing, tune with your body, I think especially if you're
you might be losing 50% to 60% of that. lean enough. I've been on stretches where I'll see
myself visibly fatter after three or four days of
And so a single night of short sleep, which is sleeping like shit.
defined as two hours less than you need,
decreases total testosterone 30%, it decreases
insulin sensitivity 30%, it decreases lactose

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K: Yeah, well, and another thing that it does is it And so we have... Instead of having a ton of
jacks up your estradiol level when you don't sleep testosterone... And we do have testosterone
for a few nights in a row, you don't sleep well for receptors in our brain, but the density and the
a few nights in a row. Yeah, you look and you're sort of the circuit board where everything's being
kind of like, all of a sudden I'm smooth. I was read is really low, so estrogen matters more. And
looking pretty good. Like a week ago. What where do men have aromatase? In our fat, in our
happened here? I haven't changed anything. subcutaneous fat, that's where we carry 90% of
our aromatase. And so now the fatter you get,
So I think the question we're working on is like the more aromatase you have, so the more of
what symptoms can people notice, right? So the your testosterone will become estrogen, which
other thing, and we were actually the first ones to will then tell your brain, you have a lot of
prove this, which blows my mind. I think a lot of estrogen and your brain will then say, "Oh, I have
people knew it intuitively and anecdotally, but a lot of estrogen," don't put out so much
nobody actually did the research to prove it, but luteinizing hormone 'cause we obviously have a
when I was in the SEAL teams, we did a research lot of testosterone, which is another reason I keep
project with Navy Health and Research Center estradiol low on people.
across the bay from us, and we did a correlation
between total testosterone and sleep and time in Because even when I have people on HRT and I
bed, really, and they're using Actigraphy... It was a know I'm shutting down their access to be able to
while ago, so they weren't best tracking devices, produce enough on their own, I still want them to
it wasn't as good as like the Oura Ring or produce as much as they can possibly produce.
something like that but they were reasonably And in order to do that, if estradiol gets too high,
good tracking devices, and we found that it was their luteinizing... Their LH and FSH will go to
an almost perfect one-to-one correlation. zero, it'll be completely undetectable, so they're
not making any of their own products at that
That really doesn't happen. People who know point, right? Even probably with me giving them
science know that that's rare. It wasn't one, but it as much DHA as I want to, and aromatase
was like 0.83, it's crazy, and it didn't matter how inhibitors and everything else, they're probably
you did it. So it was like, if somebody's not making anything significant.
testosterone was low, I can tell you they're not
sleeping well, and if I take sleep away from J: It brings up a good point here that like one of
somebody, I guarantee you their testosterone is the simplest things guys can do to avoid excess
low the next day. And it worked across the board. estrogen and aromatization is, just stay lean,
So what ends up happening is once your
testosterone gets low, now you have difficulty K: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah and, the problem like that,
sleeping, which means your testosterone gets like that circuit sort of that unfortunate feedback
lower and you aromatase, you aromitize more. loop is like, when you're not lean, it's harder to
Because the interesting thing, this is like nature's get lean, right?
biggest joke on men, right, is that we really have
sensors in our brain to know how much And now, you're more likely to put on fat and
testosterone we have, by how much estrogen we you're gonna have less testosterone and you're
have. So the hypothalamus is the region of the gonna feel less motivated to go to the gym, and
brain that reads it, and basically... That's what's you're gonna feel less motivated to work hard,
determining what your pituitary is secreting and and really, interestingly, you're actually gonna feel
which is determining what hormones are going to less motivated to eat well and do anything that
be made in your body over the next 24 hours. requires motivation or willpower.

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Because another side effect of the sleep the same damn thing to your brain right now just
deprivation and another side effect of having a by having low hormones and just by having poor
low anabolic activity is that you have low insulin sleep. And regardless of which is causing that
sensitivity which causes wild... Bigger fluctuations first, those two are synergistically causing the
in your blood glucose. And you have... Your same behavior.
pre-frontal cortex where... The area that makes us
the smartest animal on the planet, and the area of So now you essentially don't have will power
our brain that allows us to make good decisions either, because you're kind of working on this
and say, "Well... " Predict our future. Right? It's auto-pilot of survival now. And so you'll eat 30%
like a simulator. Well, if I do this right now, the more calories and you'll eat... I think it's like 150%
most likely outcome... These are the three most more carbohydrates on average, because your
likely outcomes. That's an executive function type prefrontal is saying, "Hey, you're starving to
of thing. death. How you look in the mirror, doesn't
matter." Like keeping your job doesn't matter,
So is it a good idea to flip my boss off? Let me you're starving to death. Go eat those M&M's
think about that through. No, that wouldn't be a right now.
good idea. But if your prefrontal cortex isn't
working, then maybe that is a good idea. And so J: So when people go off and drink all night to
your brain actually doesn't care what your total 4:00 in the morning and they get up and they
blood glucose is, all that matters is how quickly just wanna eat pancakes and home fries and
it's changing. So you could be diabetic and have everything, it's not the booze so much as the lack
a 400 blood glucose and it dropped down to of sleep.
300 in an hour, for whatever reason. Because you
get under stress or duress, whatever... And your
brain says, "Oh, we're starving to death." And you J: Yeah, they're just metabolically destroyed and
get the exact same response as if you're starving their brain's not getting... The brain doesn't have
to death. nearly enough fuel and it has a ton of toxins in
there that it didn't get to flush out. And so your
brain... Your brain is the master of everything... It's
And if you look at animals that are starving to like... I don't like to think of the body in systems
death, they don't sleep. The only animal on the because I think everything... Everything is
planet that sleep deprives themselves on purpose everything, and everything impacts everything
are humans. And the only other... Every other else.
animal will only do it if they're starving. So if
they're starving or if they're being hunted. If
they're being pursued, they'll sleep less. But one But the brain's the key. If your brain is saying,
of the reasons that your brain shuts down when something's wrong, it doesn't matter what you
you're starving and you're getting closer to fight think. It doesn't matter what the mirror says. It
or flight, right? Because you want everything to doesn't matter what your friends think. It doesn't
be instinctual, but you also want to be willing... matter how you feel. If your brain says
something's wrong, something's wrong. And so
once your hormones start declining and you get
You also need to be willing to do novel things and on that... That negative self-propagating
take more risk to get yourself out of a bad downward spiral of putting on more fat, having
situation. Which is why wild animals, when their higher estrogen, decreasing your testosterone,
food sources get low end up in people's making you fatter... And now you also... Your
neighborhoods like eating out of trash cans and insulin sensitivity goes way down. Testosterone
stuff, because they're willing to try anything at and insulin sensitivity are highly correlated.
this point, 'cause they're starving. Well your doing

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You can't have high testosterone... Well take that. And the fastest thing to repair all of that is to
You can't have high insulin sensitivity and low sleep. And in fact you can give people just normal
testosterone. You can't have it. Period. It doesn't substrates of sleep supplements. So like
work that way. And you also can't have low magnesium and tryptophan and a little bit of
inflammation and... Low inflammation and low melatonin, whatever. And you let those... And you
testosterone. Testosterone is the best get those people to sleep really well for a week.
anti-inflammatory in your body, and that includes They perform better whether they have
neurocognitive. It's not just your joints and things Parkinson's or Alzheimer's or anything...
that we usually think of, and it is inflammation. Whatever. And especially if you can tie that into
There's nothing more important. like a good circadian match.

J: And so meaning that if someone has a history So a lot of... When people are dealing with
of Alzheimer's, having low test would be a bad parents and family members and so forth that
idea? have, their really good days and their really bad
days of sort of advanced neurological decline, it's
K: Right. almost always tied to sleep. And if you get them...
It's like, "Yeah, he slept really bad yesterday... " Or
like, "He's the worst... I haven't... The last time... I
J: And that could be a preventative is... Their test haven't seen him this bad in six months." And you
to where it should be? get them... It's like, "Okay. Well, we're gonna
somehow figure out how to get them to sleep."
Or it could help. And the problem is obviously communicating
with somebody in that state to get them to... But
K: It will help, because one of the things that we if you get them to sleep really well, they'll almost
know about all age-associated neurological certainly go back to where they were before they
decline is it is all tied to poor sleep. I'm not saying had that bad episode.
it's causal, but I'm saying there's probably
nobody out there with accelerated neurological And also, there's a branch of medical science
decline who sleeps well, and has always slept that's pretty new. It's called chronobiology. And
well. It probably doesn't exist. Not that I'm aware basically what they're studying is the correlation
of. I haven't seen that that exist. It's highly between circadian rhythm disruption and
correlated. And one of the things... psychiatric disease. And the last book I read
about this... It was a while ago. So it's probably
You've heard of the beta-amyloid plaques. Well eight years ago that I read the last book I read
those things are supposed to get flushed out about it. But they were saying at that point, they
during sleep. And if you aren't sleeping... If you were like, we're about 90% sure that all
don't have high quality sleep and you aren't psychiatric illness is preceded by insomnia, and if
sleeping at the right time of day, and if you have you can correct the insomnia and correct this
low insulin sensitivity, and you chronically have circadian mismatch, they have schizophrenics
high blood glucose going through your brain... All who've been hospitalized for 20 years, come out
of that neurological decay is happening more of the hospital off medication.

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Bipolar people who are no longer bipolar, But everything then comes back to the same
depressed people who no longer need thing. So as we know, there's a lot of money to be
medication. It can't be overstated, and that's the made in, I guess, prolonging the problem. Coming
worst sales pitch in the world, because I'm sitting up with gadgets that are gonna help a little bit, of
here telling you it's better for everything in your this or that, this thing or that thing. The truth
life. It's like, this is the magic elixir. It is, it is the about sleep is, unless you have a sleep disease,
magic elixir, man. There's nothing, there's nothing you don't need anything, you don't need any
that's close to it. There's a reason we use that as gadget, you don't need me, you don't need to go
a technique to break people. We use it as an consult with somebody, the number one thing is
interrogation technique. We won't starve people that you value sleep. So if this podcast doesn't
into talking, we don't harangue people into make you value sleep, do yourself a favor, get on
talking, we don't, whatever, take away their to Google and do your best for four or five hours
meditation. We wanna take away their exercise, to convince yourself that you need sleep.
we take away their sleep, and why, 'cause it
destroys people really, really quickly. Look up the things that you're the most afraid of,
cancer, heart attack, stroke, I don't know, Lyme
And I think the military does that on purpose. I disease, whatever you're most afraid of, just look
think that it's probably a little too draconian to it up and find the correlation to sleep. You'll find
say, for them to admit, but almost all branches of way more articles than you'll ever have time to
the military, when they're sort of initiating people read. They always say the same thing. There's no
into the military, will do some pretty severe sleep controversy, there's no one out there saying sleep
deprivation, and I think they're doing it to see if less, and you'll get better at anything, it doesn't
you're predisposed, because for men, that's exist. So if you can convince yourself that you
usually kind of the age group anyway, is around need to sleep, then all you have to do is get
19 to 25-ish. If you're going to end up with a yourself in a good position to sleep. So I'm sure
psychiatric illness it's just gonna display itself kind probably everyone in your audience knows we
of in that group, and so if they sleep-deprive you, use the sun as our cue to knowing we should be
the more likely you get it. And one of the things asleep, that switch setting, our circadian rhythm,
you'd in the SEAL team, is a full week without any which is one thing that makes... It's the primary
sleep, and if that doesn't send you over the edge, thing that's determining how much value you are
you're probably not going over the edge. getting from sleep, is our circadian rhythm, right?
So in order to optimize the circadian rhythm,
J: Yeah, yeah. Just give us a few of your best tips what we have to do is try to approximate the way
for sleep optimization and then talk about your we evolved to be on the planet.
formulation as well.
We like to think we're different, but we're just one
K: So sleep optimization, I like to keep it super of the many animals on this planet, and every
simple. The one thing that I love about sleep, animal on this planet uses the sun as it's cue as to
because of course, I've explained to you what I when to go to sleep. And if you look at hunter
do. So I need to kind of stay up on all of the gatherers today, that exist today, who've never
ideologies across all the health metrics, what's been exposed to electricity a single day in their
the best training, and nutrition and all of that life, three hours after the sun goes down they fall
stuff. But what I love about sleep science is that it asleep, right around the time the sun's coming up
is consistent. There's no argument. It's not like the they wake up, everywhere, all over the damn
vegans and the keto or that doesn't... It's like all world, that's what happens. And that's what
sleep researchers are like, "Yep, that's it. Yeah, this we're designed to do.
is the number, and this is what's best," every

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However, we have artificial lighting and we drive feels like, and that's what it is. You're no longer
to places and we have movies and we have... We aware of your environment, you're not interacting
work at night, we do all sorts of stuff that with your environment, there's a barrier between
interferes with that. So all the... And then another you and your environment that can be overcome,
thing happens, and most people know that what and your brain's going through certain patterns
that decrease in light eventually ends, the end that are doing beneficial things to get you ready
product of that is the production of melatonin, for tomorrow. So that's really what sleep is.
and melatonin isn't actually a sleep drug, like
people think. It's a hormone that's initiating the So if you get the blue light out of your eyes three
cascades of events that are changing in your hours before you go to bed, and you can do that
brain, it's not like the thing that's making you go with glasses and computer programs and special
to sleep. It's the thing that's activating all of the light bulbs, and you can figure that out. It's not
pathways that's going to allow you to go to sleep. rocket science, you can figure it out. And then
So it takes a while for that melatonin to be you can't overstimulate yourself. That's another
produced at a high enough level to change your thing. So I could put on my blue blocking glasses
brain enough to make you feel like sleeping, and three and half hours before bedtime, and then go
that number happens to be three to 3 1/2 hours, out to a night club with my boys and the music is
which is what we still find today, right? banging, I'm checking out hot chicks and I'm like,
"Okay, I'm gonna completely override that
So what you need to do is decrease the blue light system." Right?
in your eyes, because we've determined that it's
only blue light that affects this pathway, probably So that's the GABA pathway. You have to let that
because the sky is blue, well that would make the thing do its job too. So I always tell people, it's
most sense. And then one of the really important just like a little kid. If you've ever had kids or
pathways that comes out of that is the you've ever been a kid, you remember that there
production of GABA. Gamma aminobutyric acid, was this protracted period for getting ready for
GABA, you can find that in health food storage all bed. You don't take a three-year-old who's like
over the place. And what that really does is that banging trucks and just pick him up and throw
settles down the neocortex. Because ironically, him to bed and turnoff the lights and walk out. It
the best definition for being asleep is the lack of doesn't work, right?
being awake. Because we don't really have a
sleep system, we have a lack of being awake
system. You have to settle things down, and there's a
reason that ritual exists because you're calming
their brain down. And the reason we give them
So we take away everything that makes you baths is we're lowering their body temperature,
awake, and you no longer interact with your and then we're getting them settled and we're
environment. And when you're no longer really making them feel comfortable and we're taking
aware of your environment, that's what we're away stress and cortisol and all the
calling sleep. As long as I can wake you up, then wake-promoting things, we're taking that out of
you're sleeping. And if you have predictable them over the course of a couple of hours and
neuronal patterns... So if I hit you in the head with then we're making it dark for them, and so that's
the baseball bat and you fell on the ground, how we do it with kids. Adults need the same
nobody would say, "Oh, look, he fell asleep." It'd thing. Just like I don't expect you to get onesies
be like, "No, he's unconscious." and start using baby powder, but it's the same
concept. And then the other... So those two
We know that's something different, but we know things are sleep hygiene.
what sleep looks like and we know what sleep

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J: Two questions there. So you mentioned to bed. I'm not saying that needs to be ritualized
lowering your body temperature? or you do this exactly an hour before bed, but
you need to start doing something in there that's
Is there something like... I've heard people say decreasing your stress levels. And that might just
take hot showers, people say take cold showers, be like writing down a to-do list.
do a sauna before bed. Any thoughts on that?
I have a lot of people, I say, "Write down... Take a
K: I do ice baths, but I do ice baths for multiple piece of paper, write down... Put a line down the
reasons 'cause ice baths are also a tremendous middle. On one side, put... " And this is especially
boost to your immune system, and they're a great women, and it's no criticism to women, it's just
anti-inflammatory and they lower your like there's a way women's brains tend to work, is
temperature really quickly. the first time they really have time to themselves
is usually when they're getting in bed. And so I'll
say, "Well, on the left side, I want you to write
J: Yeah. Now the water is warmer, but I find that if down your to-do list. Everything that you have to
I go out and jump in the ocean, like around six or get done, or it's just gonna eat at your brain. On
seven most nights, and then come in, I'll sleep like the right side, it's just you to-worry list, and this is
a baby. stuff that... "

K: Yeah. And really ever since I was in the SEAL And the difference is, this is shit you don't have
teams, I used to deploy to the South Pacific since any control over. But you don't wanna forget to
it was just mucky and hot all the time, so I took worry about it because it'll literally keep people
five showers a day and they were always cold awake because they wanna make sure they
showers because I was always sweating and I was remember to worry about that thing that they
just sticky. And for whatever programming that can't control anyway. And if you realize there's
did to my brain, I always take cold showers, I not something in your list, get up and put it on
always have. So, if I'm just gonna take a shower, your list. That really helps. And then what you'll
I'll take a cold shower before bed, just to help find is after about a week, your list doesn't ever
with the body temperature, of course, get your really change, and then that can help settle
environment as cold and as dark as possible. But people down too.
that's really sleep... That's really all sleep hygiene
So the absence of stress hormones which are
weight-promoting neuropeptides and
Decreasing the light, decreasing the stimulation, neurotransmitters the absence of those will help
make your environment cool, and that's really it. you be able to fall asleep. Now, what causes you
to sleep is sleep pressure, which is adenosine.
Now, as far as initiation on being able to go to And adenosine is the by-product from ATP. So
sleep, there are two things that are involved ATP is the energy source that every cell in our
there. One is stress hormones, which is that's body uses for essentially every reaction that it
where... That's where mindfulness comes in play, does. It doesn't matter which kind of cell in your
whatever that means for you. That could be body, it's using ATP as its energy source.
progressive muscle relaxation, that could be
listening to fricking audio books, that could be And that is an a adenosine molecule with three
stretching, that could be meditation, that could... phosphate molecules on it. Once it's used as as a
Whatever it is, but you need to do something to fuel source once, it becomes ADP 'cause it now
decrease your stress hormones somewhere close has two, and then AMP 'cause now it has one, it's

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a monophosphate. And then it goes down to just And all caffeine does is block adenosine
adenosine. Now, when you have adenosine receptors, so that's all that trick is. So if you
floating around in your brain, it binds to receptors have... If you feel like you don't have a lot of sleep
in your brain that start shutting down pressure and you drink coffee, I would say get rid
weight-promoting areas of your brain and starts of coffee for a while. Because there's a huge
exciting areas of your brain that are associated variation as to how quickly people can process
with sleep, that are producing other chemicals to caffeine. The average half-life is around six hours,
make you feel like sleeping. but it's up to 36 hours, which means some people
can drink a 200 milligram coffee and 36 hours
So adenosine buildup is what leads to sleep later, they still have 100 milligrams of that in their
pressure, so that's why you can stay up for a blood stream, they're not gonna be able to go to
really long period of time, and you just feel like... sleep. [chuckle] Or they're not gonna sleep well.
There's a difference between, I worked a full day So it's really that simple, it's the light it's the
and now it's time to go to bed and I'm gonna get stimulation, keep things cool and dark the best
ready to go to bed. There's a difference to I you can, and build up sleep pressure.
worked five hours longer than I usually work and I
haven't slept, and I feel like I'm gonna die if I don't J: You mentioned no stimulation for that three
go to bed. That's sleep pressure, that's what's and a half hours. But what about training? Do you
driving you into the pillow. And the reason men think training... Like for me, I notice if I train even
usually hit the pillow and fall asleep really quickly, as late as 5 o'clock, which is beyond that three
and even if they have insomnia, they're snoring and a half hour and I still don't sleep that well, I
before their head hits the pillow, their wives are like to train by two, at the latest and I sleep
pissed off because, your wife can't even get to better. Do you find that?
sleep and this guy is already snoring. But then he
wakes up two hours later because he's flushed all K: Yeah, well, and it depends on how hard you
the adenosine out of his brain, and now all these train, so if you're really sedentary and it's just
stress hormones are still high and now he can't that's your lifestyle then you're not gonna get
get back to sleep. away from that. And that's my life, that's what I'm
counseling people on is we know what ideal is,
But building up adenosine causes you to sleep but there's usually a pretty damn big gap
pressure and that makes it easier for you to go to between reality and ideal. You can't live perfectly.
sleep, and the ways to do that is essentially to You just can't in today's society, most people
use more energy, which is... Exercise is a great can't. So if you're pretty sedentary, I would say as
way to do that but just working is a great way to long as you're doing low intensity stuff, you can
do that, and just being active is a great way to do probably get away with doing that later in the
that. And one of the reasons that there's such a day, and you're gonna help build up some
big difference between men and women is that adenosine and create some sleep pressure,
your brain size and your wife's brain size are especially if you're having problems going to
probably pretty damn close, there's probably less sleep as opposed to staying asleep.
than 10% mass difference, but your muscle mass
compared to her muscle mass, you produce way
more adenosine, so you have way more in your
brain that's saying, "I need to go to sleep."

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Definitely, if you work out really intensely, you're I'm like, "Do you guys, realize not only are you
doing a lot of stuff, you're doing a lot of things making me get up at five in the morning to come
that are just gonna stimulate you. And one of the work out with you guys, but you're also turning
biggest things, of course, is you're increasing all me into a complete hypocrite [laughter] because
your adrenal hormones, which is what keep you I've been telling everybody not to do what I'm
awake that's the whole design of those is to keep doing." So I can't do that forever, and I can't do it
you awake, and that's what's keeping the starving all the time, but it's like, yeah there's a time to
animals awake. And that's what's keeping the maybe push things here and there, but the ideal
animals who are being hunted awake and you're thing is probably to work out when you feel your
going to the gym and you do some kind of HIIT best and most people, that's somewhere
training, you might as well be getting chased by a probably between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM is when
lion, and when you try to go to sleep, you're you're gonna feel your best, if you can get it done
essentially doing the same thing to yourself at then, but it definitely wouldn't do anything that
that point. resembles lactate threshold after 5:00 PM, and
even probably up to five would be a stretch.
So if you really like to train intensely, another
thing that you could get on on the internet and And definitely if you're gonna do something like
check out for yourself, and this is, as far as I know that. No pre-workout bullshit, no caffeine, and
it's true across the world I've known this stat for probably I would recommend no coffee at all for
probably 20 years, no one's ever disproved it to you because you're dealing with the same kind of
me, but I think about 95% of all world's records systems there. It's really that simple man, I wish I
are set around 3:00 to 3:30 PM, so that's your could say it was really complex, but it's not it's
circadian kind of ultradian perfection. That's really just... Think about what people would have
when you're the best you can be, it's probably the done 1000 years ago, and that's probably exactly
best time to train, 'cause why wouldn't you what you should be doing right now.
wanna be able to maximize the amount of
training that you can do while you train? And I
find that to be true. I work out with John
Welbourn, I don't know if you know who...

J: Yeah, I know John. Yes. I was gonna ask if you

know him.

K: Yeah, so he lives in Austin now, and he built

this huge 10,000 square foot building up on his
property, and half of it's a gym, and the only
people who work out there is me and him and his
two employees, but it's great. I'm not gonna pass
up an opportunity to train with those guys 'cause
they're so damn smart and they can... And it's just
endless variety and it's entertaining and plus
there's locker room, bullshit, I get to screw
around with the guys. But they train at six in the
morning and fuck it kills me man, and I'm like,

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JAY: Let's just go through the basics, what do metabolic and health function inside your body.
you think are the most important if you wanna There's nothing better than sun. So those things...
talk about gut health, things you should be
taking, things like that. J: Wait can... I'd like to get your feedback on two
of those. One, we'll start with vitamin D. 'Cause
WADE: Yes. First and foremost deep breathing. I've had people kind of wanna debate me and say,
Deep breathing practice where you can get out "Oh, well, so and so got COVID, was sick as a
of sympathetic nervous system into dog." And it was somebody... Each time they
parasympathetic. So, rest and relax because we mentioned these people who lather themselves
are overstimulated. Blue light phones stimulation, head to toe on 50 sunscreen every time they step
caffeination, pharmaceuticalization, whatever you out the front door. So it's like, yeah, because I
wanna call it. Everybody's hyper stimulated. So think people assume if you look fit, and you have
we don't have the rest, relax, and ground which is abs and you look fit you're healthy. But that's not
innate with our species. The other thing is full always the case as you know from the world of
hydration. Dehydration is very compromising for bodybuilding. So let's address that a little bit. Just
the immune system. So, people need to drink that, you don't always, you're not always... What's
water regularly throughout the day, the best going on the inside doesn't always show on the
cleanest possible they can get. The next thing is outside. And also number two is, I agree with you
exercise. There's nothing that boosts your 100% exercise is one of the top three, but I think
immune system like regular exercise. Fit people there's a right and wrong way where you can
are healthier people. They have more robust overdo it. We both know that chronic marathon
immune systems, they feel better, they move runners always have an upper respiratory
lymphatic toxins out of their system. Those three infection, things like that. So maybe get into the
are non negotiable. And I think the next one right way to do those things.
which is completely underestimated, and that is
exposing your skin to as much light as possible. J: So get into a few more things there. You
mentioned the big three, what else do you think
And I'm talking at least 20 minutes a day of people need to be doing or not doing to keep
getting out no matter how... I'm almost an albino their immune systems optimized?
and I love being in Southern California 'cause I
can get out, like yesterday I got out, and make
sure I get my skin exposed to the sun because it
cranks your natural production of vitamin D, it
improves your mitochondria, it makes you feel
great. And it turbo charges every single

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W: Yeah. So, there's 100 million people in the to our dietary stuff. That's why we even produce
country that have digestive issues on any given different types of probiotics. And then the best
day. We've been bombarded with antibiotics and one is something that's a proteolytic probiotic,
a lifestyle especially with the lockdowns that have something that'll digest undigested proteins,
occurred and stuff where the average weight which causes the inflammatory response as well
gain's been 30 pounds, people are not eating with the viruses and bacteria and undigested
foods that are being healthy and normal, they're food that gets into the system, and our product,
not exercising much, they've been isolated. All of Pizza and Amazon, defeated in that one.
these things have negative impacts on any
species especially humans which are highly J: Yeah. Quick question that I just thought of
social. And not having a robust microbiome, while you were saying that. Somebody asked me
which is where 80% of your immune system is. the other day, and I didn't know the answer. I kind
So, there's two elements particularly as we get of assumed what the answer might be, but I'd like
older that you need to be very mindful of, your take. They had just started taking probiotics
hydrochloric acid. So if you got acid reflux, and said, "Oh, my skin's breaking out. Is that
heartburn, things like that, your HCL is low. You're normal?" And I was like... I was just deducing,
not producing enough and antacids are gonna "Well, skin health is related to gut health, so
make it worse. The other thing is, if you're maybe you're just flushing some shit out," like, I
having... If you're constipated, diarrhea, you get didn't have a scientific answer, but is that... Would
bloated after meals, your microbiome is off. So that be right? Did that happen?
you've got to fix that with both supplementation
and dietary manipulation. And what I mean by
that is... W: Sometimes. So generally, if you're getting a
break out in your skin, that is a detoxifying
response. The question is, is it a detoxifying
When you have a severe gut dysbiosis, and a lot response because you're moving in a positive
of you... You're waking up with brain fog, you've direction with your microbiome, or if you're
got the crust coming out of the eyes in the moving in a negative direction? So for people, I
morning, really chronic bad breath, feel lethargic, like to say there's 10% good, 10% bad, and 80%
bloated, the digestive issues, and the going to the opportunists. When you introduce a probiotic,
bathroom issues... Well, you can tell that it's and there's a lot of different types of probiotics,
gonna take you probably 90 days on a certain and that's where you need to get specific. Is it
amount of elimination diet to get out the gram-positive? Is it gram-negative? Is it a
inflammatory things in your body. And during transient strain? Is an implant strain? Are you
that time, you wanna be introducing good levels having the right prebiotics inside of that, so that
of probiotics, as well as probably something to it can grow and develop? And then what might
repair leaky gut. I think Harvard just came out be present beforehand, which could be causing a
with a paper saying that everybody in America problem? So in this case, they're probably gonna
has leaky gut. And there are ways that you can need a gut... Like, a GI map, gut map, biome test,
patch this, and then targeting the probiotics that that sort of stuff to see what is already present,
are right for your diet. because you have different families of bacteria
that go into conflict with each other.
So for example, my business partner's a
ketogenic guy, and I'm a plant-based guy. Well, And so he might be experiencing a conflict or it
our microbiome is very different, and so we're might be a detoxification reaction. It's definitely
targeting probiotics that are supportive of what one of the two. And so that's where the expertise
we might be missing or what we require, relative is gonna have to come in.

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And the thing is if they're having that experience, done some great breaking research on it. But it's
they're very compromised. Like, they're seriously the nuances. Do you have the bacteria in your gut
compromised if they're dealing with that to digest the diet that you're having? And are you
situation, and they need to get a functional willing to go through the transition period to get
medicine expert on that program right away, yourself into optimal state?
because left unaddressed, they're gonna end up
with some more serious conditions down the J: And Wade, we touched upon it a little bit, but
road. 80% of your immunity is in your digestive how does stress and, of course, the world we're
system. living in now, how does that mental and
emotional stress and being glued to the news and
J: Yeah. So I know that you said Matt was keto social media all day... How does that impact your
and you're plant-based. Are there any other gut health, and then your immune health?
specific foods that you were like, "Man, if you're
gut health is messed up, or if you're looking to W: My mentor, Dr. Michael O'Brian, who changed
boost your immune system, these are some my life and introduced me to the concept of
things that you should be eating, regardless of enzymes and probiotics and the microbiome and
what kind of diet you're on"? digestive health and why that was important...
That was after I blew up after the Mr. Universe. I
W: I believe that fiber is the most important have gained 42 pounds of fat and water after the
nutrient not talked about in nutrition, particularly Mr. Universe, crashed and burn, came to him, he
for microbiome. The problem is this: Most rebuilt me from the inside out, and I learned all
people's diets, particularly if they're coming from this stuff. So I first had to fix myself. And he told
a highly processed food diets, they have to us... I remember specifically under mentorship
introduce fiber into their diet relatively slowly, that if you were in a scary event, like, one of those
because if they take too much, they feel really near-hits in a car accident or something, that it
kind of bloated and stiff for that first 30 days, or would wipe out about 80% of your microbiome in
first... Actually about 21 days. It's about three that one shot from the stress.
weeks to make the adjustment. And so they
wanna systematically increase their fiber, find the It's insane. I couldn't believe it. He says, "Yeah, no,
fiber groups that work for them in that initial we've done the work," and he was... He had done
stage, along with their probiotics... Are gonna get it. He also said that chronic stress, chronically
10x the value of it, and finding which fermented being in fight or flight, would prevent certain
foods are based on that. And now a functional strains from even growing and developing at all
medicine doctor can use genetics and that are necessary for proper digestion, and I
epigenetics to assist with that process and say, think that this is one of the issues that we're
"Oh, you're gonna do well with these families. seeing, particularly in the youth that are so
You're not gonna do so well with those other finicky, about the food that they eat, they can
families." Like, I'm a guy... Despite my Northern only eat this macaroni and cheese, or only this, or
genes, I can eat fiber like it goes out of... My fiber they feel sick if they have a salad or whatever,
content is in the insane zone from a... they literally do not have the bacteria strains to
break down that food. And there was a research
I'm literally on a rice and beans and salad diet paper, I think it was a Harvard medical doctor,
right now, and I'm thriving on it, and I had Dr. that his son went on a diet for 30 days of just
Steven Gundry on my podcast, and he's like, McDonald's food and literally wiped out half the
"That's the worst diet for your health as possible," strains of probiotics that was present in his body.
and it works very well for me. So people have to They just starved them out.
recognize... No disrespect to him. I think that he's

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And so what people have to realize is that these W: Yeah, you're not... You're restricting the blood
bacteria are very robust, they'll go into little flow to your sexual organs, so that's number one.
pockets where you can't find them, and then And magnesium has a vasodilating effect, which
when the right food comes in, they'll expand and opens up arterial blood vessels supply, and you
grow into the right environments, but if you're gotta get in that calm and relaxed place. And if
chronically stressed and chronically not feeding you don't believe that, just ask any woman, she
them, eventually those cultures die out needs to kinda... Is even slower than men to kinda
completely, and now you lose the ability to break get into the zone.
down that food. And usually the only way to
come back out of that is to slowly and gradually And so that's one thing. The secondary thing is, I
and systematically start inputting probiotics, would say, your zinc and copper levels, most guys
fermented foods, and then re-culturing the don't have enough zinc. I can tell you for myself, I
bacteria, and I believe that over the next 10 to 15 need about... I use... Actually, Dave Asprey's zinc
years, this is going to be one of the biggest and copper. So shout out to Dave on that one.
sciences in the world, about how do we rebuild That the zinc with the copper works better than
people's digestive systems because we've altered the zinc... Just the zinc alone.
them so much with the modern diet.

J: Is that two separate things you're taking or are

J: Wait, a lot of our listeners are guys our age and there...
one thing obviously that comes up, not
everything that we've talked about, being lean,
being jacked, cognitive function, but libido is a W: No, he's got them combined together and he
big thing that kinda goes down the shitter for a nailed it.
lot of guys, and a lot of that is related to all the
things you're talking about. How will taking So that there. The other piece is essential fatty
magnesium or doing any of the things that you've acids, particularly saturated fat. Now, but
mentioned so far impact that? saturated fat gets a bad name, but it's an
essential for the hormone formation, follicle
W: Well, magnesium is definitely a game changer stimulation, hormone TSH, testosterone and all
from flipping you out of fight or flight. So when that sort of stuff. And testosterone is not
you're in fight or flight sexual stimulation is zero, necessarily related to... There's a correlation, but
right? it's not absolute about are you getting turned on
or not.
J: Yeah. Which I don't think a lot of people know
that like a good time to have sex is not right after And then there's a neuro-cognitive component in
you train, not right after you eat, just based on neurochemistry. And unfortunately, a lot of guys
blood flow, right? they get hooked on pornography, they hijack
their neurochemistry in a negative way where
they're not responsive to normal stimulation, so
W: That's right. you need to get off porn. That's a big factor. If
you're having trouble with that, and then there
J: But fight or flight, that, if you're in fight or are some extracts, particularly of horny goat
flight, it's not a good time. Like it's not weed with a variety of neuro chemicals which will
happening. instantly reverse that.

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And so we'll probably releasing something to the There are certain nootropic combinations...
public in a very near future. So we have a group
called The Bioneers, which are a research group That can go with that, that will flip that switch in
that work... They're just kind of guys like us all your brain, and... Boom, now you're ready to go.
around the world that are part of our testing And that's what I think is one of the major
group. And we've cracked the code on that one. hijacking points that's happened. The research is
Absolutely cracked it. pretty clear about the changes in neurological
processing, for people who become addicted to
But we're pretty excited about that. I mean, porn and young males are very susceptible to
obviously, the biggest challenge with anything in that visual stimulation and its alteration of
that market is FDA regulation, and the biggest neurochemistry and eventually neurophysiology.
issues particularly are around the So you need to be able to interrupt that because
pharmaceuticals with their options, particularly just saying, "Hey, get off the porn," is one thing,
Viagra and Cialis and those derivatives. but the next piece of that puzzle is, is now how
do you rewrite the chemistry and the neuro and
They've got a lock down on languaging, override the neurophysiology that's happened
marketing, and there's some collusion around and it can be done. And if you having trouble in
merchant accounts as well. And then there's a lot those areas, you probably want to get some help
of... There is a lot of funky people in that market, on that, because it's super addictive because it's
so we're mindful of when we'll actually enter that one of the biggest drives and it's not a conscious
market. But it's a combination of an extract of drive and it's so much, there's so much shame
horny goat weed, getting your nervous system around it and projections on it. And there's like
relaxed, making sure you have enough saturated kind of these hate groups around it and people
fat, making sure your Zinc and selenium, zinc... feel embarrassed about it.
Excuse me, zinc, copper, sometimes selenium are
in alignment and you're off pornography. That's Immortalized about it. And what we have to
the magic mix. recognize is this is like alcohol addiction or
cocaine addiction or something. This is an
J: Now, when you said... When you said it has to addictive disease that has severe neurological
do with your brain chemistry and things like that components to it. And we need to address it in a
as well, I saw someone talking about how is there positive way. And there's people out there that
certain nootropics that might be related to that are doing that in a great way.
as well? I mean, you mentioned porn there, and
that's where I thought maybe you were gonna go
into nootropics, is there something with
nootropics that might...

W: Yes, well, that was part of the other elements

that I kinda indicated that goes with the horny
goat weed extract.

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JAY: But you, you just mentioned heavy metals. B: Sure. That's a really good question. So I like to
So let, let's get into that a little bit. 'Cause you do a reverse osmosis system for water. And then I
hear, you know, a lot about that being a problem put minerals back in afterward, so I get purified
for people. How are we getting those? How water and then I'll have a big glass pitcher. I could
should we be avoiding those? You know, what are show you that is... That I'll just fill up for the day.
the negative impacts? I'll put a bunch of minerals in it based on, well, my
hair test results, because what I found is if you're
BARTON: Yeah, that's a great question. So heavy not... If you don't know what your results are,
metals depending on the heavy metal that you're you're guessing and you need to kind of be on
talking about, we'll be get them different ways. that quarterly because they change that about
So cadmium, for example, cadmium, we get a lot that often. And because you get about two
in brake dust when we're walking through traffic months of data with hair.
or sitting in traffic I'll have my car on recirculate. If
I'm sitting in traffic, so it's not breathing in fresh Maybe six weeks, six to eight weeks.
air, "fresh air" that has, you know, cadmium and
things in it. So that's... That's one. Aluminum Anyway yeah, so that's... That gives you a lot of
comes from cans, but also water supply insight and then I'll do a shower filter as well. That
depending on where you are in the country. And will pull out some things, at least it pulls out
things that just kinda get flushed into the sewer chlorine and other things like that. I... Yeah.
and aren't filtered out. So that's... Those are two
mercury can be from, you know, a lot of us have
had fish. That's common. Fillings, metal fillings, of J: Is there a particular brand that you
course, aluminum also with deodorant. You know recommend?
if you haven't already get a deodorant that
doesn't have aluminum in it that's really, really B: The shower filter, there's a cheap one you can
bad. So. get at Lowe's, something like that called Sprite.

J: Yeah. Well what I was gonna ask you is how, But there's... You can also search like,
you know, OCD, should we be getting about this? and they... Yeah, I've
How far outta our way do you go? And do you recommended them so much over the years,
recommend people going to avoid these different they're really good as well.
things? What steps do you recommend taking?

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And then you can talk to their support staff on see, like there's so much need for more
the phone and actually find out for your region, discussion around testing. So.
what you most likely have in your water in your
area. So you can say, "Hey, I'm here in Phoenix, J: So, so let's get into that a little bit more. If
Arizona." And, and they're like, "Oh, okay, got it." someone's listening more right now, and they're
And then... Or they'll, they'll look at the part of kind of hearing some of the things you're saying
the world you're in and they'd be, "Oh, you're in let's talk about how they get tested. What are the
the uranium belt in the US." most effective methods you know, where they do
And that is one of the other heavy metals we can
talk about that we do test for. You'll see people in B: Sure. Yeah. So what I found in that... That
the medical industry have that sometimes. And process of spending a lot of money on different
there's specific things that help you... Specific testing was that the most valuable and the most
minerals, I should say that help you detox from affordable test was also the most actionable. And
these heavy metals as well. So you know, iodine that is a hair test, similar to what we offer today.
for example is good for radiation protection. And But the key was... So you can find that on
iodine is... I'm sorry. Uranium is... Is certainly an upgraded formulas and click on hair test, but the
issue in that direction. Mercury can be pushed out thing with that is it... And yeah, you can use under
of the body by certain minerals, too. We can talk arm, you can use pubic, if you shave your head, it
about those, but there's specific cases. And we... would have to depend...
We actually look at ratios of these heavy metals
to these specific minerals that are antagonistic.
So meaning they push out of the body. So that's... J: I was gonna say, I wonder where I would...
That's really helpful because when people talk [chuckle]
about doing a detox, what we really should be
doing is getting specific enough to test B: Yeah. So, you're good, you're good. So you can
beforehand and go, "all right, I'm looking at do that, you can do chest hair, you can do beard.
Barton's results. And I see that he has mercury You need about a table spoon of hair. You wanna
and he has aluminum. So in this particular case, I gather it from one location on the body.
want to do these specific minerals to remove
these specific heavy metals." Instead of just The other question for women particularly, men
doing a juice cleanse, for example. too, but particularly women, that will ask, "Oh,
what if I dyed my hair?" Well, that doesn't really
Or just doing whatever cleanse you're thinking matter because it doesn't affect the minerals that
about doing because I mean, if you really wanna we care about the most, it only shows false
get specific, know what you're focusing on. Like, I positives for things like tin or cobalt. And those
mean, if you were a general and you were trying are relatively... I'm not gonna say they're
to like win a certain battle, you wouldn't just completely insignificant, but they are virtually
approach from any angle, would you? You insignificant compared to looking at, for example,
wouldn't, you wouldn't approach without potassium levels, sodium levels, magnesium
knowing like counterintelligence or. levels, manganese levels, all these different
things. So manganese, for example, also as side
You know, you would have more data on it. So it's note, is one of those things that can help with
frustrating to me that, like, you know, at this soreness and recovery.
point, I know I'm either friends or acquaintances
with a lot of the top minds in health, and I still

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So the difference between hair though and blood, So we look at adrenal function. It doesn't say
the reason why blood fails this is because we're adrenal function directly on there, but it shows
only getting a drop, a snapshot. So we're going you ratios that represent that. And, well, is it high
like, Alright, you come in, and it's Monday at 9.00 or low? And how's that compared to thyroid
AM, and you get that snapshot, okay, cool. So function and what order should you do things in.
that snapshot is based on something you did 36 Metabolism is on there, thyroid function, zinc to
hours before, 72 hours before, can affect that. So copper, so hormones, both testosterone,
if you go in and you test testosterone, for progesterone and estrogen, those are all shown
example, with blood, then you'll see that, there.
[chuckle] Wow, it's interesting.
We get insight into what vitamin D levels might
Your testosterone levels, if you went out and be, even though it's certainly not for vitamin D
celebrated, maybe you went to a wedding on testing. We start to look at calcium and we see
Friday night and you drink a lot more than you that, Oh, calcium is very over-absorbed in this
thought you would. Monday, your testosterone body, or it's very high and... Okay, got it. So
levels will still be lower than they should be. I there's so many different things you start to put
think some of your audience may know that, but in your mind, and triangulate. And then
I'd be surprised that most audiences know that. consultation is there to ask the patient what
So it's really wild. And that's just one example. they're... "Well, okay, so talk to me about your
You wanna understand how easily that can be sodium intake, is it 4000 mg a day, 2000 mg a
tempered with or tampered with, and then day? Are you salting food? Do you never salt your
understanding that hair has this much wider food? Do you salt your water, or do you never salt
average. your water? Different questions like that. Do you
remember your dreams often, or do you go
So if you tested an average of all these individual months without remembering dreams?
slices of six to eight weeks of data. Wow, you see
a lot more information there. And it's just super All these things are insights into what the test is
powerful, because you make a much more showing. So you get this triangulation of eight or
informed decision. I think, [chuckle] in some ten questions often that, [chuckle] someone
cases it's actually... It's almost like malpractice to would go like, "How could you possibly know that
use blood for some things. It's so bad. It's so just I haven't dreamed in months?" And it's like, "Well,
ephemeral, like reading tea leaves type stuff. that's how you know the test is super accurate,
[chuckle] first of all." But yeah, it's just... I just
Now, the problem that some people run into with have found that super fascinating, that's why I've
hair is that, it's also the most complicated test I've spent so much time... This is the area I've spent
ever found, which is why as a chemical engineer, I time focusing in the last better part of a decade.
was really interested in it because it didn't
intimidate me at all. But most people will look at J: Yeah, a few things, one, you mentioned vitamin
one of our hair test and they go, "Damn, I should D there, and we hear a lot about Vitamin D now
have bought consultation because this doesn't with COVID and how your Vitamin D levels need
make any sense." And they're right, it doesn't. to be optimized. Now, the normal assumption is,
And that's not what it's for. It's supposed to just okay, just take more Vitamin D and get out in the
provide value and someone that's really sun. But there can be other things that really
well-trained in it is supposed to make the sense impact that too, I mean, different minerals and
out of it. things like... Talk about that a little bit.

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B: Yeah, so that's a great thought, and... So sort of effect and it would've been horrible. I
magnesium is the thing that I would say is most would've wasted that whole next day, both of
important to take with vitamin D. People talk those days, that was like a Sunday that I worked
about vitamin K or K2 and that's really good to out. And then Monday and Tuesday, I had that
help utilization, but magnesium is protecting same... Had that problem at night but yeah so
because if you take high doses of vitamin D often those are some thoughts there.
you can actually cause cell death in the brain. I
wish this was not true, but you can by holding the J: And then just circle back again do you not
calcium channel in the brain open too long. So it's recommend high dose of vitamin D, I mean,
just... It's wild. So the magnesium protects against 'cause there's some thoughts that some people
that. say, oh, you don't even take in orally, you don't
even absorb it, just get it from the sun. And then
J: So just to clarify Barton, so are you saying that the other thought it seems like you're saying here,
when you take vitamin D you have to take optimize magnesium levels and things like that.
magnesium at the same time or just as long as What are your thoughts in general on...
you take all at the exact same time?
B: Yeah, so the other thought in general is I
B: Yes. Yeah. wouldn't... I personally wouldn't take more than
5,000 IU per day. I would take it with magnesium.
I would... I mean, granted, if you have very high I would also, so we have, some boron...
magnesium levels, maybe your body will be okay,
but most people don't, most people are not only J: It is the timing of vitamin D important to you?
low, but chronically low. Then you can have
temporary deficiencies too. Right? So you can B: Yeah. Yes. That's another good point. Man,
have really good levels, but then you can have a there's so much we could cover on just this, but
day where you did a really heavy leg workout, for before noon, each day preferably in the morning.
example, and then you'll have either Definitely not in the evening. Definitely. Definitely.
constipation... You'll have signs of magnesium Definitely not in the evening for people 'cause...
deficiency, for example, constipation, bloating,
just like increased soreness or like there's poor
recovery. You'll have just a number of different J: Now for people who have heard that you
things like restless leg sort of tendencies where should take... So you're saying take the vitamin D
your feet are twitching, your ankles are twitching. early, which we hear a lot, but then for people
It feels like ants are running across the bottom of who've heard take magnesium at night to relax,
your feet. And that is waking you up during the but you're saying, take them both together. If you
night. take the magnesium in the morning, you'll be
relaxed at night anyway, is that basically...
And you'll feel your feet kind of adjust, that's
magnesium deficiency by the way. And I've felt B: Yeah. I often will take a smaller amount of
that before even recently, and just getting up in magnesium in the morning with the vitamin D.
the middle of the night, not being happy about it,
but at least knowing that I could take the... A
liquid form of upgraded magnesium and go back
to sleep and have it stop under five minutes, in
my particular case at least. But we've had other
people that I'm really close with have that similar

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And that really helps me. Everyone's different, J: And what does that mean? When you say that,
but that really helps me modulate cortisol levels I burn a lot of magnesium based on my
because I've always produced plenty of cortisol in constitution. Can anyone say, "Oh, that's me, I
the morning. So adrenal... I've worked on relate to that, that's my personality."
strengthening my adrenal glands too. That's part
of the reason why I had the memory issues is B: I would say it's you if you can do a heavy
because I didn't have the minerals that my workout and work out all day and go and start a
adrenals needed. So, and we test for all of those dance party at night, or run 10 miles and also
as well. The boron as well, we have that... Pretty work out and also work and feel like you're fine. I
soon we'll have that in a standalone product, but can do all of that as long my minerals are
we also have it in upgraded memory and that balanced.
activates vitamin D. So like there's a lot to it. If
your body doesn't have boron from everything I
can tell in the research, like we don't know that And I have enough of them. So as I've gotten
vitamin D gets activated at all. And a lot of healthier, I've been able to do more, but that's still
people are chronically deficient in boron so much will necessitate that I keep testing the levels
so that we actually like don't test for boron it's in because my requirements may go up because my
like an incredibly small amount in the body. So health is at a point now that my output can be
there's no accurate way currently with either hair very high. A case in point, my friend Tara
or blood or urine to test for boron, with accuracy. Garrison, she was super fit, like a body building
I mean, people will sell you a test for it, but it's type of person, but can also run marathons.
not accurate so...
And she hadn't run marathons in quite a while,
J: So then just quick opinion, boron in relation to she had four kids. She had chronically low
free testosterone levels. Is that anything? magnesium levels about where mine were
actually when I met her. And she went from being
really low to being able to get back to a
B: Yeah. Yes, definitely yeah, the sex binding six-minute per mile pace and also be an
globulin is interesting. There's definitely a entrepreneur running her own business, be very
connection there. So that's... That's important. social, go to events and raise four kids and do
That's part of the reason why I'm putting out a just hard workouts.
large and like really well absorbed dose of boron.
Maybe out by the time people listen to this, but
that's something that it's really good, but at least And as high output of... Certainly some of the
having a smaller dose of it during the day is really highest output I've ever seen a person have. That
nice. We put together a men's hormone health was... That didn't really change until she got
bundle too on the site and it's in that bundle too. magnesium levels up, and it really doesn't get up
So yeah. So, what would I do there? I would do until you absorb it really well. And it's not about
that. And then you're totally right about the form, it's with any mineral... Unless we're talking
magnesium in the evening though I always take about old paradigms of absorption. At least with
magnesium in the evening. Like literally like all the just the absorption method that I was able to
time but I, you know, I also have this sort of produce for these minerals and getting particle
constitution where I burn a lot of magnesium, I size small enough, getting it really stable where
burn a lot of magnesium with my just the body is utilizing exactly what you're putting
constitution, my makeup and yet... And I will say I in without having to absorb it.
feel like I do have a lot of bandwidth but it's very
dependent on my magnesium levels. And so...

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You don't need the stomach, so it's going to get J: One of the easiest things I'll do with someone
used by the blood, brain barrier... It's going to who's on a low carb plan, it's just have them
cross the blood-brain barrier get used by the boost their sodium a little bit by putting sea salt
brain and any of the organs, etcetera. So that's in water and sea salt in their food more. If they
key, and that doesn't matter if it's from were going low sodium, and then all of a sudden
magnesium or copper or manganese or etcetera. that problem of not getting pumps in the gym or
crashing after six reps, when you still be a 10 or 12
But she was able to really bounce back and have reps or something. That seems to be a pretty
these crazy, crazy work weeks and also just good quick fix.
mind-blowing workouts, which were really
impressive, and she thought... She didn't realize it B: It's very helpful, it's very helpful. And these
at the time, but she had anxiety in the morning. minerals work together, they work together and
She'd wake up and she had just feel behind some counteract each other. So potassium for
already. Even when she woke up at 5:00 AM, and example. Potassium, it's interesting, they found
she's like, "Yeah, I guess this is just how life is." that the amount of potassium is inversely
And she's such a positive person. Coach Tara proportional to death, essentially. So the higher
Garrison on instagram if anyone wants to look her the potassium level, the better chance you have
up. One and a really, really good friend. But yeah, of just being alive longer, in layperson words.
she told me that she's like, "You know... " And
we've done... We've looked at her hair analysis on And, what's interesting about potassium is that it
her podcast and things, but yeah, I think this is a protects against magnesium loss. And so that's
common story. It's important to tell people this really key. And then there are just relationships
because a lot of people don't... And I've been between sodium and magnesium, there's so
there too, it's gradual enough that anxiety can much that we can talk about. But hopefully
creep into your life until you don't know it's there, people will get more than just the facts here, they
and then you're like, "Oh man, this is more often get the big picture, which is all of this is
than I wanna admit." interconnected, and the only way to really know
is to test. And when you test, you really need a
J: One thing you did mention there, you talked consultation, whether it's with us or someone
about. Do you salt your water? And I always do. Is else, but they really... You need to somehow know
that something that you recommend in general that they really have focused in on this area and
or is that something that you say to do based on become an expert in it, because if this is just one
testing or? of 10 other tests that they do, it's an incredibly
low chance that they know what they're talking
B: Yes and yes. I would say definitely. And also, about at a deep level. 'Cause there's just too
how much though is going to be indicative of much information on other tests to learn and also
your levels so what are your levels. And what are be great at this, but it's so, so important. I really
your levels right now based on the diet you've wanna see it taught in medical schools.
eaten for the last two months? And that's going
to change in two months, so you can test, I think it isn't simply because the result would be
especially as you make changes in diet and not medication, but supplements, and you can't
supplementation that really absorbs well. So patent supplements, you can't patent a form like
yeah, those are... That's what I would say is you can, with drugs at least.
another good thought for people...

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It's super interesting because you can create a because that can actually mess up someone's
drug that stops restless leg, as they call it, relationship. [chuckle]
twitches and give it a label like that, or you can And that's a whole another podcast, [chuckle]
just take the nutrients that reverse that from but briefly, zinc and copper affect your
happening because it wasn't happening a year personality to the extent that copper is very
ago, but now it's happening so wouldn't it make creative and ungrounded at a high extreme, and
sense then that you can reverse that? Of course that's where we get... And that's connected to
you can, but you need to be able to absorb that estrogen, so more often than not you'll get
well enough, and that was the problem. women there on that end of the spectrum
because obviously estrogen's higher, you get
J: Yeah. Another issue is men's mental virility. I'd more often than not, men, that are highly
love to hear you talk about that a little bit. analytical because of zinc and that's more
common that men have higher zinc levels than
B: Oh man, that's a really good one. So I've been
working on a product for a while now that will
support this, but you have a few different But it's certainly not always the case, and you can
minerals that are key, we talked about boron change that really quickly by eating foods that
already magnesium is key for this as well, and are really high in copper or zinc, and that's even
zinc as well, so really vitality even if you're trying with the soil being the depleted as it is, which is
to get pregnant, it's not just your wife or your the other factor in all of this is that a good diet
partner's duty to focus on this, it's also as a guy, most likely won't make you well, because at least
certainly yours as well. on by itself. You also need to know your levels
you need to be supplementing, you need to be
moving every day and all the other things too. So
If you're listening to this, be cognizant, I would
yeah, it all connects.
say, if this is something you're thinking about, do
a test to figure out what your zinc levels are,
figure out what your copper levels are, figure out J: Obviously, I know you're answering this, but I'd
what your calcium and magnesium levels are, all love to just hear your take on, there's people who
of that would be pretty expensive to do with like to keep it really simple and natural and say,
blood, you still have to go and make an "Oh, you really don't need supplements get
appointment and get a needle in your arm versus everything you can from food and the sun and all
getting a kit sent to you via mail that you just that kind of stuff." Just give me a brief
mail back to one of our labs and you get your explanation on why that's not... Maybe in an ideal
results through your email. world, if there was no toxins and we're all living
like we lived 100, 200 years ago, just give me a
brief thought on that.
So I highly recommend doing that because that
gives you an idea, that gives you the map of
where you are. And I would supplement all of B: Yeah, you nailed it. The water in the air, 200
those nutrients, just knowing specifically where I years ago, was so much cleaner and clearer than
am, but I don't wanna supplement magnesium, now. We're like 10^3 more toxic than ever before.
even though magnesium would help if my And that's significant when you think about what
calcium levels are through the floor. So that's it takes to be healthy. So at a cell level, you have
what I mean when testing and also, I don't wanna to be able to produce energy and you have to be
supplement zinc, if my zinc levels are already able to detox effectively.
really high, especially compared to copper,

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And this is a lot of what I'm writing about in the have a doctor in Houston that has used their
book, I'm writing currently around these topics magnesium in conjunction with hyperbaric
and it's just noticeable to me when I'm getting oxygen to help heal traumatic brain injuries. And
that right and when I've gotten it wrong in the all we know is this just like the... He hasn't done
past. But you need to understand how good you studies on it yet, but he's been able to see his
could feel to then understand that you're not patients improve their symptoms. They're not
feeling... That you need to... It's time to correct slurring their speech, they are not... He would be
something again. Right? the type of person you would see if you fell off
your motorcycle and hit your head, or if you were
So the people that get the best results for us are playing rugby last weekend, or if you played
the ones that test just quarterly, we have football or got in a fight 10 years ago, or you had
subscription options, and we even have a car wreck, or like...
two-month options, but quarterly is fine, but you
need to just stay on it otherwise eventually, it's as There's just so many things that you can just be
if you're on a train, a train track and you have the living a normal life and have these things happen
rails because you've been testing, but then to you. The magnesium helps, hyperbaric helps.
eventually the rails will just stop if you don't keep As far as protocol and timing, the atmosphere...
building the rails, and the testing does that, so it On timing, I would say within... It would be okay
gives you these boundaries it gives you structure. to wait a couple days, because the body is kind
of healing, but all hyperbaric is going to do is
J: Give us just a couple of things that you maybe provide more oxygen and more magnesium. Well,
do on a daily basis, a weekly basis, do you do magnesium if you're taking it.
intermittent fasting, do you do sauna? Some
other things that you do just to stay optimized. But anytime you put more oxygen in, you
increase your magnesium requirements, because
B: Sure, I really like intermittent fasting, I do, but I oxygen is used to produce ATP. And so I would
also like cold water, I also like... And I like doing take both of those. It also helps you stay calm, so
Epsom salt baths. I like doing float tanks... And if you're less likely feel like hypochondriac inside
you've been in any sport where you might have the chamber. And don't take things like niacin. If
had head injuries, which most of us have had a you're doing hyperbaric, that will make you...
concussion even if it's like three when we fell on Actually I figured that out firsthand. I was fasted I
our head or something. But certainly, if you've did niacin and it was just bad combination. It was
been in contact sports, you probably want to like, "Oh man, this is... " I normally had no
look into hyperbaric oxygen, and a protocol to problem. Done like 40 sessions in these things
help with that. I say that, because that's kind of and didn't didn't like the experience. So yeah,
the why behind this works so well for so many don't do that. But do some of our... Like
people. But ultimately, that's one of my favorite upgrading magnesium hop, maybe 30 minutes
bio hacks, as well as hyperbaric oxygen, getting before feel nice and calm, maybe meditate
in the chamber with... before. Maybe do cold water right before if you're
at a place that has all of this, because that cold
water will calm you, give you that kind of quiet
J: Speaking of that, do you have any kind of chilled out confidence and then you hop in. But if
protocol for someone who gets a concussion? If I someone's had a traumatic brain injury, what I
got a concussion today, what's like the 24-72 would say is do 40 sessions, something like three
hour? Anything like that? per week, and that will most likely get you back
to a good baseline. It will also improve some
B: That's an awesome question I've actually never other injuries in the process. It's magical.
answered on podcast before, which is... And we

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