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Hambantota Education Zone

Lesson Page

1. Reading visual clues 03

2. Parallel writing and guided writing 08
3. Conjunctions 10
4. Story Building 12
5. Word Classes (C.L 4.7) 15
6. Essay Writing 21
7. Picture Descriptions 24
8. Verb forms and Tenses 27
9. Notes, Invitations and Notices 30
10. Transferring Information into Other Forms 33
11. Active Voice and Passive Voice 36
12. Informal / Personal Letters 42
13. Reading-Test 15 44
14. Reported Speech and Conditional Sentences 50
15. Reading a Dictionary Page 52
16. Formal Letters 56
17. Test 02 (Prepositions & Pronouns) 59
18. Describing Graphs 63
19. Reading Poems 65
20. Error Correction 69
21. Reading –Test 7 72
22. O/L 2020 English paper 76

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 2

Test 01 - Reading visual clues
01. Find the matching picture for the given phrases. Write the word in the given blanks. First
one is done for you.

Gold mine Cinema Laboratory Expressway Museum Library

…….Library……. ………………........... ……….………….

……………………….. …….…………………. …………………….

02. Read the following instructions. Put the relevant number into the box. First one is done for

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

1. Do not park here. iii

2. Do not blow the horn.

3. Do not throw rubbish.
4. Do not touch.
5. Do not smoke

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03. Match the sign with the texts. First one is done for you.

(1) Keep dry …A……

(2) Fragile …………

(3) Litter here …………

(4) This side up …………

(5) Do not drop …………

(6) Handle with care …………

04. Look at the pictures and underline the correct word. First one is done for you.

1) 2) 3)

Sachin and Nividi are on a Mayuri went a see a ……… They went for …………
…………… because she had a toothache. on Sunday.
(swing , see-saw) (vet , dentist) (shopping, walking)

4) 5) 6)

Manula and Dinuli are going The children are enjoying Sam and Ann are …..
to …………….. at the ………………. ……. the plates.
(read books, make a cake) (river, beach) ( washing, cleaning)

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 4

05. Read the following sentences and select the relevant picture for each sentence given. Write
the correct letter in each blank.

1. They are riding bicycles. ……B……

2. The boy is showing a photograph to his sister. ……………

3. The girl cannot run as fast as her brother. ……………

4. Dineth is playing tennis while his sister is watching him. ……………

5. Sinadi cannot turn on the light as the switch is too high. ……………

6. Both car doors are open. ……………

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

06. Match the given signs with the given phrases. First one is done for you.

1 2 3 4 5 6

(A) Emergency exit (….2...)

(B) Fire assembly point (…......)
(C) Highly flammable (…......)
(D) Caution (…......)
(E) Fire extinguisher (…......)
(F) Toxic hazard (…..…)

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 5

07. Followings are some Dengue fever prevention tips. Match the given instructions with the
pictures given. Write the most suitable letter in the given box.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(1) Eliminate standing water (4) Wear protective clothing

(2) Use mosquito nets (5) Destroy mosquito breeding sites

(3) Stay indoors (6) Seek early consultation

08. Read the given instructions on preventing Covid 19. Select the relevant picture for each
instruction. Write the number in the given brackets. First one is done for you.

i ii iii iv v vi

a.) Wash hands often with soap and water. (…vi……)

b.) Wear a protective face covering when you go out. (…………)

c.) Stay away from crowded places and social gatherings. (…………)

d.) Refrain from close contacts. (…………)

e.) Use the inner side of your elbow when cough or sneeze. (…………)

f.) Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unclean hands. (…………)

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09. Read the instructions given. Match the picture with the correct instruction. First one is
done for you.

a b c d e f
1.) Wet hands. …...f……
2.) Apply soap, rub hands palm to palm. …………
3.) Wash fingers and thumbs. …………
4.) Scrub inside and outside of hands. …………
5.) Rinse hands with water. …………
6.) Dry hands with a towel. …………

10. Read the following instructions. Put the relevant number into the box. First one is done for

1 2 3 4 5 6

a) Insert two, three seeds in each container. 2

b) Cover with a small plastic bag.
c) Put enough water to grow the plants.
d) Fill all the containers with soil.
e) Moist the top of the soil.
f) Keep the covered containers under the sunlight.

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 7

Parallel writing and guided writing
01)Look at the given example and write a similar description about Christmas .

Vesak festival Christmas

Celebrated in May Celebrated in December
Celebrated by Buddhists Celebrated by Christians
Make vesak lanterns Make christmas trees and cribs
Go to temples Go to churches

Vesak Festival :
Vesak festival is celebrated in May. It is celebrated by Buddhists. People make vesak lanterns to
decorate their houses. Many people go to temples on Vesak poya day.
Christmas :
02) Look at the given example and write a similar description about Kevin. Change the pronouns
where necessary.
Jenny Kevin
School : Kalutara Balika Vidyalaya School : Holy Cross College
Grade: 11 Grade: 11
Hometown : Horana Hometown : Kalutara
Favourite colour: pink Favourite colour: purple
Ambition : to be a teacher Ambition : to be a doctor

Jenny :
Jenny goes to Kalutara Balika Vidyalaya. She studies in Grade 11. She lives in Horana. Her favourite
colour is pink. Her ambition is to be a teacher one day.
Kevin :
03) Read the following paragraph and re-write it replacing " I " with "Mohan". Make necessary

I live in a large apartment in Colombo. I live by myself. I have one son, but he doesn't live with
me. He is married and lives with his family in Kandy.

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 8

I don't have any pets. Cats make me sneeze, and dogs are not allowed in my building. However, I
am very sociable and have a lot of friends. I enjoy going to parties. I also like to entertain. My
friends often visit me and I sometimes find myself alone in my apartment.
04. Write a paragraph on “My hobby”. Use about 50 words.
-What is your hobby?
-When do you engage in it?
-Benefits that you get
-Who helps you?

05. Write a paragraph on “A book I read recently”. Use about 50 words.(Use your writing book)
-Name of the book
-Category of the Book
-The story in brief

06. Write a paragraph on “I trip I went”. Use about 50 words. (Use your writing book)
-When did you go?
-The place you went
-With whom did you go?
-How did you enjoy it?

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 9

1) Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate conjunction given in the box. The first one is done for
but or and so because while

1. Mother went to the fair and bought some fruits and vegetables.
2. This shirt is very beautiful ………… I don‟t have money to buy it.
3. ………………..John was fixing the car, his wife was making sandwiches.
4. My father will buy a car…………….. a van. I am sure he will buy one of them.
5. We cannot play outside…………….it is raining.
6. The bus was late, …………… we could not go to school early.

2) Underline the most appropriate conjunction given in the brackets. The first one is done for you.
1. The bus stopped …………….. the man got off ( and/ but/ or )
2. I want to buy a new bicycle ……………. I didn‟t have enough money ( and/ but/ or )
3. There is a strange noise ……………I start the engine. ( while/ When/ but )
4. ………………I was watching TV, she cried a lot. ( while/ when/ after )
5. We didn‟t go to the party …………..he didn‟t invite us. ( but/ so/ because )
6. Would you like a cup of tea ………… an orange juice? ( but/ when/ or )

3) Complete the sentences using the most appropriate word given in the brackets. The first one is done
for you.
1. I visited my dentist last Tuesday …………….I had a terrible toothache. ( so/ but/ because )
2. We can walk to school ………………take a bus. ( and/ before/ or )
3. This is the place ……………we stayed last time . ( where/ when/ how )
4. ……………… you win the first place, you will receive a prize. ( whenever/ if/ unless )
5. You won‟t pass the test, …………….. you study well ( when/ if/ unless )
6. I could not get a seat, ………………. I came early. ( as/ though/ when )

4) Complete the following paragraph using the given relative pronouns. The first one is done for you.

which where why who that

when what which

It was just the time when I needed a gift. The vase you have offered me is exactly ………………..
I wanted. This vase reminds me of a vase ……… is nearly the same. This is the best Chinese vase
……………. I‟ve ever seen. My mother, ……………….. was an artist, used to arrange Roses in it,
……………….. were beautiful. This is the reason ………………. I‟m so pleased with your present.
Guess the place ………………. I put it? On my desk, just in front of me.

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5) Join these pairs of sentences using the words given to form a complete sentence. You can use the
word only once. The first one is done for you.

which while because whenever

even though though

1. I could not find my friend.

I searched for him everywhere in the school.
I could not find my friend even though I searched for him everywhere in the school.
2. I read an online article.
I was waiting for the mail.
3. I worship my mother. I leave the house.
4. We could not change anything. We tried hard.
5. I ate two pieces. The cake was delicious.
6. I gave notes to Nethuli.
She has to read before the exam.
6) Select the correct relative pronoun and complete the blanks. The first one is done for you.
☆The boy, 1. Who solved the puzzle, was praised by the teacher. [ who / which]

a. Give me the plate 2.____________ is on the table. [ Where / Which ]

b. Christmas is the time of the year 3.______________ there are many parties. [ When / Where ]

c. I have got something 4._______________ belongs to you. [ Whom / that ]

d. She doesn't know 5._________________ book was left behind. [ Who / Whose ]

e. The student to 6._______________.I spoke was very kind. [ Who / Whom ]

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 11

Story Building

Activity 1- This is a theme picture of a story. Read the given simple questions and write the
short answers in the given space. Predict the story using your background knowledge as well

1. Where‟s the ant?
2. Where‟s the dove?
3. What happens to the ant?
4. What would you think will happen?

Cut the words that you think, will not be seen in the story

Sky River Tree Bird Ant Branch grass deep shout mountain hot
Beautiful Drowning Swim Fly fell leaf float help net leg flower
Spring Forest Good Friends fish play hunter water talk climb

Activity 2 Match the following situations with the pictures and build up a small story with
few sentences.



Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 12

1. The dove plucked a leaf and dropped it into the
2. The ant bit the hunter‟s leg…….
3. The ant slipped and fell into the water………
4. The hunter was going to throw a net towards the
1. The dove plucked a leaf and d
5. The dove saw the ant drowning………
6. The ant climbed up to the leaf and survived…….

Activity 2 Read the given simple folk stories and answer the questions given below.

1) The bird king Story Time

Story 1 - The Bird King

All the animals in the jungle had a king. The birds were
Jealous. They wanted a king too.
„Let me be the king. Look at my wonderful colors!‟ said the
Beautiful parakeet.
„No, no,‟ said the myna. „I can speak and talk to the other animals. I should be the king.‟
„And I have a fantastic beak!‟ said Toucan. „I want to be the bird king.‟
„I know,‟ said the macaw. „Why don‟t we have a competition? The bird who can fly the
Highest will be the bird king.‟
Everyone thought this was an excellent idea, especially the eagle. „Make me the king now,‟
He said. „I am the strongest, and I can fly the highest.‟
„Ah,‟ said a little voice. „But you might not win!‟
„Ha ha!‟ laughed the eagle. „You can‟t beat me, little sparrow!‟

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„We‟ll see,‟ said the sparrow.
The race began, and all the birds flew high into the sky. They flew higher and higher,
And the eagle flew the highest. „Ha! I told you!‟ squawked the eagle. „I, I am the king!‟
But the sparrow was hiding under the eagle‟s wing. Suddenly, he flew higher than the
Eagle‟s head. The sparrow was the highest bird of all! He won the competition! And the
Sparrow was the new bird king.
What’s the order?
Read the story and put the sentences in order.
The macaw suggested a competition to see who could fly the highest.

The eagle flew the highest but the sparrow was hiding under the
eagle‟s wing.

1 The birds in the jungle wanted a king.

The eagle said he was the strongest and the sparrow was too small.

The myna wanted to be the king because he could speak.

The parakeet wanted to be the king because of his wonderful colors.

The sparrow flew higher than the eagle‟s head and won the

The toucan wanted to be the king because of his fantastic beak.

Activity Sheet 3 - The Bird King

Choose the answer!

What do you think is the moral of the story?
Circle the best answer.
a. If you are the strongest, you are the best.
b. You should always hide in a competition.
c. You don‟t need to be strong to win.

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 14

Word Classes (C.L 4.7)
Task 01
Science society of your school has planned a special event. The notice written by the vice secretary is
to be edited by the secretary. Imagine you are the secretary and replace the words which are
underlined. Be careful not to change the idea and the suitable words are given in the box. The first
one is done for you.
requested , Association , organized , environment , lecture , participate

The Old pupils‟ society of H/ Thissamaharama Maha Vidyalaya has arranged a special speech by
professor R.D.Ramasingha about how to protect our surrounding. All the members of the science
society are asked to join.
5/7/2021 Secretary

The Old pupils‟ …Association … of H/ Thissamaharama Maha Vidyalaya has …………… a
special …………… professor R.D.Ramasingha about how to protect our ………………. All the
members of the science society are…………… to ……………..
5/7/2021 Secretary

Task 02 -Select a word from the box which gives a similar meaning to the word / phrase given
brackets. Write it on the blank provided ( There are two extra words) The first one is done for you.

We were standing on the …… bridge …. ( a construction built over something where people can
cross) trying to catch some fish for ………………( not a main meal) when a small red …………….(
a powered flying vehicle) flew almost directly above our heads. We could even see the pilots face “
What on ……………( the planet where the living beings live) is he up to” I asked. I felt rather
…………………..(the feeling of slight anger). “ I think he‟s in ………………”(a condition to
annoyed , plane , bridge , trouble , supper , lunch , bus , earth

Task 03 -Select the word from the box which has a similar meaning to the word given within
brackets and write it in the space given. The first one is done for you. There is an extra word.

They could see the …… fume ….(smoke) from the end of the ………………(street)
“ Its our house!” Elsa shouted. “ It can‟t be,” Alan said but he knew that Elsa was
…………………. ( right) and they both began to run. There was a small crowd in the street out of
their house. Smoke was coming out of the ………………(front) window downstairs room. But there
was no ………………….( sign) of any flames and there was no sign of old Mr. Cox , Elsa‟s father.
He lived with them and had a room upstairs at the back of the house. He was not among the people in
the crowed. “ Alan” his wife …………… (shouted )
Correct fume avenue crowd anterior cried out indication

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Task 04
Write the correct word in the box to give the same meaning to the definition given in the brackets.
The first one is done for you. There is an extra word

1. run Sometimes buses are not very ……punctual…… (happing or doing the
2. bus stop agreed or proper time). Where I live buses should ………………. (move from
one place to another) every ten minutes, but sometimes I wait at the
3. punctual ………………………. (a place where the buses permitted to halt) for half an
4. miss hour with a long ………………. (a line where the people stand
systematically) of people, and then three buses come together, and they are all
5. full up ………………….. (Full of people and no more people can get in). On other
6. queue occasion the bus is early and I ……………… (don‟t catch) it.

Task 05
Replace the phrases in the brackets with a single word from the box without changing the meaning.
There is an extra word. The first one is done for you.

Ann Frank was a Jewish girl who had to go into hiding (putting or keeping out of sight) during
World War ii from the Nazis. Together with his seven others she hit in a ………………... ( not
known or seen by others.) annex. After almost two years in hiding they were ……………… (found
unexpectedly during search) and deported to concentration ……………… ( places with temporary
accommodation of huts). Ann‟s father Otto Frank, was the only one of the eight people to
………………. ( to remain alive or in existence). After her death Ann became world …………… (
someone or something very well known by many) because of the diary she had written while in

Hiding famous camps secret discovered survive

Task 06
Read the extract and replace the bold words with the similar word (in meaning) from the box given.
The first one is done for you

commemoration ending individual define take part in spam

Something unique about the new year is the celebration of the beginning of the new year as well as
conclusion of the old year as specified as astrologists. There is a period of time in between which is

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 16

called as “ nonagathe” or neutral period. During this time people keep off from all types of work and
engage in religious activities.

1. unique ……… individual ……… 2. celebration ……………………………..

3. conclusion …………………………… 4. specified …………………………...
5. period ……………………………. 6. engaged ……………………………

Task 07
Read the text and select an appropriate word to the phrase which are in brackets.

deadly solution precaution prevention quarantine

vaccination facemask variants features active organism

Covid 19 is the mostly considered …………………. ( causing or able to die) virus in the world.
…………………………..( the action of stopping something)is the best …………………….. (a
means of solving problems) by following strict health tips.
Self ……………………..( a period of isolation) is the easiest and the best action. Apart from that
the ………………..( treatment to produce immunity ) is the best ……………………….( a measure
taken in advanced to prevent ). Wearing a proper …………………( a covering for the nose and
mouth ) correctly is the next solution . It is very difficult to control upcoming waves of corona
………………………..( the fact or quality of being different) as virus carries the
……………………. (distinctive attribute or aspects) of not living in the environment and when
enters a living body , starts to active as a fatal …………………….. (an individual single celled life
form. )

Task 08-Read the text and underline the most suitable word given within brackets. One is done for
Sri Nehru
Nehru was one of the greatest (1)………………… ((a). leading (b). leaders (c). leader)
India ever had. He was a nationalistic leader and a (2)………………… ((a). statesmen (b).
statesmans (c). statesman) He became the first Prime Minister of India in 1947. He
(3)………………. ((a). served (b) serving (c). serve) as the prime minister for seventeen
years. Nehru was born in Allahbad. He was the son of Mothilal Nehru and Swarup Rani.
They were a Brahmin family and his father was a lawyer. After his primary
(4)…………………….. ((a). educate (b). education (c). educating) Nehru went to Great
Britain for his (5)…………… ((a). higher (b). high (c) highest) education. He was a pupil of
Harrow school and Trinity College. As a student in the University of Cambridge, he learnt
science and read (6)………………… ((a). wider (b) wide (c) widely). He returned to India
and practised as a lawyer.

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 17

10. Read the following letter and underline the most suitable word given within brackets. The
first one is done for you.

Dear Joshua,

How are you? As you know our exam is going to be (1)…………… ((a) over (b) complete
(c) finish) in another three days. After that we‟ll get our (2)…………… ((a) vacating (b)
vacation (c) vaccine). I‟m planning to spend this vacation, (3)………………… ((a) enjoy
(b) enjoyable (c) enjoying) it to the most because you know we all are tired after a long spell
of studies.
During the first few days I‟m going to (4) ………………. ((a) watching (b) watch (c)
watched) some videos which due to my exam. I‟m sure my mother will also love it as she
can make some of my favourite dishes and sweets. On the second week I‟m (5)
……………… ((a) plan (b) planned (c) planning) to visit our uncle in Liverpool. I like to
walk on the tank bund and enjoy the evening breeze. I‟m also going to try some fishing
because my uncle told me that he could lend me his fishing rods. I hope to walk in the nearby
forest with my uncle. You know he is a great (6) ……………. ((a) explorer (b) exploring
(c) explore). I hope to collect some unusual pictures of some birds and animals in the
national park. Thus I‟m going to enjoy this holiday.

Loving friend,

11. Read the part of the folk tale and underline the most suitable word given within brackets.
The first one is done for you.

Once upon a time, there lived a Gamarala and his wife who had a daughter by the name of
“Kaluhamy.” They loved their daughter very much as she was the only (1)………………….
((a) children (b) childrens (c) child) they had. But, (2)…………………… ((a) unfortunate
(b) unfortunately (c) fortunately) that girl faced an untimely (3)…………….. ((a) death
(b) died (c) die) at a very early age so that her parents were grief-stricken.
Not long after that sad event there came a (4)……………….. ((a) beggar (b) beg (c)
begging) who had been reduced to bones and he wanted to beg for something to eat. He
appeared to be starving for days. By that time, the Gamarala was out in the field. Seeing the
(5)………………… ((a) miser (b) missing (c) miserable) state of the beggar, the sorrowing
mother of Kaluhamy took pity on him. So, she was so (6)….……………… ((a) sincerity (b)
sincere (c) sincerely) to ask him how he had got so lean. The beggar replied, “E lova , Me
lova awa.” (I‟ve just returned from the other world)………….

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 18

12. Read the following dialogue and underline the most suitable word given within brackets.
One is done for you.
Piumi: Have you shifted to your new home, Samadhi?
Samadhi: Yes, at last! What a (1)……………((a) release (b) relief (c) releasing) !
Piumi: How‟s your new house?
Samadhi: It‟s great.
Piumi: Is it spacious like your old one?
Samadhi: Oh, it‟s more (2)…………… ((a) spacious (b) special (c) space) than the old
one. There are four bedrooms and two bathrooms. In the old house we had
only two rooms.
Piumi: Really! Then you could have (3)………………. ((a) buy (b) buying (c)
bought) new furniture.
Samadhi: Not much. Only a sofa and a dining table. We polished the old wooden
furniture too.
Piumi: I still remember the lovely garden you had!
Samadhi: Yes, it‟s true. Even in our garden we have some (4)……………… ((a) shade
(b) shady (c) shed) trees, a pond and a wide (5)……………… ((a) various
(b) variety (c) vary) of flower plants. By the way, why don‟t you visit our
Piumi: Sure. I‟ll. My mother said she too wants to visit you. Is it far from Nugegoda?
Samadhi: NO dear! From Nugegoda, you have to turn into Dehiwala road. Walk about
100 metres ahead passing the shopping complex.
Piumi: Is it in Dehiwala road?
Samadhi: No Piu. Take the second turn on your (6)………………… ((a) wright (b)
right (c) rite). My house is the fifth one on your left. It‟s easy to find.
Piumi: Well, I‟ll come there this week-end.
Samadhi: Fine. Then let‟s meet at the week-end.
Piumi: Alright, bye!
Samadhi: Bye, dear!

13. Select a word from the box which has a similar meaning to the word/phrase given within
brackets and write it in the space provided. The first one is done for you. There are three extra
surface result excessive happens scientists

fossils world’s atmosphere decade

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 19

The increase of the heat on the earth‟s ……………………(out-word appearance) is
generally termed as global warming. The …………………..(the experts in science) began to
talk about global warming since the last ……………………...(ten years’ time) or so as the
warming up the earth began to have some adverse effects on the climate. The global warming
is a ……………………..(final score or mark) of green-house effect. In other words the
global warming occurs due to presence of an ………………….(too much) amount of Carbon
Dioxide (CO2), Methane and Nitrous Oxide in the …………………………(the gases
surrounding the planets) Burning of fossil fuels by man has contributed greatly to the
increase of CO2. Smoke emitted from vehicles contains Carbon Dioxide, which is one the
main gas responsible for the increase in green-house effect.

14. Select a word from the box which has a similar meaning to the word/phrase given within
brackets and write it in the space provided. The first one is done for you. There are three extra

grove significance vicinity indigenous

zone avenue ruins canopy religious

The National tree of Sri Lanka

Na, or Ironwood is the national tree of Sri Lanka. It is one of the finest trees which can be
grown anywhere in the island. It is considered to be an (1)……… indigenous
………. (native) hardwood
tree of the dry (2)………………….. (an area) forests. It grows to a medium height with a
well groomed (3)…………………. (a cover or covering) that drapes to the ground cloaking
the trunk. The choice of Na, as the national tree of this country is both for her its hardwood
quality and cultural (4)……………………… (importance).

There is an (5)………………………. (a broad road) of Na trees leading upto the Parliament

of Sri Lanka in Sri Jayawardanapura, Kotte. A large (6)……………………. (a group of
trees) of Na trees has been discovered in the Pink Quartz Mountain off Madatugama, a few
miles north of Dambulla. This place covering around 250 acres, is popularly known as Namal

Extended activities – Grade 11 Work book Unit 05 Activity 06 (page 52)

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 20

Essay Writing

01. Write an essay about the following topic “ Health is wealth”

You may include the following:
- Describe what is health
- The importance of health life
- How does the practices of good health habits lead to good health?

02. Write an essay on “save forests for better environment”

You may include the following:
- What kinds of forests can you see in our country? Describe them.
- What has happened to them due to man‟s influence?
- What things can you do to preserve them?
03. Write an essay on “ Unity is the best key of our life ”
You may include:
- Where does unity begin?
- Describe how unity builds society.
- How does the unity in the family lead to the unity in the society?

04. Write an essay about the following topic “ Sports and games make us stronger ”
You may include the following :
- Types of sports and games
- How sports and games help you to become stronger in mind and body
- Benefits of engaging in sports and games
- Persuade your schoolmates to engage in different sports and games

05. Write an essay on “ The importance of leisure ”

You may include:
- What is leisure?
- Name some leisure time activities.
- What are the advantages of leisure time activities
Ex.: for pleasure, to earn an extra income etc.

06. Write an essay on “ Importance of a balance diet ”

You may include:
- What a balanced diet is
- Our food habits
- Advantages of a balanced diet

07. Write an essay on “ Let‟s protect public property ”

You may include the following :
- What public property is
- Give examples

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 21

- Why and how people harm it
- How to avoid them

08. Write an essay on “ Importance of Learning English ”

Include the following :
- The priority given to English Language in school curriculum
- The role that English plays in society
- The advantages of learning English

09. Write an essay on “ Information for a better life ”

You may include :
- Sources of information
- Why do people need information in modern life
- Advantages and disadvantages of different sources of information

10. Write an essay on “ Let‟s protect our environment for the betterment of the future ”
You may include :
- What is meant by environment
- Importance of the environment
- How we should look after the environment
- Measures that the government can take

11. Write an essay on “ Freedom is valuable to all of us ”

You may include :
- What is meant by freedom
- Why it is necessary to all
- How it affects to everyone

12. Write an essay on “ Personality is important in one‟s life ”

You may include :
- Describe personality
- Some famous characters in society
- What you learnt from their personality

13. Write an essay on “ Tourist destinations in Sri Lanka ”

You may include :
- Name some eye catching places
- Why they are attracted by tourists
- Benefits of tourism

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 22

14. Write an essay on “ Effects of using polythene ”
You may include :
- Advantages of using polythene ( why people use polythene )
- How it affects the environment
- Suggestions to minimize using polythene

15. Write an essay on “ Child Abuse ”

You may include following :
- What is child abuse
- Reasons for child abuse
- Effects of child abuse
- Suggestions to be taken to stop child abuse

16. Write an essay on “ Pros and Cons of using social medias ”

You may include :
- Education
- Culture
- Socialization
- Impact of over usage as in human health, behavior, attitudes, dangers and crimes

WB Activities
pg no 25 33 45 48 57
activity 09 08 13 16 07

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 23

Picture Descriptions
1) Fill in the blanks with correct words from the box to describe the picture.

1) This is a picture of a .......................

2)There are.........................children in the picture.
3)one boy is making a ............................. .
4)Two children are ........................... with a ball.
5) There .......... a girl swimming in the sea.
6)A boat is the sea.
7)Some ................. are flying in the sky.
8) There is a red .................... near the girl.
9) There are some .......................... on the beach.
Playing, floating, beach, sand castle, birds, four, 10)They are ....................... a lot.
Enjoying, is, crab, fish
2) Study the picture and fill in the blanks using the words given in the box. Use only one word for
each blank.
Is, sitting, rock, three ,swimming ,looking , basket ,on ,dragonflies ,lake.

This is a picture of a 1) .................... .There is a boy 2) the picture. He is sitting on a

3)................... There is a 4)......................... with fish near him.Three ducks are 5) ..............................
in the lake. A duckling is standing 6)................ a rock..There are 7)..................... flowers in the pond.
There are three 8).................................flying near the boy. A frog is 9) them. There
10).............. a fish in the pond. It is talking with the duckling.

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 24

3) Study the picture and fill in the blanks using the words given in the box. Use only one word for
each blank.

Shoes , washing ,brother ,

playing , spiders , electric
kettle , between , kitchen
,happy ,sitting

May and Sam are 1)...................................... on the floor. They are 2).................................with some
........................... Jill, the mum ,is ................................the dishes. She looks …………….. The
children aren't wearing .................................. The box is ......................May and Sam. May is telling
something to her ………… . There is an ………………. on the pantry. It is sunny today but they are
in the .......................
4) Study the picture and fill in the blanks using the words given in the box. Use only one word for
each blank.

Flying , picnic ,six ,

children ,women ,
apples , man ,two ,
tree , behind

This is a picture of a 1).............................. .There are 2)...............................................people in

this picture.Two 3)................... are playing with a ball. There is a 4).................behind them. one
boy is hiding.5).........................................the tree.Two .6).................................and
one.7).................. are having snacks.There are some 8)........................... in the box.There are
9).....................sandwiches on the plate. A bird is 10).................. in the sky.

5) Study the picture and fill in the blanks using the words given. Use only one word for each blank.
This is a 1)...........................of a living room. There are .2)........................ people in this picture. They
are 3)............................books. There is a 4)...........and a dog in this picture. The girl is lying on the 5)
................ .she is also reading a 6) ................The dog is 7) her book. The cat is 8)
.................. on the sofa. There are two .9)................... on the wall. There is a lamp 10)....................
the man and the woman.
Four, pictures, reading, book, picture, floor, between, looking, cat, sleeping

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 25

6. Study the picture and fill in the blanks with the given words.
Standing ,

This is a picture of a ………. .There are ……………….. children with their ………… .The boy
sitting on a ………………….. is …………. a book. Mother is buttoning up the daughter‟s
……………….. She is sitting on a small stool. The …………. is giving a …………. to her father
who is …………….. in front of her. There is a …………. on the stool.
7) Study the picture and fill in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank.

Doing, boy, garden, hat, seven, black, trees,

watering, two, about

This is a picture of a school .1).......................... .

There are .2).......................... students in the
garden. They are 3).....................different things.
One girl is .4).................................the plants. There
is a .5)...............planting trees. The girl with a
6)............. is raking. There are 7)
.....................rakes in the picture. The boy with a
8)................... cap is having a shovel. There are
two girls talking .9)..............plants. One boy is
listening to them. There are two 10)...................
behind them.

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 26

Verb forms and Tenses
TEST 01- Complete the dialogue using correct verb form given in the brackets. The first one is done
for you.

Ranjani - Why didn't you (1) attend Vinu's birthday party? [ attended / attending / attend ]
Hasala - I (2)____________ to attend a funeral in Kandy. [ has / had / have ]
Ranjani - We (3)___________ you very much. [ missed / miss / missing ]
Hasala - (4) ____________ all our friends come? [ Do / Did / Does ]
Ranjani - Yes,except you.
Hasala - I am going to (5) ____________ vinu's home tomorrow. [ visited / visit / will visit ]
Ranjani - Is that so? Well. I will (6) _____________ you if I have time. [ join / joined / will join ]

TEST 02- Fill in the blanks with the missing verbs given within brackets.

[ cured , started , born , lived , visited , served, took , helped, came , gave ]

Mother Theresa was (1) ______________ in Yogoslavia. Her maidan name was Agnes Gonxha.She
(2)_____________ the name Theresa in 1935 in Calcutta.She (3) ______________ to Calcutta and
(4) ______________ as a Geography teacher for about 20 years at a convent.Then,she (5)
_______________ helping the poor and the sick who (6) _______________ in the slums.She (7)
_______________ the lepers and (8) ______________ them medicine.She (9) _______________
many of them.She (10) _______________ a number of countries and opened charity centers.Many
honours were conferred on her for her dedicated service.India honoured her with "Padma Shri" and "
Bharath Ratna".

TEST 03- Use the correct form of the verb to complete the dialogue. One is done for you.
Nishan: We (1)........................................(pass) Kadugannawa now. Aren't we?
Father: Yes. How do you know.
Nishan: I can see a tunnel over there. I (2).......saw.......(see) a picture of it recently.
Father: This rock was hollowed for the vehicles to pass. It .(3).....................(construct) by the
British rulers.
Nishan: Why did they build roads in our country?
Father: The roads .(4)...............................(build) for their own benefit.
Nishan: Who maintains these roads neatly now?
Father: These roads (5)............................(maintain) by RDA.
Nishan: Father, there is a peculiar shaped rock. Do you know anything about it?
Father: It's Batalegala. It has a strange shape. That's why it (6)..............................(know) as Bible

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 27

TEST 04- Read the following notice. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb given
within brackets. The first one is done for you.
Golden Opportunity for Talented Actors!
The English Literary Association of Rangama Vidyalaya (1)…is planning……(plan) to stage the
Caucasian Chalk Circle, a drama (2)……………………..(write) by Bertolt Brecht , to mark the
English Day. It (3)…………………………(stage) in the third week of November at the school main
hall. In order to make this event a success, we (4)……………………….(look) for talented students
who would like (5)…………………………..(act) in this drama, which
(6)……………………………...(last) for two hours. If you (7)…………………………….(interest),
please submit your application to the secretary of the English Literary Association before the 15 th of
October. A specimen application form (8)…………………………(display) on the school notice
board already. The venue and date for the auditions (9)……………………………(announce) later.
For more details, you (10)………………………………. (request)to contact your English teacher.
(11)……………………………………(not miss) the golden opportunity!

Organizing committee

TEST 05- Fill in the blanks using the correct form of verb within brackets.
When the O/L exam (1)…………………..(be) over Sunil‟s mother(2) ……………………..(ask) him
whether he (3)………………………(do) well at the exam. Sunil (4) …………………(say) that all
the papers were easy except one. So his father asked him what it (5)……………………(be). He said
that it was the Maths paper. His mother who was a Maths teacher
(6)………………………….(become) so worried. She asked him whether he
(7)……………………..(leave) out any sums. Sunil said that he (8)………………..(do) not have
time for the last one.The father said not to worry over the sum he had (9)………………….(miss) but
to be happy about the ones he had already (10)…………………..(do).

TEST 06- Use the correct form of the verb given within brackets.
Sithum was (1)……………………(call) for an interview by a reputed company in Colombo. He was
(2)……………………..(give) a particular time to be present at the interview. Sithum had to be
present at the interview at 10.30 a.m. He (3)……………………….(leave) home to catch an early
bus. While he was (4)…………………….(stand) at the bus halt a friend (5)…………………(offer)
him a lift. Sithum was very happily (6)…………………………….. (talk) to his friend, all at once a
motor cyclist (7)……………………….(over take) without signals. Both vehicles
(8)……………………..(knock) each other and were badly (9)………………………(damage)
.Sithum got so excited because he (10)………………………………(know) that he would be late for
the interview.

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 28

TEST 07- .Fill in each blank with the correct form of verb given within brackets.

An eight year old girl (1)…………………..(die) due to a snake bite. This

(2)…………………….(reveal) at an inquest held by the Polonnaruwa city corner into the Death of
Ms. Shivanya Prasadini of Polonnaruwa. The father of the deceased (3)……………………(testify)
at the inquest, said that his wife (4)…………………………(go) to the Middle East for employment.
She (5)…………………(come) back only next year. So far she (6)…………………………… (no
send) anything. So I had (7)…………………….(find) a job. During the week I
(8)……………………………..(live) in Mahiyangana for my work. I got this sad news about my
daughter while I (9)………………………..(stay) there. A snake bit her leg when she
(10)…………………..(be) on her way back from the temple with her grandmother.

TEST 08- Complete the following passage using the appropriate form of the verb given within
brackets. One is done for you.
I have been learning French for five years now. But last year I (1).........................................(not
work) hard enough for French. I (2)....want......(want) to pass my French exam successfully at the
beginning of next year. Just after my O/L exam last year, my parents (3)............................(send) me
to do a French course in Colombo. At the moment I (4)..........................(revise) French lessons I
learnt. Now I have much more fun in learning French than I (5)......................................(have) before.
If I pass my exams successfully, I .(6)....................................(start) an apprenticeship in September. I
know there is no any time to be lost.

TEST 09- Complete the following dialogue between two friends about their sportsmeet. Use
the passive form of the verb given within brackets. The first one is done for you.
Tharindu: Hello! Raja, What are you doing these days? I didn't see you for a long time.
Raja: Well Tharindu, We are getting ready for the sportsmeet.
Tharindu: Oh I see.
Raja: Already we .(1).have been grouped....(group) into three houses by the teachers.
Yesterday, the students (2)......................................................(select) for different events.
Tharindu: So, are you taking part in any of the events?
Raja: Yes. I am a member of the relay team. Next week we
(3)...................................................(train) after school, by the coach.
Tharindu: Really! How nice. Who is organizing the final ceremony?
Raja: That (4)...........................................................(organize) by the prefects with the help
of the principal. A special meeting .(5)........................................................(call) for by now.
Tharindu: How about the tents and the refreshments?
Raja: They (6).......................................................(provide) by the parents.
Tharindu: It's going to be a great event? Can I also help you?
Raja: The winners will get cash prize. Can you help with that?
Tharindu: Yes. Sure.

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 29

Notes, Invitations and Notices
1) You received the following note from your friend. Write a response. Use about 40 -50 words.
include the followings.
 congratulate him.
 give a day and time to meet you
 express your willingness to lend your camera.
 say what he has to bring.
I have been selected to represent Sri Lanka, in an international conference in Canada for
students, on “Environmental pollution”. Can I borrow your camera to take on the trip.

2) You have got your holidays and wish to spend a few days at your aunt‟s house in Nuwara-
Eliya. Write a note to your best friend inviting him/her to join you. include,
 the date you hope to go
 how long you hope to stay
 things you could do

3) You received a note from a friend of yours. Write a note refusing it and tell that you are not
at home during the next vacation.

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 30

14th March 2020
Dear Kamal,
I will come to see you on next vacation. I hope to stay at your house for three days. I would
like to visit places around your area and play with you and your brothers.


4) Your science teacher informed your class about a special seminar in the school next week.
Write a note to one of your friends, who is absent, informing about the seminar. Use about 50
words. Include the following;
 what the seminar is about / name of the seminar
 date, time and place of the seminar
 the person who conduct the seminar
 importance of participating in the seminar

1) You are the secretory of the nature club in your school. The members have organized an
educational visit to the forest to enjoy the beauty of nature. The teacher in charge wants
you to write a notice to be put up on the school notice board, inviting all the students in
grade 11 to join the visit. (use about 40-50 words.)Use your writing book. Include,
 date ,time venue
 things to be brought
 things you can see ( birds, flowers,trees…..etc)

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 31

2) Imagine you are the secretory of the Health Club of your school. You have organized an
awareness programme on “ Covid 19 pandemic situation.” Write a notice to inform all the
students about it. You may include the date, time, venue and the guest speaker. Use your
writing book

3) Your village has been threatened by dengue. The committee members of the village welfare
society have decided to hold a meeting to take necessary steps to help the villagers. Write a
notice to be put up on the notice board as the secretary of the welfare society. Include the
followings. (date, time, venue and the purpose of the meeting) Use your writing book

4) 4) Imagine you are the secretary of the Interact Club of your school. Your club has organized
a blood donation campaign to be held in the main hall of your school. Write a notice
informing about the event. Use about 40-50 words. Include the followings. (date, time, venue,
purpose, participants) Use your writing book

5) You are the secretory of the Photographers‟ Society of your school. Your society has
organized an exhibition at the school main hall. The master in charge wants you to write a
notice informing all the teachers and students about the exhibition. There will be an
entertainment programme at the end of the exhibition. Include the followings. (date, time,
venue, events, participants) Use your writing book


1) As the secretary of the sports unit, write an invitation to the Past Pupils‟ Association, for the
opening ceremony of the new swimming complex on 7th December at 4.00p.m. Use your
writing book.

2) Write an invitation to your best friend inviting him / her for the house warming party in
your newly built house. Include the date, time and the venue. Use about 40-50 words.

3) As the principal, write an invitation to be sent to all the parents inviting them to
participate for the Annual Price Giving of the school.

4) The Buddhist association of your school has organized a Dhamma sermon on the

Duruthu full moon day. Invite Ven. Ransegoda Dhammissara thero to deliver a

Dhamma sermon. Write the invitation.

Include the date, time, participants and venue.

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 32

Transferring Information into Other Forms
Test 1-Read the following instructions and complete the note.
The first one is done for you.

The principal,the staff and the students of
H/Janadhiathi K.V.,Debarawewa. Father,
Cordrally invite you to the Our (1) annual concert is on
Annual concert (2) ------------- at (3)-----------------.It begins at
on 15th November 2021 (4)---------------------I am taking part in group
At the Auditorium ,at 5.30p.m. Songs .Mr..R.Rathnayaka,
The chief Guest will be Mr.R.Rathnayaka the popular (5) ---------------------is the (6) --------
The famous musician, -------------------
All are invited : Please come with mother and sister.
The organizing committee.

Test 2 -Study the graph and complete the following report. First one is done for you.

40 Favourite Tv programmes

Wild Asia Ape Gama Mini Toons sports World Amba

The above graph shows the finding of a survey done by grade 11 students of their
1) favourite Tv programmes. The 2) ________________ axis represents the Tv programmes of the
students in the class; and the 3)_________________axis represents the number of pupils in the class. The
4)______________ popular Tv programme is “Mini Toons” .It is a children‟s cartoon programme. 5)
_______________ number of children like to watch “Wild Asia” programme and “Amba Yahaluwo”
teledrama .Ape Gama is the 6)______________ popular programme.

Test 3 Read the text and fill the grid.

The students of Kurunegala M.V. went on a three day trip to Nuwara Eliya during the last school
vacation.They were accompanied by the teachers.On the first day of their trip , they left for Kataragama.In
the evening they had a bath in the Menik Ganga and took part in a pooja at the Maha Dewalaya.They spent

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 33

the night of the first day at Dutugamunu Rest.On the following day they went to Mahiyanganaya.There they
worshipped the Mahiyangana Stupa in the morning.In the evening they visited „Veddahs‟ at Bintenna.Later
they went to see the Sorabora Wewa and had a bath there. They stayed the second night at the Mahiyangana
temple.On the last day they went to Nuwara Eliya.They visited Hakgala Botanical gardens and took some
photographs. In the afternoon ,they went to see some fascinating waterfalls around Nuwara Eliya and
returned home in the evening.
Day Place visited Activities Accommodation




Test 4-Read the following fixed deposit receipt and complete the description.Use only one word in each
blank.The first one is done for you.

HDB - Your Saving Bank


Date payable}-------------------

Account no }------------------------------ Kuliyapitiya
Branch }-------------------------

Name/s & Addresses of Holder/s

Mr.P.M. Rohan Ranasinghe
27,Lotus Lane,

Seventy five thousand only

Amount Received Rs.} ---------------------------------
Rate of Annual Interest }-------------------------- 20. 09. 2018 – 23. 09. 2020
Date }--------- 23 09 2018 -------

Mr.Rohan Ranasinghe lives in 1) Udubaddawa . One day he went to 2)______________ branch of HD

Bank as he wanted to open a 3) __________________ deposit account. He deposited 75,000 rupees. The
number of his 4) __________________ is 023-2367-65278. The rate of annual 5) __________________ is
7.5%. The period of the deposits is 6)______________ years.

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 34

Test 5 Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks.

Gayan : How about going to Jaffna, teacher ?

Chamith:Wow, I‟ve never been there before. What can we see there?
Teacher :Well, you can visit Jaffna Fort and Library.There‟s a beautiful kovil called
“Nallur”.We will be able to go to an island called “Nagadeepa on boat.
Oshan : Are there any places for us to spend the night ?
Teacher : Why not? We can stay at a guest house.
Rumesh : How much have we got to pay for the whole trip teacher?
Teacher : It will be Rs. 3000/=

I‟m sure you‟ll be happy to hear that our (1) teacher will be taking us on a three-day trip next month. We
hope to go to (2) __________________ and we can visit Jaffna Fort, (3)___________________ , Nallur
kovil and the island of Nagadeepa.Chamith said that he had never been (4) ____________________
before.During our stay there we can (5) ___________________________the night at a guest house.Each
student has to (6)_________________Rs.3000/= and I hope you‟ll join us.

Test 7- Read the following dialogue and complete the passage. Use only one word in each blank.The first
one is done for you.

Ms. Upuli :- Hello,this is Upuli speaking.How can I help you today?

Mr.Nishantha:- Yes.I‟m Nishantha,the manager at the Nisakya book shop.May I speak to
Ms.Upuli :- I‟m afraid. Ms.Thusitha is out of the office at the moment.Would you like
to keep a message?
Mr.Nishantha:-Hmm,Actually,I want to contact her for an urgent matter.
She ordered some books.Tell her that they are ready to purchase.
Mr.Upuli :-Sure.I will pass the message to her.
Mr. Nishantha:- Thank you for your help Ms.Upuli.Goodbye
Ms. Upuli :- It‟s my pleasure.Good bye.

Ms. Upuli received a telephone call from Mr.Nishantha.He is the (1) ______manager_____ at Nisakya
book shop. He wanted to contact Ms.Thusitha for an (2) _________________ matter. But she was not at the
(3)______________________at that time.Ms.Upuli took the (4)_________________________and
promised to pass it to Ms.Thusitha.Mr. Nishantha told that the books she ordered were at the book shop for
her to (5)________________________ Mr.Nishantha paid his gratitude to Ms.Upuli for the
(6)_________________________ before ending the phone call.Finally,they greeted each other.

Grade 11 Worksheets-2021 Page 35

Active Voice and Passive Voice

TEST 01.-Read the passage given and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in
brackets. The first one is done for you.
Nylon was invented ( invent ) in the early 1930 by American chemist Jullian Hill. Other
scientists worked with his invention and finally on 27th October 1938 nylon
…………………………………………………… ( introduce ) to the world. It was cheap and strong
and immediately ladies stockings …………………………… ……………………… ( make ) by
using nylon. During the world war II it …………………………………………… ( use ) to make
parachutes and tyres too. Today nylon ……………………………………………………. ( find ) in
many things: carpets, ropes, seat belts, furniture computers and even the parts for the human body.
Next year, over 36 million tons of nylon
……………………………………………………………….. ( manufacture )

TEST 02.-Read the passage given and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in
brackets. The first one is done for you.
Thailand is an Asian country where Buddhism is practiced ( practice ) by nearly 90% of
the population. Formerly the country ……………………………………………….. ( know ) as
Siam and in 1939 the name …………………………………………………………… ( change ) as
Thailand ; the “land of the free”. The children‟s day in Thailand
……………………………………………………………. ( observe) during the 1st week in January
every year and International Correspondence Week
………………………………………………………… ( celebrate ) during the 1st week of October.

TEST 03.-Look at the pictures. Write one sentence about each picture. One is done for you.
1) 2)
A flag
a story book

2) A flag is being waved.
3) 4)
a flower

TEST 04.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in brackets. One has been done for you.

The coconut palm is a very useful tree. The nut alone can be put (put) to many uses. The
milk which ………………………………………………….. (obtain) from the kernel of the mature
nut ………………………………………………….. ( use) in cooking. Its water
…………………………………………………………….. (make ) a refreshing drink. The dried
kernel …………………………………………………………… (call ) copra. Coconut oil
………………………………………………………… ( extract) from copra.

TEST 05.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in brackets.

The hamburger is eaten ( eat ) everywhere in the world. The first hamburgers
……………………………………… ( make ) in 1895 by an American called Louis Lessen. Louis
called them hamburgers because he …………………………………………. ( give ) the recipe by
sailors from Hambourg in Germany. In 1948, Macdonalds restaurants
……………………………………………………… ( open ) to
………………………………………………. ( sell) hamburgers. Hamburgers
…………………………………………. ( eat ) everyday all over the world.

TEST 06- Read the list of rules for the residents of the Lands Hostel and fill in the blanks with the
correct form of the verb. The first one is done for you.

Rules for the Residents.

1 The telephones can be used ( use ) only for local calls.

2 Tea and coffee can …………………………………………….. ( prepare ) in your rooms but no cooking of food

…………………………………….. ( allow )

3 Parents and relatives ……………………………………………….. ( permit ) only on Sundays from 9.00 a.m. to 4 p.m.

4 There are washing machines on every floor. But clothes should ………………………………………. ( hang ) only on

the cloth lines.

5 Doors and windows should ……………………………………………… (close ) when leaving the rooms.

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 37

TEST 07.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in brackets. One has been done for you.

At the very dawn of history men already knew how to make glass. Almost six thousand years
ago; glass ……………………………………………………………… (use ) in Egypt and
Mesapotamia. Eight hundred years ago clear glass windows
………………………………………………………. (make ). The main ingredients are, broken glass
and sand and others are limestone and soda. These ingredients
………………………………………………….. ( replace ) by different substances. The glass
…………………………………………………. (blow ) inside a mold by machinery to get different
shapes. The glass for large windows …………………………………………………….. (make ) by
passing molten glass between water cooled rollers.

TEST 08.- Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in brackets. The following is
an extract from minutes of a class meeting of Nelumpura M.V. Complete it by filling the gaps
with the correct form of the verb. One is done for you.

The monthly meeting of the English Literary Association of grade 7 was held on 25th September
2020. The chairman 1. Presided (preside) over the meeting. The meeting 2.
……………………………………. ( begin) with religious observances. First, the minutes 3.
………………………………………………………. (read ) out by the secretary. Since there were
no matters arising, Pradeepa Ranawaka from grade 7B
4. …………………………………………………………. (propose) that the minutes
……………………………………… ( be ) in order. It 6.
………………………………………………………………….. (second ) by Pathum Gamage from
grade 7D. The audience was attracted by the group song, presented by the students of grade 7D.

TEST 09- Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.


A two year old Labrador has been missing.

It 1. ………………………………………………… (lose) on 10th Sunday around 4.30 p.m. at the children’s park. It is golden
brown with a black spot over its left eye. It 2. …………………………………………………………. (wear ) a red collar when it
was last 3. …………………………………………………. (see ). It 4. ………………………………………………………….. (respond) to the
name “Browny”. Finder 5. ………………………………………………………. (reward)

If found please contact no. 0714851853

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 38

TEST 10.
Complete the dialogue using the passive form of the given verb in the correct tense. There are
present, past and future passive forms.
A : Today, you are so late. What‟s the matter?
B : Our house was on fire last night. Luckily, we escaped.
A : Who helped you?
B : Water was bought ( bring ) by our neighbours.
A : Did you inform the police and fire brigade?

B : Yes, the fire brigade and the police ……………………………………………… (inform).

The fire …………………………………………………………….. (extinguish) by them quickly.
A : Was your house badly ……………………………………………………. (damage) ?
B : It was partly burnt.
A : How are you going to repair your house?
B : It ……………………………………………………………. (repair ) by my parents.
A housing loan ……………………………………………………………. (obtain ) from the
A : I‟ll visit you in the evening.

TEST 11. -Write the correct form of the verb and fill in the blanks.

My younger brother, Tinu fell off his bicycle yesterday. His right ankle 1.
………………………………………. (hurt) and he 2. ………………………………………… (be)
in bed since then. He 3. ………………………………………. Just ………………………………
( examine) and 4……………………………………………….. (advise) by the doctor to rest for a
week. He hopes that Tinu‟s ankle 5. ……………………………………………………….. (recover)

TEST 12.
Neha found the following recipe of a fruit salad.

1) Take some fresh fruits.

2) Wash them well.
3) Peel the fruits.
4) Cut them into small pieces.
5) Put them into a bowl.
6) Add salt, sugar and lime and mix it well.
7) Keep it in a refrigerator and serve.

Neha explains her friends how fruit salad is made. The first one is done for you.
Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 39
 First, some fresh fruits are taken.
 Then, the fruits 1. ……………………………………………………. Thoroughly.
 Next, the fruits 2. ………………………………………………….. and cut them into
small pieces.
 Now, they 3……………………………………………………………… into a bowl.
 Then, salt, sugar and lime 4. ………………………………………………… and mix
them well.
 Finally, it 5. ……………………………………………………….. in a refrigerator
and serve.

13. Change the following sentences into passive voice.

1. They feed the elephants at the zoo twice a day.

2. The author has written a special edition of children
3. The volunteers are helping the villagers to rebuild their houses.
4. They have written letters appealing to the district administration.
5. Why did you do such a thing?
6. The Prime Minister will survey the Tsunami- affected areas.

14.Complete the following dialogue by filling in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.

Asha: Who stitches your clothes?

Neha: My clothes ………………………… (stitch) in Sri Lanka.
Asha: They are beautiful. Who buys the material for your dresses?
Neha: The material …………………… ( buy) by my mother.
Asha: And who designs your outfits?
Neha: The outfit I‟m wearing today ………………………….. ( design) by me.
Asha: Your yellow dress has beautiful embroidery. Who did it?
Neha: Ah! It ……………………. (do) by me.

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 40

15 .Given below is a set of instructions for a recipe. Complete the following paragraph using
these instructions appropriately.
Take six bananas
Crush them into pulp.
Boil half kg of milk.
Add banana pulp and sugar.
Stir for two minutes and then remove it from heat.

Six bananas are taken and crushed into a pulp. Half a kg of milk ……………. And
banana pulp and sugar ………………………….. to the mixture. It …… then
……………….. from the heat.

TEST 16- Read the following text and complete the dialogue using the correct form of the verb
given in the brackets. The first one has been done for you.

Hasitha Perera, a freelance reporter went to investigate a bank robbery in Gampaha town itself. He
interviewed two people. One was the manager of the bank and the other was the police officer who
handled the investigation.

Hasitha: Sir, can you tell me what really happened? How did the thief enter the building?
Manager: A window(1)…was broken……(break). May be the thief had entered through it.
Hasitha: What were the other damages?
Manager: The bank locker(2)………………..(open). He had used force.
Hasitha: Anything taken from the locker?
Manager: Cash and some jewellery(3)………………………(steal). The total loss will be about
two million.
Hasitha: You are the police officer in charge, aren‟t you? Were you able to
(4)…………………………… (catch) the thief.Police officer: Yes, the thief
(5)………………………….(take) into the custody.
Hasitha: Sir,what about the stolen items?
Police officer: Yes, all the items (6)…………………………….. (recover)
Hasitha: That‟s very clever of you. Thank you very much for the information.

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 41

Informal / Personal Letters
1. Combine the parts together and write a meaningful informal letter.

Yours loving , May the triple gem bless you all!


Dear mom, 09/11/2021

How are you? I am completely well here. I feel amazing after seeing these beautiful sceneries
here. We reached Australia yesterday evening at about 7.30 p.m. we could reach here without
any delay. Then we came to our lodge at about 8.00 p.m.
Even though I said I am happy, I feel a loneliness here. I will take a video call on 20/11/2021.
That is the day we are going to start our studies. We face a lack of signals here as this is a
remote area. But here is better than our remote areas. Don’t worry about me. We will be able
to shift to the town within two weeks. After that we can talk with each other daily.
Still we are unpacking our baggage. So I have to finish those as soon as possible. Give my kind
regards to father, sister and our grandparents too.
2. Study the personal / informal letter and divide the parts of the letter.
Hiruni Madumali,
Dear Hasheni,
How are you? We are fine. As the pandemic arises day by day we can‟t meet each other as
usual. So it is a bit boring to be at home, but we have to. So I‟ve started a nice leisure time
activity. These days I‟m practicing it. Can you imagine what is it? I‟m reading a book during
these days. It is also a very interesting field to try.
I‟m reading „The Adventures of Tom Sawyer‟ by Mark Twain. It is a children‟s novel. Do
you know, an energetic young boy whose constant search for fun and adventure leads him
towards many dangers, but being brave and courageous he overcomes them and becomes
famous. I feel funny, exciting and interesting while I‟m reading this novel. Now I have an
attitude of reading a book at one breathe. You also can try this and enjoy reading. See you
God bless you!
Your friend,
Body of the letter/closing/date/signature/sender‟s address/salutation/greeting(wish)/

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 42

3. Write a letter to your best friend to invite him / her to your birthday party.

 Inquire about his / her health.

 Explain the purpose of writing your letter.
 Describe the event.
 Mention necessary information like;
- Date - Venue
- Time - Other information

4. Write a reply letter to your pen friend who lives in Canada. Use the given

- Mention that you have received his / her letter.

- Thank him / her for sending beautiful stamps / photos of Canada.
- Express your idea on his / her visit to Sri Lanka in the near future.
- Plan the work during his / her visit.
- mention that you are eagerly waiting to see him / her.

5. Write a letter to your aunt, who is in Palastine these days. As there was a war
during the last month, inquire about her health.

6. Write a letter to your pen friend in America, asking about the present
situation of the pandemic there. Wish him/her to be safe.

7. Think that you went to see the Sigiriya Rock Fortress recently. Describe about
the trip to your best friend.

8. Imagine that you are living in India and you have a friend in Sri Lanka. You
are going to visit Sri Lanka and write a letter to your Sri Lankan friend to
inform that.

Extra work:
*PB – (grade 10: Page 56- activity 6) *WB – (grade 10: Page 28- activity 4)
* PB – (GRADE 11: unit 1 – activity 10) * WB – relevant activities

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 43

Reading-Test 15
1) Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Ceylon tea is famous all over the world . It is the most important of our cash crops, the other two
being rubber and Coconut. Tea cultivation was started by Europeans towards the latter part of the
nineteenth century when the coffee plantations were ruined by the coffee pest. Ever since these
planters changed over to Tea, it has grown in importance. Today it is our greatest industry and makes
up sixty per cent of our exports, bringing to the country, in 1953, an income of Rs. 825, 090, 178. A
dangerous pest appeared on a number of Tea estates in 1946 and caused great anxiety among the
planters, but they were able to bring it under control.
Most of our tea is grown at a height of over two thousand feet and the best Ceylon Tea comes from
the slopes of our central hills round about Nuwara Eliya, where the cold nights and the strong winds
make for the slow growth of the tea bush and the excellent flavour of the leaf. Tea is also cultivated
in the Low-country, but such tea has not the same flavour as 'high grown' Tea. A cup of tea with
good flavour is a delightful drink, but in most of our homes we have not this pleasure for many
reasons, and this is indeed a pity!
Have you ever been to an Up-country Tea estate? If not, you should visit one, and learn something of
the industry that brings the greatest income to your country. In long, unending rows, spaced at
regular intervals, you will see the Tea bushes like a huge army of fat green dwarfs. They are kept at a
convenient height of about three feet regular „Pruning‟ which also enables tender shoots to appear.
Every morning at six o'clock labourers attend the 'muster' and go out in the cold mist to pluck the tea
leaves. They pluck only two tender leaves and a bud from each shoot and put them into large baskets
which they carry slung behind their backs. A Conductor or a "Kangany" supervises their work. When
the plucking is over, they take the green leaves to the factory, a huge storied building, where the Tea
Maker and his staff turn this green Tea into the black Tea which we use. A hundred pounds of green
Tea leaves give us 20 to 25 pounds of manufactured tea.

Task 1
1.Say whether the following statements are true or false by writing “T” or “F” against each of them.
(1/2 x2= 4)
a. Tea cultivation was started by Europeans towards the latter part of the eighteenth century. (…)
b. Best Ceylon tea comes from both Central hills and Low country. (….)
c. Tea industry brings the greatest income to Sri Lanka. (…)
d. A „Kangany‟ plucks tender tea leaves and puts them into large baskets which they carry slung
behind their backs. (…..)

Task 2
a. Read the text and answer following questions. (1x2=2)
1. What are the three chief crops of Ceylon? ....................................................................................
2. Why are tea bushes kept to a height of about three feet?
b. Underline the correct answer. (1 mark)
What does it mean by „A cup of tea with good flavour is a delightful drink, but in most of our
homes we have not this pleasure for many reasons, and this is indeed a pity!‟

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 44

i) All the Sri Lankans drink tea with good flavour.
ii) Most of the Sri Lankans don‟t have the opportunity to drink tea with good flavour for certain
iii) Sri Lankans do not drink tea.

c. What do the following words in the passage refer to? (1/2x2=1)

„It‟………………in line 01 „They‟ ……………… in line 17
d. Find synonyms from the text. (1 x 2=2)
i) to come together………….. ii) Grown in Hill country………..

2) Read the following passage and answer the questions.


Andare lived during the reign of Rajasinghe II and is said to have been born at Dickwella, a village
in the district of Matara. From his boyhood he had been full of mischief and had teased his friends
with his many jokes and Jests.
After his marriage he had not paid a visit to the palace with his wife, and the queen inquired of him
about this. He then told her that he was ashamed to bring his wife to the palace as she was dull of
hearing. The queen however insisted that she should come. So Andare went home and told his wife
that the queen wished to see her.
"But remember," He said, you must speak as loud as you can in her presence because she is very
The following day he conducted her to the palace and, leaving her with the queen in a room, he
quietly came out. Soon afterwards there was much noise inside the room, and a crowd gathered
interested to know what was going on. This drew the king's attention and he too went there in all
haste. He anxiously asked the queen what the matter was and she replied.
"This is Andare's newly married wife. She is deaf, and I was speaking to her in a loud voice."
"Excuse me, your Majesty," explained Andare's wife; I am not deaf at all. My husband advised me to
speak as loud as I could because Her Majesty was very deaf. So I shouted at the top of my voice." So
saying she knelt before the king and begged his pardon. The king, however, knew who was at the
bottom of the mischief, and left the room with his men roaring with laughter.

Task 1
1.Say whether following statements are true or false by writing „T‟ or „F‟ against each of them. (1/2
x 4=2)
a. ‟Andare‟ was born in Dickwella, Sri Lanka. (……. )
b. ‟Andare‟ was the court jester during the reign of Rajasinghe III (……)
c. According to this story, both queen and Andare‟s wife were deaf. (…… )
d. The king was angry with Andare and punished him. (…….)
Task 2
1. Answer the following questions referring to the given text. (1x3=3)
a. What was the job of „Andare‟? .........................................
b. What was the advice given by Andare to his wife before visiting the queen?

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 45

c. Write the sentence in last paragraph which says the king wasn‟t angry with Adare.
2.Underline the correct answer.(1x1=1)
Andare told the queen that he is ashamed to bring his wife to the palace because,
i)she was dumb.
ii) she was deaf.
iii) she was blind.
3. Find synonyms for these words from the text.
a. comedian-………….. b. talk- …………… c. castle- ……….. d. ruler- ……..

3) Read the following text and answer the questions.

Walt Disney
Walt Disney was a film producer and co-founder of the Walt Disney Company. He was an iconic
figure in the Twentieth Century media and entertainment industry. He helped to produce many films.
With his staff, he created famous cartoon characters, such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck; his
name was also used for the successful Disney Theme Parks. During his lifetime, he received a record
59 Nominations for the Academy Awards, winning 22 Awards.

Walt Disney was born on 5 December 1901, in Chicago. His parents were of German/English and
Irish descent. As a child, the Disney family moved between Marceline in Missouri, Kansas City and
back to Chicago. The young Walt Disney developed an interest in art and took lessons at the Kansas
City Institute and later Chicago Art Institute. He became the cartoonist for the school magazine.

When America joined the First World War, Walt dropped out of school and tried to enlist in the
army. He was rejected for being underage, but he was later able to join the Red Cross and in late
1918 was sent to France to drive an ambulance. In 1919, he moved back to Kansas City where he got
a series of jobs, before finding employment in his area of greatest interest – the film industry. It was
working for the Kansas City Film Ad company that he gained the opportunity to begin working in
the relatively new field of animation. Walt used his talent as a cartoonist to start his first work. The
success of his early cartoons enabled him to set up his own studio called Laugh-O-Gram. However,
the popularity of his cartoons was not matched by his ability to run a profitable business. With high
labour costs, the firm went bankrupt. After his first failure, he decided to move to Hollywood,
California which was home to the growing film industry in America. This ability to overcome
adversity was a standard feature of Disney‟s career.
Task 1
Say whether the following sentences are true or false by writing “T” or “F” against each
sentence. (½ x 4 = 2)
a). This text is about William Hanna and Joseph Barbara. (...........)
b).Walt Disney was an architect. (............)
c). Walt Disney decided to move to Hollywood after his first failure. (............)
d). Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck characters were created by Walt Disney. (.........)

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 46

II. Who was Walt Disney? (1 mark)
III. Name two famous cartoon characters created by Walt Disney. (1 mark)
IV. What were his Art Institutes? (1 mark)
V. Did he win any Academy Awards? (1 mark)
VI. What did he do after he dropped out of the school? (1 mark)
VII. What was the name of his own studio? (1 mark)

4) Read the following Passage and answer the questions.

The ambulance
Carts have been used to transport sick people since ancient times, but Dr. Edward L.
Dalton, from Bellevue Hospital in New York City, is credited with starting the first hospital-based,
civil ambulance service in the United States in 1869. These horse-and-buggy teams carried medical
equipment, such as splints, a stomach pump, morphine, and brandy. In February 1899, the first motor
powered (electric) ambulance service started, bringing patients to Michael Reese Hospital, in
Chicago, Illinois.
The ambulance went through many changes and improvements during the 20th Century,
including the development of air and sea ambulances. Over time, ambulances have been updated so
that they are almost mobile hospitals. Countless lives of people have been saved by the rapid care
they make possible. The first ambulance was staffed by doctors from Bellevue Hospital, Dr. Duncan
Lee and Robert Taylor. They are considered to be New York's first emergency responders. The
service was very popular. In 1870 they responded to 1,401 calls, and by 1891 they were responding
to more than three times that number.
The first mass-produced ambulances were manufactured in 1909 by James Cunningham,
Son, and Company of Rochester, New York. This ambulance was named the Model 774 Automobile
Ambulance. Early horse-drawn ambulances sounded a gong to get people to move out of the way.
Modern ambulances use a combination of bright colours, flashing strobe lights and sirens. The term
"ambulance" comes from the Latin word ambulare which means "to walk", and originally referred to
a mobile or field hospital from the French (hôpital) ambulant, literally "walking (hospital)".
Ambulances come in many types of vehicles, including: bicycles, ATVs, helicopters, and planes.

I. Say whether the following sentences are true or false by writing “T” or “F” against each
sentence. (½ x 5= 2.5 marks)
a). The text is about air crafts. (.............)
b). The first motor powered (electric) ambulance service was started in 1899. (..............)
c). The first ambulance was staffed by doctors from Chicago Hospital. (.............)
d). The first mass-produced ambulances were manufactured in 1909. (.............)
e). Carts have been used to transport sick people since ancient times. (.............)
Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 47
II. What is this passage about? (1/2 marks)

III. Who started the first hospital-based, civil ambulance service in the United States? (1/2 marks)

IV. What are the medical equipment that these horse-and-buggy teams carried? (1/2 marks)

V. Who were considered as New York's first emergency responders? (1/2 marks)

VI. When did the first mass-produced ambulances were manufactured? And what was the name of
this ambulance? (1/2 marks)

VII. What did the early horse-drawn ambulances do to get people out of the way? (1 mark)

VIII. Find similar words from the story.1/2 x 4 = 2)

a). Past:-……………………………… c). Protect:-.......................................

b). Numerous:-........................................... d). Construct:-...................................

5) Read the following text and answer the questions.

Digital habits across generations
Today's grandparents are joining their grandchildren on social media, but the different generations'
online habits couldn't be more different. The over-55s are joining Facebook in increasing numbers,
meaning that they will soon be the site's second biggest user group, with 3.5 million users aged 55-64
and 2.9 million over-65s. Sheila, aged 59, says, "I joined to see what my grandchildren are doing, as
my daughter posts videos and photos of them. It's a much better way to see what they're doing than
waiting for letters and photos in the post. That's how we did it when I was a child, but I think I'm
lucky I get to see so much more of their lives than my grandparents did.

Ironically, Sheila's grandchildren are less likely to use Facebook themselves, Children under 17 are
leaving the site-only 2.2 million users are under 17- but they're not going far from their smartphones.
Chloe, aged 15, even sleeps with her phone. 'It's my alarm clock so I have to,' she says. 'I look at it
before I go to sleep and as soon as I wake up.” unlike her grandmother's generation. Chloe's age
group is spending so much time on their phones at home that they are missing out on spending time
with their friends in real life.

Sheila, on the other hand, has made contact with old friends from school she hasn't hear from in forty
years. "We use Facebook to arrange to meet all over the country.' she says, ‟It's changed my social

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 48

life completely. Teenagers might have their parents to thank for their smartphone and social media
addiction as their parents were the early adopters of the smartphone. Peter, 38 and father of two
teenagers, reports that he used to be on his phone or laptop constantly. 'I was always connected and I
felt like I was always working,' he says. "How could I tell my kids to get off their phones if I was
always in front of a screen myself?' So, in the evenings and at weekends, he takes his SIM card out
of his smartphone and puts it into an old-style mobile phone that can only make calls and send text
messages. I'm not completely cut off from the world in case of emergencies, but the important thing
is I'm setting a better example to my kids and spending more quality time with them. Is it only a
matter of time until the generation above and below Peter catches up with the new trend for a less
digital life?

Task 1
State whether the following statements are True, false or Not given by putting a cross (x) in the
relevant column. (1/2 x 4 =2)
True False Not
1. At present, more grandparents are joining Facebook.
2. Most of the teenagers use Instagram rather than Facebook.
3. Waiting for letters and photos in the post is faster than Facebook.
4. Today‟s teenagers spend so much time on their phones at home.

Task 2
1.Answer the following questions. (1x3=3)
a. Why did Sheila join Facebook? ............................................................................................
b. Why Chloe does sleep with her phone? ...............................................................................
c. Why does Peter take his SIM cards out of his smartphone and puts it into an old style mobile in
2.Underline the correct answer. (1x 2=2)
a. There are about…………………. million Facebook users under 17.
i) 2.2 ii) 3.2 iii) 1.1
b. There are around………………….. million users aged 55-64.
i) 3.5 ii) 2.5 iii) 1.5
3. Write a single word from the text closest in meaning to each phrase below. (1 mark)
a. a person aged between 13 and 19 - …………………
b. a portable computer- ………………….

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 49

Reported speech and Conditional Sentences
01. Write the missing words to complete the reported sentences.
Direct Speech Reported Speech (Indirect Speech)
Ann said, “I play cricket” Ann said that she ………….cricket.

Rani said, “ I am singing a song now” Rani said that she ……………..singing a song
The teacher told me, “Your sister has done well The teacher told me that ……. Sister
in the exam” …………….. well in the exam.
Uncle said, “ I went to Jaffna yesterday” Uncle said that he ……………………... to Jaffna
My brother said, “ I was playing badminton.” My brother said that he ………………….
Tom said, “ We will arrange the classroom.” Tom said that they ……………………… arrange
the classroom.
The teacher said, “You must come to school The teacher said that I ………………… come to
before 7.30am.” school before 7.30am.
The student said, “ I can speak English well.” The student said that he …………………. English
Ruhara says,”I lived in a beautiful village.” Ruhara says that she ………………… in a
beautiful village.

02.Yesterday you met one of your friends called John. You had not seen him for a long time.
Here are some of the things John said to you.
 I am living in America.
 I came to Sri Lanka last week.
 I met your elder sister yesterday.
 I am enjoying my job very much.
 My father bought a new car.
 Come to stay with me, please.
When you went home you tell your mother what John said. Use reported speech. First one is
done for you.
 John said that he was living in America.
 …………………………………………..
 …………………………………………..
 …………………………………………..
 …………………………………………..
 …………………………………………..
03.These are the comments made by some students of Rahula Vidyalaya about their annual
Nayani :- It is an unforgettable day.
Malmi :- Our concert is wonderful.
Vinuja :- We are proud of it.

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 50

Piyumi :- The committee has organized it successfully.
Lihini :- We will have it next year too.
Rohan :- I did not participate in the concert.
Now, report what each student said.
 Sanduni said that it was an unforgettable day.
 ………………………………………………..
 ………………………………………………..
 ………………………………………………..
 ………………………………………………..
 ………………………………………………..
Conditional Sentences.
01. Match the clauses and form meaningful sentences.
 If I were rich, if she had worked hard
 She wouldn‟t have missed the train I‟ll go jogging
 I‟ll watch the film, I would travel around the world.
 He wouldn‟t have had an accident if I finish my work early.
 If I wake up early, if she had woken up early.
 She would have been top of her class if he had driven carefully.

02. Complete the conditional sentences with the correct form( type I, II, III)
I. If she ………………. (change) her hairstyle, she would be pretty.
II. I would have gone by air if I …………………………(have) more money.
III. If she ………………. (not put) on a coat she‟ll catch the rain.
IV. If he had had the tools, he ……………………………. (repair) the car himself.
V. If I hadn‟t studied well, I ………………………… (not pass) the exam.
VI. If we ……………………………..(know) about your problem, we woild have helped

03. Use the correct form of the verb in the following conditional sentences.
I. If we meet at 9.30, we ………………… (have) plenty of time.
II. Lisa would find the milk if she ………………..(look) in the fridge.
III. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she ……………………(feed)
the animals.
IV. If you spoke louder, your classmates …………………..(understand) you.
V. You ……………………………..(praise) at school if you had done your homework.
VI. The door will be opened if you ……………………..(press) the green button.
Extended work.


10 132- I35 4,5,6
11 127 10

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 51

Reading a Dictionary Page
01.Study the following extracts from a dictionary and answer the questions given below.

I. What is the word used for a small rounded lump? __________________

II. Write the adverb of nocturnal. __________________
III. A person who nominated is the __________________
IV. What is the superlative form of noisy? __________________
V. Find a phrasal verb starts with nob. __________________
(5 Marks)

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 52

2. Study the following extracts from a dictionary and answer the questions given below.

I. Write the synonyms for the followings.

1. Joyous __________________
2. Judas __________________

II. What is the abbreviation of JUSTICE OF THE PEACE? __________________

III. Name the religion of the Jewish people? __________________

IV. A special anniversary of an event ………………………

V. Find the word which means „the crime of stealing a vehicle for pleasure and driving it fast
and dangerously‟. __________________

(5 Marks)

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 53

3. Study the following extracts from a dictionary and answer the questions given below.

I. What is the definition of symbolism? __________________

II. A synonym for symbolize __________________
III. Write two adjectives included in this dictionary page. _______________, _______________
IV. The exact match in size and shape between two halves is called __________________
V. Write an example sentence given for symptoms. __________________
(5 Marks)

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 54

4. Study the following extracts from a dictionary and answer the questions given below.

I. Find a word for each of the following descriptions.

1. A chemical used for killing pests: __________________
2. An Italian sauce: __________________
II. What is the heavy tool used with mortar? __________________
III. The former unit of money in Spain. __________________
IV. Write the opposite word of pessimism. __________________
V. An insect or animal that destroys plants, food … etc is called __________________
(5 Marks)

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 55

Formal Letters
1. Imagine you are the secretary of the Science Society of the school. You have planned to visit
Galle port next month. Write a letter to the Chairman, Port Authority, Colombo requesting the
permission to visit the port.
Include the following:
 Purpose of your visit
 Number of teachers and students
 the date and the time of your visit
 request for permission

2. As the secretary of the photographic society of your school you have organized the annual
photographic exhibition- 2021. Write a letter to the principal requesting for the permission to
hold it at the school auditorium.
 the date/ time
 the chief guest

3. You are the secretary of the welfare society of your school. You have arranged an educational
trip to Anuradhapura. Write a letter to the Deport Superintendent of Hambanthota asking him to
reserve two buses.
Include the following:
 Date / time
 Places hope to visit
 number of participants
 ask for charges

4. You noticed that there are less English reading books in your school library. As the secretary of
the English literary association of your school write a letter to the manager of a leading book
shop in your area requesting some books as a donation.
Include following:
 number of students
 request to donate some books
 types of books you need

5. You are the secretary of the English club of your school and you are going to organize an English
camp in your school. Write a letter to a well-known organization requesting them to sponsor the
Include the following:
 the purpose- to improve the speaking ability of the students
 date, time and venue
 request sponsorship for food, certificates etc.

6. You are the secretary of the Social Services Club of your school and you have planned to
organize an awareness programme on “Public Health” during the health week of your school.
Write a letter to the Medical Officer of your area requesting him or her to deliver a lecture on
public health.

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 56

Include the following:
 Purpose of the programme
 date and time
 topic of the lecture
 request him or her to confirm the participation

7. You are the secretary of the school Environment Club. Write a letter to an eminent
environmentalist inviting him or her for a guest speech on “Minimizing the use of polythene”.
Include the following:
date /time and venue, participants (grade and the number), the topic of the speech, request him to
confirm the participation.

8. The Career Guidance Unit of your school has organized a lecture for the grade eleven students.
As the secretary of the unit write a letter to the divisional secretariat of your area requesting a
consultant to deliver the lecture.
Include the following
Purpose of the lecture, participants, date and time

9. As the secretary of the English club of your school write a thanking letter to a teacher of your
neighbouring school for conducting online English seminars for the grade eleven students of your
Include the following:
Thank him or her for his dedication, how it helps for your studies, number of students benefited

10. The garbage collectors have not been collecting the rubbish in your area for the past two weeks.
Write a letter of complaint to the PHI of your area explaining the situation and the inconvenience
caused. Request him/her to take immediate action.

Include the following:

Number of residents affected, explain the situation,

11. As the head prefect of your school write a letter of complaint to the service provider regarding
the poor internet signal facilities of your area.

Include the following:

Number of students affected, difficulties faced by the students (inability to attend online classes),
ask for immediate action

12. The IT teacher of your school has been transferred and you don‟t have a teacher for two years.
As the head prefect of your school write a letter to the zonal director of education requesting an
IT teacher for your school.
Include the following: number of students, problems you face

13. You are the secretary of the social services club of your school. The club has organized a fund
raising programme to help an elders‟ home in your area. You want to invite the social services
club of your neighbouring school to participate. Write a letter to the president of the club.
Include the following:
the purpose of the programme, how you hope to raise funds, request participation and support
Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 57
14. You are the secretary of the social services club of your school. The club has organized a fund
raising programme to help students form underprivileged families in your area during this
pandemic. You want to invite the social services club of your neighbouring school to participate.
Write a letter to the president of the club.

15. As a part of the Elders‟ day celebrations the grade 11 students of your school wish to visit an
elders‟ home in your area. Write a letter to the manager of the Elders‟ home requesting the
permission to make this visit.
Include the following:
number of participants, what you take for them, what you do there, how you make them happy

16. As a part of the Children‟s day celebrations the grade 11 students of your school have organized
a variety show in your school. As the head prefect of your school write a letter to the zonal
director of education, inviting him or her as the chief guest at the event.

17. The Prefects‟ Day of your school will be held next month. As the head prefect of your school
write a letter inviting the principal of your neighbouring school as the chief guest. Include the
following: date, time and venue

18. To mark the International children‟s day the English literary association of your school has
organized an online competition. You want to invite your brother school to participate. Write a
letter to the president of the English literary association. Include the following: describe the
competition, presents for the winners

19. You ordered a book online from a bookshop last month. You have already paid the money and
they have promised to send the book by post. But still you haven‟t received it. Write a letter to
the manager explaining the situation.
Include the following:
 date of your order
 amount you paid
 what they promised
 what you want the manager to do

20. You have bought a new washing machine with two year warranty. But, after a week of purchase,
it went out of order. Write a letter to the manager of the shop. Include the following: warranty
period, inconvenience occurred, request for repair or replace with new one

21. You saw an advertisement about a vacancy for clerk in the Sunday newspaper and imagine that
you are applying for the post of clerk. Write a letter to the company HR manager mentioning that
you enclose the resume/CV.

22. The social services club of your school has organized a program to help the people affected by
the drought in the dry zone. As the secretary of the society write a letter to the divisional
secretariat of the area asking the permission to distribute the collected items among the people
affected. Include the following: items collected, how you hope to transport and distribute.

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 58

23. The Social Services Society of your school has collected aid for flood victims. As the secretary
of the society write a letter to the Divisional Secretary of the Divisional Secretariat in your area
asking for the details of distribution the items you have collected.
Include the following:
the items you have collected, the area where help is needed, a convenient date and permission for
distribution, any special items needed

24. Your school has arranged a two day trip to Polonnaruwa. As the chairman of organizing
committee. Write a letter to the manager, Government Welfare pilgrims‟ Rest, Polonnaruwa
asking for the permission to spend the nights there.
 Date and time of your arrival
 Number of students and teachers
 Number of rooms you need
 Other facilities
 Also mention that you will strictly follow the rules and regulations of the rest and you are
willing to pay the charges for lodging

25. You saw an advertisement about a Spoken English course, published in the Sunday Times news
paper last week. You wish to join the course after your O/L examination. Write a letter to the
advertiser inquiring the details about the course such as duration, course fee and the syllabus.

Test 02 (Prepositions & Pronouns)

01.Fill in the blanks in the following text. Use the words from the box. The first one is done for you.
about, in, to, with, for, at

I went (1) a shop (2)............. my father. Father wanted to buy me a school bag. There were
many bags (3)........... the shop. I looked (4).......... them (5)............. 10 minutes and selected beautiful
bag (6)........... me.
(5 marks)
02.Use the prepositions given in the box appropriately. There is an extra word.
at, with, from, for, of, on
(1). Mala is looking .................. a handsome boy to marry.
(2). Don't spend much money ................ decorations.
(3). Senuri is waiting for a bus ................ the bus stop.
(4). My sister is fond ................. chocolate.
(5). I like to spend my vacation ................. my grandparents in Kandy.
(5 marks)

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 59

03. Fill in the blanks of the following announcement using the given words in the box.
during, since, from, for, within

Your attention please. This announcement is to all students,

This is to inform you that the library of the school will be closed 1).............. three days, due to the
book shortage 2)................ last month. You are advised to return all the books borrowed from the
library 3)................. 3 days. No books will be issued 4)............... this period starting 5).................
November 2016.
The Librarian

(5 marks)
04. Underline the correct answer. First one is done for you.
A. I saw a red car passing by.
I think it is Sagari's.
B. Yes you are right. That car is (1)............ (her / hers)
A. Someone has dropped a wrist watch.
B. Oh thanks, It's (2).................. (my / mine).
I lost it this morning.
A. It's raining. Whose clothes are out?
B. They are (3)................. but never mind. (our / ours)
They are wet.
A. I have got 100 marks for Science.
B. Then fine. Class prize is (4)............. this time. (your / yours)
A. Kalpa and Sagara made this exhibit.
B. Wow lovely, are you sure?
A. Yes it's (5)............ exhibit. They are talented. (their / theirs)
A. How is Kamal now?
I saw him in hospital yesterday.
B. (6)................. leg is badly damaged. (he / his)
(5 marks)
05. Choose the correct preposition from the box. First one is done for you.
in , at , to , on , across , with
(1). The team received the trophy the end of the match.
(2). Who is the person ................. the picture?
(3). There is a bridge ..................... the river.
(4). Would you like to go ................. the cinema tonight?
(5). I was born ................. 15th March 2019.
(6). My mom works ................ your mom.
(5 marks)

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 60

06. Use pronouns from the list to complete the paragraph. Use each pronoun only once.
his, my, mine, my, theirs

I have male Labrador retriever as a pet. ................ name is Jake. .............. parents bought him for me
for ................ tenth birthday. They said Jake was ............. and that I had to take care of him. Even
though my parents said that, they still act like he is ..................... too!
(5 marks)
07. Fill in the blanks in the following dialogue. Use the words given in the box. The first one is done
for you.
to, in, for, with, of, into

Daughter : Mom I want to go (1) watch a movie with my friends tomorrow .

Mom: No, you are not allowed to.
Daughter : But mom all (2).............. my friends are going.
Mom: Then what? If they will jump (3)........... a well, will you do the same?
Daughter : Mom please, everyone will scold me (4)................ my group.
Mom: You have exams next month, go and prepare (5)................. that.
Daughter : Mom I have one whole month for exam. I can prepare.
Mom: Don't argue (6)............... me, you are not going anywhere .
Daughter : So why I miss my dad. You never allow me to do anything.
Mom: Baby, I care for you. That's why I'm saying so.
(5 marks)
08. Fill in the blanks with the pronouns given in the box.
she, them, her, we, their

Devi overslept and woke up late. She could not find her science book and English worksheets. She
searched anxiously and eventually found (1)............... under the bed and stuffing the items into her
bag. She dashed out of the house and saw Taniya waiting for her.
"(2).................. have to run!" Devi cried, almost breathless. They ran with all (3)............. might and
finally reached the classroom. With great relief, Devi sat in (4)................ usual place. (5)................
thought for herself that she will never get late again.
(5 marks)

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 61

09. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions given in the box. The first one is done for you.
within, of, from, in, to, with
After the invention (1)...of... the computer by Charles Babbage (2)........... 1812, human activities
became very much easier. (3)................ the help of the computers people in distant places could be
connected very easily. (4)................. the last 3 decades, computer has been recognized as the most
life changing and successful invention. Information started flowing
(5).................... one end of the world (6)............. the other end freely with the help of computers.
(5 marks)
10. Choose the words that belong in the following sentences.
(1). John and ( them , they ) went to the zoo.
(2). You and (me / I) are on the same team.
(3). James and (he , him) will soon be there.
(4). (We , Us) and (them , they) left at the same time.
(5). The Allens and (we , us) had a very narrow escape.
(5 marks)
11. Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions.

in, from, of, as, by, at, on, of, for, of

(1). The first McDonald's restaurant was opened ........... Dick and Mac McDonald ........... the 15th
........ May 1940.
(2). The best selling products .......... their restaurant were hamburgers.
(3). So the McDonald brothers thought .......... a way to produce hamburgers more quickly.
(4). This was introduced .......... 1948 and became known ....... the Speedee Service System.
(5). The meats .......... burgers vary ......... the culture ........ the country.
(5 marks)
12. Underline the correct pronoun.
(1). Good bye, Eduardo and Maria. Please take good care of ....................
a) yourself b) themselves c) yourselves
(2). Why don't we give ............... a few minutes to rest before we leave?
a) myself b) yourselves c) ourselves
(3).Sarah and John bought some ice creams for ....................
a) themselves b) ourselves c) himself
(4).The cat cleaned ............. and then cleaned the kittens.
a) themselves b) itself c) yourself
(5).Are you ok? Did you hurt ....................?
a)myself b) himself c) yourself
(5 marks)

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 62

Describing Graphs
1) The following bar chart shows the qualities of the students of grade 11. Study the chart and
write a description about it. The following words will help you.
majority, minority, lowest number, highest number, equal number, less than, higher than

Qualities of the students

Number of students

0 understanding smart humorous optimistic responsible
Series 1 7 3 4 4 2

2. The following bar graph shows the leisure activities of Grade 11 students of Viharagala M.V.
The information is given in percentages. Study the bar graph and write a description about it.
majority, minority, lowest percentage, highest percentage, equal, less popular, more popular

Leisure activities of Grade 11 students






Cricket Gardening Swimming Cycling
Leisure Activities Boys Girls

3. The following pie chart shows how Mrs. Nimali spent her salary in month of April on
various needs. The information is given in percentages. Study the chart and write a description
about it.
lowest percentage, highest percentage, equal, less than, more than

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 63

4. The following pie charts show how Grade 11 students in Southern province study aesthetic
subjects. The information is given in percentages. Study the chart and write a description
about them.

majority, minority, lowest percentage, highest percentage, equal, less popular, more popular

Girls Dancing
Boys 17%
Dancing 33%
Drama Music
Music Drawing

27% Drawing
18% 33%

5. The table below gives the information about some of the world’s most used vehicle brands.
Study the table and write a description about it.

Brand of the vehicle Number of the people who use it.

Toyota 4 billion
Nissan 1.5 billion
Kia 10 million
Suzuki 1.5 billion
Honda 2 billion

majority, minority, least number, highest number, equal, less popular, more popular

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 64

Reading Poems

01. Read the poem and answer the questions.

The Butterfly’s Song
Every little Butterfly
Loves the tiny flowers;
On a petal bell he swings
All the sunny hours.
When the flowers,awake from sleep,
And the soft wind blows,
Swinging on a petal bell
Up and down he goes.
Soon so soon the day is done
Evening shadow creep
Then the little butterflies
Fold their wings and sleep.
1.What is the title of the poem?
2.How does the butterfly go?
3.When do the butterflies go to sleep?
4.What does the butterfly do in sunny hours?
5.Find the opposite words for the given words from the poem.
a.huge: …………………. b.rough : ………………..
c.none: …………………. d.awake : ………………..

02 My Little Doll
I once had a sweet little doll,dears,
The prettiest doll in the world;
Her cheeks were so red and so white,dears,
And her hair was so charmingly curled.
But I lost my poor little doll,dears,

As I played in the heath one day;

And I cried for more than a week,dears,
But I never could find where she lay.

I found my poor little doll,dears,

As I played in the heath one day:
Folks say she is terribly change,dears,
For her paint is all washed away,
And her arms trodden off by the cows,dears
And her hair not the least bit curled:
Yet for old sakes‟ sake she is still,dears,

1.Where did the speaker lost her doll?

2.Write phrases that tell how does the doll look like?

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 65

3.What are the changes that has happened to the doll?

4.Find the line which says that the doll is lovely as same as earlier?

5.Write the rhyming words to the following words.……………..………………

03. Read the poem and answer the questions.

Long corridors and large classrooms

Our building looks like a giant

As a pupil,I have many dreams

What a pleasure,at least for a moment

Learning subjects one after the other

I must achieve my goal however
So,Tired and weary,I don‟t bother
Gain with pain brings success forever

My advice to little brothers and sisters

Have thirst for knowledge and intelligence
So for any field,you will be masters
Then lead your evening with elegance

1.To whom the word “I”refers to?

2.What is the advice given in the poem?

3.Why does he feel tired?

4.As mentioned in the poem,what brings success into life?

5.Find similar words to the following words from the poem.

i.huge : …………… ii.aim : ……………….
iii.wisdom : …………… iv.specialists : ……………….
v.happiness : ……………

04. Read the poem and answer the questions.

The rain
I hear leaves drinking rain
I hear rich leaves on top
Giving the poor beneath
Drop after drop
It‟s sweet noise to hear
Those green leaves drinking near
And when the sun comes out
After the rain shall stop

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 66

A wondrous light will fill
Each dark round drop
I hope the sun shines bright
Then it‟ll be a lovely sight

1.What is the poem about?

2.What does the poet hear?
3.When does the rain stop?
4.Underline the correct answer.
The poet hopes to see,
i.sunrise ii.rainbow iii.white clouds
5.Write the rhyming words for the following. - ……………. b.near - ……………..
c.drop - …………….. d.bright - ……………..

05. Read the poem and answer the questions.

The Quarrel
By Eleanor Farjeon
I quarreled with my brother,
I don‟t know what about,
One thing led to another
And somehow we fell out.
The start of it was slight,
The end of it was strong,
He said he was right,
I knew he was wrong!
We hated one another
The afternoon turned black.
Then suddenly my brother
Thumped me on the back,
And said, Oh,come along!
We can go on all night-
I was in the wrong.”
So he was in the right.

1.What is this poem about?

2.Do they have a reason for the fight?
3.How does the end of the fight?
4.Who has written the poem?
5.Write the lines which say that they become friends at last.

06. Read the poem and answer the questions.

Slowly,silently now the moon

Walks the night in her silver

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 67

This way,and that she peers and
Silver fruit upon silver trees,
One by one the casements catch
Her beams beneath the silver thatch,
Couched in his kennel,like a log
With paws of silver sleeps the
From their shadowy coat the
White breasts peep
Of doves in a silver-featured
A bravest mouse goes scampering
With silver claws,and silver
And moveless fish in the
Water gleam,
By silver reeds in a
Silver stream

1.What is there on trees?

2.How does the moon walks?
3.Who is referred to as
a.she‟(in line 3) b.his‟ (in line 7)
4.What does the mouse do?
5.Write 4 rhyming words used in the poem.

07. Read the poem and answer the questions.

Dare To Dream by Wendy Silva
Close your eyes and let
your imagination fly away.
See a picture of where
you wish to be one day
Let the colours of your
heart take command
to paint the picture of your
Dream and place it in your hand. 1.What does the poet ask us to do closing eyes?
Hold on tighly and nurture it, 2.Who will give the command?
but allow it room to grow. 3.What should we do after achieving one dream?
When you reach your dream, 4.What is the message given in the poem.
open your hand and let it go. 5.Write rhyming words used in the poem.
Close your eyes and search for i. ......................................
Another,caring for it as before. ii. ..................................
Never stop searching,achieving and
letting go,for that‟s what dreams are for

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 68

Error Correction
1. Each underlined word in the following text is incorrect. Select the correct word from
the brackets and underline it. First one is done for you.

The sports society for Rathmalgama Maha Vidyalaya ( of/ in / at)

Has organized a Shramadana Campaign to clean a school ( an/ the/ of)
Playground. They hold it last Monday. The prefects ( holding/held/was held)
Guild also helps them. The students started the ( help/ helped/helping)
campaign at 9.00 p.m. The club had informs the (informing/inform/informed)
members to brings the necessary tools. ( bring/ brought/bringing)
First, they collected polythene.
2. There are mistakes in each sentence. Re-write them by correcting the mistakes.

1. We usually grews vegetables in our garden. ……………………

2. If you spoken English at home, you will be fluent in the language. ……………..
3. The students are request to be present at the school. …………………
4. They will reached the destination at4.00 p.m. ………………….
5. By 2023, she will has built her own house. …………………..
6. We can educated ourselves through the internet. …………………..
7. A box of chocolates were presented by her. …………………..
8. I come from London two weeks ago. …………………..
9. I am interesting in Art, so I had visited galleries. …………………..
10. Mr.Ram is a doctor. He work in a hospital. …………………..

3. Read the following text about Sanduni’s friend. In each line one word is incorrect and it
is underlined. Write the correct word for them in the given space.

My best friend is Dilini. We 1. meet about twenty two years ago when we were both five
years old. It 2. were my first day 3. On school. I was very unhappy and I wanted 4. mine
mother. Dilini gave me 5. the chocolate and we became friends 6. immediate. We were
always together. We left school twelve years 7.lately. Then I went 8.into the University and
Dilini didn‟t. She got married 9. while she was twenty and now 10. had three children. I
studied for five years because I 11. want to be a doctor. I don‟t meet Dilini very often but we
always talk on the phone.
1. Met 2…………… 3………………. 4……………

5…………… 6……………. 7…………… 8…………….

9………….. 10……………. 11……………

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 69

4. Each underlined word in the following text is incorrect. Write the correct word in the space
provided. The first one is done for you.

The O/L students of our school has 1…had………….

arranged a trip last week. All the students
was there at the school by 5.30a.m. They 2…………………
all get into the bus. They saw many 3………………….
historical places. A trip was very useful 4………………….
for them. They enjoyed the trip happy. 5………………….
They didn‟t missed any places they had 6………………….
planned to visit.

5. Each underlined word in the following text is incorrect. Write the correct word in the space
provided. First one is done for you.

Today is our third day in Galle.

My cousins also join us. We ………joined…...
took our‟s dog, Brown was also with us. ………………….
Last evening we play at Galle Fort. ………………….
We enjoyed a lot watch ………………….
the setting of the son. My aunt Rani ………………….
will coming from Australia tonight. ………………….
She is going to spent a week with ………………….
us. My father has bought six ticket for ………………….
a drama. Tomorrow we‟ll go to sea it. ………………….
We‟re having a real good time. …………………..

6. Read the dialogue between Raju and Janaka. Correct the mistakes done by them.

Raju: There are going to be a power cut next week. …………….

Janaka: when?
Raju : It‟s in 5th , the next Monday. …………….
Janaka : How long will it is ? …………….
Raju : For nine hours, at 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. …………….
Janaka : Is it because of some repair? …………….
Raju : No. They are going to install new transformers.
Janaka : Is it only on our area? …………….
Raju : No. Both in JaEla and Maradana areas.
But it will be postpone if it rain. …………….

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 70

7. There are mistakes in each sentence. Find and correct them on given dotted lines.

1. She scrape the coconut nicely. …………………………

2. My brother usually squeezes the lime make lime juice……………………
3. My sister always fry chicken for lunch. …………………………
4. Was the boy water the plants? ………………………….
5. Did the teacher corrected your books? ………………………….
6. Will she finishes the work by tomorrow? ………………………….
7. He can types the letter at home. ………………………….
8. Are you interested with baking? ………………………….
9. Were you waiting at them? ………………………….
10. She may attains Nibbhana. ………………………….

8. There are five mistakes in each paragraph. Correct the mistakes and re-write the paragraphs.

 Last night, while I was study, my best friend calls me. She said that her mother sick. She
sounded upset when she talked to me. I asked what was wrong with she‟s mother. She
said that her mother had fell off the bed and injured her knee.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………

 Since computers were first introduce to the public in the early 1980‟s, technology
changed a great deal. A first computer was a simple machine, designed to done our basic
need. They haven‟t much memory and do not powerful.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Grade 11- English worksheets 2021 Page 71

Reading-Test 7

01. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

A long time ago, on a big tamarind tree at the foot of the

mountain, lived a bird named Sindhuka. It was a special bird because its droppings turned into gold
as soon as they hit the ground. One day, a hunter came to the tree in search of prey and he saw
Sindhuka's droppings hit the ground and turn into gold. He thought, "I have been hunting birds and
small animals since I was a boy, but in all my 80 years, I have never seen such a miraculous creature.
He decided that he had to catch the bird somehow. He climbed the tree and skillfully set a trap for
the bird. The bird, quite unaware of the danger it was in, stayed on the tree and sang merrily. But it
was soon caught in the hunter's trap.
The hunter took the bird home joyfully. He suddenly realised, "If the king comes to know of
this wonder, he will certainly take away the bird from me and he might even punish me for keeping
such a rare treasure all to myself. So it would be safer and more honourable if I were to go to the
king and present the unique bird to him," The next day, the hunter took the bird to the king and
presented it to him in court with great pleasure. The king was delighted to receive such an unusual
and rare gift. He told his courtiers to keep the bird safe and feed it with the best bird food available.
However, the king's prime minister was reluctant to accept the bird. He said "O Rajah, how
can you believe the word of a foolish hunter to accept this bird? Has anyone in our kingdom ever
seen a bird dropping gold? The hunter must be either crazy or telling lies. I think it is best that you
release the bird from the cage." After a little thought, the king felt that his prime minister's words
were correct. So he ordered the bird to be released. But as soon as the door of the cage was thrown
open, the bird flew out, perched itself on a nearby doorway and defecated. To everyone's surprise,
the dropping immediately turned into gold. The king mourned his loss.

1. What is the name of the bird?

2. Where did it live?
3. Complete the sentence
The hunter wanted to present the bird to the …………………………………….
4. Write the sentence, which says the prime minister did not like the bird.

 Underline the correct answer.

The word `merrily` in line 7 means
a) silently b) happily c) sadly

02.Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Many people are scared of snakes, but they should not be. Snakes can be found in any
country except the polar regions. Snakes have an unfair reputation as dangerous animals. People
think snakes are poisonous and they have big fangs, and have slimy skin. They should not feel that

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way about snakes. Snakes should have a better reputation because they make great pets and are
some of the most interesting creatures around. The people who are scared of snakes had better learn
more about these reptiles. Snakes are not dangerous at all. Many people are scared of snakes, but
most snakes are not as dangerous as people think they are. Some ignorant people try to kill them at
their sight. There are more than 2,500 different species of snakes around the world, and only a small
percentage of those species are poisonous. Only a few species have venom strong enough to kill a
human being.
Statistically, snakes bite only 1,000–2,000 people in the United States each year, and only ten
of those bites result in death. If you think about it, lots of other animals are far more dangerous than
snakes. In fact, in this country, more people die from dog bites each year than from snakes.

Underline the most suitable answer.

1. This passage is about

a) dogs b) snakes c) people
2. Why should the snakes have a better reputation?
a) because they are dangerous b) because they kill people c) because they make
great pets
3. What is true about snakes?
a) all the snakes are dangerous
b) only few snakes have venom strong enough to kill a human being
c) many people die from snake bites than from dogs.
4. What should the people do who are scared of snakes?
a) learn about reptiles b) kill them at their sight c) inform the police
5. The word `reputation` in line 4 means
a) beauty b) danger c) fame

03. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

The official name of Thailand is the Kingdom of
Thailand and it was formerly known as Siam. Thailand has a land border with 4 countries
including Myanmar (formerly Burma), Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia. Thailand has a population
of 67 million people (67,448,120) as of July 2013. Bangkok is the largest city and the capital of
Doi Inthanon is the highest point in Thailand at
2565m above sea level. Thailand has over 1430 islands. Buddhism is the primary religion in
Thailand, it is practised by about 95% of the population. Throughout Thailand are many Buddhist
temples and grand golden Buddhist statues.

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There are 15 reserved wild animal species in
Thailand including two types of Rhinoceros. It is prohibited by law to breed, hunt, possess or
trade these species. Thailand's national symbol is the elephant. A century ago there were 100,000
elephants in the country, now there are just an estimated 2,000 left in the wild. Thailand's climate
is tropical with a rainy monsoon season from November through to March. The Thai currency is
called the Baht. Muay Thai (Thai boxing) is a form of kickboxing and is Thailand's national
sport. Thailand is often called the "Golf Capital of Asia", with beautifully kept courses at a
reasonable price the country attracts a larger number of golfers from around the world.
Answer the following questions
1. What is the official name of Thailand?
2. How many reserved wild animals species are there in Thailand?
3. Complete the sentence,
Ancient people called Thailand as ………………………..
4. Write the sentence which says the elephant is an important animal in Thailand
5. Underline the correct answer.
The word `prohibited` in line 10 means
a) forbidden b) possible c) killed

04. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

The woolly mammoth, is an extinct herbivore related to
elephants who lived across the steppe-tundras of Eurasia and North America from around 300,000
years ago. They lived there until their numbers seriously dropped from around 11,000 years ago. A
few last mammoths survived in an island off the coast of Siberia and Alaska. One of these Islands
held the last known group of mammoths until around 3,700 years ago.
With their huge, towering bodies, curved tusks, shaggy
coats, and thick layers of insulating fat to keep them warm. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors and the
Neanderthals successfully killed these animals. It has been a risky hunt or a fortunate scavenging
trip, these creatures would have provided a decent amount of rich meat, and their bones could be
used both to support huts and to create tools and artifacts.
The ancient people killed these giants by poking their spears
into their body. This is often considered as a crucial factor in the woolly mammoth‟s extinction.

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However, this is a mystery that has not been completely unraveled yet; a role also appears to have
been played by the changing (warming) climate towards the end of the Pleistocene.

Underline the most suitable answer.

01. The woolly mammoth, is an extinct
a) carnivore b) herbivore c) carnivore

02. Why did they have thick layers of insulating fat?

a) to protect themselves from attacks b) to keep them warm c) to look them

03. Hunting these huge animals is ,

a) funny activity
b) a very easy thing
c) a risky activity

04. What is often considered as a crucial factor in the woolly mammoth‟s extinction?
a) Ancient people killed them b) lack of food c) natural disaster

05. The word `risky` in line 8 means

a) easy b) difficult c) dangerous

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