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MAPEH 10- Quarter 1


 CLAUDE DEBUSSY- Father of Modern School Composition

 ARNOLD SHOENBERG- tonal preferences gradually revolved to something dissonant and atonal
 EDGARD VARESE- Father of Electronic Music
 Three Pieces for Piano,op11 is composition of Arnold Schoenberg is best accompanied to LOVE
 Expressionism is distorted melodies and harmonies
 Composer makes songs
 Considered in evaluating music performances harmony, rhythm and timbre
 Electronic music uses synthesizers, amplifiers, music players and mobile apps
 Chance music can be perform in using any materials that can produce sounds
 Claire De Lune of Claude Debussy means Sunlight
 Water Walk is a composed by John Cage in Chance musical style
 Edgard Varese is a composer of Electronic music
 Composers of Expressionism musical style are Arnold Schoenberg, Igor Stravinsky
 Poeme Electronique is a electronic music
 John Cage is the composer of 4’33”
 We need to know the various musical styles of the 20th century to learn the basis of our music
today and to value the development of musical styles
 Chance music is constantly changing
 Compositions in Expressionism are Petrouchka, The Rite of Spring, Three Pieces for Piano
 Composers in Impressionism style Calude Debussy, Maurice Ravel
 One characteristic of Impressionism is in unison form
 The texture of Expressionism music is constantly changing
 Composition of Karlheinz Stockhausen is Studie II
 The Bolero of Maurice Ravel is an Impressionism music
 20th century music is danceable and a lot of composers emerged

 Impressionism art movement is not intended to be clear and precise but more like fleeting
fragments of reality caught on canvass
 Impressionists artist place colors side by side
 Theater in a performance art, the performer is the artist at a particular place and time following
a plot or storyline
 Dadaism is a style characterized by dream fantasies , memory images and visual tricks and
 Installation art is a form that uses sculptural materials and other media to modify the way the
viewer experiences a particular space
 Miner’s Wives is one of Pablo Picasso’s work that has been recognized as the most monumental
and comprehensive statement of social realism against the brutality of war
 An art style that incorporated elements from the Native arts of the South Islanders
 Post- impressionism is an outgrowth movement starts to emerge after the period of
 Claude Monet was one of the first 19th century artist’s to depict modern- life subjects
 Claude Monet was considered as the most influential and prominent founders of impressionist
 Georges Braques creation “ Oval still Life” is a pure abstractionism
 Installation art is also known as the environment art
 Auguste Renoir is an impressionist artist’s that his early works were snapshots in real life , full of
sparkling color and light
 Surrealism is an expressionism art style that depicts super realism, illogical, subconscious dream
world and departure from reality
 Impressionists artist’s found that they could best capture the ever- changing effects of light on
color by painting outdoors in natural light
 Impressionism paintings: Le Promenade, The Red Boats, Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lilies,
Irises in Monet’s Garden, Dancer, A Girl with a Watering Can, Luncheon of thr Boating party,
Argentuil, Rue Mosnier Decked with Flags, Café Concert
 Expressionism paintings: Head, Yellow Sweater, Blue Window, Woman with Hat, Melancholy
and Mystery of a Street, Persistence of Memory, I and the Village, Diana, Personages with a Star,
Miner’s Wives, Guernica,
 Post- impressionism paintings: The Sower, Bedroom at Arles, vase with Fifteen Sunflowers, Boy
in a Red Vest, Harlequin, Starry Night, Wheat Field with Cypresses
 Abstractionism paintings: Oval Still Life, Three Musicians, Girl Before a Mirror, Armored Train,
The City,

Physical Education
Health Related Components
1. Body composition
 BMI- Body Mass Index, to get the BMI
2. Cardiovascular endurance
 3 minute step test
3. Flexibility
 Zipper Test
 Sit and Reach
4. Muscular strength
 Push-up
 Basic Plank
Skill-Related Fitness Components
1. Power
 Standing Long Jump
2. Speed
 40 meter sprint
3. Agility
 Hexagon Agility Test
4. Coordination
 Juggling
5. Balance
 Stork Balance Stand Test
6. Reaction Time
 Stick Drop Test
REP-short for repetitions, are the action of one complete strength training exercise.
SET-are how many reps you do in a row between periods of rest.
LAPS- one complete trip around a race track or from one end of a swimming pool to the other.
CYCLE- is a period of time that you will repeat a given workout routine.
Intensity- is the amount of physical power (expressed as a percentage of the maximal oxygen
consumption) that the body uses when performing an activity.
Weight- the amount or quantity of heaviness or mass; amount a thing weighs.
Height- the measurement from base to top or from head to foot.
Weight gain is an increase in body weight. This can involve an increase in muscle mass, fat deposits,
excess fluids such as water or other factors.
Weight loss is defined as the reduction in body mass and body fat.
Consuming more calories than you burn may cause you to become overweight or obese.

Consumer health aims to develop a person’s ability to evaluate and utilize health information,
products,and services wisely and effectively.
3 components: health information, health products, and health services
Health Information- is any concept, step, or advice that various sources give to aid the health status of
an individual. The information is critical as it may alter the health conditions of a person. Another
important characteristic of health information is that it is continuously and rapidly changing.
Health Products-are food, drugs, cosmetics, devices, biologicals, vaccines, in-vitro diagnostic
reagents, and household/urban hazardous substances and/or a combination of and/or a derivative thereof
Health Services-This programs aim to appraise the health conditions of individuals through screening
and examinations, cure and treat disorders, prevent and control the spread of diseases, provide
safety,emergency care, and first aid, and ensure a follow-up program for individuals who have done
treatments. Health services are usually offered by healthcare providers. A healthcare provider is a
trained professional who provides people with healthcare.
Health Professionals Individuals who are licensed to practice medicine and other allied health
programs. An example of a health professional is a physician
A physician records the medical history of individuals, provides diagnosis, performs medical
examinations, and prescribes medications.
There are different types of physicians based on their area of specialization. Healthcare Practitioner. An
independent healthcare provider who is licensed to practice on a specific area of the body. Examples:
Dentist, Optometrists
Allied Health Professionals-Trained healthcare provider who practices under the supervision of a
physician or health care practitioner. Examples: Nurses, Pharmacists, physical therapists.
Healthcare facilities are places or institutions that offer healthcare services.
Hospital-An institution where people undergo medical diagnosis, care and treatment.
A hospital offers different types of medical care like inpatient and outpatient care.
4 Kinds of Hospitals: private, voluntary, government and teaching
Classifications of Hospitals: General and Specialty
Walk in Surgery Center-It is a facility that offers surgery without the patient being admitted in the
Health Center-The services in a health center cater to a specific population with various health needs.
Extended Healthcare Facility-A facility that provides treatment, nursing care, and residential services
to patients, often the elderly.
Health Insurance-A financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group for
the payment of health care costs. This also may pertain to a “protection that provides benefits for sickness
and injury”.
Health insurance may be sourced from both public and private companies. Example: PhilHealth
Republic Act No. 8423 (Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act of 1997)
Provisioned the creation of the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative
Healthcare (PITAHC)PITAHC-approved alternative modalities
Offers a wide range of natural practices including herbal medicine, acupuncture, acupressure, nutritional
therapy, and ventosa cupping massage therapy.
Herbal Medicine-There are 10 herbs that are proven and tested to have medicinal value and approved by
the Department of Health.


Acupuncture-A form energy medicine where long thin needles are inserted to specific parts of the body
to affect the energy flow. Acupuncture is believed to treat musculoskeletal dysfunctions.

Ventosa cupping massage therapy-This procedure is done by placing inverted glasses that have flames
from burning cotton, on specific points in the body. It is believed to relieve muscle and joint pains.

Reflexology- Similar to acupuncture, reflexology focuses on treating specific disorders through

massaging of the soles of the feet.

Acupressure-Uses the same technique as the acupuncture. The only difference is that acupressure does
not use needles but hands to apply pressure on certain points of the body.

Nutrition Therapy-Nutrition therapy approaches treatment of a medical condition by providing

a tailored diet for the patient.

There are different types of physicians based on their area of specialization.

a. Pediatrician – specializes in children’s health care and treatment of diseases.
b. Psychiatrist – specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
c. Obstetrician – specializes in the care of women during pregnancy and childbirth.
d. Ophthalmologist – specializes in diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases and disorders.
e. Anesthesiologist – specializes in administering various anesthetics to assure proper operative
f. Dermatologist – specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases.
g. Cardiologist – specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the heart and blood vessels.
h. Allergist – specializes in diagnosing and treating body reactions resulting from unusual sensitivity to
food, medicine, dust and other substances.
i. Pulmonologist - specializes in diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract.
j. Neurologist – specializes in providing diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases of the nervous
k. Gastroenterologist – specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the gastrointestinal
l. Geriatrician – specializes in care of elderly and the diseases that affect them.
m. Surgeon – specializes in performing surgical operation in treating diseases, injuries and deformities.
n. Urologist – specializes in diseases and abnormalities of the gastro-urinary tract.
o. Gynecologist – specializes in diseases and care of the female reproductive organs.

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