Full Stack Web Training Conent

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Full Stack Training Web - Content

Day Topic Time

1 Introduction to Web Development and HTML 4 hours

- Basics of HTML

- HTML forms and input elements

2 CSS Fundamentals 4 hours

- CSS selectors, properties, and values

- Layout and positioning with CSS

3 JavaScript Basics 4 hours

- Variables, data types, and operators

- Functions, control structures, and loops

4 JavaScript DOM Manipulation 4 hours

- Document Object Model (DOM)

- Selecting and manipulating HTML elements

5 Java Fundamentals 4 hours

- Variables, data types, and operators

- Classes, objects, and methods

6 Servlets and Web Development with Java 4 hours

- Servlet lifecycle, request, and response

- Building a simple Servlet

7 JDBC and Database Integration 4 hours

- Introduction to JDBC

- Connecting to a database using JDBC

8 Working with Databases (SQL) 4 hours

Full Stack Training Web - Content
Day Topic Time

- Introduction to SQL

- SQL fundamentals (SELECT, INSERT, etc.)

9 Building a Full-Stack Web Application (Part 1) 4 hours

- Integrating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

- Creating web forms and validating inputs

10 Building a Full-Stack Web Application (Part 2) 4 hours

- Connecting to a database using JDBC

- Storing and retrieving data from a database

During this 10-day full-stack development program, interactive question and answer sessions
will be regularly conducted to address students' queries. Pre-assessments and post-
assessments will be administered to evaluate the students' progress and understanding. In
addition, hands-on sessions will be included to ensure practical application of the concepts

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