Moral Dilemmas

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24 Moral Dilemmas

1. The Whistleblower: You work for a company that's secretly polluting the
environment. Do you expose them and risk your job, or stay silent to keep your
family secure?\
2. The Lost Child: You find a lost child, but their description matches that of a
missing child kidnapped by a dangerous criminal. Do you return the child to their
possible kidnapper, or alert the authorities and risk the child's safety?
3. The Drowning Stranger: You see a stranger drowning, but you can't swim and
there's no lifeguard on duty. Do you risk your own life to try and save them, or call
for help and potentially watch them die?
4. The Lie for Love: Your friend confesses they cheated on their partner, who is
deeply in love with them. Do you lie to protect their relationship, or tell the truth
and risk hurting both people?
5. The Starving Artist: You're a struggling artist offered a large sum of money to
paint a portrait that glorifies a corrupt politician. Do you take the money to
survive, or refuse and potentially jeopardize your artistic integrity?
6. The Bystander Effect: You witness a crime happening, but there are many other
bystanders who seem to be ignoring it. Do you intervene and risk getting hurt, or
follow the crowd and hope someone else acts?
7. The Stolen Exam: You find a copy of tomorrow's important exam. Do you use it
to cheat and get a good grade, or turn it in and risk failing but acting honestly?
8. The Terminally Ill Patient: Your terminally ill family member begs you to help
them end their life. Assisted suicide is illegal. Do you honor their wish and risk
legal consequences, or refuse and watch them suffer?
9. The Sacrificial Choice: A runaway train is headed for a group of people. You
can throw a switch to divert it to another track, where only one person is
standing. Do you sacrifice the one to save the many?
10. The Unfaithful Partner: You discover your partner has been cheating on you.
Do you confront them and risk a breakup, or forgive them to try and save the
11. The Plagiarized Work: You discover a friend accidentally plagiarized a
significant portion of their work. Do you expose them and risk their academic
career, or help them find a way to fix it without getting caught?
12. The Truthful Confession: You accidentally damage someone's property. Do you
confess and take responsibility, or hope they don't notice and avoid taking the
13. The Anonymous Threat: You receive an anonymous threat against a school
event. Do you cancel the event and disappoint many, or risk holding it and
potentially endanger people?
14. The Unpopular Opinion: You strongly disagree with a new law being passed,
but most people support it. Do you speak out against the majority and risk being
ostracized, or stay silent and go along with the crowd?
15. The Forbidden Love: You fall in love with someone your family or friends
strongly disapprove of. Do you follow your heart and pursue the relationship, or
respect their wishes and sacrifice your own happiness?
16. The Unethical Shortcut: You discover a quicker, but unethical, way to complete
a project. Do you use the shortcut to save time and potentially win recognition, or
take the longer ethical route?
17. The Life-Saving Lie: You lie to the police to protect an innocent friend from
being wrongly accused. Do you deceive the authorities and risk future
consequences, or tell the truth and let your friend face potential punishment?
18. The Debtor's Dilemma: You owe a large amount of money to a loan shark who
uses violence to collect debts. Do you steal money from someone else to pay
them back, or risk getting hurt yourself?
19. The Animal Experimentation: Your research requires animal testing, which
may cause them pain. Do you pursue the research that could benefit humans, or
prioritize animal welfare and abandon the project?
20. The Refugee Crisis: Your country faces a surge of refugees fleeing war. Do you
advocate for accepting them and potentially straining resources, or prioritize your
nation's security and vote to turn them away?
21. The Broken Promise: You make a promise to a friend, but something
unexpected comes up that makes it difficult to keep it. Do you break your promise
and risk damaging the friendship, or find a way to fulfill it despite the
22. The Unfair Advantage: You're offered a job with a company you admire, but
learn they obtained confidential information from a competitor through unethical
means. Do you accept the job opportunity and benefit from the unfair advantage,
or refuse it and uphold ethical standards?
23. . The Truthful Confession (Variation): You witness a crime and know the
identity of the culprit. However, coming forward means revealing a past mistake
of your own that could have legal consequences. Do you confess and potentially
face punishment yourself, or protect your anonymity and let the real criminal go
24. The Anonymous Bribe: You're struggling financially and desperately need
money. You receive an anonymous offer of a large sum if you agree to vote for a
specific candidate in an upcoming election. The candidate's policies seem
questionable. Do you accept the bribe to solve your financial problems and
potentially influence the election unfairly, or refuse the money and maintain your

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