PPA FOR PRELIMS (OA) 2nd SEM 2023-24

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2ND Semester AY 2023-2024
Member: OREL, JONE
Instruction: You can do this individually or by group (Maximum of 6 members per group)
A. Discuss with your groupmates the benefits of WALL-CLIMBING both as a survival skill and as
a physical activity for fitness and recreation. Make sure that your discussion will cover the
physical, mental, social and emotional benefits.
B. Summarize your output by enumerating the benefits (physical, mental, social and
emotional) using only the letters W-A-L-L C-L-I-M-B-I-N-G as you start every statement of
your enumeration. Please be creative in your presentation.
C. Submit the activity on the thread provided in our google classroom

Workout Intensity. Wall climbing provides a rigorous workout, enhancing cardiovascular
endurance, strength, and flexibility.

A Aerobic Capacity. Wall climbing is an aerobic activity that promotes cardiovascular health by
increasing heart rate and improving oxygen circulation.

L Limb strength. Wall climbing engages various muscle groups in the arms and legs, enhancing
limb strength. The repetitive pulling and pushing motions contribute to the development of
muscular endurance.

L Lung Capacity. Climbing involves sustained physical effort, promoting cardiovascular health and
improving lung capacity. The increased demand for oxygen during climbing helps enhance
respiratory function.

C Cognitive Stimulation. Wall climbing requires strategic thinking, planning, and problem-solving as
climbers navigate routes and find the best holds. This cognitive engagement enhances mental
sharpness and stimulates the brain.

L Liberation from stress. Wall climbing provides an opportunity to escape daily stressors, offering a
focused and immersive experience that can act as a mental reset.

I Improved Focus. Wall climbing requires intense concentration on holds, routes, and movements.
This enhances focus and the ability to block out distractions, contributing to improved attention

M Mutual Support. Wall climbing fosters a community atmosphere where climbers often provide
mutual support and encouragement. Whether it's spotting a fellow climber or cheering on
someone tackling a challenging route, the shared experience promotes a sense of camaraderie.

B Building Connections. Wall climbing provides an opportunity to build and strengthen connections
with others, fostering a sense of camaraderie among participants.
I Inclusive Community. Wall climbing fosters an inclusive community where individuals of diverse
backgrounds, ages, and skill levels come together to share a common interest.

N Nurturing Confidence. Wall climbing provides a platform for individuals to challenge themselves
physically and mentally, fostering a sense of accomplishment and confidence in their abilities.

G Growth. Wall climbing provides opportunities for personal growth by pushing individuals out of
their comfort zones, helping them overcome fears, and building confidence in their abilities.

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