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Question asked:

Manning levels on all ships are determined in accordance with:

1: c) The trade of the Vessel, Type of Operations and Safe Manning Document.

Question asked:
In case the contractors affix a lock/s to the machinery in accordance with the applicable procedures from the ship’s lockout tag out kit, the
key should be kept by ___ till the job is completed.
1: d) contractor

Question asked:
The Engine Room Order book is to be used to record:
1: d) The Chief or 2nd Engineer’s instructions regarding any item of equipment or operation that requires attention for ships operating
UMS or watchkeeping Engine Rooms

Question asked:
Who is responsible for implementation of NO Smoking Policy
1: a) Master

Question asked:
Bunker samples to be retained onboard for a period of :
1: a) One year from the date of delivery

Question asked:
For which of the events listed below, it is NOT required to complete a root cause analysis (RCA) and submit through the electronic QMS
1: d) Moderate Near Misses

Question asked:
ETO when shutting down main items for maintenance should inform:
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Where it is provided for, the Master is to sign Engine Room Log Book on :
1: b) On completion of a voyage

Question asked:
Which of the below does not form part of the actual inventory of the hazardous or potentially hazardous materials in the IHM Booklet
1: a) Bunkers

Question asked:
As per CNCo SMS , the Inlet Oil temperatures for M/E and Generators are to be kept at:
1: b) Between 80° to 85°C

Question asked:
As required by SMS, safety harness should be located:
1: a) bridge, Bosun’s workshop/store, ETO’s workshop, engine control room, EHQ

Question asked:
The Fuel Oil change over to be recorded in the:
1: c) Sulphur record book

Question asked:
When steering gear hydraulic pumps are kept running for prolonged periods without rudder movement, the rudder must be moved
Correct answer:
1: at least every 30 minutes

Question asked:
Safety devices to limit the maximum lift of the cranes _______.
1: is never to be altered or bypassed except for 5 yearly load test

Question asked:
Master's standing orders need not state that bridge OOW must not hesitate to use main engine to avoid an emergency situation.
1: False

Question asked:
An incident is _______.
1: an event or accident that causes delay to the ship and requires outside parties to help resolve the situation

Question asked:
Entries in Oil Record Book _______.
1: must not be made without reading and understanding relevant guidance in the SMS
Question asked:
The signal for boat stations is:
1: One short blast followed by one long blast repeated three or more times

Question asked:
In the event of a spillage or oil pollution incident, _______.
1: the SOPEP manual must be referred to for correct procedures to follow.

Question asked:
What precautions are necessary for working on pipelines?
1: Line isolated, drained, de-pressurised and purged as appropriate

Question asked:
When carrying out hazardous operations , _______.
1: laid down proceduers must be followed and risks formally assessed

Question asked:
Is guidance on safe working practices in galley avaialble within the SMS?
1: Yes, within the section on safe working practices

Question asked:
It is essential that all sea going crew and users to maintain a robust set of policies and procedures, includes that:
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
How many glasses of beers are allowed per 24 hours per crew member:
1: b) 2

Question asked:
Do not pump out engine room bilge when ___
Correct answer:
1: d) b + c

Question asked:
Root cause analysis is required to be completed for Observations?
1: b) NO

Question asked:
Test potable water ___ using a dedicated test kit.
1: b) Monthly

Question asked:
The space is NOT safe for entering if oxygen reading is
1: c) Both (a) and (b)

Question asked:
Stevedores should be monitored, if any unsafe behaviour observed, ship staff should:
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
As per CNCo SMS Generators burning DO should have the system lube oil purified for:
1: b) 24 hours every 14 days

Question asked:
Who is responsible to conduct Bunker surveys during vessel bunkering operation:
1: d) C/E

Question asked:
Remove any limit override keys used to bring the crane from stowed/parked position before allowing the operation of cranes by
1: a) TRUE

Question asked:
Do not use hand shields during welding as both hands of the welder get occupied whilst using the shield.
1: a) TRUE

Question asked:
The incineration of the following materials is prohibited: (i) Cargo residues from MARPOL Annex I, II and III and any related contaminated
packaging. (ii) PCB’s. (iii) Garbage containing traces of heavy metals (iv) Refined petroleum products containing halogen compounds
1: d) (i) + (ii) + (iii) +(iv)

Question asked:
In order to achieve good on-board welfare, the Master on board shall:
1: d) All of the above
Question asked:
Choose the correct procedure for Pre-work meeting.
1: d) Pre-work meetings may be conducted the previous day for jobs planned the next day

Question asked:
Annual Audit of Ship's Lubricating Oil Management is carried out by:
1: a) Chief Engineer

Question asked:
Do not carry out spray painting in enclosed spaces without approval from ___.
1: d) QA department

Question asked:
When using LSMGO (0.1% Sulphur Content) , maintain operational viscosity for distillate in the range of:
1: b) 2.0 to 11.0 mm2 /s (cSt) at 40ºC

Question asked:
When using VLSFO , in order to assist quick settling and water content removal the settling tank temperatures to be maintained as :
1: a) Above 85 deg C

Question asked:
Details of worldwide medical advice services can be found in the Admiralty List of Radio Signals (ALRS) Vol__.
1: a) 1

Question asked:
When VLSFO is changed to LSMGO and vice versa, the viscosity within the system must not drop below:
1: b) 2 CST or exceed 20 cSt

Question asked:
CNCO will further ensure that there is no adverse action taken by any person towards a seafarer for___.
1: c) lodging a complaint

Question asked:
Procedure stated in the CNCo SMS for monitoring the performance of the sewage plant is to:
1: b) Take a one litre sample of the discharge weekly and check it is clean with only a small amount of sewage debris

Question asked:
Which of the below is a major hazard which could arise if the Earth leakage alarm is disconnected to allow a single fault to remain:
1: b) A second earth fault could cause loss of control of the ship

Question asked:
The SMS recommends testing emergency power supply to the steering gear not more than :
1: a) 12 hours before departure from port/anchorage or when shifting ship

Question asked:
Bump Hats should not be used ____
1: b) on main deck

Question asked:
During change over process to LSMGO (0.1% Sulphur Content) , the temperature gradient to be maintained as:
1: b) Not more than 2 deg per minute during change over

Question asked:
Company will arrange regular drug and alcohol testing as per the following:
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Which of the below is NOT a problem associated with the storage and use of LSMGO less than 0.1% Sulphur
1: d) Blending procedure

Question asked:
Which of the followings is Not correct?
1: c) The Chief Engineer is responsible to the Master for maintenance and upkeep of the OWS equipment and related spare parts

Question asked:
As per CNCo SMS , the recommended temperature for purifying Main Engine and Diesel Engine System Oils is in the range of:
1: d) Between 90° to 95°C

Question asked:
When Pumping out Engine Room Bilge Water overboard the Engineer carrying out the operation is required to:
1: d) Standby OWS while in use and periodically open test cocks

Question asked:
Ship board training consists of the followings: (i) Statutory (Emergency) Drills (ii) Contingency Training (iii) Familiarisation Training (iv)
Essential training (v) In-house Computer Based Training (vi) Company Compliance Training
1: d) (i) + (ii) +(iii)+ (iv)+(v)+(vi)

Question asked:
CNCo prohibits the use of asbestos on board.
1: a) TRUE

Question asked:
Minimum lubrication feed rate for Alpha lubrication system is:
1: a) 0.65g/Kw.h

Question asked:
The wire mesh of galley vents outside the galley must be cleaned at such intervals,
1: d) to prevent grease deposits.

Question asked:
In order to wear correct PPE for various work activities___ should be referred.
1: d) a+b

Question asked:
Smoking areas are selected by the ____, taking into consideration safe accessibility and fire safety
1: d) Master

Question asked:
The maximum power of the angle grinder used shall not exceed:
1: a) 650W

Question asked:
In Shipyard, the Master must obtain and post a list of _____.
1: a) emergency telephone numbers.

Question asked:
Who is responsible for investigating accidents and incidents on board?
1: b) Master

Question asked:
_____ is not accepted for the maintenance of pilot ladder.
1: a) Paint the steps to prevent from weather damage

Question asked:
Minimum permissible Fuel specification for viscosity to be received onboard as per CNCo SMS is:
1: b) Not less than 50 Cst

Question asked:
Use the ____ table to determine the risks
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
In case of Environmental pollution / suspected pollution, Master as soon as possible need to report to following person in office by phone:
1: c) DPA

Question asked:
BDR must be signed and stamped as :
1: d) "For Volume at Observed Temperature Only"

Question asked:
Which of the below is NOT an example of a situation where standby conditions are required in the ECR:
1: d) Abandonship drills

Question asked:
As per SOLAS Convention (Regulation of 11) prohibited range of Flash Point of Fuel Oil is:
1: d) None of the above

Question asked:
In case of non-compliance with rest hour requirements despite proper planning, the master should:
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
SWL to be at least __ times the intended load that the scaffold is going to support.
1: c) 4

Question asked:
Which of the below is NOT a condition to be checked when inspecting Bulk CO2 Cargo and Machinery space flooding systems:
1: b) The Pump mode to be left on “Auto”.

Question asked:
The master shall inform the ___ promptly whenever a member of ship’s crew visits the Doctor.
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Which of the followings is Not correct?
1: b) The 2nd Engineer Officer is responsible to the Chief Engineer for the operation, maintenance and upkeep of the incinerator and
related spare parts

Question asked:
___ should be referred to before handing a refrigerant and take precautions.
1: c) MSDS file

Question asked:
____ means the " chance of something adverse happening"
1: a) Risk

Question asked:
Accident / incident need to be reported to office, but no later than ________ after the occurrence
1: a) 3 hours

Question asked:
The ___ is responsible for the safe storage and handling of calibration gases.
1: b) Chief Officer

Question asked:
The volume of each saveall (IN __ ) to be stencilled on the saveall
1: c) Cubic meters

Question asked:
Time interval frequency for onboard testing of L.O. using analysis test kit is:
1: a) As per PMS but no longer than one month

Question asked:
It is NOT the company’s responsibility to:
1: a) Provide all seafarers working on board with occupational health protection and medical care including cosmetic and corrective dental
treatment .

Question asked:
Work on electrical equipment is a Level __ work activity
1: a) 1

Question asked:
In case of _____, the DPA should be informed on phone first as soon as possible:(i) equipment or machinery damage (ii) Minor injury (iii)
Serious injury, fatality (iv) Environmental pollution
1: a) (iii) + (iv)

Question asked:
Minimum Manning in Port for the Engine Department is:
1: a) Chief or Second Engineer and one senior engine rating

Question asked:
The hard copy of completed familiarisation checklists must be retained on board for a period of 2 years.
1: b) FALSE

Question asked:
Inform bridge prior discharging engine room bilge to sea and confirm that ship’s position is more than ___ miles from nearest land and not
within a Special Area as per Marpol Annex __
1: b) 12 / I

Question asked:
The discharge valve of the Emergency Fire pump is to be:
1: a) Kept padlocked open and with a seal which needs to be broken when the valve is tested and same recorded in the engine log

Question asked:
Time interval stipulated in the PMS for simulating a Blackout simulation test for the Emergency Generator is:
1: b) 3 months

Question asked:
If seagoing watches are broken in Port or at Anchor , the night duty in the E/R will be:
1: b) Delegated by the C/E/O
Question asked:
Plastic containers or packaging with which of the below category of resin identification code are not permitted to be burned in the
1: c) Code 7

Question asked:
Paint fumes are dangerous and being lighter than air can accumulate at the top of the space.
1: b) FALSE

Question asked:
As stated in the CNCo SMS, what is the recommended rate of oil transfer during bunkering on Bulk Carriers on a log trade with a deck
cargo of logs
1: a) Rate of oil transfer to be reduced to no more than 100M3 per hour after 75% volume in the tank is reached

Question asked:
What is to be considered as the last control measure to mitigate the risks?
1: a) PPE

Question asked:
The dividing line between an unsafe act / condition and a near miss is :
1: a) Event

Question asked:
Do not use fresh water generator at distances less than __ miles from land or when there is a possibility of ship’s operations affecting
quality of the water intake.
1: d) 20

Question asked:
In case a malfunction of OWS, ____ should be done.
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Which of the following is not correct for managing minimum rest hour requirements:
1: a) The chief officer to relieve the master on bridge during manoeuvring / pilotage for extended periods such as during critical stages of
the transit.

Question asked:
Fuel Oil Management requires Heavy Fuel Oil to be :
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Records of work planning meeting shall be recorded in
1: a) Deck log book

Question asked:
Safety familiarisation should be arranged for the personnel who have ___ and are sailing with the ship.
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
In urgent cases, a seafarer may work without a valid medical certificate until the next port of call where the seafarer can obtain a medical
certificate provided that:
1: d) a & b & c

Question asked:
Initial and actual sounding ullages when bunkering are to be done by:
1: a) Chief Engineer or Second Engineer

Question asked:
Which of the following is not for the purpose to prevent personnel injury?
1: a) Use colour coded chopping boards for different types of food

Question asked:
When investigating Accidents & Incidents it is important to base judgments:
1: b) on facts

Question asked:
6 on / 6 off watch keeping routine complies with mandatory requirement of rest hours.
1: b) FALSE

Question asked:
Qualification and Criteria for the Promotion of seafarers shall comply with:(i) Certification as per Flag State requirement (ii) STCW 2010
convention (iii) PASS CNCo Online Assessment test for next rank (iv) Recommendation from Master and/or Chief Engineer
1: d) (i) + (ii) + (iii) +(iv)
Question asked:
Which of the below is NOT an action required in case of a Blackout in Port / Anchorage :
1: b) Check/start M/E HFO supply pump

Question asked:
Flashback arresters should fit to:
1: c) at the torch for additional safety

Question asked:
For following task, vessel should obtain permission from port authorities when within port limits
1: b) immobilisation of the main engine

Question asked:
For the safe of handling chemicals, we should:
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
First Aids Kits shall be made available at the following locations
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Following precautions should be taken to prevent heat exhaustion
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Wear respiratory protection when___
1: a) there is a potential inhalation hazard

Question asked:
When assigning work with Jet Chisels,____
1: d) Do not leave the tool unattended while it is running.

Question asked:
Carry out toolbox talk at ___________.
1: a) worksite or as close to it as practicable

Question asked:
Pilot ladder must be accompanied by a ______ and repair of pilot ladder is restricted to_________.
1: a) Certificate, replacement of two steps

Question asked:
Precautions for checking overside drafts, which one is not correct?
1: d) Cadets and trainees go overside to read drafts without supervision.

Question asked:
Work at height is a Level __ work activity
1: Level 1

Question asked:
All bench machines are required to provide____
1: b) an emergency switch

Question asked:
What are the correct procedures to deal with a person affected by alcohol poisoning: (i) Do not leave the person alone, (ii) Send the person
suspected from alcohol poisoning ashore, (iii) Seek radio medical advice from CIRM if vessel at sea. (iv) Follow advice received from CIRM
1: d) (i) + (ii) + (iii) +(iv)

Question asked:
Following actions should be taken for offence actions.
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
As a minimum every seafarer must be provided with no less than a total on 10 hours of rest in any 24-hour period, provided that:
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
In event of severe near miss, detailed report and root cause analysis through the electronic QMS system is required.
1: a) TRUE

Question asked:
Sea staff promotion criteria can be found in SMS.
1: a) TRUE

Question asked:
A recommended practice when carrying out maintenance on refrigeration systems such as topping up of refrigeration oils is:
1: d) Vacuum pump used to draw the oil to remain on the system for several hours to remove any moisture present

Question asked:
The master to Inspect galley, cold rooms and dry provision stores at intervals not exceeding __ days
1: a) 7

Question asked:
Hot work in the vicinity of oil tanks shall meet the requirement of following: Atmosphere in the area should be less than ___ LFL.
1: a) 1%

Question asked:
___ should be stencilled on the top and bottom platforms of gangway
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Cook and mess person are required to ____ inside the galley
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Pre-work meeting is required for: __ work or activity :(i) Level 1, (ii) Level 2, (iii) Level 3
1: b) (i) + (ii)

Question asked:
Do not carry out hot work within ___ of tanks containing oil or oily traces.
1: d) 500 mm

Question asked:
All the vessels managed by CNCo shall maintain a ship specific Bilge Water Management Plan
1: a) TRUE

Question asked:
____ means" an occurrence which has an associated outcome".
1: a) Event

Question asked:
The C/E/O and _____ must not leave the vessel during the same period.
1: c) Second engineer

Question asked:
Do not use of _ gloves on CNCo managed vessels
1: d) Cotton

Question asked:
Overside work is a Level ___ work activity
1: Level 1

Question asked:
Grave Violations of D & A Policy, SMS etc is an __ offence, and will cause ___ disciplinary Action.
1: b) Serious / Dismissal

Question asked:
Which of the following is correct for the prevention of malaria.
1: c) Do not allow stagnant water to collect on deck or in life boats

Question asked:
Minimum cylinder oil feed rate for Pulse lubrication system for Wartsila Pulse lubricator is:
1: b) 0.8g/Kw.h

Question asked:
If the override key is to be used for other than parking/unparking purpose then the ___ must be present.
1: d) a & C

Question asked:
How is called an undesired event resulting in death, injury, damage to environment or property or other form of loss?
1: c) Accident / Incident

Question asked:
Deviations from the Company Code of Conduct, SMS etc is an __ offence, and will cause ___ disciplinary Action.
1: a) Minor / Verbal Warning

Question asked:
To carry out " Moderate risk" work, _________ is not mandatory.
1: d) The Master and Chief Engineer to re-assess the hazards and controls.
Question asked:
Environmental policy is one of ___ CNCO Policy ?
1: a) 6

Question asked:
The Master and ____ must not leave the vessel during the same period.
1: a) Chief Officer

Question asked:
Competent persons on CNCo ships are the (i) Chief Engineer, (ii) Chief Officer, (iii) 2nd Engineer (iv) ETO
1: a) (i) + (ii) + ( iii)

Question asked:
Shore leave is to cease at least ___ hours prior to the vessel’s scheduled sailing time.
1: c) 3

Question asked:
NO NAKED LIGHT. VENTILATE PRIOR ENTRY should be stencilled ____
1: a) on the battery room door entrance

Question asked:
Requirement for reserve bunkers is:
1: a) Full reserve for 4 days full speed consumption of residual fuel plus 20 tonnes of distillate fuel

Question asked:
_______ is not the correct procedure to carry out the "High Risk " work.
1: d) The task requires an officer’s input and attendance as deemed fit by the master/supervising officer

Question asked:
The master on board the ship shall ensure that:
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Violations of Company Code of Conduct, SMS etc is an __ offence, and will cause ___ disciplinary Action.
1: b) Moderate / Written Warning Letter

Question asked:
Typical time limits for notification of Bunker Claims related to Quantity and Quality are:
1: b) 7 days

Question asked:
Company shall appoint a registered pharmacist to check and inspect the ship’s medical chest and first aid kits to ensure that they meet
the requirements of the Flag State medical scales as appropriate at intervals not exceeding __ months.
1: b) 12

Question asked:
Retain Oil Record Book Part I on board for a period of __ years from the last entry.
1: c) 3

Question asked:
Where should be the location of vessel specific Bilge Water Management Manual
1: b) ECR

Question asked:
Carry out the internal cleaning and maintenance of the main switchboard when in dead condition only.
1: a) TRUE
Question asked:
____ means "the outcome of an event (how severe can the losses be?). High severity of the consequence usually leads to a high risk
ranking and suitable control measures need to be introduced"
1: b) Consequence

Question asked:
In exceptional circumstances, where it is necessary to proceed with less than the statutory minimum as permitted under the special
provision of the Safe Manning Certificate, the Flag State authorities are to be informed immediately and relevant Exemption Documents
1: a) TRUE

Question asked:
With the Jan 1st 2020 implementation of the new IMO regulation for emissions Control, engine makers recommendation for Cylinder Oil
Requirements for Low Sulphur Distillate and Residual Fuels is :
1: a) 40 BN Cylinder oil for residual fuel with less than 0.5 % Sulphur content for Main Engine

Question asked:
It is ___ responsibility to ensure that the appropriate deck access cards are displayed.
1: d) Master

Question asked:
Acetylene cylinders are becoming hot during hot work which may be the risk of:
1: b) Explosion

Question asked:
Private equipment are only allowed connectivity in case of availability of a____ .
1: c) Crew Network

Question asked:
Company required that the medical emergency occurred on board should be reported to the management as soon as possible but not later
than ___ hours from the event.
1: a) 6

Question asked:
Operational familiarisation should be arranged for the personnel who have ___ .
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
The correct procedures for using portable pumps for cleaning cargo holds with chemicals.
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Safety Alert should be discussed during onboard meeting to ensure that:
1: d) All of above

Question asked:
________ are level ONE work activities. (i)Hot work, (ii)Enclosed space entry, (iii)Work at height, (iv)Mooring and unmooring operations,
(v)Working with rotating and saw action cutting tools, (vi)Work on pressurised vessels, pipelines and systems
1: c) (i) + (ii) + (iii) + (vi)

Question asked:
Which of the followings is not correct for alcohol consumption.
1: c) Consume alcoholic beverages in the ship’s common areas.

Question asked:
It is a bad practice to transfer the chemicals by pouring, instead manually operated pump or mechanical pump should be utilised.
1: b) FALSE

Question asked:
Measures to prevent Legionnaires disease on showers and bathrooms:
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
To ensure work on electrical equipment is carried out safely____
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Which of the below can be burned in an IMO certified Ship Incinerator:
1: b) Paint scraping

Question asked:
Precautions for work on or near live equipment, which one is not correct?
1: c) Removal of wrist watches, metal identity bracelets and rings is not required.

Question asked:
Responsible person on CNCo ships for enclosed space entry is the _____.
1: c) Master

Question asked:
____ gloves should be used for handling chemicals
1: a) Synthetic or PVC

Question asked:
Ensure the gap between the grinding disc/rotating wire brush and workrest is no more than__ mm.
1: a) 1.5

Question asked:
Which is Not correct procedure for illness reporting?
1: b) If a doctor's visit is requested but considered unnecessary by the Master, then no record is required.

Question asked:
The company restrict consumption of alcoholic beverages only to___ available on board in the bonded store.
1: c) a + b

Question asked:
___ means "the extent of harm from the consequence of an event in terms of degree of injury to people, property damage, environmental
harm or loss of business (downtime, loss of reputation)."
1: b) Severity

Question asked:
The risks of electric shock are much greater onboard ship than they are normally ashore because __ reduce the contact resistance of the
body. (i) wetness, (ii) high humidity, (iii) high temperature
1: d) (i) + (ii) + (iii)

Question asked:
Paints leftover after the day’s work on deck, in the engine room or accommodation,
1: d) a + b

Question asked:
In case of Bunker Disputes "Note of Protest" to be issued when ship/shore difference is :
1: a) More than 5MT or 0.3% (whichever greater) of the total quantity transferred in MT

Question asked:
___ is to be the only member of staff to have a limit override key permanently.
1: c) ETO/EO

Question asked:
__ must ensure that all seafarers, on joining the ship, have original valid medical fitness certificates.
1: d) Master on board

Question asked:
What is the min requirement of medical oxygen to be carried on board.
1: b) One 40 litre/200 bar cylinder plus two 2 litre/200 bar cylinders

Question asked:
On board Familiarisation training consists of_______.
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Stevedores should be considered as third-party contractors_____
1: a) TRUE

Question asked:
Medical certificates must be in English and shall be valid for the period stated on the certificate, subject to the following maximum
periods:___ , in respect of a seafarer 50 years of age and over.
1: a) 1

Question asked:
Which of the following is not correct for using E-cigarettes.
1: a) E-cigarettes can be used outside the designated smoking areas

Question asked:
There are _____ levels of work or activity
1: 3

Question asked:
Only ___ are allowed to operate cranes with limit override keys.
1: d) a or b

Question asked:
Follow correct maintenance procedures of the OWS equipment in accordance with:
1: b) procedures required by the MARPOL Annex-1 and manufacturer’s instructions and company’s safety management system

on asked:
In order to wear correct PPE for various work activities___ should be referred.
1: d) a+b

Question asked:
Areas/obstructions with low vertical clearance should_____
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
If the override key is to be used for other than parking/unparking purpose then the ___ must be present.
1: d) a & C

Question asked:
The __ is responsible for safe storage of chemicals in the engine room and the ___ likewise on deck.
1: b) Chief Engineer, Chief Officer

Question asked:
Ensure the guard rails of the scaffold are at a height of at least __ metre above the working platform and have a mid-rail.
1: b) 1.0

Question asked:
Entries in Oil record book, should ___.
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Which of the below is NOT a condition to be checked when inspecting Bulk CO2 Cargo and Machinery space flooding systems:
1: b) The Pump mode to be left on “Auto”.

Question asked:
Master and Chief Engineer require, when not wearing PPE, to wear uniform:
1: d) All of above

Question asked:
Non-conformities raised by ship’s staff without review/approval of Master, can be reported through the electronic QMS system to office?
1: b) NO

Question asked:
If master thinks there may be a virus or some other cyber threat, ____ should be contacted soonest.
1: c) CNCo Vessel IT

Question asked:
Which of the below is NOT a safeguard precaution to avoid cappuccino effect:
1: c) Check the bunker barge's compressed air distribution line pipe diagram

Question asked:
Use only Uvex goggles. No other type of goggles is to be used on board during work.
1: a) TRUE

Question asked:
The dividing line between an unsafe act / condition and a near miss is :
1: a) Event

Question asked:
_____ are required to be serviced ashore.
1: d) a + b

Question asked:
Test potable water ___ using a dedicated test kit.
1: b) Monthly

Question asked:
____ means "the outcome of an event (how severe can the losses be?). High severity of the consequence usually leads to a high risk ranking
and suitable control measures need to be introduced"
1: b) Consequence

Question asked:
For which of the events listed below, it is NOT required to complete a root cause analysis (RCA) and submit through the electronic QMS
1: d) Moderate Near Misses

Question asked:
________ are level ONE work activities. (i)Hot work, (ii)Enclosed space entry, (iii)Work at height, (iv)Mooring and unmooring operations,
(v)Working with rotating and saw action cutting tools, (vi)Work on pressurised vessels, pipelines and systems
1: c) (i) + (ii) + (iii) + (vi)

Question asked:
In the case of the LOF, the Salvor is reimbursed______.
1: a) only if the salvage operation is successful.

Question asked:
All bench machines are required to provide____
1: b) an emergency switch

Question asked:
In some circumstances, spirits can be allowed to be consumed on board
1: b) FALSE

Question asked:
Following procedures should be strictly followed for the use of limit override keys.
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Mechanical vibration can cause ____.
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Paint fumes are dangerous and being lighter than air can accumulate at the top of the space.
1: b) FALSE

Question asked:
Plastic containers or packaging with which of the below category of resin identification code are not permitted to be burned in the incinerator:
1: c) Code 7

Question asked:
Objective of pre-work meeting is to ensure ____
1: c) Both (a) and (b)

Question asked:
For a cargo hold carrying certain commodities, i.e. Logs, MDF and Green Timber etc, which statement(s) is correct?
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Paints leftover after the day’s work on deck, in the engine room or accommodation,
1: d) a + b

Question asked:
Who is responsible for implementation of NO Smoking Policy
1: a) Master

Question asked:
Various types of emergency have been identified by company, in section __ in SMS you may find the emergency checklists
1: c) 8

Question asked:
Shore leave is to cease at least ___ hours prior to the vessel’s scheduled sailing time.
1: c) 3

Question asked:
The risks of electric shock are much greater onboard ship than they are normally ashore because __ reduce the contact resistance of thebody.
(i) wetness, (ii) high humidity, (iii) high temperature
1: d) (i) + (ii) + (iii)

Question asked:
In case of non-compliance with rest hour requirements despite proper planning, the master should:
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
The minimum hours of rest shall not be less than __ hours in any 7 days period
1: d) 77

Question asked:
Which of the below is NOT an action required in case of a Blackout in Port / Anchorage :
1: b) Check/start M/E HFO supply pump

Question asked:
Fuel Oil Management requires Heavy Fuel Oil to be :
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Accident / incident need to be reported to office, but no later than ________ after the occurrence
1: a) 3 hours

Question asked:
Work on scaffolding is Level __ work activity
1: a) 1

Question asked:
Where should be the location of vessel specific Bilge Water Management Manual
1: b) ECR

Question asked:
_______ is not the training officer's responsibility.
1: b) Assign training officer's role at times to another officer.

Question asked:
The SMS recommends testing emergency power supply to the steering gear not more than :
1: a) 12 hours before departure from port/anchorage or when shifting ship

Question asked:
The_____ is an urgent situation where there is risk of loss of life and/or severe environmental damage and significant risk of major adverse
commercial or media exposure.
1: a) Emergency

Question asked:
When executing a work or activity, we should:
1: d) Conduct a toolbox talk , Carry out the work or activity with identified control measures , Stop work or activity if condition or situation
changes, Re-assess and resume work or activity with revised control measures

Question asked:
Each ship is to be provided with _ Crewsavers
1: 2 sets

Question asked:
Which of the below is NOT an example of a situation where standby conditions are required in the ECR:
1: d) Abandonship drills
Question asked:
___ is the QI for CNCo managed ships in US waters.
1: c) ECM Maritime

Question asked:
____ gloves should be used for handling chemicals
1: a) Synthetic or PVC

Question asked:
Who is responsible for investigating accidents and incidents on board?
1: b) Master

Question asked:
Requirement for reserve bunkers is:
1: a) Full reserve for 4 days full speed consumption of residual fuel plus 20 tonnes of distillate fuel

Question asked:
In case a malfunction of incinerator, ____ should be done.
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
In case a malfunction of OWS, ____ should be done.
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
The Master and ____ must not leave the vessel during the same period.
1: a) Chief Officer

Question asked:
Maintain temperatures in chill cabinets, cold rooms and refrigerators less than __ and deep freeze units at __ or colder.
1: b) 5°C / -18°C

Question asked:
In case of Environmental pollution / suspected pollution, Master as soon as possible need to report to following person in office by phone:
1: c) DPA

Question asked:
Typical time limits for notification of Bunker Claims related to Quantity and Quality are:
1: b) 7 days

Question asked:
Operational familiarisation should be arranged for the personnel who have ___ . (i) newly joined (ii) newly recruited (iii) newly promoted
1: c) (i)+(ii+(iii)

Question asked:
___ is the correct way to secure cargo crane hook and hoist wire
1: d) a or c

Question asked:
Root cause analysis is required to be completed for Observations?
1: b) NO

Question asked:
The CO2 system must be disabled during the period in shipyard to prevent accidentally release.
1: a) TRUE

Question asked:
In Shipyard, the Master must obtain and post a list of _____.
1: a) emergency telephone numbers.

Question asked:
It is critical that Masters and senior officers know how to respond the media correctly this include:
1: b) Do not admit liability for any incident, damage or claim.
Question asked:
When prepare for a work or activity, we should:
1: a) Define the scope of work or activity, Identify the level of work or activity, Carry out Risk Assessment, identify control measures, Convene
Pre-Work Meeting

Question asked:
What are the correct procedures to deal with a person affected by alcohol poisoning: (i) Do not leave the person alone, (ii) Send the person
suspected from alcohol poisoning ashore, (iii) Seek radio medical advice from CIRM if vessel at sea. (iv) Follow advice received from CIRM
1: d) (i) + (ii) + (iii) +(iv)

Question asked:
The purpose of mustering in case of an emergency situation is for ___.
1: c) Both (a) and (b)

Question asked:
During the disciplinary hearing, the seafarer should be allowed:
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Requirement for reserve bunkers is:
1: a) Full reserve for 4 days full speed consumption of residual fuel plus 20 tonnes of distillate fuel

Question asked:
Every vessel shall have a dedicated Pandemic Locker
1: a) TRUE

Question asked:
The maximum power of the angle grinder used shall not exceed:
1: a) 650W

Question asked:
Safety familiarisation should be arranged for the personnel who have ___ and are sailing with the ship.
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
For Rigging Anti-Piracy Razor wire ___ glove should be used
1: a) Anti-Slash Kevlar gloves

Question asked:
Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
1: a) The multi-gas detector itself may be lowered into the space to obtain the accurate the gas readings.

Question asked:
Risk =
1: a) Frequency x Consequence

Question asked:
What are the correct measures to prevent water borne diseases?
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Responsible person on CNCo ships for enclosed space entry is the _____.
1: c) Master
Question asked:
Ships staff can carry out change or modification of ships systems, machinery, public accomm. areas, etc without approval of Ship Manager
1: b) FALSE

Question asked:
LTI is abbreviation from:
1: b) Lost time injuries

Question asked:
Pre-work meeting is required for: __ work or activity :(i) Level 1, (ii) Level 2, (iii) Level 3
1: b) (i) + (ii)

Question asked:
In all emergencies, prioritise the response actions in the following order:
1: b) Safety of life - Protection of environment - Safety and protection of property - Reporting as appropriate

Question asked:
If the master on board find the vessel may require the services of a salvage tug, he should:
1: d) All of the above.

Question asked:
The primary responsibility of the Fitter is to:
1: c) Provide fabrication and hot work / repair assistance.

Question asked:
Stop work on the scaffold when the ship is rolling or pitching more than __.
1: a) 2°

Question asked:
Clean shower heads with 50 ppm chlorine solution every __ months
1: a) 6

Question asked:
During the work at height, we should not_______
1: a) haul a person aloft in a bosun’s chair by winch in case needed

Question asked:
All ships must carry a minimum of __ multi-gas detectors suitable for taking remote readings from tanks.
1: b) Two

Question asked:
Prevent mosquito infestation by ___ on the ship
1: d) Eliminating the accumulation of standing water

Question asked:
The___ is responsible for maintenance and calibration of gas detection equipment.
1: d) Chief officer

Question asked:
Do NOT make improper entries in the Oil Record Book; it can be construed as contravention of Marpol and will incur severe penalties and
criminal liabilities for ship’s personnel.
1: a) TRUE

Question asked:
A minimum of__of the ship’s complement remains on board at all times.
1: d) 50%

Question asked:
Use Voltage Reduction Device (VRD) with all the welding machines. The reduced voltage should be about _ volts.
1: a) 12

Question asked:
In the event of emergency during enclosed space entry
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
Hot work is any work that involves (i) electric arc welding, (ii) gas welding, (iii) gas cutting , (iv) use of gas for heating , (v) use of gas for
1: d) (i) + (ii) + (iii) + (iv) + (v)

Question asked:
____ shall be responsible for monitoring that new installations (i.e. repaired, replaced, maintained or added) do not contain asbestos.
1: a) The chief engineer
Question asked:
Additional control measures are required for the risk ranking are: (i) Extreme risk, (ii) High risk, (iii) Moderate risk, (iv) Low risk
1: a) (i) + (ii)

Question asked:
____ means" the likelihood of an event occurring"
1: d) Frequency

Question asked:
You should be able to find __ inside the paint locker
1: d) a + b

Question asked:
Consumption of alcohol on board it is allowed in following areas:
1: c) Bar, Lounge, Mess Rooms or other common areas

Question asked:
Always use the correct rpm rated disc for the type of grinder, the wheel speed marked on the wheel must always be ___ the maximum
speed of the grinder.
1: d) a+b

Question asked:
When transferring sludge to shore reception facility, followings measure should be taken,
1: d) All of the above

Question asked:
When managing engine room bilges and waste oil ____ shall be referred to
1: c) Any local regulation and Relevant flag state circulars and Provisions of MARPOL Annex 1

Question asked:
When working on a stow of logs ___ must be worn to prevent slipping and falling.
1: c) Ankle-high safety boots fitted with spiked overshoes

Question asked:
The master shall convene QHSE___, Safety Dialogue Session___, Work planning meeting___ .
1: d) monthly, monthly, twice a month.

Question asked:
Who is responsible for reporting accidents / incidents to the company?
1: c) Master

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