Diagnosis Plans Fce and Cae

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1st class
Sts will fill in the drops for the classroom mural. Then, collaboratively, they will design a CAE sign
to put up.

1. Warm up: A-Z competition: sts need to write a word for each of the letters of the alphabet. The
person who finishes first, wins.

2. Talking about last year experience, asking them about feelings, expectations, plans, etc. Asking
them about protocols at school, etc.

3. Create a WhatsApp group with the sts.

4. Get sts to say/draw/write the pros and cons quarantine/COVID has brought about. Then, they
will send a sticker to the group with which they can represent their quarantine.

Wrap up: basta online (tutti frutti)

2nd class: first impressions

1. Ask sts to speculate on other's personality, temper, etc. The idea is to pair up new sts with those
who remained in the same level, to check out first impressions.

2. How can first impressions affect people? Have you ever had any bad first impression? Has it

3. Show some pics and ask sts what their impression is. Ask them to speculate about the person's
career/job (power point presentation)
4. Vocab: personality adjectives. Sts will have to put the letters in order to form the correct
personality adjective. The 1st person to unscramble the words, wins.

Words: clumsy, boastful (teach “blow my own trumpet”), outspoken, stingy (teach “tight-fisted”),
sensible, sensitive, surly, self-assured, two-faced, narrow-minded.

The T will give them 5' to look up any definition they may not know. The T will then share a link
with the definition. Sts will then describe themselves using the new words.

Link: https://www.scribd.com/doc/33841201/Personality-Adjectives-Advanced-Vocabulary-Game

Finally, the T will ask sts to send stickers portraying the adjective. They can also be asked to take a
selfie and send it. It's quite a numerous group so the pics can then be posted together with the
word on the wall as visual aid.

5. Wrap up: personality test

3rd class: collaborative work

1. Do you enjoy working in groups? When and where have you been made to work in teams?
What are the ups and downs of this type of work?

2. Pictionary online (skribbl.io)

3. Story. The T will ask a st to take a picture of anything in the house. Then, the 2nd st should take
a picture that can be the following part of a story. Once all the sts have shared their pics to the
group, they must write a story that is based on all the different pictures. The best story can then
be posted together with the pics on the classroom wall. Some revision will be done on connectors,
layout, structures, etc.

Wrap up: zoom drawing. The T will send a word to the zoom chat. Every st will choose a colour.
The idea is for them to draw the object. All sts must participate. The T could divide sts and the
team whose drawing is better, wins.
4th class: SPORTS
Say it with... emojis?

1. The T will explain sts that for the first 5 mins nobody can talk. They can communicate via Zoom
chat or WhatsApp BUT they cannot use only words. The T will encourage sts to use emojis,
stickers, mimicry, etc. The first person to speak, has a forfeit. The T will speak normally to confuse
sts and make them more likely to lose.

2. What sport are you into? Have you ever tried any extreme sport? Do you think some sports are
more suitable for certain groups? Why (not)?

3. Video: weird sports. The T will show a video


Once a sport is shown, sts will react via Zoom chat using an emoji (heart, thumb up or down, etc).

4. Edit a photo. Sts will choose a picture of their own and they will edit it so that they are
practising a sport. The T will do the same and everyone will show their result.


To be cut for

Be keen on

Be into


A rush of adrenaline

Get a thrill out of

Sts can ask the meaning of any of the phrases. Then, they will make sentences using them.

I DARE YOU: I dare you to mention sports that are practised in a...









Why did you take up the sport ypu are actually doing/you used to do?

FCE: https://virtuaule.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=589:fce-

CAE: how probable is it for you to try out surfing? Would you say it's a risky sport? Why (not)?


5th class: HEALTH

How important do you think being healthy is? Do you consider yourself to be healthy? Do you
often go for a check? Are you afraid of any medical procedure? Have you had any operations done
on you?

Competition: how many diseases/illnesses do you know? Can u name 10?

What do you think about psychologists? Do you consider them necessary? Why (not)? Do you
believe in “alternative” medicine?


FCE: https://www.flo-joe.co.uk/fce/students/tests/1part2.htm
CAE: pdf will be sent to sts (part 8).

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