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The Cottage : A

Thriller Short film

Characters :
 Sharan – Friend 1
 Marcus – Friend 2
 Uzaid – Old man
 Delena – Old women
 Rohan – Friend 3
 Haari – Friend 4
 Koushik – Narrator
 Aahil – Doctor strange

Scene 1 :

4 friends go on a trip to a place which takes more

than a day to reach. They get stranded on a
highway as they ran out of fuel for the car. This
highway is known for its scary incidents, many
people died in this highway because of an old
couple which the group of friends aren’t aware of.

Sharan : I think we should call it a day and sleep in the

Marcus : No I think we should go look for a Petrol
station first. Me and Harri will go look for a petrol
Station and you both look for a house nearby.
Rohan : Its pitch black, I cant see anything.
Haari: I see light over there!! Lets go check it out.
Sharan : Why do I hear creepy sounds as we get closer
to the light?
Marcus : Its probably just the bees in the grass, besides
that we are men.. we cannot get scared for these
Sharan : Yeah right, the sounds keep getting louder and
louder and my ears are starting to hurt.
Rohan : Guys!! Theres a board that says “Be cautious of
this place”.
Marcus : Okay this is actually creepy. Haari what should
we do?
Haari : I see a cottage *Flabergasted*.
Sharan : Lets go check if anybody is in there.
Scene 2 :

The friends are very scared for their life because of how
creepy their surroundings are. They finally found a
place they could possibly spend the night or seek for
Sharan : *knocks on the door*
Marcus : Are you sure if this is a good idea?
Haari : Its better than being frozen to death out here.
Marcus : OH MY GOD I hear footsteps, someone is
gonna open the door.
 *An old lady open the door*
Delena : Hello gentlemen, How may I help all of you?
*smiles creepily*
Sharan : Hello aunty, sorry for troubling you this late at
night. Our car has shut down and we are looking for a
gas station.. do you know if there are any nearby?
Rohan : Or can we stay at your place if you don’t mind?
Delena : Sorry sweethearts.. I don’t know any gas
stations nearby as im very old hahhaa. But I can grant
you a stay at my house for tonight.
Marcus : Thank you so much for your assistance. We
really appreciate your help.
Delena : My pleasure.
*the friends fresh up and drink a cup of tea*
Delena : Alright everybody you guys can sleep at the
second floor as theres also a washroom for you all.
Sharan : *goes to the kitchen and sees an old man
starring at the wall*
Marcus : *goes upstairs and sees the old man sleeping*
Rohan : *goes to the garden and sees the old man
starring at his plants*
Harri : *goes to the main door and sees the old man
polishing his shoes*
*All four friends are astonished and scared as they
have no clue about whats happening. They meet up
and start telling about the old man*
Marcus : Hey aunty, who is the old man living in this
house? All four of us are saw him at different places at
the same time.
Delena : Im the only one who is living in this house
after my husband passed away.
Marcus : Okay aunty, I think it must have been an
illusion or something, good night.
Scene 3 :
The group of friends are in trauma as they witnessed
something that is very creepy. They are suspecting that this
cottage is a home for spirits and the old lady is controlling
the spirits. The friends have all gone to sleep in the same

Sharan : *wakes up in the middle of the night to a very

strange noise and turns out it’s the old man in sharans
Sharan : *Starts screaming*
Rohan : Whats wrong?
Harri : Oh no guys, the old man has escaped through
the window.
Rohan : *Jumps down through the window along with
haari. Meanwhile, Marcus is still in his deep sleep*
Uzaid : Im gonna kill all of you for entering this house.
This is only a place for spirts and not you filthy humans.
Sharan : Marcus!! Wake up, we have to leave
Marcus : Im listening to my AAAG playlist, leave me
Sharan : Its not the time, do it later.
Delena : Astaghfirullah! Whats going on?
Marcus : Your husband is gonna kill all of us.
Rohan : Is there anything we can do to be alive sir?
Uzaid : Give me the book which has all the secrets of
the spirits.
Haari : We don’t know anything about this house as we
are just guests who are staying here for the night.
Delena : Uzaid!!!
Uzaid : Not you again, im bad and done with you. You
disrespected the spirits and its time I make you in to 1.
Sharan : IF you are bad, im your dad.
Marcus : IF you are bad, go back to IslamaBAD.
Uzaid : Alright im gonna finish you all now.
*The friend and delena have lost their hope and
accepted their fate*
Aahil : No Stop, take back ill give you your book, but
promise me that you will leave them alone.
*Aahil opens a portal to the location where the book
Aahil : Hahaha I sent you to a parallel universe your
stuck forever now.
Uzaid : Hahahaha if im going anywhere im taking my
wife with me, she deserves it.
Delena : *Puts a lot of eyeliner and scares away Uzaid*
Uzaid : OH no, who are you? Did you just change your
Haari : I think we all should leave. It keeps getting
worse the more we stay here.
Rohan : But we have nowhere to go as our car shut
Sharan : How about we eat a plate of biryani before we
Marcus : Idiot! I think its time. We have to go seek help
from the EFLerrs. The all mighty AP Siva balan can help
Sharan : I have his number let me call him.
*Siva balan picks up the call and sends a car to the
*The group of friends are leaving as they abandoned
Aahil and delena in the cottage. Aahil was murdered
later as they saw a big portal being exploded*
Delena : You little brats! You think I will let you all slide
off just like that? Don’t even think so. Nothing can
destroy me in this world, Im inevitable.
Marcus : Really? Im gonna ask you a question. Whats
1 x 1?
Delena : *In deep silence, trying her best to answer*
Sharan : Delena why are you so silent?
Delena : Silence, silence, silence.. I don’t like it, I avoid..
but silence likes me, I cant avoid.
Rohan : *Throws a bomb at the cottage and everything
Harri : Wow! What type of bomb is that? It destroyed
Rohan : I call it the koosu bomb.
Marcus : Finally we made it out alive. Im never gonna
go into a cottage ever again.
Sharan : It was a very scary experience yet we learned
many things. We shouldn’t trust everyone we see at
the first sight and we also should carry bottles of fuel
everywhere we go.
Harri : If we work as a team, anything is possible.
Marcus : Thanks to AP siva balan for the car. He really
saved us. Same goes to Aahil.
Dialougues by : Sharan Kasalanati.
Script by : Marcus ledres.
Story line : Uzaid Abid.
Extra points : Haari and Rohan.
Assistance : Koushik and Aahil.

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