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1. Community Engagement Workshops: Organize workshops in the barangay to raise awareness

about inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable community practices.

2. Community Clean-Up Drives: Initiate regular clean-up drives to promote cleanliness and
environmental sustainability within the barangay.

3. Skills Training Programs: Facilitate skills training programs for marginalized members of the
community to empower them economically and socially.

4. Establishment of Neighborhood Watch Groups: Collaborate with local authorities to establish

neighborhood watch groups to enhance safety and security within the barangay.

B. Church:

1. Inclusive Outreach Programs: Develop outreach programs within the church community to
support marginalized groups and promote inclusivity.

2. Conflict Resolution Workshops: Offer conflict resolution workshops and training sessions to
foster peace and harmony within the church congregation.

3. Environmental Stewardship Initiatives: Implement environmental stewardship initiatives within

the church, such as tree planting drives and sustainable energy practices.

4. Support for Mental Health Awareness: Organize events and workshops to raise awareness
about mental health issues and provide support for those in need within the church community.

C. Friends:

1. Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns: Engage friends in advocacy and awareness campaigns for
social justice issues, promoting inclusivity and equality.

2. Supportive Listening and Counseling: Offer a supportive ear and counseling to friends
experiencing mental health challenges or personal struggles.

3. Volunteer Together: Volunteer together for local community projects or organizations focused
on promoting safety, resilience, and sustainability.

4. Educational Workshops: Organize educational workshops or discussions among friends to

deepen understanding and awareness of social issues and sustainable practices.

D. Nation:

1. Advocacy for Policy Change: Advocate for policy changes at the national level to promote
inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable communities.
2. Community Development Projects: Support and participate in community development
projects aimed at addressing social inequalities and promoting sustainable development

3. Engagement in Civic Activities: Participate in civic activities such as voting, community forums,
and public consultations to contribute to nation-building efforts.

4. Disaster Preparedness and Response: Advocate for and participate in disaster preparedness
and response initiatives to enhance national resilience and safety.

E. World:

1. Support for Global Initiatives: Support global initiatives and organizations working towards the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by donating, volunteering, or advocating for their

2. Cross-Cultural Exchange Programs: Participate in cross-cultural exchange programs to foster

understanding and cooperation among people from different parts of the world.

3. Environmental Conservation Efforts: Get involved in international environmental conservation

efforts, such as reforestation projects or campaigns to combat climate change.

4. Humanitarian Aid and Relief Work: Volunteer for or support humanitarian aid and relief
organizations that provide assistance to vulnerable communities around the world in times of
crisis or need.

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