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YEAR 2023-2024
GAS 12-D



In today’s fast-paced and expensive world, it is becoming increasingly common
for students to take or part-time job while pursuing their studies. This phenomenon is
not only prevalent among college students but also among high school students,
particularly those in the General Academic Strands (GAS) 12 program. One such
institution where this trend is observed is AMA Computer Learning Center (ACLC)
during the School Year 2023-2024. While part-time jobs offer several benefits,
including extra income valuable work experience, and the opportunity to develop
important skills, or it is crucial to examine the potential effects they may have on the
academic performance of working students. This research aims to explore the
impact of GAS 12 students at ACLC Naga during the afore mentioned academic
The transition from high school to college is a critical period in a student’s life,
characterized by new experiences, greater independence, and increased
responsibilities. As GAS 12 students at ACLC strive to excel academically and
prepare themselves compelled to take a part-time jobs to supplement their financial
needs or gain practical experience. However, the questions arises whether these
jobs, albeit beneficial in various aspects, may have any adverse effects on their
academic performance.
One of the primary aspects affected by part-time jobs is time management,
juggling work shifts, study hours, and other commitments can pose a significant
challenge for students. Balancing the demands of both work and education may
result in increased stress levels, fatigue, and a lack of focus on academic endeavors.
With limited time available, students may have to sacrifice sleep, leisure activities, or
even study time, which can ultimately lead to a decline in their academic
Furthermore, part-time jobs often require students to work on weekdays or
weekends, partially conflicting with school hours or extracurricular activities. These
conflicting schedules can lead to missed classes, incomplete assignments, or
reduced participation in class discussions. Such disruptions can negatively impact a
students ability to grasp new concepts, keep up with the curriculum, and fully engage
in the learning process. Consequently, their overall academic growth.
Additionally, part-time jobs can also affects a students' mental well-being. The
pressure to meet work expectations while performing well academically can create a
sense of overwhelming responsibility and may contribute to increased stress and
academic demands without adequate next can lead to a decline in mental health and
overall motivation, further exacerbating the impact on academic performance.
Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge the potential advantages of part-
time jobs for working students by engaging in employment, students can acquire
valuable workplace skills, such as teamwork, time management, and
communication, which can enhance their professional development and future
career prospects. Moreover, part-time jobs offer opportunities for financial
independence, allowing students to support themselves financially and reducing the
burden or their families. These benefits should not be overlooked, but careful
consideration must be given to strike a balance between work commitments and
academic responsibilities.
According to the findings of the study conducted by Williams (2014), the reasons
why students work is due to budgeting need, meet a quick or basis necessity, and to
help the understudies in their future objectives. This was supported by the study of
Furr and Elling (2002), where the reasons why the students work part-time job is due
to financial problem. Aside from these reasons, there were also consequences of
working while studying and that is according to findings of the study of Darolia
Working while studying is driven fundamentally by budgetary need to cover
setbacks in different types of understudy bolster to top up salary to give a superior
understudy understanding, or to help towards future objectives. It additionally
empowers understudies to share the duty regarding meeting the expenses of their
examination, furnishes them with a feeling of monetary autonomy, and creates
abilities in overseeing accounts. According to the study of Ruhm (1997), it is
necessary to understand the effects of working students in society because as the
rate of working students reached an abnormal state, job hiring started to show the
negative impacts that were attributed to it since it lessens instructive fulfillment and
scholarly execution particularly among youthful laborers without school training. On
the other hand, if working at a young age proves to be a favorable aspect of the
Since there are many possible conclusions, the researchers have to see the
lapses of this work so that the researcher will be able to explore the experiences of
the working students and to be able to understand fully what a working students is.
This study explores how the student creates ways to maximize their time in working
and in studying. The said study also aims to investigate and identify students
experiences while working. This study is aimed at investigating the effects of
students' employment on their academic performance. Various factors considered to
have effects of students academic achievement are explored. This includes the type
of jobs, the time spent on part-time job, students GPA, and the time needed to finish
their studies.
To sum up, the growing trend of part-time jobs among GAS 12 students at ACLC
during the academic year 2023-2024 raises concerns about its potential impact on
their academic performance. While these jobs offer financial independence, practical
experience, and skill development, they can also pose challenges in terms of time
management, conflicting schedules, and mental well-being, all of which can
ultimately detract from a Student’s academic achievement. Therefore, it is crucial for
students, educators, and parents to recognize these potential effects and work
together to find strategies that enable students to effectively manage their part-time
jobs while ensuring their academic success and overall well-being.


This study aims to investigate the effects of part-time jobs on the academic
performance of General Academic Strands (GAS) 12 students at AMA Computer
Learning Center (ACLC) during the School Year 2023-2024.
Thus, study provides answers to the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents in term of:

a. Age
b. Gender
c. Section
2. What are the primary reasons or motivations for students at AMA Computer
Learning Center (ACLC) to seek part-time job during their academic studies?

a. Financial Problem
b. Mental-emotional Problem
c. Gain Independence

3. What is the level of Academic Performance of GAS 12 students in the first

4. Is there differences in GPA between working students who received financial
did and those who do not?

5. What is the average number of hours per week that students at AMA
Computer Learning Center (ACLC) dedicate to part-time?


This study aims to investigate the effects of part-time job on the Academic
Performance of GAS 12 students at ACLC during the school year 2023-2024, it will
examine how various factors, such as working hours, job responsibilities, and time
management, influence the students Academic Performance. Additionally, the study
will explore the potential benefits or drawbacks of having a part-time job on the
overall educational experience of working students.

The study will focus specifically on GAS 12 students at ACLC and their
experience with part-time jobs during the specified school year. On the other hand,
this study does not include Grade 11 and other strand in Grade 12 at ACLC Naga.

The performance of General Academic Strands (GAS) 12 students at AMA
Computer Learning Center (ACLC) for the school year 2023-2024 is negatively
affected by part-time jobs, leading to lower academic performance compared to
students who do not have part-time jobs.

Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no statistically

significant relationship between
part-time job involvement and the
Academic performance of Grade 12
(GAS) 12 Students.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1: There is a

Statistically significant negative
relationship between part-time job
involvement and the academic
performance of Grade 12(GAS) 12
This research aims to provide valuable insights into the relationship between job
and academic performance among working students.
The result of the study would be been beneficial to the following:

STUDENTS: This study is significance for Students as it will provide insights into the
challenges and benefits of being them make informed decisions about
managing work and education. It can lead to improved time
management, career planning, and academic success.

TEACHERS: This study can guide them in adapting their teaching methods and
support systems, ultimately enhancing the learning experience for
those students. Teachers can benefit from this study by understanding
the unique needs and stressors of working students.

PARENTS: This knowledge can help parents provide more effective guidance and
support, leading to better academic and career outcomes for their
children. Parents of working students will gain valuable information about
the demands and pressures their children face.

ADMINISTRATION: This school administrators can use the findings to create

policies and programs that cater to the specific needs of working
students. This may lead to an improved learning environment,
higher retention rates, and better academic performance.

DepEd: The study’s insights can assist the Department of Education (DepEd) in
developing or revising policies and programs that cater to the unique needs
of working students within the education system. This can lead to more
inclusive and effective educational framework.

SOCIETY: The study’s significance extends to Society at large. It sheds light on

issues related to access education, economic inequality, challenges faced
by working students can help society address these broader concerns.

RESEARCHERS: The researchers conducting this Study can contribute to the body
of knowledge on the experiences and outcomes of working students, their
findings may influence educational practices, policies, and interventions,
ultimately benefiting working students and the education system.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS: This study can serve as a foundation for future

researchers on working students. Researchers can build upon the
knowledge generated by this study, delving deeper into specific
aspects or exploring new questions that arise.


1. Part-time Job – A position of employment where an individual

works for a shorter duration or fewer hours compared to a full-time job,
typically done alongside their studies or primary occupation.
2. General Academic Strands – Refer to the broad categories or
streams of academic performance subjects or disciplines that students
can choose to pursue in their educational pathway.

3. Academic Performance - The measure of a students

achievement and success in their academic pursuits, such as grades,
test, scores, and overall performance in coursework.

4. Financial Problem – A situation where an individual or entity

faces difficulties in managing their finances, often characterized by
insufficient funds to meets expenses or fulfill financial obligations.

5. Mental-emotional Problem – Any psychological or emotional

issue or distress that affects an individuals mental well-being, such as
stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions.

6. Gain Independence – The process of becoming self-reliant, self-

sufficient, and able to make decisions and take responsibility for one’s
own life, actions, and choices without relying heavily on others.

Curtis, S., & Williams, S. (2002). The relevant workforce:

undergraduates’ part-time employment. Retrieved from Https://www.eralclinsight.

Darolia, R. (2014). Working (and studying) day and night: Heterogeneous effects of
working on the academic performance of full-time and part-time students. Retrieved

Ruhm, Chris. (October 1997) “Is high school employment consumption or investment
” Journal of Labor Economics 15,no.4:735-76.strinebrickner, Todd, and
strinebrickner Ralph. “ The underlying Relationship between Family income and
educational attainment: Evidence from a liberal arts college with a full tuition
subsidy.” Journal of Human Resources, Forthcoming http//

Furr, S. and Elling, T. W. (2000). The influence of work on college student

development. NASPA Journal, 37(2), 454-470

This chapter is composed of the review of related literature and studies that
entitled “The effects of part-time job on working student’s Academic performance of
General Academic Strands (GAS) 12 students at AMA Computer Learning Center
(ACLC) School Year 2023-2024”.
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in understanding the effects
of part-time employment on students' lives, particularly on their academic
performance, mental well-being, and future career prospects. As more and more
students opt to work part-time while pursuing their education, it becomes crucial to
examine the potential benefits and drawbacks of balancing work and studies. This
literature review aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of existing research on
the effects of part-time jobs on working students. By synthesizing the findings from
various studies, this review seeks to shed light on the multifaceted implications of
part-time employment for the educational and personal development of students.
Through an exploration of the literature, this review will contribute to a deeper
understanding of the topic and provide valuable insights for educators, policymakers,
and students themselves.

According to Kwadzo, M. (2014) international students’ experiences with

studying and working at a North Eastern public university. Through
phenomenological research approach that utilized face-to-face Interview and photo-
elicitation techniques, the personal experiences of twenty international Students
were captured. The findings of this study indicated that these students benefited
from the responsibilities that resulted from their dual role as both students and
employees in many ways. However, they also suffered from emotional and physical
stress which resulted in tiredness, lack of sleep, role conflict, homesickness and
frustration. Interestingly, these students effectively employed Different coping
mechanisms including finding social support, and participating in leisure and non-
leisure activities to off-set the negative effects of studying and working concurrently.
A number of factors emerged from the qualitative analysis: Reasons for working,
nature of student’s part-time work, consequences of working, culture shock, and
coping strategies. These factors provided the basis for understanding the
respondents’ perceived and constructed systems. The study participants used
quotes, phrases, sentences and sometimes photos to explain their Experiences with
effects of working, culture shock, and coping strategies.

According to Muluk, S. (2017) Part-time jobs have been considered as one of

the factors influencing student’ academic achievement. This paper examines the
students of English Department, at the Faculty of Teaching and Teacher Training,
State Islamic University (UIN) Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, undertaking part-
time job outside campus. Effects of employment on students’ academic achievement
are investigated. A quantitative approach is utilized to analyze the impact of part-time
job on students’ academic achievement. Thirty (30) students were purposively
chosen as the samples of this study. Students’ academic result in the form GPA, the
amount of time spent on part-time job, as well as types of jobs the students involve in
are scrutinized to see the relation between part-time jobs and their academic result.
The result of the study indicates that despite the time spent on part-time job,
students’ GPA are above average. However, in some cases, the time required to
finish their studies is longer than those who do not have part-time jobs. To answer
research questions, four students, selected as respondents of this study, as
mentioned earlier in previous section, were interviewed. Two female and two
male students working for 20-40 hours per week were choosen. There was only
one male student who works over 35 hours perweek. The four of them were
interviewed with the same unstructured questions. They were interviewed in
October 2016.

According to Brew, EA., Nketiah, B. and Koranteng, R. (2021) The good

academic performance of students at the Senior High School is of Paramount
importance in every educational system. Meanwhile, numerous Factors influence the
academic performance of students and have been researched but many problems
persist. A literature review in this area would provide the gaps and areas that need
more research and will go a long way to curb the situation. The current paper used a
narrative review method to review the literature on the academic performance of
students at Senior High Schools and various factors affecting students’ performance.
The paper elucidated how these factors negatively affect academic performance and
the need for them to be minimized to improve students’ academic performance. The
study found out that, truancy affects academic performance drastically and
sometimes even leads to school dropout. Also, the study found out that other factors
such as students’ parental levels of education and income, textbooks Availability and
accessibility, libraries, practical laboratory, meals provision and teachers have
tremendous effects on the academic performance of students at school. Students
who are above average academically and are positively exposed to these factors are
likely to perform better as compared to those who are less exposed to these factors.
The study recommends that factors such as truancy, parental levels of education
and income, textbooks availability and accessibility, libraries, practical laboratory,
meals provision and teachers should be regularly monitored and adjusted to meet
students’ needs and aspirations. This will go a long way to improve the academic
performance of students and hence allow them to achieve their aims in life.

According to Balacuit, C., & Lopio L. (2022) In tertiary education, success is not
purely about intelligence; self-discipline, diligence, initiative, and determination are
pillars that one keeps there. This study delves into the academic challenges of
working scholars at Northeastern Mindanao State University (NEMSU), a state
university in Surigao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippines. This exploration sought to
explore the academic challenges of working scholars in terms of financial, social,
psychological, teachers’ factors, and classroom environment. The study utilized a
mixed methods approach where a researcher-made checklist survey questionnaire
was employed to come up with the quantitative result. Further, the researchers also
conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the working scholars in which the
responses were thematically extracted to derive an elaborated result from the
quantitative data, leading this study a mixed method design—an explanatory
approach. It has been found out that university students are working while studying
to support their underprivileged families; sustain their scholastic expenses for their
dreams of having a better life; lack of financial support from their families due to
unemployment, death, and health concerns; and to prove to others that poverty is
not a predicament in education if one is determined to succeed. The primary
academic challenge of working scholars in their daily lives is financial problems,
which are attributed to school-related expenses (requirements), needs, and wants. In
addition, working scholars are also psychologically challenged because of external
discouragement and a lack of moral support from their families.

According to Maksura, A. & Mahtab, U. & Mohamad, J. (2019) We examine

the effect of part-time employment on students’ academic Performance using
primary data collected from randomly selected 108 students of Hajee Mohammad
Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur. We estimate the
impact of both work participation and work intensity of student involved in part time
job on academic Performance using ordinary least square (OSL) method. The
regression results show that there is a significant negative relationship between work
participation and academic performance of the students. Further, it was observed
that the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) declines with increment hours in
part time employment. . A study carried out by Body et. Al.(2014) on the students of
France University showed that students’ employment negatively affect their
academic achievement. The study also stated that who work more than 16 hours a
week are affected negatively, while those who work fewer than 8 hours a week are
unaffected. in Belgium studied to examine the relationship between
students’ employment and academic performance, and find a negative effect of
working hour on their academic performance.

According to Mappadang, A., Khusaini, K., Sunaga, M., & Elizabeth,E.
(2022) Academic performance is important for students as a result of educational
experience in colleges to represent knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Academic
performance becomes one of the key factors in determining students’ success in
their future careers. This research aimed to assess student’s academic interest,
learning attitude, and learning quality as well as control variables for the academic
performance improvement of undergraduate students in Indonesia. This research
employed a cross-section survey design to 872 samples gained by disproportionate
random sampling. The research instruments were tested for their validity and
reliability. The multinomial logit regression model was employed to analyze
academic performance. The results of the research showed that academic interest
was proved to determine significantly the academic performance. The findings
inferred that students’ psychological conditions, as one of academic interest,
contribute significantly to improving academic performance. The finding indicated
that the higher academic interest implicates students to optimize their learning for
better results. Students’ experience, ability, and competence during higher education
promote benefits for their future. Therefore, this research provides recommendations
about the importance of maintaining students’ academic interests.
According to Capinding, A. (2021)The study focused on the academic
performance of minority students of Dingalan National High School. The goal of this
study was to establish an evaluation of the factors that may affect the Academic
Performance of students from an ethnic minority perspective. In particular, it sought
to define and examine the following: the age, sex and grade profile of respondents,
the relationship of Students’ academic achievements to the age and sex; and the
relationship between academic achievement and the educational Environment of the
student. Researcher utilized the descriptive-correlational design of research using
survey questionnaires in Gathering data from the total population of minority
students of Dingalan National High School. Study showed that 61.54% of the
respondents have fair grades, 30.77% satisfactory, and only 7.69% outstanding
grade. Study also showed that age, sex and Educational environment have no direct
relationship with academic performance among minority students. It was found
differences in the type of motivation of students from different ethnic backgrounds,
and also in how it was associated with their GPA (Isik et al., 2017).

According to Wallace and Hentgens (2017), treating children negatively, like

physical abuse, yelling,and other punishments, negatively impacts the children’s
academic performance and outputs. On the other hand, Those students having an
active parenting involvement in their education that education will likely motivate
them and lead them to success the idea of making school more exciting and fulfilling
in short-process for these students, such as through to peer-to-peer learning, hands-
on projects, and experiences, might be more effective. Parent involvement in schools
focused on the family background concerning characteristics of school involvement
activities and then tracing it if it genuinely affects academic performance. Thus, it
contributes willingness and motivation to their children’s outputs (Park & Holloway,

According to Oducado,RM., & Penuela, A. (2014) An array of factors related to

what determines students’ board exam performance, but few studies were
conducted in the Philippines as to what can predict Academic performance of
nursing students. This descriptive correlational study was an attempt to increase
understanding of the academic and non-academic attributes of academic
performance in Professional nursing courses. Correlations among overall
performance in professional nursing courses and the following variables:sex,
monthly income, type of high school attended, residence, High school GPA, NAT
ratings; as well as grades in English content Courses, Math content courses,
Science content courses were computed for the 60 students of Batch 2013 of Saint
Gabriel College with complete records from the school registrar. The secondary data
obtained were statistically analyzed with the use of the weighted mean, Rank, Chi
square, Pearson r and regression analysis. Type of school attended, and all
academic factors were Correlated with academic performance in professional
Nursing courses. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed performance in English
and Science courses as predictors of respondents’ academic performance in
Professional nursing courses. This study concludes that Academic factors are better
predictors of academic Performance in professional nursing courses. The challenge
for the colleges and schools is to develop Strategies aimed at addressing these
factors that are Appropriate to specific contexts and student cohorts.
According to Tus, J. (2020) Academic performance is dependent on multiple
factors, two of which are stress and motivation. It is an essential aspect for senior
high school students as they are nearing college life and because having better
academic Performance yields better opportunities in life. The study used a
descriptive-correlational approach to examine the Students’ stress and motivation
and their relationship with their academic performance. The data was gathered
through the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and the Academic Motivation Scale
(AMS). The study’s findings revealed that students’ stress and motivation were
average and above average, respectively. Moreover, the Academic performance of
the students was mostly satisfactory and very satisfactory. Furthermore, the study
found that stress and motivation have no significant relationship with students’
academic performance . Thus, findings concluded that there were likely other factors
that affected their academic Performance. It may be inferred that the school’s
teaching strategies and education are acceptable to the students. Further, the
education and guidance programs employed by the school is helpful. As such, the
study’s findings suggest that the School’s education and guidance programs should
be maintained. The students should also continue their ways of coping, such as
hobbies, to mitigate their stress level. Their motivation must also be kept above
average, as it drives them to fulfill their needs and grow as persons. Thus, the study
recommends that the teachers continue their teaching methods and strategies
employed to the Students.

The conceptual framework shown in the figure, guided the researchers in

answering the specific problems of the study. The figure represents the input,
process, and output that included in the researchers study.


 Demographic Profile Analysis of data - Comprehensive

of the students through research report
examining the
a. Age a. Questionnaires effects of part-
b. Gender b. Graph time jobs on the
c. Section c. Statistical and Academic
Scientific treatment Performance of
 The effects of part GAS 12 students
-time Job on working at ACLC
 Student’s Academic -Statistical analysis
Performance of highlighting the
General Academic correlations
Strands (GAS) 12 between part-time
Student. Job.

and Academic

for students,
parents, and
institutions on
effective time
Strategies and
support system
for working


Input – In this part, the input consists of the Research method

applied in conducting the research regarding the study
habits and academic performance of the working students.

Process – This process, shows how the research being conducted

through defining the problems of the research first and
gathered the required data relevant to the research from
the respondents though answering the survey

Output – The output as a result, will indicate the general view

of the situation on how the behavior and performance of
a student relates on their study habit and academic
performance. Conclusions are to be made to know and define
the outcome of this study and give justification to the

The effects of part-time job on workinf student’s

Academic Performanc of General Academic Strands (GAS)
12 students at AMA Computer Leanrning Center (ACLC)
School Year 2023-2024

Academic Engagement Role Strain Theory Social Learning

Theory by Dr. Alexander by William J. Goode Theory by
Aston(1984) (1960) Albert Bandura

Financial Problem

Mental Emotional

Gain Independence

The indicators and factors than influence the variables relevant to this study are
included in the theoretical Framework, which illustrates how the theory and the
researcher's study are connected. The survey questionnaire is presented to the
chosen students who act as respondents, and in order for the data collected to be
considered genuine, they must provide their complete response.

Social Learning Theory (1986) – This theory underscores the influence of the
social environment on individual behavior. Working students may be influenced
positively or negatively by their peers, superiors, or colleagues, affecting their
academic engagement and performance.

Role Strain Theory (1960) – This theory suggests that individuals experience stress
and strain when trying to fulfill multiple roles. In the context of working students, their
roles as employees and students may conflict, impacting academic performance.

Academic Engagement Theory (1984) – This theory explores factors influencing

student engagement in Academic activities. Part-time job might impact students
ability to engage fully in their studies affecting learning outcomes.

This theories presented provides a comprehensive understanding of the intricate

relationship between part-time job and the academic performance of working
students. The delicate balance between work and academic commitments was
highlighted, acknowledging that while part-time job can provide practical skills and
financial support, it may also introduce stressors the impact academic performance.
The notion that the effect of part-time jobs on academic outcomes is not uniform, but
context dependent, emerged as a central theme.


1. Balacuit, C., & Lopio, L. (2022) .Working while studying: The academic
challenges of working scholars. International Journal of Novel
Research and Development, Vol. 7. No .6 pp.748-756
2. Brew, E.A., Nketiah, B. and Koranteng, R. (2021) A Literature Review of
Academic Performance, an Insight into Factors and their Influences
on Academic Outcomes of Students at Senior High Schools. Open
Access Library Journal, 8, 1-14. Doi: 10.4236/oalib.1107423.
3. Capinding, A. (2021). Academic Performance among Minority Students in
Dingalan National High School.,Online Submission, International
Journal of Engineering Science and Computing v11 n2 p27631-
4. Kwadzo, M. (2014). International Students’ Experience of Studying and
Working at a Northeastern Public University in the US. Journal of
International Students, 4(3), 279–291.
5. Maksura Akter & Mahtab Uddin & Mohammad Jakaria, (2019). “The Effect of
Students’ Part time Employment on their Academic Performances:
Evidence from Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology
University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh,” International Journal of Science
and Business, IJSAB International, vol. 3(3), pages 256-263.
6. Mappadang, A., Khusaini, K.,Sinaga, M. & Elizabeth,E., (2022), 9:
2101326.Academic Interest determines the
academic performance of undergraduate accounting students:
Multinomial logit evidence.
7. Muluk, S. (2017). Part-Time Job and Students’ Academic Achievement. Jurnal
Ilmiah Peuradeun, 5(3), 361-372.
8. Oducado, RM., & Penuela, A. (2014) Predictors of academic performance in
professional nursing courses in a private nursing school in Kalibo,
Aklan, Philippines. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and
Sciences, vol. 1 issue 5 . pp.21-28
10. Tus, J. (2020). Academic Stress, Academic Motivation, and Its Relationship
on the Academic Performance Of the Senior High School Students.
Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 8
(11). 13174952.v1
10. Tus, J. (2021). Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic: Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and
Academic Performance of the Students in the New Normal of
Education in the Philippines. International Engineering Journal for
Research & Development, 6(ICMRD21), 13.


This chapter presents the methods in obtaining the information and comes with
procedures by the researchers. It includes the research design, sampling technique,
population and sample, methods of data collection, and Data Analysis Plan.

Research Design
This study used descriptive research design to determine the effects of part-time
job on working students academic performance of GAS 12 students at ACLC Naga.

This design aims to gather information by using two distinct set of questionnaires
by utilizing survey instrument. First set of questionnaires, Demographic profile,
gather quantitative data on Demographic variables such as Age, Gender, and
Section. Second set of questionnaires, Academic performance, includes questions
that measure factors like average working hours per week, such as GPA, and may
incorporate Likert Scale questionnaire.

This research study was conducted during the first semester of School Year

In this research, the population consists of GAS 12 students at ACLC Naga,
out of (60) students. The researcher has chosen to employ the purposive sampling
technique as the selected sampling method. Purposive Sampling allows researchers
to gather targeted and relevant data, ensuring the study’s focused and increasing the
chances of obtaining meaningful insights.

According to Creswell, purposive sampling is used in selecting participants who

posses certain characteristics on experiences that align with the research focused,
contributing valuable information to the study. In this case, the researcher was
employ rigorous criteria to select participants based on their academic performance
and involvement in the GAS 12. By utilizing purposive Sampling, the researcher aims
to gather targeted and relevant information from participants who posses these
specific characteristics or experiences, thus informing and enriching the research.

Population and sample

The target population for this study comprises student in the General Academic
Strands (GAS) 12 during School Year 2023-2024 who are currently engaged in part-
time job.
Sixty (60) respondents were carefully selected from the GAS 12 students
population using the purposive sampling method. The accessible population that can
be used are the working students in the GAS 12 students of ACLC Naga since this is
the best option to conduct research and it’s within the researchers reach. The
selection criteria for the sample were include factors such as age, gender, section,
and academic performance to ensure a representative and diverse subset of the
working student population at ACLC Naga.

This research aimed to understand the experiences of working students of GAS

12 at ACLC Naga and shed light on the challenges they faced, the effect of their
part-time job on academic performance.


Surveys are commonly used as a method to gather the needed data about
working students. Surveys involve the administration of structured questionnaires to
a sample of working students to collect information on various aspects of their
employment. The questionnaires (30) items are designed to elicit specific responses
related to factors such as job satisfaction, work-life balance, challenges faced, and
demographics. Survey can be conducted through Face-to-face.

To ensure the reality and validity of the data, researchers carefully design the
survey questions and employ established survey measurement techniques. Once
the surveys are completed, researchers analyzed the gathered relationships, and
trends within the data and draw meaningful conclusions about the experiences and
characteristics of working students. Researchers must carefully consider these
factors and implement appropriate strategies to mitigate such as limitations when
using surveys t9 gather data about working students.


Research Study Procedures

To begin this research, the researchers first identified participants who were
appropriate for their study. Afterward, they created survey questionnaires and
obtained permission through a letter. The researchers then distributed and
conducted the surveys among the participants. Lastly, they compiled and analyzed
the data collected from the respondents. The researchers tally the data gathered
from the respondents and led to the discovery of their findings.

Statistical treatment of the data

To interpret the data effectively, the statistical treatment that was used for the
treatment of data included percentage, average weighted mean, and Likert scale.

I. Percentage
The frequency of each response was determined on the number of the
respondents who were check in the particular item. The demographic profile of the
respondents was determined using the formula of the percentage.
Formula: %=F/N x 100
Where: % is the percentage
F is the Frequency
N is the total number of respondents
100 is a constant value
II. Average Weighted Mean
The mean is the most often used in Central tendency calculation since it is prone
to fewer errors. The tabulated data was treated with the used of frequency
distribution, percentage and weighted mean.
Formula: x=∑fx/f
Where: x is the weighed mean
∑fx is the sum of all products
F is the sum of all the respondents
III. Likert Scale
The following quantitative description was adapted to quantify the
respondents answer to each item.

Scale Equivalent Descriptive Rating

1 Strongly Disagree
2 Disagree
3 Agree
4 Strongly Agree
AMA Computer Learning Center – Naga Campus
4/F, Nagaland E Mall, Elias Angeles, 4400, Naga
S/Y 2023-2024




This study aims to investigate the effects of part-time job on working students
academic performance of General Academic Strands (GAS) 12 students at AMA
Computer Learning Center (ACLC) during the school year 2023-2024.
Thus, study provides answers to the following questions:
1. What is the Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age
b. Gender
c. Section

2. What are the primary reasons or motivations for students at AMA Computer
Learning Center (ACLC) to seek part-time job during their academic studies?
a. Financial Problem
b. Mental-emotion Problem
Gain Independence

3. What is the level of academic performance of GAS 12 students in the first


4. Is there differences in GPA between working students who received financial

did and those who do not?

5. What is the average number of hours per week that students at AMA
Computer Learning Center (ACLC) dedicate to part-time?
Part I. Demographic profile of the respondents
Age: Gender: Section:
15 below
16-17 [ ] Male [ ]
17-18 [ ] Female [ ]
18-19 [ ] LGBTQ+[ ]
19-20 [ ]
20 above [ ]

Part II. The primary reasons or motivations for students at AMA Computer Learning
Center (ACLC) to seek part-time job during their academic studies of Grade 12
General Academic Strands
DIRECTION: Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the
following statements. Put a check on the corresponding choice.


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

4 Strongly Agree(SA)
3 Agree(A)
2 Strongly Disagree(SD)
1 Disagree(D)

Reasons or motivations for part-time job 4(SA) 3(A) 2(SD) 1(D)

1.Working part-time has significantly

alleviated my financial challenges during my
academic studies.

2.I believe that my Part-time job essential for

addressing my
financial needs while pursuing my education.

3.I feel a sense of financial security and

independence because of my part-time job
during my academic journey.

4.The income from my Part-time job has

positively impacted my ability to manage
educational expenses.

5.I perceive my part-time as a valuable

resource that

Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

4 Strongly Agree
3 Agree
2 Strongly Disagree
1 Disagree

Reasons or motivations for part-time 4(SA) 3(A) 2(SD) 1(D)

1.Working part-time job has
positively contributed to my
mental and emotional
well-being during my academic studies.

2.I believe that my part-time

Job has provided a healthy
Balance and reduced stress in
my life as a student.
3.My part-time job has helped
me develop effective coping
mechanisms for managing
academic and personal
4.I feel a sense of fulfillment and
satisfaction from my part-time job,
positively impacting my overall emotional
5.I perceive my part-time job as a source
of motivation and
resilience, enhancing my
mental and emotional strength as a


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

4 Strongly Agree (SA)
3 Agree (A)
2 strongly Disagree (SD)
1 Disagree (D)

Reasons or motivations for part-time job 4(SA) 3(A) 2(SD) 1(D)

1.Working part-time ha empowered me
to achieve greater sense of
independence in managing my
academic responsibilities.
2.I believe that my part-time job has played a
significant role in fostering my personal growth
and Independence.

3.My part-time employment has

provided me with a valuable
opportunity to make independent
decisions and choices.
4.I feel sense of self-reliance and autonomy due
to my part-time job
during my academic studies.
5.I perceive my part-time job as a crucial step
toward becoming more
Independent and self-sufficient as a student.


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation
4 Strongly Agree (SA)
3 Agree(A)
2 Strongly Disagree (SD)
1 Disagree (D)

Reasons or motivations for part-time 4(SA) 3(A) 2(SD) 1(D)

1.I achieved high grades in my courses
during the first
2.Despite challenges, I
Consistently performed well
Academically during the first semester.
3.My overall academic
Performance in the first
Semester was satisfactory.
4.I actively engage in
Academic activities and
strived for excellence during the first
5.My first semester academic
performance was at far with my


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation
4 Strongly Agree (SA)
3 Agree (A)
2 Strongly Disagree (SD)
1 Disagree (D)


1.The GPA of working students who
received financial aid is higher than
those who do not.

2.Financial aid positively impacts the

GPA of working students.

3.There is a noticeable
differences in academic
performance between working
students with and without
financial aid.
4.Working students who
Received financial aid are more likely
to achieve
higher GPAs.
5.The availability of
financial aid significantly influences
the academic
performance of working


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

4 Strongly Agree(SA)
3 Agree (A)
2 Strongly Disagree(SD)
1 Disagree (D)

Number of hours 4(SA) 3(A) 2(SD) 1(D)

Per week
1. Less than 5 hours
2. 5-10 hours
3. 10-15 hours
4. 15-20 hours
5. 20-25 hours

Part IV. Recommendation

DIRECTION: Please choose 3 recommendation you think can help in our study.

Prioritize time management

Plan your schedule wisely

Maintain a healthy work-life balance

Prioritize self-care

Enhance your communication skills

Optimize your study environment

Stay motivated and focused

Utilize study breaks effectively

Celebrate successes

Balance work and study hours


Thank you for your time and thoughtful contributions to this important study.

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