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Telegram @KnownAsMEGA

Copyright © 2021 Masculinity Rediscovered

All rights reserved.

This book or any portion thereof may not be

reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the
publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a
book review, crediting the author.

none of the contents in this guide or this course

should be considered professional advice. It is
merely for entertainment purposes only.

1st Edition: 2021

Twitter: @BecomeAManAgain

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
Yes, it's very simple. Is it easy? perhaps.

But the bottom line is, you need to become an

Extrovert to succeed with women and in the social

And once you become one, and you will, you kick
yourself about how better and more fulfilling life
becomes. As I spoke about in the "Mindset" Module
inside Social Circle Bible, we all are natural introverts.

You need to understand that the #1 reason you

IDENTITY as an introvert is because you grew up
watching things and being around people who made
being an introvert acceptable, and perhaps even "cool"

I fell for this myself. All those self-deprecating memes,

shows, movies, etc made me complacent.

Until I realized that's not how real life works. WAKE UP.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA

As discussed in the mindset module on the social

circle bible, you need to realize that
"you're already naked"
(-Steve Jobs)

You need to accept the possibility of defeat. I suggest

you watch this scene from the "Dark Knight Rises"

It applies to all things in life. You need to lose to ropes-

lose the "I can't do that because I'm an introvert" safety
net that has prevented you from winning.

Trust me, after you do the following, especially the

"Quick Start Exercises" daily, you will realize that
you were an extrovert ALL ALONG. You just had to
reconnect with it.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
1 | Expose yourself to Tension

You've become too comfortable in your own introverted

reality. You need to make Tension your best friend.

How? Do the things that make you uncomfortable at

best, and fucking terrified at worst.

The idea is to be in that situation for as long as you can.

cold showers & ice baths daily

weight lifting & increasing your load.
maintaining eye contact till the other person breaks
not smiling or laughing in conversations. (extreme
for a while, then gradually smirk)
Instead of texting, call the person.
Instead of face timing, meet the person physically.

And always REFRAME situations positively. It's not a

loss, it's a lesson.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
2 | The 2 Questions to Receive
Social Freedom

Q1: Identify the part of you that’s been

holding you back from being the most
socially free version of yourself possible?
Give it a name and write it down.

Q2: Identify the Parts of yourself that you

promise to Water daily and develop over the
coming weeks? Is it a charismatic,
seductive, social, dominating side of you?

be specific, identify 3, and give a name to

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
How to Answer

"I am saying goodbye to the introverted,

socially closed-off side of me because being
shy is being a loser and I'm not a loser.

Today, I commit to enjoying and giving fuel to

my Fun-loving, social animal, charismatic and
DOMINATING side, as it grows and develops
over the coming weeks."

Write this down on a piece of paper and stick

it somewhere you can see every day as soon
as waking up and just before you sleep.

You are now ready for change, my brother!

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
3 | State Management

This is THE MOST IMPORTANT module inside this

guide. Your state (how you feel at a given moment)
can make or break your interactions.

The first thing you need to realize is, that you're not
depressed or low value. You are "doing" low value and

How? Your body impacts your mind and state more

than your mind impacts your body.

The next time you feel sad or depressed, notice how

your body language is closed off, you're hunching over
and making yourself appear as "small" as you can.

Here are some great exercises to change your state

from introverted to extroverted:-

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
3 | State Management

1- Skipping, jumping, bouncing around to your favorite


It's not possible to keep jumping around and be

unhappy. Why is it that people in clubs bounce a lot?
Because it's the universal sign that you're having a
great time. Blast on the music that amps you up and
go crazy for 60 seconds.

2- Breath of Fire+Grounding

Watch this video:

You start slow, then medium, then extremely fast, 2

minutes each, and at the end,

you take ONE DEEP grounding breath- while being

excited about the day and grateful about Life.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
3 | State Management

3- Connecting with your PRIMAL APE

We've been sedated by society. We've been taught

from a young age how suppressing your emotions is
good- FUCK THAT. Expressing yourself socially
involves unlearning all the social conditioning we've
been brainwashed with.

How to do this?

For 15-20 seconds, make LOUD ANIMAL NOISES

This could be a gorilla thumping of the chest while
doing a Tarzan scream, BARK thrice, and get the
volume up as loud as you can. Jump up and down like
a chimpanzee while doing it.

The main goal here is to remove all filters and

reconnect and UNLEASH that wild BEAST.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
4 | Power Pose + Go-to Thought
You all know what a power pose is. But when you add
these positive thought loops to it, it's like STERIODS
for your social results.

Get into your power pose, close your eyes and repeat
one of the following thought loops in your mind while
simultaneously visualizing and seeing yourself
dominate the day and the people you meet.

"I love myself"

"I am a social animal"
"women beg for an opportunity to talk to me and
fuck me"
"I love giving my gift of charm and attraction to
"I am free flowing & relaxed in social situations
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
5 | The Social Shock Refresh

This will completely eliminate your programming and

rewire your brain.

Head to a water faucet and keep it in the hottest setting


Keep your hand in there for 15 seconds, then turn it to the

coldest setting and keep your hands there for 15 seconds.

While doing this, nod your head "yes" and repeat the
above thought loops in your head. This internalizes those
thoughts faster because your body is more present at the

You could also think about a time you dominated your

conversations with women and were completely socially

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
6 | Facial & Vocal Warm Up

1) 20-30 seconds:

Yawn widely to stretch the jaw, while making a sighing

sound for as long as you can exhale.

2) Tongue Stretches (60 seconds)

Stick the tongue out, point it up and down without

moving your jaw.
Then brace the tongue behind the front bottom teeth
and push the center against the inside of your teeth.

(last 20 seconds) Massage the muscles of the jaw and

face to further reduce tension. Stretch the neck lightly
by rotating it.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
3) For 20 seconds, close your eyes, while making a
"MMM" sound with your lips closed.

Maintain this sound steadily for as long as you can.

This helps clear and even out your voice while
increasing projection.

4) For the next 60 seconds, pick out anything from

your environment (the view, the atmosphere,
anything) and talk about it.

There are no standards here- you can talk with

yourself about anything related to that object. Be
completely free-flowing with 0 judgment.

If you want, look up some tongue twisters to warm

up your vocal cords even further.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
7 | Quick Start Exercises
Your mindset has been fixed. You're in a great state, your
thought loop is fucking amazing.

Now comes the heavy lifting.

If you don't know what to talk about, refer to charismatic

Questions and to The Openers inside Social Circle Bible.

Below is a set of exercises that you need to do daily and

measure how uncomfortable you felt on a scale of 1-10


The goal is to add the scores up and to AIM for the

LOWEST SCORE Possible. You are competing with your
own scores. ( Print the "Social Anxiety Destroyer Weekly

Remember to reward yourself for every increase in your

score, because what gets rewarded, gets repeated.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
1) Make Eye Contact with 3 people
and dont break it before they do.

2) Ask a stranger for the time/


3) Talk to someone lower value than

you for 1-3 minutes without giving
in to their demands (homeless guy,
girl scout, salesman, etc)

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
4) Tell a joke in front of people you

5) Small talk with the staff even

when somebody is waiting in line

6) Walk up to a stranger, and talk

till you make him laugh. You can't
leave the conversation till you
make him laugh.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
7) Do shirtless pushups in an
empty street

8) Do shirtless pushups in a
crowded street

9) Dance like you're inside a club

on the street or a public place.

10) Go up beside a person walking

and match their pace and intensity
while being as close to their
shoulders as possible.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
With this, you are now fully prepared to DESTROY that
Introvert side of yours.

Huge success and blessings await you, my brother. I'm

so excited to see your progress, to see you embrace
that extrovert inside you that has been DYING to come
out and showcase all the gifts that you have to this

Print out the planner and come back to this often, and
you will find yourself more and more at ease in social

Remember, its a marathon, not a race.

And only the ones who keep fucking going, DOMINATE


- M.R
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA

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