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© June 2020 | IJIRT | Volume 7 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002

A Study on Employee Engagement at IT Sector, Chennai

Dr.B.Saipriya1, T.Krishnapriya2
Assistant Professor, Measi Institute of Management, Chennai-14
II MBA, Measi Institute of Management, Chennai-14

Abstract- Employees are the assets of an organization. William Kahn provided the first formal definition of
Hence it is vital to initiate various welfare activities and personnel engagement as "the harnessing of
recognize their performance. As the employees tend to organization members' selves to their work roles; in
invest their knowledge, capabilities and efforts in the
engagement, people employ and express themselves
organization it is vital to understand their expectations
physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role
and thereby improve their performance. Employee
engagement is a crucial issue in management theory and
practice. In the present paper an attempt is made to In 1993, Schmidt et al. proposed a bridge between the
understand the varying degrees of employee pre-existing concept of 'job satisfaction' and
engagement at corporate, specifically at IT sectors. The employee engagement with the definition: "an
factors which influence employee engagement across employee's involvement with, commitment to, and
organizations are discussed in this study. Employee satisfaction with work. Employee engagement is a
engagement is an assessment tool which helps in part of employee retention." This definition integrates
measuring the level of commitment that an individual
the classic constructs of job satisfaction (Smith et al.,
employee has towards the job and the organization.
1969), and organizational commitment (Meyer &
From this study, the impact of employee engagement on
their job performance was identified. The major
Allen, 1991).
organizational factors like compensation, infrastructure
and amenities, rewards and individual factors such as CONCEPT OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT
work life balance were found to have positive impact on
employee engagement. Employee engagement is a fundamental concept in
the effort to understand and describe, both
Index terms- Employee engagement, corporate, job qualitatively and quantitatively, the nature of the
performance, compensation, amenities
relationship between an organization and its
employees. An "engaged employee" is defined as one
who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their
work and so takes positive action to further the
Employee engagement is a fundamental concept in
organization's reputation and interests. An engaged
the effort to understand and describe, both
employee has a positive attitude towards the
qualitatively and quantitatively, the nature of the
organization and its values. In contrast, a disengaged
relationship between an organization and its
employee may range from someone doing the bare
employees. An "engaged employee" is defined as one
minimum at work, up to an employee who is actively
who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their
damaging the company's work output and reputation.
work and so takes positive action to further the
An organization with "high" employee engagement
organization's reputation and interests. An engaged
might therefore be expected to outperform those with
employee has a positive attitude towards the
"low" employee engagement.
organization and its values. In contrast, a disengaged
Employee engagement first appeared as a concept in
employee may range from someone doing the bare
management theory in the 1990s, becoming
minimum at work (aka 'coasting'), up to an employee
widespread in management practice in the 2000s, but
who is actively damaging the company's work output
it remains contested. It stands in an unspecified
and reputation.
relationship to earlier construct such as morale and
job satisfaction. Despite academic critiques,


© June 2020 | IJIRT | Volume 7 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002

employee engagement practices are well established the engagement of the employee in the construction
in the management of human resources and of company. The same can be applied to other different
internal communications. fields to find the level of commitment in the
Employee engagement today has become workplace so as to improve the performance which in
synonymous with terms like 'employee experience' turn benefit the organization.
and 'employee satisfaction'. The relevance is much
more due to the vast majority of new generation LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY
professionals in the workforce who have a higher
propensity to be 'distracted' and 'disengaged' at work. a. The time period of the study is restricted to 30
A recent survey by Staff Connect suggests that an days
overwhelming number of enterprise organizations b. The study is confined to Chennai city only.
today (74.24%) were planning to improve employee c. The sample size was limited to 102 employees
experience in 2018. only.
Kular et al. (2008) explored Five key areas: What
1 To study Employee Engagement at IT sectors. does ‘employee engagement’ mean?; How can
2 To study the level of involvement of the engagement be managed?; What are the
employees. consequences of engagement for organisations?; How
3 To analyze employees commitment towards job . does engagement relate to other individual
4 To know the impact of Engagement on characteristics?; How is engagement related to
Employee performance. employee voice and representation?
5 To suggest measures for enhancing Employee Robertson-Smith and Markwick (2009) throw light
Engagement at IT firms. on what engagement is and reveals that it is an
important yet complex challenge, and there remains a
NEED OF THE STUDY great deal of scope for discussing the various
The need of this study is to find the level of Simpson (2009) discussed that the current state of
commitment and involvement of an employee knowledge about engagement at work through a
towards the organization and values. The main review of the literature. This review highlighted the
purpose of the project is to analyse and study the Job four lines of engagement research and focuses on the
involvement and to improve the Job performance for determinants and consequences of engagement at
the benefit of the organization. To find whether the work.
employees are engaged or not engaged or actively Susi & Jawaharrani (2011) examined some of the
engaged towards the work in the organization. To literature on Employee engagement, explore work-
find the right conditions for all members of place culture & work-life balance policies &
organizations to give their best each day, committed practices followed in industries in order to promote
to their organizations goals and values, motivated to employee engagement in their organizations to
contribute towards organizational success, with an increase their employees’ productivity and retain
enhanced sense of their own well-being. them. Work-life balance is key driver of employees’
Employee engagement is nothing but emotional and satisfaction.
positive attachment of an employee towards the Ram & Gantasala (2011) investigated the antecedents
organization, so with the help of this project we will and consequences of employee engagement in
be able to know the degree of engagement of the Jordanian Industry.
employees in Infinite skills and we can study the Bhatla (2011) focused on the need for such
methods to increase the engagement level in the employees and how their presence can improve the
organizations which will definitely be helpful to progress and work efficiency of the organization as a
employer as well as the employees and the growth of whole .Also focused on the challenges faced by the
the organization. This project was aimed at studying


© June 2020 | IJIRT | Volume 7 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002

HR managers to improve employee engagement for A research design is the plan, structure and strategy
an organization’s survival. of investigation conceived so as to obtain answers to
Shashi (2011) reinforced the importance of employee research questions and to control variance. It denotes
communication on the success of a business. She the sources and types of information relevant to the
revealed that an organization should realize the research problem. The research method used for the
importance of employees, more than any other purpose of this project is descriptive research.
variable, as the most powerful contributor to an Descriptive research is concerned with describing the
organization’s competitive position. characteristics of a particular individual or group.
Bijaya KumarSundaray (2011) focused on various
factors which lead to employee engagement and what POPULATION
should company do to make the employees engaged. The present study is about Employee Engagement in
Proper attention on engagement strategies will IT sectors. The population for this study is the
increase the organizational effectiveness in terms of employees of IT firms.
higher productivity, profits, quality, customer
satisfaction, employee retention and increased SAMPLING DESIGN
adaptability. Convenience Sampling
Siddhanta & Roy (2012) explored implications for Convenience sampling is a type of sampling where
theory, further research and practices by synthesizing the first available primary data source will be used
modern 'Employee Engagement' activities being for the research without additional requirements. In
practiced by the corporate with the review of findings other words, this sampling method involves getting
from previous researches / surveys. participants wherever you can find them and typically
Singh & Shukla (2012) tried to find out what wherever is convenient. In convenience sampling no
variables are significant to create an engaged inclusion criteria identified prior to the selection of
workforce. The study was exploratory in nature and subjects. All subjects are invited to participate.
the data has been collected from a tin manufacturing
In 2006, The Conference Board published an article The size of the population considered for the survey
‘Employee Engagement – A review of current is 102.
research and its implication’ on the basis of some
major studies conducted by Gallup, Towers Perrin, DATA COLLECTION METHOD
Blessing White, The Corporate Leadership Council a. Primary Data Collection Method
and others. It identified following key drivers related  Survey method was used for primary data
to employee engagement as: Trust• & integrity – collection
managers should communicate well and go by their  Questionnaire as an instrument is used for survey
words. Nature of the job – employees should find method
their job challenging enough to• motivate themselves.  Structured Questionnaire
Line of sight between employee performance and  Type of Questionnaire: Open ended and close
company performance –• employee should have clear ended
understanding as to how they contribute to the
company’s performance. Career growth opportunities b. Secondary Data Collection Method
– employees should have clear career path and  Reference books
growth. Pride about the company – employees  Internet
should feel esteemed by being• associated with the
organization. Coworkers /team members – STATISTICAL TOOLS
relationship with colleagues significantly• increase The following tools were used for data analysis and
employee engagement level. interpretation.
1 Independent t-test


© June 2020 | IJIRT | Volume 7 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002

Group Statistics NULL HYPOTHESIS:

Marital N Mean Std. Std. Sig. There is no significant difference between marital
Status of the Deviation Error status of the employees and Work-life balance
employee Mean
I can handle Unmarried 15 4.73 .458 .118 .003
work and
family life in a There is significant difference between marital status
balanced Married 48 3.77 .805 .116 of the employees and Work-life balance

Independent Samples Test
Levene's Test for t-test for Equality of Means
Equality of Variances
F Sig. t df Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
tailed) Difference Difference of the Difference
Lower Upper
Equal variances
I can handle work and 9.701 .003 4.397 61 .000 .962 .219 .525 1.400
family life in a
Equal variances
balanced manner 5.806 42.372 .000 .962 .166 .628 1.297
not assumed

Since the p value is lesser than 0.05 ANOVA
Null hypothesis is rejected Ambience in the work place is excellent
Sum of Df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
1.962 4 .490 .540 .707
There is significance difference between Marital Groups
status and work-life balance of employees Within
52.641 58 .908
Total 54.603 62
There is no significant difference between As the p value is greater than 0.05, Null hypothesis is
Experience of the employees and employee’s opinion accepted.
on Ambience of the Organization.
ALTERNATE HYPOTHESIS: There is no significant difference between
There is significant difference between Experience of Experience of the employee and Ambience of the
the employees and employee’s opinion on Ambience Organization.
of the Organization.
Opportunity is provided to learn and enhance skills Training is relevant and useful for
the job role
Opportunity is Pearson Correlation 1 .711**
provided to learn Sig. (2-tailed) .000
and enhance skills N 63 63
Training is relevant Pearson Correlation .711** 1
and useful for the Sig. (2-tailed) .000
job role N 63 63
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


© August 2017 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 3 | ISSN: 2349-6002

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© June 2020 | IJIRT | Volume 7 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002

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